Cutters from carrot without sugar. Making Corkats from carrots

17.04.2021 Bakery products

Step 1: Prepare carrots.

Rinse the carrots and thoroughly clean it from the peel. After washing and cleaning, put the vegetables on the pieces, the form of which in this case is not at all important, so you can choose cubes, straws, mugs or medium-sized lumps.
Purified, washed and sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots fold into a deep saucepan, pour steep boiling water and put on fire to boil over 2-3 minutes. Then put the pieces of carrots on the colander, catching them with the help of a noise, so as not to pour the decoction. The colander, along with all its contents, can be icy water and leave in the sink for a while so that the glasses are excessive liquid.

Step 2: Cook syrup.

Drain most of the booth, leaving in a saucepan, approximately 0.5 glasses. Put sugar and add citric acid there. Return the saucepan on the fire and weld the syrup.

Step 3: Cook the carrot in syrup.

When the syrup is ready, leave it boiled in a saucepan and pour out the same carrot pieces. Immediately reduce the fire and, all the time stirring, cook 15-20 minutes. At first it will seem to you, which is very thick, but then the carrot will allocate the juice and everything will become as it should. As soon as it takes enough time for cooking, remove the saucepan from the fire, cover with the lid, so that no dirt falls there, and leave to appear during 7-10 hours. Then again boost the contents of the pan and cook again 15-20 minutes. Repeat cooking procedures and pushing carrots in syrup 1-2 timesWhile the pieces are not transparent, and the liquid does not thicken. Then beat the boiled carrot on the colander and wait until the surplus of the syrup is glasses.

Step 4: Sorshest Carrot.

In order to finally prepare the candies, they need to dry. Therefore, lay out the pieces of carrots on a baking tray, embraced by parchment paper, sprinkle them with a large number of powdered sugar and put in preheated to 80-90 degrees Oven on 30 minutes. Then turn off the heating and keep the carrot inside the oven to the final cooling.
Or you can simply lay out the pieces of carrots to the parchment and put them on the battery where they are dried overnight and turn into a dish.

Step 5: Apply Cuts from carrots.

Cuts from carrots are very well stored in a dry and inaccessible place for the sun within a few weeks, for this they are enough to hide them into a jar with a tightly closing lid.
Finished carrot candies feed to tea or prepare desserts with them, as well as various baking, because these chewing yums are always and everywhere will be by the way.
Bon Appetit!

You can also apply ready-made candied with carrots in conventional sugar or in brown.

To make chicks from carrot in the form of a spiral, cut the vegetables with thin plates, then prepare according to the recipe, and during drying, while carrots have not yet fully hardened, put the plates, wrapped them around the wooden stick.

So that the candied fruit is truly tasty and sweet, use fresh and juicy carrots, the old and leaving here completely will not fit.

Try the same zucats from orange crusts, tutates from pumpkin, zucats from watermelon crusts and candied melon.

Home delicacies are much easier than you are used to thinking. Today I want to tell you about one tasty and useful dessert, which will completely replace your candy. Not chocolate, but still. These are the Cucats.

Cucats are fruits (berries, fruits, vegetables) exhibited in sugar syrup (berries, fruits, vegetables). Cooked at home, they are much more useful and tastier than those selling in supermarkets. Manufacturers, in order to add brightness, introduce food dyes. This does not affect the taste of the qualities, but we will not add health. Nutritionists advise not to abuse such goodies due to the large content of sugar in them, but also the benefits of these candies are obvious. Cuts contain many fiber, vitamins that are necessary for good digestion.

If you decide and cook this delicacy, then this recipe for a long time to stay in your home cookbook. So let's prepare a small test portion.

Making carrot candies: what we need:

carrot - 2 pieces;

citric acid - 2 grams;

lemon zest - 6 grams;

sugar - 200 grams;

For collapse:

sugar powder - 80 grams.

Making Cutters from Carrots: Cooking Recipe

Carrots take a small size. Clean and promotion under running water. We apply with circles, about 0.5 cm wide, and then blanch 2 minutes in boiling water. After - blade drain, we leave 50 ml for the preparation of sugar syrup.

In a separate heat-resistant tank, we connect 50 ml of ragger and sugar; We leave until the sugar is completely dissolved. Immediately add citric acid to preserve the natural color of carrots.

Fill with boiling syrup mug of carrots. We put a saucepan on a slow fire.

We will simply ced in the smallest grain and add to the pot with candied fruit. Welive carrots before transparency, while syrup will become similar to liquid honey. By time, this process will take about 1-1.5 hours.

This is what finished woven carrot looks like. We spread carrot candied on the colander and give the syrup. Store syrup in the refrigerator, they are good to impregnate biscuit cakes or use in the preparation of different desserts as topping.

We are lagging with carrot candies for parchment and dried at room temperature. In order for the process to be faster, we send to the oven for the smallest fire (100 degrees) and dried with a dutched door. Cuccats will be ready as soon as they stop sticking to the hands. The main thing is not to overcount.

Popular delicacy among many gourmets is a zucati. Most often, sweets are boiled from citrus fruits, but, using vegetables as the main component, they receive no less tasty and useful desserts. A bright example is the Cutters from carrots, which are very easily prepared, and they can differ an unusual taste and a variety of forms.

Secrets of delicious dessert

When preparing carrot delicacies, several important nuances must be remembered, then the candied fruit will turn out and delicious and high quality. Several essential recommendations:

Such a dessert can be separate pavement for tea drinking, a small snack, candied can be used as components for pies, add to different porridges.

Classic recipe for carrot candies

At home, you can easily make simple sweets. For this, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • carrots (large) - 1 kg;
  • vanillin - in taste preferences;
  • citric acid - 5 g;
  • sugar - 500 g

Vegetables are well washed, cleaned. Cut by medium slices. Fall asleep in boiling water saucepan, boil over a few minutes. The liquid is drained into a separate container to use to prepare a syrup. Carrots cooled.

Begin to cook syrup. Sugar, citric acid add to half of the raccara. The mixture is put on the stove when the liquid boils, carrots lay. Fire is reduced, boiled about 20 minutes.

The saucepan with syrup retains for 8 hours. Carrots should become transparent, and syrup - thickening. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to recover the ingredients. Then the pieces of vegetables lay on the napkin to remove the extra liquid.

Tsukati lay out on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Put in the oven to dry at a temperature of about 70 degrees. Ready product neatly get and cooled. According to preference, the pieces can be applied in sugar, postpone after that for several hours.

Adding orange zest.

In addition to a classic recipe, you can make candied with carrots at home with orange zest. Ingredients required for dessert:

  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • sugar is enough 500 g;
  • one orange (zest and a little juice);
  • citric acid - 5 g;
  • vanillin and Cardamon - in taste preferences.

Washed carrots are bruised in small pieces. Pour vegetables into an enameled saucepan with boiling water, boil a few minutes, take out, cooled. Half of the resulting decoction is mixed with sugar sand, a desired amount of citric acid. When the syrup boils, vegetables, a grated zest and a small amount of orange juice, preference - a little vanillin and cardamon.

Carrot candies are boiled in syrup about 20 minutes. When vegetables become transparent, the liquid is drained. Dry the candied in the oven. Ready delicacy sprinkle with a small amount of sugar powder.

Sweets with ginger taste

A completely different taste of vegetable candle can be obtained by adding a spicy ginger to the recipe. Required for cooking Ingredients:

Cleaning the brush, the washed carrots are cut by medium in thickness with pieces. Pour vegetables in a bowl with one glass of boiled water (hot), soaked for a few minutes, then fold on the colander. Saturated syrup prepare, using sugar and two glasses of water when it boils, add to it acid, zest, grated purified ginger root. Boil up, cooled up to 60 degrees.

Pour vegetables with hot syrup so that they are soaked. It is boiled on a weak heat for about 10 minutes, cooled, then put on the stove again. Repeat such a procedure 3 times. Cut carrot transparent slices on a sieve when syrup stalks, the chunks are dried in an oven with an open door at a temperature mode in 70 or 80 degrees. Finished "candy" sprinkle with sweet powder.

Cooking without sugar

The dietary version of the carrot dessert is prepared without the use of sugar. Vegetables are digested in orange juice, in it and insist, dried at room temperature on the stem tissue, and then using special equipment - dryers or ovens. Long such candles are not stored, hold the finished product in the refrigerator. Required ingredients:

  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • sugar powder for the collapse of the candle - in preference;
  • small lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • ripe oranges - 2 kg.

Citrus before use is thoroughly washed with brush. They rub the zest from all the fruits, put in a saucepan (enamel), pour into it juice from oranges. Purified carrots are bruised with lack of mugs or stripes, blanched, add to the other ingredients in the dishes.

Heat the mixture before boiling, after cooking for 5 minutes we assume a container with products for several hours. Then they boil again, boil 10 minutes (the fire make weak), fully allowed to cool. Again, almost already transparent carrots are heated, cope with approximately 16 minutes (with minimal boiling). Cool, not removed from the juice, then fold on the sieve, covered with gauze, leaving for several hours so that the slices dried at room temperature.

Place the product in the dryer for vegetables and fruits to the elastic consistency of the zucats. So that the dessert does not slip with further storage, you can slightly sprinkle with powder.

The shelf life of the finished product will depend on the degree of drying, it ranges from 6 months to about 1 year. Carrot cessies are often stored in jars, closing tightly with a lid, at room temperature. Home delicacy is not only delicious, but also very helpful.

Drier carrot is a very useful and tasty dish, which, besides, you can harvest the future for the winter. In the cold season, the human body is extremely necessary vitamins, especially those contained in vegetables. Many vegetables can be harvested for winter in various ways and methods.

IMPORTANT: The method proceeds at low temperature, which contributes to the preservation of proteins in vegetable.

general information

Carrot - This is a vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals having a pleasant taste. The root crust is harvested for the winter in a fresh form, as well as using various drying methods. Combining is a kind of drying and dehydration of carrots, as a result of which the vegetable retains all the beneficial substances for a long time.

The dried root root has a pleasant aroma and taste, soft and elastic consistency.


Carrots, harvested with riding, is characterized by such useful features:

  • The root contains a large number of vitamins: groups B, a, s, pp;
  • Carrots are rich in organic acids and minerals: magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, chloro, iodine, potassium.
  • Amino acids have favorably affect the nervous system, as well as the heart and vessels;
  • Beta carotene improves the operation of the respiratory system;
  • Food fibers normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Low caloriciness of the dried vegetable helps will retain the figure.

Regular use of the dried root root:

  • Contributes to the restoration of vision;
  • Reduces the amount of cholesterol blood;
  • Strengtheningly affects the walls of the vessels;
  • Stimulates the blood circulation of brain cells;
  • Reduces high blood pressure;
  • Suppresses the development and growth of tumors and cancer cells;
  • Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • Ensures the prevention of the occurrence of stones in the bustling bubble;
  • Slows the aging of the skin;
  • Displays toxins and slags from the body;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • It is favorable on the liver, contributes to updating its cells.

REFERENCE: Drier carrot contains a much larger amount of antioxidants compared to raw root root.

Drier carrot: Vegetable preparation

Before harvesting for the winter of carrots, it is pre-prepared properly to prepare a vegetable.

Corneflands of medium sizes are pre-rinse and clean. Then rinse again in warm water and dried with a kitchen towel.

For taking, carrots cut on circles with a thickness of about 2.5 centimeters or on pieces of no more than 5 centimeters.

The chopped root root is saturated with sugar sand: 1 kilogram of carrots need to be taken approximately 150 grams of sugar. Slices of carrots in sugar must be pressed by heavy load and leave for 12 hours in a cool place (no more than 18 degrees).

At the end of the above-mentioned time from carrots, the juice is distinguished, which merges. The pieces of rootepod are recycled with sugar and leave another half-time at the same air temperature under the yoke.

Then the carrot juice is then mercated, and the pieces of vegetable are flooded with hot syrup (350 grams of boiled water - 250 grams of sugar sand).

IMPORTANT: In hot syrup, carrots should be withstanding no more than 15 minutes.

Castle of carrots: cooking process at home

Two methods of cooking dried carrots should be noted: in the oven and at room temperature. In the oven dringed carrot is prepared as follows:

  • Carrots pull out from hot syrup and thoroughly flush to remove moisture;
  • Pieces of the root of the root and put in the oven, heated to 85 ° C;
  • After 25 minutes, remove the vegetable, cool and put the baking sheet again in the oven for 40 minutes. The taking point will be 70 ° C;
  • Get a baking sheet from the furnace, cool and re-put the carrot in the oven for 40 minutes when heated 70 ° C.

Carrot Cuts:

The second recipe for the billet of dried carrots:

  • Remove the vegetable from the syrup, throw back to the colander;
  • Decompose the pieces of carrots on the counterness and place for two days in a dark place with a good ventilation system;
  • Two days later, the pieces of vegetable turn over and leave no less than a week.

Finished dried carrot should be dense and elastic to the touch.


Delicious dried root root can be prepared for the winter using such popular recipes.

Drinking carrot with beet tops

Supports such ingredients for cooking:

  • Sugar - 350 grams;
  • Water - 350 milliliters;
  • 700 grams sliced \u200b\u200bon carrot mug;
  • 300 grams of beets.

Cracks of carrots and pets beets mix in a deep bowl, pour with sugar sand. Place the container in a darkened place, the temperature in which should be not more than 6 degrees. Through three days, merge juice and prepare syrup. Mix 350 grams of sugar with the same amount of boiling water and pour carrots with beet cutters for 15 minutes. Dry liquid, dry carrots. For further letting, use the above two ways: in the oven or dark place.

How to join outdoor carrots:

Carrots with vanilla

To prepare a delicious and useful product, you need to take such products:

  • Kilogram of chopped carrots;
  • Teaspoon of citric acid; 1 gram of vanillin;
  • Sugar glass.

Slices of root mix with sugar, vanilla and citric acid, put in deep container under the gnnet for 12 hours. After the specified time, the root plant should highlight juice. Remove the oppression and put a container with carrots on fire, bring to a boil, remove and cool.

After the dried carrot is ready, it needs to be placed in a hermetically closing container.

Slices of carrots lay out on the baking sheet and carry out further actions to obtain a dried vegetable.


The root cornestode is stored from the year and to one and a half years in a dark place at a temperature of not more than 18 degrees.

Drinking carrots can be used as an additive in pastries, compotes, fruits and teas, as well as use as an independent treat. The vegetable prepared in this way contains a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins.

Home Tsukati is not a difficult thing at all, but takes a lot of time on cooking. This dish can be done from almost any fruit, berries and vegetables. The result will always be great. If you decide on this experiment, then the selection of the best recipes for cooking homemade candies will be for you as never by the way. And in order not to worry about what you can't do something, practice carrots.

Carrot tuts with orange, cinnamon and cloves


  • carrots - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar sand - 1 kilogram;
  • water - 500 milliliters;
  • orange - 1 piece;
  • cinnamon - 1 wand;
  • carnation - 3 - 4 pieces;
  • sugar powder - for the sprinkle.


Fresh young carrots are cleaned from the peel and cut into cubes or rings with a thickness of 4 - 5 millimeters. Then boil sugar and water syrup. Jules orange juice, peel, chopped by large pieces, cinnamon stick and a nail. The number of cloves adjust on their own taste preferences.

Carrots are added to the aromatic syrup and boil it for 5 minutes on medium heat. After that, the slab is turned off, and give vegetables to cool at room temperature. It will take hours 8 - 10.

After a complete cooling of carrot slices, it is put on the stove again, boiled and cooled again. In total, this procedure must be repeated 3 times.

After all manipulations, the pieces of carrots are laid out on the colander and give a wrap of a vegetable hour 2 - 3. The dry carrot is laid out on the bales, which pre-stagnate with parchment. Dry the candied in the oven for about 35 - 40 minutes at a temperature of 50 degrees and the included convection mode. If this feature is absent in your oven, you can slightly open the cabinet door for better air circulation.

Finished candied frishes sprinkled with sugar powder and served on the table.

Details of cooking Cuccats for this recipe you can view in the video from Elena Koneeva

Cutters of carrot with citric acid and vaniline


  • carrot - 500 grams;
  • sugar sand - 500 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 package;
  • citric acid - 0.5 teaspoons;


Purified carrots are crushed with cubes, parsing or wheels. Poured it with boiling water, and boiled on medium heat 7 - 8 minutes. After that, cutting out the colander.

Sugar sand, a bag of vanilla sugar, citric acid and 150 milliliters of the broth, in which carrot was cooked in a saucepan. Capacity put on a small fire and bring to a boil. The carrot cutting is lowered in a boiling liquid and boil it, approximately 35 minutes before translucency.

The finished candied candies are dry on a colander for 3 hours, and then placed on the contractions to dry. At room temperature, pieces are dried in 5 - 7 days.

Using the oven, the temperature is set to a value of 50 - 60 degrees, and the door is left ajar.

In the electric grid for vegetables and fruits, the candies are dried until readiness at 60 - 70 degrees for 3 to 4 hours.

Watch the video recipe from Claudia Root - Cuts from carrots

Cutters of frozen carrots without cooking


  • carrot - 3 kilograms;
  • sugar sand - 1 kilogram;
  • 1 lemon zest 1 package;
  • citric acid - 2.5 teaspoons;
  • salt is a pinch.


Carrots are washed, clean and cut into cubes or cubes. Slicing is put in the package, and sent to the freezer for 24 hours. Keep carrots in the freezer can and for a longer time.

Well carved carrots get and laid out in a deep bowl. Add a pinch of salt, ½ teaspoon of citric acid, all stirred and allowed to know at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours. During this time, cutting again 2 - 3 stirred.

With a completely frostbed carrot, the resulting fluid is poured, sugar, 2 teaspoons of citric acid and grate on the grater of the grater of one lemon are added. Mass stirred, and give it to be broken 2 - 3 days at room temperature.

At the final stage, carrot cuts are given to clean well on the sieve, and then send it to the drying. You can dry such a candied in the oven or in the dryer for vegetables and fruits.

How to store Tsukati

Store the citades at room temperature in banks under a tightly closed lid. In this form, they retain elasticity for a long time. The shelf life of finished sweets directly depends on the degree of drying and is, on average, from 6 months to 1 year.