What does a Korean grater look like. Tyrka for Korean carrot Borner "ROKO"

09.02.2021 Healthy nutrition

I think many loved a simple and easy dish - Carrot in Korean. And we all know to cook her at home, you need a good grater. For this below, I am a list of the best carms for cooking in Korean.

Grater "Roco".

Very comfortable grater, which is called "rock".

Her convenience is that it is light, takes little space, and her blades have enough sharp. The advantage is the graters in the fact that other vegetables can be rubbed, on this grater, that is, it is essentially multifunctional. If you rub the cabbage, it cuts into a shallow crumb, if onions, then a small baby will come out, this is suitable, for example for a kitlet. Long and thin straw grind carrots, beets, zucchini, dycon. It is necessary to rub on directions from yourself. It is still necessary to take into account the fact that the longer the vegetable, the longer the straw will be. If you place carrots in a vertical position, it will be very short straw, it will be suitable, for example, for the patch. In the general functions, this grater is much and is suitable not only for carrots. But the price is also not small - 820 rubles. Personally, I believe that it is expensive for a grater of plastic. If for someone it matters, then sold in four colors, like on the picture orange, red, green and purple.

Cheap alternative.

But I grew up shopping found a cheap alternative, there are almost the same grater for 76 rubles, for 199 rubles. They differ in quality. At the grater for 76 rubles, the blades are not so acute and plastic is not so durable, the grater for 199 rubles is higher. Personally, I bought a grater for 199 rubles and I use it for the second month, while everything is going on and rubs well.

This is a carrot grater. Very comfortable device, but there are a number of minuses. First, rub on it for a long time, but if you prepare only for yourself, then this is the most ideal device. Secondly because of non-accuracy can be cut. To cut the carrot you just need to spend it and that's it. There are also many advantages, for example, the fact that the grater-knife takes a little space and it is cheap. It costs about 120-250 rubles. The price depends on the store where you take, prices are different. But I can say that a quality thing, a friend enjoys the third month of claims yet. Moreover, she said that it uses a grater-knife not only for carrots, as well as for apples, for cucumbers, for potatoes (prepares Dranians).

"Fashionable" grater for vegetables (suitable for carrots).

Fashionable I call it because it caused a large excitement in the market of such goods. She is rather high enough. About 800-1500 rubles. Depends on the quality, firm and sizes. Familiar say that it is very convenient (I myself personally did not try it in business), I also told me that you can cut vegetables in 5 minutes. From this we can conclude that it is very effective in use. Minus that it is hard to wash and minus that it takes more space than the graters above. But for whom it does not matter (in the dishwasher, it is poorly washed away), he can safely buy.

Personally, I believe that it cuts too large and thick, well, it also depends on taste. Personally, I prefer small carrot in Korean. But because of this, I can not call this invention bad, as not to twist it is interesting, effectively and practical.

Carrots for carrots are different, in different price categories and different "abilities." But the most practical I would call the first grater for those who do not want to spend a lot of money (I mean alternative options). The second grater-knife is practical for those who live alone. The third grater is practical for those who are preparing a lot and are ready to spend (well, and thoroughly wash for 15 minutes) to the grater.

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What do terks for Korean carrot look like and work.

Now there are quite a variety of devices in stores that facilitate the life of each mistress. Many women in the kitchen have a combine and vegetable cutters. But such devices are ideal if you need to grind or grace a lot of products, as we wash the technique for a long time and painstaking. That is why manual vegetables and graters are often used.

Korean Carrot Areas:

  • Mechanical. This is a budget option that is a container with a lid. There is a handle on the lid, when the nozzle is rotated and the carrots are spinning.
  • Manual. This is an ordinary grater. It can be flat or in the form of a square. At the same time, each side has a different cell size. There are also graters with covers. The container itself is made of plastic, and a metal grater is on the lid. When grinding, vegetables fall inside the tank.
  • Electric. Reminds the meat grinder. This is a device with a rotating mechanism, motor and nozzles. Frequently applied graters for Korean carrots in kitchen combines.
What does a manual grater look like on Aliexpress for Korean carrots, with what she nozzles: catalog, photo
What does a manual grater look like on Aliexpress for Korean carrots, with what she nozzles: catalog, photo
What does a manual grater look like on Aliexpress for Korean carrots, with what she nozzles: catalog, photo

What does a mechanical grater look like for Aliexpress for Korean carrots: catalog, photo

Mechanical grater - inexpensive device. This is a pretty device with a handle that rotates, while the nozzle is fixed. Only the handle and carrots rotate. Often, such devices are complemented by retainers for vegetable. Often, mechanical devices are represented by plastic bowls with a lid. In the middle of the lid there is a handle, when rotating which the vegetable is rotated and its grinding.

What does a mechanical grater look like to Aliexpress for Korean carrots: catalog, photo What a mechanical grater looks like an aliexpress for Korean carrots: catalog, photo

This is an excellent device that is a housing with a metal plate with holes. In this case, the device is often equipped with knives, with which the grater relies on the board. In order for the process to occur rather quickly, the grains are complemented by holders for plastic vegetables. This will not make hands. The main feature of the goods is very sharp nozzles. In the times of the Soviet Union, bobban shots were made for this principle. The blade of the nozzle is made of hardened steel, which is sharpened using a laser.

What does a professional grater look like for Aliexpress for Korean carrots: catalog, photo
What does a professional grater look like for Aliexpress for Korean carrots: catalog, photo

Electric grater is nothing more than a meat grinder, only with special nozzles. It can work from a network or from batteries. There are also models charging from the network using a USB cable. This device is operated using an electric motor that rotates the shaft.

You can also purchase a combine, it is also supplemented with a large number of terkons and nozzles. Such devices will help to crush a large number of carrots and vegetables in a few seconds. Such an adaptation is simply indispensable during summer billets.

What does electric grater look like for Aliexpress for Korean carrots: catalog, photo
What does electric grater look like for Aliexpress for Korean carrots: catalog, photo
What does electric grater look like for Aliexpress for Korean carrots: catalog, photo

Of course, before purchasing a grater, it is necessary to decide on the budget and functions. The most inexpensive are manual models that are powered by force. These are the most ordinary graters.

Features of choosing Terok:

  • The most optimal in the ratio of price - the quality is mechanical grabs. They are powered by a rotating mechanism.
  • If you still have a decent budget, then you should purchase an electrical apparatus. In seconds, it turns the carrots in a neat straw.
  • Also worth seeking professional graves. They are not mechanical, but thanks to very sharp nozzles make it possible to turn vegetables into a thin chips.

Which grater for Korean carrots is better for Aliexpress: how to choose and buy?

Some special manipulations to activate the grater, it is not necessary to conduct. It is enough just to press the vegetable to the grater and spend it up and down. Also need to pressed. To actuate the mechanical grater you need to rotate the handle. Learn more about how to use the Korean Carrot Terka can be viewed in the video.

Aliexpress is an excellent platform for the purchase of goods for home and clothing. Here the price for such products is quite low, which allows you to save.

Video: Core for Korean Carrot

Korean grater is a device for grinding products. She received his unusual name. The fact is that initially it was precisely with the help of such a device, it was customary to prepare the famous Korean carrot. What represents this device and what kind of varieties exist?

Special grater

The success of any salad depends largely on how correctly the ingredients necessary for it are prepared. Take, for example, the well-known Korean carrot. The peculiarity of this dish lies in the fact that its main component needs to be chopped in the form of straws with a thickness of no more than 1.6 millimeters. It is almost impossible to make it an ordinary knife. Therefore, specialists created a special Korean grater. With its help, in a few minutes, fresh and juicy carrots can be turned into a handful of neat thin straw. Depending on the processing method, the Korean grater may be:

  1. Manual.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Electric.

Each of these options has its own characteristics. The hostess remains only to choose exactly the device that it will work as comfortably as possible. For example, the simplest manual grater is the basis of a rectangular shape made of durable plastic, on which metal nozzles are fixed in the middle.

Externally, it is very similar to the cabbage batch. The principle of operation of such a device is extremely simple. The grater must be placed over the plate and hold it with one hand, and the other move the carrot along the basics, tightly pressing it to the surface. Cutting the product occurs at the time of passing through the nozzles.

Device for professionals

If specialists need a Korean grater, then they prefer to use the device as convenient as possible for work. In order to dry the carrots during the cutting on the table in different directions, you can use an advanced manual option. Its difference is that the device is additionally equipped with a special container for collecting the finished product. It is usually made of transparent plastic to be able to control the moment of filling. The principle of operation remains the same. The crushed product is gradually assembled inside the container. After the end of the work, the grater should be simply removed and pouring a crushed carrot to a plate. This device is very convenient for cutting minor portions. Professional cooks sometimes use such a fixture for grinding not only carrots, but also other vegetables. Of them make original salads or used as decoration other dishes.

Original execution

Sometimes there are not a completely ordinary grater for Korean carrots in the shops. Photos of such a device can be misleading. After all, externally, it resembles ordinary vegetative. The device consists of a curly handle and a double cutting nozzle. How does such a grater work for Korean carrots? The photo makes it possible to see the essence of the process.

In this case, the principle of operation of the device is completely different. Vegetable must be kept tight in one hand. Previously, it, of course, must be cleaned. The grater should be taken to another hand. Making progressive movements, cut a thin layer from the surface of the vegetable. In this case, the product must be periodically rotated around its axis. So the grinding process will pass more evenly. The work of such a grater requires a person minimal labor. Slicing the product is made easy by pressing. In this case, the hands are completely not tired. Such a grater can be used even for the preparation of fries, as well as grinding other vegetables and some fruits (apples, pears).

Cutting spiral

There is another interesting hand grater for Korean carrots, the photo of which is more like the hourglass. This is a rather original chopper. Making the simplest action, with its help you can have any vegetable with a dense structure (carrots, potatoes, eggplant, beets, radishes and others) cut into a thin spiral.

Make it easy. Just insert the product into the hole and scroll several times. Due to the sharp steel knives located in the side of the case, the vegetable is cut in the form of an openwork spiral. The process is very similar to the sharpening pencils. The advantages of such an appliance are obvious:

  1. It is very easy to handle. Even a child will cope with such a device.
  2. The apparatus is made of durable food plastic resistant to high temperatures. It can even put in the dishwasher.
  3. Knives are made of stainless steel. This explains their strength and durability.

Any hostess can only dream so that her kitchen has such a grater for Korean carrots. The photo of the device clearly demonstrate all its positive characteristics.

Mechanization of the process

Man always seeks to ease his job. Therefore, it is not surprising that with time a mechanical Korean grater appeared on sale. The photo shows that the device consists of three parts:

  1. Case. It is usually equipped with legs with non-slip nozzles. In the upper part there is a loading capacity in which the source product is placed.
  2. Cutting nozzle with holes. It can be performed in the form of a disc or drum.
  3. The handle that rotates the shaft. From it is driven by nozzle.

For cutting of vegetables with such an instrument, you must perform several simple actions:

  • the purified product is cut into large pieces and place them in the bootable container;
  • make rotary movements with a handle.

As a result, the source product enters the cutting nozzle and is crushed on the workpiece, the appearance of which depends on the shape and size of the holes. With such a typewriter, cooked carrots in Korean will not be a lot of work.

Electric grater

To work with large volumes, you will need a device that will minimize the enclosed physical effort. For example, in the fall, when it comes to the workpieces, such a device is simply necessary for the farm. But before proceeding to work, it is necessary to study its device and figure out how to use a terk for Korean carrots.

On the principle of action, such a model resembles a mechanical apparatus. The difference consists only that it is driven by no hands, but from the mains. The hostess remains only to put vegetables into the boot funnel and click the Start button. The rest of the car will do it yourself. Sometimes such devices are included with containers for collecting finished products. In addition to convenience, such an addition helps to always maintain order in the kitchen. For a good mistress, this is very important. Such "shredders" is also used in catering establishments, which produces a large number of vegetables.

- Not bad, but there are subtleties.

Advantages: The shape of the carrot strips is obtained, it is easy to clean.

Disadvantages: need to rub correctly.

I am a big lover not only to eat, but also cook. I love all sorts of salad and I always wondered: how can you drink such neat stripes for carrots in Korean.

I began to look for such a cooler and it turned out that there are similar devices, but they don't stand in mostly expensive.

Found one cooler in the average price category - 150 rubles. It was released under the Multidom brand.

She stands in an inexpensive and promise that she rubs the carrots in Korean, also attended.

It turned out that any cooler cut carrots in Korean only when this carrot move parallel to the grater with long, non-tear-off movements.
Since carrots are not a thick vegetable, it becomes immediately clear that there is a danger to cut your fingers. And if you cut across, it turns out such a result: the type of straw is similar to the one we need, but all the elements are short.

Everything else on this grater, it can be said, it does not work: other vegetables - potatoes for danks, radish, beets or cheese - all this will just crumble or appear in some pieces. Only apples are well cut, but if they are solid varieties.
But still, as a result, the salad acquires a decent look: beautiful and better than cutting with a knife.

Tyrka for Korean carrot Borner "ROKO".

Cheap Tyrka did not particularly justify himself, now it will be about the grater that is produced under the Borner brand - this is a German manufacturer. There is already 750 rubles.
But there is no big difference. It turned out to be all the same - so that such a grater rubbed the long carrot strips, you need some kind of container in the size of this grater. Probably, it is better to buy this device at once with a capacity and with some holder, in which carrots are inserted to protect your hands.

A rubbed vegetable definitely should be long: the longer the carrots will be, the more likely to grasp good thin stripes. The rubbing technique should be well mastered and rehearsed: it is necessary to carry out on knives in one direction, and it is not backward, but only from myself.

With the task of the twinkle cope, only perhaps too thinly rubs, it would be even thorough. Here is such a straw after this grater. An instruction is attached to it, where in the form of graphic patterns and using the text shows and described how to work properly.

You can still consider the coat of prof - Nikis - it is inexpensive, the price is about 50 rubles, but she has a blade not very sharp and need to apply more physical effort. In essence, the blades are not fulleged at all, but just iron. The hull is made of bright orange plastic, but low quality: it is expected, because products are cheap, so it is clear that nothing good will not be here. With a strong pressure, plastic begins.

Tyrka of the Belarusian production of the country. In addition to serious muscular efforts, it is easy to use it, only in the process of work knives are clogged - often you have to stop and clean the surface of the grater from grated vegetables. But straw is still it turns out: True, pieces are short. Surely, the reason is that I am also not as needed. I did not use any auxiliary tanks: worked on a cutting board.

All ferrics for carrots in Korean require a certain technique of work. If you learn how to rub as you need, almost any chicks come true. It is advisable to purchase the one to which the container for rubbed vegetables and some kind of appointment to hold vegetables in the process to turn out the fingers.

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As it is very easy to grate carrots on a regular grater, for salad or soup. Disc-Grater Carrot in Korean for Kitchen Combine How to chop carrots straw / master class from chef / Ilya Lazison / Lunch Cleaning Fantastic cutting of carrots Korean carrots. Just, tasty, useful.