Prague cake in a multicooker step-by-step recipe. Cake "Prague" in a slow cooker

27.04.2021 Soups

In a slow cooker, simply amazing biscuits are obtained. I have already tried many recipes, and a rare case when the biscuit did not get. Yesterday decided to wipe on Prague. After all, the basis there is also a biscuit.

To prepare a cake of Prague in a slow cooker:

  • flour - 500g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • sugar-1 cup (250 g) for biscuit and 3 tablespoons for glaze;
  • condensed milk;
  • cocoa powder;
  • baking powder;
  • sour cream - 1 cup (250ml) for biscuit and 4 tablespoons for glaze;
  • creamy butter - 200g.

Prague Cake in Multicooker Preparation Process:

  1. We beat eggs with sugar blender or mixer to completely dissolve sugar.
  2. Add sour cream and beat well again.
  3. We add sifted flour, baking powder and 3 teaspoons of cocoa. After everyone neatly mix, beat the dough with a blender or mixer.
  4. Lubricate the bottom of the cream butter and pour the dough there. Install the "Baking" mode for 50 minutes + 20 minutes.
  5. Cooking cream. To do this, it is necessary to melt the butter (100g) and mix it with condensed milk and 3 teaspoons of cocoa.
  6. For glazes mix in a small saucepan sour cream (4 tbsp. L.), Cocoa (4 art. L.) And sugar (3 art. L.) And cook until it thirsty. We add butter (100g). When the oil is completely dissolved, remove the saucepan from the fire. Gothic is ready.
  7. Ready biscuit must be cooled. After that, cut it along in half. Cakes soaring cream. And on top of "Prague" we water the icing.

I, with my fidget, did not have time to cook the glaze, but just soaked the cake cream. The taste of this did not suffer.

Prague cake in a multicooker turned out very tasty.

Luxurious Cake "Prague" in a multicooker in taste quality is not inferior to the dessert prepared by tradition in the oven, but to make it significant cakes

Prague Cake in Multicooker

Luxurious Cake "Prague" in a multicooker in taste quality is not inferior to the dessert prepared by tradition in the oven, but to make it much easier.


The classic cake recipe "Prague" involves the use of such ingredients like fruit-berry jetty, most often apricot, chocolate sweet, biscuit dough from which three embers bakes. For the manufacture of cream, condensed milk, chicken yolks, cocoa powder are used.

Today, the list of ingredients in the recipe varies, but the principle remains the same - chocolate biscuit cakes, impregnated with cream and decorated with icing. An invaluable assistance in the preparation of "Prague" has a multifunctional miracle furnace - a multicooker, in which baking does not burn and embargo uniformly.

Ingredients for biscuit dough:

  • sugar sand - 220 grams;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 glasses;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream (fat) - 1 cup;
  • condensed milk - 120 grams;
  • vanilla - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • dough breakdler - 1 teaspoon (or 1 tsp. soda food);
  • cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons.

You can give piquancy to the confectionery product "Prague" using pieces of chocolate, crowded walnuts, candied tuts, added to the dough.

For cream, the combination of softened cream oil and a condensed milk with the addition of cocoa is most often used. This set of products is considered optimal.

Ingredients for cream:

  • condensed milk - 120 grams;
  • creamy oil - 180 grams (1 pack);
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar powder - at will and at your discretion.

For glaze will need:

  • creamy oil - 100 grams;
  • bitter chocolate - 1 tile;
  • sugar powder - 2 tablespoons;
  • cream - 50 ml.

Some hostesses prefer to do without glazed coverage, from this cake does not lose their taste. However, dessert, decorated with chocolate icing, is much more elegant.

But the impregnation will make cakes by softer, literally melting in the mouth. This will require:

  • water - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • cognac or liquor - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook a cake "Prague" in a slow cooker

First you need to bake a biscuit, which will then need to be neatly cut.

Prague Cake, cooked in a slow cooker, assumes the following manipulations:

  1. Eggs to connect with sugar and beat with a mixer or a wedge to a complete dissolution of sugar.
  2. Add to a mixture sour cream, vanilla.
  3. Sift cocoa powder through a sieve, add to whipped eggs. Stir carefully so that there are no lumps.
  4. Pour into a mixture of condensed milk, stir the spoon.
  5. Sierted through the sieve flour to connect with a tearful or soda, then mix with egg-chocolate mass.
  6. Beat dough for biscuit. When using the mixer, its power must be minimal.
  7. Multime cooker shape lubricate oil (creamy). Pour the dough into the container, which should be liquid. Stop "baking" mode. The cake will prepare 80 minutes.

It is possible to determine whether the dough for the "Prague" cake passed, you can use wooden spanks or ordinary matches. For this, the skeleton must be stuck in the center of the Biscuit and pull out: if it does not have sticky tracks left, it means that the dessert is ready.

While the biscuit is preparing, proceed to the preparation of cream and sweet syrup.

The impregnation is done as follows: you need to pour water into a small saucepan, sugar sugar. Put on a slow fire, bring to a boil. Then the syrup should be added cognac, and then cool.

And now we cook the cream:

  1. Creamy oil melt, mix with powdered sugar to its complete dissolution.
  2. Add cocoa, carefully knead.
  3. Final stage - adding condensed milk.

Finished cream to put in the refrigerator so that it froze.

Baked biscuit to remove it is much easier, if you put the form of a multicooker on a cold towel and wait 20-30 minutes.

The cooled cake must be cut into two equal parts and apply impregnation on them. To the cakes were juicy, it is necessary to put them in a cold place for half an hour. Only after that they are abundantly lubricated with cream.

While the Prague cake is impregnated with a cream mass, you need to make a glaze in a water bath. In a large saucepan, we put a small pot, add oil and cream into it and cook. After the mixture becomes homogeneous, it is necessary to introduce sugar powder into it and chocolate.

After putting the impregnated biscuit on a beautiful dish, we distribute the icing in the cake, trying to make the chocolate mixture evenly.

Cake "Prague", cooked in a multicooker - an exquisite dessert that is ideal for feeding on the table on weekends and holidays.

It is so accepted that it is advisable for any solemn dates to treat guests with something delicious. Just a very tasty chocolate cake is suitable for tea - Prague. It can be prepared both in the oven and in a slow cooker. Moreover, the last option is more convenient for many owners.

This recipe for making baking is a familiar to many hostess, because it is a basic cake preparation recipe. He is also called "according to GOST". Just and we will prepare the Prague cake in a slow cooker for this recipe.

Baking products:

  • yolks Total number of 8 pcs. (for cream you will need 2 yolks, for the test - 6 pcs.);
  • protein - 6 pcs.;
  • cocoa powder - 30 g (in dough) and 25 g (for cream);
  • sugar - 160 g;
  • flour - 125 g;
  • creamy oil - 45 g in dough and for cream 380 g, for watering 110 g of cold oil;
  • apricot Jam - 65 g;
  • condensed milk - 235 g;
  • bitter chocolate - 110 g;
  • water purified - 35 g;
  • vanilla sugar or vanillin - to taste.

About cooking Prague cake in a slow cooker:

  1. We are kneading the test. To begin with, prepare all the necessary ingredients. First of all, separating proteins from yolks. It will take 6 eggs.
  2. Sugar is pouring to yolks, whipping a mixer at high speeds until the mass is brightened. Sugar must dissolve.
  3. Proteins - preferably the eggs take from the refrigerator so that the proteins are chilled. We add literally pinch of shallow salt to proteins, whipped with a wedge or mixer (only the nozzles after whipping yolks should be flushed, wipe dry).
  4. Proteins need to be scored until the mass is light and dense. It is called such a state of proteins "Sustainable peaks".
  5. Now you need to connect proteins and yolks with sugar. It is necessary to do it most carefully so that you do not spoil anything. This is done as follows: across the tablespoon gently shifted whipped proteins to yolks, mix exclusively with silicone spatula, move along the bottom. Vigorously interfere and, especially, you don't need to shake the mass!
  6. When squirrels with yolks are connected, you need to add a predetermined flour and mixed with cocoa powder. Mix the dough very carefully, slowly.
  7. On the stove put a small frying pan to melt the creamy oil. This can be done in a slow cooker using the heating program.
  8. The oil is trying not to overheat, so as not to darke it. It is only necessary to wait until the oil begins to melt. Liquid butter must be pulled out into the dough, immediately mix. Mix the dough carefully. It should be homogeneous, without lumps, chocolate shade.
  9. We prepare a bowl of the Multivarka: if the oil was melted in a multicooker bowl, then it is necessary to wash the capacity, you only need to trigger the bottom and the walls are pretty flour or thustenance of breadcrumbs.
  10. Now pour chocolate dough into the bowl of the device. Evenly along the top distribution with silicone spatula, so that the top is smooth and beautiful.
  11. We prepare the biscuit for the Prague cake in a multicooker in the "Baking" mode within an hour.
  12. When hear the signal, we recommend not to rush and immediately do not upload a ready-made root on a plate. Give the opportunity to biscuit a little "come to yourself" - first let it stand under the closed cover 5-7 minutes, then the lid can be opened, wait 5 minutes. After a pause, with the help of a cup for cooking for a couple, you can turn the root.
  13. We leave the biscuit to cool on the lattice-steamer.
  14. In the meantime, we will deal with other work: make a delicious cream. For these purposes, you need to prepare a deep bowl, beat 2 yolks, add condensed milk and water. We take water from the filter, cleaned.
  15. We put a bowl on a weak fire, stirring, waiting for the mixture will boil. We continue to cook the cream as long as it does not thicken. The cream should be on the consistency as thick sour cream. Heating plate is minimal. Still constantly so that the cream is not burned.
  16. We assign a bowl with cream to the side, let him cool down. Now you need to beat the creamy oil in a spacious container, lay out the cooling cream, mix well with oil.
  17. We use a mixer to beat the cream until uniformity, add cocoa powder. By the way, to cocoa to distribute evenly, you can add this ingredient at the initial stage along with condensed milk.
  18. We make chocolate glaze like this: chilled butter cut into a bowl in a bowl, chocolate broke into pieces. Melt on very slow fire. You can melt chocolate in the microwave oven. It will take to turn on the oven to the maximum, the timer to put for 3 minutes. We are preparing: a minute at the maximum, got a bowl, stirred, even a minute - mixed, and last minute.
  19. While they prepared cream and chocolate glaze, just cooled biscuit. It needs to be acute with a sharp knife carefully cut into 3 equal parts to get 3 embers.
  20. We prepare a comfortable flat plate on which we will collect a cake. We put the first crude, we embar over a couple of spoons of cream, evenly distribute the cream.
  21. The cream is perfectly moving over the surface. Creams do not regret. We recommend splitting the cream to 2 equal parts and make a pretty lubricate every crude.
  22. We collect the Prague cake in a slow cooker, each cake is prettier with cream. The surface is aligned with a knife, distribute the residues of the cream on the sides of the cake.
  23. From above, the last root is not lubricated with cream, we have one unused ingredient - this is an apricot jam. We distribute over the entire surface of the last look. Cake placed in the fridge to grabbed the jam.
  24. After half an hour, you can get a cake, prepare a chocolate glaze (melt), pour the top of the prague cake cooked in a slow cooker.
  25. The remnants of the cream are in no hurry to throw away because you can make a beautiful decoration. Here, show your fantasy, decorate the cake as you like most.
  26. Prague cake in a multicooker prepared, only to taste it the next day. Allow the ability to laugh in a cold place. Ideally - put a cake for the night in the fridge, and if the Prague cake in a slow cooker has been cooked, then leave the guests, that is, until the evening.

Cake will be delicious, soft. Just what is needed to tea. Pleasant tea drinking in a nice company!

Prague cake in a slow cooker. Recipe 2.

The recipe for cooking baking is slightly different. If you paid attention, then probably noted that in the first recipe there is neither a baking powder, nor soda or citric acid. Beagle proteins were responsible for the aircraft. There were many of them, so nothing had yet had to add. This option is preparing a Prague cake in a slow cooker for those who want to save a little on the products and not worry that nothing will work.

For biscuit, you will need:

  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 1 cup;
  • condensed milk - half banks;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • salt - pinch;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp.

For cream, prepare:

  • creamy oil - 150 g;
  • condensed milk - half of the banks.

Glaze make from:

  • sugar - half of the glass;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 tbsp. (may not be needed).

For details on how to prepare Prague Cake in a Multicooker:

  1. We make dough: beat eggs (not separating proteins and yolks). Gradually, as we add to the little sugar. We whistle until completely sugar is dissolved so that there are no crystalline.
  2. In whipped eggs at the end, add the remaining ingredients in such a sequence: soda, then condensed milk, mix. The latter to attach flour (sift, mix with cocoa powder).
  3. The dough is ready, the bowl of the multicooker is desirable to lubricate with soft butter, sprinkle with flour (you can betented with crumbs).
  4. All, the bowl is prepared, you can pour the dough. We will prepare in the "Baking" mode 50-60 minutes.
  5. Biscuit is ready, we will leave it while in the disabled multicooker until a complete cooling. And you can neatly remove with a pairing lattice, it is important to wait until the biscuit is completely cooled.
  6. Then the cooled biscuit must be cut into a sharp knife into 2 parts. It will turn out 2 embers.
  7. Cooking cream from whipped butter (we take softened), add condensed milk (room temperature), whipped well. The cream is ready, you can miss the cakes.
  8. We make the glaze from sour cream, cocoa, add water (if necessary). We bring to the boil on the weak heating plate, stir constantly. Cooking until the glaze thickens, at the end, add butter, mix well.
  9. From above Prague cake, cooked in a slow cooker, we wash with a thin layer cream, wait 5-7 minutes, let the cream absorb a little.
  10. Now we water the top of the icing and put in a cold place so that the cake is soaked. Enough for 5 hours, you can leave for the night in the refrigerator.

Ready, pleasant tea drinking! The cake is equally combined with hot drinks: tea, coffee, cocoa with milk or hot chocolate, and with cold drinks: milk, spoken, compote from dried fruits, juices.

Prague cake in a slow cooker. Video

Our reader Natalia is divided by a recipe for a loved one very many cake "Prague". There is an opinion that Prague cake came to us from Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. However, in Prague itself, someone is unlikely to know about this cake. By the way, in Prague there is a similar cake - the Vienna "Zaher". And our Prague cake received its name because of the Moscow restaurant of the same name, which was invented by confectioner working there. The taste of Prague cake is familiar and love everyone. For a long time, the recipe was kept secret. Now many factories and small confectionery are preparing a cake "Prague", but cooked at home, it is much more tastling, in what you can make sure that you prepare it on this recipe.


for korzh:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 0,5 banks of condensed milk
  • 1.5 glasses of flour
  • 1 teaspoon soda
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa

for cream:

  • 150 g of butter
  • 0,5 banks of condensed milk


  • 0.5 glasses of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 50 grams of cream oil
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon of water (optional)

Cake "Prague" in a slow cooker:

Eggs beat with sugar. In sour cream add soda and beat with condensed milk. All connect, move the mixer, adding flour and cocoa.

Put the dough into a lubricated bowl.

Burning Cake "Prague" in a slow cooker, in the "Baking" mode of 60 minutes.

After the signal, the cake is removed, cool and divided into 2 embers.

Having cooled the korge to wash, cover the second korzh. Top to fill with icing.

For cream, beat soft butter, add condensed milk room temperature and beat again.

For the glazes, sour cream, sugar, water and cocoa mix, on a slow fire to bring to a boil and constantly stirring to slaughter before thickening. Then add softened butter.

Cake "Prague" in a multicooker is ready. Bon Appetit!!!


Schocolics will certainly appreciate the amazing taste of the Prague chocolate cake. And if you consider that the cooking of a confectionery does not take you a lot of strength and time, then the dessert there is no price. How to cook a cake "Prague" in a slow cooker, and what will you need for this?

Required products

Today you can meet in cafes, restaurants and confectionery shops. Condimier V. Goraznik was preserved on the creation of dessert. Since that time, the recipe of delicacy has changed in many ways, and it has become much easier and faster to prepare it.

Baking, cooked in a slow cooker always comes out lush and very tender. Plus, the hostess disappears the need to control the cooking process. All that is required in the cooking process is to purchase fresh products and clearly follow the recipe.

Required products:

  • sugar - 220 grams;
  • half a cup of wheat flour;
  • a pair of chicken eggs;
  • glass of fatty sour cream;
  • 120 grams of condensed milk (not boiled);
  • a little vanilla;
  • teaspoon dough baking powder;
  • a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder.

You can lick the cakes with almost any cream. We will use a condensed milk and butter cream. For making mass, prepare:

  • 120 grams of condensed milk;
  • 180 grams of butter;
  • 2 spoons of cocoa;
  • sugar powder to his taste.

You can glaze a chocolate cake "Prague", and you can do without coating. For those who want to strengthen the taste, we advise you to prepare a chocolate glaze. And for it we need: black chocolate tiles, 100 grams of oil, 50 ml of cream and a pair of tablespoons of powdered sugar powder.

As an impregnation for cakes, confectioners recommend using an orange jam, brandy or a sweet liquor to your choice.

Prague in a multicooker is the perfect baking on the "ambulance hand". Such a dessert will not be ashamed to present guests to a festive table.

The process of creating a cake

There are many tramps of cooking cake "Prague" in a slow cooker . Basically, they differ in themselves as a set of ingredients. So, some pastales, in order to strengthen the taste of the culinary product, add chopped nuts into the dough, and even pieces of chocolate. We offer to prepare a classic Cake "Prague" in a slow cooker.

Quick preparation stages:

  1. In a deep bowl, drive eggs. Here we introduce the required amount of sugar and proceed to the whipping of the egg mass.
  2. We introduce sour cream and vanilla. Sharp the mixture again until it becomes homogeneous.
  3. Cocoa powder sifted through fine sieve and introduce into an egg-sour cream mixture. Intensively stir the mass to avoid the formation of lumps. Pour the condensed milk, continuing to interfere with the liquid with a spoon.
  4. In flour, we enter the required amount of dough breakdown. Sail dry ingredients through a sieve and add to the ground. Chocolate dough is whipped with a mixer at the minimum power.
  5. The mold is abundantly lubricating the creamy oil. Pour the cooked dough, and put in a slow cooker. We bake in the "Baking" mode, about 1 hour 20 minutes.

Let's start cooking cream and impregnation for him. To prepare an orange impregnation, we take 40 grams of jam, we skip it through fine sieve and wept with 4 spoons with warm, boiled water.

Intensively stir the liquid with a spoon so that there are no lumps left. Jam impregnation is ready.

Stages of cooking cream:

  1. Shortly before the preparation, we take the creamy oil from the refrigerator. We introduce into it the required amount of sugar powder. Note that the condensed milk is sufficiently pronounced. We whipitate the mass until the powder is completely dissolved.
  2. When sugar powder is dissolved, we enter a pair of tablespoons of cocoa, continuing to beat the cream.
  3. The final stage is the addition of condensed milk. We whip the cream for another 5 minutes, and send it to the fridge for frozen.

Ready cut into two equal pieces. With the help of a tablespoon, we appline the cooled cakes, an orange impregnation. To cakes are well soaked, put them in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

At the end of time, we get biscuit cakes from the refrigerator, and we abundantly scour them with a cooked cream. While the cakes are soaked in mass, proceed to cooking the glaze.

Chocolate is divided into pieces and lay out in a deep bowl. We put the dishes on the water bath. As long as the delicacy melts, the creamy oil mode and introduce the milk ingredient. When the mass becomes homogeneous, enter the cream and the required amount of sugar powder. The glaze is ready!

Cooked "Prague Cake" in a multicooker, put on a tray and evenly distribute the glaze. We put baking in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. A cooked cake "Prague" in a slow cooker is enough to feed the whole family. Bon Appetit!