Salad of squid mushrooms and crab sticks. Festive salad with squid and crab sticks

01.07.2021 Beverages

There are so many delicious and satisfying dishes in the world, consisting of many ingredients. I can proudly refer to these salad with squid and crab sticks. Beautiful, fragrant, healthy and a real honored guest on the festive table - this is how you can characterize this dish. It is preparing very quickly, so let's get started.


Fresh squid 600 grams
Frozen crab sticks 240 grams
Small onion 1 piece
Chicken eggs 4 pieces
mayonnaise to taste
Salt to taste
Ice to taste
Cold plain water 1 liter
Boiling water 1–1.5 liters


  1. We put the eggs in a small saucepan and fill it with ordinary cold water from the tap. We put the container on a large fire and wait for the liquid to boil. Immediately after this, we fasten the burner and cook hard-boiled eggs for 10 minutes. After the allotted time, with the help of kitchen tacks, we transfer the pan to the sink and turn on cold water. Important: our components must be completely cooled so that later it is easy to remove the shell from them.
  2. After that, lay the eggs on a cutting board and, using a large grater, chop into chips. Attention: you can also simply chop the component into small cubes, the taste of this salad will definitely not change. Pour the chopped eggs into a clean plate and proceed to the preparation of the remaining products.
  3. Put the frozen crab sticks on a clean plate and leave aside for a while so that they come to room temperature. Attention: in no case do not speed up the process with a microwave oven or hot water, as this can not only spoil the structure of the meat, but also change the taste of the dish itself. Immediately after, we clean the components from the protective coating and move them to a flat surface. Using a knife, cut the crab sticks into thin strips or medium cubes. Pour the chopped components into a free plate.
  4. Using a knife, peel the onion from the husk and rinse thoroughly under running water. Now put the component on a cutting board and finely chop into cubes. Pour the chopped onion into a clean plate and proceed to the final stage of preparing the salad.
  5. First of all, we clean the squids from the chitinous plate and, if necessary, from the insides. Thoroughly rinse the components from all sides under running warm water and put them in a free, clean pan. In parallel with this, pour cold water into a medium bowl and put ice here.
  6. Pour boiling water over the squids and immediately remove from the container with a slotted spoon. Transfer them to a bowl of ice water and now easily remove the protective top film. It is thanks to a sharp temperature drop that this process will become easy and interesting. Now put the seafood on a cutting board and leave it aside for a while.
  7. We lightly rinse the pan under running cold water and fill it halfway with the same liquid from the tap. We put the container on medium heat and wait for the contents to boil. Immediately after that, add a little salt, mix everything well with a tablespoon and dip the peeled squids into boiling water. We hold the components for no more than 2-3 minutes so that their meat does not become like rubber. At the end, we take out the seafood with a slotted spoon and put it back on a flat surface. Turn off the burner, and let the squids cool to room temperature.
  8. At the end, grind the components into thin circles or strips and transfer to a clean plate.
  9. In a large bowl, lay out ingredients such as boiled squid, eggs, finely chopped onions and crab sticks. Sprinkle the salad with salt to taste and season with mayonnaise. Read more:

Attention: for such a quantity of products, we need at least 200 grams of this sauce. Now, with the help of a tablespoon, mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed and move the dish to a salad bowl. Everything, the salad is ready!

We serve the finished salad with squid and crab sticks to the dinner table along with slices of bread. The dish is very tender and tasty. But due to seafood, you will remain full for a long time, so do not worry about anything and treat your household with it for breakfast, lunch and dinner with confidence.

- before serving the salad to the festive table, it is recommended to decorate the dish with fresh parsley or dill;
Canned squid can be used instead of fresh squid. In this version, the salad is also very tasty and satisfying;
- to make the dish less spicy, you can add finely chopped white or Crimean onion to it. Such varieties are sweeter and not bitter;
- in addition to the spices indicated in the recipe, you can add any others to your taste to the salad. For example, it can be ground black pepper. I usually add it at the request of my husband, as he likes the dish to smell slightly spicy.

Bon Appetit!

Salad with squid and crab sticks recipe

If your loved ones love high-calorie salads with mayonnaise, you can make a salad with squid and crab sticks, there is only one spoon of mayonnaise in it, and more is not required, since it contains a lot of juicy and bright vegetables - red bell pepper, green cucumber and yellow corn .

Crab sticks, of course, do not consist of crab meat, but of minced fish, but they are so loved in our country in salads that everyone tries to close their eyes to their origin. But squids contain many useful substances, micro and macro elements. Thus, the benefits and harms, calories and lightness, perfectly offset each other in this delicious crab and squid salad.

In order to prepare a salad with squid and crab sticks, you will need:


  • 300g frozen squid (carcasses);
  • 150g crab sticks;
  • 150g fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 can of canned corn;
  • 100g sweet pepper;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 st. l. mayonnaise;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Recipe for salad with squid and crab sticks:

  1. Wash sweet peppers from dirt, preferably red, so the salad will be brighter, cut the stalk and shake out the seeds. We need only half a medium-sized pepper, cut it into small cubes, and the second half of the pepper can be used to decorate the salad.
  2. When choosing crab sticks in the store, I stopped my attention on the unusual “snow crab” packaging, unlike the brightly colored sticks we are used to, these are very similar to soft pink crab meat, and they also taste closer to crab. Slice the crab sticks across the grain into small pieces.
  3. In my opinion, the most delicious squids are those that are sold unpeeled, which means not yet boiled, as, for example, in a sea cocktail. You can cook them without waiting for complete defrosting, but before that you need to gut the carcasses, otherwise they will cook with the insides together, which may affect the taste.
  4. Boil 2 liters of water, salt (about 0.5-1 tablespoon of salt), and put the squids peeled from the insides into boiling water, when the water boils again, cook them for exactly 1 minute, and then remove them with a slotted spoon directly into a bowl of cold water. Rinse the finished squid thoroughly under the tap, cleaning the places where the skin is still left, and remove the transparent hard skeleton from the squid, which is located along the back of the squid along the entire length.
    Cut the squid crosswise into small strips of approximately equal length.
  5. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and cut into cubes the same size as the sweet pepper.
  6. Wash a fresh cucumber, cut off the stalk and cut into small cubes. If desired, the skin of the cucumber can be peeled off.
  7. Place the chopped squid crab salad ingredients in a bowl, add 1 can of canned corn, drained first, and one tablespoon of mayonnaise.
  8. Salt to taste and stir.

Serve salad with squid and crab sticks in a common dish or in portions, garnished with fresh herbs.

Salad with squid, crab sticks and red caviar - a simple and very tasty sea salad

This time, I propose to cook with me the most delicious salad of squid and eggs. I also call it - sea salad or Ocean salad, because the recipe includes not only squid, but also crab sticks and even red caviar. In a word, a wide range of seafood. Despite the extensive range of products, it is very easy to prepare. A sea of ​​proteins, a minimum of calories and a maximum of pleasure. To the side of the word, mastering the preparation.


  • 5 pieces. eggs;
  • 1 PC. squid (about 250 gr);
  • 200 gr crab sticks;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of red caviar;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • fresh lettuce leaves.

How to cook squid for salad:

  • We clean the squid under warm water from a thin film, take out the plate from the inside. Dip in salted boiling water and boil for about 3 minutes.
  • We take out. Cool down. Rinse under running water. If a film is groped, it should be removed. We cut thinner.
  • We season with mayonnaise, which can be bought at the store, but can be made independently. Homemade mayonnaise is, of course, more preferable. Set the squid aside. Let them drink.

Preparing the rest of the ingredients:

  1. We cut crab sticks arbitrarily, but small straws will probably be better. Add on top of the squid. Until we stir.
  2. Boil the eggs for 8 full minutes. Cool under cold water. We clean. We cut or you can grate. Add to a meal.
  3. Season the salad with another small portion of mayonnaise. We stir. Add a spoonful of caviar. If you want, then you can take more red caviar.
  4. We wash the green lettuce leaves, let the water drain. Put on a dish. On top of it we place our sea salad. Top can be decorated as in the photo. The dish is ready!
  5. Such a seafood salad can be classified as a diet food if the mayonnaise is taken low-calorie or if the salad is seasoned with a light sauce in olive oil. If we season it with classic mayonnaise, we get a hearty and healthy holiday salad.

Salad of squid and crab sticks, gourmet recipe

Salad of squid and crab sticks, the recipe of which we will describe today, can be prepared strictly following the recommendations or by turning on your imagination. The fact is that these two ingredients get along wonderfully with many products, so there are a lot of salad design options.

Classic approach

So, for starters, we present you a salad of squid and crab sticks (recipe with photo). Very tasty, unusually fresh and light, this salad is quite appropriate both on the festive table and in everyday cuisine.

So, we will need:
3 medium squid carcasses;
500 g crab sticks;
8 eggs;
a jar of canned corn;
400 kg of hard cheese;
300 g of mayonnaise;
salt, pepper to your taste.

Boil squid carcasses in salt water. Don't forget to add bay leaf to it. Let the carcasses boil for 10 minutes. We also boil hard-boiled eggs. We cut the crab sticks into cubes, the cheese into small strips (if you don’t want to mess around, you can just use a coarse grater). Finely chop the peeled eggs too.
Add canned corn and dress the salad with mayonnaise. Salt and pepper as you like. The salad is ready to eat!

Lightweight and useful

And here is another salad of squid and crab sticks, the recipe of which is not at all complicated. To prepare it, we need fresh herbs, and the most diverse: parsley, basil, cilantro, celery, dill. Finely chop the greens or tear with your hands, add chopped hands, mix. We combine the greens with finely chopped crab sticks (you need to take 200 grams of them). Topped with olive oil.

To prepare the salad, you need to take 1 fresh cucumber, cut it into circles. We also cut the boiled squid carcass into rings. Now we make a substrate for the salad from cucumbers, spread a mixture of greens and crab sticks on top, and decorate the top of this design with squid rings. Such a salad can be made in portions - for each guest. Or you can just put it on a large dish. It would be nice if you decorate this dish with pine nuts on top.

With cheese or ham

You can also make a more satisfying salad of squid and crab sticks. The recipe with ham is quite simple, but thanks to the mixture of flavors, it is very elegant. So, we take:
100 g crab sticks;
200 grams of ham;
2 boiled squid carcasses;
3 fresh tomatoes;
olives or olives;

Cut the ham into slices. On top of it we lay a circle of fresh tomato, a little smaller in size. Lubricate with mayonnaise and spread the next layer: chopped crab sticks mixed with parsley and mayonnaise. And we decorate the top of this salad “sandwich” with squid rings and olives or black olives.
By the way, you can safely put a toast or a piece of white bread under the ham, and then you will have not just a salad, but a full-fledged snack.

Bryndza will give a spicy taste to the dish if you add it to a salad of squid and crab sticks. The recipe is this:
300 grams of salted cheese;
200 grams of crab sticks;
3 squid carcasses;
100 grams of fat sour cream.

We cut all the ingredients finely enough, salt, add pepper, mix thoroughly with sour cream and send our dish to the refrigerator. There, the salad will harden and become so thick that it can be safely spread on croutons or sandwiches.

Fish variations

It will be very tasty if you add boiled or fried fish to a salad of squid and crab sticks. The recipe with a photo of this dish looks very colorful, and in terms of calories, such a salad may well replace the second one.

So, we will need:
400 grams of low-fat fish fillet (perch, mackerel, pelengas, hake, halibut);
2 squid carcasses;
200 grams of crab sticks;
1 medium onion;
1 tomato;
flour for sauce
1 spoon of tomato paste;
salt, herbs.

Boil the fish in pieces, put them on a dish, decorate with squid rings and crab sticks, cut into strips. Tomatoes, cut into rings, lightly fry in a pan on both sides, put them on top. We cut the onion into cubes, passer, add a spoonful of flour and tomato sauce and dilute with water to make a thick sauce. Pour our high-calorie salad with this sauce and decorate with herbs.
This salad can be served cold or hot.

Salad with squid, crab sticks and corn

Well-known TV presenter, writer and blogger Yulia Vysotskaya suggests cooking a salad with squid, crab sticks and corn. To prepare this snack dish, you need:

  • 250 grams of natural crab sticks;
  • a small squid carcass;
  • 1 can of two hundred grams of sweet canned corn;
  • large fresh cucumber;
  • pitted black olives gamma 100 - 130;
  • 3 tablespoons of fat mayonnaise.

First you need to boil the squid carcass until fully cooked in salt water with the addition of a sprig of dill (this is about 3 minutes), cool it under running water and carefully cut into slices. Then it is necessary to pour boiling water over the crab sticks without a film for 10 minutes.

Salad with squid, crab sticks and fish

Salad with squid and crab sticks, the recipe can be varied not only with vegetables, but with other seafood. Try to cook a light salad "Fresh Breeze". To prepare this salad with squid and crab sticks, you will definitely need:

  • 270 grams of boiled squid;
  • 100 grams of your favorite crab sticks or frozen crab meat;
  • 40 grams of red granular caviar;
  • 6 chicken eggs;
  • 150 grams of boiled pike perch;
  • mayonnaise and salt to taste.

Here, instead of the usual crab sticks, you can alternatively use pressed or frozen crab meat.

Salad with squid and crab meat also turns out very tasty. Boiled squid meat (canned meat can be used) should be finely chopped, fish fillet should be boiled until cooked and also chopped. In addition, you need to boil the eggs to the state of "hard-boiled" and cut. In a deep bowl, you need to mix all the ingredients for sea salad with squid and crab sticks. Then the salad needs to be salted, you can add a little greenery and season with mayonnaise to taste.

Any salad with crab sticks and squid always turns out very tasty and juicy for any hostess, you can cook it for a holiday or just serve it on the table during a family dinner.

Salads with shrimp, crab sticks and squid are welcome guests on the festive table - they are light and tasty, and everyone knows about their benefits. For those who follow the figure, it is advisable to eat snacks with seafood at least twice a week. How to cook a delicious Seafood salad, where shrimp, tender squid and crab meat are the main ingredients? In fact, there are only a few recipes for sea salad, but they can be prepared differently each time, thanks to the dressings, which we will also discuss on this Popular Health page today.

Salad: squid, shrimp and crab sticks

The simplest seafood salad includes the ingredients listed above, as well as an egg. Sometimes red caviar is used to decorate the finished dish. With her participation, the appetizer acquires an even more interesting taste, and it looks more elegant.

Ingredients: shrimp - 400 g; squid - 2 carcasses; crab sticks - 200 g; eggs - 4; mayonnaise - 50 g; sour cream - 50 g; red caviar - 50 g.

First you need to boil the eggs. Putting them on the stove, let's take care of the shrimp. It happens that they are sold ready-made in the freezing department. If your package says "Boiled", then it remains only to defrost them and pour boiling water for literally 3-5 minutes. After that, the marine inhabitants need to be cleaned of shells, remove their heads.

If your shrimp are frozen fresh, they should be boiled in salted water for about 4 minutes. We clean the shells and remove the heads. We put the shrimp meat in a salad bowl.

Now boil water in a kettle and prepare two bowls - put the squid carcasses in one, and pour ice water in the other. Pour boiling water over the squids, wait 30-40 seconds, then quickly transfer the carcasses to ice water with a slotted spoon. Now a thin film can be easily removed from them. Carefully remove a thin, hard plate from the inside of the carcasses.

Squid cut into strips about 3-4 cm long. We shift them into a salad bowl. Boiled eggs cut into cubes. Crab sticks need to be chopped not very large, like eggs. We mix sour cream and mayonnaise, season the salad and mix everything well with a spatula.

Taste the dish for salt, add salt if necessary. We shift everything into a beautiful clean salad bowl and decorate with eggs on top. This is the easiest sea salad recipe, classic. If you want, you can arrange it in layers, and lightly sprinkle with chopped dill on top, but do not overdo it with greens, since the whole charm of the dish lies in its light, unobtrusive taste of seafood.

Salad: crab sticks, squid and fried shrimp

Ingredients: shrimp, squid, crab sticks - 200 g each; cucumber - 1; tomato - 1; lettuce leaves - 10; olives - 50 g; lemon - 1; olive oil - 60 g; salt; garlic - 1 clove, ground black pepper; mustard - 0.5 tsp

We clean the shrimp and fry them in a pan. Then dip the squid carcasses in boiling water for 30 seconds and transfer to a bowl of ice water. We remove the skin from them, remove the insides. Cut the carcasses into thin strips. Squids also need to be lightly fried. Chop the crab sticks into medium cubes. We wash vegetables and lettuce, dry with napkins. We cut the cucumbers into strips, and the tomato into cubes. Arrange lettuce leaves on a large platter. Put crab sticks on top, then squid and shrimp. We decorate the surface with olives. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice. Now let's prepare the sauce. Combine oil, mustard, juice of half a lemon, crushed garlic and salt. We grind everything well and pour over our salad. From the smell of this dish alone, profuse salivation can begin! More to the table!

Seafood salad dressings

For sea salads use different dressing sauces. We invite you, dear guests of the site, to take note of a couple of the most successful recipes.

spicy sauce: mix a spoonful of mustard (it is better to take a delicate one) with an equal amount of sugar. Add the juice of half a lemon, olive oil (about 80 g), a little salt and dried garlic. You can also use fresh garlic if you don't mind the smell. We mix the ingredients and season the sea salad.

Dressing with soy sauce: pour soy sauce (30 ml) into a bowl, squeeze the same amount of lemon juice to it, add olive oil (50 ml), salt, put a little black pepper and 3-4 leaves of basil. If fresh is not available, use dried. You can also add garlic to this sauce if you like. Mix ingredients and dress salad.

The most common and beloved sauce is mayonnaise-sour cream, but it can also be supplemented a little if you put fragrant spices here - basil or a mixture of Provence herbs. Shrimps get their most pronounced taste if, after cooking, they are sprinkled with fresh lime juice a little.

Salad "Sea" with crab sticks, shrimp and squid is a healthy low-calorie dish worthy of taking a place on the festive table. All the ingredients in it contain a huge amount of phosphorus, iodine and other substances necessary for health. Therefore, we recommend that you cook it not only for special occasions, but also sometimes include it in the menu on weekdays. Of course, this dish is quite expensive, but the benefits of it are obvious.

This salad is called "Royal" or "Royal" because it contains red caviar - a product that is quite expensive and not everyday for many. And, of course, they serve it, as a rule, on the festive table. It should be noted that even without red caviar, the salad is quite tasty and satisfying, but at the same time light. All products in it are well combined and complement each other. The neutral, unexpressed taste of squid emphasizes the onion. Eggs and cheese give a velvety taste. Crab sticks add juiciness and a slight fishy note. And red caviar has its own special, salty taste. Dress the salad with mayonnaise. It is better to cook it yourself, but if you take it in a store, then it should be of good quality. This also applies to crab sticks. Do not save money, their manufacturer must have a good reputation in the market. This juicy, healthy and tasty salad will delight your guests and loved ones.


  • squid - 1 pc.
  • crab sticks - 120 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • purple onion - 1 pc.;
  • red caviar - 40 g;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • salt - to taste.


The salad is prepared very quickly and the most time-consuming task here is to properly boil the squid. For two large servings of salad, you need one large squid or two small ones. If the squids are frozen, then defrost them. Under a stream of cold water, remove the film and entrails, as well as cartilage.

Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil and put the squid. Boil for three minutes. This time is enough for them to cook and not become rubber.

Start cutting all the salad ingredients. Crab sticks or crab meat, which is the same, finely chop and put in a salad bowl.

Hard boil the eggs. To do this, put them in a saucepan, fill with cold water. Add a tablespoon of salt to the water. This will prevent the egg white from leaking out if there was a crack in it. From the moment of boiling, boil the eggs for 10 minutes and turn off. After the egg, rinse with cold water, peel and finely chop. Add to salad.

Grate any hard cheese of your choice, such as "Russian", on a coarse grater and also put it in a salad bowl.

Peel red or purple onions, wash, cut into half rings and add to the salad. You can take white lettuce. In extreme cases, chop the usual yellow onion and pour boiling water over it, hold it in it for several minutes to remove the bitterness. Green onions also work here.

Cut the boiled squid into thin strips and add to the salad.

Salt all the salad ingredients to taste, season with mayonnaise.

Stir the salad.

Put the salad in a beautiful plate or dish, garnish with red caviar and serve. Salad with seafood looks truly like a royal one.


  • In order to make the salad even richer, you can replace crab sticks with shrimp.
  • You can use any shrimp, both small and tiger, royal ones are suitable. Small shrimp can be mixed with the rest of the ingredients. And large decorate the salad in a circle.
  • Also be sure to try cooking.

In past issues, we reviewed various salads with squid and crab sticks. And at the request of readers, we decided to combine the best recipes into one big issue. Moreover, the New Year is ahead, and on the festive New Year's table (new year of the white metal rat), you will see the best selection ...

I bring to your attention surprisingly tender and beautiful salads with squid and crab sticks. This is not only a healthy dish, but also quick to prepare and will suit any rich table. And I promise you for the quality you will not have to blush in front of your acquaintances and friends.

The most delicious salads with squid and crab sticks, according to classic recipes 2020

As you know, the taste of these marine inhabitants is neither fish nor meat. But when they are in a salad, there are no substitutes for them and they complement their palatability well with other ingredients. For example: with shrimps, mussels, as well as vegetables or cereals. So let's prepare squid salads with crab sticks and other products for the New Year and holiday table. They will be a good snack for you and your guests.

Salad Neptune with squid and crab sticks

Neptune is easy to prepare and tastes amazing. Do you want to surprise your guests with an exotic salad, which is not just some vinaigrette or Russian salad, but a dish that you will not find in any eatery. Then I will share with you the secret of cooking this recipe. I think you will like it and you will make it not only for the holidays, but also on weekdays.


  • Squids - 400 gr.;
  • Rice - 250 gr.;
  • Crab sticks or better crab meat - 200 gr.;
  • Seaweed - 1 small jar;
  • Canned corn - 150 gr.;
  • Mayonnaise - 200 gr.;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Shrimps - 150 gr.;
  • Caviar - 100 gr.

1. Rinse the rice well, pour 1 cup of rice with two cups of water and cook over low heat until it boils completely.

2. We free seaweed, corn from cans and drain the water.

3. If you have a frozen squid, we defrost it, but not completely, so that when we pour boiling water to clean the mollusk, it will not boil with us. You will see how the film begins to curl, immediately put the squid under cold water. She will wash off this film, and what remains of it we will clean off with a knife.

Do not forget to remove one more film inside and out, so the meat will be more tender.

Cook the squids in a saucepan with plenty of water. We add salt to it and, when it boils, we throw in the clams. After re-boiling, we take them out. Let them cool down.

The most important thing in cooking is not to digest them, otherwise they will become rubbery and not tasty.

4. Crab sticks cut into cubes.

5. We take the shrimp and throw them into boiling salted water and wait until it boils again. Cook for 1-2 minutes, then take out and clean. First we rack our brains, then the shell with legs, and just push and pull on the tail, it will come out by itself. At the bend, we make an incision with a sharp knife and take out the intestines.

If you do not remove the intestinal tract from the shrimp, it can be bitter, so we remove and enjoy the taste.

6. Now we take and cut the squids and put rice, crab sticks, seaweed, corn, shrimp there, salt to taste. Add mayonnaise. We mix everything, and put red caviar on top for decoration.

Well, that's all our salad is ready, we bring it to the table. Bon Appetit!

Salad sea cocktail - with shrimp, squid and crab sticks

This sea cocktail salad is worthy of taking a place on the festive table. He, to be honest, will surprise not only you, but also all your guests and relatives. Of course, you won’t cook it every day, but for such feasts as the new year or a birthday, it will be the best salad on the table. Well, now let's start cooking, I want everyone to try.


  • Mussels - 250 gr.;
  • Crab meat (crab sticks) - 250 gr.;
  • Octopuses - 250 gr.;
  • Squid - 1 pc.;
  • Small shrimps - 250 gr.;
  • Royal shrimps - 250 gr.;
  • Green radish - 1 pc. medium size;
  • Fish Red - 200 gr.;
  • Capelin caviar as a dressing - 250 gr.;
  • Black peppercorns - 5 - 6 pcs.;
  • Greens (dill, onion, parsley) - to taste;
  • Coriander - a pinch;
  • Fresh lemon juice - 0.5 teaspoon.

1. Shrimps can be taken ready-made, cleaned. We tear off the head, then the tail, remove the torso with legs. The core remains, and that's what we need.

2. Cut the fish. Grinding is not necessary for this salad.

3. Crab sticks (you can crab meat) cut in the same way.

4. First we will prepare the octopuses. Cut off and discard the head with all its insides (ink bag, eyes) and rinse well under running water. Next, cook the octopus only under a closed lid and salt only at the very end.

If you have a large octopus, cook for 1 hour.

Cook medium sized for 20 minutes.

We cook small ones for 7-10 minutes (frozen seafood is cooked for the same time).

Tentacles are also 7-8 minutes. They cook the fastest.

5. Cut the legs of the octopuses into 2 parts.

6. Now we take a radish, only green. The other will not work with this salad. We cut into cubes. It will add juiciness to the salad.

8. Crush black pepper, coriander in a mortar or wrap in a napkin and turn into crumbs with a rolling pin.

10. Well, now we begin to collect. First we throw out the fish.

11. Then mussels.

12. Shrimps and crab sticks.

13. Squids and carved octopuses.

14. Radish, salt and spices to taste. Sprinkle everything with lemon.

15. Then throw in the capelin caviar and mix.

16. Put onion, parsley, dill on top and knead again.

Let's brew for 20 minutes.

Royal salad with squid, red caviar and crab sticks. Sea salads with squid

If you want to cook the perfect dish for any holiday or celebration, then this salad is perfect.

I first tried this dish for the new year and I liked it so much that I just started to surprise everyone and cook it for almost every holiday, be it the new year, birthday or March 8th. And my wife is especially delighted. She likes him very much. Let's try it and you will see for yourself.


  • Red caviar - 1 jar;
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.;
  • Squids - 500 gr.;
  • Potato - 2 pcs.;
  • Egg - 6 pcs.;
  • Crab sticks - 200 gr.;
  • Mayonnaise - 200 gr.;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

1. First, let's clean the squids. If you have frozen squids, then take them out of the refrigerator, pour boiling water for exactly 2 minutes, but no more. You will notice how the film begins to curl up, then pull them out of the boiling water and immediately lower them into ice water. Scrape off the rest with a knife. How to clean a whole squid is described in this recipe

But do not forget that there is still a thin film. We remove it too. And the meat will be much softer.

2. We put the squids to cook. Bring the salted water to a boil, throw it in and wait until the water boils again. We take out the clam.

It is ready, cut it into strips.

3. Now boil and chop the potatoes.

It is not necessary to put a lot of potatoes and cheese, so as not to clog the taste of caviar and squid.

4. Boil and clean the eggs. We cut only the protein, we do not need the yolk for this salad.

5. Crab sticks are also chopped into strips.

6. Three cheese on a fine grater.

7. Take a salad bowl. We put squid, crab sticks, protein, potatoes, cheese, salt, pepper in it and mix everything with mayonnaise. Pour red caviar and greens on top.

This salad can also be layered. Lay caviar and mayonnaise between each layer. But how you do it is up to you. The taste will not be affected at all.

What a beautiful and delicious salad. Put it on the table, the guests will be pleased.

Royal salad with shrimp, squid and red caviar

An elegant and rich salad will not leave anyone indifferent: neither you nor your relatives. It is suitable as a New Year's salad and will be a good snack for the festive table.

I found this dish too expensive in terms of ingredients. Therefore, I make it only for the new year and all the guests are crazy about it.


  • Squids - 600 gr.;
  • Shrimps - 500 gr.;
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack, but canned crab meat is best;
  • Caviar - 140 gr.;
  • Eggs -5 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste.

1. Cook and clean squids. We cut them into strips, how to do this, see above.

2. Cook shrimp in boiling, slightly salted water. The smaller they are, the faster they cook. Cooking should be 1-2 minutes after boiling water. When they are cooked, they should float and the shell will become slightly transparent.

Be sure to throw the shrimp into boiling water, otherwise they will lose their taste and not digest them yet, otherwise they will become rubbery and not juicy.

Then drain the water through a colander. We clean the shrimp from the shell. We tear off the head, shell with legs and remove the tail, just press on it and pull it out. Don't forget to make an incision in the shrimp's bend and pull out the intestinal tract. Thanks to this, our dish will not be bitter.

3. Crab sticks cut into strips. If you have canned crab meat, it's best to use that.

4. Finely chop the egg white, you can use the yolk for another salad.

5. It is better to make this dish in layers. Squid, shrimp, crab meat, protein, and between them a thin layer of mayonnaise and caviar.

6. Decorate with caviar and shrimp on top, you can add greens.

All the salad is ready, have a good holiday.

Nautilus salad recipe with squid and crab sticks

This salad can be made for any holidays, including New Year's. He looks very bright. Just right for the holiday table. Believe me, when I made it, everyone was shocked by such a taste and therefore I want to write to you how to cook it. I'm sure everyone who eats it will love it.


  • Squids - 1 pc.;
  • Crab sticks - 250 gr.;
  • Red caviar - 80 gr.;
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • Onion - half;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - to taste;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste.

For marinade:

  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Vinegar 6% - 2 teaspoons.

1. First we need to boil the squid. But in order to do this, you need to clean them. How to clean squid I have written in this article in the recipe for Triton salad. Therefore, we will not be distracted by cleaning.

Throw the cleaned squid into a saucepan with salted water. Bring to a boil and take out.

But do not digest squids, otherwise they will become rubbery and tasteless.

2. We cut the boiled mollusk into strips.

3. Grind cucumbers also into stripes.

4. Boil the eggs and cut them finely, first along and then across.

5. We clean the onion and chop it in half rings.

If you want the salad to be tastier, pickle the onion. To do this, take a cup, put it there, add sugar, salt, add vinegar and pour boiling water. Let it stand for 30-40 minutes. Then drain the water and rinse the onion in cold water.

6. Finely chop the greens.

7. Now cut the crab sticks into squares.

8. Now we put squids, cucumbers, eggs, pickled onions, herbs, crab sticks, caviar, mayonnaise in a salad bowl and mix everything.

Happy holidays to you, sit down at the table.

Triton salad with squid crab sticks and ham

This salad can be put on a festive or New Year's table as a good snack. And of course you can do it every day, like regular food. This dish is very easy to prepare. It not only has few ingredients, but also the products are cheap. Well, now let's start our preparation.


  • Squids - 600 gr.;
  • Crab sticks - 340 gr.;
  • Ham - 400 gr.;
  • Salt pepper - to taste;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons.

1. First, clean the squid from the film, if you have them whole. We take and hold the head with one hand, and with the other we pull the carcass and separate the head along with the entrails.

2. If you have fresh squid, then the film is removed with one hand movement. And frozen ones must first be thawed and poured with boiling water, exactly for 2 minutes, no more! The film will immediately begin to curl. Then we put it in cold water and clean off the remnants with a knife.

But do not forget that inside and outside there is another film that also needs to be removed so that the meat is tender and tasty.

4. Everything has been cleaned, now it is ready for further use. Let's boil the clam first. In a saucepan, when the water boils, throw salt, then squid.

The fact is that squids need to be boiled in salted water so that they take in as much salt as they need. If you do not salt, then it will be too late. They will not take in the right amount and we will not achieve good taste as a result.

5. Without leaving the pan, as the water starts to boil (the first bubbles appear), cook for exactly one minute. Take out and let cool on their own at room temperature. There are many ways to cook squid, but this is my favorite.

6. Cut them into thin strips.

7. We take crab sticks and grind in the same way.

9. Then we mix all the ingredients that we got, salt, pepper and add mayonnaise.

Well, our inexpensive and tasty dish is ready, sit down at the table please!

We have such a wonderful collection. Some of the recipes you probably have not even heard of. But now, knowing them, you must certainly prepare them. Be sure to treat your loved ones with a ready-made dish. From such a taste, they will be simply delighted and will certainly want to know a couple of recipes!