Salmon salad with mushroom crab sticks. Salmon and crab sticks salad

09.06.2021 Beverages

The name "Tsarsky" speaks for itself. This means that it must be exceptional, with a delicious composition of ingredients, visually beautiful, and delicious! It is clear that you will not cook such a dish on weekdays. Indeed, it contains red fish, caviar, and seafood ... In a word, some goodies that we do not buy every day.

Therefore, such a dish is usually prepared for a holiday: for a birthday, for a celebration, or for the New Year! Sometimes with one salary you buy a jar of caviar, with another red fish, you can buy squids, crab sticks, shrimps at your leisure. Some of them are sold frozen, which means that you can also buy in reserve. Here, consider that the main ingredients for its preparation are ready. You can cook, and please, and surprise guests.

Although now lighter versions of this treat are being prepared, where not all delicacies are used at once, but only a part of them. There is also a so-called economy version, which uses canned pink salmon. And there is also an option where seafood and fish are not added at all, but chicken is used as the meat component.

But today we will prepare the most "royal" options. In them we will use everything to the maximum. To walk, to walk like that ... Although it seems to be not a holiday in the yard.

Therefore, I will arrange a holiday for my family today, and I will prepare different versions of this delicious treat. And I will share the recipes with you. It's nice when you have something to share!)))

Delicious "Tsar's cocktail" with salmon and seafood

Today I prepared three versions of this delicious treat at once. I did not expect any guests, so I used the very minimum of products. That is, the finished product I got about three servings. The photo will show what they are. But I will say right away that they are not small. Therefore, consider this for your situation, and calculate the products accordingly.

Although, I confess honestly, I do not observe any special proportions. I use everything by eye. But today I tried to measure everything on the scales so that the accuracy was all the same.

I designed all the options in different combinations. And this one I will cook in bowls. That is, you get such a portioned design in the form of a cocktail. But you can choose any design for yourself, even in portions, even in a common dish.

We need:

  • salmon - 150 gr
  • red caviar - 1 tbsp spoon
  • squid - 150 gr
  • shrimp - 150 gr
  • crab sticks - 100 gr
  • hard cheese - 70 gr
  • egg - 2 pcs (proteins)
  • onion - 1 piece
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons

The weight of squid and shrimp is already boiled. That is, in order to obtain it, roughly twice as much raw food is required.

For the marinade:

  • water - 300 ml
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Prepare the marinade. To do this, pour cold water into a bowl and stir salt and sugar in it until completely dissolved. Add vinegar. Do not be afraid that there will be too much of it for this amount of water. Everything will be delicious! The water can be cooled, boiled, but raw water can also be used. Certainly not from the tap, but bottled.

2. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. And if the head is large, then cut it into quarters. Use white onions. Our dish will be in a delicate pink and white tones.

Pour marinade over it and leave to infuse for 10 - 15 minutes. This is the minimum infusion time. It's okay if the onion marinates longer.

3. The longest preparation time is preparation. We need to peel and boil the squid. Most likely, everyone knows how to do it. I already talked about this when I was sharing. Let me remind you of this in just a few words.

  • to quickly peel the squid from the skin, you need to pour boiling water over it for two minutes.

Then drain half of the boiling water, and add cold water so as not to burn yourself. Clean the skin with your hands. If necessary, remove the film, take out the insides and the hard chord.

  • Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Salt and send squids into it. After boiling again, cook for 2 minutes.

4. Cool the squid and cut into thin strips. Prepare a dish, or a bowl, where we will put all the slices. We send the sliced ​​seafood there.

5. Now let's get to the crab sticks. I bought just such a variety with caviar. That is, we will get a real treat, there will be caviar both inside and on top.

I cut the crab sticks into slices to keep the eggs inside.

And I add them to the bowl.

6. Boil the shrimp in salted water. The cooking time will also be two minutes. Drain the water through a colander, let cool slightly and clean them from the head and shell.

You can cut them in two, but I decided to leave them intact. Personally, I really like it when a quite tangible piece comes across. In addition, they are not very large for me, although it was written on the package that the shrimps are "Royal".

We also place them in a bowl.

7. Boil eggs, cool and peel. Carefully remove the yolk and set aside. I will use it in another recipe. And for this we only need protein. We need to cut it into thin strips, similar in size to chopped squid.

8. We also need to rub the cheese on a coarse grater. It is better that it is a hard cheese, such as parmesan. You can use "Gouda", it is cheaper.

Or, in extreme cases, take a semi-hard cheese. The point is that it is preserved in the dish, does not become soft, and retains its appearance. Well, taste, of course, plays an important role. Add it to a bowl.

9. By this time, we have already pickled onions. You can try, there is no bitterness anymore, the taste is slightly sour, pleasant. You need to drain the marinade from it. This can be done with a colander. But the marinade needs not only to be drained, but also to squeeze out a well-finished product. Not only excess unnecessary liquid will go away, but also excess salt and acid.

10. And we still have one more component - a red fish, today we have a salmon. You can simply cut it into pieces. But I decided to leave some of the fish for decoration, and cut the rest.

Let's decorate our dish with roses. It is very easy to make them. To do this, cut three to four pieces into thin strips and put them one on one.

Then roll up a roll and unfold the "petals" outward. You can slightly dip the tip in mayonnaise, then the petals will turn out like real ones.

11. All components are added. Now you need to season the dish with mayonnaise. The less you add, the better. The dish turned out to be hearty, multifaceted in terms of taste. All this must be preserved. Therefore, first add two spoons, mix gently. And if not enough, then you can add another spoon. And that will be enough.

Buy mayonnaise natural, without any unnecessary additives. And if there is an opportunity to make it yourself at home, then give this preference.

12. Arrange the finished mix in bowls. Decorate with a rose and sprinkle with red caviar pearls. How is it? Beautiful?! I like. I am not a master of photography, but I can assure you that “live” everything looks much more beautiful. It looks very gentle, romantic and I want to try it sooner.

As soon as the first particle got into the mouth, an enthusiastic exclamation of "M ... m..m ...!" And eyes full of delight and surprise. And this exclamation and look spoke better than any words about the taste of the resulting dish. Because these words are simply not enough to describe this magnificence! Delicate, bewitching, incomparable, delicious ...

In general, it immediately becomes clear why it has such a regal name. There can be no other way.

Please note that the meal is mostly protein. Therefore, after eating one such portion, you are completely full. Maybe a man will want to eat even hotter after him, but a woman is unlikely. Therefore, if you are preparing such a dish for the holiday, consider this fact.

You don't have to cook it in such large portions, but, for example, you can put it in tartlets. So the portion will be significantly reduced, and in this case everyone will be able to eat a hot dish. And whoever wants, can eat another portion, or two. That is, you can thus calculate how many tartlets will be needed by the number of guests, having prepared them with a certain margin.

In the recipe, I told what products and in what proportions I used. I want to note that you can vary them as you see fit. All this splendor is not always available. Just, getting ready to write a recipe and knowing what is needed for cooking, I specially visited the store and bought everything I needed. And I must tell you that the pleasure was not cheap.

Therefore, I want to note that you can prepare more simplified versions.

  • For example, instead of salmon, use pink salmon or coho salmon. According to the rules of preparation, the fish should be red.
  • From seafood, you can use not all at once, but one thing. Either only squid, or shrimp, or crab sticks.
  • Caviar can also be taken, not necessarily red. There are always alternatives.
  • Just make the necessary adjustments to the ingredients. If you subtract something, then add another in the same proportion.
  • You can also arrange it not in bowls, but simply serve on a platter.

It is clear that from replacing products, each time a new taste will be obtained. And this will not make the dish any worse. It's just that it will have a slightly different taste.

Layered salad "Tsarski" with red fish and caviar

This option is simpler than the first. Although in appearance this cannot be said. He looks no worse than his brother of the same name. And it tastes good too! Moreover, very good!

It does not have such a set of seafood as in the first recipe, so it will not take time to pre-process them. This means that the cooking time will need much less.

A feature of this option is that it is laid out in layers. And these layers should be visible.

Therefore, I will cook it in portioned metal forms. I only have two of them, so one portion will turn out to be large and the other small. And the amount of ingredients is given in three large forms. It is ideal, of course, to cook in small tins. In this case, it will be enough for 6 good-sized portions.

You can also make one common salad. This will also require a form. You can make it yourself from thick cardboard. Or you can cut it out of a large-volume plastic bottle, for example, 5 liter. And you can buy a ready-made detachable one in the store. They are now sold in different forms - both in the form of a heart and in the form of a circle ...

We need:

  • salmon - 200 gr
  • cheese - 150 gr
  • cucumber - 1 pc
  • egg - 3 pieces
  • butter - 25 gr
  • red onion - 1 piece
  • mayonnaise to taste

For the marinade:

  • water - 300 ml
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. spoons

For decoration:

  • red caviar - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • olives - 0.5 cans


1. First of all, we need to finely chop the onion and pickle it. The onion should be cut in half rings, and if the head is large, then cut it into two more halves.

Why is a red onion needed? For color. The content will be layered, and in order for the layers to differ from one another, you need color.

2. For the marinade, mix all the ingredients. Take water at room temperature, even boiled, even raw. However, it is not recommended to take raw water from the tap where chlorinated water flows. Use bottled water for this. Mix the components until the salt and sugar are completely dispersed in the water.

3. Pour marinade on the onion and leave for 10 - 15 minutes, that is, while we cook the ingredients.

4. Yes, and we also need to put a piece of butter in the freezer in advance. Try to use only 82% fat. This is real oil, tasty and healthy. No trans fats.

5. Boil the eggs, peel them and chop finely. I use an egg cutter for chopping. This will ensure that all the pieces are neat and the same.

6. Cut the cucumber into small strips. To do this, first cut it into thin plates, and then cut it slightly diagonally.

7. Grate cheese. Any cheese can be used in this recipe. Soft cheese also works better than hard cheese. It sticks together better, but for this option it is only a plus.

8. Cut the red fish into small cubes. However, it is desirable that the cubes do not fall apart and be able to maintain their shape. So keep this in mind when slicing.

Red fish can be of any variety. Which one you like best, or which one is (I have a salmon). But it must be lightly salted. The composition of the ingredients is small, and more and more consists of salty components - this is fish, and cheese, and olives, and mayonnaise. And we also have salt in the marinade.

Therefore, pay attention to this so that the dish does not turn out to be salty. And of course, we no longer add salt to it.

9. Put the fish in a plate. Remove the oil from the freezer and grate it directly onto the fish.

Mix. If you managed to mix it so that the oil does not clump in a heap, then it will be just fine. If it was not possible to do this, and this can happen with 82% butter, then you need to wait for it to melt slightly and then mix it.

10. Well, now the fun begins. We will shape our beautiful dish. Prepare portioned plates, or one large flat dish (depending on what forms are prepared). We expose the form to it.

And in the first layer we spread the salmon mixed with oil. Seal it with a tablespoon.

All layers should be dense enough here. So that when we remove the molds, they do not disintegrate.

11. Put the pickled onions in the second layer. But first you need to drain the marinade and squeeze the onion. If the taste is sour or salty, then the onion can be washed.

Also seal it by pressing with a spoon.

12. Fresh cucumber goes well with onions. So we add it. But he will not hold on to us by himself. And if you do not help him to resist, then he can ruin the whole structure. Therefore, a fastening element is needed, that is, mayonnaise. Squeeze it out of the bag not very much and flatten it on the surface. Again, slightly condensing the contents.

13. Add eggs to the cucumber and again grease the layer with mayonnaise, lightly ramming it with a tablespoon.

14. And finally, the last layer will be cheesy. Just lay it out tightly and press down well with a spoon. It is no longer necessary to grease with mayonnaise. If the cheese is soft, it will stick together anyway. And if it’s solid, like mine, it’s still not going anywhere. The first layers are already quite dense and will be a good platform for him.

15. The form with the contents should be stored in the refrigerator to make it easier to remove the form later. It will freeze a little there, all the elements will hold together, and it will keep its shape perfectly.

You can leave it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or overnight. It depends on when you eat it. But you will need to decorate its top just before serving.

16. But before serving, you need to get the molds with the contents from the refrigerator, and carefully remove them, leaving our beauty unchanged. To do this, do not jerk them sharply, but gently pull on one side. You may need to rotate it slightly. Our task is to preserve its shape. Therefore, we do our best for this.

Although, I must say that getting the forms is quite easy and simple.

17. You can decorate the finished dish to your liking. As a decoration, absolutely any ingredients can be used that are combined with our dish. These are shrimps, and fish, and any caviar, and olives, and olives, and cheese ...

I focus on red caviar and olives.

You can decorate according to your taste and imagination. Therefore, I will not make recommendations in such matters. Each artist is by nature, and everyone can create his own picture, corresponding to the occasion for which the dish was actually being prepared.

I got it like this. You may end up with something completely different.

What to say about the finished dish. As you can see, he is quite handsome. This kind of presentation can be found in a restaurant of the highest level. That is, by putting such salads on the table for any holiday, you will undoubtedly decorate it. They create appetite and mood! And it fully justifies its name.

And needless to say that such a dish belongs to the category of those that never remain on the table.

This is with regard to the appearance.

The dish is distinguished by its sophistication and tenderness to taste. All ingredients are perfectly combined to create a great flavor ensemble. I am sure that it will be noted by your guests and will receive the highest marks.

Original salad "Tsarskoe obshchestvo" with salmon and shrimps

I propose to cook this option, unlike the previous ones, not in portions, but in a common dish. The advantage of this is obvious and can be seen in the photo.

The dish looks truly regal. He is gorgeous and handsome, and able to decorate the most exquisite table. And will be greeted with great enthusiasm for any holiday.

In this recipe, I also adhere to the rule that the very best should be served for the royals' table. Therefore, despite the fact that it will contain potatoes and carrots that are already familiar in our cold dishes, I will also add all my favorite seafood, red fish and caviar to it.

If we have already determined the status of this treat, we will adhere to it.

We need:

  • salmon - 150 gr
  • crab sticks - 200 gr
  • squid - 100 gr
  • shrimp - 150 gr
  • red caviar - 2 tbsp spoons
  • potatoes - 3 pcs, or 250 gr
  • carrots - 2 pcs, or 200 gr
  • fresh cucumbers - 250 gr
  • red onion - 1 piece
  • cheese - 200 gr
  • egg - 3 pieces
  • olives - for decoration
  • mayonnaise to taste

For the marinade:

  • water - 300 ml
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. spoons


The dish, like the previous one, can be formed in different forms, using a slightly different combination and amount of ingredients. Today I propose such an option, but you yourself can make adjustments to it. So, if you will not use shrimp, then take only squid, but not 100 grams, but 200 or 250.

Instead of salmon, you can take pink salmon, even canned in jars. Such recipes can also be found in the descriptions.

Now let's move on to the recipe.

1. Pickle the onion. How to do this is written in detail in the first two recipes, so I will not repeat myself.

2. Boil the eggs, then peel them and chop them in an egg cutter, or cut into small cubes.

3. Boil the shrimp and peel and boil the squid. This is also written in the first recipe. Peel the shrimps and leave whole. Squid should be cut into strips.

4. Prepare a deep salad bowl and line it with cling film, placing two strips one on one in the form of a cross. The edges should hang from the mold in such a way that they cover the contents at the end of cooking.

The bottom and sides can be greased with vegetable oil. So later it will be more convenient to remove the finished dish from the mold.

Now we will collect the layers.

5. Put the squid in the first layer. Distribute them evenly. We leave them in this form and do not grease them with mayonnaise.

6. The second layer will be boiled carrots grated on a medium grater.

7. Brush it with a little mayonnaise. Do not add too much so that the dish does not turn out to be too greasy. And so that the components do not float in it.

8. Place the sliced ​​red fish in the next layer. And there are options here.

  • You can not put the fish here, but leave it for decoration. And decorate the dish with roses, as we did in the first recipe.
  • And in this case, you can put shrimps in this layer. They can be cut into pieces, or left intact. I, on the other hand, leave them for decoration, and put fish in this layer.

9. The next layer we have will go egg. It will also need to be greased with mayonnaise. Grease all layers so that the sauce is only a fastening element. No more, no less. Squeezed a little out of the bag, spread it with a spoon. If there is a dry island somewhere, add a little more there.

I still have egg yolks from the first salad. I add them here. It will be even tastier and more beautiful.

10. Similarly, create a layer of diced cucumbers.

11. And cucumbers are great friends with onions. Therefore, we place them in the neighborhood.

12. Now the crab sticks. From the previous options, I have a little less of them than necessary. And so I place them this way. I spread the rounds around the edges, and I lay out what is left in a free order.

You can cut the seafood into strips or pieces of any shape. But I don't have simple crab sticks, but with caviar inside. Therefore, it must be kept inside. In addition, the layer will look more beautiful. Therefore, this is the way I choose in this case.

13. We still have cheese, which we previously grated. This will be the next, penultimate layer. It will need to be smeared with mayonnaise.

14. And the last layer will be potatoes. It must first be boiled, or baked in the oven or microwave. Which I did. Baked potatoes contain less water and are tastier on their own. Therefore, in this version, it will be more than appropriate.

Place the rest of the mayonnaise on top and press firmly with a spoon. Then cover with the hanging edges of cling film.

This is the last layer here, and when the content is flipped it will be the first. This will be the foundation, a kind of foundation. Everything will hold on to it. And I hope that nothing goes anywhere.

15. And to prevent this from happening, we need to put our work in the refrigerator. I leave it there overnight. But if you can't stand time, then at least you need to hold it there for 4 hours. During this time, all the layers will have time to cool and the salad will be easier to get out of the mold.

16. Now I'll tell you how to get it out of the form. First, you need to prepare a large flat plate or shape suitable for our purposes.

Take the mold out of the refrigerator and unfold the folded ends of the film, spreading them in different directions.

Then cover with a plate and turn over so that the mold remains on it.

17. The next step is to remove the form and film. We do this carefully so as not to damage the given shape. If the contents are compressed and do not want to straighten out, then gently pull on the hanging ends of the film. In general, it comes out quite easily. And there are difficulties when they forget to grease the mold with oil, as I did this time.

But even in this case, everything goes well and this is what beauty appears in front of us. You can already serve this way. But we have a royal treat, so we will now come up with an appropriate look for it.

18. Although everything is pretty simple. For decoration we will use red caviar, boiled and peeled shrimp and some olives. Or olives are also possible.

You can see how I designed the dish in the photo. In general, you can dream up yourself. This is a very exciting experience. It always delivers a lot of positives.

19. Now we have a really "Tsar's" salad, and with a capital letter. The appearance is rich, eye-catching and eye-catching. The aroma spreads throughout the kitchen, and one would rather already want to sit down at the table. But the photo session drags on, I want to capture such beauty.

But finally, everyone at the table is tasting what happened. And it turned out very tasty. The variety of flavors and aromas is simply amazing. All ingredients are perfectly combined with each other.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of ingredients, the dish turned out to be very light. This is because all proteins do not have a lot of calories. In addition, the combination of proteins and carbohydrates is well balanced. The dish has a soft pleasant aftertaste, which also does not go unnoticed. Therefore, one portion was not enough for everyone. Everyone wanted supplements. And good. It turned out a lot of salad. This portion is enough for 8 - 10 guests.

Snack bar "Tsarsky" roll with red fish and caviar

Here is another cooking recipe. It has a completely different content and design. The composition of the ingredients is not complicated, and it is not difficult to prepare such a dish. Therefore, take note of the recipe.

It will turn out to be a great dish for any holiday.

Well, did you like the recipe? Really good?

And so, let's summarize a little what has been said. You probably understand the basic principles of cooking.

Seafood and red fish are mainly used for such a treat. This is the foundation. And there are many different variations and combinations to cook around that. If you already have good experience in preparing prefabricated variants in general, then you can easily come up with your own variations.

If you do not have such experience, then take any recipe proposed today and cook according to it. Everything will work out for you at the highest level.

And so, use those products that are combined with them as additional ingredients. They are described today, or you may find other combinations as well.

Dear readers, maybe you have your favorite recipes in accordance with today's topic? Please share them with us. New Year is coming soon. And maybe it is your dish that will flaunt on the tables of many, many people.

I hope that you liked today's recipes. And you will try them in practice. We wish you great culinary success and Bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the eggs.

Put the eggs in a medium saucepan and fill with plain cold water so that it completely covers the component. We put the container on medium heat and wait for the liquid to boil. Immediately after that, we detect 10 minutes and boil hard boiled eggs.
After the allotted time has elapsed, turn off the hotplate and carefully drain the hot water into the sink using oven mitts. Fill the component with cold tap liquid and leave it alone for a while.
When the eggs are at room temperature, clean them with clean hands and rinse them lightly under water to wash off any debris.

We spread the component on a cutting board and, using a knife, carefully separate the yolk from the protein.

Using a medium grater, grind the second part of the eggs and immediately pour the shavings into a clean plate.

Then we move on to the yolks. You can grind this ingredient right away, or you can leave it for later. Since we will have it as the last layer on the salad, we do not need the yolk yet. And yet, for those who want to prepare eggs this second, I’m telling you. Take a fine grater and rub the yolks on it directly over a clean plate. All is ready!

Step 2: prepare the cucumbers.

We wash the cucumber under running water and put it on a cutting board. Using a knife, remove the edges of the vegetable and, if desired, cut off the skin. Now, using a medium grater, grind the component directly on the cutting board and then immediately pour the shavings into an empty plate. We leave the cucumber aside so that excess juice stands out from it, which we will then merge (before adding the vegetable to the salad).

Step 3: prepare the onion.

Using a knife, peel the onion and rinse thoroughly under running water. We spread the component on a cutting board and chop finely into squares. Pour the chopped onion into a free plate.

Step 4: prepare the salmon fillet.

We spread the salmon fillet on a cutting board and cut into small pieces with a knife. Attention: in the recipe I wrote that the fish should be slightly salted, but, in truth, this is a matter of taste. For example, I love this, but my mother is very salted salmon, so that you can feel it in the salad. We transfer the crushed component to a free plate and leave it aside for a while.

Step 5: prepare the crab sticks.

We spread the crab sticks on a cutting board and, using a knife, cut into thin strips. You can also chop the component into pieces or even grate it on a medium grater. Pour finely chopped sticks into a free plate.

Step 6: prepare the tomato.

We wash the tomato under running water and put it on a cutting board. Using a knife, cut the vegetable into two parts and from each remove the place to which the tail was attached, as well as the seeds (they can give juice in the salad and thereby spoil the taste of the dish). Now grind the component into pieces and transfer to a clean plate.

Step 7: prepare the hard cheese.

Using a medium grater, grind the hard cheese directly on the cutting board. Then pour the component into a clean plate and leave it alone for now. Attention: any type of hard salted cheese is suitable for making a salad. It can be a Russian, Kostroma or Lanovoy product.

Step 8: prepare a salad with salmon and crab sticks.

Put the chopped egg whites in a salad bowl or a special plate. Immediately pour a little mayonnaise on them and level them with a tablespoon.
The next layer is the cucumber shavings. We also grease it with mayonnaise and level it with improvised inventory.
Now sprinkle everything with finely chopped onions, and put slices of salmon on top. Attention: do not forget to grease the fish with sauce.
The next layers will be tomato slices and chopped crab sticks. You do not need to grease the vegetable with mayonnaise, but on the last ingredient we apply this wonderful sauce and level it with a tablespoon.
Now sprinkle the previous layer with cheese shavings. Once again we coat everything with sauce and at the end we decorate the salad with chopped egg yolks. Attention: if desired, each layer can be lightly sprinkled with salt and black pepper. Everything, the dish is ready!

Step 9: Serve the salad with salmon and crab sticks.

When the salad is ready, serve it immediately to the dinner table. By the way, if you wish, you can decorate the dish with fresh parsley or dill. I usually make the last layer in the form of a tree with yellow leaves and a white background with mayonnaise. It turns out pretty nice and tasty, and you can see it yourself.
Enjoy your meal!

Pressed crab meat can be used instead of crab sticks. It is also sold in grocery stores and supermarkets in pre-packaged form. Unlike the first ingredient, it tastes juicier;

For the preparation of the salad, it is best to use mayonnaise with a high percentage of fat;

Instead of ordinary onions, you can add Crimean or white onions to the salad. Such varieties are much juicier and sweeter.

Preparing a salad that can outshine almost all dishes on the table is not so difficult. For these purposes, it is necessary to have a product at hand that pleases literally everyone in its taste. A similar judgment applies to red fish. She has countless virtues that are simply impossible to refuse. Therefore, it is worth choosing the most suitable salad from a seafood product and surprise everyone with them at the next holiday.

Such dishes have been known for several centuries. They were one of the decorations at various royal feasts. Noble gourmets preferred to pamper themselves with just such a delicacy. In an ordinary baked or salted form, red fish tired, and in a competent combination with a variety of vegetables, herbs and legumes, quite exquisite dishes were obtained.

Due to the presence of countless nutrients, red fish has received worthy praise on the list of healthy foods. It promotes rejuvenation of the body and helps to assimilate healthy fats and amino acids, which are responsible for the youth and longevity of any organism.

Red fish salads are especially good fresh and do not require long storage. Their taste is always at the same height, and the benefits are undeniable. Each gourmet will surely find something of his own unusual and very tasty among the offered options for a variety of delicacies.

Salad with red fish and shrimps

Connoisseurs of seafood and truly worthy dishes will be delighted with the proposed option. Red fish salad in the proposed interpretation is very sophisticated and can win a lot of fans among true gourmets.


  • Salmon fillet - 300 grams
  • Peeled shrimp - 300 grams
  • Selected eggs - 4 units
  • Potatoes - 3 tubers
  • Cucumbers - a couple of pieces
  • Salad
  • Greens
  • Spices
  • Mayonnaise sauce

Dishes for 5 persons.

Cooking process:

1.Prepare food to the required state: defrost, peel, boil.

2. Grind the salmon into cubes.

3. Grind the cucumbers and eggs on a medium grater.

4. Chop the potatoes. Let the shrimp drain.

5. At the bottom of the salad bowl, spread the lettuce. Set the shape and start forming the layers. The first to go: half the potato mass and mayonnaise.

6.Eggs with a gravy layer.

7.Red fish.

9. Second half of potatoes with mayonnaise sauce.

10. A pillow of chopped greens and shrimp.

Put in the refrigerator for half an hour to soak and decorate with fresh herbs. Delicate taste, thanks to the competent combination of products, will be remembered by all connoisseurs of truly worthy salads.

Video recipe:

Bon Appetit!

An interesting option with cheese and crab sticks

Everyone will be delighted with such a recipe. All products are perfectly combined here. It is especially worth noting what is the result: festive, bright and incredibly elegant. Nobody should refuse this option.


  • Canned chum salmon - jar
  • Long grain rice - 100 grams
  • Crab sticks - packaging
  • Gouda cheese - 100 grams
  • Mayonnaise
  • Selected egg - 7 units
  • Turmeric

Dishes for 5 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Boil the rice until cooked. Mix with seasoning for a rich yellow color.

2. Mix chum salmon or pink salmon in its own juice with rice. Knead thoroughly.

3. Grate boiled eggs on a fine grater and add to the rest of the products.

4. Stir in mayonnaise sauce.

5. Form the resulting mass in the form of a mitten on a salad dish.

6. Gently separate each crab stick leaving a red top.

7. Using the red parts, cover the resulting mass.

8. Grind the cheese. Place the mittens at the base.

9.Using a cooking syringe, draw snowflakes of various shapes and sizes over the mittens.

10.Serve after half an hour soaking.

Red fish salad turns out to be incredibly nutritious, although most of them contain a lot of protein. This is what allows you to get an incredibly rich and unique taste.

With red fish and tomatoes

Connoisseurs of real red fish will be able to appreciate the proposed delicacy by right. The fish looks very advantageous here and, thanks to the small amount of products, it turns out to be simply delicious.


  • Tomatoes - 3 units
  • Lightly salted chum salmon - 200 grams
  • Yalta onion - head
  • Little olive

Dishes for 3 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Chop the Yalta onion.

2. Separate the chum from the skin and bones. Convert to cubes.

3. Remove the pulp from the tomatoes. Cut into small cubes.

4. Stir in a spoonful of olive oil. Decorate with herbs.

Serve immediately after cooking. Red fish in the proposed interpretation goes well with almost everything and fits harmoniously on any table.

"Snake" with canned pink salmon

Connoisseurs of gourmet serving will appreciate the proposed version of the salad as excellent. It looks incredibly impressive on the table and has simply amazing taste. The fish is not in the first place here, since at first glance it is very difficult to guess what is really hidden under such incredibly beautiful and intricate armor.


  • Green peas - 30 grams
  • Canned pink salmon - jar
  • Gouda cheese - 250 grams
  • Boiled potato tubers - a couple of pieces
  • Garlic - prong
  • Pickled cucumbers - a couple of pieces
  • Boiled egg - a couple of pieces
  • Olives - jar
  • Carrots - root vegetable
  • Greens
  • Mayonnaise sauce

Dishes for 8 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare the required foods. If necessary, boil, clean, open cans and containers.

2. Knead the humpback using a fork.

3. Eggs, potatoes, cheese, grind and mix.

4. Pour in mayonnaise, chopped garlic and spices to taste. Mix.

5. Put on a snake-shaped dish. Divide the pickled cucumbers into small scales and decorate the surface of the snake with them.

6. Green peas and olives can also be skipped under the scales.

7. Carrots will go to the eyes and mouth. Using greens, build a kind of green meadow.

Such a red fish salad does not require additional impregnation and special decorations. The result should be excellent. It delivers not only gastronomic but also aesthetic pleasure.

Avocado recipe

A great occasion to please yourself and your loved ones with something original. He's just exquisite. From such a combination of products, a truly unusual dish is obtained, worthy of the corresponding event.


  • Lightly salted fish - 250 grams
  • Avocado
  • Cucumber
  • Boiled eggs - a couple of pieces
  • Lemon
  • Soy sauce - 20 ml
  • Sour cream - 20 grams
  • Mustard - 3 grams
  • Quail eggs
  • Greens

Dishes for a couple of persons.

Cooking process:

1. Collect the required products and perform the necessary procedures with them.

2. Grind the eggs into cubes.

3. Cut the red fish in the same way.

4. Chop the cucumber. It will add a touch of freshness.

6. Mix the soy sauce, mustard and sour cream. Prepare the sauce.

7.Add to salad and mix.

8.Using the cooking rings, divide into portions.

9. Decorate with herbs and boiled quail eggs.

It looks pretty impressive. And if we take into account the incredible taste, then we can safely say that the proposed dish will instantly disappear from the plate.

Video recipe:

The variety of red fish salads is amazing. For every taste, you will definitely find exactly what will delight others. They turn out to be incredibly rich and nutritious. And most importantly, it is fish salads that become real decorations for any festive table. It is worth trying them first and treating long-awaited guests with red fish salads.

Bon Appetit!

If guests suddenly come to you by accident, then you can quickly prepare this salad. It is very easy to prepare, and most importantly, salad with crab sticks and salmon- tasty and satisfying.

To prepare a salad with crab sticks and salmon, you will need:

    one pack of crab sticks;

    one processed cheese;

    lightly salted red fish - 150 - 200 grams;

    one jar of canned green peas;

  • medium onion;

    four boiled eggs;

    pepper, salt - taste.

Cooking salad with crab sticks and salmon:

First, you need to prepare the ingredients. Therefore, chop the boiled eggs quite coarsely. Cut the salmon into simple cubes. Finely chop the onion. Freeze processed cheese and grate. Cut crab sticks, like salmon, into ordinary cubes.

Put these chopped foods in a salad bowl, namely salmon, eggs, crab sticks, onions and cheese. Add peas without liquid and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.

Season the salad with mayonnaise and put it in the refrigerator for a couple - three hours.

After that, if desired, decorate with the most fragrant sprigs of greenery, serve.

Bon Appetit!

Try it, it's delicious:

  • Mozart salad with saury and crab sticks - There are a lot of recipes for salads using crab sticks. This is not surprising, because such a salad is amazingly tasty, light and tender. It will appeal to both adults and children. We offer ...
  • Eggplant salad with cheese and chicken fillet - This summer salad is easy to prepare and delicious. The composition includes ingredients such as radish, garlic, nuts, so the salad is also very useful. To prepare a salad with eggplant you ...
  • Crab stick salad - There are a lot of salad recipes that use crab sticks. In this salad with crab sticks, we'll use layers of a rather unusual combination of crab sticks with pineapple and ...
  • Salad "Bravo" with salmon and avocado sauce - An extravagant salad with ingredients such as mozzarella, salmon, tomatoes, horseradish and avocado. The taste has a slight piquancy, freshness. Quite tasty and unusual salad. For cooking ...
  • Salad with lightly salted salmon, tomatoes and green onions - This salad can be prepared with smoked mackerel and herring, but the traditional recipe is with salmon. Surprisingly satisfying, juicy and delicate in taste. For making salad with lightly salted salmon ...

Crab stick salads have long occupied a place of honor on festive tables. In addition to the classic options with rice and eggs, there are other interesting options for such a snack. For example, you can add red fish, other seafood, and even caviar. This will make a simple dish original and more delicious. What salad of red fish and crab sticks can be easily prepared for any table? There can be many options.

with celery

This appetizer contains a lot of greens, making it look very nice and fresh. In order to make this salad, you will need the following:

  • 400 grams of crab sticks;
  • 1 glass of mayonnaise;
  • 1 cup shallots, finely diced
  • 1 cup of stalk celery, small cubes;
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped onions
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped Italian parsley
  • some cayenne pepper;
  • salt and pepper;
  • 350 grams of smoked red fish, cut into thin slices;
  • 150 grams of watercress, washed and dried;
  • some olive oil;
  • pulp of 1 grapefruit, chopped.

How to cook it

In a large bowl, combine mayonnaise, shallots, celery, onions, and cayenne peppers. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Mix with crab sticks.

Sprinkle the watercress with a little olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place in a large, flat plate. Place half of the crab salad on top and spread evenly to form a rectangle. Add pieces of red fish on top in an even layer, then grapefruit on top of it. Place the other half of the mixture on top. This salad of red fish and crab sticks can be garnished with potato or corn chips.

Augmented classics

A snack made from crab sticks, corn, eggs, rice and cucumbers is well known to everyone. However, many speak negatively about imitation of a crab, since there is no real seafood in the composition. At the same time, imitation crab meat is made from different types of fish with the addition of starch. That is, it is a natural product that is quite suitable for making snacks. And if you add expensive red fish to it, you get a tasty and bright dish. To do this, you need the following:

  • 300 grams of crab sticks, cut into pieces;
  • 150 grams of red fish, slightly salted;
  • 1 long cucumber, cut into thin cubes;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1/2 cup boiled rice
  • 200 grams of canned corn;
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 3 tablespoons of yogurt;
  • a small bunch of dill;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

How to do it

This salad with red fish, crab sticks and rice is made as follows. First, boil the eggs and peel them. Boil rice.

In a large bowl, combine all prepared and chopped ingredients, season with yogurt and mayonnaise. Leave to soak for a while and serve chilled.

Italian version with pasta

Recipes for salads with red fish and crab sticks can be very varied. So, you can also make an Italian-style appetizer. For her you will need:

  • 500 grams of any small pasta (shells);
  • 1 cup fresh broccoli
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup Italian salad dressing
  • 2 tablespoons of grated cheese (optional parmesan);
  • 300 grams of cherry tomatoes, cut in half;
  • ½ cup of red bell pepper, diced;
  • ½ cup chopped onions;
  • 1 cup finely chopped crab sticks
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped red, lightly salted fish
  • 1/2 cup boiled shrimp

How to cook it

Italian-style salad of red fish, shrimps and crab sticks is prepared like this. First, boil the water, salt, add the pasta and boil according to the instructions. Drain and rinse well with cold water.

Meanwhile, in a separate saucepan, bring the water and salt to a boil. Fill a medium bowl with cold water and ice. Blanch the broccoli until it turns bright green and tender, about 3 minutes. Then immediately dip it in ice water to stop the vegetable from softening further. Cool and drain broccoli.

Whisk the mayonnaise, salad dressing, and cheese in a large bowl. Toss with pasta, tomato, pepper and onion. Gently add crab sticks, fish and shrimp and stir until evenly distributed. Refrigerate before serving. Despite the unusual combination of products, this is a very tasty salad with red fish, crab sticks and cheese.

Option with fennel and apple

Smoked salmon, along with slightly salted salmon, is also actively used in salads. If you use it in combination with crab sticks, seasoning with avocado puree and a little Tabasco sauce for spiciness, you get a very original appetizer. To do this, you need the following:

  • 150 grams of chopped crab sticks;
  • 150 grams of smoked red fish fillet;
  • 1 green apple, peeled and cut into small cubes;
  • 20 grams fennel, finely diced;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt;
  • Dill;
  • 1 tablespoon chopped onion;
  • 5 drops of Tabasco sauce;
  • black pepper;
  • 2 ripe avocados;
  • 100 grams of homemade mayonnaise;
  • 10 grams of wasabi paste.

How to cook it

This salad with red fish and crab sticks is prepared like this. Combine chopped crab sticks and fish with chopped apple, fennel, onion and dill in a bowl and season with lemon juice and salt to taste. Cover and refrigerate while the rest of the ingredients are cooked.

To cook, make sure you pick ripe fruits. Remove the rind and pits, place the pulp in a food processor and whisk with mayonnaise, lemon juice, tabasco and wasabi. Mix until smooth, then transfer to a separate bowl, refrigerate. Mix 2 pieces just before serving.

With smoked salmon and squid

This appetizer is prepared very quickly, so it can be made not only for a holiday, but also just for an everyday dinner. It is worth noting that this salad of shrimp, squid, red fish and crab sticks goes well with boiled potatoes. It needs the following components:

  • 100 grams of crab sticks;
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • some cayenne pepper;
  • 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • 6 small pieces of smoked salmon;
  • 2 medium handfuls of boiled shrimp and squid;
  • 8 cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1 avocado, diced
  • 1 small shallot, thinly sliced
  • lettuce leaves for serving.

How to do it

This salad of red fish and crab sticks differs in that the latter are used as a dressing element. So, mix the crushed crab sticks with mayonnaise and cayenne pepper. Set aside.

Combine lemon juice and oil in a separate bowl. Place red fish and seafood in the mixture and saturate them with this dressing. Add cherry tomatoes, avocado and shallots and mix thoroughly. Place the lettuce leaves on a plate, followed by the above mixture of ingredients. Top with crab stick dressing without stirring.

Cream cheese and eggs option

Of course, appetizers with a variety of seafood are healthy and tasty. But you can make a delicious salad in the absence of a variety of such ingredients. A salad of crab sticks and lightly salted red fish can be delicious with other budget ingredients. For example, you can take the following:

  • 200 grams of crab sticks;
  • 155 grams of red fish (slightly salted);
  • 1/2 onion;
  • processed cheese;
  • 1 can of canned peas;
  • 4 eggs;
  • pepper and salt;
  • mayonnaise.

How to do it

This salad of cheese, crab sticks, red fish and eggs is made like this. First of all, eggs should be hard-boiled, cooled, peeled and cut into smaller pieces. Then cut the red fish into small cubes.

Chop the onion in half rings and lightly pour over boiling water. Cool the processed cheese, then grate it on a coarse grater. Crab sticks can also be rubbed or cut into cubes.

Mix all the prepared ingredients, add peas to them, draining the liquid from it beforehand. Pepper and salt the mixture to taste, season with mayonnaise. Refrigerate before serving.

Japanese style salad

Such culinary inventions are being discussed very actively. Some foodies consider this an outrage against Japanese cuisine, some call this salad lazy sushi. It requires the following:

  • 200 grams of crab sticks;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 200 grams of red fish (slightly salted);
  • 1 avocado
  • 200 grams of rice;
  • 200 grams of cream cheese;
  • rice vinegar;
  • pickled ginger;
  • nori;
  • soy sauce.

How to do it

Boil the rice, season with rice vinegar and refrigerate. Place the nori sheet on the dish. Lay out the following components on top, alternating them:

  • a thin layer of rice;
  • cream cheese;
  • chopped crab sticks, lightly drizzled with soy sauce;
  • chopped red fish;
  • some ginger and cucumber pieces;
  • nori.

Spread the chopped avocado pulp evenly on the last layer of nori leaf. You can decorate such a sushi salad with both sesame seeds and caviar.