Spicy noodles. How to cook boxed Chinese noodles

I continue to talk about my experiences of buying noodles on Ebay.
This time I'll tell you about Shin Ramen noodles. I'll tell you right away. The noodles are insanely spicy. Only if you are a fan of such dishes, you can take it. But be careful.
Well, as usual, a warning: there are photographs of food in the review. May cause profuse salivation and the desire to grab something. Be careful.
I personally bought these noodles at random. Until the very moment of tasting, I did not know what awaited me. But on the other hand, it's even more interesting.
By the way, the question why I am doing this will be answered here. I buy and taste noodles solely out of curiosity and the opportunity to try new flavors. In the future, I plan to order not only noodles for testing, but also other products from different countries. I am seriously looking at Surströmming, but so far the price tag stops. I'm sorry to give 100 bucks for a can of rotten herring.
By the way, I advise you to look at my two previous reviews on noodles from Ebay:
This review will be, respectively, the third in a row. But I ordered a couple of other varieties of noodles. Painfully curious.
Now about the noodles.
The noodles were bought on ebay on the principle "I want this one, the price is normal"
While the noodles were traveling, a review of a similar noodle appeared on the muska:

But there is one but. The author cooked the noodles incorrectly. I will show you how to cook it correctly below.
But I'll start with the packaging.
Noodles arrived in a big box. No gifts from the seller this time. Only noodles in the box:

On all sides, the inscriptions are in Korean only:


I will translate into Russian. Method for preparing ramen noodles:

1. Pour the mixture of dried vegetables into a saucepan, pour 550 ml of water and bring to a boil.
2. Throw noodles and seasoning into boiling water. Cook for 4 minutes.
3. Add eggs, herbs, kimchi, mayonnaise, etc. to your taste.
I will cook according to this recipe.
I open the pack. Inside there are noodles and two bags. One contains dried vegetables, the other contains a spicy soup base.


Spicy Soup Base:

The taste of the dry noodles themselves is not particularly different from the usual bigbon noodles.
I'm starting to cook noodles.
I measured 550 ml of water, poured it into a saucepan, poured vegetables:

While the water is boiling, I pour the noodles into a plate, open the spicy soup base, pour out a part:

I taste it. Yeah. Very sharp. I am now grated roll, pour only half of the bag:

Just then, the water with vegetables began to boil:

I throw noodles and peppers into the water:

I cook, as it is written for 4 minutes:

I cook, stirring occasionally and giggling viciously. The evil brew that the delov will make.
After 4 minutes, I put the finished pepper potion on a plate:

It looks appetizing by the way. The smell is peppery and spicy. But the main smell and taste is of course pungency.
First try. Very hot and insanely hot. Snot and tears immediately break through. I think we need to cool it down a bit. By the way, there is a glass of milk.
After a few minutes, I notice that the noodles have swollen a little, and the liquid has noticeably decreased:

Now you can eat:

What can I say in the end. The noodles are of course insanely spicy. But after 2-3 tablespoons, the taste begins to show through the pungency. It is a little spicy, salty and sour. More herbal than meat. There were mushrooms in a bag of vegetables, so the mushroom taste can also be traced. But all this, of course, is just an echo of the main hot peppery taste.
To be honest, I didn't really like this experience. I certainly mastered these noodles. But I probably won't repeat it. Moreover, there are other tastes.
More or less noodles can be eaten with fresh ham or boiled sausage. I think that a boiled egg in noodles is recommended not in order to somehow enhance the taste, but in order to dilute them at least a little and remove the sharpness of the pepper. Perhaps it really was necessary to boil the egg and add it there.
Of course the experience is very interesting. I think that lovers of very spicy dishes may like such noodles. I prefer more spicy dishes with a lower level of spiciness. I have purchased holopeno peppers, I thought they were hot. So compared to noodles, this is just childish talk. You can eat the noodles with pickled holopenos to bring down the spiciness.
I probably won't recommend noodles for purchase. Really very sharp. Such food should be eaten more carefully.
As for the joke that especially hot peppers are burnt twice, I can’t say anything. I did not feel the second burning sensation. Probably my body is like that. But there are usually no consequences.
This is the whole review. Bon appetit and have a nice day everyone. I plan to buy +11 Add to favourites I liked the review +65 +85

Tribute Tribute Mian, or Sichuan spicy noodles better known as Tribute Noodles... A classic Sichuan dish. Boiled noodles served with fried minced pork flavored with traditional Chinese spices - soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, black rice vinegar, chili oil, garlic, ginger and, of course, chili. The simplicity of preparation and the range of tastes, probably, have served such popularity and national recognition of this dish.
Noodles in Chinese cuisine are equal in importance to rice, and even the Chinese themselves find it difficult to answer unequivocally what is still more important in the national diet - rice or noodles. There are an enormous amount of noodle dishes in Chinese cuisine. It can be just noodles cooked in various ways (boiled, steamed, fried) with the addition of all kinds of sauces. Numerous vegetable additives can be added to the noodles. More satisfying options are already served with meat additions. Some recipes can be viewed in our collection - for example, Mayu Mianxian ( Sesame noodles), Wan Zamian ( Chongqing noodles ), Zha Jiang Mian ( Noodles with minced meat and sauce , also called Peking Noodles), Zhouzao Mian ( Noodles with Zhouzao sauce ) etc.
The first mention of spicy noodles Tributes Tributes took place in 1841. Noodles in those days were quite expensive food and were not available to everyone. However, it was sold by noodle peddlers on the shopping streets. The peddler carried a bamboo rocker with bamboo noodle baskets hanging from the ends. This method of trading was called "Dan", hence the name of the noodles. It was originally a dish of boiled noodles seasoned with a hot sauce (chili, soy sauce, black vinegar, ginger, garlic, onion). And later, when spicy Dan Dan noodles began to be prepared in restaurants (many dishes from street vendors later ended up on the restaurant menu), minced meat was also added to it. Quite good in this dish bean sauce with chili "Old nanny" Lao Gan Ma .
Lovers of Chinese cuisine (especially Sichuan) and noodle dishes, if desired, can cook such noodles at home. With the right ingredients, this traditional Sichuan recipe is easy to make.

INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings):
ramen noodles (or other thin wheat noodles) - 2 nests,
minced pork - 200 g,
leafy vegetables - 4-5 cobs of Pak Choi cabbage (or Romano salad or Iceberg),
green onions (only green part) - 1 arrow,
ginger - a piece the size of a walnut,
garlic - 3 cloves,
dried mustard stalks- 25-30 g,
dried chili- 5 pieces.,
peeled roasted peanuts - 1 tablespoon,
Shaoxing wine- 1 tbsp.,
light soy sauce - 1 tbsp.,
dark soy sauce - ¼ tsp,
black rice vinegar - 1 tsp,
chili oil- 1 tbsp.,
Sesame oil- 1 tbsp.,
vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon,
chicken broth - 200 ml (or 200 ml of water + 1 tsp.dry chicken broth in granules ),
ground black pepper- ¼ tsp,
salt - ¼ tsp

Although the recipe will require a lot of ingredients, it is still uncomplicated. Those who love to cook Chinese dishes at home probably have all of them. Well, the process itself is quite simple. Fry the minced meat with seasonings and spices, boil the noodles, blanch the leafy vegetables and serve the finished dish.
Before use, dried salted mustard stalks must be soaked in cold water for 5-10 minutes, then rinsed.
If the peanuts are not fried, fry them a little in a dry frying pan and chop them, but not into dust.
Prepare the sauce for frying. Combine light soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, chili oil, dark soy sauce, ground black pepper, black rice vinegar, sesame oil and salt in a bowl. Stir until the salt dissolves.
Wash Pak Choi cabbage (or other leafy vegetables) and separate the coles into layers.

Boil water in a wok or a saucepan, add a little salt and vegetable oil and blanch the cabbage leaves for 30 seconds. Place the cabbage on a sieve, rinse with cold water and drain.

Boil the noodles until tender, put them on a sieve, rinse with cold water. Let the water drain.

Ramen noodles from Korea.

I didn’t believe it before when they said that really spicy food burns twice ...
I checked it on myself. Appreciated)))))
Since then I have been regularly “pampering” myself ...

As a matter of fact, I tried the original Korean noodles - they were brought from South Korea by an opportunity. It can also be purchased on ebee.
Example 1. lot with a choice of be-p-shek.

And one more lot.

The price is not bad if you take 5 pieces at once.
By the way, these noodles, recently, can be purchased locally. Prices are 150-200 rubles per pack. So with Ebey it turns out a little cheaper.

Depending on the market where the given noodles are supplied, the packaging design may differ (for the American market, for the domestic market, for the Russian-speaking market, etc.). In particular, the information on the back and the instructions for cooking are different.
Common is a red (with black) package with the Shin Ramyun wordmark.
Ramen is a vegetable noodle soup that is quite spicy. Well spicy: gourmet spicy. It is very sensitive for us Europeans. For Koreans - well, sharp. In terms of composition, ramen is a spicy and spicy noodle soup with fresh vegetables and a delicious beef broth. The noodles and vegetables help balance the spicy flavor and tanginess, creating a traditional Korean flavor.
Regarding cooking, despite the fact that these are instant noodles, it is recommended to boil them for 4-5 minutes in boiling water (500 ml). There are microwave cooking options. The composition contains natural vegetables and meat broth.

The choice was not very difficult, there are not so many "red and black" memory sticks from Korea. There are completely black (very sharp).
There are two types of packaging for this Shin Ramyun

Excerpt from the description.

The packaging is a large bag of instant noodles.

Everything is standard, I pay attention to the labels "made in Korea", an indication of the pungency. Packaging may vary depending on the market. Offline, I met with a description in partly Russian

Weight is about 120 g. A rather heavy package, "toasts" and "rolltons" are much more compact and lighter.

I unpack it.

Inside 120g of decent Korean noodles

Includes two bags with spices and vegetables

Spices in separate packages.
Dry broth. Spicy. If you are sensitive to pepper, it is best not to add all of it.

Package with vegetables.
These are natural, dehydrated vegetables. Chopped into large pieces.

For comparison, I unpacked a bag of Doshik noodles.
Our usual "bepashki" are smaller, lighter, the noodles are different in quality and composition.

So, Korean noodles are bigger. And in terms of volume and weight. This is for possible remarks about cost.

I do it according to the instructions. Pour boiling water over and cook for 4 minutes.
It turns out a very decent amount of Ramen soup.

May users forgive me for such details ...
The noodles in the broth turned out to be "fatty".
The broth is ... spicy.
The noodles were boiled in 4 minutes, became soft and tasty.

So, the first try ...

It's just an explosion of taste ...
Hot noodles, hot and spicy broth ...
Very sharp ... Very, very sharp, it burns strongly, breaks through sweat ... Inexpressible sensations.

I draw your attention - the vegetables are very decent. In "our" beads, vegetables come across completely ground into dust, and that they are, that they are not, they do not affect the taste of the noodles.
And in Korean noodles there are very decent pieces of carrots, mushrooms, peppers, herbs, etc.

The noodles made an interesting impression)))))

I will note that at first I gave her a mockery, otherwise it was a uniform mockery. It is very sharp.
Please note that it is not recommended to drink this with water - it will burn even more, it is better to use fatty, enveloping drinks, such as milk or yogurt.

The noodles are hearty, the portion is large.
Unlike the “local” ones, there is no sense of “synthetic” taste.
Quite decent soup. Ramen in a Korean restaurant or cafe will certainly be fresher and tastier. But even so, quite decent quality noodle soup.
You can pamper yourself periodically.
Feels like the sharpness did not cause any strong negative, there were no unpleasant sensations. Just a wave of "taste" brought some variety ...))))

I plan to buy +26 Add to favourites I liked the review +96 +120

Good day!

Instant noodles, of course, are far from the most useful product, and often they should not be eaten. But I eat it from time to time, I especially like the spicy noodles. For example, such as Shin Ramen in a cup.

General information:


The noodles are in a large plastic cup. The design seems to hint that a very spicy dish awaits us.

The expiration date is indicated on the bottom of the glass.

On the film that wrapped the glass, there was a Russian-language sticker with detailed information about the product. Only hieroglyphs are printed on the glass itself.


Noodles: wheat flour 51%, potato starch, salt, palm oil. seasoning: beef flavor, salt, monosodium glutamate.

Spices(black pepper, red pepper, garlic, onion), dried paprika powder, mushroom powder, dried red pepper, dried green onions, dried mushrooms, dried carrots.

Food value:

proteins - 8.6 g

fats - 13.2 g

carbohydrates - 67.1 g

sugar - 4.2 g

sodium - 2,420 mg

Energy value:

The cover is made of paper and can be removed easily. Inside the cup are noodles, a small amount of dried vegetables, and a bag of spices.

Spices are a reddish-colored powder. There is a distinct red pepper in it, so if you do not like too spicy noodles, do not pour out all the seasoning.

Cooking method:

poured spices, poured boiling water over everything, covered with a lid, let it brew for 5 minutes, then mixed.

What happened in the end?

At first, I was a little disappointed that the noodles and spices looked completely ordinary. Usually, each instant noodles with a non-standard name has its own characteristics - for example, "Chazhzhang" noodles are distinguished by a spicy soy sauce, and - tempura pieces and "scallops".

But I quickly changed my mind when I tried the noodles. Pay attention to the broth - it has a beautiful reddish-brown hue and is particularly sharp, which even burns your lips. But this pungency only gives a special "piquancy", sets off the rich taste of beef. I was pleased that the taste of the dish turned out to be harmonious - the noodles are elastic, not softened, the broth is spicy, just like the spicy lovers. 5 minutes is enough for the noodles to cook properly.

Thank you for attention!