A pancake cake with sour cream: prepare unfortunately, but skillfully! Three pancake cake recipes with sour cream pan-made cake tubes with sour cream.

07.04.2021 Snacks

So you want to indulge your loved ones and friends with homemade pastries, but often there is no time or expensive ingredients so that the exquisite dishes turned out. Choose a recipe for a pancake cake with sour cream-taste it is gentle, and cooking does not take your time and strength. The big plus of his preparation is that "bake" such a dessert can be from yesterday's pancakes, and the sour cream recipe is incredibly simple and suited. Such a delicacy will be appropriate even on a festive table.

Cake cake with sour cream

Perhaps you have your favorite Pinnake Dough Recipe, which it differs from the following. But we suggest you try this option and sure that you will not be disappointed!


  • glass of sifted flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 measuring glasses of water
  • 45 grams of refined vegetable oil
  • 170 grams of sugar sand
  • 0.5 cups sour cream
  • vanilla sugar
  • 50 grams of chopped walnuts
  • salt - chipotch

Cooking method:

This recipe is embodied in life in 3 stages: baking pancakes, collecting cake, baking it in the oven. Start the preparation of the dessert with the kneading knee: eggs with a wedge with a pinch of salt and sugar, pour flour, pour water, several oil spoons and knead the liquid dough. Be proceed to baking pancakes on a lubricated oil preheated frying pan. Fold them with a stacker on a plate and cover the napkin.

Next, proceed to whipping the cream. To do this, mix with 100 grams of sugar and vanilla sugar (10 g). Whip a mixer mass to completely dissolve sugar. Three tablespoons of cream put in the cream. Now take the form for baking, lubricate it, only carefully, butter and start collecting the cake, missing each pancake sour cream. Put in the oven for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Turn off the fire, lay out a ready-made dessert on a dish, lubricate the remaining sour cream and sprinkle the top of chopped walnuts. A pancake cake with sour cream is ready. Bon Appetit!

Cake from pancakes with sour cream

This dessert will please you with appearance, because the cream recipe contains beet juice. This unusual ingredient for the cake will give a wonderful rose-colored cream.


For dough:

  • 700 grams of pasteurized milk
  • 30 grams of sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 2.5 cup of sifted flour
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • pinching of soda
  • some lemon juice

For cream:

  • 400 grams of sweet cottage cheese
  • 400 grams of cream 30% fat (can be replaced with 30% sour cream)
  • 45 grams of small sugar
  • beck juice

Cooking method:

Of course, the first thing starts the stove pancakes. In a large bowl, mix the ingredients for the test (with the exception of soda and lemon juice) and carefully sweep the mixer so that the lumps are not formed. Fill the soda with lemon juice, pour vegetable oil in the dough (refined) and proceed to baking pancakes: first make a frying pan on a lubricated oil. Pour the second pancake without lubricating a frying pan, - it will not stick. If all pancakes are ready, it's time to do cream.

Children's cottage cheese has a rather gentle structure - there is no need to wipe it. Just remember it with a fork and enter in it pre-whipped cream. No need to seek soft peaks - let the cream increase slightly in volume. After that, pumped sugar. Divide the cottage cheese-cream mixture into 2 parts and one of them tinted with beet juice.

A turn came to collect dessert: put the first pancake on a wide dish, wake it with a pink cream, pour a couple of tablespoons of white cream to the second pancake. In the same way, complete the cake, it is not necessary to leave it! Having finished putting pancakes, immediately brew tea and call close. Bon Appetit!

Bannana Cake

Delicate taste and consistency of the banana perfectly complement the pancake cake with sour cream. If you are afraid that fruit circles can bundle a sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of dessert, soda fruit on a grater or remember it for a fork. The recipe assumes a uniform application of a banana puree - it creates a layer of delicacy and give the dish unusual notch.


For pancakes:

  • liter of pasteurized milk
  • 2 full cups flour
  • third Sunflower Oil
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar

For cream:

  • sour cream 20% fat content - 350 milliliters
  • sugar - Polfushka
  • bananas - 4 pieces

Cooking method:

All specified ingredients for a pancake dough carefully slow down the mixer. To avoid lumps, suck the sifted flour (it is best to use a mug-sieve). Heat the pannitsa, lubricate vegetable oil and start bakeing thin pancakes. Fold them with a pile and leave for cooling. The sour cream cream is easier than simple: sweeten the fatty sour cream, pumped the sugar gram. Choose sweetness at your request, you can add a little vanilla fragrance. Wash bananas, clean and cut the circles. Take a wide dish and begin to glisten pancakes with sour cream. For each 3-4 layer, put bananas, be sure to break a little cream. Collect the cake completely, leave it half an hour to eat. Brew tea and invite a sweet bowl to the table - pleasant tea drinking!

Splashing apple

Let you do not embarrass the unusual name of the Kushan - this is the usual pan-made cake in the original form. The layer of baked meringue complements the taste of the dessert and significantly decorates it.


For dough:

  • 150 grams of flour
  • 120 milliliters of oily cream, not less than 30%
  • 100 grams of milk
  • 110 grams of soft butter
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 3 pieces of eggs

zedra of one lemon

For cream:

  • sour cream 25% fat - 200-300 milliliters
  • sugar - 1/3 dimensional glasses

For filling:

  • 3 apples
  • cinnamon Powder Teaspoon

Cooking method:

Two tanks separate 2 yolks and 2 proteins. In a bowl for the test, take the whole egg and add 2 yolks. Creamy oil warm in the microwave 20-30 seconds and scroll with sugar. In the resulting mass add, alternately stirring, milk, cream, egg mass. From Lemon, remove the zest and interfere there. Prepare a liquid base, suck the flour and knead the pancake dough. Bake the usual way for you. Now it's time to do apples: Clean them from the peel and the core. Cut apples with small cubes and sweep them on creamy oil. Fruit fruit a few minutes and pour cinnamon. If you like desserts, please sugar apples. But acidic fruits will give a good freshness and fragrance.

The cream recipe is extremely simple: without caustic, mix the sour cream with sugar and sweat a little. Start alternately to miss pancakes with cream and lay the layer of apples with cinnamon on each of them. Now add the dessert a wint, which from a conventional pancake cake will make a real Ukrainian "Sounding". To do this, take the 2 remaining protein into a strong foam, adding sugar and 30 milliliters of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Fait the resulting Marengya Szozlenk, give the texture of a wave or soft peaks.

If you have a convection mode in the oven, bake the cake for 8 minutes at 210 degrees. If the specified mode is not in your ovens, just warm it up to 170 degrees and bake the product on the top shelf from about a quarter of an hour. The top must acquire a shade of caramel. Cool and apply a little warm. Bon Appetit!

Pineapple pancake cake

The original recipe offers to take a canned pineapple for the filling. We offer at least once try to prepare a filling of fresh fruit - the delightful aroma of Pineapple will not leave any of your guests indifferent.


For pancakes:

  • 500 milliliters of milk
  • 200 grams of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 4-6 tablespoons of refined oil

For cream:

  • 300-350 grams of sour cream
  • 250 grams of sugar

For filling:

  • fresh pineapple or its canned rings

Cooking method:

As usual, you first proceed to baking pancakes. In the bowl, pour and pour the ingredients for the test, mix them most carefully and bake pancakes on a preheated pannier. Sour cream with sugar, let it completely dissolve. Pineapple Clean the peel and cut into cubes, and as much as possible. Now take a deep bowl and unlose it with a food film. First pancake put on the bottom of the form, several more sifut the walls. Set aside one pancake, and from the remaining roll up the tube with pineapple minced meat.

Gently lay out the tubes into the shape, watering each layer of sour cream. At the very top of this design, put a penetrant laid earlier and send the product to the fridge for a couple of hours. When the cake is appropriate, pull it out of the form with the help of a food film and turn over. Decorate to your taste - chocolate crumb, almond flakes, coconut chips and so on. Pineapple cake with sour cream is ready - a pleasant appetite!

Cake from pancakes with apples

Use your favorite recipe pancakes to cook this dessert.


  • pancakes thin ready - 10 pieces
  • 3 apples
  • creamy butter - 20 grams
  • sugar - to taste
  • sour cream 25% fat content - 250 grams
  • juice of half Lemon

Cooking method:

Pancakes are ready, so you offer to start creating a masterpiece with apples. Clean them from the peel and cut down thin slices. In the scenery, warm up two tablespoons of creamy and vegetable oils, lay out apples and sugar, pour lemon juice. Fry on a big fire, shaking a skillet until the apples start caramelized.

Preparing a stuffing, take a rectangular baking shape and cover it with a bottom of the food film. Each three pancas shape so that their edges hung, and the bottom was closed. Deliver pancakes with sour cream and lay out a thin layer of apples. Cover the fruit with halves of pancakes and repeat the procedure. Thus, form a cake, cover it with hanging ends of pancakes and remove in the refrigerator for an hour. Pleasant tea drinking!

The pancake cake was and remains incredibly simple and tasty dessert. With the help of a wide variety of stuffs every time, bakeing the usual pancakes, you can prepare a stunning dish. Use your entire fantasy and surprise others!

Discussion 1.

Related Materials

The cooking cream includes:

  • 500 ml of bold cream for whipping;
  • 100 g of sugar powder;
  • 360 g of gentle cottage cheese.

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. Eggs slightly beat with sugar and salt. Flour to sift with cocoa and baking powder. This mixture is combined with eggs.
  2. The resulting thick dough bring to the consistency of a pancake, interfering with the prescription rate of milk.
  3. On a slightly lubricated oil in a diameter of 24 cm. Bake thin chocolate pancakes.
  4. For cream Cold cream, beat to the state of lush foam with sugar powder.
  5. 2/3 of whipped cream mixed with wipe through a sieve cottage cheese. The resulting cream move chocolate pancakes.
  6. The remaining cream to deceive the cake from above and on the sides. Decorate the dessert of melted chocolate, berries and fruits.

Tip! In order for the edges of the pancakes after baking, they are better to cover them from above a large ceramic plate.

Chocolate pancake cake with custard

A gentle consistency of a custard milk cream turn a cake from pancakes to a real masterpiece. To start the dough for simple pancakes, you need to take:

  • 1 egg;
  • 30 g of sugar;
  • 2 g of salts;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 160 g of flour;
  • 100 ml of boiling water;
  • 3 g soda;
  • 20 g of melted butter;
  • 20 g cocoa powder.

List of ingredients for custard layers:

  • 400 ml or 2 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 40-60 g of sugar;
  • 10-15 g of flour;
  • 7 g of vanilla sugar.

Sea of \u200b\u200bpreparation:

  1. Egg shake with salt and sugar, pour milk and interfere with flour. It turns out a sufficiently thick mixture.
  2. In boiling water stir soda and pour it into the dough. Quickly stir. In the finished dough pour the melted oil and add cocoa.
  3. Prepare from the resulting test thin pancakes. Fold them with a pile and leave under the food film until the tick assembly.
  4. 300 ml of milk send to the scene on fire. The remaining milk is mixed with egg, sugar (including vanilla) and flour.
  5. When the milk on the stove starts to pour, pour into it with a thin flowing milk-egg mixture. Stirring to respect the cream before thickening.
  6. When all the components of the dessert are ready, it remains only to collect a cake and arrange it in your own taste.

Chocolate cake with sour cream

Pancakes for this baking are obtained with megashocolate taste due to the fact that the dough includes not only cocoa powder, but also black chocolate. The proportions of ingredients will be as follows:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 50 g of sugar powder;
  • 80 g of black chocolate;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 20 g cocoa powder;
  • 40 g of butter;
  • 3 g salts;
  • 200 g of flour.

For cooking sour cream prepare:

  • 400 g of fatty sour cream (better home);
  • 90 g of powdered sugar.


  1. Half milk to send a water bath together with chocolate and butter. Heat everything to the complete combination of ingredients.
  2. The rest of the milk is combined with bulk ingredients and whipped in foam eggs.
  3. Connect both components of the test, mix thoroughly and leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature.
  4. Then, from the resulting test, bake 18-20 pancakes with a diameter of 19 cm.
  5. For cream, beat up to puff sour cream with sugar powder. Move the pancakes with the resulting stuffing, it still covers the cake from above. Before serving, withstand dessert 2-3 hours in the refrigerator.

Tip! If you failed to buy a fatty sour cream, you can make cream from a smaller fat product. To do this, the sour cream is wrapped on a colander, shining gauze.

Chocolate lovers can add to the sour cream grinding in the crumb "Oreo" cookies or make cream completely chocolate, entering into its composition cocoa powder.

Chocolate pancake Cake with condensed milk

A nice caramel taste of boiled condensed milk is perfectly complemented by chocolate pancakes. Cake from such components is not shown and sweet, but juicy, gentle and satisfy enough. To bake pancakes for delicacy, you need to take:

  • 1000 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • 2-3 g salt;
  • 2-3 g soda;
  • 300 g of flour;
  • 20 g cocoa powder.

For cream from condensed milk to take:

  • 250 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 50 g of butter;
  • 100 g fatty or restricted sour cream.

How to cook:

  1. From those listed in the list of products ingredients to knead the pancake dough. Let him stand a couple of hours at room temperature so that gluten in the flour began to work, and all lumps were separated. Then bake a stack of chocolate pancakes.
  2. In a deep bowl, lay boiled condensed milk, softened butter and sour cream. All products beat a mixer to homogeneity. The resulting cream to jamp the cakes and fold them with a stack.

Additionally, the bananas, crushed nuts or chocolate crumbs can be put into the layer between pancakes.

Chocolate cake pancakes with banana cream

The combination of bananas and chocolate can be called classic. For gentle chocolate pancakes on milk and kefir prepare:

  • 800 ml of milk;
  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 150 ml of boiling water;
  • 80 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 4 g soda;
  • 60 g cocoa powder;
  • 350 g of flour or to the desired consistency.

For a tasty banana cream:

  • 450 g of condensed milk;
  • 250 g sour cream;
  • 40 g of corn or potato starch;
  • 6 bananas;
  • 5 g Vanillina.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Eggs to be confused with sugar, pour kefir, milk and sifted with soda and cocoa flour. Next pour boiling water and quickly stir. Give a little to stand a little.
  2. Add vegetable oil, stir and bake thin openwork pancakes.
  3. Bananas clean and pour blender. Add the remaining ingredients for cream to them. On moderate fire, bring the mixture to thickening, but not boiling.
  4. Cool cream and collect cake. From above, you can cover the baking with a layer of chocolate glaze or to be arranged in another way.

Often a pan-made cake on a serving dish looks like a holmik due to thin edges of pancakes. So that this is not, it is better to crop all the pancakes on a plate a little smaller diameter than the frying pan.

Chocolate pancake cake: recipe with cherry

Outwardly, this dessert resembles a popular cake "Monastic hut", but it is preparing much easier, because instead of korzhi in the oven bake thin chocolate pancakes in a frying pan. They can be prepared according to any of the above recipes. Cherry for filling can be taken canned or frozen.

What will take for a pancake dessert with cherry:

  • 21 chocolate pancake;
  • 800 g cherry without seeds;
  • 500 ml of fatty or restricted sour cream;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • 80 g of melted chocolate for decor.

Preparation steps:

  1. Cherry to defrost and fold on the colander to the glasses of the extra liquid (juice or syrup).
  2. Chilled sour cream beate on medium speed with powdered sugar.
  3. To put the edge to the edge of the cherry and wrap it with a tube. Make 21 such a workpiece.
  4. To put seven pancake tubes on the serving dish, wrap them with sour cream. Next lay out the tube slide, reducing their number in each row: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
  5. From all sides to cover the cake with cream and remove for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator. When sour cream grabs well, decorate dessert from top to thin chocolate cob.

For greater saturation of the fragrance, the cherry berries can be soaked for a while in brandy. Also, you can add a sparkling raisins, dried or prunes to the cherry.

In conclusion, it should be said that deciding to prepare a chocolate pancake cake, you can use the recipe pancakes is not the one that is specified in the recipe, but the one that turns out best. Adapting the recipe for ordinary pancakes under this baking, the amount of flour should be reduced, by the amount of cocoa powder added to the dough. Pancakes can be baked in advance and even freeze, so that then you can cook the cake almost half an hour.

For gatherings with a cup of fragrant tea, we offer to give a pancake cake with sour cream. First, pancakes are baked, and then a cake is formed with sour cream cream. The recipe is simple, so even novice hosts will cope with a culinary task for excellent. The dough for pancakes is kneaded at kefir. Pancakes are obtained with a soft structure, air.

A cake with sour cream is difficult to call a fundamentally new dish. Most likely, this is an unusual feeding of traditional pancakes with sour cream. And if the pancakes are covered, most often, on a casual table, the pancake cake can be a noticeable decoration on the festive table. Such a cake, for example, to accompany the student winter during the carnival week.



  • Wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • Kefir - 2 glasses;
  • Egg chicken - 2 pieces;
  • Dough dough - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoons;
  • Sugar sand - 130 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 15 g;
  • Sugar powder - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sour cream - 300 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.


In a suitable in size, the declared amount of kefir or the proof milk is pouring. It is better if the "milk" will have time to warm up after staying in the refrigerator. Immediately enter a slightly disinteger for the dough into kefir. By the way, the bars can be replaced by classic food soda. At the same culinary stage, plunge salt into kefir and about a couple of tablespoons of sugar sand. Ingredients mix.

Now learn a pair of chicken eggs into kefir. Stir the entered products in the cup again again. The mixture should go homogeneous.

In the resulting kefir mass, start small portions to sift wheat flour. Immediately interfere with flour into a kefir mass.

The dough for pancakes should turn out without flour lumbies, so it is better to use a whitewash.

In the ready-made pancake dough for cake pour a couple of tablespoons of oil. Mix thoroughly.

Getting Started Baking pancakes, lubricate the pancake frying pannica, split it well. Crouch the cooked pastry pastry, and then distribute it on the surface of the hot frying pan.

In parallel with baking pancakes for the cake, make sour cream. Mix in a bowl of sour cream, sugar sand with vanilla sugar (you can also use natural vanilla or vanillin). Beat products designed for cream, mixer.

From the proposed number of ingredients, 10-12 pancakes should turn out. When pancakes are cooled, proceed to the formation of the cake.

Mix each pancake cream based on sour cream. Place each lubricated pancake on each other.

Preparing a pancake cake with sour cream supper sugar and decorate at will be fresh or frozen berries.

Chocolate pancake cake with sour cream

Sometimes households get tired of the traditional set of sweet dishes and require something new ones from the hostess. Refresh the old proven recipes will help an email. And if the pancakes folded in the form of a single cake will be small, then you can go into experiments even further. You can cook, for example, a chocolate pan-made cake with sour cream. Cocoa added to the dough will add the dish tart notes of chocolate.

Special gourmets can add a little melted chocolate into the dough - it will be more tasty! Any tile of chocolate will not work. Watch carefully on the inscription on the package. Now they often sell chocolate, but confectionery tiles. And in our recipe, real chocolate is needed, without milk, with a mild mustard - all grams of 30-50.

Ingredients for dough:

  • Wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • Cocoa powder - 4 tablespoons;
  • Egg chicken - 2 pieces;
  • Milk - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 0.5 glasses;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Basin - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Salt - on the tip of the knife.

For cream:

  • Sour cream - 1 cup;
  • Egg chicken - 1 piece;
  • Sugar is 1 cup.


  1. Let's start cooking from a pancake dough. In a deep bowl, we break eggs and get them together with sugar. On the stove seize milk so that it becomes warm, but not burning hot. Otherwise, eggs can curl. Add milk to a bowl, as well as a baking powder, vanilla sugar, cocoa. Stir everything carefully. Last but, add sifted flour. And re-mix the mixture so that there are no lumps.
  2. The front is pancakes in the traditional way.
  3. We prepare cream from sour cream, egg protein and sugar (yolk can be added to a pancake dough or put on some other dish). All ingredients send in a bowl and carefully beat cream.
  4. Ready pancakes need to lubricate with cream and fold them with a stack so that the cake is.
  5. You can decorate a cake with chocolate crumbs or berries, it can also be covered with chocolate icing.
  6. A pancake cake must "relax" in the refrigerator approximately 40-60 minutes.

Like any basic idea, the recipe for a pancake cake can be refined and improved under the preferences of their own family. For example, the sour cream cream gives a big scope for creativity.

Creames for a pancake cake:
  • sourish-curd - in this case, we take a gentle children's cottage cheese and whip it with sour cream and sugar;
  • with fruit - a banana and an apple will fit perfectly, we also apply them to a small cube and add already to the finished cream mass;
  • from the condensed milk - you need to take a "condensed milk" as an ordinary, and boiled and just lubricate it damn, because it is already so sweet;
  • walnut - nuts to overflow in a mortar or apply a knife, add to the finished cream;
  • poppy - a brewed poppy you need to just add to whipped cream;
  • with berries - good in such cream will be strawberries and raspberries, cut the berries into small pieces and add to whipped cream.

If your family is not like thin, openwork pancakes, and lush, thick pancakes - not trouble! Prepare from yeast pancakes cakes. This will also get very tasty.

To prepare yeast pancakes, in sour milk (not cold, room temperature, 1 cup) We put yeast (1 packaging of dry yeast). The mixture in the bowl should constantly stand up to the appearance of a yeast reaction. At this time, you need to beat a couple of eggs with sugar sand (half-table) and a droplet of salt in a separate bowl. Connect the contents of two bowls in one mind, we mix the liquid. Sift the flour (put on the eye how much the dough will require), add to liquid products. You need to thoroughly mix the dough, otherwise there will be lumps. The dough should be a little lathe and then it will be its oven in the usual way. Blinnitsa must be pre-lubricate with shaken butter or vegetable oil.

  • Thin, openwork pancakes are obtained thanks to the correct operation with the test at the mixing stage. In order for the dough to get smooth, hard and without lumps, you must first mix the bulk and liquid ingredients separately. And only then carefully combine them and stir thoroughly.
  • Milk, kefir, eggs must be removed in advance from the refrigerator so that at the time of cooking the test they have reached room temperature. In this case, the dough will go well. This rule concerns not only the preparation of yeast pancakes, but also pancakes on sour milk.
  • Flour for cooking pancakes should be sisted. So the flour "powder" will become more air, it is saturated with oxygen. As a result, the dough will be easier, not rubber.

Prepare a pancake cake with sour cream at home is easy. The base is pancakes, lubricated with gentle cream. We hope that the selection of recipes will help prepare for a series of holidays, where culinary dishes are always welcome.

So, you will need:

  • flour - 2 glasses;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • milk - 3 glasses;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • soda - pinch;
  • lemon juice.


  1. At first, the mixer whipping eggs and sugar. And after adding to the mixture in turns of milk and flour, mix so that no lumps are left.
  2. Next, add soda into the dough, redeemed by lemon juice.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly, and further - you can bake on a sufficiently preheated frying pan, smeared with oil. After the first pancake, it is not necessary to lubricate the frying pan. Pancakes perfectly embarcate.

A pancake cake with cottage cheese cream

A chic cake is obtained with a filling of thick sour cream and curd cheese. Cook it is very simple. Ingredients for cottage cheese cake you will find in any store.

Ingredients for filling:

  • curd routine - 4 pcs. 100 g;
  • sour cream 25% fat content - 200 g;
  • powder sugar - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. To prepare a filling, mix raws, sour cream and sugar fork, to a homogeneous mass. If homemade cottage cheese is selected, it needs to wipe in advance through the colander. Part of the filling can be tinted with beet juice. Then it turns out the cream of pink color.
  2. "Corges" take turns to lubricate that white filling, then pink.
  3. Decorate with dish chocolate glaze, berries or fruits.

The cake is impregnated very quickly. Immediately, after cooking, you can collect everyone to the table.

Cooking recipe with chocolate

Pancakes for cake with chocolate are also prepared as usual, but one of the ingredients here will be cocoa powder. In the dough you need to add 0.5 tablespoons.

For the filling you will need:

  • cream - 0.5 l;
  • chocolate paste Nutella - 350 g

How to cook:

  1. In the blender, mix and beat all components for pancakes. Leave the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  2. Fork pancakes on a well-hot frying pan, lubricated vegetable oil.
  3. Beat cream.
  4. To prepare a chocolate pancake cake, put the pancakes one for a dish, lubricating them with Nutella and whipped cream, in turn.

The upper layer must be necessarily namazan chocolate paste and packaged cocoa.

Cooking with banana and icing

Cake on this recipe can be prepared very quickly, and also quickly he is eaten. Exotic fruit acts as the main component. Its quantity depends on the total.

For glaze, take:

  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • creamy oil - 50 g.

How to cook:

  1. First of all, it is pretty sweeping sour cream, vanillin and sugar.
  2. Cut the fruit with circles.
  3. To prepare the glaze on a cake with sour cream and bananas, mix all the ingredients and leave on a weak heat.
  4. Pancakes place in the following order - damn, then cream from sour cream and banana, after - the next pancake, etc.

Cake Pour the icing and on top to decorate it with a rubbed chocolate. Put the dish for half an hour refrigerator.

Dessert with the addition of berries

Want to cook a delicious and delicate cake, spending the minimum of effort and time, arma this recipe. If in winter you can not find raspberries or blackberries, replace with other berries.


  • fat cream - 500 ml;
  • vanilla cream - 200 ml;
  • blackberry - 200 g;
  • malina - 100 g;
  • blueberry - 100 g;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • raspberry jam - 250 g;
  • powder sugar - to taste.


  1. Preparing pancakes. When they are ready - make cream. Mix the vanilla cream with cream and beat them with a mixer.
  2. After the pancakes are cooled, dear the jam, put on each other. In the cake filling should also be bananas and a mixture of cream cream.
  3. Decorate the cake of the berry "cap", richly sprinkled with sugar powder. It turned out a magnificent pancake cake with berries, which will decorate any holiday.

Cake from pancakes with sour cream and condensed milk

When you prepare a pancake cake with sour cream and condensed milk, add 2-3 tts to the dough. l. cocoa.

And for the filling you will need:

  • boiled condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • butter creamy - 50 g;
  • fatty sour cream - 150 g;
  • purified walnuts - 20 pcs.;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • confectionery poppy - ½ packaging.

How to cook:

  1. In a deep cup, connect the deciding butter, boiled condensed milk and sour cream. Beat the ingredients of a mixer into a homogeneous mass and leave for a while in the refrigerator, while pancakes are preparing.
  2. When the preparation of pancakes is completed, start collecting the cake. Bananas for filling cut into thin circles. Wash the pancakes with cream from sour cream and condensed milk. Each 3-4 layers lay out fruit circles. The top layer and the sides are pretty to deceive with cream.
  3. To decorate a banana circles, from which on the surface of the cake shape a flower. For the decoration you will need walnuts, crushed with a rolling pin and packed in advance poppy.
  4. After decorating, leave the cake in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.

Recipes of cooking cream and other confectionery decorations

1 hour

200 kcal

5/5 (4)

Cake from pancakes is one of the most popular delicacies, especially in children. It is soft, gentle, preparing quickly from simple, inexpensive, all available products, does not require special culinary skills, availability of special equipment. Prepare a pancake cake at home will be able to each.

The cake from pancakes is very simple, the main thing is to get soft gentle pancakes, and the cream is made in five minutes. I have repeatedly practiced a variety of recipes pancakes from girlfriends, employees, from the Internet and today I will share the secrets with you how to prepare an air gentle pancake cake at home.

  • Inventory and kitchen appliances: Bowl, mixer, frying pan, shovel for turning pancakes.

Required products

To prepare a pancake sour cream cake, you will need such ingredients:

If you do not have a mixer and cream you will beat manually, it is better to take sugar powder instead of sugar. Manually beat the cream until the sugar is completely dissolved very hard.

Features of the choice of products

Earlier for the preparation of pancakes sold special pancake flour. She enjoyed great success, as she gave a treat special tenderness and openness.

Now such a flour is very difficult to find, so we use the usual wheat. For the preparation of pancakes should take the flour of the first grade. High-quality flour has white, sometimes a little cream tint. Buy flour fresh. If it was kept for a long time, the dough will be tough and in lumps.

After the reusable preparation of thin pancakes, I found an interesting fact: that the pancakes turned out to be air, it is very important so that soda was freshIn another case, the result will be somewhat worse.

Eggs better take homeThey have more rich yolks. It will give the pancakes a beautiful gentle color. Pay special attention to the milk - it should only be fresh if the milk at least a little "wandered", the pancakes will not work. Use boiled water.

Sour cream is also better to take home, the cream will get more thick. Only when buying, be sure to taste so that it does not care. The main thing in vegetable oil is to be without smell and not proud. Therefore, for the preparation of pancakes, I prefer shopping.

The quality of flour professional chefs are chewed by chewing. Good flour does not leave the feeling of sand on the teeth, the taste of bitterness, sweets, delights.

How to cook a pancake cake: step-by-step recipe

So, let's proceed to the description of the manufacture of a pancake cake step by step with the photo:

  1. To boil water.
  2. Sift through the sieve flour. This stage is never needed to ignore. Maybe it will seem to you that such actions are meaningless, but it is not at all. Thanks to the sifting, you get rid of lumps and garbage in flour, and pancakes will turn out to be more air and soft.
  3. In a bowl, pour half liters of milk in a bowl, add a spoon of a table sugar, eggs and beat (can be spoon, but it is better to use a mixer).

  4. During the beating, flour on a tablespoon is gradually added to the mixture, then you need to pour the remaining milk and also beat a couple of minutes.
  5. Add to a mixture of boiled water, soda and 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Mix all all with a spoon.
  6. Dough for pancakes is ready, now you can start the heat process. To do this, you need to warm up the frying pan in advance and prepare a blade that is useful for turning the pancakes. Frying pan pre-lubricate a pair of oil drops.
  7. The number of test that will be poured on the pan depends on its diameter. With standard sizes (12-14 cm), pick up a slightly incomplete bed. The dough in a pan is poured evenly, for this, the frying pan should be slightly twisted on the sides.
  8. Pancakes are plotted from two sides to a golden color. You will leave for the roast of each side 1.5-2 minutes.
  9. The dough should be poured from the midst as sour cream of medium density.

    Candinnoe Cake Recipe

    Cake fillings from pancakes can be the most diverse. From sweet:

    Salted fillings:

    I loved the sour cream cream, it is light and not apparent, so I shared with you just such a recipe. You can add bananas or strawberries, cherry, raspberry in such cream. Ingredients add at the end of cooking cream and slightly whipped with a mixer to felt the pieces of fruit.

    How beautiful to issue and apply a pancake cake

  10. If the pancakes are torn, retain the dough for 20 minutes, let it fit. If it does not help, add an egg.
  11. To make pancakes easier to be easier, they should not be made too large, and the skillet needs to warm up well and only then, with the fierce itself, to reduce the fire.
  12. So that the cream turns out more, it is necessary to beat cold sour cream and at high speed.
  13. If you want the cream to get fat and greasy, replace part of sour cream cream.
  14. Sour cream you need to take only the most fresh, otherwise after the beating it will not be cream, but an incomprehensible liquid. In the summer in supermarkets it is better not to buy it, since there is sour cream very quickly, due to insufficient coolness.

    Video cement video

    In the preparation of cake from pancakes, you will also help this video.

    It is simply and accessible to every step of cooking cake with cream from sour cream. It is very good that the author highlights the moments to be paid attention to, gives tips to make dessert to be delicious and beautiful. In addition, I liked the idea to decorate the cake, I also did it. After reviewing this video, you will make sure how easy it is easy and simple.

    Invitation to the discussion of the cake and possible improvements

    I will be very glad if my recipe and tips will help you please yourself and closely with a delicious cake from pancakes with sour cream. Share your experience, who has how to prepare pancake cakes. I look forward to your feedback and tips.