Prepare onions for the winter. How to preserve all the beneficial properties and vitamins of onions? Prepare pickled onions for the winter

09.06.2021 Buffet table

Depending on the variety and growing conditions, onions have 2.4-14 percent sugars (in sweet varieties there are less sugars, and in bitter ones more), up to 2.5 - nitrogenous substances, up to 0.65 - mineral substances, about 12 mg of vitamin C and 12-16 mg of essential oils, which give the onion a pungent smell and taste, citric and malic acids. Onion leaves also contain vitamins: C (25-47.7 mg), B1 (0.08 mg), B2 (0, 02 mg), carotene (up to 6 mg).

When canning, onions are used as a hot seasoning.

After the onion leaves (feather) have been sprinkled, the bulbs (turnip) are selected. Onions should be picked in dry, sunny weather, laid in one layer under a canopy in a ventilated place. The bulbs need to be turned over from time to time. Leave the onion in a pile overnight, as the feather of the onion will lock up from overheating. After drying, you need to trim the feather, the roots - at the very bottom of the bulb.

Dried and sorted onions are placed in lattice boxes, placed in a cool and ventilated room, and with the onset of cold weather they are transferred to a storage with a temperature of 1 ° C at a relative humidity of 75-85 percent.

Rinse the onion feathers well, dry on a sieve or towel, transfer to a large bowl and stir well with salt, then put in jars, pressing firmly with a wooden spoon or pestle to release the juice. When the jar is full, pour a little vegetable oil on top.
Store jars in the refrigerator or in the cellar.
For 1 kg of green onions - 200-250 g of salt.

Select small onions for pickling. To facilitate cleaning of the upper integumentary scales, it is recommended to dip the onion for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, and then cool it quickly. After that, peel the onion from external scales, neck and root lobe.
Peeled onions should be stored in cold salted water before pickling (for 10 liters - 200-300 g of salt).
For 10 liters of filling - 5 liters of 6% vinegar, 4.5 liters of water, 600 g of salt, 7 g of cinnamon, 5 g of cloves, 4 g of star anise, 5 g of allspice, 4 g of red pepper, 10 g of bay leaf.

Cut the onion into rings (or slices), scald with boiling water to remove the bitterness. Pour marinade on the onion, and you do not need to carefully follow the recipe, you can put what is in the house. Required ingredients: vinegar, salt and sugar to taste. After a few hours, such onions can be eaten.
It tastes good on its own as an appetizer in a salad.
Such onions can be stored in the refrigerator for a week - one and a half, they will not lose their taste.

It is recommended to marinate small onions. Dip the bulbs in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then cool quickly. Peeled from the outer scales, hold the neck of the root lobe in salted water, then drain it and pour it with boiling marinade.
Pickled onions are softer, juicier, less spicy than fresh ones. It is good in vinaigrette, salads, garnish.
For 1 liter of marinade - 0.5 liters of water, 0.5 liters of 9 percent vinegar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, sugar to taste, spices: cinnamon, cloves, star anise, allspice, red pepper, bay leaf (not all of these spices are possible).

Peel the onion, remove the seeds from the pepper, cut it lengthwise into strips. Boil vegetables in salted water for 5 minutes, remove and cool. Remove the cores from the bulbs, stuff them with strips of pepper. Add vinegar to a glass of broth, boil and pour onion with boiling broth, cover and set for a day.
Then drain the liquid, boil again, cool and pour the onion with it again, cover and let it brew for about 4 weeks in a cold place, after which it can be served as a snack.
500 g of small onions, 2 pods of red or green pepper, salt, a glass of vinegar.

Canned onion salad is an excellent appetizer that many housewives prepare for the winter. Such popularity of the snack is due to the fact that in the process of pickling or salting, the bulbs lose their pungency and pungency, but retain their crispy structure and juiciness. Interestingly, onions can be pickled without the use of other vegetables and used as a fragrant snack, an ingredient for cooking side dishes. And also onions can be pickled as part of a vegetable mix - a real vitamin bomb is obtained that will save the human body in winter from beriberi.

Canned onion salad is a great snack

There are a wide variety of recipes for winter pickled bulbs. Basically, they differ from each other in spice, pungency and the presence of additional ingredients. It is worth considering that the use of vinegar blanks with extreme caution should be those who suffer from high acidity in the stomach. In this case, it is better to refuse pickled onions in favor of salted ones.

The classic pickled onion salad recipe

This recipe is distinguished by moderate pungency and spice, according to many housewives, it is he who is the "golden mean" of pickled onion salads.

During its canning, you will need:

  • 1 incomplete tablespoon of 9% vinegar;
  • 4 kilos of onions;
  • 5 dessert spoons of salt;
  • 165 milliliters of water;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 1 small handful of mustard peas
  • 1 dessert spoon of granulated sugar;
  • 4 allspice peas.

This recipe is moderately hot and spicy.

How to do:

  1. The onion is peeled from the top dry layer, chopped into half rings.
  2. Onion pieces are sent to a washed, dried container. Each layer of the vegetable should be sprinkled with spices.
  3. The marinade is cooked in an empty, clean bowl. To do this, salt and sugar dissolve in boiling water.
  4. The marinade base is poured into onion blanks.
  5. Vinegar is poured on top, the appetizer is not tightly closed and sterilized for about a third of an hour.
  6. The blanks are rolled up, unfolded with the lid down and wrapped in a blanket.

After cooling, the workpiece must be rearranged in a dark, cool place. The salad prepared according to the presented recipe will become not only a delicious appetizer, but also an ingredient for soups, side dishes and main courses.

Spicy Onion Salad Recipe

From onions you can make a product that has a subtle attractive aroma, in this case, a wide range of different spices will be required during the cooking process.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.1 liter of 9% vinegar;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.85 kilos of bulbs;
  • 0.6 liters of water;
  • 5 grams of clove buds;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 10 peas of a mixture of peppers;
  • 0.25 kilos of granulated sugar;
  • 6 grams of cinnamon;
  • 0.5 lemon.

Onions can be used to make a product with a subtle attractive aroma.

Step by step recipe:

  1. The bulbs are cleaned, washed under cool water, transferred to an enamel bowl and filled with water mixed with lemon juice.
  2. Put the bowl on medium heat, bring the mass to a boil and cook for 4 minutes.
  3. The onions are reclined in a colander, washed with cold water and transferred to clean containers. The remaining broth cannot be poured out.
  4. Sugar, salt are poured into the broth, the mass is kneaded and boiled until all the granules dissolve.
  5. Spices, chopped garlic are poured into a container with onions.
  6. Next, vinegar is poured into the marinade mixture, and the fire turns off.
  7. Boiling marinade filling is poured into the onion.
  8. The container is covered with a lid and sterilized.
  9. The finished workpieces are rolled up using a special preservation key, placed on the lid and insulated.

If you want to add a fresh aroma to the dish, you can put a few sprigs of fresh herbs in it.

Onion salads with additional vegetable ingredients

Onions have a versatile flavor that goes well with almost all vegetables. That is why many housewives canned onions along with other vegetables, which allows them to prepare a full-fledged vitamin salad for the winter. It is very convenient to make such blanks, since after opening them they are completely ready for use and serving, it remains to transfer them to a salad bowl and season with a small amount of oil.

How to make red tomato onion salad?

This salad is distinguished by a spectacular contrasting appearance, as well as a difference in two structures: crispy onions and tender tomatoes.

In order to prepare such a salad, you will need:

  • 0.8 kilos of red tomatoes;
  • 4 onions;
  • 5 dessert spoons of olive oil;
  • 3 branches of dill;
  • 8 garlic cloves;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • 5 dessert spoons of sugar;
  • 10 peas of a mixture of peppers;
  • 6 clove buds;
  • 3 branches of parsley;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 dessert spoons of salt;
  • 3 dessert spoons of vinegar essence.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Tomatoes are washed, dried, cut into slices. For convenience, each tomato is best cut into 8 slices.
  2. Peel the onion from the top layer, cut into half rings.
  3. Peel the garlic, cut it lengthwise into 2 parts.
  4. Water is boiled in a clean bowl, cloves, granulated sugar, salt are added to it. Everything is mixed and boiled for 5 minutes.
  5. Vinegar is poured into the liquid, everything boils for another 2 minutes and is removed from the burner.
  6. Oil is poured into the bottom of the container washed with soda, dill, parsley, pepper and bay leaves are laid.
  7. Onion and garlic are laid out on spices.
  8. The filled container is poured with hot marinade, covered with a lid and put to sterilize for a third of an hour.
  9. The container is sealed, placed with the lid down and insulated.

It looks very impressive if vegetables are laid out in a jar in layers: a white layer of onions and red tomatoes. This appetizer is best served in a transparent glass salad bowl.

Onion and vegetable mix

You can diversify the onion taste by adding other vegetables to the salad.

A real vitamin product for the winter is obtained if you use:

  • 500 grams of onions;
  • 1.5 zucchini;
  • 500 grams of tomatoes;
  • 100 milliliters of 9% vinegar;
  • 500 grams of carrots;
  • 16 peas of a mixture of peppers;
  • 500 grams of bell pepper;
  • 9 dessert spoons of sugar;
  • 500 grams of olive oil;
  • 7 dessert spoons of salt.

You can diversify the onion taste by adding other vegetables to the salad.

Canning method:

  1. Zucchini are washed, cut into small pieces.
  2. The tomatoes are blanched, peeled and diced.
  3. The carrots are peeled, rubbed on a grater with large teeth.
  4. The onions are cut into half rings.
  5. The bell pepper is washed, cut into strips.
  6. All vegetables are transferred to a bowl, mixed with oil and put on fire.
  7. After boiling, the vegetable mass is mixed with spices, sugar, salt and cooked for 60 minutes.
  8. Everything is filled with vinegar, mixed and removed from the heat.
  9. The hot salad is placed in a sterile container and sealed immediately.

If desired, you can refuse to use vinegar, but in this case, the workpieces will require additional sterilization.

How to pickle onions for the winter?

Onions can not only be pickled, but also salted. There are many recipes for salting this vegetable, but many housewives use the classic method that requires:

  • 220 grams of salt;
  • 1 kilo of onion.

Such an appetizer is made very easily:

  1. The bulbs are peeled, washed, dried and cut into rings.
  2. Onion rings are placed in cans washed with soda and dried. The vegetable should be laid in layers, sprinkling them with salt.
  3. The last layer is carefully sprinkled with salt, the container is buried with a nylon lid and sent to the refrigerator.

Such an appetizer will be ready for use in 1 week: during this time, the onion rings will be well salted and lose their pungency.

Cucumber salad with onions for the winter (video)

Pickled onions in Polish for the winter (video)

Harvesting green onions for the winter at home is a mandatory procedure for people who want to have access to the necessary vitamins at any time of the year. You can preserve not only arrows, but also bulbs and feathers. Our golden recipes, as well as photos and videos, will help determine how to properly close vegetables in jars so that they not only remain tasty, but also healthy.

Many housewives resort to drying and freezing to add onions to food later, but canning is just as reliable and convenient way to preserve food. You can cover the onions either solo or marinated in Polish or with beets and garlic, pickle, fry or preserve fresh.

Harvesting green onions for the winter: methods without sterilization

The most popular preservation method is with salt, since in this case a rather durable twist is obtained, which will safely stand in the basement or cellar for about 8 months. Salting is easy to use, because vegetables can be added to first courses, marinades or salads, as you like. It cooks very quickly, as nothing needs to be fried.

The collection of arrows should be done when they are still young, because then there will be no benefit, they will simply wither, begin to turn yellow or rot in case of high humidity. Thoroughly wash the feathers, clean and dry with paper towels. Make sure that there are no defective arrows, otherwise the workpiece will quickly deteriorate. Cut off dry ends.


Servings: - + 15

  • bow arrows 1 kg
  • salt 500 g

Per serving

Calories: 15 kcal

Proteins: 0.9 g

Fats: 0 g

Carbohydrates: 2.9 g

10 min. Video Recipe Print

    My arrows.

    Dry with paper towels.

    Then finely cut into rings. The white near-root part, which is slightly denser than the feathers, can also be used.

    In a sterilized jar, carefully lay out the onions, alternating with layers of salt, so that at the end you get a beautiful color transition.

    We close the banks and send them to the cellar until winter. Thanks to sterilization and salt, such a spin will last for a long time, so you can do a lot at once without fear.

    This recipe is very simple and quick, and as a result, you get access to vitamins throughout the winter. You can not be afraid that diseases will affect you, because such snacks will support weak immunity.

    Advice: onions can also be cut into finger-length feathers to be served with first courses in winter and eaten separately with salt. Bon Appetit!

    Green onions for the winter: preparations, recipes with frying

    What could be tastier than fried onion dressing with marinade? This appetizer can be eaten straight from the jar in cold winter, added to soups instead of frying, or used as a filling for pies.

    Each housewife has her own ideal recipe: someone prefers to store onion feathers in hot oil, others fill the arrows with marinade. Any of these methods has a place to be, but the most delicious onions are fried and with spices.

    Cooking time: 20 minutes

    Servings: 8

    The energy value

    • proteins: 0.6 g;
    • fat: 57.9 g;
    • carbohydrates: 2.4 g;
    • calorie content - 533.6 kcal.


    • onion arrows - 300 g;
    • sunflower oil - 500 ml;
    • ground red and black pepper - 4 g each;
    • dried basil - 5 g;
    • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l .;
    • salt - 4 tsp

    Step by step cooking

  1. Carefully prepare the onion feathers: rinse and dry with paper towels. Then they need to be cut to a thickness of 1 cm.
  2. We heat the pan and begin to fry the arrows in vegetable oil, 5 minutes will be enough. Add a mixture of peppers, basil, salt and your favorite spices.
  3. Pasteurize the oil in a separate container.
  4. Now you need to do the following: put the fried onions in pre-sterilized jars, fill in with hot oil, and at the end add a tablespoon of vinegar.
  5. We close the cans, turn the lid upside down so that the air comes out, wrap it tightly and wait for it to cool.

Thanks to pasteurized oil, vinegar and sterilization, the shelf life of such a workpiece is 1 year. Preservation can be transferred to the basement (if the temperature permits), cellar, or left in the refrigerator.

Features of preservation of different types of onions

Each of us has our own food preferences, this also applies to onions. You can close different types of it. Already no one is surprised by such names as leek, multi-tiered, bear and even shallots, not to mention the baton and onion.

The whole family lends itself well to conservation, so feel free to twist it for the winter. Turnip onions go well with marinades or oil. Caramelized sweet onions, closed for the winter, can then be added to salads or pizza.

When frying and any heat treatment, this vegetable grows dull, so if you want to get a beautiful and elegant dish that will not be ashamed to serve on a festive table, then cook onions with beets. The marinade for such a dish is made from juice, which releases the root crop during cooking. This appetizer can be combined with meat and fish dishes, added to salads or baked potatoes.

Leeks can be pickled in the same way as ordinary leeks - they go well with honey and juniper, so feel free to experiment. Not all varieties are suitable for conservation. If you prefer planting and watering your own vegetables, pay attention to this fact before buying seeds.

If you want the onion to retain its original taste, you can freeze it, pretreat it and cut it, dry it and crush it, so that it can be used as a spice later.

Conservation secrets

Onions respond well to preservation in jars for the winter, so you can not be afraid to spoil them. Due to its composition, it itself serves as an excellent preservative, but if you want to play it safe, the banks need to be sterilized.

You can do without this step by covering the onion in half rings in a vinegar marinade with garlic. As a result, you will get not only a delicious twist, but also incredibly useful, especially in the midst of vitamin deficiency and colds.

Onions are a vegetable necessary for our immunity, so it is better not to part with it in winter. Someone prefers to grow it at home in order to eat green arrows and prepare salads from them, but if there is no such desire, the onion can always be closed for the winter, turning it from an ordinary vegetable into a delicious dish.

The need to harvest onions for the winter can arise for various reasons. Someone loves to tinker in the country, but there is simply nowhere to store a carefully grown crop, so to speak, in its natural form. It is easier for someone to open a jar in winter and take the finished product from there - add the same fried onions to the soup. And someone has a place for storage, and a desire to grow everything - and suddenly Nature presents a bow the size of an adult man's fist - and what will you order to do with this gift?

Prepare onions for the winter, and in different ways. For example, pickled onions look good in winter salads, and also as a standalone addition to meat. Fried onions - from the category of dishes "opened and ate", you want borscht, you want soup, or you want bread and lard ... Dried onions can be combined with other aromatic herbs, making up your own signature mixture. In general, there is plenty to choose from. And besides, there is nothing complicated!

Canned onions in jars for the winter


  • 1 kg of onion
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt,
  • 1 stack. 9% vinegar
  • 1 bay leaf (for 1 can),
  • 2-3 black peppercorns (for 1 can).

Use medium sized bulbs that fit easily into the jar. Clean them thoroughly and wash them in cold water. The process of peeling the onion can be made a little more pleasant if the knife is immersed in cold water, so the onion will be less irritating to the mucous membrane. Put peeled onions in prepared sterilized jars and pour boiling water over them. Cover the jars with sterilized metal lids and leave for 5-7 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan, boil, pour it over the onion again and let it stand again. When the time is up, drain the water into a saucepan and this time add sugar, salt, vinegar to it and let it boil. When the sugar and salt are dissolved, add the peppercorns and bay leaves. Boil everything together for 5 minutes and pour the boiling marinade on the onions in the jars. Roll up the blank with lids, turn over, cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely. The beauty of this preparation is that you can eat the onion literally the next day or store it in a cool place until the first opportunity.

In jars of pickled onions, you can add a slice of raw beets - the marinade and onions will turn pink.

Fried onions in jars for the winter


  • 1 kg of large onions,
  • 1.4 l of vegetable oil,
  • spices - to taste and desire.

Select large, quality bulbs without damage or rot, wash and clean thoroughly. Then cut as you like. Someone is more pleased to see onions in small cubes, to others in half rings. Heat the oil well in a frying pan, put the onion and fry it until golden brown, remembering to stir, then reduce the heat and continue frying for 35-40 minutes. Make sure that your onion does not burn. It will absorb the oil, so add oil to literally float the onion in it. 5 minutes before the end of frying, add the spices, mix everything gently, hold in the pan for a couple of minutes. Transfer the fried onions to sterilized jars, cover with oil to the very top and roll up with prepared boiled lids.

For slicing large quantities of onions, it is best to use a slicer. Fast, safe (provided that you work with a fruit holder) and beautiful - after all, the slicer will chop your onion into identical rings or half rings.

Salted onions (option 1)


  • 2 kg of onions.
  • For brine:
  • 2 stacks water,
  • 750 ml 5% vinegar,
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. salt.

Peel the onion and blanch it for 3 minutes in boiling water, then pour over with cold (or better, ice cold water) and dry slightly. Then place the bulbs tightly in sterilized warm jars and cover with hot brine made from water, salt and vinegar. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize them in not too boiling water: 1L - 10 minutes, 0.5L - 5 minutes. Roll up cans of onions with boiled metal lids, let them cool and transfer to a cool place for storage.

Salted onions (option 2)


  • 1 kg of onion
  • 200 g of salt.

Select strong, medium-sized onions, peel, wash and cut into rings that are not too thick. Place them in dry sterilized jars in layers, sprinkle with layers of salt. Be sure to leave a layer of salt on top. Cork the jars and store in a cool place (cellar, insulated balcony or refrigerator).

Green onions for the winter

Drying in the oven
Wash the green onions, dry well and cut into pieces no more than 5 cm long. Lay the onions in a thick layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Be sure to use parchment paper, it will not let the greens darken. Place a baking sheet with onions in an oven preheated to 50 ° C and dry, stirring constantly for 2-3 hours. Store dried herbs in cloth bags at room temperature in a dry place.

Air drying
Thoroughly wash the harvested fresh green onions, cut them into rings and lay them out to dry on clean paper, spread out in a dry, warm room, where the sun's rays do not fall, as they destroy the nutrients contained in the onions. This is a fairly lengthy method of harvesting onions, lasting about 6-7 days. You can check if the onion is ready by rubbing it with your fingers. If it crumbles easily, then it's time to pour it into jars, close the lids and store in a dry place at room temperature.

For the lucky ones who have electric dehydrators, or, in Russian speaking, dryers, it is generally easy to prepare dried onions for the winter: just put the prepared onions on trays, press the button and wait for the result!

Mix one kilogram of thoroughly washed, dried and cut green onion feathers into rings with a glass of salt (200 g), put in sterilized jars and close with clean nylon lids. Many housewives add other herbs to onions, for example, dill or parsley. It turns out a wonderful aromatic seasoning for any dish.

Rinse the green onion feathers thoroughly under running water, shake off the water and dry on a cotton cloth.

The first way
Cut the prepared feathers into 1 cm pieces, blanch them for 5 minutes, then drain them in a colander to glass the water. After the onion has cooled down, place it in packaging containers and place in the freezer.

Second way
Fry the prepared and chopped onion feathers in a mixture of heated vegetable oil and butter. After the onion has cooled, distribute it into prepared containers and freeze.

The third way (in ice cubes)
Thoroughly wash the green onion feathers, dry them, cut into small rings and place the slices in ice cube trays. Fill the onion with clean cold water and put it in the freezer. After 2-3 days, remove the molds from the freezer, remove the onion cubes from them, put them in bags and send them back to the freezer. Onions frozen in this way can be added to hot dishes without defrosting.

Freezing onions for the winter
Select strong bulbs, free from stains and mold, peel them, rinse them under cold, running water and pat dry with a towel to remove excess moisture. If you want to freeze whole bulbs, then choose medium-sized ones. Place the prepared bulbs in a freezer bag, removing all air as much as possible, or in a plastic container, which should be tightly closed and put into the freezer.

If there is a desire and time to freeze the chopped onions, then cut the whole onions into rings, half rings, large or small cubes. Arrange the chopped onions in bags or containers and place in the freezer.

Frozen onions should be cooked without thawing. Otherwise, the onion will become limp and lose its "face" greatly.

If you know how else to prepare onions for the winter, share it on the pages of our website!

Happy blanks!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Onions are very popular all over the world. It is part of many dishes, because it has a rich taste and many useful substances. This seasoning is actively used not only in summer, but also in winter thanks to the preparations of diligent housewives. Numerous recipes for pickling, drying and pickling onions make the family's winter menu more varied and healthy.

General characteristics of the plant

Despite the fact that there are about 300 types of onions in nature, onions are the most popular. It can be sweet, semi-sharp, and spicy. Shallots are also worth separately, which have a mild flavor. The green feathers of the plant, which concentrate a huge amount of vitamin C, are also actively used in cooking. Leeks are similar in appearance to it, which gives juicy and long leaves with a moderate odor all summer long.

Onions have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and wound-healing effects. It improves the functioning of the gallbladder and heart, stops fermentation in the intestines, etc. This plant contains many vitamins: C, E, B vitamins and provitamin A. It also contains a lot of essential oils, organic acids and all kinds of mineral salts.

Due to its taste properties, onions are actively added as a seasoning to sauces, salads, gravies, soups, as well as fish and meat dishes. Such a valuable product is also necessary for the winter menu, so diligent housewives usually resort to harvesting onions.

Pickling onions

One of the ways to harvest onions is to pickle them. Thanks to this treatment, the plant retains its beneficial properties and acquires an interesting taste.

Three Colors Recipe

To make the onion tasty and also have a beautiful appearance, it should be pickled in a special way. Ingredients:

  • onions - 1 kg,
  • water - 1 l,
  • beets - 100-150 g,
  • turmeric - ½ tsp,
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • vinegar 9% - 100 g,
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Pickled onions with beets

First, the onions are treated with boiling water and cut into half rings or whole rings. To prepare the marinade, oil, vinegar, salt and sugar are added to the water (always cold). Then only the slices are placed in the first jar, pieces of beet are additionally placed in the second jar, and a pinch of turmeric is thrown into the third. After that, the contents of each jar are filled with marinade.

The filled containers are placed in the refrigerator for several hours. The pickled seasoning can be eaten the very next day. At the same time, under nylon lids, it can stand in the refrigerator throughout the winter.

Marinated green feathers

This seasoning is usually added to fish and meat dishes, chicken and sandwiches. It makes food brighter and richer in flavor. Ingredients (for 4 cans of 0.5 l each):

  • green onions - 2 kg,
  • vinegar - 3 cups,
  • cloves - 4 pcs.,
  • mustard - 1 tsp,
  • celery - 1 tsp.,
  • black pepper - 1 tsp,
  • water - 3 glasses,
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • sugar - ½ tsp.

In sterilized jars, a mixture of pepper, cloves, celery and mustard is evenly laid. After thorough washing, the onion is chopped into small pieces (5-8 cm) and tightly packed into jars with spices.

Next, the indicated portions of vinegar, salt and sugar are added to boiled water. This marinade is filled with sliced ​​jars (not to the very neck). It is important to remove air from the preservation in advance by stirring the contents with a knife or long skewer. After that, the container is covered with a tin lid, sterilized (15 minutes) and rolled up. For a month, the conservation should stand in a cool place, and then it can be eaten.

Harvesting onions by drying

The dried seasoning is often used in meat dishes, various soups and salads. It retains a pleasant taste and can be stored for a long time in dry and sealed containers.

If the onions are dried at a temperature of 60 to 65 ° C, then they will retain their natural color (at a higher temperature, they will darken). This plant is usually dried in an electric or gas oven. Only good bulbs without mold and rot are used for drying. Ingredients:

  • onions - 1.3 kg,
  • water - 1 l,
  • salt - 50 g.

The plant is peeled, carefully washed and cut into slices or rings (thickness - no more than 5 mm). Next, a liter of water is mixed with a spoonful of salt and brought to a boil. Then the slices are poured with cooled brine for 15 minutes, after which the water is completely drained, and the salted pieces are evenly laid out on a baking sheet.

In a gas oven at a temperature of 60 ° C, the slices are dried for 4 to 6 hours. At the same time, it is important to stir the pieces regularly so that they do not burn. At the end of drying, the completely finished product is folded into a clean jar or plastic bag and closed tightly.

Attention! In an electric dryer, you can dry onions much better and faster (in 2-3 hours).

Salting onions

Harvesting onions implies the possibility of pickling them with other seasonings, which allows you to improve the taste of ordinary dishes. Ingredients:

  • onions - 1 kg,
  • parsley - 1 kg,
  • salt - 0.71 kg,
  • water - 1 l.

Parsley and peeled onion heads are thoroughly chopped and sprinkled with coarse salt (10 g). The resulting mixture is laid out in banks and carefully tamped. Then the contents of the containers are poured with a boiled mixture of water and salt. After that, the jars, closed only with nylon lids, are transferred to a cool place for permanent storage.

Salting green feathers

An excellent way to preserve green onions is to pickle them. It does not require excessive efforts from the hostess, but it allows you to preserve the taste and color of the product. Ingredients:

  • green feathers - 1 kg,
  • salt - 200 g,
  • sunflower oil - 2-4 tbsp. l.

First, the washed greens are crushed into small pieces (2-3 cm each), and then mixed with salt. Next, it is recommended to crush the mixture with your hands or with a spoon.

Attention! Gloves should be worn before mixing onions with salt. Otherwise, this mixture may irritate the skin on your hands.

Then the finished mixture is tamped into sterilized jars so that it is completely covered with juice. From above, the product is poured with vegetable oil (2-4 tbsp. L.) In order to create a protective layer. Then the cans are closed with tin or nylon lids.