Try tea Karakv Dubai, UAE Emirates. What does a cup of tea look like in different countries of the world how to cook tea karak at home

07.04.2021 Lean dishes

Masala's unusual tea came to us from Indian provinces, where this drink became traditional. It warms well and gives cheerfulness for a long time. The peculiarity of Masala is that it is tea with spices and milk. Such an unusual combination of ingredients not everyone will have to do, but the drink is definitely worth attention, because it bears great benefit to the body.

Origin of tea

Indian tea Masala has gained popularity in the late 19th century during the colonization of the British of India. Then the British Tea Company gave to drink local working tea with milk to give them strength. The drink they soon fell in love, and each family considered the rule to create his own recipe for its preparation.

A lot of different seasonings, sugar and grass began to add a tea-milk cocktail. It turned out a completely new drink, which was called Masala tea. Therefore, it is India that the heating drink is considered the heating beverage. Similar milk tea - Karak - there are Arabs, only easier.


There are many varieties of Indian tea Masala, but the main ingredients remain unchanged:

  • Black tea.
  • Fatty milk.
  • Sugar.
  • Seasoning.

In the traditional recipe, it is customary to use large-scale. However, some prefer to cook Masala from Green Tea. Moreover, depending on the desired fortress, the leaves can be brewed in a traditional way or cook on slow heat.

Milk is better to take high fat to get a thick drink. The proportions of ingredients can be different from 1: 4 to 2: 5. Milk or added to the finished drink or vice versa, boiled tea together with milk and spices.

Spices added to tea can be diverse and limited only to personal preferences. Traditional seasonings: cardamom, ginger root, carnation and cinnamon

Other spices for tea Masala:

  • Saffron.
  • Liquorice.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Black pepper.
  • Anise.
  • Fennel.
  • Coriander.
  • Vanilla.

Spices can be combined with each other in any variations and get a unique drink every time. On sale there are ready-made mixtures of seasonings for Indian tea. It is preferable to take fresh spices and solely grind them before cooking. The taste of the finished mixture is somewhat inferior in brightness and aroma.

Composition and beneficial properties

Masala is a calorie drink. It contains a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The optimal energy value allows him to be nutritious and at the same time help to deal with overweight.

Tea Masala composition:

  • Magnesium.
  • Copper.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Iron.
  • Calcium.
  • Zinc.
  • Potassium.
  • Vitamins of group B, A, C, E, PP.

Milk is an indispensable source of calcium, which is necessary for the correct absorption of vitamin D and the formation of bone tissue. In addition, this is a protein, and our muscles are built from it.

In the teas of different varieties are contained tannins, tannin, alkaloids and amino acids. This drink normalizes pressure, improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the immunity and improves performance

Ginger is useful for women with an unstable hormonal background and sexual diseases. It contains a lot of microelements and essential oils that easily cope with colds and poor mood.

Cardamon - Queen Spices. According to the content of amino acids, vitamins and minerals, it compensates with any biological active additive. It is favorable on all organism systems, strengthening its protective properties.

Cinnamon is known for its bactericidal properties. The essential oils contained in it are perfectly struggling with diseases of the respiratory organs. Cinnamon is used to purify the skin from inflammatory elements, as well as as a diuretic.

Such a unique composition led to the indisputable benefit of an Indian drink for the body.

The beneficial properties of Masala tea are as follows:

  • Cleans the blood from toxins and allergens.
  • Normalizes pressure.
  • Strengthens vessels.
  • It has bactericidal properties.
  • Enhances immunity.
  • Soothes the nervous system.
  • Improves skin condition.

Drink is often used for weight loss. Indeed, the seasoning contained in its composition contribute to burning fat. However, to reduce calories, it is better to replace the milk with water

But what is the benefit of Indian tea for treating and preventing disease development:

  • It is a preventive tool from anemia and avitaminosis.
  • Protects from bacterial and viral infections.
  • Prevents the risk of disorder of the nervous system.
  • Protects the heart and vessels from violations of their work.
  • Fights with some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Possible contraindications

With a competent drink, he carries an exceptionally beneficial. The harm from Masala tea is possible only with the individual intolerance of the components. Therefore, if there is an allergy to a specific spice, it can be excluded from the composition and enjoy the drink.

Care should be taken by people suffering from bleeding, because the ginger has a diligent blood effect. Otherwise, no contraindications, except for children, no.

How to cook tea Masala

Prepare Masala tea at home will not be difficult if you know the features of the combination of ingredients. But the composition of the drink may be different and the characteristics of the taste depend on the combination.

Classic recipe

Traditional is considered the following combination of ingredients:

  • 50 gr. Welding.
  • A glass of milk.
  • Sugar to taste.
  • 2 cl. Spoons crushed on the grater of ginger root.
  • Black pepper at knife tip.
  • Quarter Cinnamon sticks.
  • 2-4 Cardamom grains.

The method of mausal tea is simple. To begin with, the spices are crushed into a stage and mixed with tea brew. Milk with water poured into the pan and put on a slow fire for heating. When the mixture begins to pour, it is added to it with a welding, and a couple of minutes sugar. The drink should be boiled 5 minutes, and after removing from the fire, leave for 10 minutes under the cover for insteading. Before use, tea is filled.

Another way to prepare

Based on a classic recipe, other varieties of drink are created. For example, Masala tea recipe with nutmeg, carnation and cinnamon. In a saucepan, you need to boil the water and add brewing and a glass of milk to it. First, spices such as nutmeg, ginger and black pepper are added. After the drink boils, the rest of the spices are put in it. At the very end, sugar is added and you can take tea from the fire.

For a variety you can use another recipe for massala tea. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of green tea.
  • A glass of milk.
  • Half of a glass of water.
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of brown sugar.
  • Cardamon twig.
  • ½ teaspoon of ground ginger.
  • Pinch of nutmeg and white pepper.

Tea is brewed in a separate dish. Spices are crushed and heated in a frying pan with the addition of sunflower oil. Milk must be boiled and combined with prepared spices and sugar.

A brewed tea is connected to the flavored milk. The drink remains strain and pour by portions

Features of cooking

It is not enough to know how to connect and connect the ingredients. There are some subtleties of the preparation of the Indian elixir, which must be observed. The drink will be delicious if the milk is fat enough, and tea brewing is strong.

An important rule is that oil tea can not boil - the ingredients must languish and give the reference properties. To obtain homogeneity of tea, use the cunning - connect hot milk with water with a transfusion from one cup to another several times.

As you can see, the creation of an Indian drink is a creative process. You can combine ingredients differently and get your unique recipe.

I spied how Arabic tea kerck is preparing ..))
There was a transfer "Planet tastes. Dubai "with antoves Zaitsev,
he was treated with this tea in some cafe.
and I'm curious to horror!))
Yesterday I saw, today I prepared.))

I love tea very much ..
Mostly a black good variety, since childhood is accustomed to it.
I saw a lot of tea, long and tasty.))
Mom and aunt chasing the Indian tea, Krasnodar, brewed him strong
and they always drank only fresh.
We often drink tea in Transbaikalia with homemade milk and without sugar,
it must be burning hot, to tea is served home yeast sweet
baking, cookies, jams, candies, homemade crackers, beams, raffin sugar, sour cream, coil oil ..
At homemade crackers sour cream, on top of a ramberry jam ..
Squeeze tea with milk .. and the butter is butter on the bun.

Sawing tea in the evenings I immediately introduced hardly married.))
Tea drank with a friend I have a TV and chat after dinner ..
Basically, tea was jam, raffin sugar or crackers ...
When I met my husband, he drank sweet clock instead of tea.))
The first attempts to drink it with good tea did not led to anything ..
Waved his hand ..
and here we are in the hostel taking a challenge ..))
and suddenly my handsome man was terribly offended, I poured tea, but he is not!
Eyes pinched out, poured tea ..))
everything!! Began to drink well brewed tea from one day.
And now already in varieties with might and maintenance.

Kerek faced the fact that there are milk in tea.
We sometimes have brewed tea with boiling milk.
This is delicious..))
well, today I prepared Kerek-exactly that called His Anton.
(I recorded the name from his words)

** On the Internet there is a recipe for tea Karak:

3/4 glasses of water
0.5 glasses of milk
2 tsp Sahara
1 PC. Carnations
1 cm slice of ginger
2 cm Cinnamon Wand
1 teaspoon or 2 bags of good black tea
Grain Cardamoma
Add water, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and carnation in a saucepan. Bring to boil, add sugar and tea, reduce fire. Brew on slow heat for one minute. Turn off the fire and cover with a lid. Leave for two minutes. Then pour the milk and bring to a boil again. Boil 1 minute. Remove from fire, strain through the siete. Serve hot or warm.

i prepared my tea almost the same ..
Only water is less, and milk is more, the fluid was about 300 ml ..
but no cinnamon and ginger.

1 \\ 2 tbsp. Water boost, add 2 tsp. Sugar and a few saffron stamens.
Then put the carnation and the pinch of the cardamom, 1 teaspoon with a slide welding, pour the glass of milk. When everything was boiling, I handed it around about a minute, removed from the stove and closed the lid,
to have tea.

Tea turned out interesting, fragrant, sweetish, with kalach and plum jam
it turned out an excellent snack.

In some countries, tea is considered no otherwise as art.

Here is what the traditional cup of tea looks like in different countries of the world.

Japan - Mattery Tea

Matha. - This is a crushed green tea, which is made in Japan from thin-resistant green tea leaves of high quality. It is usually used during traditional Japanese x tea ceremonies.

India - Indian tea Darjeeling

In India, a rich and diverse history of tea, and traditional masala tea They prepared throughout South Asia, another thousand years before the production of tea began to develop a rapid pace in the British colonial era. On the photo white sheet tea Darjeeling, which grows in India.

United Kingdom - English Tea

Black tea in the UK is served simply or with milk and / or sugar and drink several times a day. When you add milk to tea, plot until tea gets golden color.

Turkey - Turkish tea

Turkish coffee is the most famous hot drink, but Turkish tea is no less popular. It is served with each welcome or between food, as a rule, without milk, with or without sugar and brewed in a double custard teapot.

Tibet - Tibetan Tea

Tibetan tea called teasuma, combines tea, salt and oil of Yak. Tea brew a few hours so that he acquires a bitter taste, after which it is whipped with oil and salt immediately before serving.

Morocco - Moroccan Tea

For this drink, popular in Morocco and most of North Africa, in green tea add fresh mint.

Hong Kong - Milk Tea "Silk stocking"

In Hong Kong, cold milk tea, which is also called " silk stocking"Since in color it is similar to bodily color stockings. For its preparation, cooled black tea is mixed with condensed milk and served with ice.

Taiwan - Bubble Tea

Tea with bubbles or Bubble TEAwhich was invented in Taiwan, has already gained world popularity. It is served hot or cold with tapioki balls cooked in sugar syrup.

Russia - Samovar Tea

Although most people in Russia now enjoys a conventional electric kettle, traditional tea in Russia is certainly the one that is brewed in samovar.


Sweet ice with ice appeared in the south of the United States. As a rule, it is prepared with black tea and sugar, and also add a lemon and a pinch of soda for softness.

Pakistan - Masala tea

Spicy and creamy tea Masala is popular not only in India, but also is a favorite drink during the midnight in Pakistan.

Thailand - Milk Tea

Cha-Yen. - This is Thai tea, which combines condensed milk and tightly brewed Thai tea mixture.

China - Puer Tea

The Chinese love tea and drink many types of tea of \u200b\u200bdifferent colors and with different tastes. In the photo - Sheet tea puer, compressed in the shape of a ball or brick, which crumble into a cup and brew hot water.

Egypt - Egyptian tea

Egypt is a major exporter of tea, and here it is customary to drink tea unsubstituted throughout the day. In Egyptian weddings, they love to drink tea from hibiscus.

Mongolia - Mongolian tea

Traditional Mongolian tea, called suti Tsai, prepare in a saucepan with milk and salt. This fragrant tea is served in metal piles with each food intake.

Kenya - Black tea

Kenya also exports tea. The country produces simple black tea, and Kenyans prefer to drink tea with milk and sugar.

Argentina - Tea Mate

Mate is a vitamin drink that is grown and drink throughout South America, as well as in Portugal, Libya and Syria. It has a smoky taste and served hot and cold.

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From this drink the day of residents of the UAE begins, and it ends. Try and you have a chicken tea, prepared by the traditions of Bedouins.

Karak (Karak) is a strong black tea with the addition of sugar, milk, cardamom and king spices - saffron (true gourmets are also added to cinnamon and ginger). There are no contraindications for use, drinking a karak can be all without exception in any quantities.

How to do it?

1. Enjoy the traditional Bedouin tea in special tea cafeteria on Jumeirah Street (Jumeirah) or on motorways and sidewalks of the city. Ploy in the window, directed to the roadway or pedestrian zone - traditional express tea.

Karak Chai, Karak Tea, you can say, such a light version of the Indian tea Masala. :) Eliminates very popular in the Arab Emirates. In any cafe you will prepare strong, tart, sweet, fragrant, warming drink. His drink at any time of the year. In the summer he threatens thirst. In winter, it will warm and help to cope with the cold.
There is a belief that the one who starts his morning from the Karak Chai cup will succeed in implementing planned projects and all its aspirations will be brought into life and are crowned with success.

For one portion of tea:
3/4 st. water
0.5 Art. milk
2 tsp Sahara
2 cardamom boxes (reveal, use grains)
1 PC. Carnations
1 cm slice of ginger
2 bags of good black tea (or 1 ppm)
2 cm Cinnamon Wand

Add water, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and carnation in a saucepan.
When water boils, add sugar and tea, reduce fire. Boil on slow fire for 1 minute.
Turn off the fire and cover with a lid. Leave for two minutes.
Pour milk and bring to a boil. Boil 1 minute.
Strain through the corticle and serve hot.

And this, get acquainted, a new member of my little elephant family, arrived from the African continent: