How to fry pancakes without oil in a pan. One of the many recipes for such pancakes is how to bake Moroccan pancakes.

20.06.2021 Grill menu

I have been eyeing these pancakes for a long time. I saw a lot of recipes, sometimes zamorochny!
Basically, in recipes, everything starts with semolina. And here, with pain.
The main difference between Moroccan pancakes is the cooking technique! They are fried on one side only and over low heat and without oil.
I liked the pancakes, very supple, weightless, just silk!
Fried in a dry frying pan!
Contains minuscule oils!
At first it seems that they stuck, but as they fry, they are removed from the pan perfectly!
The reverse side is white, it does not fry! She, as the pancake is fried, becomes shiny, nothing sticks to her!
And by themselves, they are quite light, but very pliable!
I tried them with different fillings - with jam, with cottage cheese, with vegetables, with meat.

Would need:
Wheat flour - 150 g
Semolina - 50 g
Sugar - 1/2 tsp
Salt - 1 pinch.
Yeast (dry) - 1/2 tsp
Baking powder - 1/2 tsp
Vegetable oil - 1/2 tsp.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Water (hot, but not boiling water) - 350 ml

Everything is ready very quickly!
We mix all the dry ingredients - flour, semolina, sugar, salt, yeast and baking powder. Add vegetable oil, yolk and hot water, mix until smooth, without lumps. The dough should be like regular pancakes! Bake immediately in a hot dry frying pan over low heat.

Pour a little dough, the dough is distributed by itself. I poured the batter onto a non-stick frying pan with a ladle. Bake the pancake on one side only.

We take it off and put it to rest.

This is how they turn out!

Pancakes in a pile, while they are hot, it is better not to stack!

Are you having a hell of a week? We too!

These tender apple pancakes are my latest invention.

They have 50% less flour, no eggs, and are kneaded with applesauce. Such pancakes can be either thick, like American ones, or thin, like we are used to.

Pancakes are airy, porous and very tasty!
I am sure that you will cook them for your breakfast more than once. Very tasty with honey! Ready? Let's try!

We will need: (12 pieces)

1/2 cup oatmeal

1/2 cup flour

1/4 teaspoon baking soda (I use baking powder)

3 art. spoons of sugar-free applesauce

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

3.5-4 tbsp. spoons of sugar

1 cup (250 ml) almond or any other milk

Cinnamon to taste

Grind oatmeal in a blender to a state of flour.

Mix with flour, soda, sugar. We combine mashed potatoes, vinegar, milk.

Knead the dough and add cinnamon to it.

Lubricate the pan only once with oil and bake our pancakes.

Remember that the more sugar in pancakes, the more rosy they will come out.
Cool on a wooden surface to allow the pancakes to give off excess moisture.

Ready! Serve with honey, jam or yogurt!
Bon Appetit!

Is it possible to fry pancakes without oil?

    See what is meant. I use ordinary pans, I don’t grease with oil, but when kneading the dough I add a little to it. Pancakes fry well and never burn. Well, it is important before you bake the first pancake, warm the pans well.

    Of course you can, if you have a non-stick frying pan.

    If you are using an ordinary frying pan, then there is a little trick, thanks to which you do not need to pour oil on it. It is necessary to add oil to the dough when kneading, then the pancakes will not be greasy.

    If you immediately pour the oil that you would have spent on frying into the dough, then you will be able to fry without oil. In general, in our time there are a lot of exotic dishes on which you can cook without oil.

    You can fry pancakes without oil. And without milk you can - there are such recipes ... But is it worth it? By the way fry pancakes without butter - does this mean not to lubricate the pan or not to grease pancakes with each other? Again, you can. And so and so.

    And about the usefulness ... Pancakes, rather, are still not the most useful product in principle. But what a delicious one! Maximum benefit you can get from them by cooking them the way you like (both with butter and sour cream ...) and eating a reasonable amount. Without scolding yourself for calories and not thinking about harm.

    Of course you can, but only pancakes without oil can burn and most likely they will not be as tasty as with it. In order for them not to burn, you need to use dishes with a Teflon or ceramic coating, and you need to add to the dough when kneading.

    In a well-heated frying pan, you can fry pancakes with little or no oil. You can just stick a piece of lard on a fork. And lightly grease the pan after 2-3 pancakes. The main secret is to keep the pan hot!

    You can fry pancakes without oil and this is practiced in a pan with a non-stick coating. This can be a Teflon pan, or a ceramic coating in a pan.

    Just in advance, when preparing dough for pancakes, you need to add vegetable oil.

    Below is the easiest recipe for making pancakes without oil, and for this purpose you will need:

    one chicken egg

    150 grams of milk, or curdled milk

    half a teaspoon of sugar

    half a teaspoon of salt

    one hundred grams of hot water

    three tablespoons of vegetable oil

    If you add a little vegetable oil to the pancake dough, then it is perfectly fried in a Teflon pan without greasing the pan with oil. The pancake slides and flips easily. It is also possible on cast iron, but it is necessary to monitor the degree of heating of the plate, the temperature regime is not very strong. And still fry the first pancake in a slightly greased frying pan

    On modern pans you can. If it still sticks, then it is better to add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the dough.

    But in my opinion, pancakes made completely without butter are not as tasty as pancakes with butter.

    But still, you should add oil to the pancake dough. Now the pans are almost all with some kind of coating that nothing sticks to them, so you can fry without oil))

    I always grease the bottom of the pan with a piece of lard. Then there is not much oil from it and the pancake does not stick)))

For the dough, beat the eggs with salt and sugar, pour in the milk and add the sifted flour. I liked the proportion of flour:liquid, as I gave in the recipe (eggs are not included). Therefore, I fixed it for myself in this recipe, and in total it took 6 tablespoons of flour.

Knead the dough and grind well so that there are no lumps. Add water and beat well again. I usually whip with a blender, but this time I decided to do everything manually.
Insidious lumps were disguised as "perfect pancake dough", but I brought them to "clean water" by straining the dough through a colander.

Pour vegetable oil into the dough, mix. Now let's prepare the pan.
So that the "first pancake" is not lumpy, I pour a couple of tablespoons of salt into a heated frying pan, ignite and discard the salt, wipe it clean with a paper towel. Beware, it's hot! Salt collects soot, invisible to the eye, degreases. We get a flat, clean surface, nothing will prevent the dough from falling behind the pan. You need to fry from 2 sides until golden brown.

For the first pancake, I pour a little oil into the pan, fry in a very hot pan over low heat. So the edges don't burn. Then you do not need to pour in the oil, the pancakes will fry themselves. For one pancake we take 50 ml of dough. In general, you need to focus on the size of the pan. I have a small pancake pan.

Pancakes turned out thin, ruddy, porous, do not tear when wrapped.

From the specified amount of products, 16 pancakes were obtained.
There is also enough toppings for all pancakes.

While pancakes are gradually frying, we prepare the filling (we do not weaken our attention to pancakes, we look).
Finely chop the onion, fry.

Add minced meat and mix with onions, fry over medium heat until cooked. I stewed under the lid in my own juice. Then we put finely chopped greens, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, salt, pepper, we take spices to taste. Mix and the meat filling is ready!

For each pancake we take 1 tbsp. fillings, wrap in an envelope.

Serve with sour cream, herbs, vegetable salad.

Bon Appetit!

Cook with pleasure, I really liked the dough recipe. No doubt you will get great empanadas!

For the sake of enlightenment, I dug into the spiritual literature - and was very, very surprised. On Maslenitsa, it turns out, our ancestors did not eat meat. And now we eat it and overeat, trying to eat up the entire Great Lent, as if it were possible.

The true meaning that was originally invested in the Maslenitsa holiday was not anarchist fun before sorrow, but preparation for a great event - spiritual growth through the pacification of the flesh. It is preparation, that is, a smooth transition to abstinence. Therefore, meat is no longer allowed to be eaten on Shrovetide week, while fish, eggs and dairy products are still allowed.

I think it will be very right to revive a lost tradition, and on Maslenitsa week there are pancakes with fish, caviar, cottage cheese, and sweet ones, of course. If you follow this tradition, you see, people will stop eating pancakes with fish and meat at the same time, which is extremely harmful to the body.

By the way, I’ll immediately note to omnivorous citizens that pancakes with meat or fish need to be spaced apart in time, and make a solid break of 3-4 hours. Pancakes by themselves are already quite heavy food, and if you also throw salmon with boiled pork into the stomach at the same time, then, as they say, “I don’t answer for the consequences.” For some, this mess may be digested without problems, but for some, the pancreas will rebel.

Recently, many recipes for "low-calorie" pancakes have appeared. Basically, these recipes recommend replacing wheat flour with buckwheat and other cereals. However, if you look at the calorie table, you can see with the naked eye that the calorie content of different types of flour is almost the same - 300 “with a penny”. Oh, we are not looking for the root of evil here - it is in a completely different root.

In order for Maslenitsa not to cause damage to our health, we need to get rid of the component that is already in the very name of the holiday - oil. But first we must find it. So, when do we oversaturate pancakes with oil?

First. When we pour it into the dough, so that the pancakes are well removed from the pan. But any housewife baking in a cast iron or alloy skillet knows that won't help. The pan will still need to be greased. So we get extra oil in pancakes.

Second. It follows from the first one, you just need to compare the amount of oil poured into the dough so that they are removed, and the amount that is required only for greasing the pan - the difference will be very decent. It takes much less oil to simply lubricate the pan.

Third. Many housewives necessarily lubricate the hot pancake with butter. And is it right? It all depends on the filling. If salmon or caviar is supposed to be such, then the pancake with butter will turn into butter with pancake. Another thing is if we eat pancakes with jam, jam, fruit or just milk.

fourth. If you look carefully, then excess oil can easily be found in the filling. I have already said about salmon and caviar, and many people have salad mixes prepared for pancakes from a variety of products, and some of them are seasoned with mayonnaise! That's where the uncounted fat accumulated! To get rid of excess oil, it would be good to think about the filling and not oversaturate it with fats.

Fifth. According to tradition, pancakes should be eaten throughout Shrove Tuesday. And this is again excess oil in the body. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you do not abandon the tradition, no, but simply reduce the number of pancakes taken daily. 1-2 per day is enough.

And the last. The real Maslenitsa celebration takes place on Saturday and Sunday. Oh, how good it would be if people didn’t overeat on buttered pancakes on these very days!