Meat bags with mushrooms and cheese. Chicken bags with cheese and mushrooms Meat bags

01.07.2021 Dishes from seafood

I want to present to your attention a dish that herself prepared for the first time. The unexpected reaction to him her husband, pleasantly surprised. Meat bags with mushrooms and cheese.

What to cook for dinner? Let's try fragrant, satisfying and delicious meat bags with mushrooms and cheese. Fast preparation, exquisite and very appetizing appearance will be delighted with your loved ones.

Of all the poultry meat, the easiest in the assay for the human body is chicken fillet. This product will be the main component of our dish.


  • chicken fillet - 500g
  • melted cheese - 200g
  • marinated mushrooms - 300g
  • garlic - 3-4 teeth
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • spices and salt to taste
  1. Cut, medium thickness plates, chicken fillet. Since chicken meat is more gentle than pork or other, beat off slightly, we do not need it at all so that it is spread. We simulate a little, add spices to taste.
  2. We cut the plates of the melted cheese, we remove the extra liquid with pickled mushrooms, squeeze a little garlic through the press. All this gently lay out on the middle of our chicken chicken.
  1. We collect chops along the edges and wrap in the bag. In order not to disintegrate, block the toothpick or taught the thread.

  1. The associated bags carefully with a slightly whipped egg, wrapped into the molds cut from foil and put into the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 10-15 minutes. Then a bit of the mold and put in the oven for another 8-10 minutes, so that our bags would slightly smoothed.

Our delicious dish is ready. I advise you to serve on a table with a spoon of sour cream and fresh greens. But this is already at the discretion of each host.

After studying many step-by-step recipes from chicken fillet, it is easy to notice one general pattern - speed and ease of preparation. What can we allow to create real culinary masterpieces, not spending extra time on their preparation.

Using chicken meat, we supply our body with almost all useful trace elements, such as magnesium, iron, selenium, potassium and others. Chicken fillet is one of the components of diet for weight loss and therapeutic diets, since it has a very low percentage of fat content. The constant use of non-oily chicken meat gives the body of force in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the nervous system and increases immunity.

Pamper delicious your loved ones and what to cook for dinner is easily combined in one dish - meat bags with mushrooms and cheese.

Enjoy your meal.

step-by-step recipe with photos

Delicious and juicy festive dish are chicken bags with cheese and mushrooms. They are prepared very easily and to taste reminiscent of chops with the same stuffing only with the difference that the dish is not roasted, but baked. You can optionally add compressed garlic, green onions, tomato cutting, etc. Chicken bags are very satisfied, so count on 1 portion - 1 such a bag. So that baked chicken fillet seemed to your guests dryly taste, serve it with a classic yoghurt or other non-calorie sauce.


  • 4 chicken fillets
  • 400 g of fresh mushrooms
  • 100 g of solid cheese
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil
  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • 0.5 h. L. Sololi.


1. The bulb can be cleaned from the peel, promotion. We warm up the vegetable oil in the saucepiece, apply the bulb with small cubes and fried in oil until golden color for 5 minutes.

2. At this time, we promo mushrooms and apply their average slides. You can use both champignons and oysteries, other non-oily mushrooms. We will add mushroom cutting into the saucepan and sprinkle 2 pinch salts. Salt will pull out the liquid of mushrooms and they fasten faster - for 15 minutes.

3. With chicken fillet, we cut all the films and put it in water, dried with paper napkins and cut the side up to the middle, and after opening as a book. We will only with a soft side with a special hammer, but carefully, so as not to break the meat, otherwise the entire filling when it is baked.

4. On the fillet, let's post roasted mushrooms with a bow - about 1 tbsp. l.

5. Then, on top of the mushroom mass, the solid cheese on a small grater - it is so faster than melted and connects the filling with fillets. You can use soft cheeses, but not too salty.

6. After that, we will guide the edge of the chicken fillet, turning it into the bag and block with wooden toothpicks or halves of skeins. In the same way, they collect the rest of the chicken fillet, filling them with filling and grated cheese.


600 g - pork pulp (thick edge);
4 pcs - egg;
1 pc - onions;
3 tbsp. - mayonnaise;
1 cup - meat broth;
4 tbsp. l. - vegetable oil;
2 tbsp. l. - red dry wine;
4 ppm - seasoning for meat;
Creamy oil for frying


1. Screw the eggs, cool and clean.
Cut eggs in half, separate squirrels from yolks.
Yolksarize from 1 tsp. mayonnaise.

Clean the onions, distortion and pass on vegetable oil until goldenness. Add egg yolks, mix so that there are no lumps. Obtained by mass fill the halves of egg proteins;

2. Prepared pork fillets Cut the slices with a thickness of 1 cm, slightly sweep so that the reservoir is thinner, and sprinkle to the taste. In the middle of each slice put stuffed egg.

The edges of the flowing slices neatly connect in the form of a bag and tie out thread;

3. In the pan, heat the butter and fry the pork bags until readiness;

4. The remaining mayonnaise is connected with wine, pour broth, mix. Fill the resulting meat with a mixture and extinguish until readiness.

When feeding, remove the threads from the bags, pour the sauce and make the green onions. Garnish french fries.
You can decorate meat bags in different ways. Tie a bag of a green onion and a smoked cheese ribbon. You can also wear a small ring of the replied onion (onions pre-blanch).

11-bags from the dough filo with chicken and vegetables -


For 20 pieces:

The dough of filo 10 leaves, the size of somewhere 24x24 cm

Creamy oil-75 grams

Crying Breast - 2 halves cut into small cubes

Green onion-1 beam, cut into thin rings

Carrots-2 pieces chopped with small cubes and blanched for 5 minutes

Greek yogurt (or non-resident sour cream) -125 gram

Vegetable oil-2 table. Spoons

Salt, fresh black chief pepper

Red paprika (seasoning, red pepper) -


10 minutes before the start of processing, pull the dough Filo from the refrigerator

Chicken meat cut into cubes, salt, pepper and season paprika and so-very briefly fry in hot vegetable oil

Remove from fire and cool

Mix chicken meat with blanched carrots cubes, green onion rings and Greek yogurt (or sour cream)

FILO leaflets cut on 4 squares each (a total of 40 squares should turn out)

Creamy oil melt

Filo dough when processing to cover slightly wet towel, so as not to fall

On one bag of taking two squares of the dough, each lubricate with tassel melted oil and put on each other

Cutting a spoonful of chicken mass put on the squares from below, roll over a roll and ends to get up and sway with each other

Pouchs laying on a latter-made baking tray

Delivered silent bags from above melted sl. Oil

Bake in preheated to 180 degrees oven for about 15 minutes, until goldenness

Bon Appetit!

Step-by-step photos of the recipe

What do you need:

1 Celery root

1 cup rice bass mix Mistral

onion - 1 bulbs

0.5 h. Salt and black peppers

3 thin bacon slice 3. Clear onions, cut into small cubes. Wash celery, chop finely. Clear garlic, chopping. Bacon cut into small pieces. Preheat the frying pan, put bacon and fry 2 min. Add onions, celery and garlic, prepare all together for 5 minutes.
4. Transfer roasted vegetables and bacon in a bowl. Add rice, mix.
It is not necessary to salt and pepper the filling, but you can add ground Coriander seeds or a little dried thyme.
5. To lay out the center of each of the prepared chicken thighs 1.5-2 tbsp. l. filling Leaving the edges with free (about 2 cm).
6. Tighten the free edges to the center so that it turns out the bag. Fasten the bags with wooden toothpicks, watching the filling remains inside.
Heat the oven to 175 ° C. Bags to lubricate with vegetable oil, wrapped tightly in foil. Put in the oven, prepare 30 minutes.
Remove from the oven and give to stand in foil for another 5 minutes. Remove foil, immediately submit to the table.