How to give the shape of cakes from yeast dough. How to sculpt yeast dough patties

17.04.2021 Dishes from Yaitz

Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

Many hostesses prefer to prepare great rolls or pies, because they do not want to mess around with the lyclose of little pies. They can be understood when you need to do everything around the house and at the same time cook delicious food to households, then the simplest dishes and technologies are chosen.
But you can learn quite simple, and the main thing is to quickly sculpt the cakes to then or and serve hot straight on dinner. In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems. We will tell how to sculpt the cakes from yeast dough, with the photo of step by step, act on the recipe, and you will succeed!
By the way, the dough can be purchased ready, or to make it in advance, then less time to cook appetizing pies. The filling can be any if it is the main dish to dinner, you can take meat mince, mushrooms or vegetables (potatoes, stew, boiled peas).
Products can either bake in the oven, or fry in deep fryer.

- dough (yeast),
- Stuffing.

Recipe with photo step by step:

If we take the purchase of the dough, then you must definitely give it to it to know how to know, but only then proceed to the process of modeling products. Also prepare the filling in advance so that it is slightly cooled - it will be more convenient to work with it.
First of all, we lubricate your arms with oil so that the dough does not stick to them during the modeling.

The finished dough roll in the sausage, and then cut it into small pieces.

After that, roll over the circles (diameter 7-8 cm) with a rolling pin to 5 mm thick.

We put on the middle of the filling,

Then carefully rely, collecting two edges together in the middle.

(Seam do not get fat, but strong, so that the edges are not separated).

After that, we turn the cake so that the seam was at the bottom, and give it the necessary shape (round or oval).

We bake or fry in oil the pies and feed them on the table.

Bon Appetit!
Dough for pies is better not to buy, but do it yourself. Very good recipe -

There are several ways to make pies

    • Ingredients
    • Piring piercing piercing
    • How to sculpt pies (video)
  • Cooking time: 1.5 h;
  • Portions: 8;
  • Kcal: 185;
  • Squirrels / Fat / Carbohydrates: 5 G./7 / 24 g.

Of course, there is no consensus, they say, you can only sculpt the cakes. You can wrap the patty so that it is oval shape, triangular, square. You can roll in a snail patty, to the tube, make a pigtail, etc.

How beautiful to blind pies: three secrets

The pocketing pockets are not based on how virtuoso you are managed with changing the test configuration. Initially, it will not be correctly not to train with wrappering / folding, but with the correct kneading test. For exactly what will then make the perfect pies.

Rules kneading:

  • The main thing is to do a steep dough. It is necessary that it does not stick to hand, no more. There is such a joke of confectioners - if when you knead the dough, you drew hands, something you did wrong. First, you pour the right amount of flour slide, inside Make a hole and pour out separate ingredients there. And then knead.
  • So that the dough does not stick to the hands, squeeze her hands with vegetable oil.
  • Even the most strict instruction often warns - do not cook the dough in a bad mood. Oddly enough, even the pre-cookery is talking about the importance of this item. So - cook with pleasure and pleasure.

The quality of the pies depends on the proper kneading test

Methods How to wrap pies Each hostess adapts what is called, for itself. You can consider the pockets of the pies on the example of a particular recipe.


  • Yeast - 30 g;
  • Flour - ½ kg;
  • Rast. oil - 3-4 tbsp.;
  • Milk - 250 ml;
  • Egg chicken. - 1 PC.;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Salt is a pinch.

Piring piercing piercing

So, you start cooking of yeast dough pies. Make patties and puff pastry, but still a yeast pie is the most beautiful and tasty.

Preparation steps:

  • A little warm milk, pour sugar into it. Add yeast there, stir well.
  • Squash the flour on a secret or in a bowl. Make out of flour slide, in the center of which is a deepening.
  • Pour milk there with dissolved yeast, leave for 20 minutes to wander. The mass during this time will rise, covered with bubbles.
  • After that, add the oil, boil the egg with salt. Mix flour from the center to the edges. This can be done by a wooden spatula.
  • It turns out the soft mass that you want to knead your hands well, then repel about the table, form in the form of a bowl, and further sculpt the pies.

  • Miscellaneous buns also require some skills

    Usually pies are made with filling - meat, cheese, sweet, vegetable, etc. You can make triangular pies - you first make a round layer, which is stuffed, and from three sides of the circle you need twisted the dough to the center.

    How beautiful to wrap buns with sugar

    Bunkelok also requires some skills. Before frying or baking, you can make a sausage from the dough, on which there will be small cuts. Cut the sausage into the ring, it turns out such a beautiful wheel.

    You can blind dough and on the principle of the twig. Dough cut into rectangles, to make an incision in the middle, in which one of the edges of the rectangle is for the tip.

    Inspiration can come right in the cooking process. From the test you can form birds, leaves, roses, harmonic, etc. Experiment, and buns and piers from an unusual species will be even tastier.

    Piring piercing with photo

    To begin with, prepare a steep dough to moderate so that it does not stick to the hands

    Each hostess has their own ways to wrap pies

    Watch triangular pie cakes is very easy, your pies are not only delicious, but also become original in appearance.

    You can make squares from the dough that wrapped the converter

    From what is your fantasy, so you can wrap the cake. You can make it any shape and type.

    How to sculpt pies (video)

    Many hostesses since childhood to cooke will teach their mom. But all secrets can be transferred. And when you want to please yourself and your native original dish - then the question arises how to make it right. This article will talk about how to correctly sculpt the pies. The most basic secret of the easy pocketing pockets is impeccable dough. Then everything will succeed.

    Secret modeling of yeast dough pies

    Yeast cakes are not only lush, beautiful, but also very tasty, but so that they come beautifully need to make them right.

    Here are some little tricks for the modeling of yeast dough pies:

    • First, so that the seam does not disenteen and kept well throughout the baking, it should be swirling slightly. You can do it with your fingers, as if wrapping the edges, each other.
    • Secondly, if the dough is sticking to the hand, they can be lubricated with sunflower oil.
    • Thirdly, if the edges are bad and loosely fit, then they can additionally press them for a fork, so the seam will turn out not only strong, but also figured.
    • Fourth, before modeling a cake for the future pies, be sure to trigge the flour and give it to lie 5-10 minutes.
    • Fifth, yeast pie must still come up before they are starting a stove or fry, therefore, after this time, it is necessary to check whether the seams have not seen and, if necessary, to bore them.

    Basic secrets how to sculpt baking patties

    The most important secret for the seam of the puppet, which will oven, so that he does not diverge. If the hostess is not confident in the reliability of the junction, then it is better a stove with a patch stitch down. Such seams need just to press the palm well, and it will not disperse. Well, if it is conceived to make pies with an art seam, it is better to treat it with a mixture of eggs with water, it will not only additionally captures the scar, but also give a baking blush.

    How to make patties of different shapes

    Classic - boat. This is a favorite option of many owners. Seam in such baking can be upstairs or under the bottom. Virtuoso hostesses make a beautiful top scar in the form of a pigtail - it makes a cake very appetizing. To properly make seam moster, you need to practice well. It will take a rumble or oval and oval and filling. To begin with, you need to take edges simply by pressing, their friend
    to friend. The seam should be high so that the pigtail turns out to be lush. Now it is better to put the patty on the table and proceed to "weaving" pigtails. You need to start from one edge, gradually moving towards another. You need to fascinate the dough, putting the following layer with your fingers. Bake up a pigtail. For beginner culinary, it is better to hide the seam under the bottom. So it will not be seen that it is not even and even if the scar will disappear a little, then it is not noticeable on top.

    Triangular patty. There are two variants of such pies - stitch up or with a sidebar.

    For pies with the side scar, square blanks will be needed. The filling falls a little closer to one edge. And the free edge is covered with a stuffing, so that the equilateral triangle is turned out. Seam in such a pie can be pressed for a fork or go through a special curly tool.

    Triangular shape patties with seams are obtained from round blanks. Starting must be put in the middle and visually divide the pellet into three parts. Sculpt better on the table. You need to bore three parts in the middle, and after fastening the seam itself. The scar in such a pie can be made figured or in the form of pigtails and put the flat side for baking on the baking sheet.

    Square cakes in the form of an envelope. It will take a square blank and a stuffing must be put in the middle. Wrap each angle up so that they docked in the middle. To make it easier to sculpt, it is necessary to fix all the corners, and then fasten the edges. Also, a square pie can be made with side seams, for this you will need two identical squares. One of them is put filling and covered - others. The edges of such a masterpiece can be ordinary - pinch with fingers, or decorative - trim using a special knife-roller roller with wavy edges.

    Round decorative patties. Sculpt them from two identical circles. Make them better with a glass, so blanks will be perfectly even even. In the center one circle put the filling and cover the second billet from the dough. The scar can be copped with his fingers, you can press for a fork, and you can make curly with the help of sushi sticks, so it turns out openwork paradise.

    Patties - manta. As a rule, such a form for baking is chosen, if the filling has a liquid shape (jam, jelly). Need a round blank. The edges of the future pies need to be lifted to the filling does not flow. Mantal pies are bonded by a bundle, as if collecting the dough into the tail. So that such a form is better accurate, you need to open a bundle.

    There are still many different forms, but it is rather not the pies, but buns.

    The secret of the proper fastening of frying pies in a frying pan:

    • Fry the pate need to start from the side where the seam.
    • In order for the scar with frying, it is necessary to press it with a fork and roll a little pie.
    • If the seam does not want to be bonded - then you can smoother a little water, but not overdo it.

    Puff pastry

    As a rule, puff pastries make for baking and the filling is sweet. Here are some basic rules for the modeling of such pies. Beginner hostess need to know that the puff dough does not like to be Mesili and leopard him for a long time, so pies out of it better to think the simplest form. It is better not to roll off the blanks before modeling, but a little stretch them to the desired size. The pate is copped quickly and put on a baking sheet to lubricate all the pastries, paying special attention to the seam - whipped egg yolk.

    It is worth noting that to facilitate the pockets of pies of different shape, it is important that the dough is properly consistency. Not too cool and not too tough. In this case, the hostess will have beautiful and very tasty pies.

    Hot patty love many, but make them beautiful, it turns out far from every mistress. But this is nothing complicated. The main thing is to remember 3 rules: always sink flour (then baking will be air), only cool dough (it should not stick to hand) and not cook in a bad mood.

    Oddly enough, but pies, blinded at the time of depression or boredom, usually or do not hit, or become pretty tough, do not be angry. So you need to cook with pleasure!

    What rules still worth sticking to?

    They are quite a bit. So, for example, if you are preparing the cakes from yeast dough, after the modeling, they need to give a little "approach." After that, lubricate the whipped yolk. This will help them after frying to buy a beautiful ruddy appearance.

    You can prepare baking with any fillings. But if you have chosen jam, jam, jam, or another liquid product, make it better directly before baking. Otherwise, everything will spread and become inedible. If the juice is soaked during frying, you need to clean the frying pan and pour another amount of vegetable oil.

    Consider a method of modeling beautiful pies standing on an example of any recipes. We offer you to make pastries with fresh or frozen cherries.

    You will need:

    • sand Cane or ordinary sand - 110 grams (for filling);
    • not too fat kefir - 520 ml;
    • cherry frozen or fresh - 820 g;
    • food soda - 2 h. Spoons with a slide;
    • sugar sand - 2 tbsp. spoons with a slide;
    • cooking salt of the finest grinding - 1 pinch;
    • chicken raw selected eggs - two pieces;
    • wheat flour - 720

    Cooking method:

    Wheat flour to sift into a bowl, pour the kefir there is not very fat and not cold, add soda food, as well as sugar sand, pour salt, drive off raw chicken eggs. To knead the elastic dough, shifting it onto the board, which must be predetermined with wheat flour / hands to knead the mass again. Moreover, so that it becomes soft enough.

    To three equal parts, a very sharp knife need to divide the cooked dough, each of the pieces to roll in the harness. After that, cut them into their portion slices. Next follows from the bones to clean the cherry. To the fingers to cry every piece of the dough so that it turns out to be a layer, then put one spoon with reed sugar sand and cherry, then connect, as closely as possible the edge - so that the patty is.

    Vegetable oil should be heatled on a skillet, a swing up to lay out small portions of patties, fry them from all sides to a pleasant golden shade. After that, to move to the plate, the bottom of which was covered with several layers of paper towels. Cooked on kefir, fried patties with cherry stuffing to sue hot to tea.

    Possible shapes of pockets

    All patty pie can be divided into round, triangular, oval and square. Let's look at how to make it beautiful each of them.

    Round pies

    To create the dough and some solid filling (apples or other fruits). Berries can also be used, but it is worth trying so that it does not flow a lot of juice. For the modeling it is necessary to knead well the dough, cut it on the harnesses and, after, the pieces of medium size. Roll the pellets with a thickness of no more than 5 mm. In their middle, put the stuffing, the edges to protect themselves for the middle (as if you are doing Belyashi).

    It remains only to shift the baking on the baking sheet and bake. Delicious, rosy baking on the table - what is not a reason for the holiday?

    Oval pies

    These pies can be done with any fillings, including liquid and very sweet. For modeling you need to divide the dough on the harnesses and, after, on the pieces with a thickness of approximately 4 cm.

    Roll over the oval shape pellet. On one edge put filling. The second side of the cakes cover the first and hide (as for pasties). Stay down on the pan seam down and fry.

    Triangular pies

    These pies are usually made with meat, lavender, potatoes or fish. For their modeling, it is necessary to roll out a piece of dough in the form of a rectangle with a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm.

    The most reliable way to make a beautiful piddle - give him round shape. For this edge of the round cake from the test, it is necessary to raise and remove over the stuffing in the bag. Then the resulting protrusion to take a finger inside.

    Pies and pies with filling: 4 recipes for lazy

    No one wants to mess around with flour, butter and yeast, when the summer window. The main thing in the pogs and pies What? Of course, filling. We offer on it and concentrate, buying dough in the store!

    The following method of modeling is also very simple. A small dough lump must be formed in a round cake with a thickness of at least half acetimeter. If the pellet is thinner, then the dough can break when they are protected. After the filling is laid in the center, the edges of the pie tightly replete to work out little scallop.

    To make a pier triangular shapeYou need to form a small round cake from the dough and, as usual, put the center to put the filling. Then the stuffing must be well to dissolve, but so that it does not reach the edges of the pellet. The edges of the cakes wrapped at an angle of 45 degrees - the pellet will become similar to the arrow. The remaining open bottom edge should be lifted and releasing the resulting seams.

    Another method of piring pockets will not cause difficulties from the owners. To begin with, you need to form from the dough pellet oval form. Then put the filling on one half of the pellet, and the second half cut the knife to the strips. Then the pellet is simply folded, and the strips are replaced.

    Pies with such a type of bumping look very neat. From the test you need to prepare cakes oval form. Then put the filling on them, but not to the center, but along the cakes, as it were, the sausage, and get a little wrap over this sausage the upper opposite edges of the pies. The edges should not touch each other. Next it is necessary to take the top edges of the cakes to take the tips and put on each other above the stuffing. Thus, it is necessary to take the dough from the sides of the cakes and also to lay cross-crosswise. So that the pie looks beautiful, it is necessary to make 4-5 crossing crosswise.

    Apple Patties from watching a video! ..

    In order to make an envelope, you need to form round lepilla And to make small longitudinal cuts in its edges. A stuffing is laid in the center of the cake, and the edges bend in turn in such a way that the filling remained open. The left edge bends right, then right - left.

    After the round cake from the test is ready, the stuffing should be put on one of its edges. Then the free edge is covered with stuffing, connecting the edges. The edges of the pellet must be taken to the cutting surface for a fork - it turns out a beautiful corrugated seam.