Lenten menu for a week for a family. Lean menu (for every day)

15.04.2019 Bakery products

Fasting for a believer is a special time, a time of prayer and deep thoughts.

During this period, human nutrition also changes greatly, serious restrictions are imposed on it. With improperly organized meals during fasting, deterioration is possible general condition and even exacerbation of some diseases. On the other hand, fasting is a time of purification, including physical. Therefore, from the point of view of medicine, fasting is a completely reasonable measure, only with the proviso that you need to approach it thoughtfully.

Let me make a reservation right away that you can learn about the spiritual meaning of fasting by contacting your spiritual mentor. Here I want to consider fasting from the perspective of a nutritionist.

Basic principles of good fasting nutrition

  1. The main rule is the exclusion of all animal food: meat, fish, poultry, milk and dairy products, eggs. Respectively, the basis of the diet will be plant foods - cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, mushrooms.
  2. Try not to suffer while fasting. diet... Don't skip breakfast, don't forget about snacks.
  3. In the absence of animal food, which is rich in protein and contributes to a long-term feeling of satiety, frequent bouts of hunger are possible. During this period, there is a great temptation to overeat pastries and sweets. However, there is no question of any purification in this case. In order not to experience hunger, eat regularly, include in your daily diet foods are rich in complex carbohydrates and contain vegetable protein - whole grains and legumes.
  4. Particular attention should be paid during the fasting period soy products. There are a great many of them now - soy milk, tofu cheese, all of this should be included in your meals.
  5. Sometimes it's not as difficult to start a post right as it is to end it. It would seem that everything is over, the prohibitions have been lifted, you can eat forbidden foods. However, I want to warn you against overeating after fasting. Start incorporating animal foods into your diet after fasting gradually and be sure to combine it with plant-based foods such as vegetables and grains.

Lenten menu for a week


Nutritionist's comment:

I want to start a lean menu with traditional breakfast in an unusual design. Oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates, alimentary fiber, vegetable proteins, B vitamins.

To maintain health, an adult should consume at least 400 g of vegetables daily (and preferably more). Unfortunately, very few people can boast of such a diet. One way to enrich your menu with vegetables is with lungs. vegetable salads... These salads are "light" both in performance and in terms of calorie content.

In addition to vegetable protein, lentils contain folic acid and iron.

In the recipe for green beans, butter must be replaced with olive oil.



Great Lent is a time of testing and spiritual cleansing. We give up food containing animal fats and ... we face a lot of choices plant products... But how to choose from them those that will help us make the diet quite varied and replace the usual animal products. Let's try to make a more or less familiar menu from plant products. So, we start from what we often eat in ordinary, fast life.

Since the majority of fasting people do not observe all the rules of fasting to the subtleties, namely, they do not limit themselves in hot food and vegetable oil, although the rules of Lent recommend doing this, which you can read more about. We will focus on the majority and not think about which day you can use vegetable oil and which day you shouldn't.


Perhaps the most difficult fasting meal is the morning meal. Time is short, it is impossible to cook for a long time, you want something very light, but at the same time nutritious and with high content protein and vitamins. In addition, I want to eat quite satisfyingly, since it is not known what awaits you during the day and whether it will be possible to find lean food... Before Lent, egg dishes and a variety of curds did an excellent job with all these tasks. Now they are not available ...

The drinks. Habitual tea and coffee vegetable originalthough the milk we add to them is a prohibited product. But now there are many options for a vegetable substitute: almond, coconut, oatmeal, soy ... However, fasting is the best time add variety to your life and try to drink herbal infusions instead of tea and coffee, berry drinks etc.

Lunch at the office

This requires something compact, convenient, that you can eat without getting dirty. And besides, something that doesn't smell too much.

Sandwich... We have already figured out the bread. All kinds of pita bread, pita bread, all kinds of cakes are also suitable, finally, rice paper, in which you can also wrap anything. Sandwiches are convenient to make with a variety of vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, celery, stewed beets, cabbage, fried eggplant zucchini... You can tamp potatoes or bean puree, make cutlets from chickpeas or some vegetables.

You will find various recipes for lean sandwiches

Lean cutlets... There are many options here. The only problem is that these options add up to one cutlet. Glue finely grated vegetables into a homogeneous mass will help chickpea flour, mashed potatoes, semolina.

4 potatoes

2 small carrots

2-3 st. l. canned corn

2-3 st. l. canned peas

1 tbsp. l. lemon juice

½ onion

salt, black pepper, chili pepper, turmeric

2-3 st. l. flour


vegetable oil for frying

Step 1. Boil potatoes and carrots.

Step 2. Boil the carrots until half cooked, then peel, cut into small cubes.

Step 3. Chop the onion finely and fry it.

Step 4. Mix the peas, corn and carrots.

Step 5. Peel the potatoes, crush them, add onions and other vegetables. Put in flour.

Step 6. Stir everything and mold the cutlets.

Step 7. Roll in breadcrumbs and fry on vegetable oil.

More recipes lean cutlets you'll find

Salad with cereals. Raw vegetables and leftovers from the porridge that you cooked for breakfast - great option for lunch. In addition, such a salad turns out to be very satisfying and healthy. In principle, you can use absolutely any vegetables and cereals, endlessly experimenting with tastes.

100 g of boiled buckwheat

1 handful of cherry tomatoes

½ salad onion

½ bell pepper

Olive oil

Lemon juice

Salt and pepper

1/3 tsp sesame

Step 1. Cut all vegetables into large cubes.

Step 2. Finely chop the greens. Cut the onion into thin half rings.

Step 3. Mix buckwheat and vegetables, sprinkle with herbs, add onion.

Step 4. Whisk the olive oil with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Season the salad with sauce.

Step 5. Sprinkle sesame seeds over the salad and place in a container or jar.

Sauce. It is advisable to season sandwiches with vegetables and vegetable salads with sauce. You can just vegetable oil, but you can lean mayonnaisebought in a store. But it's best to make your own lean mayonnaise. That is, it will certainly not be mayonnaise, but the sauce is very similar to it. For example, from rubbed canned beans... This can be used to season both vinaigrette and Olivier.

Bean mayonnaise

1 can of white beans

300 ml vegetable oil

Sugar and salt

1 tsp mustard powder

2 tbsp lemon juice

Step 1. Pour the water from the jar of beans into a separate bowl.

Step 2. Punch the beans in a blender, season with salt and pepper. Add sugar.

Step 3. Add the mustard without stopping whisking.

Step 4. Without stopping whisking, pour vegetable oil in a thin stream.

Step 5. Squeeze the juice into mayonnaise, beat again and store (it can stand up to 10 days in the refrigerator).


Lenten stew Photo: Shutterstock.com

Vegetable pancakes. If you grate a couple of potatoes, zucchini, cabbage and carrots. Add a little semolina or some flour to all this - you get excellent pancakes. Instead of potatoes, you can use millet or rice porridge, wiped through a sieve. You can experiment with vegetables.

Fry such pancakes in a pan, and then bring to readiness in the oven. You can also steam them to avoid consuming a lot of fried oil.

By the way, if you want sweet pancakes for dinner, use a banana as a base.

1 glass round ricecooked

400 g pumpkin pulp

3 tbsp Sahara

2 tbsp chickpea flour

½ glass of almond milk

1-2 tsp vegetable oil

Step 1. Grate the pumpkin on the finest grater.

Step 2. Cook the rice, and then puree it with a blender.

Step 3. Mix pumpkin with rice, add flour and some milk and baking soda. Season with salt and sugar.

Step 4. Heat the pan, sprinkle with oil, put on it culinary rings, put the pancake dough in them and fry on both sides for 1 minute.

Step 5. Bring to readiness in the oven.

We replace the meat. Perhaps one of the most difficult problems for meat lovers is to be left without it during the post. In terms of taste and structure, it is rather difficult to replace it, let's be honest. We will not take for full-fledged substitutes - soy sausage and roast. But if meat cannot be replaced by taste, then in terms of content, in principle, it is possible. A large number of protein and vitamins are found in legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas, mung bean), in some cereals (buckwheat, quinoa), good saturation is given and perceived as a main dish - eggplants, mushrooms.

To increase the calorie content of dishes, add a little nuts to them, although they are fatty, they contain a lot of protein and vitamins.

Finally, look for plant sources of calcium, iron, and vitamins. Very good as an addition to salads and vegetables - sesame seeds. There is an abyss of calcium in it.

Seafood. Fish is allowed on Lent only twice, on April 7 on the Annunciation and on Palm Sunday, on April 24. But on other days you can eat seafood. Most often they are recommended to be eaten only on weekends, but formally they are not prohibited at all and they can be consumed on any days, except those on which you need to eat only raw food.

For weight loss, a fasting diet is perfect, which includes food with a restriction on the menu of meat and animal products. The duration of the diet is determined by the person - you can fast all seven weeks of Great Lent, but you can only partially. This rejection of meat, fish, milk and eggs has its own contraindications. Before deciding on a lean diet, check with your doctor and dietitian.

What is a lean diet

Vegetarian is fasting food that many take as advice for losing weight. Eating during this period is low-fat and low-calorie, therefore it is guaranteed to reduce weight. Vegetables, fruits, cereals - vegetable food during fasting, which renews the body, establishes an optimal digestion regime, accelerates metabolism. Those who fast do not suffer from heart disease, blood vessels, do not experience problems with cholesterol. In a week, 2-7 kilograms of excess weight are lost. Fasting as a diet has a lasting effect, excess weight does not return.

What can you eat while fasting

The fasting diet includes food restrictions. Recommended include:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits;
  • honey, jam, compotes;
  • pickles, pickled vegetables;
  • spices, seasonings, herbs;
  • legumes;
  • vegetable oil.

The fasting diet allows you to eat fish three times and caviar on the last day for the entire time of adherence. For the rest of the period, the following menu is recommended:

  • on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - cold diet meals without oil;
  • tuesday, Thursday - hot lean food without added oil;
  • saturday, Sunday - food with butter, you can drink a little wine;
  • for several days from the church calendar, you need to adhere to fasting, and eat food in the evening, they fall on the first and last week.

What foods can not be eaten in the post

For correct weight loss it is worth knowing that you cannot eat animal products during fasting - meat, fish, eggs, animal fat and milk. Low-fat dairy, chicken, and seafood are also banned. The fasting diet does not recommend eating too much bread and potatoes - this will lead to weight gain. It is allowed to take wine only on holidays according to the calendar, plus there is an indulgence for taking fish and caviar.

How to eat properly while fasting

Simple and correct for weight loss includes fruit and vegetable dishes, about which you do not need to think about how to cook. Ferments, pickles, mushroom preparations... You can do boiled, stews, use a grill, double boiler, slow cooker. The daily fasting diet suggests a short heat treatment products to preserve vitamins and nutrients.

Most important lean dish porridge is considered - cook it in water, without butter... To improve flavor, add lean additives to cereals - fried onion with mushrooms for unsweetened dish and nuts with raisins for sweetness. If it is difficult to give up animal protein for almost two months, buy "soy meat" or tofu - chop, stew in sauce and spices. The dish will replace meat products in value and taste, it will be easy to prepare.

Diet in Lent

Nutritionists assure that Great Lent and proper nutrition during it they help to lose weight. In order for a diet during fasting for every day to bring a positive result, follow the rules of the method:

  1. Include in food soy products, legumes, nuts, seeds, cereals, products from rough flour.
  2. Pasta and potatoes should be eaten less frequently than other foods.
  3. Eat vegetables and fruits at least a pound every day.
  4. Useful options are brown rice, millet, buckwheat, soybeans, lentils, dates, bananas, peanuts.
  5. To meet the body's need for vitamin B12 and iron, take complex dietary supplements.
  6. Pure water you need to drink at least 1.5 liters every day.
  7. Honey and delicious dried fruits can be eaten instead of sweets, sugar.
  8. Eat 4-5 times a day, follow the diet, chew food thoroughly.
  9. Get out of the diet carefully - do not pounce on meat, fried food. Gradually increase the calorie intake by 200 kcal per day.

Menu during Lent

To facilitate searches correct recipes check out the menu lean diet for weight loss for a week. It includes three full meals a day. An afternoon snack is not provided in it, the portions are small. by day is presented in the table and looks like this:

Day / Meal


Rice porridge on the water, berries, herbal tea

Vegetable puree soup with celery

Steamed vegetable stew, fruit salad

Bread with eggplant caviar, dried fruits, chicory drink

Salad with fresh sweet peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, a little vegetable broth

Baked pumpkin or turnip

Squash pancakes, tomato juice

Cabbage rolls with rice and carrots, herbal tea

Oatmeal on water or baked potatoes with lemon juice

Pancakes on a spoonful of vegetable oil, which can be seasoned with jam

Pasta, tomato sauce, compote

Many Orthodox Christians pay special attention to nutritional issues, however, limiting animal products during Lent is actually not a key point, much more important is what happens in a person's soul. Nevertheless, not thinking and not talking about the Lenten menu at all is fundamentally wrong, because purification comes through restrictions - the main task of Lent.

So, let's talk about what to cook in Fasting and what can be a lean menu?

Let's start from afar. How often do you cook by following the recipe. Experienced chefs and those who simply cook often, as a rule, bring their own “zest” to any dish, or even do without a recipe altogether, taking the main idea as a basis and developing it into their own masterpiece. Foods that are at hand are used, some ingredients are replaced with others, cooking in a pan gives way to food in the oven, and so on. The recipe as such is only required in the form of a push and an idea.

The second reason this article was written is the constant search for inspiration. Working housewives are familiar with the boring thought: what to cook for dinner today? So that thoughts do not bore your head, but soar, waving the culinary passion like a flag, we offer an approximate lean menu for a week - only ideas, no exact proportions and recipes, one solid inspiration that you can use at your own discretion.

As for the detailed cooking instructions, then they are - in the form of links to pages with recipes that Magic Food has collected for you.


- Not everything for the cat is Maslenitsa - Great Lent has arrived.


Lenten coffee pancakes
Pancakes in post - a very real story with the scent of home comfort, grandmother's hands and memories of sweet childhood. Everything you need to be on the table in Great Lent this delicacy appeared - replace milk with any other drink ( mineral water, fruit juice or even regular strong tea), and add a little more flour or starch instead of eggs. Let the dough steep, then bake the most common thin pancakes... Delicious, tender and lean.

This time, try to take strong freshly brewed coffee as a base - the pancakes with it will have a very unusual taste, the color is caramel-cream. The drink should be warm - it will brew flour, so that the dough will come out elastic and strong. A fragrant lean delight!

The vinaigrette
An undeservedly forgotten dish in Lent will come in handy. To make your vinaigrette as tasty as possible, do not forget to buy unrefined sunflower oil, which smells like seeds and contains much more nutrients than its purified "relative".

Alternative: "white" vinaigrette without beets (potatoes, beans, sauerkraut, onions, sunflower oil).


Lean banana smoothie
Peeled banana, some berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries or cherries from the freezer), half a cup of any fruit juice or compote, a pinch of cinnamon, a minute with a blender - and you have a delicious lean smoothie in your glass! Thick cocktails no cream, milk or yogurt is what you need to enjoy the Fast.

Alternative: mango or pineapple smoothie (bananas, carrots, apple, orange, ginger, mint.


Pilaf with seafood
Lightly fry the carrots and onions in vegetable oil, add mussels and squid rings, then add rice, add water and simmer until the cereals are cooked - here's a great lean dinner.

Stuffed tomatoes
Not the most budget dishhowever, if you do not give yourself regular small joys, Lent will be a very difficult test. So - take a couple of tomatoes, cut off the "cap" and remove the core, put inside the filling of boiled rice, finely chopped and fried mushrooms, onions, carrots, herbs, spinach, celery and bake until tender. Very juicy, tasty and aromatic!


Spaghetti with champignons
Little onions, cut into half rings - in a frying pan, fry until golden brown. Champignons in stripes - there. A couple of spoons soy sauce - to mushrooms and onions. Salt, pepper, parsley, add boiled al dente spaghetti ... magical! Allow yourself half a glass of wine for today's dinner, and then the feeling of a fairy tale will be complete and all-encompassing.


- In front of the post and mother is simple.


Lavash with vegetables
Purchased sheet in the evening thin lavash unfold on a board, grease with any lean mayonnaise (for example, apple or nut). Put vegetables on one edge - tomatoes, Korean carrots, fried or pickled mushrooms, lettuce leaves, greens. Roll up and have a delicious and healthy breakfast.

Alternative: instead of lavash you can take corn tortillas tortillas.


Mushroom puree soup
Mushrooms are what gives any dish a special touch of satiety and solidity, so a soup made with the addition of butter or mushrooms will be especially appropriate in Fasting, when the calorie content of the diet to which you are accustomed is decreasing. Do not spare vegetables - thanks to them, the first course will be even more flavorful.


Sesame milk
Pour a couple of handfuls of sesame hot water and leave to brew for 3-5 hours, then grind a good mass with a blender and pass through a piece of linen cloth. Add honey, cinnamon or vanilla for a delicious drink!


Stuffed bell pepper
You definitely have a supply of frozen bell peppers, right? Boil some rice, mix with sautéed onions, carrots, parsley and celery root, salt, stuff the pepper and lightly simmer in the oven or double boiler. No boredom, dinner is ready!


- They don't die from the post, but die from gluttony.


Fruit nutella toast
Lightly dried nuts and pitted dates in equal proportion put in a blender bowl, add a little citrus peel for flavor, if desired - a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder and sugar. Grind everything into a homogeneous, rather thick, lumpy mass, then, without turning off the blender, add a little vegetable milk (sesame, pumpkin, poppy, almond or any other), achieving a smooth texture and the desired consistency... Such a paste is a great spread on dried pieces. toast bread... With a cup of coffee - the most elegant lean breakfastthat will energize the whole day.


Assorted vegetable soup
We take a large capacious saucepan, heat a small amount of vegetable oil in it (olive oil - it would be great!), Sauté onions, carrots, parsley root, add diced bell peppers, divided into inflorescences cauliflower and broccoli, do not forget about peeled tomatoes, add a handful of green peas, do not be greedy and add a little corn. We pass, pass ... and then - oops, a little bit of white wine and ordinary boiling water, spices and herbs, salt and pepper. When serving, be sure to sprinkle with herbs. Delight!


Cranberry jelly
Old good jellythat smells like childhood and naivety ... Why not? All you need is sugar, starch and some cranberries.


Potato dumplings
Unleavened dough, mashed potatoes with fried carrots, pot-bellied dumplings, golden onion sauce ... Caution: delicious enough to burst!


- Bread and cabbage will not let the daring go.


Lean pickle
Simple science - take, boil pearl barley in it, add diced potatoes, carrots in strips and finely grated pickles. Hearty, rich, tasty.

Chinese vegetables in sweet and sour sauce
In a wok, fry coarsely chopped carrots, onions, bell peppers, pumpkin, celery root, add a little soy sauce, garlic, salt, pepper, and then pour in half a cup weak solution starch mixed with sugar and lemon juice. A couple more movements - and great vegetables in sweet and sour sauce are ready.


Vegetable cutlets
Grind boiled broccoli, cauliflower, sautéed carrots, fried onions in any way convenient for you, add herbs, spices, sun-dried tomatoes, add a couple of tablespoons of starch, shape the patties and fry them until golden brown... Appetizing!


- During fasting and food is simple.


Lean potato pancakes
A couple of potato tubers on a grater, a little dill, a spoonful of flour, salt, pepper and a frying pan with vegetable oil - that's probably all you need to get a wonderful and delicious Saturday breakfast. Lean, of course.

Rice with vegetables
Fry the onions, carrots, bell peppers in a deep saucepan, asparagus beans, stalk celery and everything else that you have in your fridge and freezerand then add a glass of rice and simmer until tender. A colorful lunch will cheer you up!


Country style potatoes in the oven
Well, who can think of something more appetizing than oven-baked potato slices sprinkled with aromatic herbs and seasoned with garlic? Do not forget to get a jar of pickles from the pantry for a great dinner.


- Fasting is not in the belly, but in the spirit.


Homemade lean buns
Take any recipe as a basis yeast dough, which you always succeed, put the dough, wait for it to grow. Knead lean dough, add dried fruits and herbs, poppy seeds and nuts, berries and candied fruits, form balls - and delight the family with hot homemade buns for breakfast.

Eggplant caviar
Peel the baked eggplants, add a little nuts and garlic, herbs and bell peppers, grind into a paste with a blender - you have an excellent vegetable snack on your table.


Rice ice cream
You will be surprised to know what an ordinary rice porrige... If you mix it with sugar and apple marshmallow, add a little lemon peel and vanilla, and then grind everything with a blender, freeze, stirring occasionally, you get an amazing ice cream that melts on the tongue, leaving a delicate aftertaste. And yes, it's absolutely lean!


Lean vegetable pizza
The classic pizza dough is prepared lean, that is, without adding milk and eggs. Great, this suits us! Everything else is as always, except for one thing: we remove the cheese, but add a lot different vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, onions. We bake and feast on a glass of dry wine.

We are all people, weak and mostly greedy for goodies, and therefore it is worth making sure that there are always small snacks at hand during Lent.

The easiest option is a secret jar with your favorite dried fruits: fill a beautiful container with nuts, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dried cherries and open it when there is a very strong desire to "break" from the selected diet and eat a cake with butter cream or buy three kilograms of "Doctor's" and make yourself such a sandwich.

Lean cookies help: a little sweet - and everything again seems simple and real. Study carefully the composition of the chocolate offered in stores - among the "black joy" bars there are often those that are made without milk and dairy products. Many caramel candies also suitable for lean menu, and therefore can cheer you up and help you not to succumb to a quick temptation.

Easy and tasty Post for you!

Menu fast day should be varied. It should contain fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. During the fast, you can try vegetable oils that you have not paid attention to before - quality olive, sesame, peanut, and many others. The meat protein is being replaced legumes, and during the fast you can try the most various types - ranging from the familiar to us beans and peas and ending with less popular, but no less useful mash and chickpeas. If you are not strictly fasting, add fish and seafood to the fast day menu - a storehouse of Omega-3, phosphorus and other trace elements. Abundance fresh fruit and vegetables saturates with vitamins and enriches with fiber, so beneficial for digestion.

Our site offers you several options for lean recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, combining which, you can create a delicious and healthy menu throughout the post. And try not to get carried away with store-bought canned food - allow your body to rest from preservatives and dyes.


½ onion,
300 g fresh champignons,
2 tomatoes,
1 bell pepper
1 bunch of greens (dill or parsley),
1 tbsp olive or vegetable oil.

Cut the onion into half rings, the tomatoes into slices, and the peppers into strips. Rinse and chop the greens. Cut the mushrooms into wedges, blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, fold on a sieve and let the water drain. Then fry them in a dry frying pan until the liquid evaporates completely, add salt, add a little vegetable oil and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Cool it down. Mix all the chopped vegetables in a salad bowl, season with olive or sunflower oil and serve.

4 large potatoes,
2 pickled cucumbers,
1 onion
50 g champignons,
vegetable oil, black pepper, salt.

Peel the boiled potatoes in the peel, cool and chop coarsely, add a little cucumber pickle and leave for 10 minutes. Cut the washed and peeled mushrooms into quarters and place in a preheated pan. Cut the peeled onion into half rings, add to the mushrooms and fry over low heat. Cut the cucumbers into cubes and add to the potatoes along with the onions and mushrooms. Season with oil, stir and serve.

Lean cereals can also become good breakfast... It is not in vain that nutritionists recommend starting the day with slow carbohydrates. Lenten porridge for breakfast, you can cook ahead of time, in the evening, evaporating them in a barely warm oven, wrapping them in a blanket or setting a timer on a multicooker for the morning.


1.5 stack. buckwheat groats,
3 stacks water,
2 onions,
200-300 g fresh or canned mushrooms,
salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

Rinse the cereals, drain the water well and place in a saucepan. Pour boiling water over, immediately cover and wrap up with a blanket or place in warm oven... Leave it overnight. In the morning, fry the mushrooms with chopped onions in vegetable oil, mix with buckwheat, salt and pepper to taste. Porridge can be sprinkled with herbs before serving.

1.5 stack. pearl barley,
3 onions,
250-300 g of champignons,
salt, herbs, vegetable oil - to taste.

Rinse the mushrooms, chop coarsely and fry in a dry frying pan until the liquid evaporates. Add vegetable oil and diced onions and sauté until tender. Pearl barley Rinse thoroughly, and the last 2-3 times in hot water, drain and mix with mushrooms and onions. Arrange in portion pots, fill with water so that it covers the cereal by 1.5-2 cm, and place in an oven heated to 230-240 ° C. Simmer the porridge for an hour, then wrap it in a blanket and leave it overnight. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

1 stack. millet,
2 carrots,
500 ml of water,

Rinse the millet groats in hot water. Boil water, pour cereal into it and set to cook. Meanwhile, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, add to the porridge, salt to taste and cook, reducing the heat, until cooked for about 20-25 minutes.

First meal


300 g dry red beans
150 g onions
100 g peeled walnuts,
2 a clove of garlic,
1 tbsp. l. wine vinegar
salt, pepper, parsley and dill.

Sort out the beans, wash and boil in 1 liter of boiling water until completely softened. Mash the beans, add the chopped walnuts, onion, garlic, black pepper, mix and cook over medium heat for another 5-10 minutes. Add chopped herbs, oil and vinegar, keep on high heat for another 5 minutes and serve.

4 medium potatoes
2 carrots,
1 large onion
4 cloves of garlic
½ stack. rice,
½ stack. walnuts,
½ stack. tomato paste
hops-suneli, ground hot red pepper, salt, parsley root, bay leaf, basil, allspice, greens, cinnamon.

Cool the boiled potatoes in the skins, peel and cut into cubes. Rinse and chop the herbs. Finely chop the onion, carrot and two cloves of garlic and fry with vegetable oil and tomato paste until half cooked. Add carrots, chopped nuts, cinnamon and other spices (to taste). Fry the mixture for another 5 minutes. Add 2 liters of boiling water, add rice and cook until tender. Add chopped potatoes, herbs and garlic to the soup, leave to brew for at least half an hour.

Potato soup

2.5 l of water,
4 potatoes,
200 g cabbage
1 clove of garlic
parsley or dill,
5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
salt pepper.
For frying:
1 medium beet
1 carrot,
1 medium onion
1 bell pepper
4 tomatoes (or 3 tablespoons of tomato paste).

Cut the peeled potatoes, peppers and carrots into cubes. Rinse cabbage, onions, beets and greens and chop thinly into strips, rinse the tomatoes and grate on a coarse grater, removing the skin. For frying, fry the beets in a preheated skillet with sunflower oil, then add the onions and sauté for a couple of minutes. Then add carrots, bell peppers, tomato paste or tomato paste, stir and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour in a glass hot water, cover and simmer over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Put chopped potatoes and cabbage in a saucepan, cover with boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. After that, add frying to the soup, stir, season with salt, pepper, herbs and chopped clove of garlic. Turn off the heat and let it brew for 10-15 minutes, then serve.

150 g fresh champignons,
8 medium potatoes
1 large onion
1 carrot,
dill or parsley,
freshly ground pepper,
vegetable oil.

Cut the washed and peeled mushrooms into small slices, the peeled onions and finely chop, and grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the onions and carrots in one pan, and the mushrooms in the other, until tender. Boil the potatoes in salted water without draining the broth after cooking. Mash the mashed potatoes, adding a little broth, bringing it to a consistency liquid sour cream... Add fried onions, carrots and mushrooms, salt and pepper to the soup. Serve with chopped herbs.

1 stack. peas,
1 carrot,
1 onion
1/8 root celery,
½ parsley root,
dill greens
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
1.5 l of water,
salt, ground coriander.

Soak peas in cold water at night (or at least 3 hours). Peel the roots and cut into strips. Then change the water, add the chopped roots and cook until tender (about 1.5 hours). Peeled onion, cut into small cubes, and carrots, grated on a coarse grater, fry in a pan until golden brown and add to the soup before fully prepared... Remove from heat, purée with a blender and put on fire again. Bring to a boil, add salt, if necessary, and remove from heat. Serve with dill herbs ground coriander and, if desired, crackers.

Second courses

1 stack. buckwheat groats,
3 potatoes,
2 stacks water,
vegetable oil,

Rinse the buckwheat, cover with water and bring to a boil, then salt and cook over low heat until tender. Rub the washed and peeled potatoes on coarse gratersqueezing out excess juice. Mix porridge with grated potatoes, add spices to taste and a pinch of salt. Knead the resulting mass with a crush or hands. Form patties and fry over medium heat over a little vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes on each side.

1 kg of potatoes,
300 g champignons,
200 g fresh broccoli
10 olives,
2 tomatoes,
1 medium onion
olive oil,
salt, turmeric, provencal herbs.

Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water with the addition of turmeric (for color). When adding the turmeric broth, mash the potatoes until mashed. Washed and peeled mushrooms cut into thin slices and fry on olive oil... When frying, add a pinch of salt and dried Provencal herbs. Spread out 1/3 mashed potatoes in a baking dish, place the fried mushrooms on top. Cut the onion into thin rings and lay on top of the mushrooms, then another part of the puree. Chop the tomatoes and olives and place on top of the potatoes. Then add the remaining puree, broccoli and bake until golden brown for 20 minutes.

10 sweet bell peppers,
300 g champignons,
3 tomatoes,
2 onions,
2 carrots,
½ stack. rice,
vegetable oil,
salt pepper.

Rinse and peel peppers, remove tops. Finely chop the washed and peeled onions and mushrooms, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Rinse the rice thoroughly and boil in unsalted water. Preheat a skillet and cook onions, carrots and mushrooms until tender. Cool prepared mixture and add rice and finely chopped herbs. Stir. Prepare the sauce: grind the peeled tomatoes with a blender and fry, stirring occasionally, in vegetable oil, adding 1 cup of hot water and salt. Fill the peppers with the cooked minced vegetables and place them vertically in a saucepan. Fill in stuffed peppers ready tomato sauce and simmer over low heat, covered, until cooked through.


400 g flounder fillet,
100 g corn flour
1 red hot pepper,
3 cloves of garlic
1 lemon
2 tbsp. l. soy sauce,
2 small ginger roots,
4 tbsp. l. peanut butter (can be replaced with vegetable),
1 bunch of mint
several stalks of green onions.

Rinse under cold water fillet of fish, blot it with paper towels and cut into thin strips. In a bowl, toss the fish with corn flour... Finely chop the peeled garlic, red pepper, mint and green onions... Melt 2 tbsp in a preheated skillet. l. peanut butter and sauté the fish fillets in it until crisp. Place the cooked fish on a platter, leaving the pan over the fire. Melt the remaining butter and sauté the chopped vegetables in it for 4 minutes. After cooking, pour the resulting sauce over the fish and serve. Crumbly rice is ideal for garnish.

200 g weak salted fish (salmon, trout or pink salmon),
2-3 fresh cucumbers,
1 red bell pepper
1 sweet yellow pepper
1 lemon

Cut the peppers and cucumbers into strips. Cut the salted fish fillet into thin slices, put the chopped vegetables on them and roll into a roll. Place on a dish. Cut the lemon into thin slices and decorate the rolls. Sprinkle with chopped herbs. These rolls are good to serve with crispy fries.

Instead of tea and coffee, brew delicious and healthy compotes from dried fruits. That is, in fact, you don't need to cook anything, it is enough to thoroughly rinse the dried fruits under warm water and pat dry on a towel, then pour hot boiled water and wrap it up for the night. You will have a rich infusion that retains everything much better. useful material dried fruits. You can compose mixtures for compote to your liking, since many different dried fruits are now sold in the markets - from the usual dried apples, pears, dried apricots and prunes to exotic papaya and pineapples.

You can also make compotes from frozen berries and fruits. Boil water with sugar or fructose (this is more expensive, but healthier!), Add a few cups of lemon or lime to it, and lower the frozen berries or fruits or their mixture. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. And if you dilute a couple of tablespoons of potato or corn starch, add to the almost finished compote and let it boil, you get a hearty and healthy jelly.

The fast day menu is simple and delicious. Delicious post and Bon Appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina