How to cook cornpap with pumpkin on a step-by-step recipe with a photo. How to cook corn porridge with pumpkin on milk rice cornpap with pumpkin

27.04.2021 Salads.

Corn porridge with pumpkin is good because it can be prepared on milk, and on the water, in general without a drop of dairy products, including butter, and the result will delight in both cases. Especially if in the latter case add a little crushed dried fruit to the cashe. And then it turns out a very tasty, but completely lean and dietary dish.

But the dairy option is ideal for feeding the children, especially in the absence of allergies to the protein contained in milk.

And pumpkin, and corn are natural storage room for health substances. Moreover, they are perfectly combined both in color, and in taste shades. Pumpkin adds cornpage of tenderness and airiness. And corn cereals can make porridge from pumpkin satisfying and doubly useful. And if you add milk to these components, the dish will be almost perfect: delicious, mouth and nutritious. With one exception: not everyone shows the milk protein, and the caloric content of this dish will no longer give them plenty of those who observe the diet.

The table shown below shows the difference in calorie content and maintenance of other food components for cornpasses with a pumpkin prepared by different recipes. All other products (corn, pumpkin, water, sugar, salt) remain in the same proportions.

There are several options for making corn porridges with pumpkin: on a plate in a saucepan, using a frying pan, in a slow cooker, in the microwave and, finally, in the oven.

Corn cereals is distinguished by significant hardness and can be cooked for a very long time, and even requires constant presence and stirring, unlike many other croup. But in the cooking, several techniques have long been invented, allowing to ease the life of hostesses and not spend so much time and effort to make this tasty and useful dish.

  • First, the cereal can be pre-soaked in cold water for several hours or even at night. After that, the cooking porridge from corn occupies literally 10-15 minutes.
  • Secondly, the Crap can be pouring at once with boiling water or milk and leave in such a form for some time to evaporate. After that, the heat treatment time is also significantly reduced.
  • The use of multicookers and microwaves also allows you to significantly reduce the period of cooking porridge.
  • Finally, this porridge can be prepared in the oven. And, although in time it takes about 30-40 minutes, but it can be avoided by a constant and tedious stirring procedure of the preparing dishes.

The recipe for pumpkin porridge with cornframe, described in detail below, allows you to combine several of these techniques at once.

Pumpkin washed, dry, cut the rough skin, clean the seeds, fiber and cut into the flesh with small cubes. Try the raw pumpkin on sweetness - this will help determine in the future the number of added sugar in porridge.

Melt one tablespoon of oil in a small pan (approximately 20-25) and shifting pumpkin cubes there. Fry pumpkin on medium heat for no more than 5 minutes, stirring periodically. Pumpkin will become markedly softer.

Pour to the softened pumpkin half of milk (150 ml) and reduce the fire to a minimum. Until the pumpkin tries, you can cook cornpall.

The smaller the corn cereals will be, the tenderness will turn out. I have a very small grinding of corn cereals, looks like a semolina, only yellow and a little rougher.

Pour the corn cereal with a cup of cold water, a little squeeze and cook on the minimum heat of 5-6 minutes, no more.

Porridge will begin to increase in size, boiled, and bubbles will begin to appear on the surface.

Soft pumpkin need to grind. This can be done by a submersible blender, shifting soft hot cubes into a tall glass or dance pumpkin with a puree straight in a pan. Also, if desired, you can not grind anything and add pumpkin cubes to porridge, they are even more confused and also comfortably conplete with corn porridge.

If you plan to decorate porridge cubes of stewed pumpkins, then set aside 1-2 tablespoons of pumpkins for feeding.

Connect the cornpap, crushed pumpkin, remaining (150 ml) milk, sugar. Timize a dish on slow fire with a closed lid of 10 minutes or a little more.

Porridge is ready. And it is possible to add a piece to it (1 tbsp. - 25 g) cream oil.

Corn porridge recipe with pumpkin

Very useful. And with a pumpkin, it is doubly useful. In addition, it is delicious and cook it is very simple. The corn croup is everywhere, only that is the case for the pumpkin. If you are a gardener, then I think it is rapidly growing. And here is the recipe.

Simple Corn Porridge Recipe with Pumpkin

We will need everything:

Corn Crupe 1 / 2Stakan

Handful of pumpkin cubes

Water 2 glasses

Salt, sugar to taste

1 / 2h. Spoons of creamy oil

How to cook cornpap:

Pumpkin cut into small cubes 1-1,5 cm. In the saucepan pour 1 cup of water, add salt, sugar and put on fire. In the hot water, we pour a handful of pumpkin cubes and cook for about 10 minutes. We remove the saucepan from the fire and the pusher for potatoes (with large holes) to give the pumpkin directly in the water. Part of the pumpkin passes in the holes and the small "grains" are obtained. You can grind a pumpkin and in some other way, and you can also do this and without removing the container from the fire, as everything is done very quickly.

We again put the saucepan on the fire, add one more or half a glass of water (it depends on what kind of porridge you prefer) and bring to a boil. Then we pour 1/2 cup of corn cereals and, constantly interfering, boil to 5-10min thickening. In the process, add 1/2 h. Spoons of oil. Then remove the porridge from the fire and let it stand, she will remove 10 minutes until you cover the table. Decuting on plates, put butter in porridge.

Corn porridge ready. Bon Appetit!

Corn porridge with pumpkin


Salt can not be added at all, and instead of sugar there are porridge with honey. For children, she will be more interesting with raisins.

Instead of creamy oil it is useful to use the present baked oil.

You can boil the cornpall completely or partially on the milk who like it.

Pumpkin you can not push, but leave cubes, it is again your taste.

Recipes of cornframes

30 minutes

110 kcal

5/5 (1)

Corn cereal porridge with pumpkin - a rare guest on our tables. For some reason, we are not accustomed to the use of corn somewhere else, except for salads. And completely in vain! The beneficial properties of such porridge are difficult to overestimate, and in combination with a delicate pumpkin, it becomes just a storage room of useful vitamins and elements. This dish is strongly recommended to include those who wish to lose weight, as well as children and adolescents.

Corn porridge is famous low calorie contentHowever, it remains very saturated and nutritious, inimitable delicious and fragrant. The recipe for corn cereal with a pumpkin, which can be prepared on milk or water, in a slow cooker or on the stove, I got from my grandmother - somehow she cut it out of a colorful culinary log, which contained step-by-step guide to the cooking porridge from the photobotor product. Let's cook it together right now.

Kitchen tools

So that the cornpap is turned out to be fragrant and tasty, and also did not require you too much time to prepare, I recommend to prepare all the necessary devices and tools:

  • a saucepan of 4 liters or a bowl of a slow cooker;
  • several bowls of ceramic container from 400 ml;
  • a couple of tea and tablespoons;
  • long knife;
  • a measuring bowl (preferably use kitchen scales);
  • chopping board;
  • steel whine.

In addition, a food processor with special nozzles can be used to prepare some components.


How to choose the ingredients

A similar porridge can be prepared quickly and without hassle, but it is worth remembering that it is important to choose the right components for the dish, so as not to experience the disappointment after the first spoon. Many experienced hostesses advise comply with the following recommendations:

  • porridge can be prepared both on milk and waterHowever, it is also preferable to milk: it gives the dish a unique taste, makes it appetizing and fragrant;
  • brown sugar can be replaced by usual, add it to your own taste;
  • pumpkin Choose carefully, it should not be false or not completely harsh: In the first case, the porridge will turn out to be the taste, in the second - simply inedible;
  • in porridge you can also add some Spicy: Ground cardamom, turmeric, grated ginger or lemon juice;
  • corn grits - The main component of the dish, so try it to be fresh and do not contain foreign sneakers or remnants of plastic bags.

It is also worth recalling that the cornpool on water is less than the calorie and heavy for the digestive system than the one that was cooked on milk.

Sequence of cooking


Cooking on the plate

Corn porridge with pumpkin on the stove: video

Through the simple and fast preparation of delicious corn porridge, you can watch the video below.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Corn porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker: video

The video below shows a step-by-step preparation of amazingly delicious cornpasses in a slow cooker.

Than you can diversify the standard recipe

Simple and delicious corn porridge will definitely enjoy your loved ones, but there is a way to make it even more attractive and appetizing - try adding additional components to it. For example, I often experiment and put such additives into porridge:

  • lemon or orange candies;
  • jam (especially tasty porridge with raspberry);
  • stolen raisins;
  • ground nuts (walnuts or almonds);
  • canned fruits (uroin apples or pears);
  • dried fruits (dates, dried apricots and prunes);
  • fruit syrup (for example, cranberry or plum);
  • confectionery chips.

In addition, remember that the cornpall with a pumpkin can also be prepared on fresh kefir, only sugar will have to put more to eliminate unpleasant acid.

What to serve cornpall

Such a dish is all eats differently: for example, my husband loves to fly porridge with kvass, and children - with a glass of sweet compote. In general, the cornpad is considered a universal dish - it is equally useful to eat like in the morning, before going to school and to work, and in the evening, as dinner.

Nutritionists advise to serve porridge from corn cereals with a pumpkin for lunch to children, it is able to charge the guys with energy for study and games. Also, the cornpool with a pumpkin is perfectly combined with the products listed below.

  • Vegetables: Potatoes in uniform or green peas.
  • Bread: It is desirable to serve wheat or rye.
  • Creamy oil: some are little oil in the caress.
  • Buns and cookies: crackers are especially well.
  • Drinks: lemonade, compote, tea or coffee.

Try not to cook at once too many corn costers: it will quickly deteriorate, completely losing their aromatic and taste properties, and it is not so easy to warm up.

  • Try not to digest porridge, even if you have enough time and you do not rush anywhere. Remember that corn croup can turn into a sticky, unappetitive mass. Therefore, cook porridge until the moment when you make sure the pumpkin is ready.
  • Constantly stir porridge, even if nothing like this is said in your recipe: so you can be sure that the product does not fake and does not stick to the bottom of the dishes.
  • To increase the skills, check out other recipes for a pumpkin: you will definitely like her variety. It will also be worth mentioning - a stunningly delicious and gentle dish, which should be in the arsenal of each self-respecting mistress.

Corn cereal cereal with pumpkin - useful and nutritious dish, famous for its taste. Maybe someone from those who read the recipe knows something else about this product or can cook it differently? Or do you add products that were not mentioned here? Share your knowledge and experience in the comments, let's discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cornpasses. Enjoy your appetite and successful culinary experiments!


  • 200 g of pshhe;
  • 500 g pumpkin flesh;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 400 ml of milk;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter.


Put a millet in a saucepan and fill with water so that it is about 2 times more than the cereals. Bring water to a boil, lean the cereal to the sieve and rinse several times under running water.

Cut pumpkin in small pieces. Place your millet in a saucepan, fill 400 ml of water and bring it to a boil on medium heat. Then add a pumpkin.

Stirring, let water boil again. Dog fire, cover the saucepan with a lid and cook porridge 10 minutes. Pour milk, add salt, sugar and oil and mix.

Dog fire to a minimum. Boil under the lid of 25-30 minutes, often stirring porridge so that it does not have a burden. Remove the porridge from the fire and leave it under the lid for another 5-10 minutes.


  • 100 g of millet;
  • 250 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 600 ml of milk;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • 30 g of butter.


Rather millet well. Fill the camp with boiling water for 3 minutes and drain the water. Cut pumpkin with small cubes or soda on a large grater. Put it in a glass or ceramic form for baking.

Top distributing millet. Fill it with milk or mixture of milk and water, add salt, sugar and pieces of oil. The edge of the form should remain at least 2 cm. Close the shape with a lid or foil.

Bake porridge at 180 ° C approximately hour. Remove the shape of the oven, leave porridge under the lid another 5-10 minutes and mix.


  • 250 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • 100 g of white rice;


Cut pumpkin with small cubes. Pour into the pan of milk, add salt and sugar and put on the middle fire.

Rinse thoroughly. As soon as the milk starts to throw, put pumpkin and rice into the pan. Mix, bring to a boil and reduce the fire.

Cover the saucepan with a lid and cook for 20-25 minutes. Mix and, if you wish, remember porridge with a spoon to grind pumpkin.

Remove the porridge from the fire and leave under the lid for 5 minutes. When feeding, add a piece of oil.


  • 200 g pumpkin flesh;
  • 100 g of white rice;
  • 1½ tablespoon of butter;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • 650 ml of milk.


Cut the pumpkin with small cubes. Rucked rice well. Lubricate the bowl of the multicark of a half tablespoon of oil.

Put the rice and pumpkin there, add salt, sugar, milk and the remaining oil. Mix and close the multicooker. Install the Milk Porridge mode and boil 30 minutes.


  • 200 g of corn cereals;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 100 g pumpkins;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter.


Rinse the cereal, put in a saucepan and fill with water. Put a saucepan on a moderate fire and stirring, bring it to boiling.

Cut pumpkin with small cubes. Put them in a boiling porridge and cook a couple of minutes, stirring constantly. Add milk, salt and sugar and mix thoroughly.

Boil porridge under the lid, often stirring, 30-40 minutes on weak fire. Then add the oil and mix well.


  • 150 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 4 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter.


Cut pumpkin in small pieces and lay out in a pan. Fill it with water and boil 7-10 minutes until soft. Drain the water and pour pumpkin by a blender or pusher.

In another saucepan, warm, but do not boil the milk. Lay out the pumpkin puree and mix. Pour oatmeal, salt and sugar and stirring, bring porridge to a boil. Boil another minute on moderate heat.

Remove the saucepan with porridge from the fire, close the lid and leave for 10 minutes. Then add the oil and mix.


  • 100 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 3 tablespoons of manna cereals;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter.


Cut the pumpkin with small pieces, lay out in a saucepan and fill with water. Boil 7-10 minutes until the vegetable becomes soft. Drain the water and pour pumpkin by a blender or pusher.

Pour in a saucepan with puree milk and stirring, bring to a boil on moderate fire.

Do not ceasing to interfere, gradually pour the semolina. Add salt and sugar.

Boil porridge, stirring constantly, about 7 minutes. In the finished dish, lay out the oil and mix.