Second courses with cereals. The best cereal dishes: recipes

01.07.2021 Vegetable dishes

The useful properties of cereals are so diverse that every housewife is simply obliged to include dishes from them in the daily menu for her family. And the one who believes that cereal dishes are exclusively cereals and nothing more is very mistaken! In fact, cereal dishes and side dishes are a full-fledged culinary section that has received a lot of fans both for its high taste qualities and for its invaluable benefits.
True, in order for this benefit to be maximum, it is imperative to adhere to the simple rules that require the preparation of cereal dishes. For example, few people know how to cook buckwheat in such a way that from the usual way of satisfying hunger, it becomes a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. If everyone in your family loves buckwheat dishes, it's time to surprise them with something new - what we offer you.
Another popular cereal among housewives is rice. Cooking rice involves a lot of options, so those who categorically state that they don’t like cereal porridge in general and rice in particular have simply never tried the rice recipes offered on our website. We will be happy to tell you how to cook pilaf so that it turns out crumbly, but at the same time soft and juicy, we will offer you semolina dishes, as well as various oatmeal recipes - in other words, we will do our best to dishes from cereals and pasta have become guests of honor on your table!
In addition, in this section, you will learn how to cook rice, depending on its variety and purpose, i.e. for what purposes you are going to use it in the future. There are some nuances about how to cook porridge - after all, even such a simple process requires certain rules that can change for each type of cereal.


Spelled with meat in a slow cooker

Ingredients: spelled, meat, carrots, onions, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, dill, basil, water

Spelled - porridge is not only healthy, but also very tasty. If you want to cook a hearty meal for the whole family with it, use our recipe for spelt with meat in a slow cooker.
- 1-1.5 tbsp. spelled;
- 400-500 g of meat;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 40-50 ml of vegetable oil;
- 0.75 tsp salt;
- 1 pinch of black pepper;
- 1 pinch of dried dill;
- 1 pinch of basil;
- 2-3 tbsp. water or broth.


Delicious spelt with vegetables in a slow cooker

Ingredients: spelled, carrot, onion, water, salt, vegetable oil, pepper mixture

Spelled with vegetables cooked in a slow cooker is very tasty and satisfying. If you watch your diet, then you will certainly enjoy this healthy dish.

- 1 tbsp. spelled;
- 100 g of carrots;
- 120 g of onion;
- 2 tbsp. water;
- 0.5 tsp salt;
- 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- a mixture of ground peppers to taste.


How to cook spelled on water

Ingredients: spelled, butter, olive oil, salt, water

Spelled porridge is a hearty and tasty dish, which is also quite healthy. It is easy to cook, even with water. We will be happy to tell you all the details of this process.

- 200 g of whole spelled;
- 25 g butter;
- 5 ml of olive oil;
- 3 g of salt;
- 300 ml of water.


Spelled with mushrooms

Ingredients: spelled, champignon, onion, tomato, tomato paste, garlic, dill, parsley, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, paprika, pepper

Spelled with mushrooms is a very tasty, satisfying and healthy dish, as, indeed, all recipes with spelled. This is a great option for a homemade lunch or dinner. Spelled with mushrooms will also appeal to those who fast.

- 220 g of whole grain spelled;
- 180 g of champignons;
- 150 g of onion;
- 70 g of tomatoes;
- 40 g of tomato paste;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 25 g of dill, parsley;
- vegetable oil;
- salt;
- sugar;
- paprika;
- pepper.


Spelled pilaf with meat

Ingredients: beef, spelt, onion, carrot, barberry, garlic, chili pepper, bay fox, pepper, cumin, coriander, paprika, salt, vegetable oil

You can cook many delicious and interesting dishes from spelled, one of them is pilaf with meat. This is a great option for a hearty lunch or dinner for the whole family.

- 500 gr of beef;
- 350 gr spelled;
- 120 gr of onions;
- 150 gr carrots;
- 1 tbsp barberry;
- 1 head of garlic;
- 1 chili pepper;
- 2-3 bay leaves;
- pepper;
- cumin;
- coriander;
- ground sweet paprika;
- salt;
- vegetable oil.


Risotto with shrimps in creamy sauce

Ingredients: onion, garlic, cream, butter, dill, wine, rice, parmesan, shrimp, peas

Risotto is a dish with a rich history and many cooking options. I offer you a recipe for risotto with shrimp in a creamy sauce.


- a glass of white wine
- a glass of arborio rice,
- 2 tablespoons olive oil,
- 50 grams of parmesan,
- 200 grams of shrimp,
- 130 grams of fresh green peas,
- 1 onion,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 170 grams of cream,
- 15-20 grams of butter,
- Dill.


Pasta casserole with minced meat in a slow cooker

Ingredients: pasta, minced meat, onion, pepper mixture, salt, vegetable oil, hard cheese, tomato paste

If you are too lazy to cook or don’t have time at all, and it’s time for lunch or dinner, I advise you to cook a very tasty pasta casserole with minced meat in a slow cooker.


- pasta - 500 grams,
- minced meat - 350 grams,
- bow - 1 pc.,
- a mixture of peppers - half a teaspoon,
- salt,
- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp,
- hard cheese - 150 grams,
- tomato paste - 1 tbsp.


Buckwheat porridge with army-style stew

Ingredients: buckwheat, water, stew, carrots, onions, salt, pepper

So as not to talk about army cuisine, but buckwheat porridge with stew is very tasty and satisfying. Today I shared the recipe for buckwheat in the army with you.


- half a glass of buckwheat,
- glass of water,
- 350 grams of stew,
- 1 carrot,
- 1 onion,
- salt,
- black pepper.


Buckwheat porridge with onions and carrots

Ingredients: buckwheat, carrot, onion, water, vegetable oil, salt, pepper

Buckwheat porridge has always been popular, because it is so tasty, fragrant and appetizing. And how many benefits for the body in buckwheat! You can cook it in different ways. One of the options is suggested in the recipe with a photo.

Products for the recipe:
- buckwheat - 1 glass,
- one carrot,
- head of onion
- water - 2 glasses,
- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
- spices - to taste.


Scrub for the intestines from buckwheat and kefir

Ingredients: buckwheat, fat-free kefir, boiling water, salt, parsley, cranberries

Buckwheat and kefir make an excellent breakfast, which, moreover, acts as a scrub for the intestines. So this recipe is from the category of "two in one": both tasty and healthy. Try it, you will love it!
- 100 gr of buckwheat;
- 500 ml of fat-free kefir;
- 200 ml of boiling water;
- salt to taste;
- parsley or cranberries - for serving.


Chinese rice with vegetables

Ingredients: rice, bell pepper, carrot, onion, green onion, salt, sunflower oil, egg, soy sauce

Don't know what to cook as a side dish? Our tip is Chinese-style rice with vegetables. It is tasty and beautiful, and everyone likes it without exception. It also goes well with meat and fish.

- long-grain polished rice - 100 gr;
- Bulgarian pepper - 0.5 pcs;
- carrots - 0.5 pcs;
- onions - 0.5 pcs;
- green onions;
- soy sauce - 1-2 tablespoons;
- salt to taste;
- black pepper to taste;
- sunflower oil for frying;
- egg - 1 pc.


Rice with vegetables in the oven

Ingredients: rice, corn, beans, carrots, onion, garlic, pepper, celery, salt, pepper, paprika, oil

I really like rice, I cook many different tasty and satisfying dishes from it. Today I have described for you a great recipe for rice with vegetables in the oven.


- a glass of rice
- half a glass of canned corn,
- half a glass of asparagus beans,
- 1 carrot,
- 1 onion,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 1 sweet pepper,
- 2 stalks of celery,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- dry paprika,
- 30 ml. vegetable oils.


Shah pilaf in lavash

Ingredients: chicken, rice, onion, dried fruit, seasoning, lavash

If you want to cook a delicious and unusual pilaf, then make it according to our recipe - in pita bread. This dish is also called shah-pilaf or royal pilaf. It really comes out very interesting!
- 500 grams of chicken (breast or drumstick);
- 200 gr of rice;
- 1 onion;
- 200 gr dried fruits;
- seasoning for pilaf;
- 1 thin lavash.


Chicken tobacco in the oven

Ingredients: chicken, pepper, seasoning, lemon, salt, rice, water, oil

I suggest you cook a very tasty tender dish for the festive table - tobacco chicken in the oven. A detailed recipe for cooking is described in detail.


- 1 chicken,
- black pepper,
- Red pepper,
- hops-suneli,
- half a lemon
- salt,
- a glass of rice
- 0.75 cups of water,
- 50 ml. vegetable oil.


Buckwheat with mushrooms

Ingredients: buckwheat, water, mushroom, carrot, onion, salt, pepper, garlic, oil, dill

My family likes buckwheat dishes very much. Today I want to tell you how to cook delicious and satisfying buckwheat with mushrooms, onions and carrots.


- a glass of buckwheat,
- 2 glasses of water,
- 300 grams of champignons,
- 100 grams of carrots,
- 100 grams of onion,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 3 tablespoons vegetable oils,
- Dill.

The recipes with photos presented in the article will help every housewife to cook their favorite dish.

Cornmeal casserole

So, what kind of dishes can be prepared from cereals? Recipes for such dishes are very diverse. We suggest you cook a casserole of corn grits.

  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 30 grams of apples and carrots;
  • one egg;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 100 grams of corn grits;
  • salt and sugar (to taste);
  • butter (for lubrication);
  • boiled water (100 ml is required for boiling, 200 ml for soaking).

Cooking casserole: step by step instructions

Cornmeal soup

Continuing to describe the recipes for cooking cereals, we will tell you about this sunny and healthy soup. It is suitable for both children's and diet menus.

For cooking you will need:

  • two liters of water;
  • half a glass of corn grits;
  • five pieces of potatoes;
  • butter (to taste);
  • salt;
  • greens and black ground pepper;
  • large bulb;
  • one medium sized carrot.

soup cooking

  1. First prepare everything you need for the soup.
  2. Put water on the fire, salt it, bring to a boil.
  3. Sort through the corn grits, remove pebbles and debris. Rinse thoroughly.
  4. Then put the cereal in the water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cook until tender with the lid open. The process will take about forty minutes.
  5. Then chop the carrots, onions and potatoes. Throw in soup.
  6. Cook kharcho for about twenty minutes.
  7. Season the finished dish with herbs.

We looked at how cereals are prepared. The recipes with photos presented above will help every woman to make her favorite dish.


Now consider a dish that is prepared on the basis of several

If you are interested in dishes whose recipes are different, then pay attention to these cutlets. Such a dish is quite original. After all, they are prepared only from cereals. It turns out the food is very satisfying. You can not serve a side dish for such a dish, there will be enough sauce, such as sour cream.

If you are interested in dishes from barley groats, the recipes of which are both simple and complex, then pay attention to this dish. Indeed, in the composition of this dish there is this porridge.

  • one hundred grams of barley groats;
  • fifty grams of buckwheat, rice, as well as wheat groats;
  • one large tomato;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • two medium-sized eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • teaspoon ground pepper (black).

The cooking process: a step by step recipe

Kharcho from cereals

Continuing to consider dishes from cereals, recipes for their preparation, we will tell you about another dish called kharcho. Such a dish will diversify your everyday table. This soup turns out rich, satisfying and, of course, fragrant.

For cooking you will need:

  • three cloves of garlic;
  • half a glass of barley;
  • 300 grams of beef;
  • potato;
  • 50 grams of celery;
  • one onion;
  • potatoes (one piece);
  • one large carrot;
  • three medium cucumbers;
  • tomato paste (50 ml);
  • 1 st. a spoonful of tkemali;
  • spices (your choice).

Cooking kharcho


Polenta is an easy dish to prepare. It will appeal to those who monitor their figure and health. The advantage of food is that in addition to being healthy, it is also very tasty.

If you want not only to eat, but also to fill the body with useful trace elements, then pay attention to cereal dishes. The recipes that we consider will come in handy. We highly recommend trying this dish. Polenta is a dish that is of Italian origin. Such food in the sixteenth century was the main meal of the peasants.

In this dish, even after processing, useful properties remain. For digestion, such cereals are very useful.

For cooking you will need:

  • fifteen grams of salt;
  • 330 grams of corn grits;
  • 740 ml of water.

The process of making polenta

A small conclusion

Now you know how cereal dishes are prepared. The recipes that we described in the article will help you. We hope that our recommendations will help you in creating dishes from cereals.

  • The main dish of cereals is porridge. It can be crumbly, boiled in water, or viscous in milk. Often, liquid cereals, which are prepared for the smallest, are distinguished as a separate category. The former are served as a side dish for meat, fish or with vegetables. These are pilaf, risotto, polenta, paella, gouvech, grechotto. Dairy products are recommended for breakfast or an afternoon snack, supplemented with jam, berries, butter and honey. You can achieve the optimal consistency of porridge by observing the proportions of liquid and cereal.
  • Cereals are also used for cooking first courses. Kharcho, stews, sokhapur, akhudzratsa are amazing dishes from around the world.
  • During fasting or just for a light breakfast, cereal cutlets or meatballs are prepared. They can be steamed or fried in oil. Often served with sour cream, jam, fruit sauce. For a richer taste, cottage cheese is often added to the cereal.
  • Still favorite desserts of all are puddings, casseroles and cereals. Pureed ready-made cereals are mixed with flour or cottage cheese. Delicate and hearty treats are loved by both children and adults.

In the preparation of cereals do not cause difficulties even for novice cooks, but each dish has its own secrets. Vpuzo users are ready to talk about all the culinary intricacies and their own observations. Join our team and you will be able to leave your own recipes, add comments and get advice from real professionals.

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