Dry nuts of the USSR. What is included in dry missions of the Russian army

29.03.2021 Buffet table

Dry Paja, Individual diet (IRP) - a set of products, designed for a day for one person (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Suits are designed for military personnel and citizens who have fallen into extreme conditions when there is no possibility to prepare hot food.

Individual diet (IRP) - develop scientific institutions of various countries of the world. Russian dry paja is considered the best in the world, it is balanced by the presence of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for rapidly absorb products in cold and hot.

There are several types of dry swings in various packages: cardboard, hermetic and vacuum, we will tell about the casual cardboard packaging. The IPP kit is thought out to the smallest detail, there is a porridge, goulash, pies, cheese, spickens, gallets, tonic drink in the form of powder, water disinfection tools, dry alcohol for heating food and a lot more.

The compact box of dry soldering (IRP) includes everything you need for a comfortable power of an adult in the most difficult conditions.

Individual diet for the army of Russia.

All this is included in the CRP compact box.

Rice with chicken and vegetables.

Beef stew.


Salted spiche.

Vegetable caviar.

Pate, mince and apple puree.

Cheese fused.

Pooked apple and toning drink.

Preheat to heal food.

Special pills for burning fire, burn long and good.

Cream, sugar, salt, coffee, tea ...

Disinfecting napkins, pepper, vitamin and even chewing gum "Dirol".

Galets (cookies) and matches that are burning with strong wind and rain.

Instructions for the use of an individual diet, distribution of food products. /

The norms of the daily allowance of military personnel of the Soviet Army

Norm number 1. For this rate, soldiers and sergeants of the urgent service, soldiers and sergeants of the reserve are eager when they are in charges, soldiers and sergeants of superior service, ensigns. This rate is only for ground troops.
Product Name Quantity per day
1. Rust-wheat bread 350 gr.
2. Wheat bread 400g.
3. Wheat flour (higher or 1 variety) -10GR.
4. Crupes of different (rice, millet, buckwheat, Perlovka) 120g.
5. Pasta-40GR.
6. Meat * 150g.
7. Fish ** 100g.
8. Fat animal (margarine) 20g.
9. Vegetable oil 20GR
10. Butter butter 30g.
11. Cow's milk 100g
12. Chicken eggs 4pcs. (Per week)
13. Sugar 70g.
14. Salt 20GR.
15. Tea (welding) 1.2g.
16. Bay leaf 0.2g.
17. Ground pepper (black or red) 0.3g.
18. Mustard powder 0.3GR.
19. Vinegar 2g.
20. Tomato Pasta 6GR.
21. Potatoes 600g.
22. Cabbage 130g.
23. Beets 30gr.
24. Carrot 50g.
25. Onions 50g.
26. Cucumbers, tomatoes, 40GR.
27. Fruit or vegetable juice 50g.
28. Kisel dry / dried fruits 30 / 120g.
29. Vitamin "Hexavit" 1 Dragee

* C 1 January 1992 Daily meat rate of 185 gr. From January 1, 1993. - 200g.
** From January 1, 1993 Daily norm of fish 120 gr.
Supplements to normal number 1
For the personnel of the guard for the accompaniment of military loads on the railway
Meat 120g.
Creamy butter 20g.
Sugar 10g.
For officers of the reserve on charges
Creamy butter 30g.
Cookies 20g.


1. Communication the daily rate of bread was much higher than the need for soldiers in bread, it was allowed to produce bread on the tables in a sliced \u200b\u200bform in an amount that soldiers usually eat, and some bread additionally lay out from the distribution window in the dining room for those who did not have the usual amount of bread . The amounts formed by saving savings were allowed to use to purchase other products for the soldier's table. Usually, fruits, sweets, cookies for soldiers' festive dinners were purchased for this money; tea and sugar for additional nutrition soldiers in Karaulch; Salo for additional nutrition during the exercise. The superior command was encouraged to create in the shelves of the Council economy (pigbirds, gardens), the products of which were used to improve the nutrition of soldiers over the norm No. 1.

In addition, the unfinished bread was often used for the manufacture of superstars in dry lads, which is established in accordance with the norm No. 9 (see below).

2. The replacement of meat is fresh canned meat at the rate instead of 150 gr. Meat 112 gr. Canned meat, fish canned fish at the rate of replacement of 100 gr. Fish 60g. Canned fish.

3. In general, about fifty standards are listed in this order. Normal number 1 was basic and, of course, the lowest.

Approximate menu of the soldiers' dining room for the day:

Breakfast: pearl porridge. Meat goulash. Tea, sugar, oil, bread.

Lunch: Salad of salt tomato. Borsch on meat broth. Buckwheat porridge. Meat boiled portion. Compote, bread.

Dinner: Potato mashed potatoes. Fish fried portion. Tea, oil, sugar, bread.

Normal number 9. This is the so-called "dry lady". In Western countries, it is usually referred to as a combat diet. This norm is allowed to issue only when soldiers are in conditions when it is impossible to provide them with full-fledged hot nutrition. Dry bucks can be issued no more than three days. After that, in mandatory, soldiers should start receiving normal nutrition.
Option 1

2. Canned meat 450g.
3. Canned meat-resistant 250-265 gr.
4. Milk condensed 110 gr.
5. Juice fruit 140 gr.
6. Sugar 60g.
7. Tea (welding in disposable bags) 3 pack.
8. Hygienic napkins 3pcs.
Option 2.
1. Gaoles "Arctic" / bread 270-300g. / 500g.
2. Canned meat 325-328 gr.
3. Canned meat planting 500-530 gr.
5. Sugar 180g.
6. Tea (welding in disposable bags) 3 pack.
7. Hygienic napkins 3 pcs.

Notes: Canned meat - this is usually stew, mince sausage, minced sausage, liver pate. Canned meat is usually porridge with meat (buckwheat porridge with beef, rice porridge with lamb, pearl porridge porridge).

All canned food from dry soldering can be found in a cold form, however, it was recommended to distribute products for three meals (example in option 2):

Breakfast: Heat the first jar of canned meat-resistant (265g.), Adding a can of water to the bowler. Tea mug (one package), 60 gr. sugar, 100 gr. Galet.

Lunch: Heat the canned meat cans in the bowler by adding two or three cans of water there. Tea mug (one package), 60 gr. sugar, 100 gr. Galet.

Dinner: Heat in the bowler The second canned meat cans (265g.) Without adding water. Tea mug (one package), 60 gr. sugar, 100 gr. Galet.

The whole range of daily dry soldering products was packaged in a cardboard box. For the crews of tanks and armored vehicles, the box was made from durable waterproof cardboard. It was assumed in the further packaging of dry solder to make hermetic metallic so that the package can be used as a pan for cooking, and the cover as a frying pan

The need for an introduction in the army of individual nutrition diet dictated Finnish war. Due to the interruptions with the rear security, field kitchens were not always able to deploy in close proximity to combat orders, which adversely affected the combat capability and political and moral condition of the personnel. With the idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing dry solders in the spring of 1940, the head of the Main Directorate of the RCA RKKKA Andrei Chrulev was performed. Their foundation should have been various food concentrates in the form of tablets. Already in November 1940, the composition of the first domestic dry soldering was approved by the order of the Peimoshenko Defense Commissar. The menu turned out to be quite modest:

The composition of dry solder of the 1940 sample

The calorie content of the staff of the Red Army soldering, depending on the configuration ranged from 3146 to 3292 kokalorius. By the way, Paja did not have any packaging, concentrates and the same sausage simply wrapped in paper. The weight of the diet was a little more kilogram.

Armed Forces of the USSR: all in banks

In the post-war period, the fighters in the field nutrition was made on canned food. In the Soviet Army there were several types of (standards) of rations, the composition of which was calculated depending on the physical exertion, which fighters experienced certain units. One of the most "clutter" was considered a mountain lamp - its composition included chocolate and spic. The infantry was satisfied with a more modest diet:

The composition of the combustive soldering of the 1974 sample, artofwar.ru

The packaging also did not shine by special research - at best, it was a cardboard box, more often the paws were issued by "Rosychi". The calorie content of the combustrian oscillate fluctuated in the range from 3100 to 3350 Kokalorius. The latest changes in the composition of the Soviet dry soldering were made in 1990 by order of the Minister of Defense No. 445. In the new diet, condenbies, juice and tea bags added:

The composition of the general solder of the 1990 sample

Russian armed forces: delicious and convenient

An individual diet (IRP) of the modern Russian army is divided into two main types - everyday (IRP-P) and a more calorie combat (IRP-B). The composition of the soldering is beneficial in the diversity from its predecessors, calorieness remained almost at the same level. For IRP-P is 3360 kcal, for IRP-B - 3590 kcal. That is, it turns out that since 1940, Army Supai scored only 200 kokalorius, so much energy is contained about 80 grams of black bread.

The composition of dry solder of the 2007 sample

As for the usability, the modern "dry" received a lot of useful functions and tools, for example, a device for heating food, napkins and disposable spoons and fork.

What is dry laces? The answer to the question called you will find in the materials of the article provided. In addition, we will tell you about what individual sets are existed today, as well as what they differ in different countries.

general information

Dry bucks are a set of products that is designed to supply military personnel, as well as civilians in conditions when there is no way to prepare hot food on their own. As a rule, such a diet is designed for one person. It should also be noted that a similar set may include products for both one meal and for a whole day.

Basic requirements for dry solders

Dry bucks of the Russian army from a similar set of products in other countries can vary significantly. However, general requirements for them are the same everywhere:

It should also be noted that in some cases such a set is presented with special requirements. For example, for dry lads should not include products that can form splashes and crumbs dangerous in weightlessness.

The composition of individual diet

What contains standard dry laces? The composition of such a set of products may be different. But most often it includes the following components:

  • Sublimated and dried foods (dry fast food soups, soluble coffee, milk powder, etc.).
  • Canned products (for example, condensed milk, stew, sprat, etc.).
  • Galets (dry cookies), crackers or crackers.
  • Food additives and taste amplifiers (various seasonings, salt, spices, sugar).
  • Vitamins.

Additional inventory

In addition to food, civil or army dry lads includes such an additional inventory as:

  • disposable tableware;
  • funds that are designed to disinfect water;
  • hygiene products (chewing gum, disinfectant napkins, etc.);
  • means for heating food (for example, matches, etc.).

It should also be noted that neither Russian nor American dry lads include water. Drinking fluid is either issued separately, or is mined in place.

What food products is forbidden to include dry soldering?

There are a number of products that are strictly prohibited to include in civil or army dry labels. These include the following:

  • Dishes containing burning spices or seasonings, nitrites over 0.03%, edible salt Over 0.8%, alcohol, nuclei of apricot bones, sodium pyrosulfate, natural coffee, confectionery and culinary fats.
  • Unwashed products, as well as enormous vegetables and exotic fruits that are capable of being rapidly damped.
  • All that require special temperature modes to preserve safety and quality.
  • Confectionery, containing cream fillers and high cocoa content.
  • Food products that do not have documents confirming their safety and quality.

Scope of application

Today, you can find both army and civil dry lads. The price of such sets differs significantly and depends on those products that are included in their composition.

It should be especially noted that military personnel are the main consumers of such rations. They are distinguished by dry lads for nutritional conditions, when there is no possibility to deploy a full hiking kitchen.

Among other things, this set of products is often used:

  • People working in a night shift or a watched method in conditions when it is impossible to prepare a hot food for themselves.
  • With flights that exercise long-term non-repayment flights, as well as on reserve and spare airfields.
  • Humanitarian organizations.
  • Crews of surface and submarine ships.
  • Rescuers.
  • Geologists, tourists and participants of various expeditions.

Set of dry soldering in the USSR

A set of daily allowances in the USSR per person was approved by the decision of the USSR SCC and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). Thus, from June 1, 1941, dry tears of the Russian soldier included the following products:

  • rye crackers - about 600 g (or black bread);
  • concentrated millet porridge - 200 g;
  • concentrated pea soup soup - 75 g;
  • something one of the following list: half-selling sausage "Minsk" - 100 g, cheese (cheese) - 160 g, smoked / dry wobble - 150 g, dried fish fillet - 100 g, salted herring - 200 g, canned meat, 113 r;
  • sugar sand - 35 g;
  • tea - 2 g;
  • salt - 10 g

Army set of dry soldering in the 1980s

In the eighties, dry lads were used in the Armed Forces of the USSR, which consisted of canned meat (250 g), two canned meat canned cans - each 250 g (that is, rice or buckwheat porridge with the addition of a small amount of beef), packing black crackers, Package of black tea, as well as a large amount of sugar.

Dry Sacks of the Russian Army

Since 1991, the "Individual diet" began to be used in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. There are two types of such a set:

  • IRP-B, that is, an individual diet is a combat. It consists of 4 tin cans (stew, mince or pate, rice or with beef pieces and fish), 6 packs of army bread (most often fresh crackers), 2 patches of soluble tea with sugar sand, dry concentrate of natural drink "Well done", Fruit jacket (more often apple), 1 tablet polyvitamins, 1 package of soluble coffee, 4 sugar packages, tomato sauce, 3 Tablets "Aquatabs", intended for disinfection of drinking water, 4 tablets (portable heater), spoon, 3 hygiene napkins and wind-resistant matches .
  • IRP-P, that is, an individual diet is everyday. Such a set has different numbers. It is calculated for a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and is not very different from the combat. However, the represented packs are slightly smaller in calorie and mass. Very often used during everyday activity, when there is no possibility to organize a field kitchen.

So, in IRP-P (No. 4) includes the following foods:

  • army rye loaves - 300 g;
  • stew pork - 250 g;
  • amateur mince (canned) - 100 g;
  • road pear porridge with beef slices - 250 g;
  • slavic buckwheat porridge with beef pieces - 250 g;
  • concentrate for cooking - 25 g;
  • fruit jumped (more often apple) - 90 g;
  • sugar sand - 30 g;
  • with sugar - 32 g;
  • heater (kit with dry alcohol tablets and wind-resistant matches) - 1 pc.;
  • polyvitamins in dragee - 1 pc.;
  • open packing and canned cans - 1 pc.;
  • paper and hygienic napkins - 3 pcs.

Depending on the number of dry daily soldering, its contents may vary. So, in the seventh, the set includes salted herring, stewed meat with green peas, caviar from vegetables, fused cheese, two species, etc.

Despite the fact that different IRP-P numbers include different food products, such field rations are rather calorie. That is why during a full-fledged breakfast, lunch or dinner soldiers (or civilian) is able to enjoy well so that after continuing the fulfillment of his mission. After all, due to dry soldering, there is no need to organize which takes a lot of time and effort.

American dry mre

Dry solders of the armed forces are called MRE. This is an English abbreviation that is decrypted as MEAL, READY-TO-EAT, that is, "food ready to use." As a rule, such a set is packaged in a sandy color package, made of thick plastic (its dimensions of 25 × 15 × 5 cm). It specifies the menu number (24 pcs.) And the name of the main dish.

American dry lads, as well as Russian, rather calorie (about 1200 kilocalories). Depending on the menu, it can weigh from five hundred to seven grams. It should be especially noted that such a set is designed for one meal. In addition to the main dish, it has a hot soluble drink (coffee or tea), as well as cold, which is a powder lemonade.

Dry MRE bucks does not include the first. However, there is a dessert in the form of cookies, candies, cupcakes and biscuits. In addition, the composition of such a set can include soft cheese and galley.

To warm up the products of dry labels of Americans, includes a special package that contains a free chemical heater. So that it came into effect, it should be pouring a small amount of water into it, and then put the bag with a drink or food inward.

Composition of twenty-four American dry solders

Below to your attention are all types of individual diet of the US Army and some NATO countries. Dry buckles, in addition to the products listed, it may include such components as two chewing gum, salt, several leaflets of toilet paper, a carton of matches, a plastic spoon and a wet napkin.

  1. Peanut butter, bipfstex with mushrooms, dried beef, beans in Western, coffee, crackers, milk dry, lemonade candy or chocolate, sugar and red pepper.
  2. Baked apples, pork chops (with noodles), vegetable crackers, soft cheese, sharp sauce, milk cocktail, sugar, coffee and milk dry.
  3. Potato sticks, dumplings with beef, wheat bread, soft cheese, chocolate biscuit, sharp sauce, powder lemonade, sugar, coffee and milk powder.
  4. Soft cheese, rustic chicken, crackers, noodles with butter, sharp sauce, cookies with jam, cocoa "mokka kappuccino", candy, sugar, coffee and milk dry.
  5. Wheat bread, fried chicken breast, chocolate biscuit, goulash, apple cider, tea with lemon and sweetener, jelly, cocoa, candy and spices.
  6. Boiled rice, chicken with sauce, raisin-nut mix, soft cheese, sharp sauce, vegetable crackers, milk dry, coffee with fruit aroma, sugar and tea bags.
  7. Fig in Mexican, chicken with sharp vegetables, soft cheese, cookies, candy, vegetable crackers, tea with lemon and sweetener and sharp sauce.
  8. Soft cheese, pretzels with cheese, barbecue sauce, wheat bread, sharp sauce, lemonade, tea with lemon and sweetener.
  9. Beef Gulyash, Vegetable Crackers, Soft Cheese, Spicy Sauce, Milk Cocktail, Chocolate Cookies, Sugar, Coffee and Milk Dry.
  10. Soft cheese, pasta with vegetables, vegetable bread, cupcake, red pepper, cocoa, milk powder, coffee, sugar, chocolate or candy.
  11. Spaghetti in tomato sauce with vegetables, dried fruits, lollipops, peanut butter, cupcake, tea with lemon and sweetener, crackers, spices and apple cider.
  12. Patty with rice and beans, cookies with fruit filling, cupcake, crackers, dried fruits, spicy and sharp sauce, peanut butter, tea with lemon and sweetener.
  13. Pelmeni with cheese filling, apple puree, cupcake, peanut butter, lollipops, tea with lemon and sweetener, apple cider, crackers and spices.
  14. Cupcake, spaghetti in sauce with vegetables, peanut butter, salted roasted peanuts, crackers, dried fruits, tea with lemon and sweetener, spices and apple cider.
  15. Beef in Mexican with vegetables and cheese, mexican rice, lemonade, chocolate chip cookies, vegetable crackers, soft cheese, coffee, sugar, sharp sauce and milk powder.
  16. Soft cheese, candy, chicken with noodles, vegetable crackers, raspberry puree, biscuits with figs, sharp sauce, cocoa, sugar, coffee and milk powder.
  17. Noodles in Chinese, beef in Japanese, jam, candy, cookies with peanut butter and cheese, sugar, lemonade, wheat bread, milk, dry, coffee, chocolate or candy, red pepper.
  18. Turkey breast with filling and potato mashed potatoes, chocolate, pretzels with cheese, crackers, sharp sauce, lemonade, sugar, peanut butter, coffee and milk dry.
  19. Boiled wild rice, crackers, jam, cocoa, oatmeal, beef with mushrooms, coffee, sharp sauce, milk and sugar.
  20. Crackers with peanut butter, wheat bread, soft cheese, sharp sauce, milk cocktail, lollipops, spaghetti with meat sauce, coffee, sugar and milk powder.
  21. Cupcake, sharp sauce, baked chicken with cheese, jelly, crackers, sugar, tea bag, milk cocktail and milk powder.
  22. Rice with vegetables, oatmeal cookies in chocolate, sugar, candy, soft cheese, lemonade, wheat bread, coffee, sharp sauce and milk powder.
  23. Pretzels, acute sauce, chicken with pasta, peanut butter, cupcake, lemonade, wheat bread, sugar, coffee and milk powder.
  24. Potato mashed potatoes, baked beef with filling, jelly, cookies with filling, cocoa, vegetable crackers, sugar, coffee, milk, candy or chocolate, red pepper.

Ukrainian food set

Each country is developing its individual dry bucks for its army. Ukraine produces an IRP, similar to Russian. Such a set is designed for three meals (that is, breakfast, lunch and dinner). It is usually included in its composition of wheat flour, canned meat and vegetable, meat broth concentrate, fish or canned meat, jacket, sugar sand, soluble tea, fruit concentrate, polyvitamin preparation "Hexavit", plastic tablespoon, caramel, Paper and hygienic napkins.

Dry solders for children

According to sanitary and epidemiological requirements, dry ladies for children should include the following foods that do not require special storage conditions:

  • non-carbonated mineral water (bottled) - up to 500 ml;
  • nectars and juices fruit, as well as natural vegetables - up to 500 ml;
  • ready-made vitamined drinks of industrial production - 250 ml;
  • non-alcoholic juice drinks - 200 ml;
  • solid cheeses in vacuum packaging - 60-100 g;
  • fute and unjeamed nuts (cashews, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts) - 20-50 g;
  • dried fruits are washed in vacuum packaging- 50 g;
  • dry cookies, crackers, galley, drying or crackers;
  • dark or bitter chocolate with a large content of cocoa;
  • canned fruits, vegetable and fruit purees - 250 g;
  • jam, jam and jam - up to 40 g;
  • rye bread, wheat and grain bread;
  • vitaminized children's cashematics - 160-200 g;
  • dry breakfasts;
  • goulash Beef in Tomato Sauce:
  • concentrated chicken broth, beef;
  • cream dry non-fat;
  • vegetable and cereal barrels (canned);
  • milk condensed - 30-50 g;
  • backet tea, cocoa and coffee drink.

Today we will see what our military eating in the field.
Pretty good diet.

We have: Individual diet (IRP), option 7.
I remind you that this is just one of the proposed options soldering, in other equipment it can be different.
Specially photographing next to the box of matches so that the dimensions can be appreciated

Made of JSC "Leningrad" (Krasnodar Territory. It is a multi-sectoral structural production of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), the head production - OJSC "Lyuban Food Combine" (Lipetsk region)

Now dry solders are produced precisely in such cardboard packs covered with inside foil. I don't like this option, because The box is less than a rack to damage than the previously used plastic. For example, in the case under consideration, the handle was very quickly awaited, although I was actively taught for it. If you pull out a tight stuffed stuff or backpack - torn off. Also, after the opening, it turned out that despite the external integrity of the box, somehow was damaged by a bag with sugar and a bag with jam, as a result of which part of the cans and packages had to rub out of the above products. In top of the whole, one of the spoons included in the kit was practically broken in half. Or I was not so lucky, or the box is really afraid of squeezing.
Opened packaging

From the inside the box is retrieved in which the contents of the soldering

Instructions for use

Meat with green peas and carrots

Beef stew

Buckwheat porridge with beef

Herring in oil

Vegetable caviar

Placed cheese

Serious application

Total gallets 4 packs (8 pcs.), Of these, two of the flour of wheat first grade, and two of the flour wheat wobbly. Previously, gallets in dry soldering were made only from the flour of the first grade.

Dry drink concentrate

Complete three tea packages

Now it is not a burnt sugar with an extract, as before, but quite a common sachet with welding

For tea there are two sachets of apple jumped

Sugar for three tea mugs

The bag is completely paper, no protection against moisture is not, so you don't rush on the supply in the field for a long time: either breaks, or gets intoxins. Uncomfortable

A novelty compared to earlier drunks - black ground pepper and salt. I never wished to peer or salt dry, so I don't see any meaning in them (salt, however, you can use for usual food), but the lovers of sharp will definitely be happy

What pepper, that salt, again in paper bags, which does not allow them to maintain a stock in the field.

Polyvitamin - 1 pc.

Hygiene objects are represented by disinfecting napkins. Now their two options are for the body and equipment and for cutlery. In the fields, in any way, you will not pay attention to the inscription, especially the composition of the napkins is the same))

The cleaner, separating napkins, is poorly made, because of which, when trying to divide them, an autopsy of one of the packages occurred. It should be corrected

Complete three simple paper napkins.

And as many as three spoons against one in earlier options. In the photo of their four, because Includes cheese

The very spoon, which turned out to be broken in an externally absolutely whole box. Footprints from the damaged packet

Opener for cans

Hunting matches and dry fuel. The latter shows the traces of all the same extruded jungle

I reveal the banks. Of course, they can be heated and in a closed form, but it is necessary to ensure that the bank does not explode due to overheating and then uncomfortable to open hot. So preferred to open in advance

Bank with vegetable caviar bursts easier - just pull the corner

Bank with melted cheese is even more convenient

Open beef

Green peas meat

Buckwheat porridge

Herring in oil. It was inconvenient to open, because The bank was a bit deformed and the oil immediately rushed out. It is better to pack in the same tough bank as cheese

Wallpaper flour

Start warming up.
I pull out the button, disconnecting the taganok and container with tablets

I bring taganok to the working condition

If the tablet was removed from the container with a simple pressure, then the grater, being made of soft material, did not want to put the packaging, as a result of which it had to be cut into a knife. Failure

The sulfur on the tablet, of course, flammped when chirking about the grater, but the flame almost immediately poured, so I had to get along with matches. On sulfur save or what?

Personal Council - If you warm canned, then put the taganok in such a way as in the photo. And if you want to boil the water in the circle, then turn the taganok. Then the tablet will be directly under the mug and the flame will warm it, and not the atmosphere;)

We light the hunting match

The matter went

I think, or is it a dry fuel after burnout leaves more "fume" than before?

Impressions from the food process.
1. Spoons - sucks. First, it is terrible to press it, the feeling that is about to break. Secondly, who came up with her sharp edges? Not every time after sending another portion in the mouth, the inner surface of the lip was sick, which spoon was scored. It is good that the spoon is now more spacious than in the previous soldering, but make it a little stronger and round the ends.
2. Stew beef. I am glad that the taste of meat returned to her again, who disappeared in past years.
3. Buckwheat porridge. Nothing changed, as was good and remained.
4. Meat with green peas. I just do not like such dishes, so it did not make a special impression on me, but in the fields will go with a bang. Very hearty, by the way.
5. Herring. Ordinary canned fish.
6. Vegetable caviar. Again, not a big lover of such dishes, so I preferred to just put tomato sauce. But again, in the fields will go for the cute soul.
7. Melted cheese. Just melted cheese.
8. Pooked. Very good goes with galetami. Minus - no notches on packaging for donkey. As a result, you have to break your teeth.

9. Dry beverage concentrate. If you drank "Jupi" or "Invite", you know how it looks. In the field, a very favorite drink

10. Galets. Those that from the flour of the first grade is normal, wallpaper - somehow not very, apparently because products from bran do not eat. Unusual.
11. Tea. Finally, a regular bag, not an extract with sugar.

Well, IRP-7 is not bad dry bucks that need to be slightly modified in terms of packaging and the quality of components. It is a pity that there are no sweets, they would not hurt at all.

I recommend to view all my records for the dry bucks, you can see the testing of Irp-B-1 soldering and communicating with one of the manufacturers of dry solders. By the way, some of my comments, as we see, taken into account;).