How to roast chicken in the oven with a crispy crust. How to cook an appetizing golden brown chicken in the oven

In order to feed a company of 3-5 people, a one and a half kilogram carcass is enough. Of course, go for a chilled one. By the way, it should always be in the refrigerator in reserve. You can put the chicken in the oven right on the baking sheet, but keep in mind that it will bake much better in a cast iron or ceramic mold, and you will get exactly crispy chicken. In glass or metal dishes, the chicken is more likely to burn, and the crust will turn out to be more black than golden.

The baking temperature is standard - 180 degrees. An hour is enough: during this time, you will tell each other about new items in cosmetics stores, show off your new handbag from the sale and tease guests with a delicious scent from the kitchen.

How to cook crispy chicken

There are several recipes, but speed and an accurate result are important to you: guests in love with your culinary skills (and, perhaps, a future mother-in-law). The simplest thing is to cut the chicken carcass in half lengthways along the breastbone and rub it generously inside and outside with black pepper. Put salt on the bottom of the baking dish - regular or sea salt, and so that you get a thick, even layer. Thanks to the salt, the meat will cook perfectly, and you will get what you want - a golden glossy shine and an amazing taste of chicken! Then put the grated carcass back on the salt layer. In an hour, the chicken is ready! If you have a grill function, turn it on 10 minutes before the chicken is ready: this will make the crust perfect.

Grilled Crispy Chicken Recipe

There is one secret for the crust to be truly crispy: the chicken should not come into contact with the fat that comes out of it. This is best avoided by placing it on the grill in the oven. Lightly wipe the washed carcass with a paper towel, also cut it in half along the breast and grease it with salt and pepper inside and out. Now grease the top with vegetable oil and - on the wire rack in a preheated cabinet!

Let the chicken sweat there at a temperature of 240 degrees for 20 minutes, and then reduce the heat to 180 degrees and leave for another hour.

Secret ingredients for the marinade

To give the chicken a special piquancy, you can grate it with sour cream or honey. These are the easiest and fastest ways. But if you have the time, you can make a complete crispy chicken marinade. Melt 30 g of butter on a fire, mix it with half a spoonful of salt, red and black pepper to taste, crush two cloves of garlic into it. Spread this mixture on the chicken and put it in the oven for half an hour, turning the lever 170 degrees. Then remove the chicken and brush it with a mixture of melted honey (4 tablespoons are enough) with lemon juice (2 tablespoons), and let it cook for another 45 minutes. You can water it with this mixture several times during baking. Always try the readiness by piercing the chicken with a fork. If liquid appears, then you need to wait another 10 minutes, and then you will definitely get a crispy chicken! In the meantime, she is baking, take care of the side dish: stewed vegetables or vitamin salad - that's it!

Whole Oven Chicken with a crispy crust is one of the family favorites. Over the years of cooking, I have accumulated many ways how to bake chicken in the oven. But this recipe is my favorite. I love it for its simplicity and excellent results! Kefir makes any meat tender and soft. Chicken marinated in kefir will be especially juicy. Even chicken breast, which is almost always dry, will turn out to be incredibly juicy and spicy in this case. But important! In addition to kefir for the marinade, I use spices and garlic. You can use any spices you like. The recipe for whole chicken in the oven with potatoes and vegetables is good because you do not need to cook a separate side dish. Together with the chicken, we will bake vegetables: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes. I advise you not to limit yourself to this list, add seasonal vegetables to them: eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers. It will be delicious! Checked! Just do not forget to salt the already cut vegetables and sprinkle with vegetable oil. You can serve chicken with vegetables and a crispy crust with summer light salads; in winter it is good to prepare low-calorie salads from canned and fresh vegetables for it.

Taste Info Poultry second courses


  • Chicken - 1 carcass (size depends on the number of servings needed);
  • For the marinade:
  • Kefir - 300 ml of any fat content;
  • Paprika - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Special spices "for chicken" - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Thyme - 1 pinch
  • Salt.
  • For garnish:
  • Potatoes - 4-5 pcs. (medium);
  • Carrots - 2 pcs. (medium);
  • Tomato - 1 large;
  • Garlic - 2 heads;
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.

How to Cook Whole Crispy Chicken in the Oven

First, let's prepare the carcass. Rinse the chicken under running water. Let it drain a little and dry on the table, and at this time we will take care of the marinade.

We make it from kefir and spices. Peel the head of garlic and rub it on a fine grater or pass it through a press. Add a little thyme, chicken spices, salt (no more than 1 tsp). Mix everything well. Marinade is ready!

Now put the chicken in a deep bowl (always breast-side down) and fill it with marinade. If the marinade is less than necessary and the carcass is not completely covered with it, it will need to be turned over after 6 hours. A press from above is not needed, but it is worth covering it (so that moisture does not evaporate into the refrigerator). We leave the carcass to marinate overnight in the refrigerator (it should leave about 12 hours). If there is absolutely no time to wait, let it lie down for at least 1–1.5 hours at room temperature.

Before removing the carcass from the refrigerator, you should cook the vegetables. Potatoes first. We clean it and cut it into large pieces. Salt, add vegetable oil, any spices (I added only ground pepper and dried dill). Stir so that the potato pieces are evenly covered with spices and butter.

Place the potatoes on the bottom of the baking dish. I sprinkled my uniform with some sunflower oil.

Now the carrots. Cut it into circles (thickness 1–1.5 cm), salt, pour with oil. Cut the base out of the tomato, cut it lengthwise into large pieces (into 4–5 pieces), salt, pour with oil. Peel the garlic, cut it in half. Put the chopped and prepared vegetables on the potatoes.

At the chicken, we tie the legs with cotton or silicone thread and put it on the vegetables with the breast up.

Sprinkle on top with vegetable oil (or marinade) and sprinkle with spices, for example, paprika. I also put spices inside the carcass. Then the meat will be evenly spicy.

We send our form to the oven. To bake a chicken in the oven, we need 1–1.5 hours at a temperature of 180 C. If the chicken is large, it may take longer to cook it.

From time to time (about once every 25 minutes), you need to water the top of the carcass with juice. So, the crust is crispy and will not burn. If the chicken starts to brown too much on top, cover it with foil.

It's easy to check the readiness of the chicken. Pierce the carcass with a knife (or fork), if clear juice is released - the chicken is ready (cloudy - not yet).

The chicken meat tastes best in the oven. Two processes are organically combined here: boiling and frying. And all this at the same time. There are several secrets that allow you to make a wonderful chicken in the oven with This can be seen with a specific example.

Meat in breadcrumbs

The use of bread crumbs helps to ensure that the product does not dry out from the inside under the influence of high temperatures, and you can get, for example, a delicious chicken in the oven with a crispy crust. For this option, you will need the following products: for 1 chicken carcass, 1 glass of breadcrumbs, 1 teaspoon of salt, garlic seasoning, ground Provencal herbs (or dried thyme), half a teaspoon of paprika and a glass of mayonnaise.

Cooking in this way is not at all difficult. For this you need:

  1. Divide the chicken into portions.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine all dry ingredients.
  3. Preheat the oven to 185 degrees.
  4. Dip each piece of meat first in mayonnaise, and then roll it thoroughly in the prepared aromatic mixture.
  5. Place the resulting blanks on a baking sheet (or mold), pre-greased with vegetable oil.
  6. Bake for 40-50 minutes.

The result is a delicious crispy, juicy chicken in the oven. It is perfect as a hot meal for dinner, and can be served with almost any side dish.

The whole pleasure

It is not necessary to cut the bird into pieces. There are many ways and techniques through which a wonderful chicken is cooked in the oven with a crispy crust. To do this, you will need: 1 medium chicken carcass, 4 cloves of garlic, a tablespoon of mustard, a little salt, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise (any) and ground pepper.

You need to do everything slowly, step by step:

  1. Fresh (do not sprinkle with salt, then rub well (inside and out) with pepper and garlic.
  2. Prepare marinade from mayonnaise and mustard. Add a little salt to it.
  3. Grate the carcass with the prepared mixture on all sides and put in the refrigerator for about an hour. During this time, it should be slightly marinated.
  4. After an hour, take the chicken out of the refrigerator, place it on a greased baking sheet and cover with foil.
  5. Send the baking sheet with chicken to the oven for 40 minutes. The temperature should be 180-185 degrees.
  6. Take out the chicken, remove the foil, and put the bird back in the oven for 10 minutes.

During this time, the very desired crust is formed.

Poultry recipe

When buying a bird in a store, you cannot be completely sure that the dish from it will turn out exactly the way you want. Homemade chicken is best suited for this. Any recipes will do in this case. But it is better to use familiar or well-proven ones. For example, juicy chicken with sauce, cooked in the oven, is excellent. There are no strict proportions for such a recipe, you just need: large chicken, salt, bay leaf, spices and garlic.

Everything is done in one breath:

  1. Dry the washed carcass with a napkin, and then cut it across the sternum with a knife and unfold.
  2. Rub with selected aromatic spices and salt.
  3. Pour a few peppercorns on a prepared baking sheet, throw a bay leaf (2-3 pieces), and lay the chicken back up on top of them.
  4. Pour enough water so that it covers a third of the carcass.
  5. Send the baking sheet to the oven at 220 degrees and leave it for a couple of hours until the chicken is completely cooked. Periodically, it needs to be watered with juice, which will accumulate around.
  6. Remove the finished chicken from the oven, transfer to a dish, and drain the juice into a separate bowl. Pour chopped garlic there.
  7. Quickly pour the resulting sauce over the hot bird and cut it into pieces. You will get a tender, ruddy homemade chicken. Sauce recipes can be slightly adjusted for yourself.

The smell of such a dish will arouse the appetite of any, even the most hungry guest. And a ruddy crust will only enhance such a desire.

More calories

Chicken is a dietary product. The processing method and various additives make it high in calories. For example, chicken with walnuts turns out to be very tasty, but dangerous for those who monitor their weight. Others can try this really chic dish. Very few products are required: for 700 grams of chicken fillet, 300 grams of peeled walnuts, salt, sunflower oil, flour and black pepper.

When all the products are in stock, you can start cooking:

  1. Beat off the fillet and sprinkle generously with salt and pepper.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs using a fork or whisk.
  3. Chop the nuts at random and pour them into a plate, and put the flour on the other.
  4. Dip a piece of fillet in flour, then dip in an egg and breaded well in nuts.
  5. Place the workpiece in a pan with heated oil and fry well on all sides.

This chicken with walnuts is served on a plate lined with greens. Greens can also be used as a side dish.

Poultry in a spicy sauce

There is another very simple, but extremely interesting recipe. It has a rather unusual composition of ingredients: for 1 chicken, 2 dessert tablespoons of salt and sugar, some spices if desired.

The dish is prepared in 3 steps:

  1. Preparing meat. Wash the chicken carcass, dry and divide into portions. If desired, sprinkle each of them with the spices chosen for this.
  2. Syrup preparation. Pour dry ingredients into a hot frying pan, stir and heat until they turn into a dark thick caramel. Pour a glass of cold water into the pan and gradually heat the mixture until the thickened caramel is completely dissolved.
  3. Roasting meat. Put the chicken pieces on a baking sheet (or in a mold), pour over the syrup and put in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 190 degrees. Do not leave the dish unattended for a long time. While the meat is cooking, it must be poured several times with the resulting sauce.

This chicken recipe is perfect for those who prefer spectacular dishes and non-standard solutions.

Japanese motives

Japanese chefs also love to bake meat. According to their recipes, an extraordinary and very tasty is obtained. Soy sauce plays an important role in this. It is part of the famous teriyaki. You can buy it in the store, but it is better to try to make it yourself. To prepare an unusual dish, you will need: for 1 ½ kilogram of chicken meat, a tablespoon of grated ginger, a couple of cloves of garlic, 0.5 cups of soy sauce and 3 tablespoons of honey.

Cooking starts with meat:

  1. Wash the chicken, pat dry with a paper towel and cut into pieces.
  2. Prepare teriyaki from the rest of the ingredients according to the recipe.
  3. Pour the cooked mass over the chicken and leave to marinate for 3-4 hours.
  4. Gently put the meat on a baking sheet and bake until tender at 180 degrees. This will take approximately 1 hour.

It turns out a very spicy chicken, and soy sauce and other ingredients do everything to make it even more delicious and tender.

Fried chicken is one of our most popular and deservedly loved dishes.

To roast chicken deliciously, it is enough to know a few secrets, but to cook correctly, according to the laws of a healthy diet, it will take some skill.

You can fry chicken in the oven, in a pan, in a slow cooker, with potatoes. You can fry a whole chicken, or you can fry fillets, pieces, thighs, wings. And it must be done deliciously, so that it works out with a real crust and a minimum of calories and cholesterol. How can this be achieved?

* The suggested grilled chicken recipe also includes making chicken sauce and marinade.

How to roast chicken in the oven with a crust

What you need: 1 chicken, butter, onions, celery, carrots, salt and pepper. Culinary twine, baking tray, oven grid, foil, paper towels.

The required cooking time for fried chicken in the oven is up to 1 ½ hours (depending on the size), the baking temperature is 210 degrees Celsius.

Cooking procedure:

1 If you bought whole chicken from the market, start by removing the neck and giblets (heart, stomach, liver). Then wash it thoroughly inside and out and pat dry with paper towels.

2 Brush the outside and inside of the chicken with butter, then season with salt and freshly ground black pepper, both inside and out.

3 For health! Prepare the cooking twine. The main secret to roasting chicken properly in the oven is using twine. It would seem that it is not necessary to do this, but it is the binding of the bird that allows it to be baked evenly, and allows the internal fat to turn into a safe “own juice” for health, in which there is less bad cholesterol.

4 Coarsely chop about half the onion, one celery stalk and one carrot. Place a baking sheet with a grid (or just a grid) in the oven. Place the chopped vegetables on the oven rack and place the chicken breast side up on top of them.

5 Fry the chicken for 1 hour to an hour and 15 minutes (depending on size), or until a thermometer placed in the chicken thigh reads 75 ° C. (But don't poke too many holes with a thermometer if you don't want the poultry to run out juice).

6 Remove the baking sheet and mesh from the oven and transfer the fried chicken to a clean cutting board. Cover with foil and let sit for 10 minutes.

7 Remove excess grease with paper towels. You will see that the crust is very beautiful and ruddy. You can refuse it by simply cutting it off with a knife.

8 You can fill the bird with fresh herbs or dry aromatic herbs. Thyme, rosemary, and marjoram are good choices, but even parsley and basil will give the chicken a unique flavor.

9 Cut a couple of lemons or oranges into wedges, mix them with the dill and fill the chicken with (or fry it on top of them). But remember that no matter what you do with them, you do not need to eat them, they are only good for adding flavor.

10 To make the chicken very juicy, put some butter under the skin before placing it in the oven.

11 You can add a few peeled garlic cloves to the vegetable mixture (carrot-celery-onion).

12 Don't worry about moisturizing your chicken. Some housewives are sure that they should sprinkle the chicken with water from time to time, and for this they open the oven periodically. On the contrary, in this way you will achieve the opposite effect - drying the chicken. Better to leave your roast alone.

13 Another idea is to place slices of bread on the bottom shelf to drip the fat from the poultry to create delicious toasted slices - chicken crisps.

14 For health! If you want to make a diet fried chicken, try marinating it for at least an hour before placing it in the oven. Marinades will minimize carcinogens inevitable during frying.

Fried chicken in the oven with mustard

The original delicious recipe for fried chicken under a mustard crust is a win-win option for the New Year's table. It can be served as an independent dish, or in combination with any side dish.


  • chicken carcass weighing about 1.5 kg
  • mustard - 3 tbsp. l.
  • mayonnaise with a fat content of 67% - 2 tbsp. l.
  • cumin - 0.5 tsp.
  • vegetable oil
  • ground black pepper, salt

Cooking method:

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Wash and dry the chicken carcass. In a deep bowl, combine mustard, mayonnaise, black pepper and cumin. Rub the chicken with salt and coat the inside and outside with mustard mixture. Grease a baking sheet with sunflower oil, put the chicken on it. Sprinkle with a little vegetable oil on top.

Bake the chicken in the oven for about 2 hours until golden brown.

Simple fried chicken marinade

This is a vinegar-free pickle. You will need salt, sugar, and a couple of simple spices. And a saucepan for your chicken.

For a small chicken 1.5 - 1.8 kg, 1 liter of cold water is enough, 3-4 tbsp. l. salt and half a glass of sugar. Stir until dissolved, then add a tablespoon of allspice (whole) and a tablespoon of black peppercorns.

Heat liquid to a boil, remove from heat and let cool completely. When the brine has cooled, add four cups of ice cubes to the brine to cool the liquid completely.

The meat can now be added. You may need to use something heavy to press the bird to the bottom to keep it under the marinade at all times. Cover the pot and refrigerate for 8-24 hours.

Before frying the chicken, rinse it off the brine under cold water and wipe it dry with a paper towel. Do not use the brine in any way.

And here are some more recipes for marinades in the range:

To make the fried chicken even tastier, you can pour the chicken sauce over it when it's already cooked.

Read more on how to make chicken sauce + some signature recipes.

Another chicken sauce recipe

Cook it in a deep skillet over medium heat. Drain off any fat left over from the chicken, add two cups of chicken stock and simmer until it has reduced by about a third. To thicken the sauce, dissolve 2 tablespoons of cornstarch in 2 tablespoons of cornstarch. l. cold water (you just made the so-called sludge) and send it to the pan. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for a minute, until thickened. Then strain it through cheesecloth, salt and pepper. The sauce is ready.

How to fry chicken and potatoes

It's delicious to cook in the oven. The principle is one, there are a lot of recipes, that's great Greek.

Cooking fried chicken with potatoes: Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Cut chicken into pieces (if roasting drumsticks, you can whole) and rub with salt and pepper to taste. Place them on a baking sheet. Place coarsely chopped potatoes around. Pour over everything with lemon juice and olive oil, but a little (just to grease the baking sheet), as its fat will be enough. Sprinkle with dry oregano, basil and garlic. Roast the chicken and potatoes in the oven for 1.2 hours: 40 minutes on each side. The potatoes must also be turned over.

How to fry chicken in a pan

The time for frying the chicken in a pan is shorter than in the oven. It can also be marinated beforehand. In general, the principles are the same as for roasting in the oven. The peculiarity is that:
  • Do not! close the lid of the pan

It is ideal to cook in a pan- chicken pieces in an appetizing crust (pieces fall out in a variety of mixtures).

But at the same time, it must be remembered that even very tasty fried chicken meat in a pan will never be as juicy and crunchy as cooked in the oven.

And here's another - for the sake of completeness.

To prevent fried chicken from getting dry

Experienced housewives recommend dipping chicken pieces in a mixture of eggs and milk, and then roll them in breadcrumbs. Another way is to bake in the oven in a sleeve or foil, the fire is strong (but you don't need to open the oven door). Then the chicken will be moistened with its own juice, which will have nowhere to go. Agree, the latter is especially true if you are roasting whole chicken. For other recommendations, see Secrets and Tricks, above, on how to fry chicken deliciously.

Oven chicken can be cooked in a variety of ways. Let's try to list the main dishes: chicken with potatoes in the oven, chicken with mushrooms in the oven, chicken with rice in the oven, buckwheat with chicken in the oven, chicken with cheese in the oven, chicken with oranges in the oven, chicken with pineapple in the oven, chicken with garlic in the oven, chicken with apples in the oven, chicken with vegetables in the oven, chicken with tomatoes in the oven, chicken with prunes in the oven, chicken with mustard in the oven and others.

Oven chicken dishes are so varied that it is impossible to list them all. A wide variety also arises depending on how the chicken is heat-treated. According to this principle, they distinguish: chicken in a sleeve in the oven, chicken in foil in the oven, chicken in a can in the oven, chicken in a pot in the oven, grilled chicken in the oven, chicken in a bag in the oven, chicken on salt in the oven, chicken on a bottle in oven, chicken on a spit in the oven, chicken in dough in the oven, and others. If we try to cook chicken meat in different forms and with different carcass cutting, we will get a number of new dishes: whole chicken in the oven, chicken fillet in the oven, chicken in pieces in the oven, chicken drumstick in the oven.

Chicken meat is so tasty and pleasant to cook and eat that it responds to any experiments with it. Culinary masters have learned how to cook real masterpieces from chicken: chicken casserole in the oven, chicken pie in the oven, julienne with chicken in the oven, French chicken in the oven, chicken skewers in the oven, stuffed chicken in the oven. The piquancy gives the chicken meat a variety of sauces and seasonings with which it is successfully combined. So independent dishes appeared: chicken in mayonnaise in the oven, honey chicken in the oven, chicken in soy sauce in the oven, chicken in kefir in the oven, chicken in sour cream in the oven. You can try any marinade for chicken in the oven to your taste, for this there is a large selection of spices and seasonings. It is better to marinate chicken for the oven in advance, a few hours before cooking. But even here there is a field for experiments.

And that's not all. Craftsmen try to combine some recipes for cooking chicken, and they get wonderful dishes that are worthy of our attention. These are grilled chicken in the oven on a spit, chicken with potatoes in the oven with mayonnaise, potatoes with chicken and mushrooms in the oven, chicken with potatoes in a pot, chicken in a sleeve with potatoes.

If you want to surprise your guests with something original, take a look at some of our recipes, study them. For example, whole oven chicken recipe, oven sleeve chicken recipe, oven chicken mushroom recipe, oven chicken rice recipe, oven baked chicken recipe. In general, oven baking is the process that produces the most delicious oven chicken, oven crusty chicken, oven crispy chicken, or oven crispy chicken. Cooking chicken in the oven in this case becomes a real challenge for those around you, because It is impossible to indifferently inhale the aromas of fried chicken.

Oven chicken recipes continue to expand and improve. New dishes with chicken in the oven are appearing in the world of culinary. Recipes for these innovations are posted on our website. People love oven chicken. Recipes with photos - for your attention on our website. If you decide to cook, for example, stuffed chicken in the oven, the photo will tell you how it will look in the final version. Or - chicken in pots with potatoes in the oven, a recipe with a photo - looks more appetizing. It is convenient and informative for readers.

Many people are interested in the questions: how to cook chicken in the oven, how to bake chicken in the oven, how to cook chicken and potatoes in the oven? The answers are in recipes and photos. Moreover, if you succeeded in an original dish according to your recipe, for example, "chicken with mushrooms in the oven", send us a photo with the recipe, we will be glad together, we will share with other gourmets. Chicken in the oven - the step-by-step recipe is especially interesting. The recipe for chicken in the oven is not one, there are a huge number of them, the possibilities for creating something of your own, exclusive are huge. So study and try.

Here are some general tips for cooking chicken meat:

Old poultry is used mainly for cooking and stewing, while young poultry is used for frying.

Meat juice is prepared from the liquid left after cooking the chicken in the container, which is used to water the poultry when serving the dish.

Before cooking chickens and low-fat chickens, they are smeared with sour cream to form a more ruddy crust. Readiness is determined by puncturing the thick part of the flesh with a chef's needle, clear juice flows out of the finished poultry.

The finished chicken dish goes well with fried potatoes. Poultry dish is poured with meat sauce or butter. Additionally, you can serve green salad, salad of red or white cabbage, pickled apples as a side dish.