Delicious buns with cream. Custard Buns

27.04.2021 Meat dishes

Fragrant lush buns with custard - one of the versions of the famous Paris Buns "Creme de Parisienne" (cream de Parisen). These Parisian beauties are preparing not without much effort, but it is worth it. Soft yeast dough filled with a gentle cream will not leave anyone indifferent. In the company of French buns, it is pleasant to plunge into the atmosphere of Paris, immersed in reading Maupassant or the hundredth time to revise Amelie's adventures. Any pastime with them becomes beautiful.


  • Milk - 250 ml. on the dough, 500 ml. on cream)
  • Eggs - 4 pcs. (2 in the dough, 2 in cream)
  • Flour - 500 g
  • Sugar - 0.5 st on cream + 1 tbsp. in dough
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 bag
  • Creamy oil - 75
  • Sunflower oil is 100 ml.

Cooking process

  1. In warm milk we break the yeast, well, if you use fresh yeast (pressed). The dough with them is carried out gentle and fragrant. Add a spoonful sugar, pinch of salt and 4 tablespoons of flour. Mix well. We got a layout. We put it in a warm place, covering the tank with a towel.
  2. After 30-35 minutes, our opara rises such a magnificent hat and increases several times in volumes! This means that yeast all started their work and grow well.
  3. We transfix the whale in the container more, I have a small basin for cooking dough. Add 100 ml to the dough. vegetable oil (using sunflower refined) and 1.5 eggs. Yolk one eggs leave. It will come in handy to us for lubricating finished products before baking.
  4. We intervene the flour how much will take the dough, about 500 g. Do not make the dough too tight. Leave it for 10 minutes to relax. And in the meantime, we will deal with stuffing.
  5. Preparing thick filling. I do everything on a well-known recipe for us, we increase only the amount of flour to 4 tbsp. spoons.
  6. We mix all the ingredients, and send to a slow fire or on a water bath. The water bath is good because it eliminates the probability of burning cream, which is very convenient! On open fire, it is necessary to constantly interfere with the cream until the readiness.
  7. By consistency, the cream should be like porridge. Let him cool a little, although you can work with hot, but with the cooled work safer.
  8. So, the dough for these moments we rose. We divide it into small equal lumps of centimeter 4-5 in diameter. Every such a lump roll in oval. Lay out on the edge spoon of cream.
  9. Watch half and well climb the edge so that the cream cannot be found during baking. The second remaining dough edge is cut into longitudinal stripes.
  10. We cover the resulting bun with stripes, carefully fixing them during the bottom of the product. Lubuing ready-made buns whipped yolk with the addition of a dessert milk spoon, it will give the baking gloss and blush.
  11. We bake the buns in a heated to 180 ºС oven for about 20 minutes on a lubricated oil counterfeit. At this time, a wonderful vanilla fragrance is flying around the house and all the homemade already looks at the kitchen. Finished buns need to be cooled, as the cream is very, very hot and thick, and they are very easy to burn. That's it! Our beautiful fragrant and stunningly delicious buns with custard are ready! Bon Appetit!

The recipe for custard buns should be every mistress. Such a dessert likes almost everyone. In addition, baking can be made as sweet and not very. Multiple options. But it is best to suit that custard. Consider several ways to prepare a delicacy.

Classic custard buns

Custard buns are preparing for this recipe very simple. The main thing is to follow the sequence. In general, the cooking will need:

We mix the dough

So how to make buns from custard test? To do this, melt the butter on fire, laying it into a metal container. Add salt to it and 1 cup of cold water. Components should be heated to boiling point.

When the first bubbles appear on the surface, reduce the heating power and pumped slowly the glass of flour, pre-sinking it. Mix components thoroughly, and then remove from the stove.

When the mass cools a little, add 4 eggs to it, and then mix thoroughly. Now you can proceed to baking.

Little tricks

Knowing the recipe for custard buns, you can cook a great dessert. However, not all mistresses know how to work with such a test. We give a few little tricks:

How to bake

Custard buns, the recipe of which is described above, better bake on the anti-parchment, pre-seated parchment. Laying the dough is recommended by a teaspoon. At the same time, keep in mind that in the process of baking the product will increase in size.

Buns are prepared at a temperature of 200 ˚С. Baking is about 40 minutes. At the same time, open the oven is not recommended, as the products may lose volume.

When the dessert is ready, turn off the fire. You should not immediately remove buns from the oven. They must cool a little.

Secrets of baking

Now you know how to make buns from a custard dough. However, when they are baking, it is recommended to adhere to some rules:

Features of filing and storage

Buns made of custard test can be done with any stuffing. To fill pastries, you need to cut the top with a sharp knife. For this purpose, the tools from ceramics are ideal.

When buns are filled with stuffing, gently lay them on the dish. At the same time, air must come to each product. The second layer should be made rare.

It is worth considering that custard buns easily repense and turn into something inedible. Therefore, the baking container is recommended to cover with paper towels. It is also stored only in a ventilated room. It is not recommended to put buns in the refrigerator.

It is possible to serve such a dessert with tea, coffee, various sweet drinks and milk. Finished cooled buns can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. So they will look even appetizing.

To begin with, you will prepare the "Patisier" cream: egg yolks rub with sugar well.

Then we pour milk, add starch, vanilla sugar and mix well a wedge. We put a saucepan with cream on the middle fire and, stirring, bring to a boil.

Cook cream "Patisier", stirring, 5-7 minutes before thickening. Then remove the saucepan from the fire, close the lid and assign to the side.

We prepare the dough: we are dragging the yeast in warm water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar, mix and leave the pole for 10-15 minutes in heat so that the yeast is coming to life. Margarine Clear and cool. Kefir slightly heating. Overall flour mix with sugar and salt.

We add kefir, opar, egg and margarine into the flour mixture. We mix soft, elastic, smooth dough. We leave it in a bowl in warm, cover with a towel, 1-1.5 hours.

The stolen dough will increase in volume twice. Get it out and ignite it. Roll over the dough into a rectangular layer, lubricate with vegetable oil and lay out raisins.

We turn the dough into a dense roll.

The roll is cut on 8 parts.

We lay the buns into the form for baking, lubricated with vegetable oil, leaving a place between them. Cover the shape with buns with a towel and leave it warm for 30-40 minutes.
Buns will increase in size. Lubricate their surface with a mixture of egg yolk and milk and bake about 40 minutes in a heated oven at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Let the buns slightly cool in the form.

Put the buns on a flat plate and water the tender cream "Patisier". Baking is extremely tasty.

Bon Appetit!

Tea party with fragrant pastries entered our everyday life for a long time. It is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure to enjoy tasty and air buns that are so asked in the mouth.

I have a little smoking over the appearance, you can cook buns with custard and serve them to the table, spreading on a wide festive dish.

The recipe that we now will understand is simple. In addition, it can be mastered even a high school student, time from time to cooking food for himself and relatives.

Recipe of Spanish Buns with Custard

For the test you need:

50 g bulk yeast from the bag; 2 tbsp. spoons of softened butter; one egg; 120 ml of water; a pinch of salt; 2 cups of flour without a slide.

3 tbsp. Sugar spoons; 0.3 l of milk; two yolks; 2 tbsp. spoons of starch or wheat flour; pinch vanilla.

You still need some vegetable oil, you will lubricate your hands when forming baking and work surface.

Preparation steps:

  1. Sugar and dry yeast dissolve in warm water.
  2. Wake one egg.
  3. I ask for flour and pour into the dishes to the rest of the components.
  4. Add salt and butter.
  5. Hands lubricate with lean oil, knead the dough for two or three minutes. It should be soft and homogeneous as in the photo.
  6. To the dough rose, create the right conditions. Quickly and well yeast are activated in a humid and warm environment, so I advise you to resort to one tricks and use the microwave oven to fermentation.
  7. Put the water in the microwave water and keep one minute there, turning on the equipment to the power grid. Then get the water, it has already provided the level of optimal humidity, and put a bowl with a dough into its place, covering it with a lid.
  8. After half an hour, the dough will increase in volume, will become porous and air.

Let's not lose precious minutes and make the cream preparation:

  1. In the dishes with thick walls boil milk, sprouting the pinch of vanillin into it.
  2. In a separate cup, squeeze raw yolks with starch / flour and sugar sand. You need to achieve homogeneity, otherwise then in the cream you can detect lumps.
  3. In the jet mixture, pour hot milk. Constantly mix the mass of the wedge, so that the yolks do not have to breed.
  4. The resulting liquid substance is intensely mix with the remaining milk and put the dishes on the stove.
  5. With continuous stirring, brew a thick cream, then retain it for cooling.

Meanwhile, the dough has already come up, and it's time for us to form buns:

  1. Reach the dough with your hand and lay out on the table, lubricated with lean oil.
  2. Watch it on 6 (if you want the buns to get big) or 10 (then the buns will be small) equal parts.
  3. Hands stretch each portion into a rectangular narrow layer.
  4. From one wide edge, lay out custard cream, turn the workpiece into the tube. Then remove the tube on both sides and wrap out of it "snail".
  5. From other parts, do similar manipulations. As a result, you will get buns that are often prepared by Spanish hostesses.
  6. It remains only to send baking into the oven, but before this lay it on the baking sheet and give a quarter of an hour for proofing.
  7. Meanwhile, heals the oven to 180 degrees.
  8. The baking sheet with buns will be in the oven for 15-17 minutes, follow the surface of baking through the glass. As soon as she shook, it's time to get buns.

Before feeding, decorate the buns of sugar powder. You can mix it with vanilla or ground cinnamon.

The recipe of delicacy will be useful to you if you have never been engaged in yeast dough. As you can see, all processes are extremely simple and do not take much time.

Recipe of buns with custard "Patisier"

French pastries are famous for its air structure and excellent taste. To prepare yeast buns with custard at home, you do not need to knead the dough.

The trading network today sells a lot of workpieces, with which you can save not only time, but also forces.

If you are a busy person, advise you from time to time to resort to some tricks, buying ready-made yeast or puff pastry.

In our case, we knead the yeast dough with their own hands, and for this take:

2 tbsp. Sugar spoons; one egg; pinch of vanilline; teaspoon of dry yeast; 2.5 cup of wheat flour; 35 g. oils; 0.2 l of milk; a pinch of salt.

"Patisier" includes: 2 yolks; 50 g starch; 300 ml of milk; 5 tbsp. sugar spoons; vanillin.

From products that are included in the recipe, 13-15 fragrant buns are obtained.

Let's start cooking a treat from kneading the test.

For this:

  1. Heat milk. Pass the yeast and stir well.
  2. In a separate container, scroll the egg, sand sugar, softened oil, vanillin and salt.
  3. Throw half of the sifted flour into the divorced yeast, send the egg mixture.
  4. Papeedly pumped the rest of the flour, kneading well. When it becomes homogeneous, lay it on the washesized working surface.
  5. Hands lubricate with a small amount of lean oil so that the dough does not stick, and smear a few more minutes.
  6. Now send yeast dough into a warmth, putting it in a bowl and covered with a towel. To quickly complete the lifting process, use the microwave. If it is not, the dough will be ready for cutting in an hour or a little more.

While the dough rises, brew cream "Patisier". Despite the unusual name, you will handle the task in a matter of minutes, because before you probably had the opportunity to cook it.


  1. Milk break into the skeleton and mix with half sugar, which contains a recipe, and vaniline.
  2. Put the dishes on weak fire, wait for the mixture will boil.
  3. In parallel, squeeze yolks with the remaining sugar and starch. Divide the thick mass of hot milk and send it to the scenery, constantly stating everything with a spatula.
  4. When the mass acquires a thick consistency, it is considered ready. Send the dishes from the fire, and let the mass completely cool. Do not use heat for the filling, and even more so hot cream. It will provoke a breakthrough of the test, through which the filling is found on the baking sheet and nourish.

We form buns:

  1. The dough, which increased in the amount of 2.5-3 times, take mistress and lay out on the table. It is smeared in advance with vegetable oil, so you will be sure that the dough will not stick.
  2. Roll off the "sausage" and divide it on 10 identical parts.
  3. Each turn into oval cake.
  4. One edge (the one that is specified in the photo) lubricate with custard. A sufficiently incomplete tablespoon so that the buns are juicy.
  5. Make one turn so that the cream is closed.
  6. The remaining part of the workpiece cut the stripes, somewhere 7-8 pieces. Along with one, wrap up, making buns striped.
  7. Lay the baking sheet with parchment paper, put buns in such a way that the strips are on top.
  8. Give the buns to the distance in a warm place, in 15 minutes they "grow up" a little "and will become more magnificent.
  9. Before baking, lubricate each bun whipped yolk and sprinkle with coarse sugar.

Send buns in the oven, after a quarter of an hour they will be shrouded and will be ready. The temperature in the oven should be at the level of 180 degrees.

Baking recipes with custard you will find on other pages of the site.

Yeast dough buns with custard filling

Baking, made by hand, seems much more tastier purchased. First, it is always fresh; And secondly, part of the soul is inserted into it.

To prepare high quality buns, take only fresh yeast. Only such a product will contribute to the rise of the test, which means that the puffs of the bun themselves.

List of ingredients for kneading dough:

2.5 tbsp. Sugar spoons; 0,250 kg of flour; 30 g of pressed yeast; one egg; 0.5 cup of milk; 25 g. Oil.


30 g of sugar; one yolk; incomplete glass of milk; 25 g of butter cream and 2 dessert starch spoons.

Step-by-step cooking:

  1. Milk warm up to 35-40 degrees.
  2. Yeast crushes and pour into warm milk. Stir the mixture with a spoon until yeast disperse.
  3. Creamy oil melt and, cooling, stirred with a raw egg. Mix pour into milk with yeast.
  4. I ask the flour to saturate it with oxygen, and we gradually pumped into the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Emboss smooth dough, roll it into the ball and put in a bowl. Cover it with a napkin and withstand in a warm place one hour. During this time, the dough will increase in volume, will become lush.
  6. While yeast is doing their job, make it possible to crawl. Distribute yolks with sugar and vanilla. Then perepay the starch. Gradually pour milk, whipping the mixture by a wedge.
  7. Continuing to beat, warm the mass on fire. After boiling, keep it on the stove until thickening.
  8. When the custard coil slightly, add the butter and squeeze the spatula carefully. The mass should turn out to be thick enough, otherwise it is absorbed into the dough when you start forming buns.
  9. The dough that should be approached, get and lay out onto the working surface. Rocking the "sausage", divide it into several identical parts.
  10. Form the billets of oval shape.
  11. On one edge, put a spoonful of cream, cover the test from above, leaving the free opposite edge (as in the photo).
  12. Cut it strips, screw one to the top.
  13. Buns spread on babysitter, making indents, and let it stand in warm 10-15 minutes.
  14. Before baking, lubricate the surface of the buns with a raw yolk.
  15. Before serving, sprinkle with sugar powder.

My video recipe

Fragrant French buns with custard made from yeast dough, like homemade baking lovers. Time for cooking and baking is a bit. It is best to cook from fresh ingredients and to do everything from start to the end with your own hands. You can use and good ready yeast dough - it will reduce cooking time.

Recipe of French Buns with Custard

Before starting baking you need to cook a place, clean from foreign objects, thoroughly wash all the ingredients. The oven can be heated immediately. Dosage ingredients for convenience is given in tablespoons.


For dough:

  • flour (wheat, top grade) - 2 or 2.5 glasses;
  • dry yeast - 5 g / alive - 15 g;
  • sugar sand - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • creamy oil melted - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 1 cup.

For filling:

  • milk - 2 glasses (400 ml);
  • egg yolk - 2 pcs;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar sand - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin - 1 bag (5 g);
  • creamy oil softened - 1.5 tbsp. l. (40 g).

Instead of solid milk, it is possible to use dry milk or cream, bringing them to moderately warm water, but then the taste will be somewhat unnatural. Creamy oil can be replaced with sunflower. For sinking after baking, sugar powder will need.

How to make french buns with custard

To prepare buns with a French cream, you need to first make a stuffing, then the dough. This is necessary in order to the point of the molding of the bulk of the filling, it was already ready, and the dough was not pretended.

For cooking yeast test you need:

  1. Heat the milk to warm, but not hot condition.
  2. Warm milk mix with sugar spoon and yeast. Give a mixture to breed 20 minutes.
  3. Twice sift flour. Add salt, sugar, egg whites and melted oil.
  4. Stirring, gradually enter the milk with yeast.
  5. Emboss tight dough and leave heat for 50-60 minutes.

For cooking filling:

  1. Pour 2 cups of milk in a saucepan, put on the middle fire.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix eggs, sugar, flour and pour the remaining milk.
  3. Without bringing milk to boil, gradually enter the mixture, constantly stirring.
  4. When the mass starts to bubble, remove the creamy oil and vanilla sugar from the fire.

Forming and baking products:

Instead of mixed or just yolk, you can use protein cream. It differs only by the syrup base, which is preparing before whipping egg proteins. Buns with protein cream taste felt a little easier, and the stuffing is not sweaty.

Another variety that can decorate any table and raise the mood, - "Cream de Parizyn" buns.

How to cook homemade cream Patisier

Classic Cream "Patisier" (in French - "Confectioner"), unlike the protein cream, is prepared on the basis of egg yolks. In addition to buns, it can be used in different types of dishes. It is well suited both as an independent dessert, and as an addition for cakes, pancakes, pancakes and other baking. There are several varieties of "Patiser": classic, chocolate, lemon, etc. The basis of them all lies one main recipe.


For the preparation of the cream, the following components will be needed:

  • one-piece cow's milk - 2 glasses;
  • wheat flour in / s - 1-2 art. l.;
  • sugar sand - 6-7 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • large chicken eggs - 3 pcs.

Sugar is better to use white. If the eggs are small, you can take 4-5 pcs. Next steps are as follows:

  1. Wash eggs, separate yolks from proteins. Yolks mix with sugar sand and flour to homogeneous mass.
  2. In a separate bowl, bring milk to a boil, remove from the fire, then slowly pour into sugar, flour and yolks.
  3. Thoroughly beat the wedge, getting rid of lumps.
  4. Put on a small fire and cook to density, stirring so that the cream does not have burned.
  5. Remove from fire and add vanillin.

The thick sweet cream for Patisier buns can be served as a separate dessert, laying up in the cream and cooling. There are several small tricks that can be diversified by the taste of cream:

  • make it a day before the preparation of buns - in this case, after cooling it is covered with a food film and leave in the refrigerator;
  • instead of flour use starch;
  • pisces and airiness cream will add a few drops of lemon juice, introduced by mixing yolks with sugar and flour;
  • add to the finished stuffing crushed seeds or nuts (walnut, hazelnut, peanuts).

When the most important in the recipe of buns - custard - already ready, you can start cooking the most.

Recipe of French Buns with Cream Patisier

Subsecurated French buns, decorated with scallop, with a filling from Patiser, are called Paris Cream, "Cream de Parizyn."


To prepare the test you will need:

  • flour - 375 g;
  • dry yeast - 5 g / alive - 15 g;
  • sugar sand - 60-70 g;
  • salt - 1/3 tsp;
  • dry cream or dry milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • creamy oil melted - 50 g;
  • terrified lemon zest - 1/2 h.
  • egg chicken - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 1 cup (200 ml).

How to cook air french buns with patcheser cream

Cooking something resembles dumplings. Step-by-step technology looks like this:

  1. Sift flour. In a separate bowl, mix flour, yeast, sugar, salt. Add cream and mix the wedge to a homogeneous state.
  2. Separate yolk from the protein. The protein does not delete: they are then lubricated buns before baking.
  3. Make in a mixture of a well, add an egg and beat for a fork.
  4. Gradually, enter the flour mixture heated milk. Knead the dough.
  5. Add a zest and melted oil. End the dough without adding flour: it should turn out a little sticky.
  6. Cover the dough with the food film and set aside for 20 minutes.
  7. To knead the dough for 7 minutes, then cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 2 hours. The dough should rise, having increased by about 4 times.
  8. Once again, knead him without adding flour.
  9. Cut the round blanks about 5 cm in diameter, then it is not fine enough to roll them in the form of oval.
  10. Put 1-2 h. Stuffing and clamp one edge, like dumplings or dumplings. It is necessary to glue hard that the filling does not flow. After the stuffing was wrapped on the first turnover, the remaining part of the rolling is wrapped.
  11. Gently wrap the knot with filling in the remaining part of the test so that the "sausage" turned out with cross-cuts - they will create the effect of "scallop".
  12. Slide the baking sheet with parchment paper or lubricate with oil. Share buns on the tray and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  13. Preheat oven to 180 ° C.
  14. Lubricate each bun with whipped squirrels, send to the oven for 20 minutes before the appearance of a golden crust.

For lubrication of buns, sour cream with sugar and the remains of the filling are also used. After readiness, you can decorate buns with crushed nuts, almond or cinnamon. Other additives are suitable - the expansion for experiments is not limited. Appetizing buns will decorate the table and a festive, and weekend.