N noses mishkina porridge summary. A holistic analysis of N.N.

09.02.2021 Vegetable dishes

Year of publication of the story: 1938

Nikolai Nosov's story "Mishkina's porridge" is a small but well-known work by one of the best children's writers in our country. It is recommended for reading by children in elementary grades and has enjoyed enviable popularity for many years. More than one generation of children in our country has grown up on the story of Nosov "Mishkina Porridge" and the story still remains relevant and in demand among children.

The plot of the story "Mishkina's porridge" briefly

In the story of Nikolai Nosov "Mishkina porridge" you can read about the nameless narrator and his friend Mishka. Mishka came to visit the narrator at the dacha. This made not only the main character very happy, but also his mother. After all, she just had to go to the city for two days. And together the children will not be so bored. Leaving my mother gave instructions on how to cook porridge, but our main character did not really listen, because Mishka said that he can cook porridge. Mom left, and friends went fishing.

They spent the whole day on the river and only came home in the evening. I was terribly hungry and they decided to cook porridge. The bear began to pour in the cereal, and our narrator advised to pour in more. Then they poured water and waited. But then the porridge began to fall out. Mishka began to take away a little and add water with a spoon. But this process was endless, and it was already past midnight on the street. Then friends decided to fall asleep less porridge and more water. But there was no more water in the house.

Further in the summary of Nosov's "Mishkina porridge" you can read about how the bear took the bucket and went to the well. But as in the works, everything did not go exactly as planned. He returned without a bucket and rope. He drowned them in a well. The friends searched for the rope, but did not find it. Then they took the kettle and tied it with a fishing line. But the line broke and the kettle also drowned. And here, as an evil, I also wanted to drink. Then friends with a mug did not take too much water to get drunk and in a saucepan. Finally they cooked porridge, but it was not salty and smelled like burning.

Then Mishka volunteered to fry the minnows they had caught. He peeled them, threw them in the pan and began to fry. But the minnows stuck to the pan. Then they remembered the need for oil. And they poured little directly into the hot frying pan. The oil burst into flames and our friends almost started a fire. Moreover, there was no water in the house. After that, they decided to go to bed hungry.

The next day, the main character of Nosov's story "Mishkina Porridge" went to his neighbor, Aunt Natasha. He promised to weed out all the weeds if she fed them and told about his grief. Aunt Natasha fed her friends, and her son Vovka was only amazed at how friends famously swallow food. After that, they took a bucket and a kettle from the well and went to weed the weeds together with Vovka. And Mishka said that weeds are nonsense compared to how to cook porridge.

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A holistic analysis of N.N. Nosov "Mishkina porridge"


The works of Nikolai Nosov occupy an important place in children's literature.

The first stories of Nikolai Nosov "Zateyniki", "Live Hat", "Cucumbers", "Wonderful Trousers", "Mishkina's Porridge", "Dreamers" were published in 1938 in the children's magazine "Murzilka". In 1945, these stories by Nikolai Nosov formed the basis of the first collection of the writer "Fat, Fat, Fat". In 1947, Nikolai Nosov's stories for young and middle-aged children “Steps” were published, as well as “Merry Stories” by Nikolai Nosov.

Nikolai Nosov's stories have received strong recognition among children and adults, many of them have been used as films. The writer believed that children should be treated with love, warmth and great respect, which is why his books became popular with the children's audience.

Creativity N. Nosov is of great importance in children's literature. Very important features of his humorous talent were the ability to respond to urgent problems of upbringing and the ability to solve important moral and ethical problems in an emotional, entertaining form.

One of the most interesting works of Nosov is the story "Mishkina's porridge" from a cycle of stories about two heroes-boys - Kolya and Mishka.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the work of N. Nosov "Mishkina porridge" from the point of view of its specifics, to prove that it is a children's work.

1. Specificity of N. Nosov's creativity

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov (1908-1976) - the greatest of the humorist writers of children's literature. In his creative biography, a passion for technical knowledge and the gift of a humorist happily converged.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in Kiev. His father was an actor, his mother raised four children. She was a needlewoman and songstress, a very sensitive person. Since childhood, Nikolai was a withdrawn and insecure person. Since childhood, his hobbies have been versatile. He studied music, singing and amateur theater, was fond of the exact sciences: chemistry, electrical engineering, chess, photography. How did it happen that the "grumpy uncle" Nikolai Nosov still became known to us not as a chemist, photographer or film director, but as a children's writer? Nikolai Nosov loved to tell his son various funny stories, coming up with them on the go. Gradually, he realized that composing for children is the best thing to do. It requires not only literary knowledge, but also love and respect for children. He knew how to magically become a child, see the world through his eyes, feel with his soul, speak with his language. Fantasy is the quality that, keeping the memory of childhood, helped Nikolai Nosov to become one of the most beloved and famous children's writers. The heroes of N. Nosov's stories win the hearts of readers from the first minutes. Naive, mischievous, inquisitive fidgets constantly find themselves in unusual, often funny situations. Young readers recognize themselves and their friends in sympathetic, ready to help others, active, open children. He started writing at the age of 30.

The first publication of the writer dates back to 1938: his story "Zateyniki" was published in the magazine "Murzilka". Later, most of his stories were published in "Murzilka"; among them - "Live Hat", "Cucumbers", "Wonderful Trousers". In 1945, a collection for kids "Knock-knock-knock" was published, which included pre-war stories and new ones: "Mishkina's porridge", "Gardeners", "Fantasies", etc. Later, collections for younger and middle age appeared - "Steps" and Funny Stories (1947).

Nikolai Nosov, a writer of a bright humorous talent, believed that children begin to understand jokes very early, before the age of two, and that the violation of the order of things that they have just learned is amusing. In general, Nosov's books, as a rule, have two addresses - a child and a teacher. The teacher Nosov helps to understand the motives and motivations of the child's actions, and therefore, to find more subtle ways of influencing him. He brings up a child with laughter, and this, as you know, is a better educator than any edification Razumnevich, V. A family of cheerful boys: about the books of Nikolai Nosov // Books for Life / V. Razumevich. - M .: Education, 1975 .-- P. 87.

In the humorous stories of Nosov for primary schoolchildren and preschool children, the funny is not in the circumstances, but in the characters, the comic of which stems from the peculiarities of the boyish nature. Nosov's funny books tell about serious things, and children, perceiving the life experience of the heroes, learn how difficult it is, but how good it is to be responsible for the task entrusted to them.

Stories for children of preschool and primary school age, action-packed, dynamic, full of unexpected comic situations. The stories are full of lyricism and humor; the narration is usually in the first person.

Humorous situations help Nosov to show the logic of thinking and behavior of the hero. "The real reason for the funny lies not in external circumstances, but is rooted in the people themselves, in human characters," Nosov wrote.

The writer's insight into the psychology of the child is artistically reliable. His works reflect the peculiarities of children's perception. Laconic expressive dialogue, comic situation help the author to describe the characters of the guys

Nosov in his stories knows how to talk with children, knows how to understand the most intimate thoughts. Reading Nosov's stories, you see real guys in front of you - exactly the kind we meet in everyday life, with their advantages and weaknesses, profundity and naivety. The writer boldly resorts in his work to fantasy, mischievous invention. Each of his stories or novellas is based on an incident that happened or could have happened in life, the characters of the guys we often meet in the surrounding reality are described.

The strength of his stories and stories lies in the truthful, ingenuous display of a peculiar and cheerful childish character.

All the work of Nikolai Nosov is permeated with a genuine, intelligent love for children. Whichever of Nosov's stories we begin to read, immediately, from the first page, we feel joy. And the further we read, the more fun it becomes.

There is always something hidden in funny stories that makes you think seriously. Think about how you need to prepare yourself for an independent life from an early age: learn to cook porridge, fry minnows in a pan, plant seedlings in the garden and repair your phone, light sparklers and follow traffic rules. Everyone should know and be able to do this. These stories help to get rid of bad character traits - from absent-mindedness, cowardice, excessive curiosity, rudeness and conceit, laziness and indifference.

The artistic word always more emotionally expresses the everyday problems that teachers, parents and children face. It is much more effective than boring preaching, instructions, explanations. And a lively discussion of Nosov's stories is not only an exciting journey with the heroes of his books around the country of childhood, it is also the accumulation of life experience, moral concepts, what is "good", what is "bad", how to do the right thing, how to learn to be strong, brave.

Reading Nosov's stories to children, you can have fun, laugh heartily, and make important conclusions for yourself, do not forget that next to you are the same girls and boys who are not always smooth and good at everything, that you can learn everything, you need to just do not hang your nose and be able to be friends.

This is the moral and aesthetic side. The social position of the children's writer, his outlook on the world is reflected in his work. The internal organization of a work addressed to children reflects the author's own worldview, his social, moral and aesthetic orientation in the world.

2. Analysis of the story "Mishkina porridge"

1. Introductory part, the history of the creation of the work. The story "Mishkina's porridge" was included in the collection for kids "Knock-knock-knock," which was published in 1945. The writer was 37 years old at that time.

NN Nosov invented and told funny stories to his son, and then he realized that this is the best thing for him that he could do.

2). The genus of the work.

The work of N.N. Nosova "Mishkina porridge" refers to the epic. This is an epic piece. As noted by A.N. Andreev, "the purpose of the epic is, first of all, to embody the complexity of a person, to convey his integrity in the unity of three sides: bodily, mental and spiritual." The epic is thinking in characters. In the work of NN Nosov, the story is told from the perspective of a boy.

In the epic, as A.N. Andreev, “the concept of personality requires embodiment through a chronotope, a system of characters, a type of conflict, principles of plot formation, subjective organization, a special“ epic ”(subject) detailing, speech of heroes, vocabulary, syntax. An epic setting is a story of someone about someone (about something). "

The main features of the epic as a kind of literary literature are events, actions as an object of depiction (eventfulness) and narration as a typical, but not the only form of verbal expression in the epic.

So, the work belongs to the epic. It tells the story of the events that happened to the boys over the course of two days.

3) Features of the genre of the work. The work of N.N. Nosov's "Mishkina porridge" belongs to the genre of the story. This is an epic genre of a small volume, which tells about one episode, an event in the life of a hero.

So, the hallmarks of the story "Mishkina's Porridge" are that the work has a small volume, there is a limited number of characters in it (this is Mishka and his friend, at the end of the story there is a story about aunt Natasha and her son Vovka); the story has one storyline (the plot is about how the boys tried to feed themselves in the country for two days).

The story tells about one important episode in the life of the boys, about how they cooked porridge, dropped the dishes into the well, fried crucians and they burned them down.

The entire action of the story is subordinated to one problem (how to feed oneself in the country without a mother), is connected with two heroes (Bear and his friend), one storyline (a plot about cooking porridge).

The story is told from one person. This is a boy, the hero of the story, to whom Mishka came.

4) The meaning of the title of the story. N.N. Nosov called his story "Mishkina's porridge". It was through the title of the work that the writer conveyed his attitude to the depicted and drew the reader's attention to the key episode of the story.

The story has an apt, memorable title: "Mishkina's porridge", which already contains part of the answer to the question raised: "What kind of special porridge is this? This is the porridge made by Mishka. "

5) Brief description of the person from whom the story is being told. The main character is a boy of 10-12 years old. The story is narrated on his behalf. He has a friend, Mishka, who comes to his dacha.

6) Idea and general plot.

The plot of the story "Mishkina's Porridge" is commonplace: Kolya's mother leaves for two days, leaving her son and his friend to manage on their own.

7) The plot of the work.

A friend Mishka comes to the main character. Once Mishka's mother needed to go to the city for a couple of days. When asked if the guys could live independently for two days, Mishka answered very confidently that they could. He said he would cook both soup and porridge.

The next day the guys decided to go fishing. While fishing, they ate all the bread that their mother left them. When the hungry and tired boys returned home in the evening, they began to cook porridge. Mishka, without thinking twice, poured a full pot of cereal and poured water on top of it. The guys lit the stove and waited for the porridge to cook.

After some time, the porridge for some reason began to crawl out of the pan, and the water disappeared somewhere. The young cooks wanted to add water to the pan, but found that the bucket ran out of water. The bear went to the well to get some water, but managed to drown the bucket along with the rope. Soon there was a kettle in the well. Somehow they drew water from a mug.

The guys cooked porridge all night, but when it was cooked, it turned out to be impossible to eat it. And I really wanted to eat. Then the boys remembered the minnows they had caught while fishing during the day. But when novice cooks began to fry fish in a frying pan, sunflower oil flashed, and all the fish burned down. I had to go to bed hungry.

The next morning the guys decided to go to a neighbor for help. They promised her to weed the weeds in the garden, and a neighbor fed the children breakfast. And then Mishka figured out how to get a bucket and a kettle from the well with the help of a hook and rope. And the guys managed to get out of the well what they, due to their inability, drowned in it.

8) Themes and problems of N.N. Nosov belongs to the generation of those Russian writers of the 20th century who wrote about children and their problems.

The main meaning of the story "Mishkina's Porridge" is that confidence and arrogance should not be confused. A confident person really knows how to do this or that work, and an arrogant person does not really know how to do anything, but assures others that he will cope with anything.

The story "Mishkina's porridge" teaches you to be attentive and thoughtful about any business. There are secrets in any business. It is imperative to master those activities that are important in an independent life. These activities include cooking and household chores. The guys from the story "Mishkina's Porridge" did not have such an experience and during two days of their life without an adult they experienced many difficulties.

In the story “Mishkina's porridge, the main characters are Mishka and his friend. Of course, they do not know how much and Mishka is too arrogant at the same time, and his friend is too trusting about Mishka's skills. However, the guys actively tried to lead an independent lifestyle, they honestly tried to cook porridge and fry fish. They were also smart enough to seek help from an adult, and they repaid for this help by working in the garden. Yes, and the bucket and teapot drowned in the well, the heroes of the story were able to return safe and sound.

In this story, the key point is the child's self-care work. This is work aimed at meeting personal needs.

The boys from this story already feel quite mature and independent, but it turns out that feeling alone is not enough. To do any kind of work or activity well, you need to try and make an effort, and not just observe.

N.N. Nosov shows us that it is very important to be able to serve oneself, be able to cook food, bring water into the house, and maintain personal hygiene. This suggests that not only children should take these important things out of this story, but also parents. It is the parents who must teach the child to take care of themselves, to introduce them to work, to show by their own example, so that the child feels support and knows that it will be useful for him in adult life. The author showed us that the ability not to give up does not come immediately, but over time, and in order to achieve something, you need to go clearly towards the goal, then everything will work out. The boys follow the path of mistakes and trial, although they quarrel, they still remain great friends. Aunt Natasha reacted very well to the situation and supported the children, feeding them and introducing them to work as they could.

The idea of ​​the story is that from childhood, the child needs to be introduced to work, to joint activities with parents and peers, where he can try to do something, to prove himself.

9) Systematization of images and characters.

Main characters: Bear and his friend.

The main character (Mishka's friend) is gullible (he trusts a friend to cook dinner), he is not very attentive (he did not listen to his mother when she talked about the method of cooking porridge), picky (criticizes a friend when he cooks porridge), resourceful (guessed what was needed set aside some of the cereal and add water), quick-witted (realized that it was difficult to cook dinner and forbade his friend to cook anything further).

The bear is quick-witted, resourceful, cheerful. He cooks porridge himself, he guessed to attach an anchor to the rope in order to pull the dishes out of the well.

The bear is surprisingly active, he is constantly in action: "he poured cereals into the pan", "grabbed a spoon and began to stuff the porridge back into the pan", "took a mug, climbed into a bucket", "grabbed a frying pan from the stove."

But he also makes many mistakes: his porridge always crawls out of the pan, he drops the bucket into the well, fry the minnows without oil.

Bear is a dreamer and seeker; he not only extricates himself from difficult circumstances, but fights with them with enthusiasm and vigor.

10) The psychology of the story.

The writer's insight into the psychology of the child is artistically reliable. His works reflect the main features of children's perception. Expanded characteristics, direct and indirect, are not at all necessary in order for the image of a particular character to appear visibly. Laconic, expressive dialogue, comic situation help the author to describe the characters of the guys.

In the story of N.N. Nosov, a lively dialogue sounds, conveying to everything that is happening the hero - the boy, in his own way, often the attitude of very directly illuminating certain artistically reliable events. This penetration into the psychology of the hero, who evaluates everything from his own boyish point of view, creates in Nosov's stories not only a comical situation, but also humorously colors the logic of the hero's behavior, which sometimes contradicts the logic of adults or the logic of common sense Soloviev A.V., Sevostyanova E P. The socializing potential of N.N. Nosov "Mishkina porridge" // Young scientist. - 2015. - No. 22.1. - S. 109.

The bear is a little smug. He claims that he can easily cook porridge.

If you remember the heroes of the story “Mishkina's porridge”, “- Don't worry! I saw my mother cooking. You will be full, you will not die of hunger. I’ll cook such a porridge that you’ll lick your fingers! ”. You are simply amazed at their independence and skill!

True, they could not cook porridge, but they melted the stove, put firewood. They got water from the well - they drowned a bucket, it is true, but they got it out with a mug, a saucepan. And the porridge seemed to be cooked. Only it was impossible to eat it.

Children are resourceful. The minnows were cleaned and, you see, they would have fried if the oil had not burned out.

And most importantly, they found the right decision - they asked a neighbor to cook the porridge, and they themselves weeded her garden for this. “The bear said:

Weeds are nonsense! It’s not difficult at all. Much easier than cooking porridge! " Likewise, violent energy and fantasy, combined with an overestimation of their capabilities and a lack of life experience, often put kids in a funny position, which is further exacerbated by the fact that failure does not discourage them, but, on the contrary, is usually a source of new fantasies and unexpected actions.

Humorous situations help Nosov to show the logic of thinking and behavior of the hero.

N.N. Nosov loved children. He does not criticize children's actions. There are no "bad" stories in Nosov's stories. He builds his works in such a way that children do not notice that they are being taught a polite, respectful attitude towards adults, taught to live in harmony and peace.

Nosov's boys carry all the traits of a person: his adherence to principles, excitement, spirituality, eternal striving, the habit of inventing, which in reality corresponds to the images of real guys.

The power of life-affirmation is a common feature of his stories. The very life affirmation of childhood is optimistic. A small child is sure that the world he came to was created for happiness, that it is a correct and lasting world. This feeling is the basis of a child's moral health and future ability for creative work.

Nikolai Nikolayevich so skillfully hid behind little heroes that it seemed as if they themselves, without any participation of the author, were talking about their lives, about sorrows, joys, problems and dreams.

12) The assignment of a work to a specific style through artistic means and methods of disclosing an idea.

Since the narration is from a boy, the main style of the work is colloquial. The story contains common words and expressions ( fuss, nonsense, chew, slob, blabbed etc.).

Let's cook porridge. What is there cook it!

What is there to cook! - says Mishka. - One fuss!

Put it aside and over again boo there is a mug of water.

- Nonsense! I will bring it now!

I just raised it above the water, splash- and there is no kettle.

In the text of the story, we find many words with colloquial colors.

“We bask in the sun and bread and jam chewing. Then they began to fish. Only the fish bite badly: they caught only a dozen minnows. We are on the river all day blabbed. "

"Smudge it will turn out. "

There are many dialogues in the story:

Come on the rope.

And she's not there, the rope.

Where is she?

Where exactly?

- Well... in the well.

So you missed the bucket with the rope?

- Well Yes.

Colloquial words convey the general atmosphere of colloquial speech in this work.

14) Characteristics of the features of the language of the work.

The entire plot of the story is full of humorous positions, the change of which keeps the reader in constant cheerful tension.

The use of colloquial elements as a means of imitation of colloquial speech is characteristic of the story "Mishkina's porridge". Colloquial words are used especially widely.

Common words and expressions:

« Well, cook soup and porridge "

"And drink to the edge I want to"

"Well, we her licked and went to bed. "

"Bring better a pot of porridge here, we will drag water into it so as not to run twenty times with a mug. "

Due to the use of vernacular and disapproving words, an increased emotionality of colloquial speech is created:

Oh you, muddler! - I say.

- Ugh! What is this porridge! Bitter, unsalted and stinks of burning.

- Smart ass!- I say.

- Oh, to you!- says Mishka. - Where are you going?

Proverbs and sayings:

« You will be full, you will not die of hunger... I'll cook such a porridge that lick your fingers

- The jester knows her where! Climbing out of the pan!

- Oh you, - I say, - scum! Well you, us starve to death want? H

- Crazy- I say - came down! Look at the clock: the neighbors have been sleeping for a long time.

Here, as if on purpose, we both felt thirsty; seems, I would give a hundred rubles for a mug of water!

Humorous comparisons

“The whole table was lined with plates, like in a restaurant and keeps adding water all the time. "

“It always happens like this: when there is no water, you want to drink even more. That's why in the desert you are always thirsty because there is no water there. "

“What do we have,” I say, “do you think pot shop? "

“When you feel thirsty, it seems that drink the whole sea, and when you start drinking, you will drink one mug and you don't feel like it anymore, because people are greedy by nature ... "

15) Artistic features of the story.

N.N. Nosov uses the colloquial stylization technique. This is the language spoken by children. This style is necessary for the author to convey important ideas to children. Colloquial words are one of the most characteristic expressive means of a story. The use of colloquial and colloquial words by the heroes and by the author himself meets the objectives of this literary work: the author shows that we are faced with heroes-boys. Stylization for children's spoken language allows you to reveal the psychology of the characters.


noses baby mishkina porridge

N.N. Nosov is an amazing children's writer. It is surprising and remarkable in that not only children receive a charge of extraordinary cheerfulness, vigor, a surge of strength, but adults immediately plunge into the atmosphere of childhood, remembering their childhood problems.

The creativity of N. Nosov is diverse and versatile. Laughter is the main engine of his creativity. Unlike the overwhelming majority of humorists, Nosov has established himself as a theorist of the funny.

For N. Nosov, the discovery and explanation of the world to children is one of the most important artistic tasks.

In the center of Nosov's works are children-dreamers, fidgets, irrepressible inventors who often get it for their undertakings. The most ordinary life situations in Nosov's stories turn into unusually funny instructive stories.

The stories of N.N. Nosov for children, because they help them understand the relationship between people.

The heroes of Nosov's work actively strive for knowledge of the environment

N.N. Nosov teaches children to think not only about themselves, but also about their comrades. Together with the heroes, we experience emotional relief, great satisfaction. The writer is generally opposed to flaunting the moralizing thought of his work, and seeks to write in such a way that the little reader himself draws a conclusion. Possessing a deep understanding of children, the writer never presents a fact in its pure form, without speculation, without creative imagination.

List of used literature

1. Andreev. A. N. Holistic analysis of a literary work: Textbook. manual for university students. - Minsk: NMTsentr. - 144 p., 1995

2. Baruzdin, A. About Nikolai Nosov // Meetings with writers: a guide for teachers. - M .: Education, 1978 .-- S. 260-262.

3. The life and work of Nikolai Nosov: collection. - M .: Children's literature, 1985 .-- 256 p.

4. Korf, OB Nikolay Nikolaevich Nosov / O.B. Korf // Children about writers. XX century from A to N. - M .: Strelets, 2006 .-- S. 54-55.

5. Nosov N.N. // Writers of our childhood. 100 names. Biographical dictionary in 3 parts. Part 1. - M .: Libereya, 1998. - S. 269-273.

6. Polozova, ETC. Nikolay Nikolaevich Nosov / T.D. Polozova // Russian literature for children. - M .: Publishing house. Center "Akademiya", 2000. - S. 412-424.

7. Razumnevich, V. A family of cheerful boys: about the books of Nikolai Nosov // Books for life / V. Razumevich. - M .: Education, 1975 .-- S. 87-109.

8. Solovieva AV, Sevostyanova EP Socializing potential of the story of NN. Nosov "Mishkina porridge" // Young scientist. - 2015. - No. 22.1. - S. 109-111.

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    abstract, added 12/14/2010

    Brief biographical information about the life and work of Lu Xin, his role in the development of Chinese literature in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. the main idea of ​​the story "Kun Yi-chi", the characteristics of the main character. An analogy between the works of Lu Xin and Chekhov.

A story about two boys Misha and Kolya. Kolya's mom leaves for two days and leaves the boys alone to manage, explaining how to cook porridge. The guys were resting all day on the river, fishing, and when they got hungry, they got down to business. It turned out to be not such a simple thing, it turned out to be a matter of cooking - their porridge turned out to be alive, everything wanted to get out of the pan, the minnows stuck to the pan, and the oil burned with a blue flame.

The plot of the story is simple, it tells us that the mother of the protagonist, Kolya, is forced to leave for a couple of days. When she leaves, she leaves her son

With a friend alone. The boys are not upset, but rather try to see their mother as soon as possible. Without hearing her instructions on how to cook porridge, Kolya's friend interrupts the woman with the words "Why cook it there!"

At first glance, Mishka may seem like a braggart to us, but this is not so, he is just very energetic and loves to try something new. With confidence in success, he begins to cook porridge, and immediately trouble awaits him. The porridge began to crawl out of the pan.

Before us are two heroes. Kolya, embarrassed and confused, and Mishka, confident in his victory. The boys start quarreling at the well when they want to pour water into the pot. Kolya by negligence

I almost pushed the pot into the well. After a quarrel at the well, Mishka confidently takes up the frying of crucian carp and then a failure awaits him. The food burns.

Nosov draws the hero Mishka as a confident and strong person who is ready to take on any business, even if he does not know how to cope with it, and Kolka, despite their conflict, still continues to believe and follows his instructions.

I certainly liked the author's work. In my opinion, the author showed us not only. the ability not to give up and not deviate from the goal, but also to be friendly and go to the end. Boys, though they quarrel through mistakes and trials, still remain great friends. Friendship is not appreciated these days. If you do not have an expensive phone, they refuse to be friends with you. Friendship has taken on a calculating character these days.

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Mom and her son are Jews at the dacha. and then one day a friend Mishka came to them, everyone was very happy about his arrival. the next day, my mother is going to the city, and leaves two friends alone at home. mom asks children if they can cook dinner themselves? and they answered that they are not small and that they can do everything themselves.

Misha replied that he would be able to cook porridge, as he saw how his mother was preparing porridge. in the morning, mom explains to the children how to cook porridge and soup, but the boy did not listen, because he thought that Mishka knew how to cook porridge. in the morning they gathered sandwiches, took

Fishing rods and went to the river to fish. bought, ate and began to fish. but the catch was bad. in the evening we returned home and decided to cook porridge. they sit and cook porridge, and then they see how it begins to crawl out from under the lid. they thought the pan was full of holes, they checked it, but no, it is intact. they put the extra porridge, added water and began to cook further. but the porridge began to creep out again. again put the porridge aside, poured water, but it climbs out again. then they decided that they had put a lot of cereal. they quarreled in general. decided to pour more water, and the water ran out. They went to the well and dropped the bucket into the well. then they felt thirsty, but there was no water. in general, then they dropped the kettle on the fishing line there too. then they tied the fishing line to the mug, pulled out a glass of water and drank. they brought a pot of porridge to the well and almost dropped it there. took some water, returned home. have tried porridge, but it is not tasty: it is bitter and smells like burning. they decided to fry the fish. cleaned the fish, put it in a frying pan without oil. the fish stuck. added oil and it flared up and the whole fish burned. decided to eat cereals, not boiled. it's not tasty. tasted the bittersweet onion. the next morning we went to a neighbor. asked her to help. she gave them milk and pies. took a rope from a neighbor. got out a pot and a kettle. and then the neighbor weeded all the weeds.

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  1. A story about two boys Misha and Kolya. Kolya's mom leaves for two days and leaves the boys alone to manage, explaining how ...
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Anastasia Lopatina
Literary analysis of an excerpt from NN Nosov's story "Mishkina porridge"

Literary analysis of an excerpt from the story of N... N. Nosova« Mishkina porridge» .

The main meaning story« Mishkina porridge» is that you should not be overly arrogant in some matters, you should always listen to the advice given by older and more experienced people.

Story« Mishkina porridge» teaches you to be attentive and thoughtful about any business. There are secrets in any business. It is imperative to master those activities that are important in an independent life. These activities include cooking and household chores. Guys from story« Mishkina porridge» did not have such experience and in two days of life without an adult experienced many difficulties.

V story« Mishkina porridge» I liked the main characters, Bear and his friend... Of course, they do not know how much and bear at the same time, he is too arrogant, and his friend is too trusting Mishkin's skills... However, the guys actively tried to lead an independent lifestyle, they honestly tried to cook porridge and fry fish. They were also smart enough to seek help from an adult, and they repaid for this help by working in the garden. Yes, and the bucket and the kettle drowned in the well story managed to return safe and sound.

The author treats his character very anxiously, he loves them, but nothing bothers him, he laughs at them, but the irony is more friendly, the most important thing is that in the end they still cope with difficulties and take out a bucket and do not remain hungry.

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