Pancakes on kefir for children from a year. Pancakes for kids: classic recipes for the little ones

21.07.2021 Dishes for children

Technological card of pancakes on kefir No. 2.

And here is a description of the cooking technology.

Before you start making pancakes on kefir, wash the egg like in kindergarten. Don't take big. If you follow the numbers of the technological map, then it should weigh only 48 grams. I have about 58-60. I haven't weighed it, but I already know it visually.
About kefir. According to the technology, bold is taken. What is fatty kefir? I can only assume that 2.5% is already good. She took this one.

About soda. Before you add it to all the other ingredients, you do not need to extinguish it with any lemon juice or sour cream. It will be perfectly extinguished in kefir. On the card, you need to take almost 6 grams. I took 4, and it seemed to me a bit too much. I would say take a third of a teaspoon. That's plus or minus 3 grams.

About sugar. With this amount of sugar, the pancakes are not sweet at all. But! Please note that pancakes are served with jam, preserves, or sprinkled with powdered sugar. So there will be enough sweetness. If anything - feel free to pour 1 heaping tablespoon of sugar, they will become pleasantly sweet.

So, just mix the yogurt, egg, sugar, salt and soda with a whisk, fork or spoon.

Sift the flour. Pour the kefir mixture into the flour in two passes. First, pour in a little more than half and mix well so that after the dough does not turn into small lumps.

After stirring well after the first pass, pour in the rest of the mixture and stir again well.
The dough is pleasantly thick and, as the soda begins to work, slightly airy.

In kindergartens, they roast in cast-iron pans. In the absence of, all the others are great. Of course, pans with a thick bottom are better for frying (and not only).

Pour a little vegetable oil into a normally hot frying pan, and then with a large spoonful of the dough and lightly spread, form a thin pancake. Do not forget, during the frying process, it will rise approximately twice.
Fry over medium heat, and when you turn it over, make it even smaller - you need to let the pancakes bake, and in no case burn.


For the test:

1.kefir - 2 glasses (500ml);
2. cottage cheese - 1 pack (200g);
3. 2 eggs;
4. flour - 1.5 measuring cups per 200 g;
5.Sugar - 1 tsp;
6.salt - 0.5 tsp;
7. soda - 1 tsp;
8. vegetable oil for frying pancakes.

For filling:

1. Beijing cabbage - half a head of cabbage;
2. ham or chop - 2 slices;
3. 2 boiled eggs;
4. salt to taste;
5. vegetable oil for frying.

Yesterday I cooked for children for breakfast, and today I decided to bake thick pancakes on kefir, and besides, with filling. It turned out very appetizing and satisfying, so I recommend you try it too.

Thick pancakes on kefir - Preparation:

1. Prepare the pancake dough simple, without brewing. Thoroughly grind a pack of cottage cheese with eggs and beat lightly with a whisk.

2. The curd should dissolve completely. You should get a homogeneous egg-curd mixture.

3. Add kefir to the mixture of eggs and cottage cheese, mix well with a whisk. Then we gradually introduce flour, stirring thoroughly with a whisk or mixer, so that no lumps form. Add salt, sugar and soda to the dough. Mix well. Due to the acidic kefir, the soda is actively extinguished, and the dough becomes fluffy with a lot of bubbles. In consistency, it is slightly thinner than pancake dough.

4. To prepare the filling, finely chop the Peking cabbage and sauté it in vegetable oil for 10-15 minutes.

5. Then add finely chopped ham or chop to the cabbage.

6. Eggs must first be boiled, then pass them through an egg cutter or grate on a coarse grater. Mix all the components of the filling and salt to taste.

7. Let's start baking stuffed pancakes. Heat the pan well, grease it with vegetable oil and pour a ladle of dough onto it. Spread the dough in a circular motion with a frying pan over the bottom of the pan. We put on the stove and reduce the heat to a minimum.

8. Immediately put the filling in a thin layer on one half of the pancake and wait for the pancake to grip a little so that it can be picked up with a spatula.

9. Then take a wide spatula and lift the second half of the pancake with it, bend and close the filling on top. That is, we need to bend the pancake in half. Slightly crush the pancake, but do not overdo it, as the filling may be squeezed out along with the unbaked dough.

10. We are waiting for the edges of the pancake to be baked and turn it over to the other side. Fry until tender. We do all this over low heat so that the pancake is well baked and does not burn.

Cut ready-made pancakes with filling in half and serve or dinner. Bon Appetit!

The favorite delicacy of childhood, which remains so for life, is pancakes. It is necessary to learn how to cook them, because pancakes are baked not only for Shrovetide! In addition, this dish can be so different - you just have to wrap your favorite filling in a pancake. The main thing is that you always have the necessary products at home, and there is also pancake flour, which you just need to dilute with warm water.

Pancakes for children on milk or on serum

Children - because pancakes of any shape can be made from the dough described below, and their taste is sweet and pleasant, you can even eat without jam. And the main secret of this recipe is beating the dough. We will mix all the ingredients in a 1.5 liter plastic bottle!

  • Pour 0.5 liters of milk or whey (can be diluted with water);
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and half of salt;
  • 2 eggs (or one large) can be beaten separately, and then added to the mixture;
  • Add vegetable oil to prevent pancakes from burning;
  • For flavor, you can add a little vanilla sugar or vanilla;
  • 1.5-2 cups of flour and soda, slaked with vinegar or lemon juice (if you want splendor, you can do it without soda), pour through a funnel;
  • Screw the lid back on and shake the bottle as hard as you can, you need to do this for a long time, for two minutes for sure (it is possible with interruptions):

  • Peel a small apple and remove the middle, grate, and then beat in a blender:

  • Pour the applesauce into the bottle to the base mixture:

  • Shake the bottle again:

  • Lubricate the pan with a thin layer of oil, for this use a silicone brush, and when the pan heats up, pour out a little dough, spreading it over the entire surface using a rotating motion:

  • We make the fire more than average and fry for half a minute on each side:

  • For patterned pancakes, put the dough into a syringe and squeeze out the outline of an object, for example, stars:

  • When the outline dries up a little, fill the star with dough:

  • You can bake anything like that, even letters and numbers:

Pancakes for children on kefir

In kindergartens, pancakes for children are baked from kefir. This is even more pancakes, because they are small. Here are some ways:

Method 1

Mix 0.5 liters of kefir with a glass of sugar, a teaspoon of salt, soda and 2.5 cups of flour. The dough is thicker than regular pancakes, but quite runny. And bake small, 4 pieces each in a pan. Such pancakes are immediately sweet, you can eat without jam and condensed milk. There are no eggs, so such pancakes can be used by children from one year old.

Method 2

More classic cooking.

  • Two glasses of kefir of any fat content, but better - 2.5%;
  • Beat separately and pour the egg into the kefir;
  • One or two tablespoons of sugar, so the pancakes will be only slightly sweet;
  • A couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil, so as not to burn (in general, you can add oil to any recipe for pancakes, even if it is not written);
  • A little salt and soda by the eye, it is better not to extinguish it with anything, because we have kefir, when we cook with it, we do not extinguish soda

  • At the end, add, sifting in the process, one and a half cups of flour, beat with a mixer at high speed

  • Bake several pieces in one skillet, on both sides;
  • The dough will be about the same thickness as in the first method, but the taste is different. Serve with homemade preserves, sour cream and sugar, or jam!

Pancakes based on children's instant porridge

Pancakes from baby porridge are made by thrifty mothers who do not want to throw away a good product, which the child stubbornly refuses. Porridge is not eternal, and why wait until it deteriorates or throw it away when you can knead an excellent pancake dough out of it!

  • First you need to beat 1-2 eggs with salt and sugar, see for yourself the quantity;
  • Then pour in a glass of warm milk;
  • Pour dry porridge in the amount indicated on the box for 0.5 liters of liquid;
  • Leave the porridge to swell as much as it should, usually five minutes is enough;
  • A little oil and baking powder;
  • We add one and a half glasses of milk, also warm, and add flour, if necessary, so that a batter comes out, which pours like a thin semolina;
  • The dough will be slightly thicker than on classic pancakes, and they themselves will be thicker.

Filling for children's pancakes

Our children love pancakes, but some other products are not. Sometimes in the filling for pancakes it is possible to "disguise" the fact that the child does not want to eat simply because of harm. Yes, and so it is to teach that the kid will like it and he will ask for supplements! For example, pancakes, wrapped like bags, stuffed with eggplant, mashed potatoes and fried onions look wonderful:

Another filling: mix several boiled yolks from chicken eggs with butter and salt, you can chop a little greens.

It is better to make meat filling for little ones from boiled chicken meat mixed in chopped form with sour cream and salt.

You can also make sweet pancakes by putting inside grated or whipped cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream or an apple grated with sugar. Or mashed bananas.

For older children, pancakes with finely chopped ham and cheese are suitable, it would be better to fry them a little in a pan before putting them in the pancake.

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Muscovites whose hobby is to cook deliciously. You say: "There are a million pancake recipes! Why this one?" And because it was this recipe that I personally liked more than all the pancake recipes that I had to cook and try. And even if you have never tried pancakes, and if you have tried, then instead of pancakes you had to eat lumps (who does not happen to?))), Then I do not advise you to pass by. Write this recipe down, hang it on the refrigerator, and cook it today! You will not regret! :)

For 20 pancakes 15 cm in diameter (or a smaller amount of a larger size), we need:

wheat flour 150 gr
sugar 70 gr
salt 1/3 tsp
chicken egg 3 pcs
kefir 120 gr
water 75 ml
butter 50 gr

1. In a deep bowl, combine flour, salt and sugar.

2. Measure out the required amount of kefir.

And add water to it (ordinary, boiled)

3. Pour kefir diluted with water into a bowl of flour.

Pour in gradually, in several steps, each time kneading the flour with a whisk or spoon.

4. Add eggs.

And stir the dough until smooth.

5. Prepare a piece of butter (don't be afraid of it, you would still have to grease the pan and ready-made pancakes with butter, otherwise you won't have to!)

And melt it in a water bath (put a plate of butter in a deeper container with very hot water), then pour into the dough.

6. Finally, knead the dough. It should come out with such a pleasant creamy thickness.

Well, now the dough needs to be left alone for half an hour, without it anywhere!)

Let's talk about the frying pan for now. It must certainly be the best, preferably cast iron or non-stick. In general, I recommend that you have a separate small frying pan specifically for pancakes and pancakes, then they will definitely always work out!

So, after half an hour, put your skillet over medium heat, let it ignite. Do not add oil!

7. First pancake: Using a deep spoon or ladle, pour a small amount of dough into the hot frying pan and twist it in different directions so that the dough spreads evenly all over the bottom.

An important point: how do you know that the pancake can already be turned over? Very simple! As soon as you notice that the edges of the pancake are browned, and the surface has ceased to be shiny and became dull, covered with small bubbles, you can immediately turn the pancake over. I meant this kind of dullness, compare with the previous photo:

We turn it over, gently prying the edge (it is most convenient for me to use a silicone spatula - it bends perfectly to the shape of the pan wall) and running the spatula around the entire circumference of the pancake (so that the edges do not stick).

The second side only needs to be fried for a few seconds, because the pancake is almost ready.
It is most convenient to stack pancakes in a pile - they cool down more slowly =)

8. And about the filling. It can be absolutely anything (but remember that according to the recipe these pancakes are sweet, meat with cabbage will not work)
For example, cottage cheese with jam:

Or fresh fruits - nectarines, apricots, strawberries, raspberries, to your taste, chopped in puree.

Or an apple stewed with cinnamon (cut it into thin slices and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, having previously melted a small piece of butter in a pan and sprinkled with cinnamon)

Or honey, or various syrups, or just fresh tasty sour cream! The options are endless!
Hope you enjoy the pancakes!
Bon appetit and have a great weekend! =)

There are a myriad of pancake recipes. They are thin and thick, with milk or kefir, openwork and with holes, with buckwheat flour or chocolate, with hot and filling - you cannot list all types. We offer you the most delicious pancake recipes.

At what age children can be given pancakes

Nutritionists consider pancakes to be a heavy dish for the stomach, so when asked, "At what age can pancakes be given to children?" usually answer: "From 2.5 - 3 years old! It's still a fried dish. From two years old, children can, along with steaming, begin to practice cooking children's dishes in the oven. But fried food can be offered only from the age of three."

There is an exit!

We offer several ways to cook pancakes that can be used by both pregnant women and children, from small to large.

  • Modern technologies make it possible to "lighten" pancakes. Our tip: Use a Teflon-lined pan for cooking, which allows you to cook without oil. Such pancakes can be offered to children over two years old once a week, not more often.
  • Skip the yeast pancake recipes. This is especially true for women who are breastfeeding, because fermentation will be transmitted through milk to the baby and colic is possible.
  • It is better for pregnant women to cook pancakes in water, that is, replace milk or kefir in the recipe with water.
  • Choose recipes for thin pancakes, use healthy toppings for pancakes, then the delicacy will benefit!

Pancakes with milk from wheat and buckwheat flour

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 400 g wheat flour;
  • 200 g buckwheat flour;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tsp salt.


  1. Dissolve sugar in warm milk, add wheat and buckwheat flour, mix well.
  2. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Melt the butter. Combine and mix the remaining wheat and buckwheat flour.
  3. Add yolks and salt. Stir again. The mixture should be like sour cream in consistency.
  4. Beat the whites into a foam and, stirring constantly from the bottom up, gradually add to the dough.
  5. Bake pancakes. Delicious with sour cream, jelly and grated cheese.

Openwork pancakes on kefir

Ingredients for 6 servings:

  • 1 liter of kefir (3.2%);
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Beat eggs in a saucepan until smooth, pour in kefir, add salt and heat, stirring constantly.
  2. The mass must be warm (38 °). Then add sugar, salt, baking soda and stir.
  3. Add flour gradually. The mass should turn out like thick sour cream. We break the lumps.
  4. Pour the milk into a separate saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour milk into the dough in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  5. Bake pancakes until golden brown. Serve pancakes with condensed milk, honey, jam.

Chocolate thin pancakes

Ingredients for 4 persons:

  • 80 g of dark chocolate;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • berries or fruits.


  1. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt together with the butter in a hot water bath.
  2. Sift flour with cocoa powder, salt and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered sugar.
  3. Beat the eggs with milk, pour in a thin stream with constant stirring into the flour mixture and knead the batter of a uniform consistency. Add the butter and chocolate and mix well.
  4. Bake pancakes. Whip sour cream with honey. For each pancake, place the fruit and fold it in four.
  5. Release the sour cream from the pastry bag and serve. Can be garnished with mint sprigs.