Various greens: types of lettuce. Varieties of green salads

25.09.2019 Desserts and cakes

The variety of green lettuce knows no boundaries: today there are more than a hundred edible types, so anyone can find something to their liking. Here are the 10 most common types of green salad that you can find in almost any supermarket.


One of the most popular salads in the world. It is added to many dishes as a side dish and as a snack. If you've ever dined at an average tourist restaurant in a popular European metropolis, you've definitely tasted an iceberg. This salad is distinguished by large light green crispy juicy leaves and a slightly sweet neutral taste.


Curly leaves batavia you are well aware. We bet this salad is often on your table. However, you may not have known this, since the varieties of such a salad are sold under the most unexpected names (it's a matter of selection), which, meanwhile, do not differ much from each other in taste. Slightly sweet Batavia looks great in sandwiches and lard with nuts and meat.


Lamb grass, as the root is also called, is small leaves collected in small bushes. Spicy-sweet, sometimes with bitterness, they go well with vegetable oils. It is better not to make them the base of the salad - their taste is too bright, but adding them for piquancy to other, more neutral leaves would be the right decision.


Spicy in taste, it perfectly complements popular salad mixes and will look good as an independent side dish for meat, especially beef.


It is not a particularly delicious salad. It tastes insipid, not particularly remarkable, and in general, one might say, even boring. However, for this we love. It gives sandwiches a noticeable freshness, and in other dishes it does not interrupt the tastes of other products.

Green lettuce leaves are a storehouse of vitamins with a minimum of calories. Watercress has an antibacterial effect, lettuce will help replenish iron deficiency, and arugula will strengthen the immune system.

Lollo Rossa

The most delicious of the variants of this salad is the red-leaved one: it has a nutty taste with pronounced mustard notes.


It tastes like spinach and, unlike many other salads, is good not only fresh, but also boiled. Another cute feature of this salad is the bright, red stems.

Chinese cabbage

Cheap and unremarkable salad. On its basis, chefs are not advised to make independent dishes because of the too simple taste, but as an addition to sandwiches, these leaves will be ideal.


It is customary to make Caesar salad from romaine: its spicy leaves make a wonderful company with chicken, croutons and sweet sauce. However, together with other salads, he will also be great friends.


This salad with cute curly yellow-green leaves is often used to decorate dishes. We consider this an oversight - its potential is clearly underestimated - and we advise you to add this bitter salad to fish and meat snacks as a spice.

6 Perfectly Simple and Insanely Delicious Green Leaves Topping


chinese cabbage
iceberg lettuce
feta cheese
green pea
pepper, salt, sugar
provencal herbs
table vinegar

Cut the salads, sprinkle with a teaspoon of sugar, a little salt, pour half a glass of water and add a tablespoon of vinegar. Mix all this thoroughly with your hands, trying to drive the sauce into the leaves. Drain off excess liquid, add peas and chopped feta cheese, stir and season with pepper and Provencal herbs.


any salad mix
cherry tomatoes
olive oil
salt pepper

Tear lettuce leaves with your hands, cut the tomatoes in half, and finely chop the dill. Cut the mozzarella into random cubes. Mix all the ingredients, season with olive oil, salt and pepper.

White beans

any salad mix
white beans (you can take canned)
olive oil
salt, peppercorns
green apples
pine nuts
olive oil
salt pepper

Boil the chicken breast and cut into strips. Grate the peeled carrots and apple on a coarse grater. Cut the peeled orange into slices, which are then cut into quarters. Tear lettuce leaves if they are too large. Mix all ingredients and season with a mixture of olive oil and honey. Season with salt, pepper and stir.


favorite salad mix
salt pepper
olive oil

Cut cucumbers and onions into rings, chop cilantro and dill. Mix all the ingredients with the salad mixture, season with salt and pepper, season with olive oil and stir.

From the point of view of specialists, it is one of the most ancient, often used for food and the most useful plants in the world. This product is not only nutritious, but also has healing properties. Among all low-calorie foods, salad comes first. Leaf lettuce, head lettuce, iceberg, arugula, Peking lettuce - there are a lot of names and types of lettuce, but none of them will yield its palm to other food products in terms of a small amount of calories and a high content of nutrients.

Today we would like to talk on the topic: "Lettuce leaves: benefits and harms", to discuss important issues regarding the properties of the product, its composition, calorie content, healing qualities, contraindications, etc.

Lettuce leaves are a versatile product. Its beneficial properties

I would like to start with the topic "Lettuce leaves: benefits and harms, useful properties." Lettuce leaves can be safely called a universal food product. Its distinctive feature is that it is available at any time of the year. You can eat lettuce from early spring to late autumn. It is grown independently in the garden beds, bought in grocery stores. Access to the product is open all year round, and the price does not change much depending on the season, which significantly saves money in the wallet and is a big plus.

Lettuce leaves are used not only in the form of salads, but also as a kind of light side dish for fish and meat dishes. And how beautiful salad leaves look on a plate, actively complementing and diluting the color scheme of the main dish!

Lettuce leaves have a number of beneficial properties and qualities. They contain a huge amount of trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Eating lettuce leaves normalizes the immune system and lowers blood pressure.

Continuing the theme: "Lettuce leaves: benefits and harms, properties" I would like to note that this product is recognized as indispensable for people suffering from insomnia. The leaves contain a substance such as the glycosoid lactucin, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has soothing and relaxing properties.

The high potassium content helps to normalize blood pressure. As a rule, the pressure jumps for those who seek to defeat those extra pounds. Some dietary foods have a negative effect on the functioning of the body in general and the cardiovascular system in particular. But lettuce leaves, the benefits and harms of which have been discussed by nutritionists for a long time, are recognized as a safe product for the heart and arteries. In addition, thanks to the low they are great for those who have decided to lose weight. They can be consumed in large quantities, get a feeling of fullness quickly, add trace elements and vitamins to your body. At the same time, do not add extra pounds at all.

Lettuce leaves and colds

The next topic that I would like to touch on: "Lettuce leaves: benefits and harms for the body, help in the fight against diseases." Few people know, but lettuce is an excellent immune-boosting agent and helps to cope with colds. Eating this product contributes to the fastest recovery, an easier course of the disease, a reduced manifestation of sedimentary phenomena in the bronchi, a decrease in cough, etc.

If lettuce leaves, the benefits and harms of which are discussed by us today, are mixed with lemon juice, then you get an excellent tool for strengthening the immune system. By the way, they already contain a fairly large amount of vitamin C. By consuming lettuce leaves with lemon juice at least once a day, you can defeat the flu and SARS much faster.

Lettuce Leaves and Vitamin Richness

Now let's touch on the topic: "Lettuce leaves - benefits and harms - composition." The vitamin content contained in lettuce is quite high. For example, vitamin C, as we have said, helps fight viral diseases. Vitamin K takes an active part in the work of the circulatory system. It helps regulate blood clotting. Vitamin A found in the product has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision. By the way, experts advise more often to combine green salad leaves and carrots or beets. Such a combination will not only normalize the work of the optic nerves, restore vision, soothe eyes tired during the day, but also help prevent atherosclerosis.

Experts also advise children to eat salad leaves. They contain large amounts of fluoride, calcium and potassium, as well as iron. All these substances, as you know, are essential for the normal growth and development of the child's musculoskeletal system.

Effects on the liver and digestive organs

Very often, doctors do not recommend eating lettuce leaves for patients suffering from liver and digestive tract diseases. So, the next topic for discussion: "Lettuce leaves: benefits and harms for the liver and digestive organs." There is no doubt that this product has a number of beneficial qualities and properties. However, lettuce is not recommended for people who suffer from liver diseases, suffer from gastritis, duodenitis, colitis or duodenal ulcer.

Limiting the consumption of lettuce leaves is also necessary for people who have stomach ailments, urolithiasis or gout.

Remember that all foods should be eaten in moderation. If you want (despite the presence of the disease) to try lettuce leaves, then try to eat a small amount of them. Do not use them alone, combine them with side dishes, fish and meat dishes.

Slimming and leafy vegetable

Surely most of you associate salad leaves with losing weight young ladies. If so, then it's time to talk on the topic: "Lettuce leaves: the benefits and harms to the health of losing weight." Undoubtedly, this product is very low in calories and can be eaten in large quantities. But it is worth remembering about contraindications and restrictions associated with health conditions. If there are none, then feel free to run to make a salad from salad.

You did the right thing if, after going on a diet, you decided to consume large quantities of lettuce leaves. The health benefits and harms are varied here. But there are still much more positive qualities and properties than negative ones. If you eat salad often, your body will not be prone to the formation of fatty deposits, the accumulation of cholesterol and the appearance of cholesterol plaques. The folic acid and B vitamins it contains will not allow this.

The work of the digestive tract is also normalized. And, as you know, for everyone who is on a diet, failures in this area are not uncommon.

By the way, lettuce leaves, the benefits and harms, the beneficial substances and properties of which we are discussing today, are real helpers to the body of losing weight. They contribute to the rapid saturation and accelerated absorption of nutrients contained in other foods.

List of vitamins contained in lettuce

So, we have already talked separately about those beneficial substances that are contained in lettuce leaves. Now let's summarize the topic: "Lettuce leaves: benefits and harms, vitamin content", listing the main ones. We will also give a brief description of the work of substances.

  • Vitamin A (positive effect on the organs of vision).
  • B vitamins (victory over cholesterol, strengthening the immune system, normalizing the functioning of the digestive system).
  • Vitamin C (strengthening immunity in children, helping in the fight against colds and viral diseases).
  • Vitamin E (help in the treatment of anemia, normalization of the functioning of the hematopoietic organs).
  • Vitamins PP, K, H (normalize lipid-fat metabolism, promote weight loss, reduce the risk of bowel problems, diarrhea).

Trace elements contained in lettuce:

  • Potassium and magnesium.
  • Phosphorus and Calcium.
  • Chlorine and sodium.
  • Copper and Selenium.
  • Zinc and manganese.
  • Beta carotene.
  • The alkaloid lactucin.
  • Lutein.

Experts say lettuce leaves are one of the few foods that have a "star" composition. They contain so many substances beneficial to human health that their benefits to the body are endless.

Benefits and harms for pregnant women

Having talked about the benefits in general, I would like to touch specifically on men's and women's health. Let's start with the fair sex. Let's discuss a very important topic: "Lettuce leaves during pregnancy: benefits and harms."

As you know, pregnant women must very strictly monitor their diet and choose the right foods. Experts advise expectant mothers to include lettuce leaves in their diet. These products have a positive effect on the normalization of the emotional state of the pregnant woman, contribute to the full and correct intrauterine development of the fetus. Folic acid in the salad helps to avoid premature birth, miscarriages and the appearance of defects in the fetus. The calcium in lettuce leaves helps build a strong skeletal system, and protein is an excellent building block for the muscular system.

As a rule, in pregnant women, hormonal levels are very disturbed. So, the frequent use of lettuce leaves will help to normalize and stabilize it. During the rampage of hormones in pregnant women, nails, hair and skin are damaged. The substances contained in lettuce will help to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, nullify the appearance of acne, eliminate dry skin, strengthen the nail plate, reduce hair loss, etc.

Women who have already become happy mothers should also not forget about lettuce leaves in their diet. Their constant use contributes to lactation, an increase in the amount of milk.

Lettuce leaves, in addition, help fight gynecological diseases, are the prevention of the appearance of cancers in the breast.

Lettuce leaves and men's health

As we have already said, the rich vitamin composition of the product helps in the treatment of many diseases. Men, who often suffer from rapid fatigue and reduced immunity, simply have to include lettuce in their diet.

In addition, vitamins and minerals help the production of testosterone, reduce the risk of problems with the genitourinary system, ensure the production of a sufficient amount of sperm, and blood flow to the male genital organ. Frequent consumption of salad helps to normalize hormones and relieves problems with potency.

Men who are actively involved in sports, lift large weights and run in the morning, simply have to eat. The set of vitamins that make up it helps to maintain water metabolism, grow and strengthen muscle mass, and lose weight.

Well, a green leafy vegetable for balding men is simply irreplaceable. Infusion of lettuce leaves and seeds helps to get rid of baldness, to acquire thick luxurious hair. The tincture penetrates deeply into the scalp, normalizes the sebaceous glands, nourishes the hair roots, and is an excellent remedy for the prevention of baldness.

Daily rate, calorie content

So, we have already discussed all the important topics, figured out what are the benefits and harms of eating lettuce. It remains to talk about the daily rate and calorie content of this product.

If we talk about the nutrition of children, then babies under twelve years old are recommended to eat 50 grams of salad a day. Adults should double this figure. If you don't have a home kitchen scale, what should you do? Measure finely torn salad in cups or mugs. One hundred grams of lettuce is a small bowl or two standard glasses from which you drink tea in the morning.

Lettuce leaves are low-calorie foods. On average, one hundred grams of the product contains twelve calories. This figure can change several points back and forth depending on the type of salad. One hundred grams of lettuce also contains about 1.5 grams of protein, 0.12 grams of fat, 2.9 grams of carbohydrates, 1.5 grams of fiber and dietary fiber, 0.7 grams of sugar. As we can see, the vegetable contains very small amounts of carbohydrates and fats. All its calories are formed from sugar and protein.

It would seem how a small green leaf can contain so many nutrients, vitamins, microelements? It helps in the fight against diseases, makes overweight slim, assists pregnant women while carrying a baby, and helps young mothers in feeding babies. The mystery of nature ... But the fact remains. Lettuce is the most useful food product that must be consumed by both children and adult men and women.

The interest in healthy eating has breathed new life into the ancient culture of leafy vegetables. They are easy to grow, miraculously useful, but ... are so well forgotten that the seed growers themselves do not always understand which varieties are sold under one name or another.

The undisputed leader among leafy vegetables - vegetable salad (Lactuca sativa). There are already more than two hundred varieties of this crop in the State Register of Breeding Achievements, and breeders are working hard not only on new varieties, but also on fundamentally new varieties. Growing them is a pleasure, you just need to take into account some features.

Disruptive varieties - varieties that are suitable for gradual harvesting. The outer leaves of the rosette can be plucked by breaking off one at a time, the young ones in the center can be left to grow.

Cutting varieties - are removed in one step, by cutting a head of cabbage or rosettes.

Baby bodice - a special type of vegetable product, young small leaves of lettuce and other leafy vegetables, as well as their mixtures. For the baby-leaf culture, species and varieties are preferred that form a compact rosette, which, when cut, breaks up into medium-sized individual leaves - such varieties give less waste when cut.

How to grow leafy varieties

Sow them in small batches before winter (), then (under the film) and from the beginning of May - in open ground, at intervals of about 20 days, until August. In May, you can use leafy salads as a compacting crop: sow several seeds in between plantings of tomatoes, cucumbers and other heat-loving vegetables (you will have time to grow and remove the salad before the main crop grows). Harvesting of leafy salads usually begins 40-50 days after sowing, at the stage of 5-7 leaves. However, they are healthy and tasty even before they reach marketable ripeness. But letting them stand on the vine, delaying the harvest, is impossible: the leaves become coarse and begin to taste bitter. To delay this moment, thin out the seedlings in time (you can selectively harvest young rosettes), leaving at least 5-6 cm between neighboring plants. The freer the lettuce grows, the later it begins to "go into the arrow" and become bitter. It is rarely written on the seed packages what grade type the variety you bought belongs to, but this is easy to determine by its appearance.

The best time to harvest the sowing lettuce is in the morning, after the dew dries, when the maximum of nutrients accumulates in the leaves. Do not remove the salad intended for storage after watering: moisture trapped in the center of the outlet should dry out while the plant is "on the vine." When torn off, wet leaves immediately deteriorate.

Batavia... The most common and unpretentious type of lettuce is disruptive. Leaves are entire, usually light green in color. They tolerate high temperatures well, are quite resistant to lack of light, suitable for growing in hydroponics and in the open field throughout the summer. They can be grown not only in the garden: if you want to try growing salad on the windowsill, take varieties of this particular group. If sown at the end of winter, a small harvest of leaves can be obtained even without supplementary lighting, although the rosettes will not reach the same size as in the garden.

Examples of varieties: Leafly, Risotto, Fanley, Fan-time, Afitsion, Lancelot, Orpheus, Geyser, Boston, Dachny, Yeralash.

Lollo-rosso - Delicate break-away varieties with strongly wavy blistery leaves. They are characterized by fast growth: if you harvest once a week, it is better to harvest "under-catch" than to postpone harvesting for several days. Many varieties are resistant to shooting, suitable for growing in the garden all summer. Used to add volume to dishes, good in light salads. These include not only the famous variety Lollo-rosso, which gave the name to the whole group, and its green variety Lollo Bionda, and Revolution, Relay, Eurydice.

Oaky salad - a family of varieties with lobed, oak-like leaves. Differs in good resistance to and delicate taste, does not taste bitter, but it does not matter when stored. Recommended for sowing throughout spring and summer ("green conveyor").

Varieties: Amorik, Creed, Riviera, Dubachek.

Small-leaved salads, baby salads - a breeding innovation, not officially considered a separate variety type. Of the currently known developments, cut salads can be attributed to them. Salanovaand Easy bodiceintended for the production of baby-bodice products. They form squat rosettes with medium-sized oily or crunchy leaves, in some varieties, strongly dissected. In the professional market, the seeds of these salads are offered by Dutch companies. Enza Zaden (Easy bodice) and Rijk Zwaan (Salanova)... The latter are positioning their varieties as salads of varieties batavia, lollo-rosso, cabbage, united by a common characteristic: compact socket shape. Seed mixtures of this type can also be found in retail bags labeled "baby salad".

How to grow cabbage salads

They are sown at the same time as leafy ones, but a separate area should be allocated for the head lettuce (it is inconvenient as a compacting crop) and twice during cultivation: when two true leaves appear, leave 5-6 cm between shoots, after 5-6 weeks after germination, increase the distance between adjacent rosettes to 25 cm. Harvesting is carried out by cutting off the entire head of cabbage 50-80 (100) days after germination (when the head is formed). Cabbage salads are stored better than leafy ones.

Oily leaf varieties prevail in the head group. They have a delicate freshish taste, they are eaten not only raw, but also boiled or stewed. Varieties: 4 Seasons, Attraction, Berlin Yellow, Danko.

Crisp-leaved varieties are much more compact. They form denser, juicy, crunchy, sweetish heads of cabbage, are stored better than tender oily varieties. Varieties: Ice Queen, Vanguard, Great Lakes.


Its loose elongated head of cabbage is formed artificially. Stores well. It is advisable to grow it for autumn consumption. Sowing is carried out in July, c. 3-4 weeks after the emergence of seedlings in the beds, freed from early vegetables (distance between plants 15 cm). If, by the time of sowing, the place for the salad has already been vacated, you can sow it directly into the ridges with. Approximately 2 months after sowing, a warm sunny day is chosen (the leaves must be absolutely dry), the leaves of the rosette are raised and tied at the top, wrapping it dark. In this form, the plants should stand for about 2 weeks. During this time, the leaves are rolled into a head of cabbage and bleached from them. Cut heads can be stored in the vegetable section of the refrigerator for more than a month. Some of the plants can be dug up, transplanted into pots and kept in a cool room, where they will remain fresh until winter.

Varieties: Adamant, Roger, Stanislav, Dandy, Remus.

Uysun, or asparagus salad

Grown for the sake of a juicy stem, which is eaten stewed, salted or pickled. The stem is better formed in a short day, so you need to sow in mid-April under a film. Uysun seeds are rare and still expensive, therefore they are grown through seedlings: in mid-May, plants are planted in beds with an interval of 50-70 cm. Leaves, as soon as they reach 15-20 cm in length, and side shoots from the plants are removed to induce. Uysun is harvested in the budding phase, and to remove the bitterness from the stems, they are slightly dried before cooking. So far, one Russian cultivar has been registered: Svetlana.

You can learn about other leafy vegetables from the article. .

These juicy leaves contain vitamins of all groups, a large amount of trace elements

Do not underestimate the beneficial properties of green salads and take them only as a decoration for festive dishes. These juicy leaves contain vitamins of all groups, a large amount of trace elements (iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium), easily digestible proteins and fiber, and no fat at all.

Top favorite leafy salads and greens

Lettuce salad

Delicate curly leaves grow in a rosette and have a mild insipid taste. They are easily deformed and wither quickly, so lettuce is used fresh, tearing the leaves with your hands, it is better to season it with light sauces based on olive oil. This is one of the most ancient types of lettuce; many types of leafy lettuce are its direct descendants.

Head lettuce

The leaves are similar in appearance to regular lettuce, but they are collected in small, round cabbage-like heads of cabbage. Lettuce leaves are very delicate, so they are not cut, but torn by hand or even put in a dish whole.

Iceberg, ice salad

It looks like a small dense cabbage with light green leaves. Scientifically, this head salad is called crispheads - "crispy heads", and, indeed, the iceberg is very crunchy. The salad does not have a pronounced taste, so it goes well with more spicy varieties of greens.

It was bred by farmers in California in the 20s of the last century, the delicate salad was transported to neighboring states, sprinkled with crushed ice on the heads of cabbage, hence the name "ice salad" or "iceberg".

Romaine, Romano, Roman salad

Large loose elongated heads of cabbage up to 30 cm long with very crispy white-green leaves. The taste of Roman lettuce leaves is slightly spicy and very juicy; lettuce regulates water metabolism well and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Chicory salad

Juicy white-yellow or greenish leaves, collected in oblong heads of cabbage 15-20 cm long, have a bitter taste. Chicory is grown in the dark to keep the leaves light; the greener the chicory leaves, the more bitterness they contain. To taste, it goes well with spicy herbs, and the shape of the dense leaves resembles boats, so they are often used as plates for salads.

Radicchio, red chicory

Small heads of cabbage are white-pink to deep purple and dark red with white veins. The leaves look very decorative, they are used fresh, mixed with other types of lettuce. On the taste of radicchio is quite bitter, therefore, dressings with honey, citrus or fruit juice are suitable.

Endive, Frize

Head salads with a specific bitter taste... The broadleaf endive is called escarole and tastes similar to its ancestor, chicory. Frize is a curly endive with very beautiful carved leaves. All varieties of endive are grown in the dark to enhance the production of a special substance called intibin, which gives the leaves a bitter taste and improves appetite. As the lettuce grows, its leaves are tied together to keep the core soft and light, and the tips of the leaves take on a bright hue. Delicate bitterness and fresh taste of endive and frieze go well with citrus fruits and garlic.

Oaklif, oak salad

This variety gets its name from the fact that it resembles oak leaves in shape. There are varieties with green and red-green leaves. The delicate, slightly nutty taste of this salad should not be clogged with too spicy dressings. The salad goes well with avocado. These leaves are very tender and should be consumed immediately because they wilt very quickly.

Lollo Rosso, red lettuce

This Italian lettuce variety is based on lettuce, but its curly leaves are vibrantly colored with a green and burgundy tint. The taste is quite intense with a slight bitterness.

Lollo biondo

Another green leafy salad, this descendant of lettuce is similar to lollo-rosso, but the leaves are white-green, they are collected in loose rosettes. These leaves have a slight bitterness and go well with dressings with lemon juice.


Lettuce, very similar to lettuce, but with corrugated leaves with sharp tips. It is often sold in pots as the delicate crispy leaves wither quickly. You can use frillis in all recipes instead of an iceberg.

Corn, field salad, mung bean salad

These small dark green leaves with a slight sheen, collected in small "roses", in ancient Rome were considered an aphrodisiac. They have a delicate aroma and a light spicy and slightly tart taste that goes well with onions, nuts, citrus fruits.


It looks and tastes like a root, but its leaves are smaller, and the taste is spicier and sharper. It is not clear to whom and for what reasons it occurred to him to call him "the bedbug sowing", but it was under this unappetizing name that he was known in Russia. Fresh garden cress is added to salads.


Arugula leaves look like dandelion greens. The most delicious young leaves, which are plucked in spring and early summer, they give salads and snacks a spicy taste with a nutty-peppery flavor. Spicy leaves with a sour-pungent taste and a high content of mustard oils have been very popular in the Mediterranean region for a long time, they go well with tomatoes and garlic.

Other salad greens

Chinese cabbage

This plant belongs to the cabbage family, but is often used as a salad. There are cabbage and leaf forms. Heads of cabbage with juicy crispy leaves with a neutral taste are used in salads in combination with other herbs.


Only young leaves are used for food, which have a bitter taste and go well with neutral varieties of salads and vegetables. Peanut butter or lemon juice works well for dressing.


Young spinach leaves are very tender and almost tasteless, while mature leaves acquire a dense structure and a pleasant light taste. Fresh, these crunchy leaves are used in salads, cocktails, with nuts.


Young leaves can be added to salads along with spinach, aromatic herbs, fresh vegetables.

Chard, beetroot

A variety of beets in which the stems and leaves are edible rather than the rhizome. This ancient plant was cultivated in Babylon, it has very decorative rosettes of large colored leaves of an even or wavy shape. Young leaves are added to green salads.

Pak Choi, Chinese cabbage

It is a relative of Swiss chard and is popular in Asian cuisine. The head of cabbage consists of thick, juicy leaves with a white base that tastes like Peking cabbage, but juicier and pungent, and dark green tips with a tart taste. The tips of the leaves are torn, and the white part is cut into strips and seasoned with hot, spicy sauces.

Salads in cooking

Do not underestimate the beneficial properties of green salads and take them only as a decoration for festive dishes. These succulent leaves contain vitamins of all groups, a large amount of trace elements (iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium), easily digestible proteins and fiber, and no fat at all.

100 g of salad contains only 13 calories! An ideal product for those who care about health and preserve their figure. And if it seems to you that green salad is boring, take a look at this chic assortment, turn on your imagination and experiment, because all types of salads go well with each other and with dozens of other products! A great company for salads - fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds, citrus fruits.published

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

A salad is called a one- or two-year-old garden culture of the family Compositae... Information that the salad was eaten is found in documents describing the existence of the ancient Roman Empire, until that time the salad was grown for the sake of seeds, from which oil was squeezed out. Historically, the exact geographic place of origin of the first types of lettuce has not been established.

Lettuce has many varieties, the most common, leafy lettuce, has long tender shoots in the form of oak leaves, light green (light green) color. Lettuce leaves are juicy, crunchy, with a fresh smell, can vary in shape and quantity, located on one root or head of cabbage.

Calorie content of salad

The calorie content of the salad is 12 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The salad has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, which contains: vitamins, as well as,. The product contains coarse dietary fiber, which helps to improve digestion, normalize intestinal motility, fill the volume of the stomach and, without being digested, are excreted, collecting mucus and toxins from the intestinal walls. Substance lactucin, belonging to the group of alkaloids, not only gives the salad a bitterness, but also actively reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Eating lettuce leaves will help improve the condition of hair and nails, has a beneficial effect on the skin, improves memory, vision and is a prevention against the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

Despite the beneficial properties of lettuce, it can be harmful to the body.

Salad harm

The reasons for reducing the consumption of lettuce are the presence of diseases such as gout, colitis and enterocolitis, urolithiasis, hepatitis. Due to the high content of oxalic acid, you should limit the use of the product for kidney disease.

Lettuce is a unique product for those who control weight. Eating a large bowl of lettuce leaves a full stomach and a minimum of calories (calorizator). Of course, salad in its pure form does not give a feeling of fullness, so it is combined with other vegetables or protein foods. You can, without adhering to special diets, eat a portion of lettuce leaves for lunch or dinner every day, thereby ensuring regular bowel movements, healthy peristalsis and burning of fat accumulations. Diets or, for example, recommend the daily use of lettuce leaves in the diet.

Selection and storage of salad

When choosing a salad, you need to pay attention to its appearance - the juiciness and greenness of the leaves, their elasticity, integrity and the absence of rot, dark spots. Salad is often sold with roots or in pots, such a product retains its freshness longer, but in any case, a visual inspection must be carried out carefully.

Cooking salad

The name of the product speaks for itself, most often the salad is used in salads. Even if it is a mixture of different types of lettuce leaves and an elementary dressing from any aromatic oil -,