Cauliflower ordering. Cauliflower for the winter: marination and canning

20.06.2021 Salads.

The billet for the winter of sauerkraut is a popular way to create stocks for the winter during the summer. But just as delicious, and often even more spicy dishes can be prepared from cauliflower. Numerous and variety of conservation options from this vegetable provide a table with tender to taste and beautiful in appearance of the billets. Cauliflower for the winter will provide diet with vitamins and microelements.

The fulfillment of the recipe will give the hostess the opportunity to please guests and seven acute snack with spicy taste and original aroma. Korean cauliflower can be prepared using the finished mixture, but not difficult and self-preparation.

For cooking used tight fork weighing up to 2 kilograms. The first step of creation becomes a neat separation of a plug into separate inflorescences with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters. There should be no blacks and traces of injuries in the insects on their surface. If there are not very many, the affected areas can be cut off. The weight of purified inflorescences in this case will be about 1 kilogram. This volume is enough to fill the finished mixture of two cans on one liter.

You will also need to take two medium carrots, approximately 7 cloves of garlic, one red sweet bell pepper, half a teaspoon of sharp red pepper. All ingredients are mixed. Carrots are required to cut into small long slices or rub on a special grater. It is sold in business stores.

Next is preparing marinade. It has 4 tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon of cook salt, 50 ml of refined vegetable oil, half a teaspoon of dried basil, nutmeg, black ground pepper. Also in Marinade add one tablespoon of ground coriander.

Sterilized banks fill under the neck with a mixture of vegetables. Simultaneously prepare marinade: spices are put in a pot with a thick bottom and pour about one and a half liters of water. The spice mixture should boil. After that, 10 ml of vinegar is added to the marinade, the fortress of which is 9%.

Marinade poured into prepared banks and sterilize about 10 minutes in a water bath. They are immediately covered with covers and clog. Finished canned food leave cool, putting onto the lid. You can store up to 12 months in a cold room. Marinated Korean cabbage is convenient for decorating a festive table.

Self-Browse Marinated in Tomat

An exotic taste is the marinated cabbage in tomato. To create an original snack, you will need to divide for separate inflorescences forks, weighing up to 2 kilograms. Damage and contamination are removed from the surface. Kochelation are carefully deleted.

To create a delicacy, one kilogram of tomatoes and two large sweet peppers will also be required. Spice will add garlic. 4 cloves are enough. A glass of sunflower oil is required, a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar. Taste will add black pepper. It is enough half a teaspoon and 100 grams of sugar. 100 ml of table vinegar is added to the marinade, a maximum fortress of 9%.

Tomatoes are finely cut and extinguished on slow fire until complete softening. Next, they are mistaken in tomato paste, adding spices. They give re-boil and boil about 20 minutes. Prepared inflorescences are suited in the finished sauce and give boil about three minutes and vinegar is added.

Split into prepared sterilized banks. Store dish is required in the refrigerator up to one year.

Simple billet cauliflower with vegetables for winter

Prepare an original appearance for a cauliflower-based winter basis can be almost from any vegetables. Only the inflorescences of this vegetable will be required (approximately 1 kilogram without baking), two large carrots, two votes of the repressed bow. You can add 3 cloves of garlic.

Cabbage disassembled on inflorescences, carrots are cut with circles, thick up to 1 cm, the onions are cut by circles. The prepared vegetable mixture is tightly placed in sterilized banks. On the bottom, you can put a bunch of dill greenery and several fish currant leaves.

The workpiece is poured by marinade from:

  • 1 liter of water
  • tablespoon sugar
  • teaspoon

You can add 2 carnations and a couple of black pepper peppers. To prepare the marinade, it is enough to bring it to a boil and pour the vegetable vegetables with the resulting solution.

Winter salad with cauliflower, onion and pepper

For its preparation is used:

  • The order of one kilogram of inflorescences purified from bums.
  • Two sliced \u200b\u200bsmall straws of sweet peppers.
  • Onions, sliced \u200b\u200brings.

Prepared vegetables are laid in banks. They are pre-sterilized. Marinade is prepared from a teaspoon of salt, sugar dining room, black pepper to taste, carnations. Spices are allowed to boil in one liter of water and add 100 ml of vinegar. His fortress should not exceed 9%. Banks are tightly covered with a lid. Stored in the refrigerator.

Cauliflower Salad with Apples

Acute snack with the addition of apples will delight each consumer. When it is prepared, you will need to take about a kilogram of inflorescences without bare. They are mixed with 5 medium apples chopped on slices and cores purified.

The mixture is tightly placed in banks and poured marinade. On the bottom to give piquancy laid leaves of currant. You can throw several berries.

When preparing the marinade, water is used (about 1 liter), salt (1 teaspoon), sugar (1 tablespoon). Spices can be added to taste. For example, a muscat, a mixture of peppers, a bay leaf. Water with spices is brought to a boil and poured into jars with a mixture.

Salad with broccoli

When performing blanks for winter, you can mix cauliflower and broccoli. It turns out beautiful outward crispy and very useful delicacy. Both variants of the vegetable are thoroughly cleaned from the bums and disassemble the inflorescences. It will take about a kilogram of the mixture.

Inflorescences are tightly stacked in banks. Next flooded with marinada from the water (1 liter), salt (teaspoon), sugar (tablespoon). Add black pepper and carnation. Marinade is adjusted to a boil and pour tanks with cabbage. Additionally, it can add about 100 ml of nine percent vinegar.

How to freeze cauliflower.

The best blank for the winter will be freezing in the summer of fresh kochanov. For her preparation, the forks are disassembled into separate small inflorescences. They can be put in polyethylene or paper bags. Wash before frost is not required. This will only add an "ice fur coat". When preparing dishes pre-defrost undesirable.

Our family refers to the number of those who prefer to eat vegetables in large quantities. Therefore, I do a lot of vegetable blanks for the winter. For example, cauliflower can be prepared in several ways. I mean, you can make several different winter snacks from cauliflower.

Each recipe from the original proposed on its original, so I advise you to try with time all of me the proposed options: 6 recipes.


  • cauliflower - 0.7 kg,
  • red Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.,
  • carrot - 1 pc.,
  • lukovych small - 5 pcs. (You can take 2 medium);
  • in addition, on the half-liter bank - 5 peas of black and the same scented pepper,
  • several cloves (to taste),
  • laurel leaf
  • 1 piece of burning pepper (you want farthetern - you can more),
  • 1 ml of acetic acid 70%.

For marinada: at the rate of 1 liter of water - salts of 2 teaspoons, sugar - 3 tablespoons.

Cauliflower washed, disassembled on inflorescences. Wash carrots and cut into thin circles. From sweet pepper cleaner seeds, pepper cut into cubes. Onions Just clean (if you take small bulbs). If you take large bulbs - they should be cut into four parts. In fact, the onions, carrots and sweet peppers can not be added, but the Solney will be more beautiful with them and fragrant. But even without them, cauliflower will get very tasty.
In each jar on the bottom put carrots, onions, peppers and spices. Bank tightly fill the cabbage inflorescences (to the top).
To bring the marinade to a boil (on 5 half-liter cans you need to prepare about one and a half liters of marinada).
Pour vegetables boiling water, cover with covers (pre-housing them with boiling water) and leave for a couple of minutes.
After that, to merge water from the cans and immediately pour vegetables just boiling marinade. Add 70% acetic acid (1 ml per half-liter jar) and roll.



  • cabbage color - 1 kg,
  • bulgarian pepper of two colors - 4 pcs. (for example, red and green or red and yellow),
  • 50 g (1 large beam) parsley.

For marinada: at the rate of floor-liter of water - 3-4 h. Salt spoons and 2 h. Spoons of acetic essence 70% (do not like sour - put 1 spoon). Instead of essence, you can add a half-table of the usual table of 9% vinegar.

First, rinse the cauliflower thoroughly and divided into pieces. From pepper cleaner seeds and cut into thin rings.
Petrushka is too wash, cut off the stems, finely cut.
All vegetables in banks are placed in separate layers, tight. You can slightly tamper. We alternate in such a sequence: red pepper, parsley, green pepper, cauliflower.

We repeat the layers before filling the bank. Then saline and pour boiling water without topping up to the top 3-4 cm.
Put banks sterilize into a saucepan with hot water, cover with covers. So that the banks do not burst on the bottom of the pan be sure to place a special metal grid, a wooden plank or a piece of simple fabric. Sterilize salad about 20-25 minutes. Add acetic acid at the rate of approximately the floor of a teaspoon on a liter can. If you take the usual vinegar, then 25 ml.
At the end of sterilization, add boiling water to the top and roll in the jars.



  • 1 kg of cauliflower,
  • 2 carrots,
  • 1 medium celery.

For marinade: on 1 l of water - 1 tbsp. Spoon salt.

Carrot clean, wash and cut not very finely. For greater aesthetics of the finished dish, you can use a special corrugated knife for cutting carrots. Sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots boil to softness (but not to digest).
Color cabbage to disassemble for small inflorescences, pour salted water and leave half an hour. Then rinse and boil until readiness (5 minutes, no more). Celery cut into cubes finely. 2 minutes blanch: first we lower in boiling water, and then in the cold.
In the sterilized banks put a boiled cauliflower, carrot, celery. Stop neatly layers by filling the jar completely.
Marinade boil and pour into banks. Sterilize a salad for 25 minutes, covered with cans with covers. Roll, flip and leave let them cool down.
Vegetables prepared on this recipe is convenient to use as refueling for soups and as an original side dish.



  • cauliflower - 2 kg,
  • carrot - 1 pc.,
  • beets - 1 pc.,
  • black pepper - 5-7 pcs.,
  • fragrant pepper - 3 pcs.,
  • garlic - 3 tooth.

For brine: for every one and a half liter of water we put 100 g of sugar and the same salt.

The cauliflower is perfectly washed and disassembled on inflorescences. Clean carrots and beets, rub everything on a large grater. Garlic cut fine, mix with carrots and beets. In a three-liter jar put a cauliflower, vegetables with garlic, fragrant and black pepper, pour to the top of a hot brine. Cooked to put in a warm place. Lid tightly not close! You can cover the usual kapron inverted with a lid or a special cover for serving cabbage with air holes.
If you pour with a hot brine cappist, then it will be ready for 3-4 days before ready, and if cold is up to 7 days. When the cabbage was clogged, the bank is closed with a regular kapron lid. Store in the cellar or refrigerator.
Cabbage on this recipe is very tasty, crispy, beautiful raspberry color and really resembles large raspberry berries.



  • cauliflower - 700 g, bow - 200 g (2-3 medium bulbs),
  • purified kernels of walnuts - 100 g,
  • salt - 2 h. spoons,
  • red ground pepper - to taste,
  • 6% vinegar - about 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cauliflower is thoroughly washed and disassembled on inflorescences. It is planted to cut 5 minutes in boiling water, then immediately cool under the flowing cold water. Clean and cut into small onions, grind nuts (if there is no coffee grinder - on a wooden board with a wide knife side surface). Cut fine garlic. Add to the finished cabbage sliced \u200b\u200bonions, nuts, garlic, pepper and vinegar, salt and mix well, trying not to open cabbage inflorescences. The resulting mixture is put tightly into sterilized banks (three-liter banks sterilize 30 minutes, half-liter - 15 minutes).
Such a home billet from cauliflower and nuts is good as a separate full-fledged dish, but it can be an original addition to your table to meat or fish. As an experiment, you can try to cook cabbage on this recipe and with other types of nuts, for example, with a hazelnut.



  • cauliflower - 5 kg,
  • onions - 1 kg,
  • carrots - 2 kg,
  • bulgarian sweet pepper - an amateur (up to 1 kg),
  • spicy red pepper - 2 pcs. (you can less if you don't like sharp)
  • garlic - 4 heads.


  • tomato juice - 3 liters (if there is no juice, you can breed a tomato paste with boiled water - one piece of pasta for three parts of water),
  • vinegar 9% - 200 ml,
  • sugar - 1 cup,
  • sunflower oil - 400 ml,
  • salt - 5 tablespoons.
  • Laurel leaf, black and fragrant pepper (polka dot), carnation - can be added to taste.

Cauliflower is well wash and divided into pieces. Carrots, sweet Bulgarian pepper, garlic and onions cut finely. Boil the tomato juice and fall asleep in it a finely chopped carrot. Cook for 5 minutes, then put the bell pepper, cauliflower, onion and boil for another 15 minutes. The latter put garlic and sharp red peppers, after 5 minutes to slaughter. Add vinegar and vegetable oil, as you should stir. When boils, remove from the fire, decompose into a sterilized banks and roll.

Useful and very tasty cabbage, for the winter carefully and properly harvested, you will enjoy your loved ones and remind you of hot summer.

If we are talking about preserving, then pleasant, and, depending on individual preferences, moderately spicy or acute snack is perfectly combined with most of the main dishes. Inflorescences remain the useful properties for a long time, have an interesting appearance, so they are always appropriate to be applied to the table. To prepare a beautiful snack with the original taste, you can use the ideas of experienced authors who are successfully practicing culinary art for many years.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes:

Inflorescences can be closed in banks together with Bulgarian pepper, zucchini, tomatoes. Among the possible options there are particularly spicy - with sour-sweet, spicy and sharp fills. Recipes of cauliflower for the winter are not only ready-made solutions for preservation. The vegetable can be dried in the oven or put in the freezer, if desired with preliminary blanching or without. It is worth noting that the finished product has in its composition easily absorbed proteins, and its calorie content is only 28 calories.

Billet cauliflower for winter

Salad "Delicious"

Cauliflower and broccoli are very useful, but not all of them are harvested in the GOB. I want to offer simple ways of their billet for the winter!

1 kg of cauliflower,
1 kg of broccoli,
1,2 kg of tomatoes,
200 g of yellow sweet pepper,
200 g of vegetable oil
5 tbsp. Sahara,
2 tbsp. salts
80 g garlic,
200 g of the green parsley,
100 g 9%-Assus.

Blanch cabbage inflorescences in salted water for 4 minutes. Tomatoes crush on a meat grinder or with a blender, add the other ingredients and boil. In a boiling tomato mass, lower the cabbage inflorescences and boil on low heat for 30 minutes. Pour over sterilized cans, roll over and shook.

Salad assorted

1 kg of broccoli,
900 g of carrots,
900 g of multicolored sweet pepper,
900 g cucumbers,
900 g of tomatoes,
900 g onions,
800 g of cauliflower,
190 ml of table vinegar,
13-15 garlic cloves,
6 pcs. Carnations,
35 g sugar,
35 g salt,
Greens - to taste.

Cabbage divide into inflorescences, cut the carrots on the circles, onions - rings, pepper - straw. In three liters of water, spread vinegar, salt and sugar and boil it 2 minutes. At the bottom of sterilized cans, put greens, spices and cloves of garlic and fill in banks with sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables. Fill the cans with boiling marinade and sunk. Turn over, wrap and cool.
Billets for winter from cauliflower and broccoli are perfectly suitable as a garnish for meat dishes, and simply in the form of lettuce, too, look great.

Cauliflower for ancient recipe

5 kg cabbage,
1,2 kg of tomatoes,
200 g sweet pepper,
200 g of the green parsley,
80 g garlic.
For fill:
200 g of vegetable oil
100 g of sugar,
60 g salt,
120 g 9%-Assus.

Boil cabbage inflorescences in salted water for 4 minutes. Tomatoes skip through a meat grinder or grind the blender, add vinegar, oil, salt, sugar, garlic, missed through the press, parsley and pepper. Bring to a boil and lower the cabbage into the mixture and negotiate on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Spread on sterilized banks and sunk

Acute cauliflower

2 kg of cauliflower,
5 pieces. carrots
2-3 garlic heads.
For fill:
200 g of vegetable oil
150-200 g 6%-Assus,
100 g of sugar,
2 tbsp. salts
1 tsp. black hammer pepper
1 tsp. Red hammer pepper.

Cabbage disassembled on inflorescences, blanch in salted water. Carrot Sutter on a large grater. Place the vegetables in the 3-liter bank, squeeze the garlic in it. Connect the ingredients for fill and pour cabbage. Close the polyethylene lid and store in the refrigerator.

Marinated cauliflower

Ingredients for fill:
1 l of water,
160 ml of 9%-Assus,
50 g sugar,
50 g salts.
For each liter jar:
7-9 black pepper peas
3-5 carnation buds.

Cauliflower inflorescences Blanch 2-3 minutes in boiling salted water and cool. Put spices on the bottom of sterilized cans, put the cabbage tightly and pour boiling marinade. Put sterilize: 0.5-liter - 6 minutes, 1-liter - 8 minutes. Sink.

Cauliflower with nuts

700 g of cauliflower,
200 g onion,
100 g of walnuts or nuts Pecan (they are more gentle),
30 g salts,
2 tbsp. table vinegar.

Cabbage inflorescences Blanch 5 minutes, cool with ice water. Add chopped onions, pushed garlic, chopped nuts and all spices. Mix, put into sterilized banks, sealing a bit. Steriline banks: 0.5-liter - 15 minutes, 1-liter - 20 minutes. Sink.

Successful blanks!

For the benefits and harm of the pickles argue for a long time, the main thing is to know the measure in the use of each product and have proven recipes in the piggy bank.

Many hostesses make billets from cauliflower. Such canned food, in addition to light cooking, will become excellent cold snack and salad. From pickled cabbage it turns out a beautiful side dish for meat and fish dishes.

To save the workpiece to cold weather, it is important to keep preservation properly. Banks are better to put in a dark room with a temperature of 8-12 ° C.

Praying pickled cauliflower for winter

Cabbage prepared on this recipe, it turns out delicious and juicy, just losing your fingers! So that the pickling looked brightly, use multicolored sweet pepper. For fans of sharp, add half chili pepper pod. For the measure of components on the marinade, take the faceted stack of 100 ml.

Cooking time 50 minutes. Exit - 3 liter banks.


  • cabbage color - 2 kg;
  • pepper Bulgarian - 4 pcs;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • carrot - 2 pcs;
  • lemon - 1 pc;
  • garlic - 1 minute head;
  • lavrushka - 2 pcs;
  • peas of fragrant and acute peppers - 4 pcs.

For marinada:

  • water - 1.2 l;
  • salt - 0.5 stacks;
  • sugar - 0.5 stacks;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 stack.

Cooking method:

  1. Pre-wash liter banks and covers for them. Sterilize a couple of two minutes.
  2. Place peppers and bay leaf on the bottom. Distribute to the banks half of the purified garlic and the slices of the Bulgarian pepper.
  3. Cut the carrots with circles, onions and lemon medium slices, attach to vegetables.
  4. Washed cabbage disassemble the size of 3-4 cm in size, put it in a colander and lower to boiling water for 3 minutes. Remove the blanched cabbage, let's track water and fill the banks, add the remaining pieces of vegetables from above.
  5. For marinade boil water, pour salt and sugar. At the end, pour vinegar, and immediately turn off the fire.
  6. Fill out marinade filled banks, hermetically block covers.
  7. Put the ready preservation at the bottom under the warm plaid for cooling.


  • pepper sweet - 200 gr;
  • parsley greens - 1 beam;
  • garlic - 5 teeth;
  • tomatoes ripe - 1.2 kg;
  • cabbage color - 2.5 kg;
  • vinegar 9% - 120 ml;
  • oil refined - 0.5 glasses;
  • salt - 60 gr;
  • sugar - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Cabbage cut into parts, rinse under running water and boil 5 minutes, cool.
  2. Twist the tomatoes on the meat grinder, add oil, salt and sugar. Bring on low heat to a boil and attach anger garlic, chopped parsley and sweet pepper, boil for 5 minutes.
  3. To put the cabbage pieces in the boiling tomato, the tomit of 15 minutes, at the end, pour vinegar, remove from the fire.
  4. Hot Assorted Spread on clean banks and immediately roll up.

Canned cauliflower in Korean

Delicious cabbage with the taste of Korean spices. In winter, it remains only to extract the contents, pour vegetation oil and serve guests. Spices for Korean dishes pick up for the necessary sharpness, add 1-2 tbsp to the brine for piquancy. Dry seasoning adjika.

Cooking time is 1.5 hours. Exit - 6-7 liter cans.


  • cauliflower - 3 kg;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • acute pepper - 2 pods;
  • carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • bulgarian pepper - 800 grams;
  • vinegar - 6-7 tbsp.

For brine:

  • water - 3 l;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp;
  • salt stone - 6-8 tbsp;
  • seasoning for Korean carrots - 6-7 ppm

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the water, put the cabbage inflorescences and negotiate 7-10 minutes. Then remove and cool.
  2. Washing carrots Stodit on a ferret for Korean carrots, acute and sweet peppers. Touch straws. Clean and sell garlic through the press.
  3. Stir the cauliflower with prepared vegetables and fill banks, slightly tamping the contents. Add to each of 1 tbsp. vinegar.
  4. For brine, bring water to boil, to which salt, sugar and seasoning are added.
  5. Install cans with vegetables in a saucepan for sterilization, gently pour hot brine. Sterilize liter banks - 40-50 minutes, ½ liter - 25-30 minutes, from the moment of boiling water in the container.
  6. Tighten the canned, put down the covers down to the complete cooling.


  • crude cauliflower - 1.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. The cabbage head remove the leaves and stiffs, cut into pieces of 2-3 cm and wash in running water.
  2. Let the drain of the liquid, spread the cabbage on the towel to evaporate moisture. If you have, use drying for vegetables.
  3. Surprised inflorescences Place a smooth ball on the tray and put in the freezer. Use fast freezing function.
  4. When vegetables harden, put them in a package or a container with a lid. Close tight and deposit into the freezer.


To salute, choose the autumn grade cabbage and immediately process until they started dark.

Cooking time is 30 minutes + 2 weeks for fermentation. Exit - ten-tier Capacity.


  • cauliflower - 6 kg;
  • bay leaf - 10 pcs;
  • chile Pepper - 3 pcs;
  • umbrella dill - 10 pcs;
  • water - 3 l;
  • stone salt - 1 cup;
  • vinegar - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil water in advance, add salt, pour vinegar and cool.
  2. Cauliflower Cauldines, Clean and wash, cut 10-12 parts.
  3. Place the laurel on the bottom of the appropriate container. Cabbage, laid tightly, speaking pepper slices and outflowed dill.
  4. Fill with cooled brine and marinate 2 weeks at room temperature. After, we transfer the salt to the cool place.

Bon Appetit!