How many days does mash cost on alcohol yeast? Mash recipes with alcohol yeast - the subtleties of cooking

31.07.2021 Soups

Yeast is used to quickly obtain good moonshine. It is not a problem to buy yeast for mash now, they are sold in any grocery store and are presented, as a rule, in two types - dry and pressed. If you use pressed ones, then keep in mind that they will need five times more, but the quality will be much higher.

If the yeast is dry, then it is fermented before use, that is, diluted in water with sugar, stirred until foam forms and poured into the prepared liquid.

There are several types yeast used: wine yeast, baker's, alcoholic and brewer's. As you might guess, alcohol yeast is best suited for making homemade alcohol, since this product was specially developed for intoxicating drinks. If fruit was used in the preparation of the mash, then wine yeast can be used.

Most often, ordinary baking fungi are used, which have a number of disadvantages, the main one of which is the sediment that falls to the bottom. Because of this, the mash has to be additionally cleaned, spending resources and time. Baker's yeast can only stimulate the fermentation process.

It should be remembered that different types of yeast cannot be mixed, since different methods were used in their manufacture. Often different yeasts in the same composition begin to antagonize each other and spoil the entire composition. Comes to that that for twenty days the home brew cannot ferment.

This yeast has a distinct advantage before the rest - the absence of harmful impurities. Opponents of their use in home brewing moonshine believe that alcoholic yeast is good only in industrial production. Nevertheless, after using these fungi, moonshine turns out to be stronger and of better quality. The following advantages of this product can be noted:

Sugar mash with alcohol yeast

The amount of yeast will depend on both the volume of water and the weight of the sugar. For example, if a kilogram of sugar is added to the mash, then twenty grams of yeast is required, and for ten liters of liquid, thirty-five are needed.

Let's take twenty liters of water and five kilograms of sugar. Yeast will take one hundred grams. Further, do according to the instructions:

To complete the fermentation process it will take up to two weeks, but usually eight days are enough. Everything will depend on the temperature. Readiness is determined by the following criteria:

Now we clarify the alcohol with bentonite and distill it on a moonshine still.

Best of all is the readiness of the mash determined using a sugar meter. This is a special device for home brewing. If the mash is ready, then the sugar meter will show the number "0".

You can lighten the mash in other ways. For example, there is such a method as lightening with cold. The container is taken out in the cold and left for about twenty hours.... Fungi precipitate, which is then drained using a tube.

Remaining gas that is still in the wort is removed by heating the liquid to sixty degrees. Fungi will die during heating.

If the mash is sugar, then bentonite is the best way to lighten it. This is white clay, which is a completely natural and safe product. Bentonite is dissolved in water and poured into alcohol, after a day the mash becomes light.

Now you can continue to make moonshine from the mash. To do this, it is poured into a prepared apparatus and distilled. After the second distillation, the moonshine is purified using coal.

There are many recipes for making a good home brew. There are also quick ones among them, the preparation of which takes only two days. Recipes sometimes include ingredients such as peas and sour cream.

Pea braga

This recipe uses peas and sour cream. The cooking method is simple.

For thirty-five liters of clean water 0.2 kg of sour cream, 2 kg of peeled walnuts, 7 kg of granulated sugar and sixty grams of dry yeast are taken.

Take a container with a volume of at least forty liters and pour water heated to thirty degrees into it. Pour in peas and diluted yeast. After waiting for about ten minutes, sugar and sour cream are added to the liquid. Mix well again and put in a warm place for fermentation. After three days, the mash is distilled and purified using coal.

Mash sugar is sometimes replaced with other products. These can be fruits such as apples, pears, or cherries. Of vegetables, beets or potatoes are used to create mash. But most often sugar is replaced with cereals: rye, rice, buckwheat and wheat.

Novice winemakers are often interested in: how much mash should be put to get a certain amount of moonshine? So, from thirty liters of liquid, you can get eight liters of alcohol.

How to make a quick mash

This recipe will require fifteen liters of purified water, three kilograms of sugar, and yeast. If you have them dry, then take sixty grams. Pressed will need at least three hundred. For quick cooking, French or Belarusian yeast is well suited.

Heat the water in a container and add sugar to it. Stir well until completely dissolved. Dissolve the yeast and pour the solution into the liquid with sugar. It is very important to constantly maintain the temperature of the composition while it ferments. For this, a thermometer is attached, which is used for the aquarium. And also for heating the mash an aquarium water heater or any other device is used. The temperature should not drop below twenty-five degrees.

After three days, distillation is carried out using dry alcoholic yeast. Thus, about four liters of strong moonshine is obtained. If the quality of the resulting product or its strength does not suit you, you can distill the moonshine again.

Wine yeast hop drink

Such mash is prepared infrequently, since wine fungi are more expensive than ordinary ones. Such mash will wander for only a week, which is a definite plus. Fast fermentation allows the drink to keep the aroma and taste intact. Most often, wine yeast is bought, but you can also make it yourself from raisins and sugar. The recipe is very simple: raisins with sugar are poured with warm water and placed in a warm place for fermentation. After a week, the fungi will be ready. Readiness can be seen by bubbles rising to the surface of the container.

Wine yeast is considered the most economical. So, for the preparation of ten liters of mash, only four grams of fungi are required. They are often used in the process of making low-alcohol home drinks. The main feature of wine fungi is that they do not withstand the high strength of the drink and die. Their limit is fourteen percent. With the supplied mash, the process is slower than with alcohol yeast, but much smoother.

All types of yeast are stored for two years. Moreover, in the refrigerator, the preservation period is reduced to six months. If the packaging is vacuum packed, the lifespan of the fungi is significantly increased.

To obtain sugar moonshine, baking dry or pressed yeast is often used. If the technology is followed, a distillate of normal quality comes out. But it is better to make mash on alcoholic yeast, developed specifically for the preparation of alcoholic beverages. We will consider the nuances of their use in this article.

Benefits of alcohol wash:

  • the fermentation period is reduced to an average of 4-7 days;
  • there is no abundant foam;
  • due to the rapid fermentation of mash on alcoholic yeast, it accumulates less harmful impurities.

Ingredients for the 30 liter container:

  • sugar - 6 kg;
  • water - 23 liters;
  • alcohol yeast - 100 grams of dry (or 500 grams of pressed).

The indicated proportions are suitable for most types of domestic and Belarusian alcohol yeast, but for foreign manufacturers, the ratio of water to sugar may differ. Before you put the mash, carefully read the instructions for the purchased yeast and follow the recommendations. For example, some manufacturers of "fast" yeast, due to the high intensity of fermentation, recommend not installing a water seal.

It is important to take into account the tolerance (survival) of the yeast strain to the concentration of alcohol in the mash. This figure is indicated on the label and for most types of alcoholic yeast does not exceed 16-18%. After reaching the maximum strength, the residual sugar will not be processed into alcohol (the mash that has won back will remain sweet). This does not affect the quality of the moonshine, but the sugar will be wasted.

Counting in progress ...

Enter the initial data on the left

The output will be a wash with content and specific gravity

Mash recipe with alcohol yeast

1. Heat water (purified or bottled) to 30-32 ° C.

2. Mix warm water and sugar in a fermentation vessel in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer or calculated. If the total volume of wort (water + sugar) is determined using the calculator, then in order not to measure the water separately, you can first put sugar in the container, then add water, stirring constantly, until the required volume is reached. All the sugar should dissolve and not fall out on the bottom as a sediment!

3. Dilution of yeast: pour 1 liter of sugar syrup made at the previous stage into a separate container, add alcohol yeast, stir well. Soak in a dark place at room temperature for 30-60 minutes, until foam appears on the surface.

Foam appears on the surface of activated yeast

Rehydration (soaking in water) and activation (initial addition to a small volume of wort) of some types of yeast may be performed using a different technology or not required at all. This point should be described in the instructions.

4. Add the diluted yeast to the main wort and mix. Install a water seal.

5. Transfer the container to a dark room (cover) with a temperature of 25-30 ° C or as specified by the manufacturer as optimal. To maintain a stable temperature (it is highly desirable to avoid fluctuations, for example, day and night), heaters with automatic overheating protection can be used.

Fermentation itself raises the temperature by several degrees, if the inside of the container is more than 33-35 ° C, the yeast may die.

6. Depending on the temperature and characteristics of the strain, fermentation of the mash on alcoholic yeast lasts 2-14 days (usually 4-7).

7. The washed away home brew does not emit carbon dioxide through the water seal, it becomes lighter, a layer of sediment appears at the bottom, the match brought to the surface continues to burn. Bitter taste without sweetness (only if the proportions are calculated correctly).

8. Drain the alcohol wash from the sediment; additionally, you can clarify with bentonite or other methods. Distill on a moonshine still.

Clarified mash ready for distillation

Many people prefer homemade alcoholic beverages. That is why those who want to make them often wonder how to prepare high-quality mash using alcoholic yeast in accordance with the proportions. This is not such a difficult business, just get water, yeast, granulated sugar and patience.

The secret of high-quality mash is not only in strict adherence to all proportions, but also in high-quality ingredients. The basis can be taken, starting from your taste preferences, honey and cereals are ideally combined with alcoholic yeast. In addition to the base, the mandatory ingredients of the mash are:

  1. Bought bottled water, in order to make really delicious moonshine. Boiled water will not work as it does not contain oxygen. Ordinary tap water can contain various impurities. If you decide to use it, first clean it with a filter, let it stand for a couple of days.
  2. Granulated sugar. Choose the purest, no impurities in the composition.
  3. Yeast. If there are no difficulties with the purchase of water and sugar, then yeast can be found in specialized stores or in online stores. It is better to take the product dry, since the drink made from compressed yeast has a specific taste. And of course, check the expiration date of the product.

How to activate yeast?

One package of dry yeast product will require:

  • 500 ml warm water, about 30 ° C;
  • two tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • glass jar with a volume of one liter.

Pour water, sugar into a jar, stir, add yeast, mix well again. Leave to infuse until foam forms, about 80 minutes.

You should carefully monitor the temperature regime. At temperatures below 20 ° C, the fungi "fall asleep", if it is more than 30 ° C, they die. It should be borne in mind that the temperature inside the container rises on its own due to the fermentation process.

Not all types of yeast require such activation and rehydration, with some, in general, you do not need to do anything, this point is indicated on the package or in the instructions.

Benefits of alcohol

Various alcoholic beverages are prepared using alcoholic yeast, so this is an ideal option for making moonshine. The following advantages are highlighted:

  • fermentation occurs very soon, no more than one week;
  • little foam is formed, therefore, antifoaming agents do not need to be used;
  • alcoholic yeast from baking and wine yeasts are distinguished by a high degree of resistance to alcohol, they begin to die if the alcohol concentration reaches more than 18%;
  • in the end, the moonshine turns out to be light and pleasant to the taste.


Ingredients for making a unique sugar mash with alcohol yeast:

  • granulated sugar - six kg;
  • clean water - 23 liters;
  • yeast - 100 g

The recipe for making mash with alcohol yeast is quite simple, follow these guidelines:

  1. Add the purest water cooled to 30 ° C to the container.
  2. Add sugar, stir it until sugar grains disappear completely.
  3. Dissolve dry yeast. Pour the liquid prepared at the previous stage into a separate container in a volume of one liter, add yeast, mix thoroughly. Send to a dark place for one hour, until foam forms.
  4. Mix the diluted yeast and the sugar solution prepared in advance. Install a water seal.
  5. Send the container to a room where direct sunlight does not fall. Place the appliance so that the optimum temperature is maintained.
  6. Wait for the complete fermentation of the wort, usually this process takes about 10 days. The finished mash no longer emits carbon dioxide, it acquires a light shade, a precipitate forms on the bottom, if you bring a match, it will not go out. The taste should be bitter, not sweet.
  7. The sediment is drained from the wash, if it turns out to be dark in color, lighten it with bentonite. After that, she is completely ready for distillation on a moonshine still.

You do not need to drink mash as an independent alcoholic drink, this can lead to unexpected consequences.

The proportions indicated in the recipe are suitable for most types of yeast, in some of them the ratio of granulated sugar to water is different. This moment is indicated in the instructions.

  1. During fermentation, the container must not be touched or shaken in any way; the lid must be tightly closed.
  2. For the manufacture of high-quality moonshine, only purified water is taken, the taste of the drink directly depends on it. Purchased water or tap water purified with a filter will do.
  3. During fermentation, the temperature cut must be strictly observed.
  4. The temperature of the mash itself should be at least 20 ° C and no more than 30 ° C, a special device will help maintain the desired mode.
  5. Yeast should be activated strictly according to the recipe, otherwise a completely unexpected consistency for distillation may turn out.
  6. Use a water trap for the wash, it will prevent air from entering the container and will help the carbon dioxide escape.
  7. When choosing a vessel in which fermentation takes place, keep in mind that in addition to the liquid, there must still be an empty space for the correct fermentation process. Leave about 40% white space.
  8. If sugar or water is added in the wrong proportions, the alcohol content in the mash will be too low or, conversely, high. On average, mash contains 12 ° alcohol, you can reach this degree if you take a kilogram of granulated sugar in three liters of water.
  9. The container in which the mash is prepared must be clean. It is better to take glass, wooden or stainless steel dishes. Containers made of aluminum or plastic are not suitable, as an acidic environment is formed in them, which provokes the release of harmful components from which such dishes are made. It is impossible to answer how dangerous it is for human health, but it will definitely affect the taste of moonshine.

The above mash recipe is considered proven and reliable, its benefits are obvious. If you follow the recommendations for use and follow the correct proportions, the drink will taste great.

This type of yeast is specially designed to make mash from sugar and is a specially bred
a fungus that, when the concentration of alcohol in the wash increases, unlike other types of yeast, does not die and continues deeper processing of the nutrient solution.

Yeast is used in 2 stages: 1. Activation 2. Fermentation

Activation and dilution

    Since the yeast is dry, it needs to be activated. Activation is done as follows.

    We measure the required amount of yeast based on the amount of fermentation that we plan to supply. (10 liters, 20 liters, 30 liters, 40 liters, etc.). For 40 liters of water, at least 120-130 grams is needed.

    We take a container of 2-3 liters. Pour boiled water based on a ratio of 1 to 10, for example, for 120-130 grams of yeast, 1.3 liters of water are needed, bring the water temperature to 32-35 ° C. Add sugar at the rate of 40-50 grams per 1 liter of water. Then pour out the yeast, stir, and put in a dark place without drafts.

    While the yeast is activated, the main wort can be prepared - the main volume of water with sugar. To do this, you need to dilute the sugar / honey / jam in water. We put any pot of water on the stove, and gradually, as it warms up, add sugar there. When the amount of sugar practically stops dissolving, pour the water into the main fermentation vessel and repeat the process again. For 40 liters of water, add at least 9.5 kg of sugar.

    Usually within an hour the yeast comes to life, begins to rise, a head of foam appears. Now they can be added to the main volume.

    Important! When adding activated yeast to the bulk, monitor the temperature of the wort. If the temperature rises above 35 ° C, the yeast will die.

    Yeast ferments: glucose, maltose, sucrose, galactose and 1/3 raffinose. Fermentation can last from 6 to 12 days or more. The duration of fermentation depends on the temperature and the amount of sugar. The yeast does not foam, so no defoamer is required during fermentation.

    To speed up the fermentation process, we recommend increasing the yeast dosage by 1.5-1.8 times.
    The quality of sugar currently varies. There is "sweet" sugar, but there is "not sweet". With what this may be connected the question is open. This circumstance should be taken into account when working with yeast.

    To achieve an increased strength of the mash, close to the maximum at home, it is recommended to use this yeast in conjunction with other yeast, such as wine.

    The optimum working temperature of these alcoholic yeast is 30-32 C.
    The optimum pH for fermentation is 3.4-4.

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Every person who has been engaged in home brewing for a long time has his own proven recipe for mash on alcohol yeast. To prepare a delicious drink, it is important to maintain proportions. So, for example, 1 kg of sugar requires 15 to 20 grams of alcoholic yeast.

  • 20 liters of water;
  • 5 kg. Sahara;
  • 100 g alcohol yeast.


  1. Heat water to 25-28 degrees.
  2. Add granulated sugar to it and stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour everything into a fermentation tank.
  3. Prepare yeast. To do this, you need a container with a volume of 2-3 liters. Put 200 gr. In it. granulated sugar and fill it with 1 liter of water. Mix everything gently and wait 30 minutes. This time is necessary for the formation of a dense foam.
  4. Add the prepared alcoholic moonshine yeast to the fermentation tank and mix well.
  5. Install the odor trap or rubber glove firmly.
  6. It remains to put the container in a warm, dark place. After 5–7 days, the fermentation process will end, the mash will become lighter and can be removed from the sediment.

Sugar mash based on alcohol yeast prepared according to this recipe is not drinkable as an independent drink.

Following this recipe, at the end you will receive 25 liters of brew suitable for distillation of moonshine.

Important subtleties of cooking

Beginners in home brewing have a very vague idea of ​​how much mash ferments, what products to choose for the base, or how to make moonshine using alcohol yeast. Therefore, it is especially important for them to understand the basic subtleties of making this drink.

  • The brew should be cooked in a clean container. This can be glassware, stainless steel, or even wooden barrels. But in no case should you choose plastic or aluminum tanks for the production of moonshine. Indeed, due to the high activity of yeast fungi, an acidic environment will be created in the dishes. And this, in turn, can provoke the release of harmful components into the wort that make up the container. It is impossible to say for sure whether this will turn out to be dangerous to human health, but it is absolutely certain that it will have a detrimental effect on taste and smell.
  • To obtain a quality product, it is important to observe the ratio of sugar and water during the preparation process. Otherwise, the alcohol content in the brew will be low or, conversely, very high. Usually the concentration of alcohol in it is 12 degrees. A good ratio is achieved at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 3 liters of water. If there is more sugar, the volume of alcohol in the mash will increase.
  • If wine or bakery yeast varieties were used in the production of mash, then additional feeding is necessary. This can be fruit juice or puree, as well as berry pulp. Alcoholic yeast already has all the necessary components in its composition and does not need any supplements.
  • Recommendations for the use of alcoholic yeast in the production of wort are also based on the fact that with their help you can speed up the fermentation process. If when using dry baker's yeast at the optimum temperature, the fermentation process will take place within 8-10 days, then with alcohol - 5-7 days.
  • When choosing the optimal container for fermentation, take into account the amount of mash that should be obtained and the fact that there must be an empty space in the tank for the normal fermentation process.This is at least 30, or even 40% of the volume of liquid.
  • It is very important to observe the temperature regime. Usually, the mash for fermentation is placed in a dark place with a temperature of 24 to 30 degrees Celsius. However, there are also some nuances here. Different types of yeast begin to work actively at different temperatures. Therefore, you need to decide in advance which you will use and what temperature regime suits them.

Now you shouldn't have any questions about which yeast is better to use or how to put the mash. And in order for the result to exceed all your expectations, it is enough to correctly observe the required ratio and adhere to the required temperature.