Chicken salad with lettuce. Chicken salads are simple and tasty

27.11.2019 Restaurant notes

Probably, I will repeat myself if I say that spring is the time for salads for me. Cucumbers, radishes, fresh herbs ... how many of these products can you make the most delicious and wholesome salads! Options - the sea. Today I wanted to make a salad that I ate in a cafe. A friend chose the salad from the menu. He immediately got accustomed to me by the fact that his price was relatively low. Then I saw that it contained lettuce leaves. This salad came as a surprise to me. But, having tried it, I realized that our choice with my friend was successful. It also included chicken breast, boiled eggs, tomatoes, mayonnaise. Everything is simple, but surprisingly tasty. At home I decided to repeat this salad, slightly correcting it.

Servings: 4
Calorie content: Medium-calorie
Calories Per Serving: 320 kcal

To make Vegetable Salad with Green Lettuce and Chicken Breast, you will need:

Tomato - 1 pc.
cucumber - 1 pc.
bulgarian pepper - 80 g
egg - 3 pcs.
chicken breast - 300 g
green lettuce leaves - 1 bunch
mayonnaise - 5 tablespoons
salt, ground black pepper - to taste

How to make a vegetable salad with green lettuce and chicken breast.

1. Let's prepare the ingredients.

2. Let's take care of vegetables. I took Bulgarian pepper for a yellow color. Whole pepper is too much, I cut off a third part for salad. Do not forget to wash the pepper under water. Cut into small cubes.

We shift the pepper into a deep salad bowl, cut the tomato, previously washed, into slices, too.

3. Wash the cucumber under water and cut into semicircles. We send it to the salad bowl with vegetables.

4. I baked the chicken breast in the oven again, I needed 300 g for the salad. We tear the meat into feathers.

5. We wash the green lettuce leaves under water, let the water drain from the leaves and tear them with our hands into large pieces. We put it in a separate deep salad bowl.

6. Add mayonnaise to the lettuce leaves and mix.

Add chicken fillet feathers here and mix again.

7. In the meantime, back to the salad bowl with vegetables. Season with salt to taste and mix gently. Combine the contents of both salad bowls in a serving dish. Mix gently.

8. The salad is almost ready. It remains to boil and peel the eggshell. Cool them down and cut them into slices.

Date of publication: 27.11.2017

Not so long ago I cooked soup and for him I had a chicken breast. Somehow I thought that I was sorry to leave it all in the soup, that would be some salad to cook. So just for such cases, when you want to make several dishes from a minimum of products, I have prepared for you a list of simple recipes for chicken breast salads and ingredients that set it apart. Of course, you can cook Olivier, Caesar, the Bride already known to us, but there are times when there are only some ingredients at home that are not enough for the above salads.

In the family food item, chicken is the top priority because it is the most affordable meat product. And, of course, a huge number of recipes for every taste were invented with her. Also, chicken has dietary meat. Everyone knows that chicken breast contains a minimum of calories and a huge amount of protein.

  • Chicken breast and fresh cucumber salad recipe
  • Simple and delicious salad with chicken breast and mushrooms

Salad with boiled chicken breast and grapes

Grapes are often taken large pink, but any grape variety will do. More often it is cut in half, but if the grapes are small, you can leave them whole. And it is also better to remove the bones from the halves, they are completely superfluous there.

Cheese prefers harder or softer, but well laid in the cold, which is easy to rub and cut.


  • 0.5 kg of grapes
  • Bunch of green salad
  • 0.5 kg cooked chicken breast
  • Hard cheese
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt pepper

Prepare the salad - tear the leaves into pieces for a more natural look.

Boiled chicken breast should be chopped or fiberized.

We cut the grapes along the berries and put them in a common bowl.

The cheese should be diced or grated.

Mix with mayonnaise.

Peking cabbage and chicken breast salad

Combining meat with vegetables is a classic form of taste. So, Chinese cabbage and cucumber add freshness to the dish, make it healthier, enriching it with microelements and fiber. Even with mayonnaise, this salad is much lighter than most.


  • Chinese cabbage
  • 1 boiled chicken breast
  • 1 cucumber
  • Crackers
  • Salt, mayonnaise

Coarsely chop the breast, cucumber and cabbage.

We put them in a bowl and mix with mayonnaise.

We use lettuce leaves for decoration (you can do without them), lettuce on top, and crackers with a finishing layer so that they do not have time to get wet and crunchy.

Chicken breast and pineapple salad

I wrote that this is my favorite salad. For me it is the easiest one, and I would say - ladies' one. By the way, only women left me praise for him, not a single man has yet revealed a desire to try chicken with pineapples. Looking ahead, I will say that salads with chicken and prunes or grapes, they also do not eat. In general, my husband sorts the pineapple separately from the rest of the ingredients when he puts such a salad on me. Therefore, in our family, this dish is a rarity and appears only when I personally want to please myself. In a male company, he clearly will not become the favorite.

By the way, there are more options for salad with pineapples here.


  • Boiled chicken breast (smoked)
  • Canned pineapple
  • 150 gr cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • Mayonnaise

Chop the chicken and place in the first row.

Cut the pineapples into slices and place in the second row.

The cheese comes in the third layer. We coat each layer with mayonnaise.

Rub a couple of eggs and decorate the top of the salad.

Delicious salad with chicken breast and mushrooms

And for the male half of the family, here is a recipe for a nutritious and satisfying dish with mushrooms and pickled cucumbers. What you really like is the variety of taste: both sourness and spice.


  • 0.3 kg roasted chicken breast
  • 0.2 kg fried mushrooms
  • 2 boiled carrots
  • Bulb
  • 100 grams of hard cheese
  • Pickles
  • Mayonnaise
  • Bunch of fresh herbs

Fry the onion pieces.

Add mushrooms to the onion and cook until tender, if you already have fried and frozen mushrooms, then you need to evaporate all the liquid.

Add a spoonful of mayonnaise to the chopped fillet.

Chop all vegetables like all previous ingredients.

Add the fried onion and mushroom mixture to the chicken fillet.

The third row is pickled cucumbers.

Fourth row: carrots.

Fifth row: a mixture of cheese and mayonnaise.

Chicken breast and corn salad recipe

An easy-to-prepare salad that requires a minimum of food, but it will be a great dinner. Of course, you can take products by eye, but it is better to observe the proportions a little in order to get just a salad, and not a mushroom dish with chicken.


  • 3 eggs
  • 100 gr of hard cheese
  • Boiled chicken breast
  • Can of corn
  • Mayonnaise

Cut the cheese into cubes.

We do the same with chicken.

We cut the eggs all, without separating the yolks from the protein.

Add corn to the total mass of the salad.

We mix.

This salad is very tasty and it is not a shame to serve it to the table and guests.

A simple recipe for salad with chicken breast and prunes

The fruits of prunes add sweetness and unusual sourness to unleavened chicken meat. It is generally widely used by culinary masters, and at home, for example, my mother stews cabbage with it. Believe it or not, the taste is so unrealistically delicious that the cabbage flies at once. I have not yet come to this recipe myself, due to my husband's lack of desire to absorb vegetables and fruits in one dish. Well, yes, I already talked about this.


  • Boiled chicken fillet
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 gr prunes
  • 50 gr walnuts

Grind all the ingredients. Nuts need to be finely crushed or chopped.

Mix everything in a bowl and rub the eggs. Mix, fill with mayonnaise.

Chicken breast and beans salad

Choose the variety of beans to taste: white or red. Someone thinks that red in a salad looks more elegant, decide for yourself. But before you send it to the salad, you need to drain the liquid from it. We do not take beans in tomato sauce.


  • 2 boiled breasts
  • 5 pickled or pickled cucumbers
  • 2 cans of beans
  • Soy sauce
  • Walnuts

Dry the nuts in the microwave or fry in a pan.

We grind all products and put them in a common container.

Pour the liquid from the beans and mix with the rest of the salad.

Chicken breast salad with tomatoes and cheese

A fresh dinner comes from this juicy salad. All ingredients are available during the fall. Of course, it is better to take homemade tomatoes, but in winter, there are none.


  • Let's take not boiled, but smoked chicken
  • 1 tomato
  • 100 gr cheese
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Crackers
  • Mayonnaise

The first row is chopped chicken meat.

The second layer is grated cheese and mayonnaise.

Squeeze the garlic to the tomatoes and mix - lay them out in the next layer.

The variety of different salads can really surprise you. Delicious and nutritious salads that include chicken breast are among the most common and popular. Recipes with photos of simple and delicious salads with chicken breast deserve special attention of many talented housewives who are ready to please their household with any unusual dish.

One of the most unusual salads, close to the classics, is usually prepared from available ingredients. You can use chicken breast, classic hard cheese and fresh cucumbers. At the same time, cucumbers will add freshness, thanks to which the salad will benefit in taste.


  • vegetables (tomato and cucumber);
  • hard cheese;
  • eggs;
  • chicken meat;
  • a large pack of mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. Initially, chicken is prepared as it will be the main ingredient in the salad.
    2. Boiled eggs are cut into small cubes.
    3. Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes are cut into thin strips.
    4. Hard cheese is grated.
    5. Form the salad on a large or portioned plate. It is advisable to use the culinary ring so that the dish really pleases with its performance. The following order of layers is assumed: chicken, fresh cucumbers, grated eggs and tomatoes.
  2. It should be noted that it is this sequence that guarantees the best combination of different flavor characteristics. Each layer is smeared with a thin layer of mayonnaise and lightly salted.
    6. Use grated cheese and fresh herbs for decoration.
    Initially, it seems that such a salad corresponds to the classics, but later you can be convinced that the dish has an unusual and pleasant taste thanks to the addition of fresh cucumbers.

Chicken breast salad with cucumbers and beans

This salad also deserves special attention, and you can use almost any beans. Of course, to prepare an impeccable dish, it is advisable to give preference to red beans, since they cook quickly enough and pleases with their beautiful appearance.

If you wish, you can prepare a salad with canned and boiled beans. If you exclude mayonnaise, the dish turns out to be quite light and healthy.


  • 500 grams of chicken fillet;
  • packaging of any hard cheese;
  • large tomato;
  • canned beans;
  • a bunch of Chinese cabbage;
  • a glass of crackers;
  • 500 milliliters of low-fat sour cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Initially, chicken fillet is boiled and cut into small pieces.
    2. The beans are boiled after they have been soaked for about an hour. If you want to save time, you can use canned beans.
    3. Peking cabbage and tomatoes are finely chopped.
    4. Prepare croutons by drying the bread crumbs or purchasing the appropriate product.
    5. Cheese is rubbed on a fine grater.
    6. Combine chicken, beans, Chinese cabbage, bread crumbs and tomatoes. Add sour cream or mayonnaise, salt.
    7. Put the prepared salad on a plate and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Recipes with photos of simple and delicious salads with chicken breast are extremely important to be strictly observed so that the festive dish really pleases with impeccable taste.

When preparing a salad, it is advisable to serve croutons only before the salad is offered on the festive table. Soggy croutons will spoil the taste of the dish, so it is advisable to take care of the successful preparation.

Chicken breast salad with rice

Meat salad with added rice promises to please with impeccable taste. At the same time, the festive dish is distinguished by a harmonious combination of all ingredients and a pleasant white color, making the salad truly amazing for those who gravitate towards decent festive dishes.


  • 400 grams of chicken fillet;
  • half a glass of rice;
  • one carrot;
  • 4 eggs;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • greens;
  • salt and black pepper;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. Chicken meat is boiled and cut into fibers.
    2. Boiled eggs and carrots are cut into strips.
    3. Rice is boiled in salt water until cooked and washed.
    4. Fresh herbs are finely chopped.
    5. Garlic is chopped with a garlic.
    6. All salad ingredients are mixed in a bowl. Mayonnaise is added. Salad is salted and pepper.

The prepared salad is served on a nice large plate or in portions.

Salad with boiled chicken, canned corn and croutons

Chicken and Corn Salad

This salad will surprise you with its lightness and impeccable taste.


  • 500 grams of chicken fillet;
  • one and a half glasses of crackers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • low-fat mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. Chicken meat is boiled in salted water, cooled and cut into thin strips. In order for the salad to be tender and tasty, it is advisable to use white meat, as it has a pleasant taste and lack of fat. In addition, white chicken meat is ideal for a variety of foods.
    2. To make the chicken breast tasty, it is advisable to add bay leaves or half an onion to the water. If desired, you can use homemade crackers.
    3. Cut the tomato into small pieces, as it must retain its juiciness. Fleshy tomatoes are ideal.
    4. For the salad, you can use canned corn, which will be ideal for preparing the salad and will save you cooking time. If there is enough time for cooking, you can cook boiled corn, which will be a complete substitute for canned corn.
    5. At the final stage, all ingredients are mixed. It is advisable to serve the salad in portions.

Such recipes with photos of simple and delicious salads with chicken breast are ideal for those who are ready to appreciate the special taste of ready-made dishes.

Delicate salad with chicken breast

Such a meat salad is ready to please with a delicate and balanced taste. The most important thing is to follow all culinary recommendations.


  • 300 grams of Chinese cabbage;
  • boiled eggs;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers;
  • chicken breast;
  • half a teaspoon of vinegar;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. Peking cabbage is thinly chopped.
    2. Boiled eggs, cucumbers are cut into small cubes.
    3. Chicken breast is boiled until cooked in salted water with the addition of spices. Then the meat is cooled in broth. Chilled meat is cut into small cubes.
    4. Cut the onion into thin circles and sprinkle it with vinegar, pour boiling water over it and leave for a few minutes.
    5. All ingredients of the salad are mixed. Mayonnaise is added to the salad.

It is according to this scheme that you can prepare a perfect salad with chicken breast. If desired, fried onions and champignons are used, but such ingredients not only improve the taste characteristics of the dish, but also increase its calorie content.

Hawaiian salad with chicken breast

Such a salad will surely delight you with its delicate taste, therefore it is considered one of the best.


  • chicken breast;
  • green salad;
  • a couple of tablespoons of chopped walnuts;
  • low fat mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. Chicken breast is dipped in boiling water and boiled until tender. In order for the meat to retain its impeccable taste, it is cooled in a meat broth. The boiled meat is cut into large pieces.
    2. Lettuce leaves are torn by hand.
    3. The canned pineapple is cut into large pieces.
    4. All ingredients are mixed. Light mayonnaise is used for dressing.

The salad benefits from the amazing combination of chicken breast and pineapple. In addition, the taste is set off by walnuts.

Chicken breast and shrimp salad

Unusual recipes with photos of simple and delicious salads with chicken breast are ideal for those who want to diversify their daily table. For example, chicken breast goes well with shrimp.


  • 400 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 200 grams of boiled shrimp;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • white grapes;
  • a pack of light fat mayonnaise;
  • herbs, salt, spices;
    70 grams of butter.

Cooking method:

  1. The chicken is boiled and cooled.
    2. The cheese and cucumber are cut into medium-sized cubes.
    3. Melt butter in a frying pan and fry the shrimp in it.
    4. The cooled chicken meat is chopped.
    5. In a salad bowl combine all the ingredients of the salad and add mayonnaise, salt, spices, grapes. If desired, the salad is decorated with fresh herbs.

Such an unusual salad can be appreciated due to the harmonious combination of chicken breast and shrimp.

Salad "Sated Kum"

"Nourishing Kum" salad

One of the most unusual salads is Satiy Kum. Such a dish will certainly appeal not only to household members, but also to many guests. The salad turns out to be quite tasty and satisfying, but at the same time it compares favorably with everyday dishes. "Well-fed godfather" is ideal not only for everyday, but also for a festive table.


  • half a kilogram of boiled chicken meat;
  • a can of canned corn;
  • a can of canned pineapples;
  • cheese packaging;
  • mayonnaise, salt and spices.

Cooking method:

  1. The boiled chicken meat is taken apart. It is advisable to chop the chicken into cubes or fibers.
    2. Place the meat in a bowl. Canned corn without liquid is added to it.
    3. Canned pineapples are cut into small cubes and added to the salad.
    4. Salad is seasoned with mayonnaise. Add black ground pepper, salt. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
    5. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the salad. Bon Appetit!

The prepared salad turns out to be tasty and fresh, but at the same time, a piquant note is still present thanks to the cheese.

Treasure Island salad

If you wish, you can find unusual recipes with photos of simple and delicious salads with chicken breast, which deserve successful implementation. The original design of the salad will surely please, because with the help of ordinary ingredients you can create a curly dish that will surprise not only children, but also adults. Of course, it will take a little more effort to prepare the salad, but the result presented will be appreciated.

To decorate the salad, you will need not only food, but also cocktail straws. It is on the straws that olives will be strung, performing not only an edible, but also a culinary function.

Treasure Island salad

The olives will be used to create the trunk of the palm tree, so it is advisable to use them whole. Palm branches will be created using parsley sprigs, cucumber peels, or chives.

In order to improve the taste characteristics of the salad, it is recommended to combine different types of meat. For example, you can use chicken, veal, roast duck, ham. In any case, meat is only welcome.
Bananas will also be used to create palms.

In this case, it is advisable to make sure that the hard cheese used is combined with bananas. The best option turns out to be a delicate cheese that does not have pronounced taste characteristics.

You need to prepare for the fact that the salad will be laid out in layers with the obligatory study of mayonnaise.


  • 400 grams of boiled chicken meat;
  • 4 eggs;
  • packaging of cheddar cheese;
  • banana;
  • lemon juice;
  • olives or olives;
  • dietary mayonnaise;
  • green onions;
  • crackers.

Cooking method:

  1. Banana is washed, peeled and cut into circles. The banana is poured with lemon juice so that it does not start to darken.
    2. Onions are peeled and finely chopped, fried.
    3. Boiled chicken is finely cut.
    4. Cheese is grated.
    5. Boiled eggs are rubbed on a grater.
    6. Now make up a salad: put fried onions on it and place pieces of chicken meat on it, coat with mayonnaise, lay a layer of eggs, bananas, the rest of the eggs, smear with a thin layer of mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese. Subsequently, palm trees are created using olives and green onions.

Such an unusual salad will surprise you with its design and impeccable taste.

For the successful preparation of meat salad, it is advisable to use only fresh and high-quality chicken breast, since it will determine the characteristics of the taste characteristics. In doing so, it is advisable to make sure that the selected additional ingredients and mayonnaise or sauce are combined with the meat.

The dish should not turn out to be too nourishing and fatty, so it is advisable to approach with particular responsibility the assessment of its ingredients, the choice of mayonnaise or sour cream. It is advisable to cook any layered salads only with the thinnest layer of mayonnaise.

Selected recipes with photos of simple and delicious salads with chicken breast can take root, because they always delight with a pleasant and balanced taste close to the classics.

Chicken breast salad is lightness and satiety in one salad. Chicken breast is a product that can be used with many different ingredients. This salad will decorate any table. And the meat is combined with both vegetables and fruits, is great for salads with mayonnaise, and in combination with some products, it gives a unique taste to the dish.

To prepare such salads, you do not need a chef diploma or experience in a restaurant. Enough desire to do everything tasty and with a soul.

There are a lot of options for using chicken breast in salads. Any gourmet can choose something to their liking.

Mayonnaise salads will be tastier if you grind a little lemon zest or add lemon juice in them.

How to Make Chicken Breast Salad - 16 Varieties

Delicious and light salad. Both fresh and pickled cucumbers can be used depending on your preference.


  • Chicken breast - 300 gr
  • Chicken egg - 3 pieces
  • Cheese - 50 gr
  • Cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Mayonnaise to taste


Chicken breast, boiled until tender, cool and cut into cubes, also cut the cucumbers. Boil eggs hard-boiled and chop finely. Grate cheese. Mix all products with mayonnaise and salt. Decorate to your liking.

Not a bad salad that will fit both for a regular bottom and for a festive table.


  • Chicken fillet - 3 pieces
  • Large onion - 1 piece
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • Shelled walnuts - 1 cup
  • Eggs (boiled) - 2 pcs
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Mayonnaise - 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  • Marinade:
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp spoons
  • Boiling water - ½ glass


Peel the onion and cut into half rings, transfer to a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it, leave for 10-20 minutes. Cut the raw chicken into strips.

For the marinade, add 2 tablespoons of sugar to half a glass of boiling water, stir and pour in 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, stir again until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the marinade over the onion. Cover and marinate for 20-30 minutes.

Pour vegetable oil into a preheated frying pan and fry the fillets under a closed lid. Salt and pepper the fillet, bring to readiness. Cut the pickled cucumbers and eggs into strips. Heat the walnuts lightly and mix with eggs and cucumbers. Drain the marinade from the onion and add the onion to the rest of the food. Add the chilled fillet and season the salad with mayonnaise.

There is not always the time or opportunity to prepare the sauce for the salad. Therefore, you can use a ready-made dressing.


  • Chicken breast - 2 pieces
  • Hard cheese to taste
  • Iceberg lettuce - 1 bunch
  • Rye croutons - to taste
  • Quail egg - 10 pcs
  • Calve "Cheese Caesar" sauce - to taste


Decorate the bottom of the salad bowl with lettuce leaves. Top the salad with fried chicken breasts cut into long pieces. Put fried croutons on top of the chicken. Top with 5 quail eggs and pour the sauce over it all. Once again, repeat the laid out layers and put lettuce leaves on top of the second layer.

Suitable for a tired husband as a snack.


  • Baton - ½ part
  • Chicken fillet - 2 pieces
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece
  • Peking cabbage - 1 piece
  • Red onion - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Feta cheese - 250 gr
  • Greens - 20 gr
  • Canned corn - ½ can
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Sesame seeds - 5 pinches
  • Sauce:
  • Mayonnaise - 8 tablespoons
  • 1 tangerine juice
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp spoons


Cut the loaf into cubes and fry in well-heated oil. Cut the chicken fillet into strips and fry with the lid closed until golden brown. Cut the pepper and cabbage into strips, chop the onion and add to the vegetables.

Squeeze the garlic to the cheese and add finely chopped herbs, knead the cheese until smooth.

Sauce. Mix mayonnaise, mandarin juice and garlic with a mixer. Then add the soy sauce and stir again.

Add fillet and corn, salt, pepper and sesame seeds to vegetables. We mix. Put the salad on a plate, add some croutons. We sculpt balls from the cheese mass, having previously moistened our hands with water, and put them on top of the salad. Then pour the sauce over the salad.

Fresh bread is easy to cut into thin slices if the knife is immersed in boiling water for one to two minutes.

Did you want to go abroad for the holidays, but stayed at home? Treat yourself and your loved ones with an English salad.


  • Canned corn - 285 gr
  • Chicken breast - 1 piece
  • Champignons - 500 gr
  • Tomatoes - 3 pieces
  • Croutons - 100 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 150 gr


Boil chicken breasts and chopped mushrooms and chop finely. Add a can of corn. Then 2 packs of crackers and finely chopped tomatoes. Mix everything with mayonnaise.

This salad will be an excellent decoration for a festive table.


Boiled chicken fillet - 1 pc

  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs
  • Prunes - 200 gr
  • Kiwi - 4 pieces
  • Boiled carrots - 2 pieces
  • Cheese - 100 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 200 gr
  • Green onions - 4 pieces

For decoration:

  • Lemon
  • Cranberry
  • Dill
  • Sheep


Cut the chicken, prunes, eggs and 2 kiwis into small cubes. Chop the onion. The salad should be with a hole in the middle, therefore, if there is no special dishes, then you can put a glass on the plate where the salad will be. Lay out the salad in layers: pour the eggs with mayonnaise, then the onion, lightly press down the chicken fillet on top of the onion and pour with mayonnaise too, then press the prunes again and pour with mayonnaise, put the kiwi on top and pour with mayonnaise, then carrots, again mayonnaise. Spread the mayonnaise evenly over the top and sides. Grate the cheese and distribute evenly over the salad and on the sides like mayonnaise.

Cut 2 kiwis into half rings and decorate the sides of the salad and the top. We remove the glass and decorate the salad with cranberries, dill and lemon rings.

An interesting name is fraught with an equally interesting taste. Worth trying.


  • Romaine salad - 75 gr
  • Iceberg salad - 75 gr
  • Carrots - 10 gr
  • Radish - 10 gr
  • Red cabbage - 10 gr
  • Tomatoes - 1 piece
  • Mandarins - 12 slices
  • Green onions - 5 gr
  • Chicken breast - 110 gr
  • Grated Parmesan cheese - 1 tsp
  • Dried basil - 5 gr
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Green pepper - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Soy sauce - 5 tablespoons
  • White Japanese vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • Lime juice - ½ cup
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons


Cut the salads into 3x3 cm cubes, add carrots and radishes, pre-cut into thin slices, and chopped red cabbage. Add diced tomato and 1 tablespoon finely chopped green onions.

Add a teaspoon of olive oil, grated Parmesan cheese, a pinch of basil, salt and pepper to your vegetables to taste. Stir, put on a plate and garnish with tangerine wedges.

To prepare the dressing, combine cilantro, pepper, garlic, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, lime juice and vegetable oil in a blender.

Lightly beat off the chicken breast, pepper, salt and fry in a pan.

After cooking, marinate in prepared sauce for 1-1.5 hours.

Place chicken breast on salad and lightly sprinkle with chopped cilantro.

A simple and delicious layered salad.


  • Boiled eggs - 3-4 pcs.
  • Chicken fillet - 250 gr
  • Korean carrots - 125 gr
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr
  • Mayonnaise (30%) - to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Greenery for decoration


Cook the chicken fillet until tender in salted water, cut into strips and put in the first layer in a salad bowl. 2nd words chopped carrots in Korean, grease with mayonnaise. 3rd layer - grated cheese smeared with mayonnaise. The next layer is grated egg whites, mayonnaise. The last layer is grated egg yolks.

Decorate the salad as you wish and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Very original salad. Both in composition and in appearance.


  • Prunes - 100 gr
  • Smoked chicken fillet - 1 piece
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 piece
  • Boiled eggs - 5-6 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste
  • Walnuts - ½ cup
  • Onion - 1 piece


Pour boiling water over the prunes. Cut the chicken fillet and cucumber into strips. Grate eggs, add mayonnaise to them and salt and pepper. Cut the prunes into strips, leave a third part for decoration. Lay out the layers, preferably in an oblong shape. The first layer is chicken fillet, then prunes and chopped walnuts, cucumbers, chicken fillet again, fried mushrooms and onions. Each layer, except for the last one, coat with an egg-mayonnaise mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours. Now the salad can be transferred to the salad bowl by simply turning the mold over. Coat all edges with mayonnaise and garnish with prunes.

The Prague salad is interesting in its structure, everything is balanced in it. Protein ingredients are in harmony with vegetables.


  • Boiled chicken - 300 gr
  • Boiled carrots - 2 pieces
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Boiled eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • Green peas - 1 can
  • Pickled cucumbers - 200 gr
  • Prunes - 100 gr
  • Mayonnaise - 200-250 gr
  • Vinegar, salt, pepper - to taste


Finely chop the onion and marinate (2 tablespoons of water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar, a little salt and pepper). Chop the chicken finely and lay out in the first layer and pepper, brush with mayonnaise. Next, cut the cucumbers into small cubes and lay out in a second layer. Then we spread the onion. Grate eggs and carrots on a fine grater. Put the eggs on top of the onion and grease with mayonnaise. Then put the carrots and green peas on top of the carrots. Cut the prunes into small pieces and place them on top of the peas. Top the salad with mayonnaise.


  • Smoked chicken fillet - 1 piece
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pieces
  • A small bunch of dill
  • Boiled eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise
  • Pepper to taste
  • Fried champignons - 200-300 gr
  • Onion - 1 piece


Cut cucumbers and meat into strips. Grate eggs and mix with mayonnaise, pepper. Chop the dill. Place the salad ring on the dish. The first layer is chicken fillet, the second layer is a third of the egg mixture, the third layer is cucumbers. Lightly season with salt and dill. The fourth layer is a third of the egg mixture, the fifth layer is mushrooms fried with onions. The last layer is the remaining egg mixture. Grease on top with one tablespoon of mayonnaise. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours. We take it out of the refrigerator, remove the form and decorate it.

If boiled eggs need to be cut into thin neat slices so that the yolk does not crumble, you should moisten a knife in cold water.

It is better to prepare the ingredients for the salad in advance, because the preparation process is quite laborious. BUT, this salad is especially popular with men.


  • Chicken breast (or ham) - 2 pieces
  • Boiled carrots - 2 pieces
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4 pieces
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 1 piece (large)
  • Greens
  • Champignons - 500 gr
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Mayonnaise, mustard, sour milk


Fry the onions, fry the mushrooms in another pan, chopping them coarsely beforehand. Add carrots grated on a coarse grater to the onion and fry well too. Cut eggs, cucumbers and chicken into cubes.

Sauce. Half a can of dietary mayonnaise, 3 tbsp. spoons of sour milk and a little mustard. Mix well.

We take a large plate and a special salad dish. Coat the mold with vegetable oil so that the salad does not stick. First layer - diced potatoes, add a little salt and a little sauce. The second layer is ½ part of chicken, salt and pepper a little. Then lay out the mushrooms, brush with sauce. Next layer carrots and brush with sauce as well. Then put eggs, add salt and grease with sauce. The last layer is greenery. Then the layers are repeated. Put the corn on top. When the salad is complete, you can remove the mold.

Mustard diluted with milk instead of water retains much better and does not dry out.

Incredibly beautiful and delicious salad.


  • Boiled chicken fillet - 300 gr
  • Prunes - 200 gr
  • Fresh champignons - 400 gr
  • Fresh cucumber - 300 gr
  • Korean carrots - 200 gr
  • Mayonnaise
  • For decoration:
  • Radish
  • Crackers
  • Boiled egg yolks
  • Spinach leaves


Lay the chicken breast cut into strips on the bottom layer and brush with a thin layer of mayonnaise. The second layer is prunes and also lightly grease with mayonnaise. The next layer is fried champignons, and on top, a cucumber cut into strips and grease with mayonnaise. The last layer - carrots, grease with mayonnaise on top and on the sides of the salad. Lay out the salad walls with crackers. We spread the leaves so that they look out of the basket. In the middle we make violet flowers from radishes and grated yolk.

The salad is very satisfying and easy to prepare. Suitable for any festive table.


  • Chicken fillet (ham) - 1 pc
  • Boiled potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Mushrooms - 200-300 gr
  • Mayonnaise to taste


Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and fry with the onions in vegetable oil. Then finely chop the mushrooms and also fry with the onions. Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater, cut the meat into small cubes. In the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, grate the whites. Mix mushrooms, meat, protein and carrots with mayonnaise in separate bowls.

The first layer is potatoes, the second layer is meat. Then put the carrots on the meat, put the mushrooms on the carrots, lay the protein on top of the mushrooms. On top of the protein, grate the yolk on a fine grater. Decorate as you wish.


  • Raw eggs - 2 pieces
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 piece
  • Cheese - 200 gr
  • Prunes - 200 gr
  • Boiled chicken breast - 1 pc
  • Walnuts - ½ cup
  • Mayonnaise


Break the eggs into a bowl and add a little salt, shake, add a tablespoon of milk and a teaspoon of flour, shake again. From the resulting dough, bake several pancakes in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Cut the prepared pancakes into strips. Put the chicken, cut into strips in a bowl, pour over with mayonnaise. Then add the prunes, then the cucumber, cut into strips, lightly salt the cucumber and grease with mayonnaise. Then add the cheese grated on a coarse grater with the addition of finely chopped garlic. Then cut egg pancakes, pour over mayonnaise. Add some prunes, cucumber and cheese on top. Decorate the top with chopped walnuts and grease with mayonnaise.

If the prince on a white horse has not yet visited your home, then this salad will be a good substitute.


  • Walnuts - 1 glass
  • Boiled chicken breast - 2 pieces
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4 pieces
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Mayonnaise, pepper - to taste


Fry the nuts in the oven at 180 degrees for 5 minutes, cool and chop coarsely. Cut the chicken into small cubes. Grate cucumbers and eggs on a coarse grater. Add grated garlic and pepper to mayonnaise. Add some of the mayonnaise to the chicken, and distribute the rest between the eggs and cucumbers. Place a ring-shaped salad dish on the dish. The first layer is chicken, the second is cucumbers, the third is eggs. Sprinkle nuts on top. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. After soaking in the refrigerator, the ring is carefully removed.

The favorite dish of many is salad. It can be simple with just a few ingredients, or complex, casual or festive, but most importantly, the salad must be delicious. Chicken meat will help to make the salad tasty and light; it is easy to supplement it with a variety of foods and interesting sauces. A simple salad with boiled chicken breast can be prepared even by a novice cook.

Chicken breast salads for every day

Chicken brisket is a dietary meat that is eaten by people who care about their health and shape. Plus, chicken meat is available and many delicious dishes are prepared from it. Of the easy-to-prepare, a variety of salads can be noted. By changing the dressing for the salad, you can get a new taste of the dish every day.

Peking cabbage and Caesar chicken breast salad

Caesar has become a classic salad with boiled chicken breast and Parmesan cheese, which is served in many restaurants. It was this dish that became the basis of many others.

The history of Caesar's origins dates back to July 1924, when the owner of the restaurant Caesar Cardini, wanting to feed his guests tasty food, but having a small selection of products, decided to combine lettuce, eggs, croutons and parmesan on one plate, and season the salad with Worcestershire sauce and olive oil. A few years later, Caesar's brother added anchovies to the salad. And the recipe for Caesar salad with boiled chicken appeared much later, but gained real popularity not only in America, but all over the world.

Today, in addition to the main ingredients, this salad is supplemented with bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, shrimps, anchovies or blue onions. Replace chicken eggs with quail, and lettuce leaves with Chinese cabbage. A recipe with step-by-step photos will help you learn how to make a boiled chicken salad; a very tasty and delicate salad is obtained thanks to the kefir added to it.

Pineapple salad with chicken breast in layers (recipe with photo)

The beloved combination of chicken and pineapple has found its realization in the salad, which is laid out in layers. To reduce the calorie content of the salad, it is seasoned with mayonnaise in half with kefir. So the taste remains delicate and the figure does not suffer.

Canned corn and fried mushrooms are also put in a salad with boiled chicken breast and pineapples. Not in every country you can find fresh pineapple, therefore, canned fruit is most often put in a salad. Instead of champignons, mushrooms can be put in a salad.

A recipe with a photo will help to prepare a tender salad from boiled chicken breast.

Watermelon wedge salad with chicken

Salad with boiled chicken breast, cucumbers and cheese

An unusual salad is obtained by combining meat, tomato and eggs in one plate. This salad will delight loved ones for breakfast, lunch or dinner.


  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese - 150 grams;
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Chicken fillet - 2 small or 1 large;
  • Mayonnaise - 400 grams;
  • Greens;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

How to Make Boiled Chicken Salad - Cucumber and Cheese Recipe:

Cook chicken meat with half an onion or allspice, cool and chop finely. Cut the boiled eggs in the same way as the cucumbers - into strips. Cut the tomatoes into strips and grate the cheese.

The salad should be formed on a beautiful large dish, or on small portioned plates using the culinary ring. Chicken meat is put in the first layer, then cucumbers, eggs, and tomatoes follow. Each layer is greased with mayonnaise and lightly salted. Top of the salad is garnished with grated cheese and fresh herbs.

Salad with boiled chicken breast, beans and cucumbers

Beans come in many different types and colors. Red beans are best for salads. It cooks quickly and looks good in a dish. Red beans contain more trace elements and vitamins. It can be added to salad, both canned and boiled. If you make a salad without mayonnaise, children can eat it.


  • Chicken fillet - 500 grams;
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • Tomato - 1 pc. (big);
  • Red beans - 1 glass;
  • Chinese cabbage - a bunch;
  • Croutons - 1 glass;
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream - 500 grams.

How to make boiled chicken breast salad, simple and delicious recipe:

Boil chicken fillet for 10-12 minutes and chop finely. Boil the beans, soaking them for 1 hour. If you don't have time, you can use canned beans.

Chop Chinese cabbage and tomatoes. Prepare croutons by drying the bread in a pan or purchase ready-made. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Combine meat, beans, Chinese cabbage, crackers and tomatoes in a bowl, salt and season with sour cream or mayonnaise. Place salad in a large plate and sprinkle with cheese.

It is necessary to prepare a delicious salad with boiled chicken breast and croutons right before serving, otherwise the croutons will get wet and spoil the taste.

Boiled chicken salad with rice

Use rice to make the salad more satisfying. It combines all the ingredients and gives the salad a beautiful white color.


  • Chicken fillet - 400 grams;
  • Rice - half a glass;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Greens;
  • Salt pepper;
  • Mayonnaise to taste.

How to make a simple boiled chicken breast salad:

The chicken should be boiled and fiberized. Boiled eggs and carrots are cut into strips. Rice is boiled in salted water until tender and washed well. Greens, it can be dill, parsley or cilantro, are finely chopped. Garlic is passed through the garlic.

All the ingredients in a salad with boiled chicken breast and eggs are mixed in a deep bowl, adding mayonnaise. Add salt and pepper if desired. The dish should be served on a beautiful platter or in portions.

Festive salads with chicken fillet

On special holidays, I would like to surprise the assembled guests with an unusual dish. To please the loved ones with something unexpected and tasty. The main ingredient in almost any salad is chicken meat. You can make a salad from boiled-smoked chicken breast, but then add very little mayonnaise and always put rice or potatoes.

Boiled chicken and prune salad

The salad will turn out very elegant if you put prunes and carrots in it. And the unusual taste is guaranteed by the combination of apple, chicken fillet, cheese, prunes and nuts.


  • Chicken breast - 200 grams;
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Apple - 1 pc.;
  • Pitted prunes - 100 grams;
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • Walnuts - 100 grams;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Mayonnaise - 250 grams.

Cooking Chicken and Prune Salad:

Pour prunes with hot water for one minute, then rinse and chop finely. Walnuts should be lightly calcined in a pan or oven and chopped. It is convenient to do this by putting the nuts in a bag and walking over them with a rolling pin. Eggs and meat should be boiled and chopped, leaving 3 yolks intact - they will be needed for decoration. Grate cheese and apple.

When laying a delicious salad with boiled chicken breast, you need to decide on its serving. If you want to give the dish a square shape, then you need to use a box without a top, covering it with cling film or a square shape.

The bottom layer is formed from chicken fillet, followed by chopped carrots, eggs and an apple. Each layer is well tamped and coated with mayonnaise. You can add sour cream or yogurt to the sauce, then the salad will be softer. The apple is followed by prunes and nuts. The salad is completed with a layer of cheese.

You can decorate the salad in the form of a gift or a clock face. To do this, in the first case, long ribbons and a bow are made from carrots, and in the second - numbers and arrows. So that the surface is velvety, sprinkle the salad with boiled chicken breast and cheese with the remaining yolks.

Salad with boiled chicken breast and corn and croutons

A very light and tasty salad that will delight guests and will not greatly affect the family budget.


  • Chicken fillet - 500 grams;
  • Corn - 1 can or 2 heads of cabbage;
  • Croutons - 1.5 cups;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise or yogurt to taste.

Preparing a salad without eggs:

Boil chicken in salted water, cool and cut into strips. White chicken meat is best for salads. It has no fat at all, it is very tasty and goes well with various foods.

Since boiling chicken breast for salad is very simple, just add bay leaf or half an onion to the water, then at this time you can do crackers. Better to dry the bread yourself. To do this, cut it into small strips and place it in a dry, clean frying pan. Over medium heat, stirring occasionally, bring the bread to dryness and remove from the pan.

The tomato for the salad is not cut into large pieces. Fleshy fruits with a little juice are well suited in a salad. This will allow the croutons to maintain their shape. Not everyone knows how to boil corn for salad, but it's very simple. The head of corn is placed in a saucepan, poured over with water, brought to a boil, salted and cooked for 20 minutes. After that, the grains should be cut off the head and added to the salad.

Before serving, all ingredients are mixed and placed on portioned plates.

Salad with boiled chicken breast and canned mushrooms

A hearty salad will turn out with potatoes and onions, and carrots and eggs will give a beautiful cut to the salad laid out in layers.


  • Chicken fillet - 500 grams;
  • Champignons - 1 can;
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Green onions - 1 bunch;
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - 400 grams.

How to make a salad with boiled chicken breast and mushrooms:

Mushrooms will need one jar with a capacity of 500 grams. The excess liquid is drained from the mushrooms and cut into small enough pieces. Eggs are boiled for about 5-7 minutes and chopped on a grater. Boil potatoes and carrots in a peel, cool, peel and rub on a coarse grater in different containers. How to boil chicken fillets for salad was discussed in the previous recipe. Chop the green onion and grate the cheese.

The salad is laid out in layers in the following order: potatoes, mushrooms, chicken, onions, carrots, eggs and cheese. Each layer is smeared with mayonnaise. The salad should be decorated with a sprig of green onions and whole mushrooms.

Boiled Chicken Breast and Korean Carrot Diet Salad

Those who are on a diet really want to eat something tasty and not high in calories. So, chicken fillet is completely devoid of fat and is well suited for all types of diets. Korean-style pickled carrots will add spice to the salad. And celery root will make your intestines work well. A delicious and light salad with boiled chicken breast can be prepared by replacing yogurt mayonnaise. It is even better if olive oil is used as a dressing.


  • Chicken fillet - 500 grams;
  • Korean carrots - 2 cups;
  • Apple - 1 pc.;
  • Celery root - 1 pc .;
  • Yogurt or olive oil - for dressing.

How to make a simple salad with boiled chicken breast and carrots:

Celery root is boiled in salted water until tender. It is important not to digest it, otherwise the root will fall apart. Celery grated on a special grater will look beautiful in the salad. Then he will be the same as carrots.

The chicken fillet is boiled and cut into long thin strips. The apple is chopped in the same way as the celery. Simple Chicken Breast Salad Recipes are made with several ingredients. They are easy to prepare and delicious to eat.

Korean carrots can be purchased or made on your own. To do this, rub the carrots on a special grater, add oil and spices and marinate for about a day.

When all the products are prepared, they are combined in one container and olive oil or yogurt is added. Stir and serve.

Boiled chicken salads: recipes and tricks

The barbecue seasoning will add a special piquancy to the salad with boiled chicken breast and cheese. And adding a small amount of chicken liver will help make the salad more satisfying. Who does not know how to boil chicken liver for salad should follow simple instructions:

  • Wash the liver and remove fat and films;
  • Cut into pieces;
  • Put in a frying pan and pour in a little water;
  • After boiling water, add salt and pepper;
  • Cook for about 10 minutes;
  • Turn off, cool and add to salad.

To add freshness and spring crunch to the dish, boiled carrots can be replaced with fresh ones, and lettuce leaves with white cabbage. A salad with boiled breast and tomatoes will be tastier if you put eggs in it. Quail eggs and greens will become a decoration of the salad.