Fried Wallows: Recipes of homemade dishes. Recipes of fried cooking with what they eat fried

Blue. Autumn forest gifts love almost everything, so every mistress has at least one good recipe for their preparation. But almost all popular methods of home billets will be as far as possible. Diversify the fungal menu will help a whole list of verified recommendations, how to better store this fragrant product.

How to prepare mushrooms for processing

In order for a long time to retain their appearance and did not lose the learned taste, you should take care of their pre-heat treatment.

The described species of mushrooms is more often growing on the stump or at the base of the trees, therefore there are no strong pollution on them. Hats need to be cleaned from leaves or grazing herbs, remove the darkened part of the leg. Prepared product pour filtered water and leave for 60-90 minutes. Periodically mix all your hands. Then drain the dirty water into the sink, pour fresh liquid mushrooms and send to fire for further processing. After it remains only to pour out a colander so that they are glass.

How much cook ished before hot

The main condition for the preparation of mushrooms to the subsequent roasting is the correct preparation. To do this, it is necessary to cook with my whole readiness: a small product will take 60 minutes, a large - 1.5 hours.

Tip! It is important to thoroughly flushing mushrooms after cooking to remove all mucus from them. This will help not glue the product during subsequent heat treatment.

Initially, the name should be slapped without a spice of 22-25 minutes, then smooth the liquid and rinse well. Pour fresh water, add salt, spices, peeled onions and other ingredients depending on the recipe. Re-cooking takes about 50-60 minutes, which depends on the size of the source product. Wash mushrooms again, pour into a colander and give them time to cool. Now they are ready for further frying and billets for the winter.

Fried woven for the winter: cooking recipes

Everyone used to harvest mushrooms for long-term storage in the marinade. But roasted is no less tasty, besides can be used as a nutrient addition to the familiar side dish. There are a lot of good recipes for cooking winter blanks. After reading them, it is easy to find a version of the fungal delicacy for your own culinary piggy bank.

Important! So that the cooked mushrooms are stored all winter, you need to use preservative: vegetable or butter, animal fat.

Fried woven for winter in banks

Based on the classic mushroom harvest recipe, ingredients are needed:

  • 4 kg fresh oh;
  • 3 tbsp. any vegetable oil;
  • 13 laurel sheets;
  • salt to taste.

Stages of cooking meals:

  1. Mushrooms are thoroughly rinsed, crushing into pieces of the required size.
  2. Fry on vegetable oil under the lid. Cooking time is no mee 40 minutes on slow fire.
  3. Add laurel sheets, salt and mix all components.
  4. For piquancy taste, use black pepper and carnation.
  5. Fry mushrooms until all fluid evaporates. Walkers must acquire a golden shade.
  6. Bars thoroughly rinse in soap solution and dry.
  7. Fill the glass containers with ready-made mushrooms.
  8. Pour oil from frying pan to banks so that it is 1 cm above the result.
  9. Sterilize billets in salt water for at least 40 minutes.
  10. Hermetically close the packages with covers, and after wrapped at 48 hours.
  11. Transfer mushrooms to a cool place and store there until use.

Before serving, the mushrooms are heated in the microwave or swipe in a frying pan. Sprinkle with green onions or fresh parsley.

Walked, fried in winter with fused oil

Autumn mushrooms, prepared for this recipe, will be an addition to any side dish: porridge, potatoes or rice. For preservation, you will need products:

  • 1 kg fresh oh;
  • 300 ml of baked oil;
  • 10 g paprika;
  • some salt.

Stages of creating a blank:

  1. Clear mushrooms from dirt, rinse, pour water with a small addition of salt.
  2. Bring to a boil and cook on a small heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Periodically remove the foam from the surface if it appears.
  4. Pull up the prepared halter on the colander and give a track of an extra liquid.
  5. At this time, melt butter in a pan and add mushrooms to it.
  6. On a small fire to stew the main ingredient about 30 minutes.
  7. Add Paprik and Salt, after frying for another 15 minutes.
  8. Transfer roasted woven into pre-sterilized banks.
  9. Pour the top oil remaining in the pan. If the refueling is not enough, melt a new portion and add hot.
  10. Close with covers and move to a dark and cool place.

Important! Under the iron covers, fried mushrooms are stored up to 10 months, and the categorous cut is twice as long as longer than six months).

Wood fried with onions for the winter

Another option is excellent workpiece. An easy-to-cook recipe fried on the winter will make an interesting taste due to the addition of Luke. The result is a hearty and fragrant dish, a decent festive feast. Ingredients:

  • 2 kg of boiled mushrooms;
  • 1.5 kg of bow;
  • 2 h. L. Ground pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salts;
  • 300 ml of any vegetable oil or smalts (optional);
  • several inflorescence of cloves;
  • 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce.

Preparation steps:

  1. In advance, welded themselves shifting into a heated frying pan and fry with vegetable oil until a golden shade appears (no longer than 20 minutes).
  2. Clear onions, rinse, crush semirings and add to the frying mushrooms.
  3. Fry 13 min. On a small fire.
  4. Add salt, carnation, pepper, soy sauce. Stir and rotate for another 2 minutes.
  5. Distribute roasted walls on sterilized banks and pour oil from the frying pan.
  6. If the refueling is not enough, to bring an additional portion to boil and fill the missing containers.
  7. Sterilize jars with a mushroom harvesting in boiling water for 30 minutes.
  8. Roll the container, turn over, cover with several bedspreads and leave cool for 2 days.
  9. Move ordering a basement or a balcony for further storage.

Wood fried in vegetable oil

Very simple and fast in preparation recipe for mushrooms without sterilization. Required products:

  • 3 kg oh oh;
  • 800 ml of vegetable oil (better than sunflower);
  • 60 g salts.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Single the collected mushrooms, remove dirt and damaged items. Rinse thoroughly in colander.
  2. Ship in a saucepan, pour cold water and move to the fire.
  3. When waiting to wait 12 minutes, then drain the muddy liquid, rinse again once again.
  4. Pour fresh water, wait for the boil again and continue to cook on a small fire for another half an hour.
  5. Pour mushrooms into a colander to glass all liquid and they cooled.
  6. Shoot the mushrooms to a large, preheated frying pan, and wait until the remaining water will be evaporated.
  7. After adding sunflower oil and fry mushrooms until they become ruddy.
  8. Salt the dish, mix well and sweat another 5 minutes. If necessary, add some salt.
  9. Shipping ready-made mushrooms on sterilized banks and pour the remaining oil. On top, the layer of fat should be formed with a thickness of at least 1.5 cm.
  10. Turn the banks with covers, tilting, wrap something warm and after 2 days to transfer to a cool place for storage, where there is no direct sunlight.

Fried woven for the winter without sterilization

An indispensable version of the harvesting of mushrooms for those who do not like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. The recipe without sterilization for the winter allows you to prepare a treat, which can also be stored for a long time, as well as other variations of fried themselves due to the addition of acid. Ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg in advance of boiled science;
  • 200 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salts;
  • 1 tsp. black pepper;
  • 7 cloves of garlic;
  • some paprika and olive herbs.

Stages of cooking:

  1. In advance, boiled and cooled mushrooms shifting on a preheated frying pan.
  2. Fry on vegetable oil 27-33 minutes.
  3. Pour to the main ingredient spice, crushed under the press garlic and salt.
  4. All ingredients mix and stew on slow fire for another 12 minutes.
  5. If the oils remained little, add another 100 ml.
  6. Pour vinegar, mix, continue to cook under the lid about 15 minutes.
  7. Dispatch ready-made treats on washed and dried banks, cover with tight lids from Capron.
  8. When mushrooms are completely cooled, send to a cool place for further storage.

Before use, to warm up my microwave and add to the main handbroken.

Tip! It is better to keep fried mushrooms in the refrigerator on the far shelf. So they will continue longer and do not lose the original taste.

Fried woven frozen winter

Thanks to the most delicious recipe for fried billets, the result obtained can be stored in the freezer in special packages. To do this, it will initially need to prepare a list of products:

  • 2 kg of boiled mushrooms;
  • 200 ml of sunflower or any other vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Salt.

Preparation steps:

  1. Boiled and dried whales shifting on a dry frying pan and fry on a small fire until the entire liquid evaporates.
  2. After 15 minutes, pour vegetable oil and continue cooking until the mushrooms become golden.
  3. At the end, salted the dish, mix the ingredients.
  4. Turn off the fire and give mushrooms completely cool.
  5. Distribute the workpiece according to solid polyethylene packages, displace all air from them. Instead of packages, you can use food containers, filling them with mushrooms to the top.
  6. Store treats no more than 12 months in the freezer.

Important! You can not expose fried mushrooms re-frost. It is better to immediately use them in some kind of dish.

How to close fried whale with garlic for winter

The fragrant recipe for fried mushrooms, harvested for the winter. Ingredients need to create a dish:

  • 2 kg oh oh;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 250 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 5 bulbs;
  • some salt and ground black pepper.

Stages of cooking:

  1. Mushrooms are pre-cleaned from dirt rinse, shock in a saucepan with boiling water and cook for 20 minutes. Throughout this time, constantly remove the foam.
  2. Throw back on the colander to leave all the liquid, after laying on the towel, so that they are cooled and dry a little.
  3. Grind onion by cubes, after frying until soft on a frying pan with vegetable oil.
  4. Add mushrooms to Luka. Fry on a small fire under a closed lid for 15 minutes. Constantly stirring so that the makeup is not burned.
  5. Fall asleep spices, salt, crushed garlic.
  6. Stir and continue to extinguish without a lid for another 15 minutes.
  7. Shoot the fried billet into the banks, pass the mushrooms by a fork or a spoon, so that there are no air between the layers.
  8. Pour into banks the oil remaining in the pan.
  9. Close up by categorous or plastic lids.
  10. Store with garlic in the cellar or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

How to cook for winter fried woven in a slow cooker

Happy Multicooker owners, easy to harvest fried mushrooms without excess effort. To do this, you will need only a simple recipe for the winter and a small list of ingredients:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 1 packing of butter;
  • 3 bulbs;
  • 2 laurel sheets;
  • 2 booton cloves;
  • some black and white pepper pepper;
  • 1 tsp. Salt.


  1. Peeled and washed mushrooms shift into the multicooker bowl, add ½ liter of cold water, turn on the cooking mode for half an hour.
  2. After the sound signal, pour out the colander.
  3. Rinse thoroughly by removing all the mucus.
  4. Return mushrooms in a slow cooker, add the shakes of rings onion and butter.
  5. In the "quenching" mode, prepare mushrooms under a closed lid for 40 minutes.
  6. Then put the bay leaf, fragrant pepper of two varieties, carnation and salt.
  7. Continue to fry for another 20 minutes.
  8. The finished dish is decomposed on washed and dried banks, and roll iron covers.
  9. When the workpiece completely cools, transfer it to a cold and dark room.

Recipe for the preparation of fried mushrooms are sculpted for winter

The billet of mushrooms with cabbage is an interesting solution to diversify the usual recipe for a winter ordering. Ingredients:

  • 2 kg boiled opat;
  • 1.2 kg cabbage;
  • 600 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 12 pieces of garlic;
  • 12 medium bulbs;
  • 2 h. L. Mixtures of peppers;
  • salt.

Preparation steps:

  1. Put prepared mushrooms to put in a deeply skidger, add half of the specified volume of vegetable oil.
  2. Fry before the appearance of a golden shade.
  3. Funny onions pour to haughty, mix the ingredients with each other.
  4. Continue to fry under the lid on a small fire of the hour.
  5. Add grated garlic, mix again.
  6. On another frying pan, start frying a finely chopped cabbage with the remaining oil. Stew vegetable until soft.
  7. Add pepper to taste, salt, continue to fry 10 min.
  8. Connect mushrooms in one container with cabbage, mix well.
  9. Put stewed on a small fire no longer than 10 minutes. At this time, constantly stirring the composition of the spatula.
  10. The finished cabbage-mushroom mixture is shifted into clean dry cans and send to hot water to sterilization. Treatment time - 30 min.
  11. After rolling the glass container, turn over, cover with a blanket and leave to cool.
  12. Move the workpiece for the winter to the basement for further storage.

Recipe for fried billets are sculpted for winter with carrots and onions

Mushrooms prepared for winter with the addition of vegetables will save the autumn delicacy for a long period, and will make the usual dish more useful. Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of boiled screens;
  • 500 g of carrots;
  • 500 g onions;
  • 250 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 10 pepper peppers;
  • 1.5 s. l. Salt.


  1. Boiled whale fry with a small amount of sunflower oil until a golden shade appears.
  2. Add semiring onion.
  3. Purified carrots crushed on a special grater for the preparation of Korean dishes. Separately fry to ruddy crust.
  4. Connect the contents of both pan, mix. Add salt and pepper, continue to spew 15 minutes.
  5. Describe on clean banks and send to hot water to sterilization.
  6. After 40 minutes. Close the container with a mushroom salad by kapron covers.
  7. When the workpiece is completely cooled, transfer to the basement or store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Walked for winter fried in oil with lemon acid

Feature dishes - high temperature preparation. On banks can be laid only after complete cooling. Required products:

  • 2 kg of boiled science;
  • 200 ml of sunflower oil;
  • ½ h. L. citric acid;
  • 5 peas of fragrant pepper;
  • 7 pieces of garlic;
  • bunch of fresh parsley and dill;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Pre-prepared one's way to send to a hot frying pan. Fry to complete evaporation of the fluid, constantly stirring mushrooms.
  2. Add vegetable oil, continue cooking until the main ingredient acquires golden color.
  3. Sterilize and dry banks. To shift in them cooked mushrooms, adding passed through the press garlic and chopped greens.
  4. In the remaining oil flood lemon acid and pepper. Bring the ingredients to a boil.
  5. When the oil completely cools, pour it into banks with the workpiece. The liquid layer should cover a 2 cm. If the oil is not enough, prepare an additional portion.
  6. Close up with tight lids and wait until the billet will not be completely cooled.
  7. Move for storage for winter to storeroom, cellar or refrigerator.

Recipe of caviar from fried ones for the winter

In order for the usual harvesting of mushrooms for the winter is more interesting, it is worth doing from them. The result is an excellent snack for the festive table. Suitable as an unusual stuffing for home baking. An interesting recipe of fried up for the winter with a photo will help to understand how it is easy to achieve the desired result.

Required products:

  • 1.5 kg of boiled science;
  • 8 pcs. carrots;
  • 6 bulbs;
  • 6 pieces of garlic;
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • pinching coriander;
  • 1 tsp. black pepper;
  • salt.

Important! For caviar, wholes are suitable or parts of them.

Preparation steps:

  1. Boiled mushrooms chop with a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  2. Shipping the composition into a frying pan.
  3. Fry with vegetable oil 20 min. On average fire.
  4. Add salt, mix.
  5. Separately fry crushed onions onions. Pick up a grated carrot to it. Swipe vegetables together 15 minutes.
  6. Connect the mushroom base with vegetable, add spices, garlic. Fry 10 minutes.
  7. When the mixture is cooled, re-grind in the meat grinder, shifting into the scenery and cook for 15 minutes. On a small fire.
  8. Add vinegar, mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  9. Shoot the mushroom caviar to banks and send to hot water to sterilization.
  10. After 40 minutes to get, roll under the covers, and then transfer to storage in a cool place.


Fried woven for the winter - a great dish, simple cooking and a variety of recipe. The treats are well combined with any garnish and is a storage room for the body of substances. To prepare each of the listed recipes, you will need a small supply of products and a minimum of effort. The result will delight the whole family until the spring, if you move the blank for the winter at a suitable place.

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Owned, fried in a pan - a dish with a large number of fans. Thanks to the taste and gentle aroma of mushrooms, you can fry, stew, bake, marinate and shed. Particularly appreciated dishes from oh, cooked in a frying pan with the addition of other products.

How to make it easy to cook on a pan at home so that the dish surprised your household and invited guests? Before starting the process, fruit bodies must undergo pre-processing.

  • They are sculpted from contamination, cut off the tips of the legs, washed and dried 15 minutes.
  • Then lay out on the colander and leave to drain.
  • Next, you can move to the next step - frying or extinguishing.

We offer a few simple, but at the same time original recipes showing how to fry myself in a frying pan.

For those who do not like novelty and other exotic, a classic cooking recipe will come to the rescue. 2 The most affordable ingredients - mushrooms and onions, make the dish very tasty.

  • 1 kg fresh oh;
  • 4 heads of the reptile bow;
  • Creamy oil - for frying;
  • Salt to taste;
  • 1 tsp. black hammer pepper.

You can fry on a frying pan by sticking to a phased description of the process.

Fresh whale after cleaning and washing drunk 15 minutes. And lay out onto a kitchen towel.

After cooling, he fry in a hot frying pan, adding 3 tbsp. l. Butter.

We clean onions, cut into cubes and fry in oil on a separate frying pan until golden color.

We connect mushrooms with onions, pepper, salt, mix and fry 5 minutes. On average fire.

Without taking into account the preliminary bunch of fruit bodies, the cooking process itself takes no more than 20 minutes. As can be seen, fry fresh on a frying pan is very simple!

How to fry mushrooms with a bow and sausage in a frying pan

The recipe for cooking is based on a frying pan with the addition of the onion and sausage even to children.

In addition, it is preparing a treat quite simple and quickly. It is only necessary to fry all the ingredients individually, then connect them and swipe.

  • 600 g oh
  • 4 heads of the reptile bow;
  • 300 g sausage (on their taste);
  • Salt to taste;
  • Butter cream - for frying;
  • 2 slices of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream + ½ tbsp. milk.
  1. Walked to clean, wash and lay out in boiling water for 15 minutes. For boiling.
  2. Give cool and drain, cut into pieces and fry on cream oil to a ruddy crust.
  3. The sausage cut into cubes or straw, lay out in the pan and fry on the oil until ready.
  4. Onion after cleaning cut into cubes, fry on the oil and join with mushrooms and sausage, salted.
  5. Garlic rubbed on a fine grater, connect with sour cream and milk, beat the wedge.
  6. Pour into mushrooms with sausage, mix, cover with a lid and stew on slow heat for 15 minutes.
  7. You can serve a dish with potato puree and boiled rice.

Recipe, how to fry in a frying pan with potatoes

It is possible to prepare fried on a frying pan with a potato, and the recipe described below will help in this.

  • 400 g OPY;
  • 7 potato tubers;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • ½ h. L. Ground lemon pepper;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Soy sauce - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Grinding greenery dill and parsley.

How to fry in a frying pan with a potato to satisfy the members of your family?

  1. To begin with, after cleaning, it was drunk 15 minutes, lay out in the sieve and leave to drain.
  2. Then watery soy sauce, they are injected with chopped onions, stirred and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Potatoes are cleaned, washed in a large amount of water and cut with straw.
  4. In two pans, fried mushrooms on the oil with a bow and separate potatoes.
  5. The lemon pepper is connected together, they are stirred and covered with a lid.
  6. Fry on slow heat 5-8 min., Add chopped greens, stirred and disconnected by the stove. Parsley and dill will give our dish from their unique fragrance.
  7. It is served a dish of oh and potatoes with a salad of fresh vegetables.

How to cook in a frying pan of the frying pan in the sour cream with white wine

If you want to prepare an unusual mushroom dish, then try my sink fried in a frying pan in sour cream with the addition of white dry wines. The drink will give a treat with special piquancy, and sour cream - aroma and tenderness.

  • 500 g oh
  • 3 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 250 ml of white dry wine;
  • 100 g of solid cheese;
  • On ½ h. L. Ground red and black peppers;
  • Salt to taste.

How to be deliciously prepared on a frying pan of them in sour cream with white wine, will show a detailed description of the process.

  1. We clean mushrooms, rinse in water and cut into pieces.
  2. We lay out in a dry pan, fry on medium heat for 10 min., We pour dry white wine and tom on low heat for 10 minutes, constantly stirring the mushroom mass.
  3. We add butter and continue to fry 10 minutes.
  4. We spit, pepper, mix, sprinkle with grated cheese and water sour cream.
  5. Mix, cover with a lid, turn on the slab to a minimum and to the pastry 15 min.
  6. Feed in hot with roasted croutons of white bread, lubricated butter.

How to cook frozen whale on a pan with pasta

Fry Mushroom dishes can not only be frozen, but also frozen. How to cook frozen widespread on a pan with pasta to get suited and appetizing?

  • 500 g frozen oh;
  • 100 g of pasta;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Mushroom seasoning "Mivina";
  • 5 black pepper peas;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 3 tbsp. l. butter cream;
  • Water.

Surprise your family using a step-by-step recipe, and learn how to fry frozen whale in a pan with frozen.

  1. If the way was frozen fresh, then after defrosting them should be booked 10 minutes. In salted water, merge and leave to drain.
  2. If the fruit bodies were pre-boiled - defrost them and projection.
  3. In a preheated pan, melted butter (2 art. L.), Introduce myself and fry to a golden shade.
  4. In another frying pan, put the remaining oil, melt and pour raw pasta.
  5. Fry to the rosy, pour so much water so that it covers pasta.
  6. Cover the lid and stew on the weak heat until the macaroni is ready.
  7. Enter roasted whales, add a bay leaf, the seasoning "Mivina" and black pepper pea.
  8. Stir, cover with a lid and stew 15 minutes, stirring from time to time and not allowing the burning.
  9. Serve to the table as an independent dish with a side dish of fresh or canned vegetables.

How to fry frozen whale on a pan with tomato paste

Frozen sheds can be easily prepared fairly easily, just a frying in a frying pan. Such dishes are especially appreciated by vegetarians, as mushrooms can replace meat products.

And if you diversify the dish and add tomato paste - it turns out very tasty and satisfying.

How to fry frozen widespread in a pan with the addition of tomato paste, tells a step-by-step cooking recipe. First you need to prepare all the necessary products.

  • 700 g frozen oh;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Tomato paste + 1 tbsp. water;
  • 5 onion heads;
  • 2 carrots;
  • Vegetable and butter - for frying;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Ground black pepper.
  1. Mushrooms are defrosting on the lower shelf of the refrigerator, then dried in salted water for 15 minutes.
  2. If the way was frozen after boiling, then they are laid out on the pan and fry on medium heat before evaporation of the resulting fluid.
  3. A mixture of vegetable and butter oils is introduced and continue to fry before the formation of golden color.
  4. Separately roasted on a mixture of oils chopped carrots and onions until readiness.
  5. Connect mushrooms with vegetables, salted to taste, pepper with ground black pepper and stirred.
  6. Mix the tomato paste with water, they spit and pour mushrooms with vegetables.
  7. Stir and extinguished on slow fire under a closed lid for 20 minutes.

Recipe for frying on a frying pan with eggs and cheese

The recipe for frying on a frying pan with eggs and cheese will strike all with their taste.

  • 800 g oh
  • 200 g solid cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. fatty milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • Salt and black ground pepper - to taste;
  • 3 onion heads;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

The cooked dish is obtained very tasty and satisfying. A step-by-step recipe for fried fruit bodies with cheese and eggs only confirms this fact.

  1. Owned 15 min., Flow and cut into pieces.
  2. Fry oil until full readiness (until it starts fried).
  3. The onions cleaned, cut into rings and is also roasted on the vegetable oil to a golden crust.
  4. Mushrooms mushrooms are mixed, they are embarrassed, they will stick to taste and mixed.
  5. Milk is connected to the coolest solid cheese, eggs and whipped with a whisk to a homogeneous mass.
  6. Fills in mushrooms with onions, covered with a lid and stew on low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  7. A dish with any garnish is served: boiled potatoes, rice or pea mashed potatoes.

How to fry watches in a pan with bell pepper

How to cook on a frying pan with a bell pepper in a pan and with cream to feed the whole family for dinner? Such a combination of products will make your treat with a full-fledged dish.

  • 1 kg oh oh;
  • 6 onion heads;
  • 4 Perchins Bulgarian;
  • 200 ml of cream;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt to taste;
  • 1 h. black hammer pepper and sweet paprika;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Grinding greenery dill and / or parsley.

We offer to watch the video of how to frank the way in a frying pan with the addition of pepper and cream.

  1. Walkers need to be pre-sorted, clean, wash and boil in boiling water 15 minutes.
  2. Throw back on a colander or sieve, give a track and cool.
  3. Stay in a deep pan with hot vegetable oil and fry to the formation of a brown crust.
  4. Add scrambled onions with cubes, continue to fry 10 minutes, constantly stirring with a wooden spatula.
  5. Connect the bow with mushrooms, mix, salt, slide with pepper and paprika, pour 3 tbsp. l. Oil and fry 5-8 min.
  6. Clear pepper from seeds and fruits, cut straw, enter into mushrooms, mix.
  7. Cream to connect with salt, crushed greens, beat a little whisker and pour mushrooms.
  8. Stir so that the cream is well distributed on mushrooms and peppers.
  9. Close the lid and stew on low heat for 15 minutes, stirring the mushroom mass so that it is not burned.
  10. Turn off the fire, let it brew 10 minutes. And serve the table to tasting members of your family.

Fried whale with buckwheat

An interesting dish ished with buckwheat porridge fried in a pan, will cause a desire to try it. It is perfect for the diversity of the everyday menu, and also like vegetarians and observing the post.

  • 700 g boiled oh
  • 1.5 tbsp. buckwheat;
  • 4 tbsp. mushroom or meat broth;
  • 5 onion heads;
  • 3 garlic teeth;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Butter;
  • Spices - at will.

How to fry mushrooms on a frying pan with a buckwheat porridge, you can learn from the phased description of the process.

  1. For the preparation of mushrooms with buckwheat, it is best to use a deep saucepan with a thick bottom. Although such a dishes slowly heats up, afterwards it longer gives warmth products.
  2. Buckle was washed well in cold water several times and lay out in a dry frying pan.
  3. Heat and twisted well, introduced 1 tbsp. l. Butter and fried 10 minutes, constantly stirring with a spoon.
  4. Mushrooms are cut by pieces, roasted separately in oil and laid out in buckwheat.
  5. Fry onions cut by ringlets, mix with mushrooms and buckwheat.
  6. Boulevard is poured, add salt to taste, bay leaf and favorite spices, stirred.
  7. Cover and stew until the ready buckwheat on a slow heat until the liquid evaporates. If there is not enough broth, you can add a little boiling water to get ready to readiness.
  8. Before the end of cooking, garlic cut into mushrooms and stirred a mass.
  9. Turn off the plate and leave the dish it is another 10-15 minutes.

Roasted autumn woven for the winter: recipes


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How to prepare for winter caviar from fried
Fried wipes cooked for winter are real delicacy, which without exaggeration love in every family. Tips in this article will help all culinary diversify their daily menu mushroom blanks. Recipes of cooking fried on the winter will be the best options for canning mushrooms.
It is worth saying that it is always used as a preservative for frying and harvesting them for the winter. Fat is always used: butter or vegetable oil, as well as sabotage - wounded interior fat. Many people consider mushroom blanks fried on a mixture of fats.
How to make fried woven on the winter?
However, novice hostesses are wondering: how to make fried woven on the winter correctly, and should they pre-boil? To feel confident and not worry about the health and well-being of your loved ones, it is better to hold separate thermal processing.
They do not grow on earth, so there are practically no strong pollution on them. With hats remove the remains of foliage and herbs, cut off the lower legs and poured with water for 1-1.5 hours. From time to time, the fruit bodies are stirred by hand. Then in the saucepan, it is allowed to boil the water and are inputed, boiling them from 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the size. Then they fold on the colander, they give a track and only then get roasting.

The fried mushrooms arehed, harvested for the winter in banks, are stored until 2 years, glad the whole family and guests are a stunning taste and aroma. Any dish with such a garnish will be even tastier and rich, and the festive feast is supplied with an amazing snack. After reviewing such advantages, any hostess wants to learn in detail how to close fried woven for the winter.

The billet for the winter is fried on vegetable oil

Which of lovers of mushroom dishes will be able to keep not sitting at the table and without waiting for the holiday, "to know" with a fresh green bow and a sliced \u200b\u200bof bread cooked fried waters on vegetation oil?

Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
Black pepper ground - ½ tsp;
Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.
The billet of fried ones for the winter in a simple way passes at the following steps:
1. Boiled in salted water and dried sicks are laid out on a dry frying pan.
2. Fry on medium heat before liquid evaporation, and then pour oil and fry until a golden shade.
3. It is shifted into warm and dry banks, speaking with black ground peppers, (you can add the chopped greens of parsley and dill).
4. In the pan, salt and vinegar are introduced in the pan, bring to a boil and poured into cans with mushrooms.
5. They put in hot water onto the kitchen towel and sterilize 40 minutes on slow fire.
6. Close up of tight covers from plastics, allow you to cool and put in the refrigerator.
If the oils are not enough, then you need to pour a new portion on the pan, rolling and adding to banks.

How to close fried whale with garlic for winter

Many mushrooms believe that the fried whales of autumn species are excellent conservation for the winter.

They have a lot of useful and nutrients capable of filling the missing vitamins and minerals in the body.
Walked (boiled) - 1 kg;
Vegetable oil - 120 ml;
Garlic slices - 10 pcs.;
Salt to taste;
Bay sheet - 2 pcs.;
Fascinated pepper - 4 pcs.
The boiled sheds lay out onto a sieve or colander and give a completely drain.
Although only vegetable fat is mentioned in the recipe, yet for oh, fried in oil with garlic, you can take a mixture of fats in equal amounts.
1. I spread myself on a hot dry frying pan and give liquid to evaporate.
2. We introduce a mixture of fats and fry on medium heat 20 minutes until goldenness.
3. We apitate, add garlic cut slices, bay leaf and fragrant pepper, mix.
4. We continue to fry for another 10 minutes and expand into warmed sterilized banks.
5. Pour hot oil so that its level over mushrooms was 1-2 cm.
6. We cover with lids and sterilize in salt water 40 min on slow fire.
7. We roll up, turn over and bite the plaid to the complete cooling.
8. After about 2 days, we carry banks to the cool room.
If you are going to store mushrooms in the refrigerator, then they are closed by dropproke lids and do not sterilize.

Fried frozen oh winter in the freezer

The frozen fried fried wipes are made quite simple and quickly. In addition, such a workpiece is kept for a long time in the freezer in polyethylene packages.
Walked (boiled) - 2 kg;

Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
1. Wall-dried and dried on a kitchen towel are laying out on a hot dry frying pan.
2. Fry on a slow heat for 10-15 minutes until the extra liquid evaporates.
3. Pour oil and fry on medium heat until golden color.
4. They are pristed at the very end, stirred, allow to cool and distribute to polyethylene packages (squeezing all air and tie a package) or food containers.
Fried on the winter is kept in the freezer not more than 12 months, provided that they will not be subjected to re-frost.

Recipe, how to make fried whale on the winter

The recipe for fried opens with the addition of a bow for the winter will be practical as a semi-finished product. Try to make this satisfying workpiece and you will not regret that they spent time!
Walked (boiled) - 1 kg;
Onions - 700 g;
Salt - ½ tbsp. l.;

Vegetable oil or sled - 150 ml;
Carnation - 2 pcs.;
Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
The recipe for fried oh, cooked for winter in oil with a bow, is prepared as follows:
1. Pre-boiled sinks are laid out on a frying pan heaned with oil and fried 20 minutes to a golden crust.
2. Clean the onions, cut by semirings and introduced for frying in mushrooms.
3. It's frying another 10 minutes on a weak heat, they caught, pour soy sauce, add cloves and ground peppers, mix.
4. Distributed to banks and poured oil, which remains in a frying pan. If it is not enough, then you need to bring another portion of oil to a boil and pour my hair.
5. Banks with mushrooms sterilize in boiling on low water water 30 min.
6. Roll over, flip, wrapped with a blanket, give cool and put out in the basement.

Is it possible to harvest fried whale for the winter in fat?

Fried on the winter wow, cooked in fat animal origin, are also very popular. In addition, the frying and preservation of such a workpiece will not take a lot of your time.
Walked (boiled) - 2 kg;
Smarler (animal fat) - 150 g;
Salt to taste;
Pepper black and white peas - 5 pcs.;
Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
How to make a way to winter, fried in Slorish to like your loved ones?
1. The boiled and dried onto the kitchen towel to lay out on the pan, in which the smarry was already melted.
2. Fry 25 min on a slow heat, constantly stirring with a wooden spoon.
3. Add a mixture of peppers and a bay leaf, to give a switch closed with a lid for 10 minutes.
4. Put into the cans and pour on top of the smalt, sprinkle with a salt and close by the drop-down lids.
5. Give cool, put in the dark storage room and store up to 6 months.
Such a workpiece is added to fried potatoes or vegetable stew.

Recipe for cooking fried on winter without sterilization

The recipe for cooking fried on the winter without sterilization will reduce the time spent in the kitchen to a minimum.

However, the workpiece will turn out so delicious and fragrant that when you open the bank and put it on the pan for heating, your relatives, taking into account the smell, run into the kitchen.
Walked (boiled) - 1.5 kg;
Vegetable oil - 200 ml;
Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
Vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.;
Black pepper ground - 1 tsp;
Paprika - 1 tsp;
Garlic slices - 7 pcs;
Olive herbs - ½ h.
To make it tasty to cook fried mushrooms on the winter without further sterilization, you need to follow a step-by-step recipe.
1. After boiling, they lay on a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and fried 20-25 minutes until all the liquid evaporates.
2. Enter olive herbs, salt, ground pepper, paprika and chopped garlic, stirred and pluck another 10 minutes.
3. Purify vinegar, and if there are few oil left in the mushrooms, then another 100 ml is added, covered with a lid and extinguished 15 minutes on slow heat.
4. Enclosure mushrooms into banks and closed with tight kapron covers.
5. They give cool and put in a basement or put it on a refrigerator.

How to cook on the winter fried in a slow cooker for iron covers

If you have this device in the kitchen - you are the owner of a good "helper", which can replace you with almost all culinary processes.

How to cook fried on the winter in a slow cooker? This method is quite simple and convenient and will not take your long time, because all the processes will do a multicooker.
Walked - 1 kg;
Creamy butter - 200 g;
Salt - 1/3 of Art. l.;
Onions - 3 pcs.;
Pepper black and white peas - 3 pcs.;
Carnation - 2 booton;
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
1. Purified Wood is laid in a slow cooker, poured 500 ml of water, put in the "Ward" mode for 30 minutes.
2. After the sound signal, the wave is removed into the colander, washed under the crane, they give a track and again lay in a multicooker bowl.
3. Creamy oil chopped by semicircles of onions is added, exhibit "quenching" mode and extinguish 40 minutes.
4. As soon as the signal sounds, open the lid, salt, pepper, carnation, bay leaf and fried 20 minutes.
5. Disclosure on sterilized cans fried woven and rush to the winter under the iron covers.
6. They give completely cool and only then put in the basement.

Recipe for the preparation of fried mushrooms are sculpted for winter

The recipe for the preparation of fried mushrooms is based on the winter with the addition of cabbage will have to do with all members of your family.

Such a tasty salad will be a good addition for the everyday menu.
Walked (boiled) - 1 kg;
Cabbage - 600 g;
Vegetable oil - 300 ml;
Salt to taste;
Garlic slices - 6 pcs.;
Onions - 6 pcs.;
Mixture of ground peppers - 1 tsp.
1. Put the mushrooms on the pan and pour half the oil.
2. Fry to a golden crust and introduce cut onions cut into cubes.
3. Fry 15 min on slow fire and add chopped garlic, mix.
4. To put a laid cabbage to another frying pan, pour the second half of the oil and extinguish under the closed lid until readiness.
5. Sweet, sprinkle with a mixture of peppers, mix and fry another 10-15 minutes.
6. Connect mushrooms and cabbage in one shill, mix, cover with a lid and stew 15 minutes.
7. Descript into sterilized dry jars, cover with covers and put sterilize in hot water for 30 minutes.
8. Roll, insulate the plaid and leave for the 2nd day to cool.
9. Leave for storage in the refrigerator or take a basement.

Recipe for fried billets are sculpted for winter with carrots and onions

The recipe for the billets of fried themselves for the winter with carrots and onions will save mushrooms with vegetables delicious and useful for a long time.

The traditional storage capacity is the glass jars that can be left even in the dark pantry.
Walked (boiled) - 1 kg;
Onions and carrots - 500 g;
Vegetable oil - 250 ml;
Salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
Black peas pepper - 7-10 pcs.
1. Wood is fried on a small amount of oil to a golden crust.
2. Enter chopped onions chopped and continue to fry for 15 minutes.
3. Purified carrots rubbed on a Korean grater and fry on a separate pan with the addition of oil to ruddy crust.
4. Connect with mushrooms and onions, spit, add peas, stirred and extinguished 15 minutes.
5. Disclosure to banks and put in hot water to sterilization.
6. Sterilize 40 min on slow fire, closed with tight kapron lids.
7. Cool and endured in a basement or leave in the refrigerator.

Walked for winter fried in oil with citric acid

We offer a variant of the workpiece for the winter are fried in oil with citric acid. His difference is that the mushrooms are fried on intense fire, then cooled and cold boot into banks.
Walked (boiled) - 2 kg;
Vegetable oil - 200 ml;
Citric acid - ½ tsp;
Salt to taste;
Garlic slices - 7 pcs;
Grinding greenery of parsley and dill - 1 tbsp.;
Pepper is black and fragrant - 5 peas.
Is it possible to harvest fried woven for the winter with citric acid? Yes, and this will help you with a step-by-step instruction.
1. Boiled sheds lay out on a hot dry frying pan and fry before liquid evaporation.
2. Pour oil and continue to fry on a strong heat until a golden shade.
3. Distribute in dry sterilized banks, speaking with chopped greens and garlic.
4. The remaining oil salt, we introduce a mixture of peppers and citric acid, bring to a boil.
5. Turn off the slab, we give oil to cool and pour it into jars with mushrooms. The layer of oil should cover mushrooms by 2-2.5 cm. Therefore, if the oil is missing, make another portion and fill in banks.
6. Close the tight kapron covers and give cool.
7. Such a workpiece can be stored not only in the refrigerator, but also in the storeroom.

Fried on the winter watched in fuel oil with nutmeg

Fried wish, cooked for winter in fuel oil with nutmeg - quite interesting, but at the same time a simple recipe.
Such a piquant version of the fungal snack will taste all gourmets. The felled butter is considered not only very tasty, but also useful for a person.
Walked (boiled) - 1.5 kg;
Fleece oil - 200 g;
Onions - 3 pcs.;
Garlic slices - 5 pcs.;
Salt to taste;
Nutmeg - on the tip of the knife;
Bay leaf - 3 pcs.

The recipe for winter fried for the winter, closed in banks, will become for you and your loved ones one of the most delicious and fragrant. A jar of such a workpiece added to the fried potatoes will serve as an excellent option for a family dinner.
1. Walked to put on a dry pan and fry on a strong fire to a rosy.
2. Enter the felled oil, cut onion and garlic cubes, mix and fry 15 minutes on medium heat.
3. Salt to taste, add a bay leaf and nutmeg, continue to fry on a slow heat for 20 minutes, stirring continuously with a wooden spatula.
4. Distribute in dry warm jars and put on sterilization in hot water.
5. Sterilize after boiling 30 minutes on slow fire.
6. Turn the covers, turn over and wrap up to the complete cooling of the workpiece.
7. Receive in the basement and stored at a temperature of + 10 ° C for no more than 6 months.

The recipe is based on the winter in the banks: how to make fried mushrooms with mayonnaise

Experienced hostesses are divided by a way that can weaken fried whale on the winter with mayonnaise? This variant of the workpiece is obtained delicious and appetizing, the more likely - one of the most popular and beloved fungi.
1. Walked (boiled) - 1.5 kg;
2. Mayonnaise - 200 ml;
3. Vegetable oil 50 ml;
4. Onions - 4 pcs.;
5. Garlic slices - 5 pcs.;
6. Pepper ground black and red - 1/3 h.;
7. Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
We offer a step-by-step recipe with photos of the preparation of fried ones for the winter:

Boiled whale on vegetable oil before the formation of a blush crust.

We add onions and garlic cut into cubes, we continue to fry 10 minutes. Provide, pepper and fry about 5-7 minutes.

We introduce mayonnaise, cover the lid in the pan, tomim on slow heat for 15 minutes, not forgetting to stir.

We declare into banks and close by kapron covers. Cool and put in the refrigerator for storage.
Such a workpiece can even be frozen in the freezer. For this, cooled mushrooms with mayonnaise lay out in food containers, close and put in the freezer.

How to cook fried woven for the winter and is it possible to store mushrooms in warm

This version of the fungal billet has its advantages: winter fried woven is allowed to be stored in heat.

And although this procedure will require a lot of time, however, as a result, the dish is excellent to taste, which will complement your everyday menu in the winter period.
Walked (boiled) - 2 kg;
Vegetable oil - 100 ml;
Tomato paste - 150 g;
Salt - 1, 5 tbsp. l.;
Onions - 7 pcs;
Pepper black and fragrant - 5 peas;
Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.;
Bay sheet - 3 pcs.;
Rosemary - pinch.

How to cook fried mushrooms on the winter with tomato paste to surprise their native delicious workpiece?

1. The boiled sheds are laid out in the pan on the oil and roasted to ruddy crust.
2. The purified onion is cut by semirings and is introduced into the mushrooms, fried 15 minutes on medium heat.
3. Salt, tomato paste, broken in 100 ml of water, bay leaf, rosemary and vinegar.
4. All languishing on slow fire under a closed lid for 20 minutes.
5. Next, the cover is removed, and the mushroom blank is stealing another 30 minutes on slow heat.
6. Banks with mushrooms are closed by tight plastic covers and are insulated with a blanket.
7. After cooling, the banks put in the refrigerator for storage, but not more than 3 months.

How to prepare for the winter caviar from the fried oh (with video)

How else to prepare fried wish? You can do it in the form of mushroom caviar.

It is worth noting that the preparation of caviar from fried opens - another way to make an excellent snack for the festive table. In addition, it will fit perfectly as a filling for pies and pizzas.
Walked (boiled) - 1.5 kg;
Onions - 6 pcs.;
Carrots - 8 pcs.;
Garlic slices- 6 pcs.;
Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.;
Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
Black pepper ground - 1 tsp;
Coriander ground - ¼ h. L.
Note that any wow in the caviar: broken, disturbed (but strong), only legs or hats.
1. The boiled whale skip through the meat grinder and spread the frying pan to heal with oil.
2. Fry on medium heat for 20 minutes, we spit, mix and turn off the fire.
3. In a separate frying pan, fry first louk cubes first, then we introduce carrots on a large grater and fry 15-20 minutes.
4. We connect mushrooms and onions with carrots, we again spit on taste, add coriander and pepper, as well as chopped garlic.
5. We skip the whole mass through the meat grinder, lay out on the pan and fry on slow heat for 15 minutes.
6. We pour vinegar, mix and distribute caviar in dry sterilized cans, with a capacity of 0.5 liters.
7. We put in hot water for sterilization, without forgetting to put a small kitchen towel on the bottom, so as not to float the banks.
8. Sterilize 40 min on slow fire, we ride, we give cool and we take into the basement.

Fried wipes cooked for winter are real delicacy, which without exaggeration love in every family. Tips in this article will help all culinary diversify their daily menu mushroom blanks. Recipes of cooking fried on the winter will be the best options for canning mushrooms.

It should be said that as a preservative for frying, the fat is always used for the winter for the winter: Cream or vegetable oil, as well as sabotz - wounded interior fat. Many people consider mushroom blanks fried on a mixture of fats.

However, novice hostesses are wondering: how to make fried woven on the winter correctly, and should they pre-boil? To feel confident and not worry about the health and well-being of your loved ones, it is better to hold separate thermal processing.

They do not grow on earth, so there are practically no strong pollution on them. With hats remove the remains of foliage and herbs, cut off the lower legs and poured with water for 1-1.5 hours. From time to time, the fruit bodies are stirred by hand. Then in the saucepan, it is allowed to boil the water and are inputed, boiling them from 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the size. Then they fold on the colander, they give a track and only then get roasting.

The fried mushrooms arehed, harvested for the winter in banks, are stored until 2 years, glad the whole family and guests are a stunning taste and aroma. Any dish with such a garnish will be even tastier and rich, and the festive feast is supplied with an amazing snack. After reviewing such advantages, any hostess wants to learn in detail how to close fried woven for the winter.

The billet for the winter is fried on vegetable oil

Which of lovers of mushroom dishes will be able to keep not sitting at the table and without waiting for the holiday, "to know" with a fresh green bow and a sliced \u200b\u200bof bread cooked fried waters on vegetation oil?

  • Walked (boiled) - 1.5 kg;
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Black pepper ground - ½ tsp;
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.

The billet of fried ones for the winter in a simple way passes at the following steps:

  1. Boiled in salted water and dried sides lay out on a dry frying pan.
  2. Fry on medium heat before evaporation of fluid, and then pour the oil and fry until a golden shade.
  3. It is shifted in warm and dry banks, speaking with black ground peppers, (you can add chopped green parsley and dill).
  4. In the remaining oil in a pan, salt and vinegar are introduced, bring to a boil and poured into jars with mushrooms.
  5. They put in hot water onto the kitchen towel and sterilize 40 min on slow fire.
  6. They are closed with tight lids from plastics, allow you to cool and put in the refrigerator.

If the oils are not enough, then you need to pour a new portion on the pan, rolling and adding to banks.

How to close fried whale with garlic for winter

Many mushrooms believe that the fried whales of autumn species are excellent conservation for the winter.

They have a lot of useful and nutrients capable of filling the missing vitamins and minerals in the body.

  • Walked (boiled) - 1 kg;
  • Vegetable oil - 120 ml;
  • Garlic slices - 10 pcs.;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Bay sheet - 2 pcs.;
  • Fascinated pepper - 4 pcs.

The boiled sheds lay out onto a sieve or colander and give a completely drain.

Although only vegetable fat is mentioned in the recipe, yet for oh, fried in oil with garlic, you can take a mixture of fats in equal amounts.

  1. I spread myself on a hot dry frying pan and give the fluid evaporated.
  2. We introduce a mixture of fats and fry on medium heat 20 min to goldenness.
  3. We apitate, add garlic slices, bay leaf and fragrant pepper, mix.
  4. We continue to fry for another 10 minutes and expand into warmed sterilized banks.
  5. Pour hot oil so that its level over mushrooms was 1-2 cm.
  6. We cover with lids and sterilize in salty water 40 minutes on slow heat.
  7. We roll up, turn over and wrap the blanket to full cooling.
  8. After about 2 days, we transfer banks into a cool room.

If you are going to store mushrooms in the refrigerator, then they are closed by dropproke lids and do not sterilize.

Fried frozen oh winter in the freezer

The frozen fried fried wipes are made quite simple and quickly. In addition, such a workpiece is kept for a long time in the freezer in polyethylene packages.

  • Walked (boiled) - 2 kg;
  • Vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  1. Wall-cooked and dried on a kitchen towel lay on a hot dry frying pan.
  2. Fry on slow heat for 10-15 minutes until the extra liquid evaporates.
  3. Pour oil and fried on medium heat until golden color.
  4. They are embroidered at the very end, mixed, allow to cool and distribute into plastic bags (squeezing all air and tie a package) or food containers.

Fried on the winter is kept in the freezer not more than 12 months, provided that they will not be subjected to re-frost.

Recipe, how to make fried whale on the winter

The recipe for fried opens with the addition of a bow for the winter will be practical as a semi-finished product. Try to make this satisfying workpiece and you will not regret that they spent time!

  • Walked (boiled) - 1 kg;
  • Onions - 700 g;
  • Salt - ½ tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil or sled - 150 ml;
  • Carnation - 2 pcs.;
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.

The recipe for fried oh, cooked for winter in oil with a bow, is prepared as follows:

  1. Pre-boiled sinks are laid out onto a frying pan heaned with oil and fried 20 minutes to a golden crust.
  2. Clean the onions, cut by semirings and introduced for frying in mushrooms.
  3. It's frying another 10 minutes on a weak fire, they caught, pour soy sauce, add cloves and ground peppers, stirred.
  4. Distributed to banks and poured with oil, which remains in a frying pan. If it is not enough, then you need to bring another portion of oil to a boil and pour my hair.
  5. Banks with mushrooms sterilize in boiling on low water water 30 min.
  6. Roll over, flip, wrapped with a blanket, give cool and put out in the basement.

Is it possible to harvest fried whale for the winter in fat?

Fried on the winter wow, cooked in fat animal origin, are also very popular. In addition, the frying and preservation of such a workpiece will not take a lot of your time.

  • Walked (boiled) - 2 kg;
  • Smarler (animal fat) - 150 g;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Pepper black and white peas - 5 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.

How to make a way to winter, fried in Slorish to like your loved ones?

  1. Owned and dried on a kitchen towel, lay out on a pan, in which Salets has already melt.
  2. Fry on low heat 25 min, constantly stirring with wooden spoon.
  3. Add a mixture of peppers and a bay leaf, give another switching under the closed lid for 10 minutes.
  4. Share in the banks and pour on top of the smalt, sprinkle with a salt and close by the drop-down lids.
  5. Give cool, put in a dark storage room and store up to 6 months.

Such a workpiece is added to fried potatoes or vegetable stew.

Recipe for cooking fried on winter without sterilization

The recipe for cooking fried on the winter without sterilization will reduce the time spent in the kitchen to a minimum.

However, the workpiece will turn out so delicious and fragrant that when you open the bank and put it on the pan for heating, your relatives, taking into account the smell, run into the kitchen.

  • Walked (boiled) - 1.5 kg;
  • Vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Black pepper ground - 1 tsp;
  • Paprika - 1 tsp;
  • Garlic slices - 7 pcs;
  • Olive herbs - ½ h.

To make it tasty to cook fried mushrooms on the winter without further sterilization, you need to follow a step-by-step recipe.

  1. After boiling, they lay on a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and fried 20-25 minutes until all the liquid evaporates.
  2. Olive herbs, salt, ground pepper, paprika and chopped garlic, stirred and pluck another 10 min.
  3. Vinegar is poured, and if there are few oil left in the mushrooms, then 100 ml is added, covered with a lid and extinguished 15 minutes on slow heat.
  4. Enclosed mushrooms in banks and closed by tight kapron lids.
  5. They give cool and put in a basement or put on the refrigerator.

How to cook on the winter fried in a slow cooker for iron covers

If you have this device in the kitchen - you are the owner of a good "helper", which can replace you with almost all culinary processes.

How to cook fried on the winter in a slow cooker? This method is quite simple and convenient and will not take your long time, because all the processes will do a multicooker.

  • Walked - 1 kg;
  • Creamy butter - 200 g;
  • Salt - 1/3 of Art. l.;
  • Onions - 3 pcs.;
  • Pepper black and white peas - 3 pcs.;
  • Carnation - 2 booton;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  1. Peeled whales are laid in a slow cooker, poured 500 ml of water, put in the "Ward" mode for 30 minutes.
  2. After the sound signal, the wave is removed into the colander, washed under the crane, they give a track and rest in a bowl of the multicooker.
  3. Creamy oil chopped by semicircles onions are added, exhibit the "quenching" mode and extinguish 40 minutes.
  4. As soon as the signal sounds, open the lid, salt, pepper, carnation, bay leaf and fried 20 minutes.
  5. Enclosed on sterilized cans fried woven and rush to the winter under the iron covers.
  6. They give completely cool and only then put in the basement.

Recipe for the preparation of fried mushrooms are sculpted for winter

The recipe for the preparation of fried mushrooms is based on the winter with the addition of cabbage will have to do with all members of your family.

Such a tasty salad will be a good addition for the everyday menu.

  • Walked (boiled) - 1 kg;
  • Cabbage - 600 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 300 ml;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Garlic slices - 6 pcs.;
  • Onions - 6 pcs.;
  • Mixture of ground peppers - 1 tsp.
  1. Mushrooms lay out on the pan and pour half oil.
  2. Fry to a golden crust and enter onions cut into cubes.
  3. Fry 15 min on slow fire and add chopped garlic, mix.
  4. To put a laid cabbage to another frying pan, pour the second half of the oil and extinguish under a closed lid until readiness.
  5. Sweet, sprinkle with a mixture of peppers, mix and fry another 10-15 minutes.
  6. Connect mushrooms and cabbage in one casserole, mix, cover with a lid and stew 15 minutes.
  7. Descript into sterilized dry jars, cover with covers and put sterilize in hot water for 30 minutes.
  8. Roll, insulate the plaid and leave to cool on the 2nd day.
  9. Leave for storage in the refrigerator or take into the basement.

Recipe for fried billets are sculpted for winter with carrots and onions

The recipe for the billets of fried themselves for the winter with carrots and onions will save mushrooms with vegetables delicious and useful for a long time.

The traditional storage capacity is the glass jars that can be left even in the dark pantry.

  • Walked (boiled) - 1 kg;
  • Onions and carrots - 500 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml;
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Black peas pepper - 7-10 pcs.
  1. Wood fried on a small amount of oil to a golden crust.
  2. Enter chopped onions chopped and continue to fry for 15 minutes.
  3. Purified carrots rubbed on a Korean grater and fry on a separate pan with the addition of oil to a ruddy crust.
  4. They are connected to mushrooms and onions, they are embroidered, add pepper peas, stirred and extinguished 15 minutes.
  5. Enclosed in banks and put in hot water for sterilization.
  6. 40 minutes are sterilized on slow fire, closed with tight kapron covers.
  7. Cool and put in a basement or leave in the refrigerator.

Walked for winter fried in oil with citric acid

We offer a variant of the workpiece for the winter are fried in oil with citric acid. His difference is that the mushrooms are fried on intense fire, then cooled and cold boot into banks.

  • Walked (boiled) - 2 kg;
  • Vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • Citric acid - ½ tsp;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Garlic slices - 7 pcs;
  • Grinding greenery of parsley and dill - 1 tbsp.;
  • Pepper is black and fragrant - 5 peas.

Is it possible to harvest fried woven for the winter with citric acid? Yes, and this will help you with a step-by-step instruction.

  1. Plaisted sheds lay on a hot dry pan and fry to liquid evaporation.
  2. We pour oil and continue to fry on a strong fire until a golden shade.
  3. We distribute in dry sterilized banks, speaking with crushed greenery and garlic.
  4. The remaining oil salt, we introduce a mixture of peppers and citric acid, bring to a boil.
  5. Turn off the plate, we give oil to cool and pour it into jars with mushrooms. The layer of oil should cover mushrooms by 2-2.5 cm. Therefore, if the oil is missing, make another portion and fill in banks.
  6. We close the tight kapron covers and give cool.
  7. This workpiece can be stored not only in the refrigerator, but also in the storeroom.

Fried on the winter watched in fuel oil with nutmeg

Fried wish, cooked for winter in fuel oil with nutmeg - quite interesting, but at the same time a simple recipe.

Such a piquant version of the fungal snack will taste all gourmets. The felled butter is considered not only very tasty, but also useful for a person.

  • Walked (boiled) - 1.5 kg;
  • Fleece oil - 200 g;
  • Onions - 3 pcs.;
  • Garlic slices - 5 pcs.;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Nutmeg - on the tip of the knife;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.

The recipe for winter fried for the winter, closed in banks, will become for you and your loved ones one of the most delicious and fragrant. A jar of such a workpiece added to the fried potatoes will serve as an excellent option for a family dinner.

  1. Laying to lay out on a dry pan and fry on a strong fire to a rosy.
  2. Enter the fuel oil, cut onion and garlic cubes, mix and fry 15 minutes on medium heat.
  3. Salt to taste, add a bay leaf and nutmeg, continue to fry on a slow heat for 20 minutes, stirring continuously with a wooden blade.
  4. Distribute in dry warm jars and put on sterilization in hot water.
  5. Sterilize after boiling 30 minutes on slow fire.
  6. Roll over with covers, flip and wrapped with a blank to the complete cooling of the workpiece.
  7. Remove into the basement and stored at a temperature of + 10 ° C not more than 6 months.

The recipe is based on the winter in the banks: how to make fried mushrooms with mayonnaise

Experienced hostesses are divided by a way that can weaken fried whale on the winter with mayonnaise? This variant of the workpiece is obtained delicious and appetizing, the more likely - one of the most popular and beloved fungi.

  1. Walked (boiled) - 1.5 kg;
  2. Mayonnaise - 200 ml;
  3. Vegetable oil 50 ml;
  4. Onions - 4 pieces;
  5. Garlic slices - 5 pcs.;
  6. Pepper ground black and red - 1/3 h.
  7. Salt - 1 tbsp. l.

We offer a step-by-step recipe with photos of the preparation of fried ones for the winter:

Boiled whale on vegetable oil before the formation of a blush crust.

We add onions and garlic cut into cubes, we continue to fry 10 minutes. Provide, pepper and fry about 5-7 minutes.

We introduce mayonnaise, cover the lid in the pan, tomim on slow heat for 15 minutes, not forgetting to stir.

We declare into banks and close by kapron covers. Coverage and put in the refrigerator for storage.

Such a workpiece can even be frozen in the freezer. For this, cooled mushrooms with mayonnaise lay out in food containers, close and put in the freezer.

How to cook fried woven for the winter and is it possible to store mushrooms in warm

This version of the fungal billet has its advantages: winter fried woven is allowed to be stored in heat.

And although this procedure will require a lot of time, however, as a result, the dish is excellent to taste, which will complement your everyday menu in the winter period.

  • Walked (boiled) - 2 kg;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • Tomato paste - 150 g;
  • Salt - 1, 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Onions - 7 pcs;
  • Pepper black and fragrant - 5 peas;
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Bay sheet - 3 pcs.;
  • Rosemary - pinch.

How to cook fried mushrooms on the winter with tomato paste to surprise their native delicious workpiece?

  1. The boiled whales are laid out in the pan on the oil and roasted to ruddy crust.
  2. Purified onion is cut by semirings and introduced into mushrooms, fried 15 minutes on medium heat.
  3. Salt, tomato paste, broken in 100 ml of water, bay leaf, rosemary and vinegar is added.
  4. All languishing on slow fire under a closed lid for 20 minutes.
  5. Next, the cover is removed, and the mushroom billet is stealing for another 30 minutes on slow heat.
  6. Banks with mushrooms are closed by tight plastic covers and are insulated with a blanket.
  7. After cooling, the banks put in the refrigerator for storage, but not more than 3 months.

How to prepare for the winter caviar from the fried oh (with video)

How else to prepare fried wish? You can do it in the form of mushroom caviar.

It is worth noting that the preparation of caviar from fried opens - another way to make an excellent snack for the festive table. In addition, it will fit perfectly as a filling for pies and pizzas.

  • Walked (boiled) - 1.5 kg;
  • Onions - 6 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 8 pcs.;
  • Garlic slices- 6 pcs.;
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • Black pepper ground - 1 tsp;
  • Coriander ground - ¼ h. L.

Note that any wow in the caviar: broken, disturbed (but strong), only legs or hats.

  1. Boiled whale skipping through the meat grinder and spread the frying pan to heated with oil.
  2. Fry on medium heat for 20 minutes, we spit, mix and turn off the fire.
  3. In a separate frying pan, he fry the scrambled with cubes onions first, then we introduce carrots on a large grater and fry 15-20 minutes.
  4. We connect mushrooms and onions with carrots, we again spit on taste, add coriander and pepper, as well as chopped garlic.
  5. We skip the whole mass through the meat grinder, lay out on the pan and fry on slow heat for 15 minutes.
  6. We pour vinegar, mix and distribute caviar in dry sterilized cans, with a capacity of 0.5 liters.
  7. We put in hot water for sterilization, without forgetting to put a small kitchen towel on the bottom of the pan, so as not to float the cans.
  8. Sterilize 40 min on slow fire, we ride, we give to cool and we take into the basement.

We also offer to watch the video with the recipe for cooking fried themselves for the winter:

Wash washed, cooking in salted water, drain the water, lay out lies in a pan and fry on medium heat, stirring. Without cooking, a thoroughly wash and fry without a cover. Sign of readiness Way - Easy shooting.
Frozen sowing.

How much to fry fresh

Fresh whale is recommended to weld in 2 waters for 15 minutes each, then fry on oil (vegetable or butter) to rosy. Without cooking, rinse thoroughly and stew, spilling well, 30 minutes before evaporation of the fluid.

How much to fry frozen

Frozen whale, not defrosting, put a frying pan on a preheated and wipe oil. By time to fry frozen, 15 minutes on medium heat without lid. Wash, cook and defrost frozen sheds before burning.

How many fry boiled

Fresh widespread, clean and wash, lay out in a saucepan with boiling salted water, and cook for 15 minutes. Then drain the water, pour fresh and cook for another 10 minutes. After cooking, lay out on the colander and wait until the water strokes. While water flows, heat the pan on medium heat, pour oil and lay out my own. Fry boiled whale 10 minutes on medium heat before liquid evaporation and flirt.

How to fry frozen whale with potatoes

Products for roasting Way with potatoes
Potato - Polkulo
Walked - Polklo
Onions - 1 head
Sour cream - 1 tablespoon for a portion
Salt and pepper - to taste
Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon

How to fry frozen whale with potatoes
Clean and finely cut the bulb. Preheat a pan, pour vegetable oil, lay onions and fry on medium heat without a lid of 5 minutes, stirring. Then add one to the onions - in a frozen form - and fry for 5 minutes. Then add a cleaner and chopped with straw potatoes. Salt, pepper and mix the potatoes with thirsty. Fry potatoes with thumbs with a constant stirring 15-20 minutes, until soft potatoes. Serve fried hassle and potatoes with sour cream.

Walked with frying like oil
In the post, fry boiled pasta, frozen vegetables, boiled potatoes, to extinguish soy meat on frozen oscillates. That is, lay out frozen lips on a frying pan, cover with a lid and put on a quiet fire. When my husband shakes, add products to them that need to fry.

How to fry fresh with potatoes

Products for roasting
Fresh - Polkulo
Potato - Polkulo
Onions - 1 head
Salo or bacon - 50 grams (or, can be replaced with vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons)
Salt and black ground pepper - to taste
Parsley - Half Bunch

How to fry a whale with potatoes
Clear whatever, cut off the long parts of the legs of the feet; Leave a couple of centimeters from the hats. Hats, if large - cut into parts. Pour water into a saucepan, spill, put on fire and after boiling to add elates. Cooking for 10 minutes, then fold on the colander and give a track of water.
Onions clean and chop finely. Preheat the pan, put the sliced \u200b\u200bfat (or pour oil), lay onions and fry it for 5 minutes on medium heat without a cover.
Add my own, fry 10 minutes, stirring. Your widespread with potatoes are ready!
Petrushka wash, dry and extort. Serve potatoes with thumbs, sprinkled with parsley.

How to fry fresh on the winter

1. Clear soup from pollution, leaves and land.
2. Cut the large caps of the hts on 4-5 parts.
3. Boil the water in a saucepan, salt (1 kilogram is called a tablespoon of salt), lay out my own, cook for 15 minutes, then drain the water.
4. Rinse myself, give a track of water.
5. Clean and cut down onions (for 1 kilogram they will see 1 middle of the head of the bow).
6. Put a frying pan on the middle fire.
7. Pour sunflower oil, about 3 tablespoons.
8. Lay onions, fry 10 minutes, stirring.
9. Lay widespread, fry 30 minutes under the lid and 20 minutes without a lid.
10. Salt the mushrooms.
11. Share from a frying pan on banks.
12. Poured with hot oil remaining from roasting.
13. Close banks with thighs, stored in the refrigerator up to 6 months.