Recipe Caramel cream in portion forms. Step-by-step recipe with photos and video

07.04.2021 Dishes for children

First we prepare caramel. To do this, put sugar in the bucket and put on the middle fire. Heat to such an extent to sugar caramelized. Do not hold it on fire for too long - it can give an unnecessary mustard dessert.

In the caramelized sugar gently pour hot water. I bring to a boil and cook on average fire to the state of thick syrup.

Remove from the fire and assign to the side.

Cooking cream. Milk heating to a hot state. Egg and yolks mix with 2 types of sugar (not whipping, but mixed).

Thin-rod with a constant stirring pour hot milk.

Molds (my 250 ml) lubricate with butter. On the bottom of each we pour caramel, we neatly pour egg-milk mixture.

We put the molds in one big shape and pour boiling water into it so that it reaches the middle of the side of the molds.

We put the shape into an oven preheated to 150 degrees and prepare about 45 minutes.

The finished dessert is removed from the big shape and cool to room temperature. Then put in the refrigerator for full cooling.

Before the feed, we carefully carry out a thin knife between the cream and the wall shape and turn the dessert to the plate.

Bon Appetit!

In fact, it is easier to prepare it easier. Since there are no complex ingredients in the recipe, the dish will also be quite easy to budget.

Recipe number 1 classic


  • 5 eggs
  • 800 ml of milk
  • 2 g Vanilla
  • 300 g of sugar (or sugar powder)
  • 6 ceramic molds

To begin with, milk with vanilla in a saucepan to bring to a boil. Fire turn off, and leave the milk to cool for 15 minutes. While it cools, cooking caramel.

Make sure that there are no children around you, because the slightest drop of hot caramels can harm them. You, too, be careful.

So, mix half of the sugar with 2 tbsp. Water in a pot of thick bottom.

After a while, the mixture will begin to boil, water to evaporate.

Slowly sugar begins to melt.

Gradually, it acquires a brown shade. Boil on medium heat to brown, stirring all the time so that all lumps melted. Watch for caramel so that it is not burned.

As soon as we have a caramel of the color we need, quickly remove the saucepan from the fire.

And while caramel is hot, quickly pour it into the prepared ceramic molds for the baking of our dessert.

Note! As soon as Caramel falls on the mold, it starts to cool. Therefore, to quickly turn the hand to another liquid caramel all over the bottom.

So, as I said, we break caramel to the bottom of each mold.

Molds So far to set aside for a complete cooling of the caramel, a blank pan is soot in hot water for 4 minutes, and then wash with detergent.

And you can enjoy a whipping eggs. Eggs beat with the remaining sugar. Beat for 3 minutes.

Then whipped mixture to mix with cooled milk, stirring well.

Then the egg-milk mixture is poured over ceramic molds by turning it through the siter.

When all the molds are filled, put them in a baking sheet and pour hot water into the baking sheet so that it covers the molds for three quarters.

Put in the oven heated to 180 degrees, and bake for half an hour. Exactly half an hour to get a baking sheet, remove the molds from the water and give them to cool.

Then cover the food film each mold and send to the refrigerator at least 6 hours. It must be said that such a dessert can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and only wins from it. I really hurried to try and tried warm. I do not recommend. Said - cool, it means you need to wait. A completely different taste.

And then, after 6 hours (well, you can already after 3-4: O) get the molds from the refrigerator. Put each in a hot water bowl for 30-60 seconds. And then - gently to separate the dessert from the edges of the mold. Cover the mold and flick the plate. If you feel that nothing happens: caramel cream does not turn, then you need, tightly holding a plate near the mold, shake the mold. Flowed as nice!

So to do with the number of molds you need. And voila! Cream caramel is ready.

Recipe number 2 "For two"

Due to the current economic situation in the country on the culinary field, you do not get together. However, this is not trouble. If there are several eggs, sugar, cream, cream and milk, then consider that you have an anti-crisis and simple recipe for dessert - cream caramel.


  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Figures - 33% 300 ml
  • Vanillin - 0.5 h.
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Water - 60 ml

So, you first need to make caramel. Mix half of sugar with 60 milliliters of water in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Boil on medium heat to brown, stirring all the time. Carefully follow the caramel so that it does not burn.

Immediately burst the caramel in forms and cool down.

You can proceed to cooking cream. Put a saucepan on the middle fire. Pour milk there, cream, add half from the remaining sugar and bring to a boil.

With the help of a whisk, mix the remaining sugar with egg yolks and egg.

Remove the saucepan with a mammary mixture from the fire and start pouring the egg mixture into it, all stirring intensively. If some whipped lumps formed, strain the mixture through the sieve.

Now take molds with caramel and pour the creamy mixture there. Take a deep shape and put the molded into it. Pour into the form for baking water room temperature so that it is half a molds with egg mixture and caramel. Preheat oven to 160 degrees and bake 40-45 minutes.

You can check the willing of cream caramel using light shake molds. If the dessert in the mold is a little trembling, it means that it can be placed in the refrigerator.

So, remove the molds from the water, cool a little at room temperature and put in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, and better for the night.

Pull out the cream caramel from the refrigerator. Carefully find it with a dessert spoon or a thin knife, then postpone the device and quickly turn the dessert to the flat plate.

Video Recipes Dessert "Cream Caramel"

Cream Caramel - a delicious dessert of simple products without oil and flour

Step-by-step recipe for cooking cream caramel

. Eggs - 3 pcs.
. Yolk - 2 pcs.
. Sugar - - 2 tbsp.
. Pod Vanilla
. Milk - 300 ml
. Cream (at least 20%) -300 ml

For caramel:
. Sugar - 3 tbsp.
. 1 tbsp. l. water

Cooking process:
1) Prepare caramel. In the skeleton pour 3 tbsp. Sugar and pour 1 tbsp. l. Cold water. Cook on a small heat until the syrup gets light coffee color.
2) Pour the finished caramel into the form. Make a form of several circular movements so that caramel smoothly covered the entire inner surface. Lay aside.
3) Milk and cream bring to a boil with a pod of vanilla or with vanilla sugar. Let break 10 minutes.
4) Eggs and yolks to mix with sugar, pour with a thin weaving when stirring hot milk with vanilla
5) strain cream through fine sieve in a separate bowl.
6) Pour cream in shape with caramel.
7) put into another form of larger size. Pour hot water into it so that it reached the middle of the walls of the shape with caramel. Prepare in a heated to 165 ° C-170 ° C oven 45-50 min.
8) Remove cream caramel from the oven and cool. Cover the shape with a serving dish, flip and gently remove from the dessert. Follow the table warm or chilled.

Recipes of cooking cream and other confectionery decorations

For one middle cake

30 minutes

350 kcal

4.25/5 (4)

Let's see several options for cooking this cream of varying complexity, and you can choose the most you like.

Custard caramel cream

In order not to get confused how to cook caramel cream on this recipe, compare your result with the photo, and you will definitely work out. First, we will prepare the caramel for him, and then move directly to the cream.

Kitchen appliances:Two skewers, whisk, mixer, plate.


Cooking process

First stage:150 g of sugar, cream.

Second phase: 70 g of sugar, starch, eggs, milk.

Third stage: Creamy oil, caramel cream.


Although the recipe is quite simple, but still very voluminous, so not to get confused in the sequence, look at this video. The girl explains everything in very detailed, so you will be easy to understand.

Cream Caramel Cream Cream

  • Time for preparing: 10 minutes.
  • Number of portions: For one middle cake.
  • Kitchen appliances: Mixer, plate.


Cooking process

Video recipe for cooking caramel-cream

Look at the video to learn how to make such a quick version of the caramel cream and to what condition to beat cream to make it all happen.

Chocolate Caramel Cream Cream

  • Time for preparing: 2.5 hours.
  • Number of portions: For one middle cake.
  • Kitchen appliances: Saucer, spoon, mixer, grater, bowl.


Cooking process

First stage: Chocolate, cream.

Second phase: Oil, condensed milk.

Video Recipe Cooking Caramel Chocolate Cream

The recipe is very simple, but better review the video to know exactly how to cook caramel cake cream. Then everything will come out the first time, and do not have to throw out products.

For what to use cream

Caramel cream is very popular in the confectionery case, as it is simply preparing, does not spread and it turns out very tasty. Custard are often used for eclairs, as well as with it are preparing small beautiful cupcakes. The use of caramels in the cheesecake has also been not rare for a long time. And if we talk about cakes, then almost any of them can be prepared with the addition of this cream. The most popular are with a tight caramel or the well-known Napoleon. The light turns out amazingly tasty, thanks to the sweet unobtrusive cream, and it turns out even tastier. A very interesting is a biscuit cake with caramel and chocolate.

What can add

In the caramel cream, you can add other ingredients, which will not spoil his taste. For example, my mom often added crushed nuts or candied, and sometimes small pieces of fruit. It turns out very tasty. You can add some fruit toppings in it, jams to change the taste for your cake. Perfectly combined with caramel cinnamon. So that the cream is thicker, it is sometimes added to it, and if you need a more damaging cream, then flour and condensed milk.

If you want your cream to be perfect consistency and taste, listen to the following advice:

  • Do not make cream boil - they curl and spoil all the cream.
  • When cooking caramel, you do not need to interfere with a spoon. Just shake the scene from time to time.
  • So that the chocolate dissolve faster, it is good to grind it and give a minute to warm up in cream before mixing.

Tell us what kind of recipe you liked most and what will you cook? What else would you add? What was the cream and what result turned out? All this is very interesting, so please share your thoughts in the comments.


For soft home caramel
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Glucose syrup - 40 g
  • Water - 20 g
  • Cream 33% - 100 g
  • Creamy oil - 25 g
For cream
  • Curd cream cheese - 400 g
  • Cream 33% - 100 g

Close Printing ingredients

- Unfortunate, gentle, creamy, with a slight caramel flavor. Perfect cream for your cakes and cupcakes! Step-by-step recipe with photos.

Hi friends!

Let's do today caramel cream. Unfortunate, feelings are not very fat, with a light caramel flavor. For him we will need to cook, actually, caramel. We have already done it twice: And now. All the ways are good, but the one that I will show now is the most trouble-free! And caramel, it is always possible, 100%, without any dancing with tubli-type tambourines, a long interleaving of sugar on a dry frying pan in 50 g. This can be calmly mixed in the process, nothing suaches, not comes with lumps, and as a result, caramel comes out Pulling, beautiful, very tasty. The only "but": you need to buy glucose syrup in the confectionery store. They say that this goal can be replaced by it cooked at home, but I did not try. Professionals work on glucose, and I want to touch the world of high confectionery art) Therefore, I will buy something and try to use precise things. Slowly the case goes, but what to do, if only went)

So, the win-win recipe caramel and caramel cream!

Preparing homemade soft caramel!

In a saucepan (saucepan) connect 100 sugar, 40 g of glucose syrup and 20 g of water.

We put on fire and stirring (!), Cook before purchasing a sucker shade (do not stand, otherwise the finished caramel will be patched).

At the same time, on another konfork, we bring to a boil, but do not boil 100 g of 33% cream. As soon as Caramel becomes the desired color, we pour cream and mix. No lumps, nothing that could meet us in previous recipes and spoil life, will not! Be only careful: the mixture is hot and very foaming.

Stir until caramel with cream will connect.

Add 25 g of butter (can be directly from the refrigerator).

Mix to uniformity.

That's all, Eugene Pretzel! Our caramel is ready, you can believe?! As easy as pie!

We leave it to cool. Hot, she is still liquid, thickens around the cooled and begins to stretch. This pulling it provides glucose syrup, and what is more, the more she stretches.

Salt now I do not add, because we will use caramel for a cream, which is a curd cream cheese, and he himself slightly salt. If you use this caramel as an independent dessert, a filling for sweets or somehow else, you can add a little salt, better large marine, and even better - Fleur de Sel.

For cream, so that he does not smell, caramel we need to completely cool! To speed up the process, if the conditions allow, can be taken to the balcony. You can also use a cold water bath.

And now, actually, cream!

Take 100 g of cold cream 33%. We beat them, but not to the strongest peaks. We need semi-confused cream.

We smear for a fork.

Add 150 g (it should turn out exactly so much) to our soft caramel. Stretches behind a spoon.

Cream Caramel is a gentle French delicacy, despite sophistication and elegance, absolutely accessible and easy to prepare. Outdoor products - eggs, sugar and milk, by non-cunning manipulations, are able to turn into an extraordinarily delicious "dessert-transverse" who conquered not only European gourmets, but the whole world.

Cream Caramel - a recipe for a simple, thanks to a simple technology, French delicacy will be able to appear on the table of each mistress. In essence, the dessert is a cream that is obtained by whipping eggs with sugar, milk or cream. The mass is laid out in the molds filled with caramel, and baked in the oven. When submitting a dish turns over.


  • sugar - 230 g;
  • boiling water - 60 ml;
  • cream 33% - 100 ml;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • oil - 20 g;
  • zedra - 2


  1. Of 150 g of sugar and boiling water, Caramel weld.
  2. Flow in forms.
  3. Mix milk with cream and zest. Heat.
  4. Add whipped with sugar eggs.
  5. Pour the mass over the caramel.
  6. Bake home cream caramel at 160 degrees 45 minutes in a water bath.

Dessert Creme Caramel - Recipe, assumes different cooking options. The reference is French cream. It is prepared only from solid milk, with the addition of vanilla and an abundance of eggs, as they are responsible for the form of dessert. The finished dish is cooled 12 hours, not only for pouring, but also to eliminate the egg smell.


  • milk - 500 ml;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • vanilla seeds.


  1. Cook caramel from 100 g of sugar and water.
  2. Pour it in forms.
  3. Beat the remaining sugar with eggs and yolks.
  4. Add hot milk and vanilla seeds.
  5. Pour the resulting mass in the form.
  6. French Caramel cream bake for 20 minutes at 160 degrees.

Cream "Salt Caramel" - recipe

Cream "Salt Caramel" is unusually popular in the modern confectionery world. Its salty taste perfectly shams the sweetness of the desserts, and a dense pulling consistency, similar to Irisk, allows you to use caramel not only as an independent delicacy, but also as a topping to ice cream, pancakes, porridge and pankeboxes.


  • sugar - 350 g;
  • cream 33% -350 g;
  • oil - 70 g;
  • salt - shrink.


  1. Mount sugar before amber color.
  2. Add butter, salt and warm cream.
  3. Cook a lot of 8 minutes.
  4. Cream "Salted Caramel" cools in the cold of 12 hours.

Cream Caramel with Cream Cheese

Caramel is an excellent version of the filling for gourmet baking or light self-dessert. The process is simple: previously welded caramel, mixed with cream cheese, powdered sugar and cream to lush consistency. The main thing is that all the components are cooled, otherwise the mass is bad and will melt.


  • cream 33% - 200 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • oil - 40 g;
  • creamy cheese - 250 g;
  • sugar powder - 50 g


  1. Oil and sugar melt and negotiate.
  2. 100 g Frame cream, enter in caramel. Cool down.
  3. Creamy cheese sweat with powder, 100 g of cream and caramel.
  4. Remove cream caramel in cold.

Creme Caramel is a recipe that gives a lot of opportunities in creating original independent desserts and gentle additions to baking. Today, when it is not surprising, his combination with caramel is particularly in demand. Thanks to Caramel, it acquires a completely new taste, color and cream texture.


  • milk - 900 ml;
  • sugar - 380 g;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • starch - 40 g;
  • yolk - 3 pcs;
  • oil - 30 g.


  1. In 800 ml of milk, add 200 g of sugar, 70 g of flour, starch and yolks.
  2. Wake up and cook to density.
  3. 30 g of flour fry in a frying pan, add the oil and 180 g of sugar.
  4. Pour 100 ml of milk, hold for 5 minutes, remove from the heat and cool.
  5. Finished caramel mix with cream.

Cream Caramel for Cake

The recipe for cream caramel at home is characterized by simplicity and impeccable taste. It can be used as or base for cream. The peculiarity of his own preparation is that it is possible to change the thickness of the mass, depending on the purpose. This recipe indicates the proportions for the soft caramel.


  • milk - 120 ml;
  • sugar - 220 g;
  • oil - 70 g;
  • vanillin is a chinful.


  1. Sugar melts.
  2. Add warm milk, vanillin and oil.
  3. Werewind, stir.
  4. Cream caramel will be soft and liquid, but after cooling thickening.

Cream Caramel has various cooking versions. One of them - on a dairy basis - is very popular, since it is simple and accessible. With the help of additional components, it is possible not only to diversify the taste, but also the aroma of the dessert, adding to the milk instead of the traditional vanilla sticks - a shrink of cinnamon.


  • milk - 270 ml;
  • sugar -150 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • hammer cinnamon - a chip;
  • boiling water - 100 ml.


  1. Before cooking cream caramel, melt 100 g of sugar, pour boiling water and boil the mass.
  2. Add cinnamon in a warm milk.
  3. Egg and yolks. Beat with 50 g of sugar.
  4. Add to milk.
  5. Boil caramel by molds, pour cream on top.
  6. Bake in the oven in the water bath of 45 minutes.

Cream Caramel Cake Recipe

"Cream Caramel" - aerial destruction with a biscuit base and a gentle caramel cream. The preparation feature is that three masses alternately poured on a baking sheet and baked simultaneously in the oven, in a water bath. The finished cake is cooled and served inverted, like a dessert cream caramel.