Pansy sauce. White pizza sauce as in pizzeria

27.04.2021 Beverages

For one of the versions, the pizza came up with poor Italians, which for breakfast collected the remains of food after yesterday and laid them on a wheat cake. Today this dish is one of the most popular. There are varieties with tomatoes, garlic, seafood, sausages and vegetables. Sauce to it is prepared by different recipes. Some will be given in this article.

Tomato-based sauce

At the homeland of Pizza - in Italy, sauce is prepared from fresh tomatoes and canned in their own juice. It is not forbidden to try both options and choose for yourself the best. If there is no canned in the presence, but for fresh not the season, you can make a fill of tomato paste.

What will take:

  • tomato paste;
  • water;
  • salt, it is better to take marine;
  • basil;
  • olive oil;
  • sugar.


  1. In the scenery mixed in equal shares water and tomato paste on the eye, and put on fire.
  2. Pour a bit of olive oil and tomorrow 5 minutes on slow fire.
  3. Salt and send to taste. Slot garlic to grind and send to a saucepan.
  4. There is also a pinch of basil and oregano. Another 5 minutes to write sauce for homemade pizza and turn off the gas.

White pizza sauce

This is the next sauce in popularity. It may include any herbs and not too sharp spices. The recipe for the cream sauce for juicy pizza is not much different from the preparation of the sauce. Try to make it and you, and maybe he will ous out the familiar tomato gravy.

What will take:

  • pepper;
  • salt, can be sea;
  • butter;
  • eggs;
  • wheat flour.
  1. Put a deep pan on the stove and pour on the bottom of 60 gr. flour.
  2. To dry it until the shade changes to the golden one. Add some black hammer pepper and sea salt.
  3. Thin trickle, without stopping stirring, pour 500 ml of milk.
  4. Bring to a boil and filter through a sieve.
  5. In another container, beat with a mixer 3 eggs, add grated grated 200 grams. Cheese and melted in a pan 60 gr. Butter.
  6. Connect everything and use the seal sauce.

What will take:

  • fresh tomatoes;
  • fresh garlic;
  • hot pepper;
  • sweet pepper;
  • blend of dried herbs - oregano, basil, dill, parsley, char and rosemary;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, can be sea.


  1. 2 kg of ripe fleshy tomatoes free from the skin.
  2. 400 gr. Split onions clean from husk and chopping. Add crushed 3 garlic heads.
  3. Fold in the saucep 3 of the ingredient, it is here to send smart pepper with seeds of 3 Bulgarian peppers and 2 chile.
  4. In a separate idea, connect spices, herbs and pour 100 ml of vegetable oil or olive.
  5. Vegetables in a saucepan bring to a boil and tomorrow on a slow fire under a lid of 20 minutes, shaking the spoon.
  6. Remove from fire, attach spices in oil, add 1.5 tbsp. Salt and grind a blender.
  7. Boil. Sauce is ready. If you are going to prepare a trip, then spread over to sterilized banks and sunk.

Here are the most popular recipes for pizza sauces. Try, do not be afraid to experiment and look for your best cooking way. Good luck!

Undoubtedly, pizza is one of the most beloved eats of the majority of the population. And it will not be difficult to prepare such good care, because the whole process will require quite a bit of time and does not require complex manipulations.

No restrictions when choosing a filling is not installed. Even everyone's favorite meat filler can be made varied. After all, no one forgates the most ordinary and familiar sausage to replace the minced meat or any kind of meat, slightly fried or boiled.

Of course, among the lovers of pizza there are vegetarians. Of course, they should not be upset because in their case the role of the filling will play vegetables. With this task, the zucchini, Bulgarian pen, broccoli, tomatoes, mushrooms and even eggplant will perfectly cope with this task. And special gourmet and prefer these two types of fillings to combine together.

It will be completed, make it easy and emphasized the fragrant meat taste vegetable additives in the form of canned corn, tomato circles, olives and olives, salt cucumbers, and even marinated pineapples will not interfere.

In general, it all depends on taste preferences. However, there is one important and mandatory ingredient. Of course, this is a solid cheese. And the more it in Pizza, the better. Therefore, it is categorically forbidden to save on this sour-column product.

Cheese must be tasty and high-quality. However, the dissected taste of pizza almost in all cases depends on the sauce that the rolled dough is lubricated.

That's how to prepare them and will be discussed.

Several simple recipes of delicious red pizza sauces

Classic tomato

Ingredients number
Ripe tomatoes - 1 kg
Onion - 200 g
Garlic - 6-8 teeth
Acute peppercot 1 PC.
Big Sweet Pepper - 1 PC.
Sweet paprika - 0.5 Art. l.
Dried rosemary, basil, char and oregano - by ¼ Art. EVERY
Olive oil - 40-50 ml
Salt - 1 tsp. without slide
Time for preparing: 30 minutes Calorie per 100 grams: 70 kcal

Step-by-step recipe:

First you need to do tomatoes. They are best to take a little longer, then they are more fleshy and are saturated with color. Tomatoes should be well wash and make on every small shallow cross-shaped incision at the base, where the fruit is attached to the branch. And immerse in a couple of minutes in boiling water. Such a procedure will make it easily cleaning the tomatoes from the skin;

Deep capacity, preferably not enameled, put on fire and lubricate with oil. And immerse all the vegetables and spices in it;

Gradually, tomatoes will begin to allocate juice, and when the whole mixture will boil, then the fire should be reduced to a minimum and continue quenching for 20 minutes;

When the allotted time is released, the brew must be crushed. With this task, the submersible blender will cope with this. If there is no such device in the economy, then it is possible to achieve the same result with the help of a meat grinder (only to carry out the grinding procedure 2 times) or rubbing through the sieve;

The resulting sauce can be heated and be sure to be reduced to boil.

The simplest recipe of red sauce


  • 400 g of tomatoes;
  • Couple of garlic cloves;
  • Dried basil and Oregano - on the floor of Art. each;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking time: 10-12 min.

Calorie: 100 g - 25 kcal.

First, tomatoes need to get rid of the peel, this will not be difficult if the tomatoes are pre-taped. Then the fruits can be grinding a little and send the blender to the bowl. Also, you need to do with garlic, just before that it should, of course, clean and wash it.

Following all spices and seasonings. It remains for small. Now all this mixture is needed to grind a blender to a homogeneous mass.

Suddenly there is no such electric assistant, it is not worth upset. In this case, the tomatoes are hard to hand over for a fork, and to skip the garlic through the garbaged or grate. And all this is mixed in one bowl, not forgetting to add oregano, salt, basil and pepper.

Recipe of exquisite sauce with red wine

What products will need:

  • 800 g of the pre-cooked simplest tomato sauce;
  • One medium bulb;
  • Greens of parsley and celery - 40 g;
  • Wine red - 100 ml;
  • Meat broth - 1 cup;
  • Acute pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Carnation, grated nutmeg - for personal preferences.

Cooking time: 40-45 min.

Calorie: 100 g - 60 kcal.

All vegetables are well rinsed under running water, to clean and finely cut into the need.

Grinding parsley, onions, celery and cloves to put in a skeleton and pour red wine. Send to fire and after the start of boiling to boost about 20-25 minutes. This time is absolutely enough so that the vapper decreased by 2/3 from the initial volume.

Upon expiration of the allotted time in the floor, a red sauce and grated nutmeg is sent to the mixture. And cooking continues for another 20 minutes, the main thing is to set the minimum fire.

After the heat treatment is completed, the sauce is essentially salted and be sure to strain with the help of sieves.

Which is necessary to take note if you are going to a picnic.

In the oven fully. Find out how to prepare a bird that the meat is not tough and fresh.

How to prepare a saltwriter in a slow cooker. What is possible, and what needs to be put in the Soleanka.

White pizza sauce: several versions

The easiest option

For him it is necessary:

  • Half-liter broth;
  • 25 g of sizzy wheat flour;
  • 30 g of warm butter.

Cooking time: 40-50 min.

Recipe Plan:

  1. First you need a saucepan or a deep frying pan to put on fire. Immersely oil creamy and flour there, and add a couple of broth spoons. Fry all this mixture for 5-7 minutes;
  2. Then pour the remaining broth into the container with a ready-made thick mixture and thoroughly stir, achieving homogeneity;
  3. When the resulting liquid boils, the fire should be reduced to the minimum permissible and boil about 30-40 minutes. Of course, do not forget to intermitted periodically;
  4. After completing cooking, the sauce must be strain using gauze.

Special Suit - Mushroom


  • 750 g champignons;
  • 2 tbsp. Olive oils;
  • 220 ml of low-fat cream;
  • 2 tbsp. soy sauce.

Cooking time: 25-30 min.

Calorie: 100 g - 70 kcal.

Preparation steps:

  1. Mushrooms pre-clean, wash and chop finely;
  2. On a preheated saucepan or a frying pan, send oil, and followed - crushed mushrooms. Fry about 15 minutes and be sure to mix often so that they are not burned;
  3. When champignons will take a slightly golden tint, it is necessary to add cream and soy sauce. After boiling this mixture, burn fire to a minimum and slightly evaporate, 15 minutes will be enough;
  4. Before use, sauce should be cooled to room temperature.

Bon Appetit!

Pizza, as you know - Italian dish. Do you know that the Italians know very zealously to the dishes belonging to their national cuisine and are very "experiencing" when they are prepared with a violation of the original formulation. It is intended to learn how to prepare a delicious homemade pizza, you, of course, do not necessarily adhere to canonical recipes - to date, such a number of recipes for their preparation, method processing methods and quantitative ratios of the ingredients are developed, which the field for delicious experiments opens the broadest, and the sin does not use it. However, some rules must still be observed.

Do you think that creates a stunning taste and fragrance of pizza? Most likely, you will reply: Stuffing, in the role of which can be almost anything can act: meat and fish products, bird, vegetables, spices, cottage cheese, etc. The only unchanged ingredient, which cannot be excluded from pizza is cheese. Without him, pizza - and not a pizza at all, but an ordinary pie with a non-charging filling.

But the secret of the delicious pizza lies not only in a successful stuffing: delicious dough and delicious sauce - that's why cooking a culinary masterpiece is doomed to failure. Moreover, without the last, that is, the sauce, with which this dish is served, you do not prepare a dish with a unique attractive taste. Of course, at first glance you may seem that we exaggerate its meaning, and cook it is easier than. However, this is not entirely so, and in this you yourself make sure when you begin to read and implement our recipes for delicious sauces in practice, which, it is worth noting, there is a huge amount. Among the most popular of them - white pizza sauce(classic) simple pizza sauce, italian, tomato, cream Pizza Sauce, cheerful, garlic sauce for pizza.

Below are the recipes for delicious homemade pizza sauces at home:

I must say, for each pizza there is a refueling, which is capable of best practicing the taste of its fillings. For example, the creamy sauce perfectly complements the taste of pizza with stuffing from sausage, vegetables or fish. And the cheese sauce is usually served to mushroom pizza. In addition, soy sauce suits such a pizza. Pizza with pronounced "salty" taste is best suited for garlic or sour cream sauce. And here tomato sauce It is not suitable for it, because the basis for its preparation is the same tomato.

One of the most popular pizza sauces in Italy is a traditional garlic sauce. It is optionally used in the diverse dishes of Italian cuisine, however, in classical pizza its presence is necessarily.

The basis of this sauce is the unrefined olive oil of the first spin. As for the remaining ingredients, there are many options for taste combinations. You can add spicy herbs, sharp peppers, tomatoes (dried, dried or fresh) and various spices.

However, all this is only an addition to the basic recipe for which it will be needed:

Olive oil (150 g):

Fresh and juicy garlic (3 teeth);

Salt (quarter of teaspoon).

Clean the garlic, cut it very finely (you can grate it on the grater or skip across the garbaged) and carry with salt, adding a bit of olive oil in the process. Then we lay out the finished mixture into the glass container (better from dark glass) and fill a slightly heated olive oil. We thoroughly mix and leave it (at least three hours) in the shaded cool place. After this time, garlic "gives" his aroma, having gone oil with spicy taste. Keeping garlic sauce can be in the refrigerator about 10-14 days, periodically scolding.

Traditionally, such a sauce is lubricated by the edge of freshly baked pizza. However, in no case cannot be used by this garlic sauce until the pizza is in the oven, since with thermal processing the taste of the sauce will change not for the better.

This delicious garlic sauce is also served to pizza after its preparation. It is perfect for meat and vegetable fillings, giving piquancy to the finished dish. Sauce is sharp enough, so if desired, the amount of garlic in it can be reduced. It is done very quickly, and you can store it in the refrigerator about five days.

To prepare garlic sauce with mayonnaise you will need:

Sour cream 20% (60g);

Fat mayonnaise (300 g);

Garlic (one big head);

Black pepper;

Mix in a deep and not too wide bowl sour cream and mayonnaise, add salt and pepper. Clean garlic and skip it through the garbaged. We lay the garlic mass to sour cream with mayonnaise. Slightly whipped the resulting mixture with a wedge. Sauce is ready.

This is a famous French garlic sauce, traditionally served on various meat and fish dishes, including pizza. Especially gentle creamy taste is achieved due to the spanings of the edges of the edges are still hot, just baked pizza.

For proper cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

Yolk (1 pcs);

Garlic (4 large teeth);

Refined vegetable oil (0.2 liters);

Water (teaspoon);

Vinegar (tablespoon);

Salt (third teaspoon);

Black pepper (third teaspoon).

Houses sauce is best prepared manually, because its cooking will require constant whipping and control, which is difficult to provide when using a mixer or combine. And the motor of these devices may not withstand the permanent load.

So, for beginnings, we trigge the finely chopped garlic to the casket state (it is possible to skip it through the groove to accelerate the process). Then add to garlic of yolk, slightly (but not much!) Bazing it, and begin to half a teaspoon to tosses in a mixture of vegetable oil, gently smearing the wedge. Large portions are better not to add oil, as the sauce is simply fascinated, and you have to start all.

As a result, it should be a thick sauce similar to mayonnaise. After that, add salt, pepper and vinegar, and at the very end - water. And immediately blend the mixture. Aioli is ready.

To give the taste of a greater sophistication sauce, you can add finely chopped greens.

Each of us tried pizza In pizzeria. For unique taste not only qualitative, well-combined ingredients and, but also such a thing as sauce. There are several species sauces which are selected depending on other pizza components.


Most popular common and universal are The following types.


Variations Ingredients:

  1. Cooking will be needed 400 g fresh fragrant tomatoes, 1-2 cloves of garlic and spices by taste.
    Note! For this recipe, canned tomatoes in own juice.
  2. Use head luke, 100 g of tomato paste, half heads garlic, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Bay leaf, sugar, salt, basil and oregano Add based on personal preferences.
  3. Take 2 glasses of ketchup, garlic, salt, sugar, pepper, basil, oregano or other seasonings for your choice.

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It can be prepared from the following ingredients:

Creamy - 100 g fatty sour cream, 100 grams hard cheese, 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 2-3 cloves of garlic, small taste.

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Sour cream - 100 g fatty sour cream, 100 grams hard cheese, 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 2-3. teeth garlic small Basil beam, salt and pepper taste.

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Sure - creamy butter - 1 tbsp. l.; Milk - 200 ml (one a cup); Wheat flour - 1–2 art. l. (without a slide); solid Cheese - 70-100 grams; several cloves of garlic; Salt - ¼ h. l. ; pinch black Pepper.

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Mushroom - Cream (15-20% fatness) - 0.5 glasses; Fresh champignons - 130 g; Onions - 0.5 heads; Garlic - 2. teeth; Wheat flour - 10 g; Sunflower oil - 20 ml; the black Ground pepper, salt - taste.