Soy Products: Good or Dangerous. Soy - how to eat correctly so as not to harm yourself? What is the harm of soy

09.10.2019 Meat Dishes

Soy products are becoming more and more popular every day. And the soy diet promises not only to lose weight, but also to protect against cancer. Is soy really that good?

Soy and soy products are increasingly seen on store shelves. And if earlier soy was mainly an element of oriental cuisine, today it has gained immense popularity, especially in the USA and Europe.

There is a huge amount of conflicting information about soy: some sources write that it can prevent cancer, while others, which can lead to Alzheimer's disease. In this article I will try to give as complete an overview of the information about this product as possible. But I must admit right away that I have never met a more "controversial" topic.

What is soy

Soy is an annual plant related to legumes, that is, to the usual peas, beans, lentils, etc. Most of all it is cultivated in Asia, North and South America, some regions of Africa and Australia, and on the islands of the Pacific and Indian oceans. Soybeans have also begun to be grown in some European countries, but in much smaller quantities. The second, no less well-known name for soybeans, soybeans.

Soy has become popular mainly because it is rich in complete protein (which contains essential amino acids. The percentage of protein in soybeans, depending on the variety, can vary from 30 to 50%. That is why soy products are so popular with those who, for whatever reason, does not eat animal products.

Also, soy contains a lot of fat - from 16 to 27%.

It must be canceled that soybeans in their natural form are unfit for human consumption and, in the literal sense of the word, poisonous. Only fermented soy products, i.e. fermented can be used in food.

Soy foods include:

There are many more varieties of products that are made with the addition of soy - mayonnaise, desserts, sausages, etc. But all of them, rather, are derivatives of the above.

The most interesting thing is that most semi-finished products consisting of soy products contain unfermented soy, which has not gone through the necessary long fermentation process, which means it is unsuitable for food.

Soy diet

The soy diet usually involves replacing conventional foods with soy counterparts. For example, regular cow's milk should be replaced with soy milk, regular meat with soy milk, and should be included in your diet, for example, tofu. There can be many substitutions and variations, but the essence, I think, is clear.

Such measures are often resorted to by people who do not eat meat and, in general, animal products. But is it worth doing for those who just want to lose weight?

The very first thing that defenders of the soy diet usually mention is that it is rich in protein, which means it contributes not only to weight loss (with a calorie deficit, of course), but also to the preservation of muscle mass, which, together with physical activity, allows you to achieve muscle definition. Those. in fact, she is credited with all the classic characteristics of protein diets (and therefore disadvantages too). In my opinion, the complete replacement of all foods with soy is still not the best solution, because it turns your food into almost a mono-diet, and as you know, it is impossible to satisfy all the body's needs for vitamins, eating mainly one product.

The second point in the positive aspects of a diet on soy products is called their lower calorie content, in comparison with the "animal" counterparts. I don't see much difference here. For example, the calorie content of soy milk with a fat percentage of 1.8% is 54 kcal. Regular milk of the same fat content contains 46 kcal. Soy meat with a fat content of 1 g per 100 g has about 296 kcal. In lean beef with a fat content of 7 g - 158 kcal. And in 100 g of chicken breast, for example, 1 g of fat and 110 kcal. But, of course, it should be noted that the protein content in soy meat is almost 2 times higher. I think it makes no sense to continue such comparisons, because even though different manufacturers of KBZhU products will differ, in my opinion, there is no reason to consider soy products significantly less nutritious.

In addition, it is believed that soy products are cheaper than "conventional"... To be honest, when shopping, I see a diametrically opposite situation - soy products are found in special food departments and, more often than not, are even more expensive. But perhaps I have come across such stores, because different retail chains have different suppliers. I cannot draw conclusions about the cost of soy products on this basis.

Among the disadvantages of soybeans, it should be mentioned that this product is not typical for our region and in many people causes digestive system problems... And, of course, the option of food allergy is not excluded, but this applies to absolutely all food products.

In addition, the availability of soy products in all regions is different and I can assume that not every retail chain provides a wide selection of these products.

But all these are "flowers", and the most important "feature" of soy products is that they are characterized by such different effects on the body that they can be both useful and dangerous. And this will be discussed below.

Soybean composition

I will not consider in detail all the vitamins and elements that make up soy, but I will focus on those components of soy products that are the most "controversial" in terms of their danger / safety and require detailed consideration. These are: isoflavones (genistin), fetic acids, soy lecithin.

Isoflavones are natural components found in some plants, including soy. These substances belong to the group of phytoestrogens. As you know, estrogens are female sex hormones. However, contrary to popular belief, soy isoflavones are not a plant hormone. Nevertheless, in their structure, they really resemble one of the female sex hormones, which suggests that isoflavones entering the body able to have hormonal effects, similar to the action of estrogens (although this has not been proven for sure). Moreover, some studies have shown that isoflavones are able to "behave" not only in a manner similar to estrogens (with a lack of estrogen), but also act as antiestrogens (with an excess of estrogen).

Genistein is a plant substance belonging to the isoflavone class. It is believed that it can delay the development of certain types of cancer, as well as diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Phytic acid- another name for myo-inositol hexaphosphoric acid. In fact, it is a form of phosphorus storage in plants. Phytic acid has a fairly strong antioxidant effect and, according to some studies, is effective in the treatment of cancer.

Lecithin means "egg yolk" because it was first isolated in 1845 from egg yolk. Today, the majority of lecithin is obtained from soybeans. Soy lecithin is actively used not only in the food and chemical industries, in particular in the production of cosmetics, but also in medicine. On the basis of this substance, a lot of drugs and dietary supplements have been produced that prevent liver diseases. In general, lecithin is considered a vital substance for a person, since it is contained in almost all cells and tissues of the body, and, accordingly, with its lack, normal functioning of all systems is impossible.

Soybean Research

Research into soy products began in the early 19th century. All of the "miraculous" properties attributed to soy are related to the fact that "once" "someone" noticed that the people of Asia had much better health indicators than those of Europe and America. In particular, osteoporosis, oncological diseases (especially breast cancer) and mortality from cardiovascular diseases are also significantly lower. They decided to look for the reason in food. Having studied the differences in the diet of the East and West, they found that in the diet of the peoples of Asia, soy products are present in a fairly large amount. While in other regions, soy products have not yet been widespread. On reflection, we decided that soy is the “culprit” of good health. And since then, numerous and conflicting studies of soybeans and their properties have begun. Paradoxically, very often the same fact was confirmed in the course of one study and refuted in the course of another.

Soy and osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a progressive systemic disease of the skeleton, characterized by a decrease in bone density and, accordingly, an increase in their fragility. The reason is the violation of metabolic processes in bone tissue, in which the processes of destruction prevail over the processes of bone formation. As a result, the risk of fractures and the recovery time after them increase.

Osteoporosis often develops in women during menopause. It is believed that this is due to a decrease in the production of the female sex hormone - estrogen. As I wrote above, soy isoflavones are similar in their action to these hormones when they are lacking in the body. Based on this, it was suggested that the use of soy reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis and conducted a study with the participation of two hundred women. Half of them additionally took soy protein every day for six months. The study found that those who took soy had significantly lower bone breakdown rates than those who did not. Based on this, they concluded that the use of soy is capable of reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis in women during menopause.

However, there is also an opposite point of view. As we found out, fetic acid is a "store" of phosphorus in plants. But the fact is that fetic acid is not absorbed in the human body, respectively, and phosphorus from it too. Moreover, fetic acid binds substances such as zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium. Those. it not only "brings nothing" into your body, but also "takes" such necessary substances. In the long run, it can lead to the development of mineral deficiency in the body, which means tooth decay and the development of the same osteoporosis. For children, excess fetic acid can be more dangerous and lead to a delay in skeletal development and deformity.

A natural question arises: why then among the inhabitants of Asia the level of osteoporosis is lower? This is most likely offset by the presence of a large amount of seafood.

It should be noted that fetic acid contains in all legumes, grains, nuts and seeds. Naturally, in different quantities. That is why it is not wise to eat oatmeal for breakfast every day.

Soy and thyroid

There is an opinion (as always confirmed by scientific research))) that soy isoflavones can negatively affect the functioning of the thyroid gland and even cause the formation of goiter. However, it was later found that these data were obtained in the course of experiments, which did not take into account the amount of iodine entering the body. When there is enough iodine in the diet, soy foods do not have a negative effect on the thyroid gland.

Soy and breast cancer

It is difficult to imagine a more terrible disease than cancer. And ... it is no less difficult to understand whether soy contributes to its development or, on the contrary, stops the course of the disease.

So in some studies, they came to the conclusion that the use of soy products is essential reduces the risk of developing breast cancer if you start using this product from adolescence (when tissue formation occurs).

Others noticed that in women who have already been diagnosed with breast cancer and who started using soy products before the tumor is removed, significantly the processes of multiplication of malignant cells have increased.

Another equally "sensational" large-scale study concluded that women who survived and recovered from breast cancer are much less likely to recur if they include soy products in their diets.

I have given just a few examples. It will take a very long time to continue listing studies on the effect of soy on the development of breast cancer. They will all contradict each other.

Soy and cognitive impairment

To all of the above, it can be added that soy has also been accused of increasing the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, to earlier aging of the body and, in general, to more frequent manifestations of mental impairment in those who regularly add soy-based foods to their diets.

Soy products in baby food

As I wrote above, with an insufficient intake of iodine in the body, soy can affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. If this occurs during childhood and adolescence, it can lead to delays in development and growth.

There is also evidence that the constant presence of soy in baby food can provoke earlier puberty in girls, and vice versa, delay puberty in boys.

In general, in different countries, the attitude towards soy in the children's diet is also different. Somewhere it is considered safe, somewhere it is recommended to consult a doctor about the possibility of introducing soy into a child's diet, but someone warns against these products.

GMO soy

Another ambiguous aspect of the soy problem is its "appearance". Soybeans grown in Asia are generally “natural”. Most soybeans grown in the United States today genetically modified, i.e. obtained by introducing additional genes that were not initially present in this plant. In particular, the gene for the enzyme is considered a "possible carcinogen" for humans. The import of transgenic soybeans is allowed almost all over the world, and, accordingly, the soy products that you see on store shelves may well be from GMO grains.

I think that the question of the harmfulness / harmlessness of transgenic soy should not be considered separately from other GMO products. Rather, it is a question of whether genetically modified foods can be eaten at all.

Fortunately in Russia, for example, labeling of GMO soy products is mandatory. Therefore, when buying soy products, you will be aware of how it is grown. In Europe, too, no one strives to "keep the big secret" of GMO soybeans - you just need to pay attention to the information on the product labels.

Should you eat soy products?

As you can see, the "opinion of science" about soy is very contradictory. While studying publications for writing this article, I met with a huge amount of criticism of those who are "for" and "against" soy products against each other. Many studies are accused of not meeting all the conditions of "experimental purity" or not taking into account all influencing factors. In addition, many studies have been carried out on animals, therefore, one cannot be sure that the human body will react in the same way. Well, do not forget about the quantity. After all, any, even the most useful, product can harm the body to one degree or another if there is too much of it in your diet.

I think that in this matter, everyone should form their own opinion.

For me personally, it is obvious that soy products are far from the only factor that affects the well-being of people and the "good health" of Asian people - it is not the result of eating soy or holding tea ceremonies. This is the result of a different culture of life in general. Not only food culture or physical activity, but also the outlook on life, responses to stressful stimuli and ways of thinking and behaving. For a long time I don’t believe in any one miracle product that can cure all diseases, but I believe that everything works in conjunction with each other. I am "not afraid" of soy foods and occasionally include tofu in my diet as a substitute for meat or fish. But I do not eat it for weeks, because "everything is good in moderation" and any overweight in nutrition in the direction of some products always leads to a lack of substances contained in others. Therefore, in my opinion, it would be wiser to use the full range of PP-dishes in your diet, and not "get hung up" on any one product.

Only the lazy one has not heard about soy today. A huge amount of semi-finished products and final food products are prepared from it. Soy is a nutritious, protein product that is very valuable for our body. At the same time, it is very cheap, so the manufacturer is trying to replace some of the ingredients in the recipes with it, primarily to reduce the cost of production and increase profitability. So soy appeared in the composition of sweets and various semi-finished products: dumplings, pasties, cutlets.

Plus, there are plenty of tasty and healthy stand-alone foods that can spice up your table. These are tofu and soy mince, dry semi-finished products (asparagus, flakes), intended for consumption after preliminary soaking. As you can see, soy is a versatile product.

A bit of history

How long have we learned about this plant? Relatively recently, therefore, many consider this legume to be a novelty, a miracle of genetic engineering. In fact, soy is a crop that has been known since BC. Hippocrates used it as a medicine. In Russia, they seriously thought about growing these legumes in 1905, when there was a shortage of food and it was decided to introduce it into the diet of the soldiers.

Soy is a unique plant. In its composition, about half of the protein, in addition, about 30% is allocated to enzymes, pectins and organic acids. However, the most important advantage is the high protein content. This plant is unpretentious and high-yielding. It turns out that soy products are about 15 times cheaper than meat products.

What is made from soy

Vegetarian practice is becoming very popular today. In this case, the deficiency of protein in the body still needs to be compensated. Therefore, modern people know well what soy is. However, the beans require some processing. Let's briefly list what soy products can be purchased on the market today.

  • Soy flour. It would seem that it is surprising here. However, it is a strong competitor to wheat, as it contains a lot of minerals and proteins. Moreover, it does not contain proteins, so products made from it are considered dietary. Soy meat is prepared from it, which is produced in dry form. Its protein content is high - about 54%, and there are almost no cholesterol and calories.
  • Soy milk is made from beans. It has a pleasant taste and delicate aroma. This is a great option for someone with a protein allergy.
  • Butter. It is rich in fatty acids.
  • Tofu is a versatile product that is made from milk. It is highly digestible.

Life-giving sprouts

Sprouted soybeans have long been used in the East. Today in every city there are special departments where you can buy dry beans or already bristled with tiny sprouts. This tender growth is a real storehouse of vitamins B, C and carotene. Sprouted beans can be used to combat vitamin deficiency.

But the whole list of useful properties does not end there. Tiny sprouts contain amino acids, macro- and microelements. Regular consumption helps to normalize metabolism. Today there is a theory that such a simple and natural remedy protects the body from most of the most severe and formidable diseases. It is not for nothing that sprouted beans have been called the "elixir of youth" since ancient times.

Benefits for the body

Today you can find completely contradictory information that is difficult to verify. Based on some data, it is recommended to eat soy as often as possible. At the same time, one can hear doubts: are soy products harmful to health? Today, this issue is a subject of controversy not only among ordinary people, but also among scientists. So let's figure it out together.

As mentioned above, beans are rich in protein. In addition, they contain many useful substances. Phytic acids are believed to help prevent cancer. Do not forget that they also slow down the absorption of calcium in the intestines. Phospholipids increase immunity and slow down the aging process. However, it should be noted that these properties are not officially confirmed and are rather speculations of scientists. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, not only soy is the source of these substances.

However, this is not all. If you collect all the information about the beneficial properties of soy, it turns out that it contains vitamins of group B and E, as well as numerous trace elements. The presence of lecithin, which normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and improves memory, is also important. Vegetable protein is an excellent alternative to animals in the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus. At the same time, her calorie content is very small. There are 364 kcal per 100 g of soybeans. At the same time, 34 g are for protein, and 17 for fats and carbohydrates. The feeling of fullness after consuming soy products does not leave for a very long time.

Why, even today, many people doubt that soy is useful, because on the face - the highest content of useful substances in it. Let's look at the arguments against using this product.

Potential harm

The dangerous properties of soy are associated with the fact that in the pursuit of profit, mankind began to use modified plants. This is due to the fact that it produces more crops in record time. After that, heated debates began as to whether such experiments were harmful or not, and how the consumption of a modified product could threaten a person in the future for several generations. Today it is already difficult to say whether they continue to grow genetically modified soybeans, but discussions are still ongoing.

What the manufacturer uses

There is one more thing. There is fodder soybeans, which are used to feed livestock. It can really be dangerous to humans. But an unscrupulous manufacturer can use such raw materials because they are cheaper. And if we consider a natural, high-quality product, can it be harmful? For a healthy body - no. However, there are certain points to be aware of:

  • You should be careful when using soy for people suffering from diseases of the endocrine system. The substances contained in beans slow down the production of hormones, which can lead to a worsening of the situation.
  • Children should not be given soy products. They are rich in phytoestrogens that can interfere with growth and development.
  • When diagnosed with urolithiasis, you also need to give up soy. Oxalic acid is to blame for this.

Instead of a conclusion

We tried to tell you in detail what soy is. Description, composition, calorie content, harm and benefit - all these points are reflected in our article. Making final conclusions is already the job of each of you. But based on the presented material, it turns out that a healthy person can regularly eat high-quality soybeans without any fear. A smart solution is to use these beans once or twice a week, so you will provide your body with valuable substances and protect it from possible problems.

Soy is a plant in the legume family. Its uniqueness is that soy is the only plant that supplies complete protein with the best combination of amino acids, close to the animal. There is also enough fat in soy, but there are few carbohydrates.

In addition, soy contains many phospholipids (for which soy is the leader among plants), linoleic acid, tocopherols (also leading among vegetable oils), lecithin and choline, isoflavones (phytoestrogens) and a lot of useful nutrients.

About whether soy is harmful, about the controversy surrounding this product, read here:. This is an objective and balanced analysis, without conjectures and "intimidation" that the Runet is full of. This article is devoted to the composition of soybeans.

Soy protein

The World Health Organization, evaluating the quality of proteins for children and adults, gave soy protein isolate a maximum rating of 1. This means that its biological value is no less than the value of protein in meat and dairy. Soy protein is excellently absorbed by the body.

Squirrels- 35-40% (in other legumes 20-30)

Soy fats

Fat in the composition of soybeans there are also many -, unsaturated: polyunsaturated (linoleic acid, linolenic acid) and monounsaturated (oleic acid).

Saturated fat (palmitic acid) is significantly less.

Fat - up to 40% (in other legumes 2-14%) Of them:

  • Unsaturated fat 86%
  • Linoleic acid and linolenic acid - 63% (linolenic acid - 7%)
  • Oleic acid - 23%
  • Saturated fat - 14% (cf. animal fats 41-66%)

The role of linoleic acid, and especially linolenic acid - the plant variant of omega-3 fatty acids - is very important, the acid prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer. This fundamental property of soy makes it an anti-atherosclerotic cholesterol-lowering product.

Phospholipids - 1.6-2.2% Phospholipids increase the detoxifying ability of the liver, reduce the need for insulin in diabetics, prevent degenerative changes in nerve cells, muscles, capillaries. Tocopherols - 830-1200 mg / kg Tocopherols - allow you to stay strong and young for a long time, they to the greatest extent increase the body's protective properties and potency.

Soy carbohydrates

Carbohydrates - 20-30% (soluble sugars, polysaccharides).

Among carbohydrates, raffinose and stachyose help reduce the risk of dysbiosis and cancer (they are food for bifidobacteria).

More about the composition of soybeans in numbers:

Macro- and microelements (in mg per 100 g of seeds):

  • potassium - 1607
  • phosphorus - 603
  • calcium - 348
  • magnesium - 226
  • sulfur - 214
  • silicon - 177
  • chlorine - 64
  • sodium - 44
  • iron - 9670
  • manganese - 2800
  • boron - 750
  • aluminum 700
  • copper - 500
  • nickel - 304
  • molybdenum - 99
  • cobalt - 31.2
  • iodine - 8.2


  • β-carotene - 0.15-0.20
  • vitamin E - 17.3
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 0.7-1.3
  • niacin (PP) - 2.1-3.5
  • pantothenic acid (B3) - 1.3-2.23
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.22-0.38
  • thiamine (B1) - 0.94-1.8
  • choline - 270
  • biotin - 6.0-9.0 mcg
  • folic acid - 180-200.11 mcg

(Data "About composition of soybeans in numbers "taken from Wikipedia).


What soy products do we know? Soy products - tofu, tempeh, misso, natto, soy sauce, soy flour, soy meat, soy nuts and soy milk, etc. Soy and soy products are widely used in East Asian (especially Japanese and Chinese) and vegetarian cuisine.

More details: composition, benefits, use in cooking, how to choose.

What is GM Soy? Soy is one of the crops currently undergoing genetic modification. GM soy is included in an increasing number of products. There is debate about how safe it is. However, soybean producers are required to indicate on the product packaging and label whether it contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or not.

What is soy and how is it useful? This question interests almost everyone. What is the reason for this? The fact is that recently more and more of the mentioned ingredient has been added to our usual food products. Thus, he began to gradually replace meat, as well as other components.

So what is soy and how is it useful? Photos of this product and its features will be presented below.

General information

Soy - what is it? This annual herb belonging to Cultivated soybeans is actively cultivated in Southern Europe, Australia and Asia, as well as in South and North America, South and the islands of the Indian and Pacific Ocean.

Product features

Soy - what is it? The seeds of this plant are a fairly common food product. According to experts, such fruits have the following characteristics:

  • high protein content (up to 50%);
  • high productivity;
  • the possibility of preventing cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis;
  • the presence of a large amount of B vitamins, calcium, iron, polyunsaturated fatty acids and potassium.

How is it used?

Soy - what is it, and what properties do the fruits in question have? Their unique properties enable the production of a wide range of different products.

Before I tell you about why soy is harmful, it should be told that it is very often used as an inexpensive substitute for meat and dairy products. Also, the fruits are part of feed for farm animals.

Product benefits

What properties does soy have? The benefits and harms (for health) of this product are the subject of frequent debate among many experts. Moreover, most of them consider such fruits to be unique in a number of indicators.

Scientists have found that the product in question contains a huge amount of genestein, phytic acid and isoflavonoids. It is they who have an effect that is similar to the action of such a female sex hormone as estrogen. This feature of soy determines some of its healing properties, namely the ability to reduce the risk of cancer.

It should also be noted that it inhibits the development of benign and malignant tumors, and genestein is a unique substance that slows down the growth of oncological neoplasms.

Basic properties

Soy - what is it and what are its properties? which were obtained by fermentation are very often included in the daily diet of both adults and adolescents. Such dishes are used not only as a prophylactic agent, but also for the treatment of diathesis, diabetes mellitus, various kinds of allergic reactions, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Moreover, soy is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver.

Not so long ago, experts discovered that the composition of the product in question includes lecithin, acetylcholine and phosphatidylcholine. These substances effectively restore and reconstruct the cells of the brain and nervous tissue, and also have a beneficial effect on learning, thinking and memory.

It should be said that all of the above elements play an important role in supporting the sexual function and reproductive system of a person. In addition, they restore strength after mental and moral stress, and also support the patient's physical activity.

What else is the product in question useful for? Lecithin, which is part of it, is able to control the level of cholesterol in the blood, increase the metabolism of adipose tissue and participate in other metabolic processes of the body. Also, this component inhibits tissue degradation and aging processes, reduces the signs of arteriosclerosis, treats amnesia, muscle dystrophy and glaucoma.

Why is soy harmful in products?

In addition to an impressive list of useful properties of the product in question, it also has a large number of harmful qualities. By the way, the latter can easily negate all the benefits of its use in the daily diet.

Most soy products on the local market are hazardous to health. The only exception is food that was obtained through fermentation.

The most dangerous thing is genetically modified soybeans. Experts say that such an ingredient is contaminated with herbicide residues and does not contribute to the maintenance of normal health at all.

How is GM soy obtained?

Why is genetically modified soy so dangerous? The fact is that in the process of its cultivation, agricultural producers cultivate plantations with a huge amount of such a potent poisonous herbicide as Roundup. The latter is intended not only to control weeds, but also to significantly increase yields.

How does it affect human health?

In the course of numerous studies, experts have found that regular consumption of soy products causes the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, diseases of the immune system, reproductive disorders and as well as infertility, heart problems and even cancer.

Here are some of the consequences that have been associated with the frequent consumption of soy and soy products:

  • mammary cancer;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • brain damage;
  • food allergy (serious);
  • disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • violations in the genital area in women.

It should also be noted that American scientists found that those of the stronger sex who ate soy products 3 times a week for a long time, the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease increased almost 2 times. Also, the abuse of this food often led to a weakening of memory, a decrease in brain mass and a violation of thought processes.

Negative impact on a person

As mentioned above, soy contains phytic acid. Its excessive intake into the body helps to block the full absorption of zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium. In addition, with the help of soy products, scientists have learned how to control the birth rate of laboratory animals. The fact is that in large quantities, phytoestrogen is able to suppress the reproductive function of the body and significantly reduce its ability to conceive.

It should also be noted that many manufacturers add soy to infant formula. This often leads to early puberty in girls and developmental disabilities (physical) in boys. In this regard, the introduction of soy products into baby food is completely unacceptable.

Soy or Chinese oilseed peas are a popular food product that one way or another is included in the diet of any person.

For vegetarians, soy is an irreplaceable source of protein. It is eaten both in its natural form (soybeans) and in the form of all kinds of soy products. This is soy flour, meat, milk, butter and even soy cheese (cottage cheese) - tofu. Fermented soybeans are used to make a number of very special foods - tempeh, miso and natto. Also known is "Chinese asparagus" - soy milk foam. It is also called yuba, doupi or fuli.

For people who eat meat, the choice of products, which includes soybeans, is much wider - these are sausages and confectionery, dairy products, canned food, mayonnaise, concentrates, baked goods, sweets, all kinds of drinks and much more.

The widespread use of soy has generated a lot of rumors about its dangers and benefits. Some argue that soy is not only completely safe for health, but also provides tremendous benefits. Others say that the nutritional value of soy is too exaggerated, and side effects are deliberately not advertised.

We will try to give the most objective information that will help everyone draw their own conclusions regarding the benefits and harms of soybeans.

Composition and calorie content

First, a little about the composition of soybeans. Its beans are 40% vegetable protein. It practically does not differ from animal proteins. Fats and carbohydrates account for 20%, water - 10%. The remaining 10% was equally divided by ash and fiber.

Soy is rich in lecithin, it contains all the B vitamins, vitamins A, PP, H and E. It contains a lot of macro- and microelements, especially potassium, phosphorus, calcium, silicon, iron, zinc and manganese. Soy is a natural source of bioflavonoids.

It is high in calories - in 100 gr. dry soybeans contain 364 kcal.

How is soy useful?

Eating soy can lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Due to this property, Chinese oilseed peas have the most positive effect on the state of blood vessels and the cardiovascular system in general. For example, in the countries of Asia or India, where soy is a traditional food product, the population is much less likely to suffer from heart disease.

Soy fiber provides the body with valuable dietary fiber. This prevents constipation, perfectly cleanses the intestines from undigested residues and improves its peristalsis. Due to its absorbent properties, fiber naturally removes toxins and harmful substances from the body.

Soy prevents the development of osteoporosis, increases density and strengthens bone tissue... It removes excess fluid from the body, helps with diabetes and cholecystitis. Soy milk helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is prescribed for liver cirrhosis and general exhaustion.

Saturating cells with macro- and microelements, soy has a rejuvenating effect on all body tissues. It improves the condition of the skin, making it more elastic.

Who benefits from eating soy

Soy products normalize hormones. This quality makes it possible to alleviate the condition of women in the climacteric period and prevents the development of female diseases. The antioxidant properties of soy are also known - it was found that the bioflavonoids contained in it prevent and stop the development of cancer cells. Shown are soy products and hypertensive patients.

Soya beans - a source of vegetable protein that is fully absorbed by the body... This is its huge advantage over "meat" protein. Soy dishes do not lead to extra pounds and are suitable for everyone who dreams of a slim figure. Soy is included in many diets, and tofu is generally considered the best food for a fitness diet. Many "sports" supplements and dietary supplements are being developed on the basis of soybeans.

Small beans contain soy lecithin, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous tissue. Soy improves the activity of brain cells, therefore it is recommended to be added to the menu for everyone who wants to increase concentration and improve memory. Soy is a salvation for people suffering from intolerance to dairy products and allergies to animal proteins.

Who is soy contraindicated for?

Soy is not allowed for people with endocrine diseases - its effect on hormones leads to a general imbalance. The result will be general weakness, painful conditions, obesity, and constipation. Soy can provoke the formation of kidney stones, so it is better to limit its use for people with urolithiasis.

There are many known cases when soy accelerated the aging of the body, suppressed the development of brain cells and led to the development of Alzheimer's disease.

One of the side effects of soy consumption in adult men is a decrease in sperm activity and testosterone levels. By causing hormonal imbalance, it provoked their mammary glands to enlarge and decreased sexual activity.

For women, "soy addiction" threatens with reduced reproductive function and can lead to infertility... This is why it is especially undesirable for teenage girls to abuse soy products.

Regular consumption of soy can provoke metabolic disorders, a significant decrease in immunity and the development of cancer. In a number of cases, soy diets have been associated with the occurrence of chronic diseases, as well as ailments, the nature of which could not be explained.

Soy in children's diets - scientists' opinions

Chinese oilseed peas and any foods that contain them are not recommended for children. The reasons are very different.

Numerous studies confirm that soy has a negative effect on the hormonal background of the child, causing a surge in hormones. For girls, this is fraught with too early maturation, and for boys, an increase in estrogen levels.

Soy also causes pancreatic diseases in children, serious disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and provokes the development of allergies. There are many confirmed facts that soy-based baby food reduces immunity: with age, this leads to numerous diseases.

It is categorically impossible to give children products from genetically modified soybeans, since its effect on a fragile body has not been studied. It is known that even an adult at least (!) After 10 years of regular use of soy will be able to objectively assess the effect that it had on his body.

So useful or harmful ?!

All of the above has scientific justification and irrefutable evidence. This leads to controversy about the benefits and dangers of soybeans. However, there is a way out of any impasse - you just need to look well for it.

Let's remember when exactly the first disagreements began? That's right - when soy products began to appear en masse on the shelves of stores and markets in our country. But before it was scarce, "exotic" goods, which you will not find in the daytime with fire! The reason was the high yield of soybeans, which was a direct consequence of genetic engineering. Here it is - the way out!

Genetically modified soybeans are not damaged by the pest and are resistant to diseases, which made it possible to grow them for export in huge quantities. The output of soy products has increased several times, and the technology of their production is developing at an intensive pace. Soy products and supplements have moved from the category of "little and only for the elite" to the category of "many and for all."

Scientists themselves admit that the consequences of the use of genetically modified soy can manifest themselves after tens (!) Of years and even directly affect children and grandchildren. Though her harm is not officially recognized.

Thus, if you are sure that your diet contains "natural" soy - bon appetit! Although it is better not to give it to children at all, or give it a little. Genetically modified beans are a "surprise box" and no one knows whether it will be pleasant or not ...