Tofu cheese - benefits and harms. Tofu Recipes - Complete Meat Substitute Dishes

05.08.2019 Grill menu

Don't you eat tofu because of its subtle taste and unusual texture? Perhaps you are just cooking it wrong! The most common mistake is not squeezing excess water out of tofu before cooking, and the result is a softened mass. In addition, many people choose the wrong tofu varieties that are not suitable for certain dishes. In fact, tofu is easy to cook, and the time and effort spent is well worth it!


Part 1

Choosing and preparing tofu

    Choose the right type of tofu. Perhaps when you buy tofu, you will notice the words “soft”, “hard”, “extra-hard” and the like on the labels. All of these varieties are delicious, but each has a different texture. Choosing the right cheese depends on what you are going to do with it, for example:

    • Silk tofu is soft and creamy. It can be used in pasty dishes such as smoothies, puddings, sauces, and dressings. Alternatively, silk tofu can be sliced \u200b\u200band added raw to soups and salads.
    • Soft tofu is delicate and resembles jelly or gelatin in consistency. Like silk tofu, it is great for sauces, smoothies and puddings.
    • Semi-hard tofu retains a certain softness. It crumbles easily and works well in vegetable salads and stuffed dishes.
    • Hard tofu is quite popular. It is perfect for fried and stewed dishes and as a filling for scrambled eggs.
    • Extra-hard tofu is easy to process and is suitable for baked and fried foods.
  1. Remove the tofu from the packaging. Cut open the plastic wrap with a knife. Drain excess water from the bag and remove the tofu. If you are not going to use all of the tofu, it is best not to drain the water from the packaging to prevent the cheese from drying out.

    Cut the number of slices you want from the tofu. For one dish, 4–6 slices are enough. Cut the tofu to the width, not the length, but do not cut it into cubes.

    Place the tofu between two layers of paper towels. Line a baking sheet with a clean rag towel. Place a couple of paper towels on top and place the tofu slices on top. Cover the cheese with paper towels and place another clean rag towel on top.

    Place something flat and heavy on top of the tofu. Any suitable item can be used. The goal is to crush the cheese as hard as possible. Place a cutting board or baking sheet on top of the tofu, and place something heavy on top, such as a cookbook or jars.

    Leave the tofu under the load for at least 30 minutes. Better yet, leave the tofu for a couple of hours. If you're in a hurry, you can crush the tofu on a baking sheet or cutting board for about 15 minutes.

    • You can even leave the tofu loaded overnight. In this case, place the entire structure in the refrigerator to prevent the cheese from spoiling.
  2. Remove the weight and towels from the tofu and cut it even further if desired. If you want to bake the tofu as "steaks," you can leave it in thick slices. You can also cut the cheese into thinner strips or smaller cubes.

    Marinate or season the tofu if desired. Do not use vegetable oil-based marinades unless directed in your recipe. For tofu, pickle based on citrus, soy, or vinegar. Note that some recipes recommend seasoning the dish after cooking.

    Bake extra-hard tofu in the oven for an original dish. Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Cut the tofu into cubes and season with vegetable oil. Sprinkle cheese with arrowroot and sea salt. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and line the tofu pieces in an even layer. Bake the cheese for 15 minutes, then turn the cubes over and cook for another 15 minutes.

Tofu is a plant-based product made from soy milk. It is obtained in the same way as traditional cheese. After curdling the fresh soy milk, the liquid or whey is discarded. There remains a mass resembling cottage cheese. It is pressed and formed into soft square blocks called tofu.

Several methods are used to curd soy milk, but the most traditional is the addition of nigari to it. Nigari is a saline solution produced by the evaporation of seaweed. It is often replaced with citric acid or calcium sulfate.

There are different types of tofu. It can be fresh, soft, hard, processed, fermented, dried, fried, or frozen. They differ in the production method and storage method. The most nutritious is fermented tofu, which is placed in a special marinade.

Depending on which type of soy cheese you prefer, its use in cooking will change. While tofu is neutral in flavor and goes well with most foods, softer varieties are more suitable for sauces, desserts and cocktails, while hard tofu is used for frying, baking, or grilling.

The composition of tofu and its calorie content

Tofu is a rich source of vegetable protein that vegetarians use as a substitute for meat. It contains no cholesterol but is rich in nutrients. It contains carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fats, amino acids, fiber, isoflavones, vitamins and minerals. The content of some trace minerals in tofu may vary depending on the additives used to prepare it.

The composition of tofu as a percentage of the daily value of nutrients is shown below.


  • B9 - 11%;
  • B6 - 3%;
  • B3 - 3%;
  • AT 12%;
  • B2 - 2%.


The calorie content of tofu prepared by adding nigari and calcium sulfate is 61 kcal per 100 g.

Despite the prevailing belief that soy products are unhealthy, tofu has beneficial properties and has a positive effect on the body.

For bones

Soy cheese contains iron and copper, which are important for the synthesis of hemoglobin. It not only helps to generate energy and increase muscle endurance, but it also reduces the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

For the heart and blood vessels

Eating tofu regularly has a positive effect on cholesterol levels by helping to reduce cholesterol levels. Soy cheese lowers the risk of heart disease such as atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. The isoflavones in tofu reduce inflammation of the blood vessels and improve their elasticity, preventing the development of stroke.

For the brain and nerves

People who include soy products in their diet are less likely to develop age-related mental disorders. The isoflavones in tofu improve non-verbal memory and brain function, and help improve neuronal function. Thus, eating tofu may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

For the digestive tract

The health benefits of tofu can be used for weight loss purposes. The product is low in fat, rich in protein and low in calories. This combination makes tofu a great option for people trying to lose weight. Even a small amount of tofu can help keep you feeling full and prevent overeating.

Another beneficial property of tofu is that it protects the liver from damage caused by free radicals. Any type of soy cheese has this effect.

For the kidneys and bladder

The soy protein in tofu enhances kidney function. It is helpful for people who have had a kidney transplant.

For the reproductive system

The benefits of tofu for women during menopause will appear. Eating soy products relieves its symptoms with help. During menopause, the body's natural secretion of estrogen stops and phytoestrogens act as weak estrogen, slightly increasing estrogen levels and reducing hot flashes in women.

For skin and hair

Tofu, which contains isoflavones, is good for the skin. The use of even a small amount of the substance reduces wrinkles, prevents their premature appearance and improves skin elasticity.

The problem of excessive hair loss can be solved with tofu. Soy cheese provides the body with the keratin it needs to grow and strengthen hair.

For immunity

Harm and contraindications of tofu

Tofu is considered an alternative to meat products, but there are contraindications. People with kidney stones should avoid soy foods, including tofu, as they are high in oxalates.

The benefits and harms of tofu depend on the amount consumed. Abuse can lead to undesirable consequences - the development of breast cancer, deterioration of the thyroid gland and hypothyroidism.

Eating too much tofu has been linked to hormonal imbalances in women. Soy can disrupt estrogen production.

How to choose tofu

Tofu can be sold by weight or in individual packages. It needs to be chilled. There are also some types of soy cheese that are stored in sealed containers and do not need to be refrigerated before opening the package. To ensure the quality of the tofu you choose, carefully study the storage conditions indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

We learned about tofu relatively recently - in fact, how the cuisine of Japan and China began to penetrate into the country, how strange products with unusual names began to appear in stores, so we learned. And what to do with this still unusual product is still unclear to many. Meanwhile, tofu has not only penetrated supermarket shelves and the menus of many restaurants, whose cuisine is far from always related to Asia, but also began to be produced here, in Russia. In general, turning a blind eye to the existence of tofu will no longer work, you need to figure out what it is and who needs it.

I'll start at the end. So, your life will inevitably get better with tofu if you:

  • fasting (at least sometimes) - tofu is made from soybeans and is completely lean;
  • vegetarian or Vegan - As a great source of plant-based protein, tofu can be one of the meat substitutes
  • lover of Asian cuisines - for several centuries tofu has been cooked not only in China and Japan, but also in Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and other countries where there are many excellent recipes with tofu;
  • love to discover new products and unusual flavors.

Fresh tofu

Now that only representatives of these four groups are left on the screens, let's talk about what tofu is and what it is eaten with.

We owe the emergence of tofu to soybeans, a plant of the legume family, which spread in Asian countries as early as the 5th century BC (and domesticated it several millennia earlier). Soybeans are rich in protein and contain many vitamins and nutrients. But in ancient times, people did not have a way to measure the nutritional value of foods, and even more importantly, soy has a number of interesting properties, thanks to which many different products are made from it - milk, sauces, fermented pasta and even "meat". Or, for example, tofu.

By nature, tofu is a curd made from soy milk, although it is sometimes called soy cheese. According to legend, the first tofu appeared when it was mixed with sea water from pounded soybeans, which caused it to curl up. Today, to make tofu, soy milk is curdled with salts, acids or natural enzymes - whichever is more affordable and traditional for the region - and then pressed into small bricks.

According to the density of these bricks, several varieties of tofu are distinguished: soft, aka silk tofu, dense tofu, as well as extra-hard tofu ("dry tofu" in Chinese), which has the consistency of paneer cheese, crumbles and is sometimes cut into thin noodles for cooking ... In addition, there are several other types of tofu, which are somewhat more difficult to find here. First, pickled tofu are cubes of hard tofu that are aged in a variety of marinades, from soy paste to alcohol. Secondly, the so-called "stinky tofu", a Chinese variety of tofu, which can be called an analogue of blue cheese, but only partially. Such tofu is fermented in a special brine, after which it really takes on a rather strong smell, so that it can be found more often in night markets and eateries than in restaurants. In addition, tofu is dried or frozen, but here we are talking more about the storage method, and not about a fundamentally different product.

Fried tofu cubes with sauce

So why is tofu so good - apart from the fact that it contains high amounts of protein, vitamin B, iron, calcium and other trace elements and polyunsaturated acids, of course? And here's what. The fact is that quality tofu has practically no taste of its own (of course, this does not apply to smelly tofu). Instead, tofu works like a sponge, absorbing the flavor and aroma of the sauces, herbs and spices with which it is cooked, making it a versatile product. Tofu in sweet syrup is a great dessert, smoked tofu is a wonderful appetizer, fried tofu is a great main course, susceptible to powerful Asian sauces, in soups, stews and noodles, tofu is also great filler.

Even if you think you are not familiar with tofu, it is possible that you have tried it - those white cubes that floated in are tofu. Well, if tofu is still terra incognita for you, it's time to try it: even if you don't like tofu, your body will still receive a lot of useful substances, and you yourself will be an invaluable experience.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Tofu - bean curd, Tofu cheese or Tofu curd - a product made from, in appearance, resembling pickled cheeses or. According to one of the legends, the Tofu cheese turned out quite by accident, when sea water got into the mass from the crushed after heating. The curdling process took place, after which a completely new product appeared. The first mentions of Tofu products date back to China in the 2nd century BC, where they were first prepared. Then Tofu cheese spread to Japan and the countries of Southeast Asia.

Currently, the production of Tofu cheese practically does not differ from the ancient one, soybeans are crushed, heated and curdled with the help of a coagulant, which is used as, or. The curd mass is pressed and stored in a liquid brine. Tofu cheese has a white color, neutral taste and smell, elastic consistency. Tofu cheese is a staple of the diet of many Asian countries and is used by vegans and vegetarians all over the world.

Calorie content of Tofu cheese

The calorie content of Tofu cheese averages 73 kcal per 100 grams of product, depending on the manufacturer.

Tofu cheese contains high quality vegetable protein, which is quickly and easily absorbed by the body and is the basis for building cells. The polyphenols contained in the product help to maintain the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots and reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol. The product contains which is responsible for the production of serotonin by the brain and prevents the appearance of signs of depression.

Harm of Tofu cheese

The main negative effect of Tofu cheese on the body is a high degree of likelihood of allergic reactions, since soy is one of the strongest allergens. The product can provoke a disturbance in digestive processes and interfere with absorption, especially when taking medications. Therefore, it is recommended to consume Tofu cheese two hours before taking medication or two hours after (calorizator). The daily intake of Tofu cheese without individual restrictions should not exceed 200 grams.

Tofu cheese has several varieties:

  • Hard Tofu - the density of the cheese resembles that such Tofu is usually smoked and fried;
  • Silky (soft) Tofu - soft texture, silk or pudding. Soft Tofu is ideal for soups, sauces and sweet dishes.

Choosing and storing Tofu cheese

Tofu cheese is commercially available in food carton packs in the shape of a rectangle filled with brine. Manufacturers indicate the shelf life of the product on the packaging, after opening which it is necessary to store the Tofu cheese in the refrigerator for no longer than seven days.

Tofu cheese in cooking

The neutrality of taste and smell allows Tofu cheese to be a unique ingredient in any dish - salads, soups, desserts and sauces. By absorbing the aroma and taste of other products, Tofu cheese fills the dishes with a special consistency and adds satiety. Tofu cheese is deep-fried in batter or breading, smoked, pickled and baked, added to salads, sauces, desserts.

For more information on Tofu cheese, see the video clip "Cheese Tofu" of the TV show "It's great to live!"

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Tofu, or soy cheese, with its centuries-old history and unusual taste, raises many questions about its usefulness. How and to whom this product is shown, as well as the peculiarities of its preparation, will be of interest to many.

Tofu cheese - what is it?

Tofu is one of the curdled dairy products that can be purchased at almost any supermarket. It is usually white, presented in a sealed package, where there is no air, but distilled water is added. Thanks to this, it acquires a long shelf life, tofu can be stored for 15-30 days.

After opening the package, soy cheese should be placed in water, where it can stay for a maximum of one and a half weeks, however, the liquid must be changed every day. It is also allowed to put tofu in the freezer, but at the same time it will most likely change from white to yellow, the taste may also change, become slightly harsh.

A little about the benefits of unusual cheese

Tofu cheese has beneficial properties that are different from the traditional one made from cow's milk. Among the most significant qualities are the following:

  1. The protein contained in this product in large quantities makes this raw material indispensable for vegetarians who do not have meat products in their diet. Tofu can easily replace all dairy products, which is important for patients suffering from lactose allergy and intolerance to animal protein.
  2. The amino acids contained in the product are involved in the normalization of kidney function and metabolic processes. Thanks to this component, stones in the gallbladder are better crushed.
  3. Soy protein is responsible for regulating blood cholesterol levels. It is this component that prevents the accumulation of this substance on the vascular walls. As a result, the risk of blood clots is minimal.
  4. Vitamins and minerals, of which there are many in soy cheese, strengthen the immune system and protect the human body from ARVI.
  5. It is difficult to overestimate the role of active components involved in the removal of dioxins from the body - harmful components that provoke the development of oncological tumors.
  6. The composition of soy cheese has a place for plant proteins, which are very necessary for the growth of muscle mass. Therefore, this useful product is appreciated, first of all, by athletes. Tofu is also in service with nutritionists who recommend taking this product to those patients who have experienced severe physical trauma.
  7. Iron is noted in the composition of tofu, which means that you can count on an increase in immunity. Calcium content is essential for bone health.

The health benefits of tofu cheese can hardly be overestimated. However, it is possible to speak about the indisputable benefits of the product only when it comes to real, high-quality raw materials.

Who benefits from tofu

Tofu is especially useful for vegetarians who do not eat meat. The high protein content of soy products makes up for its lack. In addition, such raw materials are an excellent alternative to natural dairy products, so they will be indispensable on the table of allergy sufferers.

Due to its low fat content, tofu can be safely consumed by anyone who wants to lose weight.

The feeling of overeating does not arise from the use of the product, therefore tofu is especially valuable for people involved in sports, as an assistant in maintaining good shape.

The presence of tofu in the diet of diabetics makes it possible to have a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, and elderly patients are able to balance their diet and get the whole range of necessary components without making the stomach overload.

Soy cheese has been proven to have beneficial effects on skin, hair, nails and teeth.

Some experts are convinced that tofu can relieve a woman's condition with menopause.

The harm of tofu cheese

Despite a number of useful qualities, tofu is capable of causing harm to the human body. If soy cheese is taken in unlimited quantities, then you may encounter the following problems:

  1. Development of thyroid pathology.
  2. Disruptions in reproductive function in both men and women.
  3. Rapid maturation of adolescents and, as a result, the emergence of problems with the reproductive system.
  4. If you eat large amounts of this cheese on a daily basis, your brain may slow down.
  5. Tofu is also a laxative. Diarrhea can develop from its use.

It's not a secret for anyone that more and more counterfeit products are entering the market, which may not be harmful, but there is no benefit from it either. Therefore, it is important to choose the right soy cheese.

How to choose tofu

Tofu cheese can be easily found in any supermarket, both the classic version and with various additives (mushrooms, spices, dried fruits, nuts, etc.). The product is sold hermetically sealed with a liquid inside (this is required in order to maintain the original neutral taste).

When buying soy cheese, do not ignore the labels on the packaging. So, for example, if tofu is natural, healthy, then it should have the following composition:

  • soya beans;
  • drinking water;
  • coagulant represented by calcium sulfate, nigari, delta-gluconolactone, magnesium chloride.

It is advisable to buy classic tofu for the very first time so that its real taste is felt to the end.

Hard tofu is fatter than its soft counterpart. In the first variant, the protein concentration is also higher.

It is very important to pay attention to the production date and expiration date.

Many diets are based on tofu. And this is understandable, because the soy diet makes it possible to lose from 7 to 14 kilograms. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to change your usual way of life and impose restrictions on the amount of food you eat. It's just that instead of meat, soy cheese is introduced into the patient's menu, and soon it will be possible to enjoy the result.

Tofu cheese is consumed in the form in which it is sold.

Hard tofu - Momen - can be taken for a sandwich, cut into pieces for salad, fried in breadcrumbs. Pickling is also allowed. And slightly smoked hard tofu tastes just as good as ham.

The gentle, soft curd - Kinugosi - has another name - "silky". This variety is used for making sauces, soups and desserts.

Soy cheese is also used in cooking. It can be used to prepare main courses, desserts, sweets. Such a component is irreplaceable in Asian cuisine. It is recommended to marinate it for a short time before use. For these purposes, it is best to use soy sauce or lemon juice.

Pasta with tofu is very tasty.

To prepare them you will need:

  • pasta - 200 gr.;
  • butter - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • grated hard cheese - 110 g;
  • soy milk - 0.5 cups;
  • tofu - 225 g.


  1. To begin with, the pasta is boiled, and water is drained from them.
  2. After that, you need to lay out tofu cheese cut into cubes, soy milk, butter, salt, pepper to taste.
  3. All components, along with the pasta, are sent to the stove and boiled over low heat until the excess liquid has completely evaporated.
  4. Sprinkle hard cheese on top before serving.

The use of tofu cheese in cosmetology

Soy cheese has found use not only as one of the ways to lose weight. This product is also in demand in cosmetology. Women in China have long been using tofu to whiten their skin, which becomes softer and velvety after using this product.

To prepare such a useful mask, soft Japanese curd is ground with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. The composition is distributed over a thoroughly cleansed and steamed face through light patting movements of the fingertips. After 10 minutes, this consistency is washed off with cool water. This procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week.

Tofu cheese is a healthy product rich in microelements, which has gained particular popularity not only in the countries of the East, but also in many other cuisines of the world. Due to its beneficial properties, this product is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.

Video: tofu versus regular cheese