The most useful red caviar of any fish. What fish caviar is the most delicious - choose red caviar

20.08.2021 Dishes for children

A good appetizer is sauerkraut ... But red caviar, of course, is much better.

In general, salmon caviar (salmon itself is not a fish, but a general name for a whole group of freshwater and marine inhabitants) has now, fortunately, ceased to be a ghostly dream of Soviet citizens who saw it exclusively in the picture.

Today almost every family can afford to buy red caviar (at least once or twice a year).

This product, of course, is not cheap, delicacy, even solemn, and it is all the more important to be able to choose it correctly so that the long-awaited treat does not become a bitter disappointment.

Salmon caviar

Due to its unique taste and useful properties, red caviar has become a worldwide favorite.

It is served in different variations - as an appetizer, as a component of salads, in sauces, as a side dish, as an element of the decoration of ready-made dishes.

Caviar, like nothing else, is good with pancakes, eggs, potato pancakes. The main thing is that it is cold when served.

Useful properties of red caviar

1. High nutritional value, more than twice the calorie content of chicken or veal meat.

2. An easily digestible product, a small portion of which saturates quickly and for a long time.

3. Promotes the formation of red blood cells - erythrocytes.

4. Regulates metabolic processes in the body, normalizes blood sugar levels.

5. Improves cholesterol levels, contains lecithin, which neutralizes bad cholesterol.

6. This product is rich in valuable proteins that provide a full range of amino acids, and fats, fatty acids, among which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

7. It is a source of vitamins (A, B groups, D, E) and minerals (iodine, iron, phosphorus, etc.).

8. Slows down the aging process both inside the body and outside - keeps the skin fresh, prevents the formation of wrinkles, regenerates damaged areas.

9. Caviar - a product useful for the heart and blood vessels, reduces the risk of blood clots.

11. It has a positive effect on visual acuity.

12. Strengthens bone tissue.

13. Has the ability to increase immunity.

Among the negative qualities of red caviar, which are manifested exclusively with its excessive use, it should be noted that due to the high salt content, it can provoke the appearance of edema, a jump in blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

It is not advised to heavily feast on caviar for pregnant and lactating women, children under three years old, people with problems with the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Red caviar will bring health benefits if you eat it on a spoon two to three times a week.

Red caviar - who are the "donors"?

If you are going to buy red caviar, then only good caviar - this is understandable, but how to choose it? First you need to know what kind of fish it actually is and how it differs from each other.

The most common commercial red caviar is pink salmon, chum salmon, sima (or masu), trout and sockeye salmon, rarely caught on chinook salmon and silver salmon. Caviar differs from these salmon in size, color and taste.

Everyone's taste is different, so a short description of each type of caviar.

1. Trout caviar- the smallest, no more than 3mm in diameter, has a clear fishy aftertaste that not everyone likes.

2. Pink salmon caviar (as well as kichuzh, mass, sockeye salmon)- slightly larger - up to 5 mm. The color of pink salmon caviar is juicy orange with a dark blotch on each "bead" - this is the embryo of fry, the taste with a slightly noticeable bitterness is quite tender and pleasant.

Sockeye caviar dark red (also with dark blotches) has a pronounced fishy aroma, a noticeable bitterness.

3. Chum salmon caviar and rare chinook salmon - the largest- up to 7 mm. Chum salmon caviar is very tender, orange in color, shiny, with red patches, without bitterness.

Caviar connoisseurs claim that the most noteworthy are chum salmon and pink salmon caviar... They are versatile, tasty, have a beautiful shape and color, without a pungent odor.

The caviar of other salmon fish is distinguished by a more intense reddish tint, significant bitterness and a persistent fishy smell.

Let's go for caviar! How to choose

Among the variety of jars and trays of caviar on modern counters, it is difficult not to get confused, especially since everyone knows that there are probably both low-quality products and artificial surrogates disguised there.

What to look for when choosing red caviar for the table?

1. Tins are taboo! Experts strongly advise against purchasing such a delicacy as caviar packed in cans.

Inside you, with a 99% guarantee, will find second-rate eggs - different-sized, crumpled, floating in a large amount of juice - jusa. Often such packaging contains spoiled caviar, which is flavored with horse portions of preservatives.

If you still decide to buy - pay attention to the presence of the GOST marking, the indication of the type of fish of the salmon family, the engraving of the date and batch number on the lid should be convex, not depressed!

2. We buy only from the refrigerator! Moreover, the refrigerator is closed, with a low temperature inside.

If instead of a refrigerator there is a refrigerated display case, look at the side thermometer; the temperature on the shelves should not exceed 5 degrees Celsius.

If you want caviar by weight, then do not hesitate and ask the seller to present a document (veterinary certificate) which indicates the date of issue of this caviar, if it is more than 7 days, then look for the delicacy elsewhere.

3. Try it first! We are talking about caviar by weight... Take a few eggs - look carefully, smell (if it doesn't smell at all, it means artificial or after freezing), try it.

The eggs should be transparent, without turbidity, with a dark dot inside, and smell like fish. If the smell is harsh, the caviar may be sour or rotten.

Pay attention to the container - if there is a whitish bloom on the rim - the caviar is old, do not take it.

4. Remember the natural bitterness! Pink salmon caviar has a weak bitterness, and kichuzh has a pronounced natural bitterness.

5. Are you ready to overpay for a container? Caviar in a glass jar is available to the eye of the buyer - this is good, but you have to pay for such a demonstration - this is bad.

Fancy glass jars with metal clasps are a beautiful and expensive entourage for caviar, but not a guarantee of quality.

Look at such caviar in the light - note the transparency, the presence of dark spots in the eggs, the percentage of crumpled and damaged eggs, the amount of liquid.

Turn the jar over, the caviar should not immediately fall down onto the lid, a few beads at the most. The bulk should slowly move down the walls.

6. Packing date is a key indicator! The best caviar is made from raw, not from a frozen semi-finished product, so remember when which fish spawns so that when buying in a store, pay attention to the packing date - it should coincide with the period of entry for the spawning of a particular fish.

It is believed that the harvesting of caviar should end in the first decade of October, since most salmonids spawn from July to September. West Sakhalin pink salmon spawn in early summer - until July.

East Sakhalin - a month later, from July to August inclusive. The beginning of spawning in chum salmon is August-September, but in the southern coastal area these dates are shifted one month later. Sockeye salmon spawn from May to July, and kichuzh - in autumn and winter, until February.

Caviar is divided into first grade and second... The first one is higher, 1st grade caviar should be calibrated, without films and impurities of blood, strong, transparent, shiny, aromatic.

The percentage of salt - no more than 6%, preservatives - no more than 2 items. Caviar of the 2nd grade is saltier, eggs can be damaged and of different sizes.

Perhaps, a rare festive table can do without this delicious and most sought-after delicacy - red caviar. Any self-respecting hostess wants her table to be rich and beautiful, especially for the New Year. But how annoying it can be when purchased, relatively inexpensive, red caviar is immediately thrown into the trash can. Today we will try to figure out how not to be disappointed and buy a quality and tasty delicacy.

As I wrote in the previous article, red fish caviar is the most valuable product for our health. It is obtained from fish of the salmon family, which has 13 species of fish. In terms of chemical composition, the eggs of all fish are the same, but in appearance (the size of the eggs and their color) they differ.

  • The smallest eggs - from trout and sockeye, 2-3 mm in size,
  • Eggs of pink salmon, coho salmon in a diameter of 4-5 mm,
  • The largest eggs of chum salmon and chinook salmon, their diameter reaches 7 mm.

The eggs are also different in color.

  • Pink salmon have light orange eggs,
  • Chum salmon - from pale red to light orange,
  • Coho salmon, chinook salmon and sockeye salmon have bright red eggs.

But whatever caviar we choose, the best and most delicious - fresh, properly packaged. Here's how to choose a high-quality and tasty product, and then not to be disappointed, I will dwell in more detail.
The first question that arises is which caviar is better to buy: in cans - glass or tin, or by weight. I answer this question: it is better to buy caviar in banks. Why?

  1. Caviar should be in a can, and in a tin. Not a single caviar packing workshop is located far from the place where the fish is caught, so caviar producers will not pack caviar in heavy glass containers. For these purposes, they use only light and durable sheet metal.
  2. When buying caviar by weight, it is difficult to know when and by whom this caviar was produced. And no one will give you guarantees that the caviar was processed in proper sanitary conditions and was not frozen.

How to choose red caviar in jars

Knowing some of the secrets when buying a delicacy in cans, we can accurately choose a high-quality and tasty product.

Of course, in glass jars we can see what the product looks like. But this is not an indicator that the caviar inside will smell like fish and sea.

What should you pay attention to when buying, what should be written on the label of the can?

  • First of all, notice where the caviar was sealed. It will be correct if it says: Kamchatka, Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai. As a rule, caviar is packed in glass jars in cities far from the sea. And in order for the caviar to be of high quality, it should be packed in jars within 2-3 hours after catching the fish, and this can only be done in an area close to the sea.
  • The packing date should be between 1 July and the end of October, it is at this time that fresh caviar is extracted. Moreover, caviar with a date in this interval must be eaten before February, otherwise it will be very bitter due to oxidized fatty acids.

It's important to know! If the caviar is not sold at this time, then unscrupulous sellers repack it and put the date of the packaging, which coincides with the next fishing season. Unfortunately, this is impossible to trace!

  • The name "Salmon caviar" is a collective term. On the bank it should be written specifically, whose fish roe is in the bank. For example, caviar of pink salmon, sockeye salmon, etc. Usually, the term “salmon caviar” is used by “dishonest” packers and producers.
  • Canned food in the store should be stored in a special refrigerator at a temperature of -2-6º. If the storage rules are violated, E. coli can multiply in the product, and this can lead to intestinal dysfunction and other health problems.
  • Read the ingredients on the label carefully. A jar with a quality product should contain nothing but caviar, salt, vegetable oil. The presence of food additives E 211 (sodium benzoate) and E 200 (sorbic acid) is allowed - these are safe preservatives, they have antimicrobial effect. The presence of these food additives should be written in the composition.

But the food additive E 239 (urotropin) should not be present in the jar. Urotropine also has an antimicrobial effect, but when combined in the stomach with the acidic environment of gastric juice, it forms formaldehyde - a powerful poison with a general toxic effect on the body.

  • Shake the can before buying. If you hear a characteristic, floundering sound, it means that there is a lot of liquid in the jar - sludge or "jusa".

Sludge is a pink liquid in which eggs float. It appears when the caviar is washed before packing or it was frozen. Having opened such a jar, you will definitely get disappointed.

  • Before buying caviar, be sure to check the labeling on the jar. On one side, from the inside, there should be numbers in 3 rows: 1 row - this is the date of packing of caviar, 2 row - the word "CAVIAR", 3 row - the plant code and the letter "P".
  • The label on the jar must be glued evenly, there must be no smudges on it.

How to choose red caviar in glass jars

Some people still prefer to buy caviar in glass jars. Of course, in glass jars you can see the consistency, size and color of the eggs. Everything seems to be in plain sight here. However, quite often, when you open the can, you will smell the disgusting smell of spoiled product.

In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, when buying caviar in the store, pay attention to the date and place of packaging, the composition of the contents in the jar. Consider all of the tips above for cans.

How to choose red caviar by weight

If there is no way to buy a jar of caviar, and you see that they are selling beautiful and appetizing-looking red caviar by weight, then how to get by? But again, how not to be mistaken, after all, they say: "Caviar by weight is a game for divorce"? Use these helpful tips.

  1. Take some eggs from the tray and rub them between your fingers. If they easily slide on the skin, then the caviar was treated with vegetable oil. This speaks of the unscrupulousness of the sellers, thus they are trying to increase weight or give a low-quality product a marketable appearance. Natural caviar is always crumbly, does not stick together.
  2. Taste a few eggs. If the eggs on the tongue do not burst, but stick to the teeth, then this indicates a falsified product.
  3. Inside the natural eggs, you can see the nucleolus, the natural caviar is shiny, of the same size, does not stick together.
  4. When buying loose caviar, be aware that it is difficult to know when it was made and in what conditions it was stored before. And certificates can be forged!
  5. In the open air, loose caviar can quickly become seeded with pathogenic microflora from the air and become an excellent breeding ground for them.

How to store it correctly

To prevent caviar from bringing you unexpected surprises, be aware that it is a perishable product, so observe the following rules when storing it.

  • Store the purchased, but not yet opened jar in the refrigerator. In a household refrigerator, it can be stored for up to 3 months.
  • You should eat the opened jar within 3 days, but again, if it is stored in the refrigerator. Moreover, the remaining caviar from the opened tin can should be transferred to a clean container or glass jar, this will prevent further oxidation of the product.
  • Do not freeze caviar in the freezer, as it loses its useful and consumer qualities, after defrosting the caviar will turn into a liquid slimy mass.

How beautiful to serve red caviar on the festive table

You bought delicious and high-quality caviar, and now you are thinking how to serve it beautifully on the table. There are several options.

  • It can be served in a beautiful caviar dish with a spoon, each guest will take as much as he wants.
  • Sandwiches from a white loaf, spread with butter, and red caviar on top.
  • Tartlets, also oiled from the inside, and topped with a small amount of caviar.
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs are stripped of yolk and filled with red caviar instead.
  • Pancakes stuffed with red caviar.
  • As one of the ingredients for a salad, for example.

Usually there are a lot of guests at the festive table and sometimes there are not enough snacks with red caviar for everyone. How to be, how to make so many sandwiches from one jar that all the guests will be enough? You will find the answer in this video. Take a look, you will not regret it!

Dear readers, now you know how to choose the right red caviar and how to serve it on the festive table. And I wish you a Happy New Year, and may it only bring you good luck and be healthy!

On the eve of the holidays, as a rule, many people have a very pressing question: how to choose good, tasty, and most importantly high-quality caviar, not to run into a spoiled or fake product and please guests, and not make them choke at the festive table. Let's find out how you can choose a really tasty and good can of caviar, determining the quality by its appearance.

Our stores sell six types of caviar, which differ in color and size.

  • Chum salmon: roe of large diameter (up to 5–8 mm) of deep amber shade with a dense shell, with a creamy aftertaste, is considered one of the best in taste.
  • Pink salmon: medium-sized eggs (4–5 mm) of rich orange color with a soft film, is considered the second best in taste.
  • Chinook salmon: eggs of the largest sizes (up to 8–10 mm in diameter) are red-orange in color with a delicate film, slightly pungent taste.
  • Coho salmon: a small diameter of an egg (2–4 mm) of a deep red color with a tight shell and a bitter aftertaste.
  • Trout: the smallest eggs (up to 2 mm in diameter) are bright orange in color with an elastic shell and a bitter taste.
  • Red salmon: also small-sized deep red eggs with an elastic film and a bitter aftertaste.

Quality caviar in accordance with GOST, TU, Roskachestvo. Who cares?

According to GOST "Granular Salmon Caviar", which was approved in 2004, red caviar is subdivided into two varieties.

Eggs of the 1st grade must be of the same size and color, moderately elastic, without any additives, from fish of the same species, the name of which must be indicated on the bank. The 2nd grade allows you to mix caviar from different fish, while the jar will not indicate which ones.

In addition, manufacturers are free to make red caviar not according to GOST, but according to TU (technical conditions). There are cases when caviar made according to TU turns out to be tastier and better, in fact. However, do not forget that in this case the manufacturer can cram anything there, including.

It is quite difficult to adhere to GOST, due to its strict requirements for the percentage of salt: 4-7% for the 2nd grade and 4-6% of the weight of caviar for the 1st grade.

Even more severe is the Roskachestvo standard, which does not have to be met. If the manufacturer bothers with obtaining this mark, you can give him his due and take a closer look at his products. Salt in red caviar of any grade according to Roskachestvo should not exceed 3.5–5% of the total weight of caviar in a jar. It is forbidden to add antibiotics.

Something else about juices (secreted "juice") - a watery sludge, the appearance of which is caused by natural damage to the eggs. The higher the amount of jus, the more likely it is that the red caviar is of poor quality or was frozen on the eve of processing and packaging in cans. Juice content should not exceed 5%. By the way, good red caviar, when opened, should have a slight sea smell. No chemical fragrances that burn out the nasal mucosa.

How to identify good caviar by a jar?

According to our advice, you can easily exclude a low-quality product from your shopping basket and return home with good red caviar. Read, twist, shake, knock, in a word, check:

  • On a can with red caviar, it must be written who the manufacturer is, according to what GOST or TU the product is made, the type of fish (if the caviar is of the 1st grade), of course, the composition and expiration date. Normal shelf life without added preservatives is 7-8 to 12 months. It will be just great if the manufacturer is located not far from the fishing place.
  • The best composition is a short composition: red caviar and salt. An acceptable composition, when there is still vegetable oil in it and, treat with caution if there are preservatives. Can be taken if only sorbic acid E200 is indicated there. If not in the product, then the red caviar is pasteurized, which is much healthier for your health.
  • The marking on the lid of a can with red caviar should be knocked out from the inside, that is, convex, and not printed or embossed on the outside (that is, concave, because this is the main sign of counterfeiting any product in cans). You must identify three rows of signs: the date of production of red caviar, the assortment mark "CAVIAR" and the number of the plant with the shift number and the index of the fishing industry "P".
  • A jar with red caviar should not have any external damage, let alone swollen.
  • If you prefer to take caviar in glass jars, you have a great opportunity to get a good look at everything. The ideal option is clean eggs of the same size and color, with a minimum content of jus, or better without it.
  • You can find out the quantitative content of jus in a tin can with red caviar by shaking it a little. Splashes and movement of red caviar inside the jar are a bad sign.
  • For caviar packaged in plastic containers, the same rules apply. All information of interest to us should be indicated on the container.
  • Red caviar in stores should not lie on ordinary shelves, but in refrigerators or chilled sections.

And if you take red caviar by weight? How to determine its quality? Not dangerous?

If you are going to buy red caviar in special fish departments of supermarkets, and not from dubious sellers in the bazaar, who only work on weekends of the third week of the month, then why not? However, remember that in a similar way, red caviar is sometimes sold, made without observing production technology.

In addition, like everything that is bought by weight, such caviar will deteriorate much faster. It is in no way protected from the influence of external factors, including from harmful microbes, which, at best, will give you a lot of time to sit and think carefully about the correctness of your decisions and the futility of being.

Salmon spawning and fishing usually take place in July-August. Therefore, it is better not to buy caviar by weight later than November.

Good-quality red caviar should not be sticky. That is, when the eggs scooped up with a spoon lag behind each other and fall from it one by one - this is a good sign, and when they stick together in a lump - it is very bad.

How to recognize a counterfeit product?

Artificial red caviar is made from eggs, milk, gelatin, with the addition of dyes. The quality of taste and useful properties of such a product are incomparable with real caviar. But their appearance can be very similar.

You can identify fake red caviar as follows:

  • Crush the egg, preferably with your own fingers. A real one will easily burst under your onslaught, a fake one - with difficulty, since its shell is very dense.
  • Fake red caviar is characterized by a pungent fishy smell, approximately the same as that exudes a herring.
  • The fake strives to stick to the teeth.
  • If artificial red caviar is placed in water, it will turn bright orange.
  • If not creepy, you can check for buds. They are absent in fake eggs.
  • Low cost. Even if the seller assures that this is an "auction of unprecedented generosity" only now and just before the holiday, it is better not to risk your health.

And how to understand that caviar has deteriorated?

First of all, because of the stench. Yes, precisely because of the stench, because it will stink violently. If you have a stuffy nose or other problems with smelling, you can identify it visually. Spoiled red caviar will turn very dark.

If it is unusually difficult for you to bite into eggs or they burst in your mouth with a sonorous click, then you are eating overripe red caviar. As a rule, poachers get it already at the spawning ground.

Poor quality, expired, counterfeit and any other red caviar, made in violation of sanitary standards and production technologies, can cause poisoning for you, your entire family and guests. And instead of celebrating, you will be sitting on the toilet. Well, either wait for him to be free or not wait ... And this is at best. In low-quality red caviar, pathogenic microbes and bacteria, including Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, live freely, develop.

The traditional New Year and Christmas feast is always famous for a wide variety of delicious salads, snacks and hot meals. One of the most popular foods that can be seen in almost every home these days is red caviar. It is obtained from fish belonging to the salmon family. The roe of various fish differs significantly in their organoleptic characteristics, while having a similar composition. In order not to overpay extra money and not buy a fake, it is advisable to know how to choose a quality product of an acceptable cost.

Composition and benefits

Red caviar is considered the best nutritious product, its nutritional value is about 25 g of protein, 18 g of fat and 4 g of carbohydrates per 100 g. The calorie content of the delicacy is even higher than pork or beef: about 250-270 kcal per 100 g of product. In addition, unlike meat or poultry, caviar is absorbed much faster and easier by the human body. Each egg contains almost all the substances necessary to ensure normal human life.

  • Vitamins E, A, D and almost the entire group of vitamins B.
  • Macro and microelements: phosphorus, iodine, iron, calcium and others.
  • Lecithin, which is essential for neutralizing cholesterol.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Omega - 3, Omega - 6.
  • Amino acids found in protein.

Such a rich composition of the product gives every right to call it a real assistant in the fight against many diseases. Low immunity, atherosclerosis, cardiac pathologies and a tendency to thrombosis are all considered direct indications for the introduction of red caviar into the diet. In addition, among the useful properties of this product, the following can be noted.

  • Iodine, which is contained in this expensive delicacy, is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, it improves concentration, reduces stress, and improves vigilance. Iron is necessary for anemia, since this element is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis. Calcium is good for hair, nails, and teeth, while phosphorus reduces the likelihood of fractures.
  • Vitamins, contained in caviar, are necessary to maintain immunity, normal functioning of the heart and other internal organs, and prevent viral diseases. Folic acid (vitamin B9) is especially useful for pregnant women, because it is responsible for the normal formation and development of the fetus. In addition, it is necessary for the genitourinary system to function.

According to many reviews on various forums, a couple of spoons of caviar eaten at the beginning of the menstrual cycle can help reduce back pain and cramps.

  • The benefits of red caviar for children are so great that there is practically no difference in the daily intake of a child and an adult. You can start feeding your baby with salty grains from the age of 3, gradually increasing their number. The frequency is about 1-2 times a week. The vitamins and minerals included in the product will have a beneficial effect on the growth rate and development of a boy and a girl. They will help to form the musculoskeletal system and strengthen the immunity of the baby.
  • Despite the high calorie content of the product, it is an excellent assistant in the fight against excess weight. A small amount of bright grains (1-2 tsp) normalize metabolic processes in the body and accelerate human metabolism. Of course, if you eat a couple of sandwiches with fat butter and a sweet loaf every day, then you will not succeed in losing weight. It is best to consume this product in its pure form or supplement it with rye bread, vegetables and healthy side dishes.

Unfortunately, for all its benefits, red caviar can also cause serious harm to the body if you purchase and consume it without paying attention to the quality and quantity of the product. Firstly, this delicacy is a strong allergen and can cause severe swelling. Secondly, the daily rate of the product should not exceed 50–70 g per day, which is about 3-4 tablespoons. Thirdly, the high cost of red caviar is often the reason for fraud. It is worth carefully reading the composition and manufacturer's data on the packaging, purchasing a fresh product from trusted suppliers.

Another feature is that almost all goods in stores are sold in salted form. A large amount of salt is contraindicated for people with diseases of the urinary system and kidneys, and therefore they should refuse to buy any caviar.

What happens, what kind of fish?

The fish themselves, belonging to the salmon family, vary greatly in appearance. Accordingly, the caviar of each of them may differ in these parameters. The size of caviar is:

  • about 7 mm in diameter - large;
  • about 5 mm - medium;
  • about 4 mm - small;
  • 2-3 mm in diameter - the smallest trout caviar.

In addition, caviar may vary in color. It can be bright red, pale red with a tinge of orange, or bright orange. The product can be fresh, frozen or salted. However, most often the caviar is divided depending on what kind of fish it was obtained from.

  • Pink salmon. Medium-sized red-orange eggs are often found in any large supermarket. The pleasant taste without bitterness goes well with any delicate cheese or sweet loaf.

  • Trout. Small eggs, no more than 3 mm in diameter, have a relatively low cost and are sold in almost any store. It also does not have a pronounced bitterness, and therefore is suitable for any snacks.
  • Coho salmon. Medium eggs up to 4 mm in diameter, raspberry hue, are distinguished by strong bitterness. It has the largest amount of nutrients in comparison with other varieties of caviar, but it is quite difficult to find it on sale even in large cities.
  • Red salmon. This caviar is most popular in America, as its habitats are located along the coast of this continent. You can also find this delicacy in our country, but its price is too high for this size of eggs (4–5 mm).
  • Chum. Large grains with a diameter of 6 mm with a strong shell and a small embryo inside. Such caviar has a high price and is more often used as a decoration for ready-made dishes than as an independent ingredient. The taste has a slight bitterness and strong oiliness.
  • Chinook salmon... Not everyone can afford the largest caviar with a grain diameter of about 7 mm. Due to the high cost, it is almost impossible to buy it in regular stores, most often this product is ordered directly from the supplier. The mild taste without bitterness is perfect for salads, appetizers and as a decoration for main dishes.

How to choose?

It cannot be said unequivocally that this or that variety of red caviar is better than the others. Each buyer chooses the parameters by which the selection will be made. Someone will prefer a more nutritious and healthy product, while someone will make their choice based on the size of the eggs. The main thing is to choose the right quality delicacy.

In tin cans

Most often, in small shopping centers and regular grocery stores, you can buy caviar preserved in small cans. In this case, there is no way to assess the color or size of the eggs, so all attention should be paid to the integrity of the package and the information on it. The product on the counter must have a proper shelf life, not contain a large amount of chemical impurities and preservatives, and also be from a trusted manufacturer. Reviews of various caviar manufacturers can be studied on the Internet before you go shopping.

A closed can can stand in the refrigerator until the end of its shelf life, and an open can no more than two days.

In glass

In addition to cans, glass containers are also used as containers for salty delicacies. In this case, in addition to the above parameters, you need to pay attention to the color and size of the eggs themselves. A signal that the buyer is fake may be a bright artificial color or too large the size of the eggs. In addition, the grains of natural caviar are not matched in size, so they may vary slightly. If all the eggs in the jar are exactly the same, you should look for the product from another seller.

By weight

In some large or specialized stores, you can find bulk sale of red caviar. In this case, the seller measures the required amount of the product and packs it himself into a disposable plastic container. If the store provides such an opportunity, then it is best to try the caviar right on the spot and only after that make a purchase decision. If this is not possible, then it is worth evaluating its color, size, and most importantly, the smell. Fresh caviar should have a fishy aroma with a little bit of bitterness. If there is a sour smell from the product, then it is expired. Unlike canned caviar, a loose product should not be stored at home for more than 2-3 days, otherwise it may deteriorate.

What to use with?

The traditional way of eating red caviar is sandwiches with a loaf and butter. And also it is often put in salads or used to decorate them. In addition, salty caviar is often combined with pancakes or black bread. It will look great on thin vegetable chips, and stacked on top of a piece of baked or fried fish will not only complement its taste, but also add a restaurant look to an ordinary dish.

Some people argue that salty caviar goes great with cold creamy ice cream. Such combinations of a salty and sweet product can be found in various desserts, for example, in salted caramel or salted chocolate, so if their purchase did not bring disappointment, you can try this unusual combination.

For information on how to properly salt red caviar at home, see the next video.

How to choose a really high quality product? Which caviar is healthier and better? Which is tastier than pink salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon or coho salmon? What should you look for when buying red caviar?

It is not uncommon for buyers who stand in front of a shop window to have these questions and get lost in the variety of delicacies.
To make the right decision, it is worth evaluating salmon caviar by a number of parameters.


Most often, red caviar is found:

Pink salmon- the cheapest and most common red caviar. It differs from chum and chavychevaya in size, about 3-5mm. It differs from other types of delicacy in color (lighter only in chum salmon), incl. Seeing light orange medium-sized eggs, do not hesitate - these are pink salmon caviar. The taste is not bitter, most often slightly salted.

Red salmon- fairly small red caviar, 2-3mm. It is easy to recognize both by its size and by its deep orange color. Has a pronounced fishy smell and a bitter taste. Non-uniformity of color is allowed during manufacture, incl. do not be alarmed if the color range of the eggs differs in orange-red tones (black and white indicates a spoiled product). My opinion is the most delicious of the types of delicacy available in the store. Its price is usually equal to pink salmon, sometimes 100-200 rubles higher.

Chum- medium in price, the largest and lightest caviar. And the chum salmon itself is much larger than coho salmon and sockeye salmon. Easily recognizable by its light orange, uniform color (color irregularities are not allowed). Eggs with a diameter of 5-7mm. The fattest, with a delicate taste (with the right production). It is not uncommon to be issued as a chavychevaya because of the similarity in size, which is easy to determine by color.

- the average price (more often equated to the ket one). The color is dark red, burgundy. Eggs are approximately 3-4mm. In production, color variation is allowed. The taste is quite bitter. In taste and appearance, it is very similar to sockeye caviar, with the exception of a rich dark red hue.

Chinook salmon- the most expensive red caviar, the price is 500-700r higher than for pink salmon. The color is deep red. The taste is bitter, slightly spicy. The size of the eggs is slightly larger than that of pink salmon. Previously, chinook caviar was the largest, but in the last 10 years, chinook salmon began to shrink, more and more individuals weighing less than 10-15 kg are found. Accordingly, the caviar in such fish is small.

There is an opinion that the Chinook salmon is listed in the Red Book, but it is not. In my memory, only in 2005 there was a ban on catching it, it lasted about a year. Now we continue to catch it on the shelves of Kamchatka, chinook caviar will not be difficult to find.

In Russia, chinook salmon is mined only in Kamchatka, so pay attention to the region when buying. There are a lot of counterfeits in the central strip, most often it is keto caviar with the addition of dyes. You can protect yourself by buying a delicacy from trusted suppliers, as well as by checking the product for the presence of a spicy aftertaste.


The most important criterion when choosing red caviar is the manufacturer. Moreover, there is no definite answer, what kind of salmon caviar is better. In my practice, I met both fairly large enterprises that, to put it mildly, violated GOSTs, and small manufacturers producing products of really high quality.

Weigh the pros and cons

Quality assurance

Only a certified manufacturer can provide you with a guarantee. The production of caviar requires constant quality control, which is reflected in the accompanying documents. But the reality is not so rosy. Not all manufacturers with “white” documents are conscientious about their business, and often the banks end up with low-quality and sometimes spoiled fish caviar. This is especially the case for factories working with confiscated goods, the rating is not important to them.

Small producers selling caviar by weight may also turn out to be “not honest” sellers. You will not receive guarantees, unlike factory products. Therefore, buying a delicacy without documents from dubious persons, you are playing the lottery with your health. For example, I have met “comrades” using “Domestos” in the production. There is also a whole business for the purchase of rotten salmon caviar, processing and sale. I think not a single plant will dare to do this, incl. If the seller of handicraft products is unfamiliar to you, I would not advise you to trust him.


Everything seems to be simple here. The composition of salted salmon caviar according to GOST includes: raw, salt, water, oil, food additive "Varex-2" (sorbic acid). But again, "BUT" comes out.

The fact is that factories during production cannot deviate from the guests. And according to GOSTs, the caviar must contain 0.2% "Varex-2". The benefits of which I am not alone in doubt. Now, few people argue on this topic, everyone has long been measured with this need, but in 2005, discussions of this supplement in the "caviar sphere" were serious. Starting with fears of getting cancer, ending with the genocide of the Russian population I don't want to frighten anyone, but I consider it necessary to warn.

At this time, "shrubs" are free to choose preservatives. I know many manufacturers who only add salt to caviar, others buy Japanese preservatives. In both cases, the delicacy is not inferior to the factory one in taste, the shelf life, subject to the technology, also corresponds to the norm. It goes without saying that you should not trust everyone in a row, as they say “trust but verify”.

Storage and transportation

Large enterprises are the undisputed leader here. Any manufacturer is interested in making a profit, no one wants to lose both raw materials and finished products, therefore, at all large factories (he was personally at 4), they comply with the standards.

Small business is much worse, the Internet is full of videos where red fish caviar is stored in dirty cellars and unwashed containers. And this is not uncommon in life. It all depends on the conscientiousness of the manufacturer and the quality of the work of the control authorities.


There is an opinion that caviar in glass containers is the best, and in plastic containers it has the lowest rates. In fact, in the factory, storage in glass and metal jars, wooden barrels and polymer buckets is allowed. It is very important that no matter what the packaging is broken, dents, rust, chips are unacceptable.

How to choose caviar in a metal can

Everything is simple here:

  • We check the jar for defects (dents, rust, etc.), they should not be
  • We read the date of manufacture on the cover (no more than 12 months)
  • Choosing a variety: there are only 2 of them, the salinity of caviar does not depend on the variety
  • Shake the jar, the contents should not gurgle
  • Storage temperature for granular caviar at retail outlets +2 - +4 C. (International standard)
  • It is worth remembering that a delicacy in a tin can should be consumed within 5 days from the moment of opening.
  • The tin is highly oxidized, so it makes sense to transfer the product to glassware

How to choose caviar in a glass container

We carry out the same points as with a metal can, as well as:

  • We determine the homogeneity of the mass by turning the jar, the caviar should not flow (according to GOST, the presence of brine (sludge) is unacceptable for a product of the first grade)
  • The eggs should look whole, we also check the absence of blood spots, pieces of film and shells of burdock eggs
  • The color of the delicacy must be uniform, with the exception of coho salmon and sockeye

How to choose caviar by weight

  • The best part is that when buying by weight, you can try the product, and this is where you should start.
  • The taste should be pleasant, with a slight bitterness, moderately salty. A sweet and sour taste indicates the presence of a large amount of preservatives, or spoiled products
  • The delicacy from the refrigerator practically does not smell, a slight smell of fish is allowed if you buy sockeye and coho salmon caviar.
  • In appearance, the eggs should be even, not wrinkled. Orange or red (depending on the type of caviar), with one small splash inside (which distinguishes real caviar from artificial caviar). There should not be black and white eggs, the presence of one of these will infect the entire jar within 24 hours
  • When chewing, the eggs should burst easily, a thick shell is a sign of “not fueled grain”. Also, if the product is flowing and there is a lot of liquid in it, it is not worth buying it, this means that it has been defrosted many times.

Since this article was written, the comments have been replenished with useful information. If you have not found the answer to your question, I will be happy to answer it.

Red caviar is a wonderful, tasty and healthy delicacy, the main thing is to be able to choose it correctly. I hope the article didn't scare you, but taught you the right approach to choosing a product. Eat caviar, be healthy, write reviews and ask questions (including on the topic of purchasing a product).