Homemade chebureks are the most successful recipe. Recipes for the correct test for chebureks with bubbles, like in cheburek

28.07.2019 Healthy eating

Meat chebureks are a tasty and satisfying alternative to regular pies. This is a traditional dish of the Turkic and Mongolian peoples. They are also loved in the Caucasus. Well, now in cities they are sold on every corner in my opinion, although it is difficult to call it pasties. Therefore, we will cook them at home.

It won't take much time to prepare them. Plus, there are lightweight recipes, thanks to which even a schoolboy can cook them.

The main ingredients are dough and meat. In most cases, unleavened dough is used, but many prefer a custard analog. To add porosity, you can add baking powder, vodka or oil.

Real pasties are prepared with meat; today, pork and beef are most often used, and in some cases chicken. It all depends on your capabilities and preferences. Although they are made with potatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, cheese and other fillings.

In the traditional recipe, meat is finely chopped, but as you know, we mainly use minced meat. We fry in vegetable oil, and traditionally, mutton fat (or other animal fat) is used.

Recipe for pasties with meat at home (step by step recipe with photo)

Chebureks are a rather fatty food, so they are not recommended for dinner. Over time, many options for their preparation have appeared, so there is plenty to choose from. In this article, we will look at the most common and simple recipes.

Since the taste and juiciness of these pies depends on the dough, at the beginning we will give several recipes for making the dough.


The taste of pasties depends on the method of preparing the dough. Let's consider the classic version on the water. This recipe is one of the simplest, but the aroma of pasties will not be worse.


  • 1 kg of wheat flour.
  • A pinch of table salt.
  • 350 ml of water.

Cooking method

According to this recipe, the dough is dense and elastic. To achieve the required consistency, you need to use hot water, but not boiling water. Thanks to this, the "pie" will be crispy and tender.

The dough must be kneaded thoroughly for a long time. Remember to spray it with water periodically. After a few minutes of kneading, form a ball out of the dough, roll it up with plastic or cling film, and then send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After that, you can start preparing the filling.

2. Dough for chebureks with bubbles, like in cheburek

If you want to cook light and airy pasties, the same ones that are sold in pasties, it is recommended to use the following method of making bubble dough.


  • 7 glasses of white flour.
  • 500 ml of boiled water.
  • 6 tablespoons butter, melted.
  • 1 tsp each sugar and salt.

Step-by-step cooking

1. In a small bowl, stir together the edible salt and granulated sugar, then place them in a container of warm water.

2. Then send the butter there, which must be melted beforehand. Mix well with a spoon.

3. Sift wheat flour into a deep bowl. Make a small hole in the middle and pour a small volume of the prepared liquid into it.

4. Start kneading the dough by gradually adding water.

5. For easier kneading, place the dough on the table and continue kneading by hand. It is imperative to achieve a dense texture so that during frying the pasties do not burst and do not let the juice flow. Due to the content of butter, they will turn out to be very tender and bubbly.

6. When the dough is dense and homogeneous, it is necessary to form a ball out of it, wrap it with foil, and then send it to the refrigerator for about one hour. In the meantime, you can start cooking minced meat.

3. Choux pastry for pasties

Some people find that making pasties is a tricky process. However, there is a fairly simple recipe for kneading choux pastry, from which a delicious dish is obtained. That being said, you don't need to devote a lot of time to cooking.


  • 300 ml of mineral water.
  • 600 g flour.
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • 5 g granulated sugar.
  • 5 g table salt.


1. Add salt and sugar to a container with warm water. Mix everything thoroughly so that all crystals dissolve in the liquid. After that, water should be gradually added to the sifted flour. Knead the dough until it is semi-liquid. This can be checked very simply, stick a regular spoon into the dough, it should slowly lower.

2. Now add boiling vegetable oil to the mixture and mix thoroughly.

3. Continue kneading until the dough is elastic. After that, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

4. How to cook pasties with minced chicken

Crispy and mouth-watering pasties are a favorite dish of many Russians, so every housewife should know at least one recipe for this dish. The taste of cheburek, to a greater extent, depends on the kneading of the dough and the frying process.


  • 600 g white flour.
  • 1 chicken egg.
  • 1 tsp table salt.
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar.
  • 1.5 cups of water.
  • 8 tablespoons of sunflower oil.
  • 1 tsp vodka.
  • 1 kg of minced chicken.
  • Black pepper to taste.
  • 2 onions.

Step by step cooking

1. Prepare a deep bowl, break an egg into it, add vegetable oil, salt and granulated sugar, mix everything thoroughly. Then add the required amount of water, as well as vodka, thanks to which the pasties will turn out to be crispy.

2. Then add flour in small portions to the mixture. Knead until the mixture is thick enough.

3. Continue kneading on the board. The dough should be smooth and firm. Then wrap it in plastic and refrigerate for half an hour.

4. In the meantime, we will start preparing the filling for the pasties. First, peel the onion, wash and cut into small pieces.

5. In a separate bowl, stir in chopped onion and minced chicken. Season the ingredients with salt and stir.

6. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin. The sheet thickness should not exceed 3 mm.

7. If you want to cook small pasties, then the circles can be cut out with a glass, and if you want them to be larger, then use a saucer.

8. Put the prepared meat filling on the blanks.

9. Gently close up the edges and give the future pasties a beautiful shape.

10. Fill a thick-walled skillet 4 cm with sunflower oil. Heat it well and lay out the pasties. Fry on each side for two minutes.

5. Recipe for chebureks with beef


  • 300 g ground beef.
  • 1 chicken egg.
  • 3 cups white flour.
  • 250 ml of water.
  • 0.5 tsp salt.
  • 1 onion head.
  • Pepper according to preference.

Step by step cooking

1. First, let's start preparing the filling. The meat must be twisted in a meat grinder, chop the onion with a blender. Salt the ingredients, mix and knead by hand.

2. Break an egg into a separate bowl, add table salt and warm water. Stir the food well so that the salt and egg are completely dissolved in the liquid.

3. Add 2.5 cups of sifted wheat flour to the mixture.

4. Knead the dough for a few minutes until it is firm. You can add a little more flour if necessary.

5. The kneaded dough should be divided into 6 servings. Each part must be rolled out and conditionally divided into two halves. Place the minced meat on one, at a distance of 2 cm from the edge, as shown in the image.

6. Cover the filling with the other half of the rolled layer, and press the edges with a fork.

7. Heat vegetable oil in a skillet and fry pasties for two minutes on each side.

Chebureks are ready to eat. Serve while hot.

6. Chebureks with meat, very good crunchy dough

If you want to cook crispy pasties, then use the following recipe. You can use absolutely any minced meat, but experts recommend beef.


  • 750 g wheat flour.
  • 400 g minced meat.
  • 200 ml of broth.
  • 250 ml of cold water.
  • 1 tsp salt.
  • 500 ml of vegetable oil.


If you add a little sugar to the dough, the pasties will turn out to be more ruddy. But you need to know when to stop, since a large amount of sugar sugar can lead to the fact that the dough will burn, and the minced meat will remain raw.

1. A small amount of flour should be sieved into a deep bowl and covered with water. After that, salt, stir and gradually add the rest of the flour. After kneading, the mass should be thick, set it aside for half an hour.

2. To prepare the filling, combine the minced meat, spices and salt. In this recipe, the filling should be thin, so you need to add broth to it.

3. The rested dough must be rolled out and divided into equal parts. Wrap the filling, press the edges with a fork, and cut off any excess dough if necessary.

4. Place the pan on the stove and pour the vegetable oil into it. If you want to get crispy pasties, then the oil must be well heated. Fry on each side until golden brown. Turn the pasties carefully, otherwise the dough may be damaged.

7. Video recipe for pasties on kefir

You can use another interesting way of cooking pasties. In this case, we will add kefir to the dough. Watch a video clip of the cooking process.

Thanks to the above recipes, you can quickly prepare delicious recipes, you should not be afraid of the process itself, since it is absolutely uncomplicated.


In our country, pasties have always been in great demand, and today people willingly buy these stuffed flat cakes prepared in a special way. For the first time, such pies with meat filling began to be prepared in Central Asia, and among the Turkic and Mongolian tribes, chebureks were especially popular and eventually turned into a traditional dish.

Is it possible to cook pasties with your own hands at home? Sure! In this article, we will tell you how to properly make the dough crispy with bubbles for these mouth-watering oriental pies in the traditional way with water, boiling water, kefir, milk, with the addition of vodka. In addition, we have posted in the material various recipes with photo stages and a video with a step-by-step explanation, with which you can quickly make delicious pasties at home.

Undoubtedly, any hostess will tell you that it is her recipe for cooking the dish that is the most correct and only she knows how to make pasties correctly. But nowadays there are many different recipes for making both filling and dough for homemade pasties, which differ from the classical method (which uses ingredients such as water, flour, salt and meat).


if the filling of the cheburek is minced, then it is very desirable to add a couple of tablespoons of kefir to it;

do not chop onions in an electrical appliance! It is better to cut it into small pieces with a knife to make the filling more juicy and tasty;

as a rule, lamb or beef is used for the filling. But you can make pasties with amazing taste if you make minced meat - assorted pork, beef and lamb;

do not add different spices or ingredients that are not included in the recipe until you have made 4-5 different versions of filled tortillas with your own hands. When you taste homemade homemade pasties, then it will become clear to you what spices can be added to the dough or filling that will not spoil the original rich taste of this oriental dish;

you can make very tasty pasties in a deep fryer if you do not have a cast-iron cauldron. But in this case, the vegetable oil must completely cover the filled tortillas during cooking.

To begin with, let's turn to the recently popular recipe for cooking tasty and fluffy pasties with bubbles on crispy dough on kefir.


If you want to make mouth-watering puff pastries at home, be sure to try making a dough for them in low-fat milk!
The dough, which you can make with the recipe below, rolls out very easily and is more durable than unleavened dough. It may take a little more time to cook pasties with a rich taste in this way, but the excellent result and delicious taste of the dish are worth it!

For work we need:

  • 200 grams of low-fat milk
  • 500 grams of wheat flour
  • 80 g of soft vodka,
  • a teaspoon of salt.

How to make a dough with milk:

Dilute the salt in the milk and gently pour the flour into it, stirring the contents constantly. We add vodka to the same container, but not all at once, but a tablespoon. Now knead the dough with your hands. If the mass turns out to be excessively dry, then it is advisable to knead it with wet hands. The dough should be coarse and loose. After that, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.


Do you know how the Crimean Tatars make tasty and fragrant pasties? Below you will find a recipe for how to make the correct dough for pasties with vodka. If you add the famous strong drink to the dough correctly and on time, then the rolled dough will be covered with bubbles during the frying process and you will get a crispy crust. Be sure to observe the proportions of ingredients that are indicated in the recipe for making the dough!


  • 640 gr of wheat flour,
  • 35 ml of soft vodka,
  • 1 egg,
  • 340 ml of water,
  • 35 ml vegetable oil
  • a teaspoon of salt.

Cheburek dough with vodka:

Pour water into a deep saucepan and add oil and salt;

Pass the flour several times through a sieve and add it in small portions to the pan, stirring constantly with a spoon. Pour flour not all over the stasis, but only 300-400 grams;

Remove the pot from the stove only after the flour has completely dispersed. When the mixture has cooled completely, add the rest of the flour. Now you can knead the dough;

Add the egg to a loose mass and continue to knead the dough, gradually adding vodka to it until the contents turn into a tight and not sticky mass;

Now you need to wrap the dough well-soaked with vodka in plastic wrap and leave it that way for an hour. After that, you need to knead the dough again, removing it from the film, wrap it again and send it to the refrigerator overnight.


Sometimes not very healthy food is still found in our diet. But instead of eating it in a cafe or on the go, it is quite possible to cook similar dishes at home. And for this you do not need any special ingredients or skills, just a desire, a supply of the necessary components and ordinary kitchen appliances. So chebureks are very popular among many. It is a great food for cold weather and can be easily prepared by yourself. Let's clarify how to make dough for chebureki with bubbles, we will give a proven recipe like in cheburek.

Dough for chebureks like in cheburek

To prepare choux pastry for chebureks with bubbles, you need to stock up on half a liter of water, three tablespoons of sunflower oil, five to six glasses of flour, a couple of tablespoons of vodka and a teaspoon of salt.

Send an enamel pot of water to the stove. Add prepared salt and vegetable oil to it. Wait for the water to boil and pour some of the flour into it in a thin stream. Stir the mixture constantly with a fork. In general, such a dough is prepared according to the same principle as the paste for pasting windows.
Pour vodka into the thickened dough - it will make the finished pasties crispy. Mix well.

Allow the thick mixture to cool for ten minutes. Then continue kneading the dough on the table so that you get a sufficiently dense, soft and elastic structure.

The dough for chebureks is ready for further cooking.

Choux pastry for pasties with egg

To prepare this version of the bubble dough, you need to prepare six hundred grams of flour, three hundred milliliters of water, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and one egg. Also use half a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of plain vodka.

Pour water into a suitable container and put on fire. Add salt and vegetable oil to it and bring to a boil. Add flour (a little less than one glass) to the boiling liquid, while constantly stirring the mass so that there are no lumps in it. Cool this mixture and stir in the egg and vodka. Next, add the remaining flour and knead the dough well. Before preparing pasties from such a dough, it is better to let it stand: you can leave it for a couple of hours, or you can even overnight.

Choux pastry for pasties with bubbles without vodka

To prepare this version of the dough, you need to stock up on six hundred grams of flour, three hundred milliliters of water, sugar and salt (a teaspoon without a slide). Also use a tablespoon of pork fat.

Combine all the ingredients (except water) together and rub well with your hands so that the flour absorbs all the fat. After that, boil the water and brew the rest of the ingredients with it. Stir this mixture first with a spoon, and then, after cooling for a while, knead with your hands.
Send the finished dough in the cold for an hour, then use it to make pasties.

Another version of choux pastry for pasties

To prepare this version of the test, you need to stock up on nine hundred grams of flour, four hundred and fifty milliliters of water, one hundred and fifty milliliters of refined vegetable oil. Also use a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar.

Combine half of the prepared flour with salt and sugar, mix well. Pour in water and stir again. This mixture must be liquid.
Boil the vegetable oil and pour it into the prepared dough. Mix quickly and well. Add the rest of the flour to the mixture and knead the dough.
Form a ball out of it and wrap with cling film. Leave the dough for half an hour.
After that, start frying pasties.

Egg dough for pasties

Pastries from such a dough will turn out to be really soft, but at the same time crispy. To prepare it, you need to stock up on four eggs, fifty milliliters of vegetable oil, three hundred and fifty milliliters of water, one hundred milliliters of vodka. Also use salt (about a teaspoon) and flour (as much as the dough takes).

This version of the test is prepared quite quickly and easily. You should simply connect all the components together, mix well and send in the cold for a couple of hours. Use so much flour that the dough is not too sticky, but also not tight.

Dough for chebureks like in cheburek on milk

To prepare this version of the dough, you need to prepare one chicken egg, half a teaspoon of salt, three tablespoons of vodka, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, one hundred and fifty milliliters of milk and a couple of glasses of flour.

In a suitable container, combine the egg with milk, vodka, butter and salt. Mix well. Gradually add flour to the mixture and knead the dough. It should be slightly softer than dumplings. The amount of flour can be increased as needed. Leave it under a towel for forty minutes or an hour, then use it to cook pasties.

Thus, every housewife can make pasties with bubbles as in cheburek from the above options. At the same time, she can pick up the recipe that suits her.

We break a chicken egg into a container, beat with a whisk.

Pour refined vegetable oil, vodka into a separate container and add fine table salt. Mix the mass well and put on a small fire, bring to a boiling state. In the absence of vodka, alcohol can be used. Add to the egg.

Then pour in warm water to make the dough tender.

Now we begin to add finely sifted wheat flour in small portions. First you need to add 0.5 cups, then knead, leave to brew for 30 minutes. Then add the remaining flour, knead well and leave it alone again for 30 minutes. Sifting flour through a sieve will make the dough for pasties airy, with bubbles. Remember to cover the dough with plastic wrap to keep it porous.

The dough for pasties should be soft, with a smooth, tight consistency. The mass should not stick to your hands.

After the dough is ready, put it on the board, add flour. Roll out with a rolling pin in the form of a layer 0.5 cm thick.Use a large plate as a round template. Put the meat filling inside the mug, then glue two parallel edges. Additionally, you need to secure the edges with a fork to get jagged edges.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan / saucepan, put pasties, fry on both sides until golden brown. Before serving, place the fried pasties in a container with a lined paper napkin. It is necessary that the excess oil glass from the baking, then it will not be greasy.

In order for the pasties to be golden and crispy, it is necessary to put them in medium-temperature oil: not hot or cold. You can determine the degree of frying by dipping a small piece of dough into the butter.

We all love to enjoy something delicious. If children associate everything tasty with sweets, then adults associate it with various meat dishes or homemade cakes. Chebureks are just the dish that everyone, without exception, loves. But not every newly-made housewife knows how to properly prepare cheburek dough. From the article you will learn a couple of recipes for making cheburek dough so that chebureks are obtained with bubbles.

The classic recipe for cheburek dough with bubbles

Every hostess always wants to hear a sea of ​​compliments addressed to her when someone tastes a dish she has prepared. If you use the following recipe for cheburek dough, then you cannot avoid compliments, because the chebureks are truly tasty, bubbly, crispy. So, for cooking, we prepare the following components:

  • milk - 350 ml
  • butter - 30 g
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • flour - 4-5 tbsp.

We proceed directly to kneading the dough:

  1. First you need to boil the milk. After that, let it cool down a little.
  2. Pour the milk into a container in which we will knead the dough. Dissolve a piece of butter in warm milk. Margarine can be a great alternative to butter. This will not change the taste of ready-made pasties.
  3. Now add salt and stir the mixture until it is completely dissolved.
  4. Next, pour in vegetable oil. And we begin to slowly pour in a glass of flour, dissolving all the lumps.
  5. Now we drive an egg into our mass and mix everything well.
  6. Pour in the rest of the flour little by little. Knead the dough until it becomes elastic and does not stick to your hands. The amount of flour can vary - see based on the density of the dough. You don't need to make the dough too tight, because then it will be difficult to work with it.
  7. That's all - the dough is ready. Now you can roll it thinly and shape pasties.

The dough according to the specified recipe turns out to be very “obedient”, it rolls out easily and does not break when frying, which is very important in making pasties. After all, then they turn out to be very juicy and tasty.

Recipe for cheburek dough on vodka

It would seem, is it really possible to make dough using alcoholic beverages? It turns out that if you use vodka in the dough, then the finished product turns out to be even more crisp, bubbly and with a beautiful golden crust. To prepare the dough according to such an extraordinary recipe, we take the following components:

  • water - 350 ml
  • lean oil (odorless) - 4 tsp
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • vodka - 10-15 ml
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • flour - 4-5 tbsp.

When all the components are at our fingertips, we begin to knead the dough:

  1. To do this, we slightly heat the water so that it is warm, and pour it into a container in which we will knead the dough.
  2. Add salt to the water and mix it until all salt crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Next, pour vegetable oil into the water with salt.
  4. Now we drive an egg into our liquid mass, mix everything well.
  5. And at the very end we add vodka to all of the above.
  6. Now, slowly, we gradually add flour to our mixture. Stir constantly so that there are no lumps. Knead the dough and let it “rest” for a couple of hours.
  7. After that, we start cooking pasties. That is, we take a rolling pin and roll out the dough thinly. Then, accordingly, we make pasties out of it.

The dough according to this recipe can also be made custard. To do this, bring the first three ingredients to a boil, add a little flour, egg and vodka, and then knead the dough using the remaining flour. When the dough has cooled down, you can start working with it.

Despite the fact that the recipe is quite peculiar, pasties on such a dough turn out to be unusually tasty.

We will share with you some secrets, knowing which, you will always get a wonderful dough for pasties with bubbles:

  • Before kneading the cheburek dough, like any other dough, be sure to sift the flour, then it turns out to be more airy, and the products from it are even tastier.
  • Always add the egg to a warm mass, not to a hot one, otherwise it may curl. The only exception is choux pastry, as we described in the recipe using vodka.
  • In the process of preparing the dough, try to use sunflower oil, if it is required by the recipe, odorless, that is, refined.
  • Give any mixed cheburek dough to “rest” for at least half an hour, only then proceed directly to making chebureks, then the dough will be more elastic and it will be easier to work with it.

In the article, we introduced you to the best, in our opinion, recipes for making cheburek dough. You just have to use them and please your household or guests with a wonderful and hearty dish. Bon Appetit!