Five-minute jam from strawberries with lemon. Strawberry jam with lemon strawberry jam with water

27.04.2021 Snacks

Strawberry jam accounts for adults and children. According to the traditional recipe, the main components are directly the berries and sugar sand. As a result of long-term heat treatment, sugar boil occurs, which is subsequently turning into syrup. Sweet composition impresses strawberries, making it gently sweet. Experienced hostesses by trial and mistakes have developed their own recipes, consider them in order.

Features of cooking strawberry jam

  1. For the preparation of delicacy, exclusively mature fruits are used. No other berries do not smell and are considered tasteless. At the same time, overripe specimens are boiled so much that the decay occurs. For this reason, strawberries should be moderated ripe and fragrant.
  2. The duration of the cooking of strawberries of large and small size will vary greatly, so try to choose the same fruits. If you wish to cook the jam in which the strawberry will be preserved in the original form, prepare a dish of small berries. Large fruits for a long time and too good in the process.
  3. Before cooking jam berries must be prepared. Fruits are moved to exclude extraneous garbage. Next, the strawberries are washed into a basin with cold water. In mandatory, dry the berries by placing them on a soft tissue. Otherwise, the jam will turn out liquid. After drying, remove the bowl and leaves.
  4. An important aspect of cooking strawberry jam is considered to add a large amount of sugar. In most cases, 0.5 kg. Berries account for about 650-750 gr. Sand. It is impossible to save on sugar, with a smaller number of jam jam, either wanders due to the development of bacteria.
  5. Strawberry jam is loved by many people not only for taste, but also useful properties. To keep them fully, do not tighten the heat treatment duration. Reduced juice will help pre-mix berries with sugar sand. After 2 hours of strawberries let juice, facilitating the task.
  6. Save the initial structure of the berry and soak them with a sufficient number of syrup with the help of phased cooking. Sugar must penetrate the strawberry cavity gradually, so jam is prepared at certain intervals between the previous and subsequent boiling.
  7. The quality of the product depends on how much berries you boil at a time. It is not recommended to send more than 2.5 kg to heat treatment. fruit. Otherwise, strawberries will begin to "be risen" and fall apart. You will get a jam, not jam. In addition, too long tomorrow kills all vitamins and useful enzymes.
  8. If you plan to close the jam in the jars, pre-sterify the lids and directly the container itself. For this, the dishes can be warm in the oven or boil on the stove, after which it is thoroughly dried.
  9. After packaging the finished product to the banks, wait for a complete or partial cooling of the composition, do not hurry to shuffle it tightly. It is impossible to allow condensate condensation on the inside of the lid, which is rolled by a special key. Cut the twist only after the steam output.

Strawberry jam: classic genre

  • sugar - 1.8 kg.
  • berries of strawberries (fresh) - 2.7-2.8 kg.
  1. Type cold flow water in the pelvis or clogged shell, pour the berries. Leave them to float for 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  2. Estate a few cotton towels, dry on them berries. The fluid must evaporate completely, only after that sewers are removed.
  3. For cooking jam, small-sized berries are suitable, larger instances are cut into 2-3 sections. Prepare cauldron or heat-resistant dishes with thick walls and bottom, send berries to it.
  4. Pour them 800 grams. Sugar sand, look out 7 hours. Raise the effect at which strawberries will release the maximum amount of juice. For convenience, conduct manipulations immediately after the morning awakening, in the evening you will send berries to the first cooking.
  5. When strawberries will release juice ("dried"), put the tank with berries on the fire and bring to the appearance of the first bubbles. In no case do not interfere with the contents of the pan, slightly shake the container, providing a uniform distribution of berries. Collect the resulting sweet foam by noisy or bucket.
  6. When the composition boils, pour 380 gr. Sugar Sand, Tomit mixture on small power for 10 minutes. After expiration, leave the dishes with berries to cool at 7 o'clock, covering the pan with a dense cloth.
  7. When this time passes, send the jam to boil. Add another 350 gr. Sugar, Tomit product a quarter of an hour. Next, turn off the stove, cover the dishes with a blanket, wait 8 hours.
  8. After that, bring the jam to boil again, add the remaining sugar sand. Thermal processing in this case has a minimum duration - 5 minutes. Optionally, you can pour citric acid at the tip of the knife.
  9. Turn off the plate, leave the jam by one third of the hour for partial cooling. At this point, make a sterilization of the container (oven or water sauna). Dry the container, burst the finished product without departing from the root of the tank.
  10. Slide the covers with a special key, make sure that there are no leaks. Turn the composition down the neck, wrap a warm blanket. Look for 20 hours, transfer the jam to the room for long-term storage.

  • sugar sand - 1.8 kg.
  • lemon - ½-1 pc.
  • strawberry (fresh, moderately ripe) - 2.6 kg.
  1. To begin with, perform preliminary training, eliminating everything too much. Berked berries, remove the thowned and marked. Pour cold water in the pelvis, send the berries in it. Wrap a strawberry on the sieve, leave the moisture to the flow. Periodically shake the fixture so that the strawberry is better dry.
  2. Move the fruits to cotton towels, blot berries. Remove the leaves and cups, lay out strawberries into a deep saucepan with thick and gentle bottom. Put the composition of sugar sand, leave for 6 hours in a cool place. During this time, the fruits are "dried", that is, they will give juice.
  3. When the specified period comes to an end, send dishes on the stove, set fire to a minimum mark. Shake the saucepan so that the berries are mixed. With the help of a wooden blade, collect sugar from the walls of the container, wait for the entire dissolution of the crystals.
  4. When the future jam starts boiled, cook it for another 10 minutes. Remove the foam from the surface of the composition (necessarily!). Call strawberry Noise, leaving syrup in a saucepan. Tomit liquid under the lid, leaving a small hole.
  5. The heat treatment duration is 50-60 minutes. Syrup must be intermitted periodically. At this time, wash the lemon, charge it with very small cubes, remove the bones. Cut from the fetus "Butt", send to the strawberry syrup.
  6. Relieve the contents for another 45-50 minutes on fire between average and minimal. After the expiration of the deadline, take a previously caught strawberry and move it into the fluid with lemon. Stir the jam, the mixture is 1 hour at low power.
  7. At this time, proceed to the sterilization of the covers and the tara for the spin. Dry banks, burst hot jam on them. Do not clog, wait for cooling, then sunmate the lids. Wrap the jam album sheets or a dark package, store in the cold.

Strawberry jam in 30 minutes

  • sugar sand (preferably cane) - 2.8 kg.
  • berries of strawberries (fresh, ripe) - 2.5 kg.
  • lemonic acid - 4 gr.
  1. Preparation of jam begins with a berry processing. You need to sort out the fruits and remove the misappropriate, damaged, disturbed. After that, pour cold water into a bowl, soak strawberries, wash it well.
  2. Recover the cups, leave strawberries to dry on towels. Prepare a wide breeze pot, lay the berries and sugar sand alternately. Send dishes in the cold for 10 hours, then proceed to cooking.
  3. With a wooden spoon, mix the contents of the pan, tomit on slow heat before dissolving the crystals of sugar sand. As soon as the granules dissolve, increase the burner power to the average mark.
  4. Cook the strawberry mass another third of the hour, constantly remove the foam. To improve the taste and make the jam more fragrant, pour citric acid. Boil the mixture to dissolve it.
  5. Sterilize glass containers and covers to them, cool the finished product. Pretty jam on banks, wrap with parchment paper. Send storage in cold.

  • water purified (drinking) - 120 ml.
  • sugar sand - 840 gr.
  • fresh strawberries - 1.4 kg.
  1. Take the berries, send them to a cold water basque, leave for 10 minutes. Now thoroughly wash the strawberry, eliminate unsuitable copies (rotten, green, spoiled, etc.).
  2. Move strawberries on a dense cotton fabric, wait for moisture runoff. When the fruits are dried, remove the sewers.
  3. Rinse the multicooker's bowl, boil the drinking water and pour into the container. Here, add sugar sand, set the "soup" function, "broth", "quenching", "pilaf" or "porridge". Some multicookers are equipped with the program "Jam".
  4. Stop the timer for 5-10 minutes, for this period, sugar and water will turn into syrup. When the specified time expires, open the multicooker cover, mix the mixture. Tomit composition for another half hour.
  5. Now add previously washed and dried berries, you can immediately chop them with a blender (you get jam jam at the output).
  6. Turn on the device timer for 15 minutes, boil the mixture under the lid. Do not forget to gently mix the mass so that it is not burned. Upon completion of manipulations, the composition of sterilized containers.
  7. Jam spin occurs after its complete cooling. Otherwise, condensate will begin to accumulate by exposing the product to moldy. Keep the jam in the cold.

It is easy to cook strawberry jam if you adhere to step-by-step instructions. About the readiness of the delicacy you will tell you the consistency of the composition. A drop of properly cooked product does not spread on a flat dish, while the sire has a light, and not caramel tint. Pay attention to the smell, strawberry jam smells like berries, and not burnt sugar. Berries of delicacies must be saturated with syrup completely, the presence of "raw" sites will lead to the ambulance of the jam.

Video: Strawberry jam in 10 minutes

Strawberry jam is prepared by roaring berries in sugar syrup. This is a very useful product that contains many vitamins, acids and trace elements. During cooking during heat treatment, useful properties are lost. The most useful preparation of a five-minute recipe. Since thermally processed little berries, almost all vitamins are saved as in a fresh berry. Strawberry normalizes the metabolism, leads pressure to normal, strengthens the vessels and immunity. It helps to recover faster in colds.

How to cook strawberry jam?

If we compare with other berries, then for strawberries do not need to digest sugar syrup in advance. Cooking is much simpler, it is easy to fall asleep with sugar, cover the capacity of bakery paper or a towel and leave the clock for ten. The berry itself will let the required amount of juice.

In order for an equal amount of berries and syrup in the finished product, as one kilogram of fruits is added as much sugar. If you want the syrup to be more, use a kilogram of bodies a half kilogram of sugar.

If you want to cook a large amount of jam, you should not put the berries in one pan. This will hurt the fruits. The ideal proportion on the saucepan is two kilograms of berries without taking into account sugar. In this case, the fruits boil uniformly, strawberry will retain the form.

Cooking is necessary on low heat, constantly stirring so that the berries are evenly prepared and not burned. It is impossible to leave a product without supervision, during the boil the foam rises lightning up, and if you knead it, it will be difficult to wash the heated plate from the syrup.

Many hostesses believe that mixing berries during cooking is not possible not to damage the fruits. It's a delusion. It is necessary to mix, but correctly. Use only a wooden blade or spoon. There should be no sharp movements. Stir only on the walls and gently along the bottom, as little as possible assigger.

Berries, covered with sugar, should put the juice, for this it is necessary time. Immediately cook it is impossible, strawberries will lose the shape, and the undisputed dry sugar will threaten.

Cook better in enameled basin. This material is evenly heated. Strawberry will not crawl, will remain strong and maintain the original shape.

How much cooking strawberry jam?

Being a tender berry, strawberry does not need a long preparation. Putting on fire, it is necessary to boil, pecking five minutes, having a wooden spoon, very carefully and removes the resulting foam in the process. After removing from the fire, leave cool for ten o'clock. So repeat three times. With this approach to cooking, the fruits remain strong, transparent syrup, the fragrance is pleasant. With a longer preparation version, if you decide to cook more, the berry will lose its original appearance, the syrup will be thick. Between the preparations to store without a refrigerator in a dark place so that there is no access to direct sunlight.

How to choose the berries?

When choosing strawberries should pay attention to the size and level of maturity. It is important to choose the right time to harvest. Optimally collecting in dry weather, preferably during the day. If you collect in the morning, the dew is absorbed into the strawberries, the berry will become soft and water.

Tastier all jam from medium-sized berries. They are not falling apart in the cooking process, well look at the finished form. If for a while, remove into the refrigerator, the berries will lose sweet taste and flavor.

All collected or bought berries should be placed on the table and sort. Large and very small berries will not suit the perfect jam. The fruits that have damage have fallen and fell off do not leave for cooking. Frames with good berries are removed, after that wash.

Some hostesses before cooking are not washed fruit. It is not right. The berry should be worn so as not to spoil the taste of jam by the contaminants. Under the jet from the crane in the colander is not worth washed. Water pressure will hurt the appearance of berries. In a large pelvis, pour cold water and in the process of selection of berries on jam jam on one. So berries will not harm. The washed fruits of his hand take and lay out on the towel. It is impossible to keep in liquid for a long time so that they do not absorb water, not watery. It is recommended to completely dry, so that the extra moisture does not get into jam. This process will take about six hours.

Strawberry jam with whole berries. Recipes:

Classic strawberry jam

The recipe for strawberry jam for the winter on this recipe is the easiest and most common.


  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • berries of strawberries - 3 kg.


  1. Good to sort out the fruit. Remove sewers. Rinse in the pelvis several times, changing cold water. If there is no possibility to purchase the average size of the berry, then large cut in half.
  2. After washed, dry strawberries. You can leave for a few hours so that the moisture evaporates or use the paper towel, gently flush.
  3. Berries shift into high heat-resistant tank and fall asleep with sugar, leaving for ten o'clock.
  4. After a while, when the berries released juice, put on the middle fire, bring to a boil. Next, cook five minutes on weak fire, not forgetting to clean the foam and mix.
  5. In half an hour, when the mass becomes not so hot, cover with a towel or paper for baking. Leave for ten o'clock.
  6. Repeat the same procedure two more times.
  7. After the third time, it is hot to pour into banks that have passed the sterilization process. The container is to fill up to the top itself, without leaving air space. If there is foam or bubbles, remove until the cover is closed. Turn the covers in advance in the water.

"Strawberry in its own juice"

There are few recipes of strawberry jam for the winter in its own juice. Their difference is the norm of sugar and the time required for sterilization.


  • sugar - 500 g;
  • strawberry - 2000


  1. Prepared, washed berries dry, fall asleep with sugar for ten o'clock.
  2. Banks sterilize. Transfer berries. Spoon to pour juice.
  3. Covers boil and close the container.
  4. The pelvis is closed with cloth, pour cold water. Put banks that before the middle must be in the water.
  5. Enable fire. When boils to cook ten minutes.
  6. Immediately spin the lids closely, cover.

For this recipe, two liter paneous banks are obtained.

Strawberry jam for the winter "Five minutes"

This name jam got, because only five minutes are brewed. This is the fastest cooking option.


  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • strawberry - 4 kg.


  1. Fruits go through. Remove fetching and marked berries, frozen.
  2. Using the pelvis with water, rinse every berry, changing water several times.
  3. Get berries and add. Extra moisture to harm in a treat.
  4. Shut up to deep tank, spill sugar top top.
  5. Leave for ten o'clock. Fruits do not mix.
  6. Put on the stove. Boil five minutes after boiling.
  7. Clean foam. Together with it, the remaining garbage rises, which is easy to collect.
  8. Leave for 24 hours.
  9. Repeat the cooking process and roll.

For this recipe, the delicacy is obtained with beautiful dense berries and liquid syrup.

Strawberry jam with whole berries in a pan

According to this recipe, it turns out an amazing taste of jam. Even with those who do not like this delicacy at all.

  • strawberry - 1200 g;
  • sugar - 800 g


  1. For this method of cooking, a small berry is suitable, but strong. Fruits sort: separate from the total mass spoiled, marked and damaged berries. Remove sheets. Wash, dry.
  2. In a deep pan, mix strawberries with sugar. Immediately put on a big fire.
  3. In the cooking process, juice will begin to stand out. After five minutes, the delicacy will boil. Before starting cooking, consider the moment, the mass changes the volume when boiling and begins to rise. Therefore, the berries do not overlap.
  4. Constantly interfere with a wooden blade. Remove foam. After a while, the mass will be thicker. Take a drop test. Take a plate, drip jam if it does not spread - it means ready. In the process of cooking, you can adjust the degree of degree and shoot from the fire before or later at will.
  5. In banks treated with steam, mass shock. Tightly close the lids.

Homemade dense strawberry jam

This cooking method is suitable for lovers of thick jam, which is easy to smear on the Baton and do not be afraid to stain the table.


  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • strawberry - 4 kg.


  1. Fruits rinse in the pelvis at the same time cleaning from the cups.
  2. Dry or flush with a paper towel.
  3. In the container, shift the berries and fall asleep with sugar.
  4. Pour sugar in a few goals, after each time shaking the pan so that it completely enveloped each berry.
  5. Leave for 24 hours to let juice.
  6. Mass bopping. Peel five minutes. Leave per day.
  7. During this time, the jam will acquire a beautiful saturated color and aroma. Boil and cook for about 30 minutes so that the delicacy boils and acquired the necessary delicate.
  8. Transfer to processed, sterilized banks. Tightly tighten with covers.

French strawberry jam with whole berries

Even foreigners love this delicacy. It is enough to add a new ingredient and from a Russian dish jam turns into French.


  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1400 g;
  • strawberry - 2 kg.


  1. For this recipe, select medium berries, small are not suitable. Rinse, clean the fruits.
  2. Purchase the entire rate of sugar and leave for 12 hours.
  3. Lemon squeeze. Juice to pour into strawberry mass. Put on fire and peck for five minutes.
  4. Half an hour to wait for the delicacy slightly cooled. Syrup to pour into a separate bowl, brew berries on the smallest heat of 35 minutes, stirring regularly and remove the foam.
  5. Pour back syrup, peck for five minutes. Preparation for the winter.

Jam with gelatin

If you like a dense jam, which can not be poured, and the mass is imposed only with a spoon, this recipe for you.


  • gelatin - 2 h. spoons;
  • strawberry - 2 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Loose berries, remove leaves, rinse. If there are large berries to cut in half.
  2. Place the prepared fruits on the scales. In the process of selecting suitable berries, weight decreased. If there is not enough weight, add more berries or reduce the sugar rate.
  3. Put sugar on the berries. They must have a day.
  4. Peel five minutes. Leave on the table for six hours. Be a blender. Drill ten minutes.
  5. Lemon squeeze. Prepare gelatin. Juice and gelatin to pour into the strawberry mass.
  6. Cheer ten minutes. Remove foam.
  7. Cool jam and shift in the prepared container. Roll

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

To date, this is the most convenient way of cooking. In a multicooker, the delicacy itself is brewed and does not burn. Just count the amount of berries so that the jam does not roll out during the cooking process.


  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • berries - 2 kg.


  1. Fruits rinse. Remove sheets.
  2. Put in a bowl of multicooker.
  3. To fall asleep with sugar.
  4. Include "quenching" mode, hour later, the delicacy is ready.
  5. Banks sterilize. Split with covers.

A distinctive feature of a five-minute jam is a triple boiling with long intervals. Thanks to such technology, the berries are slowly soaked with sugar syrup, while maintaining its form and consistency. This is especially important when cooking jam from gentle strawberries with lemon. By the way, it is still very tasty.

Strawberry jam with lemon - recipe with photos

- strawberry - 500 g;
- Lemon - 1 large;
- Sugar sand - 400 g.

This number of ingredients is sufficient for cooking 500 ml of jam. It is not recommended to use more than 2 kg of strawberry.
Strawberry pour into a colander or sieve and hold 5 minutes under a scattered stream of warm running water. Give extra liquid drain. Then carefully separate from each berry a cup.

Purified strawberry pour into an enameled wide pelvis with a volume of 1.5 liters. In such a spacious tank, the berries will not be doubts during cooking.

Fill with strawberries with sugar sand. Slightly shake the pelvis so that sugar filled emptiness between berries.

After 2 hours of strawberries allocate a small amount of juice. Lemon should be scolded with boiling water and clean thoroughly. Then it must be cut into two halves. From one of them it is necessary to squeeze juice on strawberries.

Cedra squeezed half of the lemon should be grate on a shallow grater and add to berries.

Taz with strawberries need to put on a slow fire. Gradually, the juice will be separated from berries and foam will be formed. Syrup must be very gently mixed, not giving sugar to settle at the bottom, and the foam should be deleted.

5 minutes after boody boils, it is necessary to remove from the fire. Having covered with clean gauze pure, you need to give fruits to strengthen within 5 hours. Then you need to add the remaining half of the lemon to the strawberry. After that, the fruits need to again boil 5 minutes and again give them to relax 5 hours.

Before the third, the last boiling must prepare banks. They should be boiled together with covers for 3 minutes, and then dry. Strawberry jam with lemon need to cook 10 min. All foam must be carefully removed.

After that, the fruits should be shifted into banks, pour the syrup and immediately close the covers.
The finished five-minute jam from strawberries with lemon can be stored in a dark closet for 1 year. Thanks to the lemon juice, it does not suprate and it turns out not very pronounced. The syrup from the jam remains rather liquid, and the berries of strawberries in it are dense.
It turns out very interesting

step-by-step recipe with photos

Strawberry jam with lemon - fragrant dessert, which must be prepared in the summer season for the winter. Such a delicacy is perfect for the taste, not apparent and juicy. Citrus acid, as it is impossible, it is better emphasized by a strawberry fragrance, the main thing is to add the desired rate of sugar sand so that the jam is turned out and not acidic, and not sweet. You can, of course, replace lemon juice with a concentrate or essence, but the aroma of grated lemon zest in the delicacy will not replace anything!


You will be required to 1 liter capacity:

  • 800 g of strawberry berries
  • 0.5 kg of sugar sand
  • 1 lemon


1. It is not necessary to reduce the portions of berries and sugar using one lemon, since then the jam will get sour. If you want to create a dessert with whole berries, then choose the dense varieties of strawberries, if you like the jam, the juicy. Tailing with berries, and then promoting them in water.

2. The washed and purified berries in a saucepan with a non-stick or in a saucepan, cauldron.

3. Add sugar.

4. Oshparim Lemon boiling water, placing it on the bunch. Then squeeze zest, but without a white layer, which is insanely grieved. After that, we roll the fruit with a pressure hand with a pressure of a hand and gently make a hole in it, a salt of juice in a saucepan, picking up the zest. Then we cut the lemon into two parts and discourage the remaining juice into the container. Position it on the stove.

5. We will bring to a boil, reducing the fire and claim for about 10 minutes. We will remove the container from the fire, cooled in the cold of about 2-3 hours. At the same time, the berries will absorb syrup, cooling, and will become juicy and more transparent.

6. Again, put the container with jam on the stove and babble for 10 minutes, etc., while the delicacy is thick, velvety taste and burgundy in color.