Dried cherries. Useful properties of cherries for the human body

12.09.2019 Meat Dishes

Drying is one of the best ways of harvesting, cherries lend themselves well to drying and easily, then soak, getting almost their original shape. Fully preserves the taste and vitamins.

Compote and cooked with dried cherries acquire a characteristic aroma and color.

Dried cherries are used to make compotes, and hot drinks with tea and mint make an excellent vitamin drink.

Dried sweet cherries are stored in hermetically sealed jars, and we recommend storing dried cherries with seeds in linen bags and paper bags so as not to start.

Dried cherries with seeds.

For drying, you need to select the dark, ripe cherries, remove the stalks from it. Prepare a 1% solution of baking soda, boil it and dip the cherries into it for 3 seconds. Then immediately cool it under running cold water. When the water drains, dry the cherries on paper towels. Then put on a baking sheet and dry in the oven with the door ajar at a temperature of 60 degrees. When the fruits are lifted, raise the temperature to 90 degrees and continue drying until tender. Can be dried in an electric dryer that will cook cherries without the hassle.

Pitted dried cherries.

For seedless drying, prepare the berries as usual. Then put it on a sieve or baking sheet and bake in the oven at 60 degrees. When the cherry is slightly wrinkled, take it out, cool it and with your fingers, carefully remove the seeds from it. Put back on a baking sheet and dry until tender.

Dried cherries soaked in syrup.

Why dried cherries are sweet, although fresh they are sweet and sour or sour. And the secret is that it is kept in sugar syrup before drying. Prepare sugar syrup based on 800 g of sugar per liter of water. Dip the prepared cherries into boiling syrup, let it boil for 7-8 minutes. Catch the cherries and place in a colander; the syrup should drain completely. After that, put the berries on a baking sheet and dry in the sun or in the oven at 50 degrees. Turn the berries periodically. The finished dried sweet cherry is elastic and not too wrinkled.

Dried sweet cherries.

Prepare cherries, put in a bowl for cooking jam in one two layers. Prepare a syrup from 150g granulated sugar and 0.5 cups of water per kilogram of cherries. Pour the berries in a bowl with boiling syrup and let it brew for 24 hours. Then bring to a boil over high heat. Remove from heat, put in a colander, when the syrup flows down, spread out on a baking sheet in one row and dry in the oven with the door ajar. The temperature at the beginning is 40 degrees, then you can gradually add up to 80 degrees.

Dried cherries are an extremely tasty delicacy that contains numerous trace elements useful for our body. Let's tell you more about the benefits of dried cherries. It can be used to strengthen our body, to treat and prevent various diseases.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of dried cherries are due to the chemical composition of the berries. All minerals and vitamins are preserved in a dry berry. It contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, various antioxidants. It is the content of antioxidants that prevents aging processes. And thanks to the presence of pectin substances, metabolic processes, intestinal motility are improved. There is a natural cleansing of the intestines and the body from toxins.

Dried cherries contain numerous vitamins, including vitamin C. The latter is responsible for human immunity, saving us from various colds and inflammatory diseases. Calcium and potassium contained in dried fruits have a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle and other internal organs of a person. Many experts call these berries perhaps the best product for improving immunity. They are equally useful for children, adults and the elderly.

You should only remember that you should not eat such berries in the presence of chronic lung diseases. It was also found that in the presence of increased acidity of the stomach, regular consumption of dried cherries can lead to aggravation of problems with the intestines and stomach. Dried berries have no more significant contraindications and harm.

Including dried cherries in the diet, it should be remembered that such a product should be consumed in moderation. Overeating can cause stomach problems, allergic reactions, or other problems with the body.

That is why one should observe the measure when using such a delicacy and do not eat several kilograms of dried cherries at a time. This will avoid any harm to our body.

Calorie content of cherries and their culinary value

The calorie index of dried cherries is 286 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Specialists - nutritionists recommend the use of such dried berries for those people who follow a dietary diet, eat right and would like to strengthen their body, while losing weight. There are various fruit and berry diets that are light, effective, and easy to follow.

Due to its excellent taste, such cherries are widely used in cooking. It is used when making various desserts, pies and cakes are made using such berries. A variety of compotes are very popular, which are easy to prepare. You can make a delicious compote in just twenty minutes at home.

First of all, it should be said that during drying, if everything is done correctly, cherries practically do not lose their beneficial properties. This berry is very rich in vitamins and minerals. They have bactericidal properties, due to which, in folk medicine, dried cherries often used to stop inflammatory processes, as well as for viral diseases.

Also, dried cherries are rich in a substance that significantly reduces blood clotting. Because of this property dried cherry dishes are recommended as a preventive measure against atherosclerosis.

Also if a person has anemia, cherries will be very, very useful. This berry contains a lot of iron; in terms of the amount of this substance, it can be compared with apples.

For women in the position, cherries are also beneficial due to the high content of iron, which is so often lacking in the blood of pregnant women. It is useful to drink dried cherry compotes for epilepsy.

Cherries have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin.

You can talk a lot about the benefits of cherries, some consider it almost a panacea... This berry is used in folk methods of treatment, in cosmetology, in cooking.

So cherries are mostly beneficial. Let's talk about which processes in the body are improved thanks to this berry.

  1. Weight loss... Dried cherries are a staple of many diets. Various decoctions from this berry not only do not harm the body, as with a normal diet, but also strengthen the immune system.
  2. Sleep normalization... Due to the melatonin content in cherry berries, compotes from them help to improve sleep. To a lesser extent, this is facilitated by pies and other dishes with cherries, since you should not gorge yourself before going to bed.
  3. Improving memory... Train yourself to drink a glass of cherry compote every morning, this will greatly improve your concentration and memory.
  4. Slowing down the aging process... Scientists have not come to an unambiguous point of view, but after some research, many biologists have concluded that both dried and fresh cherries contribute to the renewal of skin cells.

In addition to a large amount of minerals cherry has a wonderful taste. If your family has children, they will surely enjoy such a delicacy.

The calorie content of dried cherries is 292 kcal per 100 g of product, so do not be afraid to gain weight from eating such a yummy.


Here are the many benefits of cherries, however, this red berry is like fresh, and in dried form can be harmful. What is the danger of your favorite cherry?

Cherries are contraindicated:

  • people with diabetes mellitus;
  • children under 1.5 - 2 years old;
  • with diseases of the digestive system.

Cherries are high in glucose, so if you have high blood sugar, it is better to refrain from eating cherries.

Do not overeat dried cherries, this can provoke quite severe heartburn.

Which varieties are suitable?

When choosing cherries to dry first of all, pay attention to ripe berries with a rich color... The flesh of such fruits should be firm, and the stone should be small. Cherry varieties that are well suited for drying are Shubinka, Lyubskaya, Vladimirovskaya.

Before proceeding directly to the drying process, you need to decide on the following aspect - do you need a bone? If you are going to use cherry for cooking compotes, it is quite possible to leave a bone.

If the berries are to be used as a filling for pies, the seeds should be removed. In stores with different kitchen utensils now you can find special devices with which it is much easier to remove bones.

In addition, with the help of such a device, you will do it more carefully, it is very important not to damage the berries too much so that they do not leak out with juice, but give off excess moisture during drying.

To make the bones easier to remove, lightly dry the cherries at a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Drying cherries in an electric dryer (in a dryer), more on that later.

Cooking berries

Before the drying process, cherries should be sorted and free from the stalks, wash thoroughly. In order for the berries to dry faster, before drying, they are blanched in a boiling alkali solution for 2-3 minutes.

After these manipulations, the cherries can be dried. How to dry cherries in the oven You will learn how to dry cherries in an electric dryer below.


Under the sun

Now is the time to deal with how to dry cherries... It is very important to do this so that all of the above useful properties are preserved in it.

Drying cherries in the sun - why not? It is best to dry berries in the fresh air. where a warm breeze will blow them. Many people use baking trays or trays for these purposes, but it is better to take a large piece of dense, clean cloth.

You need to dry the berries for 4-5 days. During the day they should be under the sun, and at night bring berries into the house so that they do not get moisture again. As soon as we start to warm the sun in the morning, the cherries need to be taken out again. Get a piece of fabric that is comfortable for you to wear, or get help from someone.

It is by drying in the fresh air that cherries preserve maximum vitamins and is best dried. But this drying technique is only suitable for pitted cherries.

If you remove the seeds, the sap will come out abundantly from the cherries, which is very attractive for insects that cannot be gotten rid of.

Therefore, you need to dry cherries in the sun in a complete undamaged form. How to dry cherries at home, how to dry cherries in the oven further.


For, to dry cherries at home, you need an oven cherries will not dry out at room temperature, of course. Before you start drying the berries in the oven, you must remove all damaged cherries.

To dry cherries at home, put the berries on a baking sheet. covered with parchment paper or foil. Drying takes place in several stages, which differ in temperature conditions.

There are always many questions about readiness. Determining that the cherry is dry when done outdoors is fairly straightforward, since in this case, there is no fear of overdrying the berries.

If we dry it in an oven, we need to focus on the fact that when you press the berry with your finger, juice does not come out of it. Well dried cherries also have a dark brown skin tone. Well-dried berries taste sweet and sour.

The general process of drying cherries at home will take approximately 8-9 hours., it all depends on the size of the berries and the degree of their ripeness. If you need to dry pitted cherries, the process will take twice or even three times longer.

Do not forget that you cannot close the oven with cherries; throughout the entire cooking process, it must be slightly open.

In the oven

In order to dry cherries in a real oven, you first need to adjust the temperature. To do this, sprinkle a few drops of water on the floor of the oven., it should boil. The process of drying berries in a real oven is quite simple, most often in this way cherries are dried in summer cottages or in country houses.

After the sieves are installed, the oven does not need to be closed too tightly, there must be air access, because the moisture will need to evaporate. This is a very important nuance., which should certainly be taken into account. The chimney must also be slightly open.

Over time, the chimney must be closed gradually. In such conditions, cherry drying will take 10-12 hours.... Read the next section on how to store dried cherries at home.

Storage rules

Dried cherries are best kept in small paper bags.

If you know you can quickly use dried berries, you can put them in a jar.

You can store dried cherries for no more than a year. but it is highly unlikely that you will not eat or cook something tasty from it during this time.


You will have no difficulty drying cherries if you follow our advice. Dried cherries will delight for a long time your family with the pleasant taste and smell of summer.

Useful video!

Summer is the perfect time to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. Cherries, whose health benefits and harms are scientifically proven, are used in traditional medicine recipes and are recommended as a general tonic.

What vitamins do cherries contain?

The chemical composition of sour cherry berries is rich and includes a large amount of minerals, vitamins and other substances beneficial to the body. It is worth figuring out what vitamins are in cherries. So, in the pulp there is a group of B, E, C, A, H and PP. As for the mineral composition, it is also wide and the berries contain iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and other macro- and microelements. By consuming cherries, the body gets pectins, organic acids and fiber.

What are the benefits of cherries?

If you look at the chemical composition of the berries, then no one should be surprised by the fact that there are a huge number of useful properties:

  1. Scientists have proven that due to the pronounced antioxidant properties, there is a fight against free radicals, which is the prevention of cancer. There are also anthocyanins in the composition, which block mutated cells and prevent healthy ones from transforming into malignant formations.
  2. By drinking tart juice, you can reduce the manifestation of muscle pain during exercise. This is explained by the presence of substances that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
  3. The benefits of cherries for the human body are associated with its positive effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system. It contains the glycoside amygdalin, which reduces the frequency of heart attacks. Thanks to the presence of coumarin, the risk of developing a heart attack, stroke and other problems is reduced. Do not forget about anthocyanins, which have a positive effect on the condition of the capillaries and normalize blood pressure.
  4. There is a lot of iron in the pulp, so the berries and juice are useful for people who suffer from anemia to quickly increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  5. Cherry seeds or tincture have a positive effect on the condition of the urinary system, since they contribute to the removal of sand and stones from the kidneys and bladder.
  6. Finding out how cherries are useful for a woman's body, it is worth mentioning their cosmetic value. The pulp is used in masks that give the skin elasticity, tone it up and remove inflammation.

Dried cherries - benefits and harms

If the drying process is carried out correctly, then the berries practically do not lose nutrients. Dried cherries, the benefits and harms of which are similar to the properties of fresh fruits, have the following effect on the body:

  1. It is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  2. Contains substances that reduce, therefore, dried berries reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
  3. Compote prepared on the basis of dried fruits will help to cope with insomnia and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  4. It has a powerful laxative effect, therefore fruits are recommended for constipation.

Frozen cherries - benefits and harms

To preserve the beneficial properties in berries, it is necessary to carry out the freezing process correctly. It is better to choose the "shock" mode, which is found in many refrigerators. In this case, fruits are obtained that will not be inferior either in taste or in composition to a fresh product. If you are interested in how a frozen cherry is useful for the body, then its properties are identical to fresh and dried berries. It is important to consider that repeated freezing will degrade the quality of the product.

The benefits of cherries for weight loss

People who want to lose weight should lean on fruits in the summer, which help to heal the body and lose weight.

  1. For starters, it is worth noting the low calorie content of cherry berries, as 100 g contains only 52 kcal. However, they are satisfying, so nutritionists recommend them as a snack.
  2. The use of cherries for weight loss is due to the fact that it removes decay products from the body, which has a positive effect on the work of the entire digestive system.
  3. Berries increase the production of gastric juices, which helps the digestion of other foods.
  4. Cherries are diuretic, helping to get rid of excess fluid and swelling.
  5. Essential oils and organic acids that make up the composition are involved in the breakdown of fats.

Medicinal properties of cherries

The beneficial properties of not only berries, but also leaves, stalks and even leaves of this tree have become the basis for many folk recipes.

  1. Juice... To experience the healing properties of cherries, you need to drink up to two glasses a day. It normalizes metabolic processes and saturates the body with useful substances. If diluted in half with milk, you get a drink for asthmatics.
  2. Decoction of stalks... An excellent diuretic, which will also be useful for sexual weakness. For cooking in 0.5 liters of water, put 2 tbsp. tablespoons of stalks and cook after boiling for 10 minutes. You need to take 1 tbsp. four times a day.
  3. Dried berries... Dried cherries, the health benefits and harms of which have been confirmed by numerous studies, are an excellent antipyretic agent. To prepare the medicine, pour 100 g of berries with 0.5 liters of water and boil over low heat until the volume of the liquid decreases by 1/3.

Cherries - Benefits for Diabetes

People with diabetes need to closely monitor their diet, but doctors allow them cherries. It contains anthocyanins, the action of which is aimed at increasing the degree of activity of the pancreas by 40-50%. It is important to know not only how cherries are useful for women and men with diabetes, but also how to use them correctly. Doctors allow berries and juice, and you can also prepare a decoction using 1 dessert spoon of stalks per 1 tbsp. boiling water. Everything should boil for 10 minutes. You need to drink 0.5 tbsp. three times a day half an hour before meals.

The benefits of cherries for gout

Scientists have found through experiments that berries have the ability to reduce levels and have anti-inflammatory effects. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it is possible to rid the body of toxins. The health benefits of cherries are also due to the fact that, with regular use, you can purify the blood and increase hemoglobin levels.

With an exacerbation of gouty arthritis, doctors recommend eating large quantities of cherries several times a day. Thanks to this, it is possible to alleviate the condition and reduce the degree of manifestation of the pain syndrome. Experiments have shown that if cherries, the benefits and harm to health of which are confirmed by doctors, are eaten daily in an amount of 1 kg for three days, then the concentration of urate salts can be reduced. In addition, the swelling and redness of the affected joint is reduced.

Cherry hemorrhoids treatment

Among the popular recipes, you can find options suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It has been proven that the berries, together with the seeds, have a general strengthening effect, helping to restore the tone of the walls of blood vessels. Treatment of hemorrhoids with cherries with a stone is effective due to the fact that it relieves swelling and inflammation, tightens hemorrhoids and promotes wound healing. With the prolapse of hemorrhoids, cherry seed oil, which is rubbed into the problem area, helps well. You can also use a special broth.


  • cherries - 3 tsp;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.


  1. Mix the ingredients and put on low heat.
  2. After boiling, cook for 15-20 minutes.
  3. It is necessary to take the broth chilled for 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Why are cherries harmful?

Like many products, cherries have a list of contraindications that should be taken into account so as not to harm health.

  1. Should not be included in the diet with a tendency to diarrhea and problems with the digestive system.
  2. Doctors prohibit sour fruits for ulcers and acute gastroenteritis.
  3. It is necessary to refuse this product in case of chronic lung diseases.
  4. Cherries can be harmful when consumed with berries in large quantities. This is due to the fact that they have a substance inside that is converted into hydrocyanic acid in the intestine.

My grandmother has ownerless cherries, we have enough of them in the freezer, no one eats compotes anymore ... but then it turns out you can dry it, and for a raw food diet (Vadik is a raw foodist =), and I'm going in half a year - a year old) she is very handy. And how many useful things are in it ...

Cherries contain flavonoids - substances that can block free radicals that accelerate cell aging. This delicious berry rejuvenates the body and tones it up. The pectin, which is part of the cherry, removes toxins, helping to maintain the figure, also cherry has a mild laxative effect, improves skin condition and stabilizes the heart. And most importantly, all these useful properties are characteristic of dried cherries. Cherry berries are low in calories. But at the same time, they improve digestion, quench thirst. A handful of dried cherries a day fully satisfies the body's need for cobalt and magnesium. Cherry strengthens blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, increases the body's resilience, for example, to radiation. Like many other stone fruit crops, cherries contain amygdalin, a substance that reduces pain in the heart area and helps to heal some diseases of the stomach and nervous system.
Try our cherries - these are natural dried berries, not the sugary candied fruits in sugar syrup, of which there are so many in regular stores. All nutrients are preserved to the maximum in our cherries. It is very good in compotes, but you can eat it like that, only slightly soaking it in water. The taste of dried cherries is sweet and sour, very pleasant.

Cherry is considered the birthplace of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea, from where it came to Rome and spread throughout Europe. Already in the III century. BC NS. doctor Sifinius mentions cherry (sweet cherry) as a valuable medicinal product.

The modern geography of the common cherry culture is extensive, and the annual world harvest of these fruits is over 2 million tons. Dried cherries of dark-colored fruits, without stalks.

Red or dark red fruits of ordinary cherries have a pleasant sweet and sour taste, their pulp contains many useful substances: organic acids (malic, citric, succinic, salicylic, etc.), minerals and trace elements (calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium , potassium, a lot of copper), pectin substances - up to 11%, enzymes, sugars - up to 15%, nitrogenous, tannins and dyes, vitamins A, C and PP, folic acid, anthocyanins.

Cherry pits contain: -25-35% fatty oil, essential oil, amygdalin glycoside; in the bark - tannins, coumarin, amygdalin.

Cherries - a valuable dietary product, improves appetite, an effective remedy for the treatment of anemia with low hemoglobin

Of particular value to cherry fruits is the content of coumarins with a predominance of oxycoumarins, which contribute to the normalization of blood coagulation. Therefore, the consumption of cherries prevents heart attacks associated with the formation of blood clots.

Dried berries are especially valuable for the content of pectin substances that bind heavy metals in the human intestine and remove them from the body. Therefore, for the prevention of occupational diseases, dried berries are recommended to be included in the daily diet.


Cherry fruits are sorted before drying, rotten, broken and unripe are discarded. Good fruits are cleaned of stalks, washed in cold water under the shower. To speed up drying, the fruits are immersed for 0.5 minutes in a boiling solution of baking soda (15 g per 1 liter of water). After that, the fruits are thoroughly washed in cold water. Solar drying. Lasts 3-5 days. Artificial drying. In the first 2 hours, it is carried out at a temperature of 50 degrees, and then the temperature is increased to 70-75 degrees, and dried for 10 hours, stirring often. Cherries are dried at a temperature of 50-55 degrees. Dried fruits should be black-brown with a slight reddish tint. From 10 kg of fresh cherries, 2.2 kg of dried ones are obtained.

I liked this one, but of course without soda and in the sun, more precisely in the fresh air - in the sun vitamins go away - so they say, an environmentally friendly product

And here are other options

Sweet dried cherries 1

Prepare sugar syrup: dissolve 800 grams of sugar in 1 liter of water and bring to a boil. Dip pitted cherries in batches in boiling sugar syrup. Cook for 5 to 8 minutes. Then separate the cherries in a colander, let the syrup drain completely. Place the cherries on the drying trays. Dry at 40 - 45 ° С. The finished cherry should be soft and supple enough. Store in tightly closed glass jars.

Sweet dried cherries 2

Wash the cherries, pour into an enamel bowl and pour boiling sugar syrup. Stand for a day, then bring to a boil. Remove the cherries, drain the syrup, sprinkle the fruits on baking sheets and dry over low heat in the oven with the door ajar. Store in glass jars with a lid. Wash dried cherries thoroughly before use, soak for 8 - 12 hours in cold water and boil in the same water.

For 1 kg of cherries, 120 grams of sugar, 1/2 glass of water.