Salted dough product for the new year.

09.06.2021 Snacks

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Autumn flies by quickly, and just about the time will come when you want a fairy tale to burst into the house. But we, adults, understand that we create magic ourselves, with our own hands. Therefore, today the editors of the site propose to start making New Year's crafts from salt dough - these are figurines, figurines, decorations, candlesticks, panels that will perfectly decorate the decor for the winter holiday.

You can look at the photos as much as you like and admire the crafts made from salt dough, but it is better to try to make them yourself.In order for the very first attempt to be successful and leave behind pleasant impressions and memories, you need to pay close attention to the instructions for making a working substance.

How to make the dough?

Such a working material for sculpting is based on three products: flour, water and fine salt. There are varied recipes that include, in addition to the three main ingredients, starch and hand cream. Someone uses a recipe with wallpaper glue. It makes sense to start acquaintance with such material, starting with the basic recipe, but if you have experience in sculpting, then it makes sense to use recipes with cream or vegetable oil. This is especially true if the product involves many small details.

Flour of the highest grade contains a sufficient amount of gluten, and finely dispersed salt of a brand like "Extra" will allow the products to acquire the desired smoothness.

Standard recipe:

  • a glass of flour;
  • a glass of salt;
  • 125 ml of water.

Different craftswomen insist on different proportions. It is suggested to take flour in two parts, and salt and water one by one. More salt will add strength to the product.

All ingredients are mixed by hand or with a mixer until smooth. For a sample, tear off a piece and roll it into a ball. Pits are made on the ball with your finger: the ideal dough will retain its shape and will not blur.

Advice! If you add a little vegetable oil or hand cream while mixing the ingredients, then the dough will not dry out during modeling and will not become excessively sticky to your hands.

How to paint the working material? Gouache, liquid watercolor, food colors, cocoa, beetroot, carrot juice, cherry and spinach juice.

What crafts can be done and how to preserve the leftovers of the dough

There are many ways to use such material for sculpting. This is work with children on the development of fine motor skills and imagination, and the decor of the apartment, and decoration for the holiday, and figurines, and photo frames, and gifts-toys.

Figures are made flat or voluminous, use a base or not. In general, the work is not very different from modeling from plasticine, but products made of salted material can be stored indefinitely.

We store the rest of the dough in the refrigerator, not forgetting to wrap the substance tightly in cling film or place it in a plastic container with a lid.

Advice! The dough will last longer if you add a sachet of citric acid to it for two cups of flour.

Material without citric acid can be stored in the cold for 2-3 days, with acid - up to two weeks.

How to dry and paint products

There are several drying options.

  1. We leave the products to dry at room temperature. The process is very lengthy.
  2. Drying crafts on a heating battery a little faster.
  3. In the oven, the products do not dry for so long, while the heating temperature varies. First, they dry the crafts in an oven at 50 ° C, then brown them a little at 150 ° C.

To make the product shine, it is varnished or glazed. Glaze is used for crafts in white, and colored items are varnished.
They also use the method of coating with an aqueous solution of salt and drying in the oven at low temperatures. Coating the finished product with egg white or yolk gives a pleasant golden brown hue.

If you want the thing to remain white, it is glazed and dried at a temperature of 50 ° C until fully cooked.

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Tips for making salt dough crafts for the New Year

Let's try to make crafts that will give you a good mood! There are several types of products that can be made using the sculpting method: we use layering of parts, we make volumetric products and we include small details in the work. In the work, the use of molds is encouraged - convenient plastic or metal forms (you can take ready-made molds for baking cookies, buy or do it yourself from an aluminum can), any textured surfaces, toothpicks, a plastic knife for plasticine, lids from felt-tip pens, tree leaves.

Crafts from salt dough for making: we work together with a preschooler

Fine motor skills in preschool children are usually not very well developed, and modeling classes form all the necessary skills, develop imagination and imagination. Tips from a kind adult nearby will help your toddler cope with difficulties.

Snowman "Shmyak"

A child is able to make a good friend for himself for winter games in the house. The help of an adult as a kind adviser and leader is obligatory. Use a recipe where starch is added. You just need to take into account that how much starch you put, it is better to remove so much flour. Adding 125 ml of hand cream will be helpful.

Make sure that the lumps are not too large, such work will dry for a very long time and cracks may occur. Install the frame. This can be a rod stuck into a salt dough cake, a small, stable object that can be used as a rod. The child makes three koloboks, putting each on the rod in descending order. Help to sculpt eyes and pens. To fix the parts, the place of gluing is lubricated with water.

Commemorative panels made of salt dough

It will be difficult for a preschooler to create something artistic, but there is a way to let the child participate in the work and cope with it almost independently.

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Crafts from salt dough for schoolchildren

We have already looked at photos of New Year's crafts made from salt dough and we want to offer excellent options for working with the dough for school-age children. They will cope with everything themselves, after listening to parting words and instructions. This does not mean that you need to leave and leave your son or daughter to the mercy of fate. Our task is to give an idea and explain the principle of operation. It's good if the adults nearby also try their hand at such a fascinating technique.

What are the best salty dough products for children?

Depending on the age of the children, the topic and the level of complexity of the work are selected.

Younger children can be trusted to work with molds without any problems. Those who have skills in sculpting are entrusted with the manufacture of complex or three-dimensional figures.

Salty dough angels

Angels are a suitable theme for Christmas decor.

Salted dough candlestick

We will immediately prepare everything you need for crafts from salt dough and study a master class. Take a small round candle, ready-made dough, garlic press, plastic knife, workplace, rolling pin.

IllustrationDescription of action
Tear off a small ball from the material and roll a dense bun out of it. Place the bun on a plastic cutting board and turn it into a small cake.
We take a candle and push a hole in the cake, moreover, we make it slightly wider than the candle.
We put a piece of dough in a garlic press, at this time we dip the brush in water and grease the place where the Christmas tree needles will be located.
We tear off the "vermicelli" and put it in the form of spruce twigs.
We complement the product with decor. We use a plastic knife for the leaves.
We make roses by rolling a strip of dough like a roller.
We begin to make a large rose in the same way as a small one, but add others around the central petal, one after another.

The product is dried and painted. After the varnish has dried, you can insert a candle and light it, admiring your own creation.

Other ideas for crafts from salt dough for the New Year

Salted dough products are not only painted and varnished. They are also decorated with rhinestones, sequins, beads. In this case, the crafts are dried naturally so as not to damage the decor.

Let's get acquainted with such a way of decorating crafts as decoupage.

Decoupage of finished products

For work, you need a New Year's napkin with a suitable pattern for the size of the finished product, PVA glue and a brush.

Flat christmas decorations

Let's learn how to make figurines from salt dough, a small master class will help with this.

IllustrationDescription of action
We will need dough, a string, a straw for juice, molds for toys, acrylic paints - white, silver and gold, a brush, beads.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin and use the forms to make figures.
In each figure we pierce the holes for the string with a tube. We dry the figures.
We paint the finished products with white paint.
For decoration, it is better to take gold and silver paints. But you can use any color of your choice.
We paint some of the figures with small strokes and leave the paint to dry.

There is nothing sweeter than Christmas crafts made with your child. Colored and shiny, a little uneven and that makes them even more touching and memorable.

On New Year's Eve, every adult, not to mention children, wakes up a desire to create cute little things that bring a feeling of coziness and warmth to the house ... And although the stores are overflowing with factory toys and New Year's accessories, I want to do something of my own, unique, inimitable.

Elegant toys for the New Year's green beauty can be made of paper, fabric, thread. Or you can use salted dough - another interesting and readily available material. How to do it for the New Year? This is what will be discussed now.

How to make salty dough?

First, you need to make the right salty dough. To do this, prepare one measure of fine salt and two measures of flour in advance. Dissolve the salt in warm or hot water, and when it cools down, slowly add the salt solution to the flour, stirring constantly. You can add a little sunflower oil to the dough - it will make the mass more elastic and less sticky. However, it is more difficult to mold something from dough with the addition of butter, since its pieces do not adhere well to each other. This option is good for simple, one-layer crafts.

The dough should be steep enough to hold its shape. Let it stand to release the gluten and get to work. Decorations for a Christmas tree made of salted dough are convenient to make using cookie cutters.

DIY Christmas crafts

Figures made in this way are very reminiscent of traditional gingerbread and create a feeling of home comfort. You can make cute hearts, Christmas trees and stars: just roll the dough into a thin (about 1 cm) sheet and invite your child to make figurines out of it.

If there are no ready-made molds, you can cut them out of tin cans from drinks, bending them inward so that the baby does not get hurt. Even simple round pendants, which can be made using a glass, a glass or a small jar, will look beautiful. Remember to make a loop hole in each figurine.

Lay out the cut figures on a grid and let them dry well; If drying on a firm, flat surface, turn the craft over from time to time. You can use the oven by carefully drying the workpieces at a low temperature.

We paint the dried figures with bright colors, cover with sparkles.

Top of the crafts can be coated with transparent varnish - this will give them a beautiful gloss.

We put in a ribbon or thick thread - and the decoration is ready.

Herringbone made from salted dough.

Salted dough heart.

You can paint the dough tree decorations with paints.

From the print of a child's pen, a charming Santa Claus is obtained. The craft is done using the same technique. Let the craft dry well.

Apply a layer of white paint.

We paint the craft and cover it with varnish. Santa Claus is ready!

Salted dough can be used to make a wonderful Christmas decoration "pig with wings".

Do-it-yourself New Year's crafts made from salt dough made in this way for children will become especially expensive, and the children will be happy to join the process of decorating the main symbol of the New Year.

DIY Christmas crafts from salt dough (video)

Salted dough Christmas toys (sweet and pink):

Tatiana Shemetova

Very soon, in a few hours, the most cheerful and noisy, joyful and magical, the most long-awaited New Year will silently enter the doors of our houses and apartments! What he will bring us - we do not know, but to give your children joyful moments of communication and dazzle with them new year table decorations - of course we can. This activity will not take much of your time, but you will get such a beauty!

We begin! If you have flour, "Extra" salt, water, thick paper (not necessarily a Whatman paper, a stapler and paints - the preparation will take no more than 10 minutes.

The diameter of the circle depends on what size you want the tree to be. Cut the circle in half and twist the resulting parts into cones, pressing the edge with a stapler.

We knead dough... Half a glass of fine salt, half a glass of flour, water - knead dough like dumplings, add a little sunflower oil (teaspoon).Add green paint and mix everything until smooth (if you mix not very thoroughly, then tree will turn out to be even more original).

Wet the cone with water, cover it completely with a layer test, and then gently tighten with your finger dough down... We do this in a circle, starting from the bottom of the cone to the very top.

We've got such beauties!

From the rest test you can make toys for the tree.

Thin layer dough dries quickly and on New Year's table you have a ready-made decoration. Christmas tree is good, but you can decorate it as you wish.

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You will need: Glass vase Plastic knife (stack) Oil for lubrication Gouache or watercolor Brush Ribbon Salt recipe.

I was a little late with the topic, but nevertheless I really wanted to put our work with children on the site. We did it according to the model and the work of the children is shown.

Topic: picture of salt dough "Under the mushroom" Prepared by: Martynova LV Recently, in my work with children, I have become a lot of attention.

At the beginning of my work, when the children were still small, I always kneaded the dough in the presence of children. Gave the opportunity to take part.

More than once I looked at Christmas trees made of salted dough, not only on this site, but also on others. I repeat again, I use my method of making a Christmas tree with children, and it is different from the rest. at the beginning of my master class, I wrote that there are similar master classes, but mine is a lighter version, for example, Larisa Ivanova has an option for adults, children are hard to squeeze out of garlic, and then fold ... secondly, I twist a cone very quickly from everything that comes across and at the same time I do not decorate it or make it out of colored cardboard. The last Christmas tree for the little ones was developed by me. especially for kids, I was not inspired by anyone. My -master class is exactly my experience-how easy and affordable it is to work with children... Tell me why I should point to someone and put links to someone? The only inspiration for me is

Book: Salted dough. Irina Khananova.

Her idea to use a garlic press was taken as a basis, but again she does not have a voluminous Christmas tree - everything was invented along the way.

My photos are commented and it seems to me in great detail, none of the users asked anything again, and everyone understands everything.


Start by making a salty dough. Pour 1 cup of salt into a bowl. It is best to take finely ground salt, then the dough will turn out to be more plastic and homogeneous. Pour one glass of hot water over it and stir until completely dissolved. Once the water has cooled to room temperature, add 1 cup flour to the bowl. Knead the dough well.

To make the sculpting more interesting, color the dough. To do this, divide it into as many parts as there are different colors. Add food coloring or gouache dissolved in water to the dough. Knead it again and check that all parts are the same density. And if necessary, add a little flour or water.

Roll the colored pieces of dough into balls and arrange in bags to avoid chapping. Upon contact with air, a salt crust appears on the dough, which must be cut off from time to time. As soon as the dough is ready, you can start sculpting right away.

In order to sculpt a toy in the shape of a dog, roll up a ball for the future torso and pull it out in the shape of a bean. Decide where the dog's nose and tail will be. Make legs out of the dough and attach to the body. If the dough does not adhere very well, run a damp brush over the junction of the parts. Sculpt the ears and tail and pin them into place. Punch holes for the eyes and nose.

Put the sculpted toy to dry in the sun. In a day, it will be covered with a crust and will look strong enough, but this impression is deceiving - inside it will still remain damp. The craft will dry completely in only a week. If you're in a hurry, you can dry the toy in the oven. Heat the oven to 70 degrees Celsius, place the toy on the baking sheet and leave the door open. For 0.5 centimeters of product thickness, 1 hour of drying is required.

Paint your craft with gouache. Just keep in mind that the paint should be quite thick so that the dough does not have time to get wet. Let the paint dry for two days and cover the toy with wood varnish if you want it to last long.

Dough crafts are not really cooking. This is already art. And besides, this is a good gift. You can make a variety of toys from the dough, and then decorate them with paints: gouache, watercolors or food dyes. The main thing is that the dough should be salty.

You will need

    • Flour - 3 cups;
  • Salt - 2 cups;
  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Paints and brushes for coloring figures.


First of all, knead the ingredients to such a consistency that the resulting product does not stick, as well as to the dishes. Add a little more salt or, conversely, water as it cooks. It all depends on how thick the dough will be. Feel free to experiment with consistency.

From the ready-made dough, you can now sculpt any, for example, figures of men, fairy tales, animals and whatever your heart desires. After that, the finished figures must be dried. It can be dried at room temperature, especially if the figures are small and not very bulky. Or you can dry it in the oven at a temperature of 120-140 degrees Celsius. In large figures, it is necessary to make a puncture inside for better and faster drying.

Color the figures. You can use watercolor and add PVA glue to it, and then use this mixture. This will keep the paint much better.

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You can make a lot of crafts from salt dough with your children. Unlike plasticine, this material is suitable for kids of any age. Even if the child pulls the dough into his mouth, nothing will happen.

You can start making such crafts at home with your child - all the ingredients are available and inexpensive. It is especially pleasant to make New Year's toys from salt dough. They can be made as much as you want and the way you want. Even the smallest children feel that they have worked together with everyone for the holiday, if the toys they have made hang on the tree.

For the dough, take 2 cups of plain wheat flour, a glass of salt, 250 g of water. Mix everything well. The degree of readiness of the dough is determined during kneading - if it crumbles, add water, if it stretches, sticks to your hands, add flour. Roll a ball out of the dough - if it holds its shape well, you're done. You can add a little vegetable oil - then the finished mass will not stick to your hands.

Herringbone Salted Dough Crafts

To make Christmas tree decorations from salted dough, you can use cookie cutters. Even kids with their help do an excellent job of cutting out figures from rolled dough. These figures can be dried and left as they are or decorated.

Try taking a cocktail straw and using it to make many small holes in the cut out flat figurine. Openwork products are obtained. You can also decorate with beads, sparkles, you just need to take into account that the toys cannot be dried in the oven, otherwise the jewelry may melt. In addition to beads, shells, cereals, buttons, nuts, coffee grains and so on can be used to decorate products.

There are wonderful lacing toys for the development of fine motor skills in a child. Try making holes along the edges of the salt dough figurine, placing them in a certain order. Dry the product. Invite your child to thread bright ribbons or thick yarn through these holes. You will have a great lacing toy.

Older children can be offered to paint the toy with permanent markers or paste over pictures using the decoupage technique.