Lenten menu for every day. Adjusting to limitations

14.08.2019 Grill menu

Fasting is a religious tradition of abstaining from food. And it is precisely such abstinence that causes many thoughts in the housewives about what to cook. Let's explore some basic recipes.

It should be remembered that good nutrition is the key to your health. Therefore, you should not starve during fasting, as this can lead to adverse consequences in the future. You can supplement your diet with essential vitamins during fasting.

So let's start with salads. This is one of the simplest, yet healthiest foods to prepare during Lent. It is worth noting that the Christmas fast also covers the New Year's holiday, and those who strictly adhere to the fast have to limit themselves to food. And what is the New Year without olivie, and an alternative can be found for those who are fasting.


  • 300 g potatoes
  • 100 g of carrots and onions
  • 100 g asparagus or beans
  • 100 g of your favorite mushrooms
  • 100 g lean mayonnaise
  • spice


  • Boil the first three ingredients and cut into cubes
  • If the mushrooms are pickling, then chop them as well. Boil fresh mushrooms
  • Chop the pickled onion into cubes
  • Mix ingredients, add spices and season with mayonnaise
  • Leave to infuse for 60 minutes and serve

Delicious salad with corn and croutons:

  • 300 g of Chinese cabbage
  • 1 can of corn
  • 1 onion
  • 100 g croutons
  • 100 g lean mayonnaise
  • Spice

The advantage of this salad is that after fasting you can cook it with regular mayonnaise:

  • Chop the onion and cabbage
  • Mix with corn
  • Season with spices and mayonnaise
  • Sprinkle with croutons on top

Crab stick salad Is a versatile festive dish that will decorate both festive and daily tables:

  • 200 g sticks
  • 100 g rice
  • 1 onion
  • 200 g corn
  • 250 g mushrooms
  • 100 g lean mayonnaise
  • spice
  • rinse the rice and boil until tender
  • chop crab sticks, mushrooms and onions
  • mix all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise

You can also cook very simple salads:

  • cabbage with vegetable oil
  • tomato and cucumber
  • beetroot salad with vegetable oil

Lean baking: recipes

Delicious and easy to bake while fasting oat cookies... To do this, take:

  • 300 g oatmeal
  • 50 g raisins and honey
  • 200 g apple jam
  • Dried fruits (optional)
  • 50 g sunflower oil

Prepare cookies as follows:

  • Dry the flakes a little in a pan
  • Mix with the rest of the ingredients
  • Form cookies with a spoon, and spread on paper spread on a baking sheet.
  • Bake at 120 C for 60 minutes

Adults and children love delicious pancakes... And in fasting they can be no less sweet and lush. To do this, take:

  • 500 g flour
  • 300 g warm water
  • 1 tsp each yeast and salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar

Prepare pancakes like this:

  • Pour salt, sugar and yeast with warm water
  • While the yeast is dissolving, sift the flour
  • Mix the ingredients with flour and, covered with cling film, send to a warm place to infuse
  • When you see that the dough has almost doubled, place the pancakes with a spoon in a preheated pan.
  • Lush and delicious pastries are ready. Sweet teeth can increase the amount of sugar by 1.5-2 times

A gingerbread during the fast they cook very often. But now we propose to cook not just baked goods, but to diversify the gingerbread with 2 apples and 50 g of walnuts, as well as:

  • 200 g each sugar and water
  • 1 tsp each soda and lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 300 g flour
  • 5 g baking powder

Cooking gingerbread:

  • Chop walnuts
  • Mix flour and ripper
  • Mix sugar with water, put in a water bath
  • Add honey and cook until honey dissolves
  • Quench the baking soda and pour into the mixture
  • Remove mixture from water bath and add nuts
  • Add flour with a ripper and knead the dough
  • Pour the dough onto a baking sheet and place the chopped apples on top
  • Bake the gingerbread for half an hour at 180 ° C

Another delicious baking recipe - onion pie... After all, not everyone loves sweet pastries, but this dish is very sophisticated and easy to prepare:

  • 750 g each flour and water
  • 125 g rice
  • 100 g sugar
  • 15 g salt
  • 1 kg onion
  • 10 g yeast

Onion pie is prepared like this:

  • Rinse the rice and add to boiling water, cook until tender.
  • Drain the broth from the rice as you will need it.
  • Chop the onion and sauté.
  • Knead the dough by adding rice water to it. You can do it manually or with a bread maker.
  • When the dough has stood and rises, divide it into 3 pieces.
  • Roll out each piece and spread the onions, fold the dough on top of each other.
  • Cut the cake into 16 pieces and roll from each bagel.
  • Arrange the rolls in a pan and bake for 30 minutes.
  • A delicious pie is ready, you can call your guests and give them tea with homemade cakes.

Lean first courses, recipes

One of the most satisfying first courses is borscht. And even in fasting it can be prepared in a variety of ways. We offer the main 2 options for lean borscht:

For classic lean borscht stock up:

  • 2 pcs of potatoes, beets and tomatoes
  • 1 carrot and 1 head of onion
  • half cabbage
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tbsp. l sugar and salt
  • spices to taste

Naturally, there is no meat in this dish. Prepare as follows:

  • cut vegetables as you would for regular borscht
  • chop the cabbage and chop the garlic
  • pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and, when it boils, put potatoes in a container
  • fry the carrots and onions in a pan
  • in a separate skillet, also stew the chopped beets
  • chop the tomatoes with a blender and add to the pan
  • when the beets, carrots and onions are ready, add them to the pan
  • salt and add sugar, as well as your favorite spices
  • bring to a boil and leave to infuse

A great option for lean borscht with beans and mushrooms... Add to the previous ingredients:

  • 200 g champignons
  • 10 pcs prunes
  • 100 g dry beans
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste

Prepare lean borscht like this:

  • Rinse the beans and leave to swell overnight.
  • Boil it in the same water for 45 minutes in the morning.
  • Pull out the beans, and pour the chopped potatoes into that water
  • Fry onions with carrots with tomato paste
  • In another skillet, simmer the beets and finely chopped prunes
  • Pour the contents of two pans into a pot of potatoes
  • Fry the mushrooms in the empty skillet
  • While everything is cooking, chop the cabbage
  • When the ingredients in the borsch have already softened slightly, but are not yet soft enough, pour mushrooms, cabbage and previously cooked beans into it
  • Borscht should be boiled for another 10-15 minutes
  • Sprinkle the first course with herbs and invite your family to the table.

Another dish that is known in the days of fasting is pickle... The ingredients for such a dish for 2 liters of water are as follows:

  • 100 g of pearl barley
  • 5 potatoes
  • 1 carrot and 1 onion
  • 2 pickled cucumbers with 100 g brine
  • spice

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the cereal and leave to swell for 30 minutes
  • Boil the barley until tender.
  • At this time, cut the potatoes into cubes.
  • Add potatoes and spices to the softened cereal
  • Saute grated carrots and chopped onions
  • Add stir-fry to the pickle when the potatoes are soft enough
  • Cut the cucumbers and also pour into the pickle
  • Pour in the brine at the end and bring the dish to a boil
  • Lean pickle ready

Well, how can you do without lean soup. One of the traditional options is noodles soup:

  • 2 small onions and 2 medium carrots
  • 200 g noodles
  • A couple of celery stalks
  • Spices to taste

  • Fry the spiced onion until golden brown
  • Chop celery, carrots and also send to the onion for just a couple of minutes
  • Put the ingredients in a saucepan and cover with 2 liters of water, cook until boiling
  • Next add the noodles and cook until tender.
  • Sprinkle with herbs if desired and you can taste your creation

It will also turn out very tasty lean pea soup... For him you need:

  • 3 potatoes
  • 1 carrot and 1 onion each
  • 100 g peas
  • Spices and herbs to taste

Soup preparation:

  • Leave the peas to swell in cold water overnight.
  • In the morning, put it to boil, and at this time, peel the carrots and onions with potatoes
  • Cut the last ingredient into cubes and send to the peas
  • Chop the rest of the peeled vegetables and sauté
  • Add to soup and cook until potatoes soften
  • Sprinkle with herbs before serving
  • It is very tasty to supplement such a soup with croutons or croutons

Lean cabbage recipe

Cabbage perfectly complements salads and first courses. You can also make lean baked goods with kale. But a great and easy option while fasting is stewed cabbage:

  • 1 onion
  • 500 g white cabbage
  • 7 g each vinegar, sugar and flour
  • 15 g tomato paste
  • 100 g of water
  • 30 g sunflower oil

Cooking instructions:

  • Chop the cabbage and simmer with butter for about 20 minutes
  • Then add chopped onions, spices and tomato paste to it
  • Add flour to the finished cabbage, mix and simmer for another 5-7 minutes

Delicious and lean cabbage is ready. You can supplement it with potatoes or lean cereals.

Lean mayonnaise: recipe

There are several varieties of lean mayonnaise on the market that are great for dressing meals during fasting. But you can cook such a product at home. So you can be sure that you are using a quality product:

  • 750 g water
  • 250 g flour
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and mustard
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt
  • 120 g vegetable oil

Making mayonnaise is not at all difficult, for this:

  • Sift flour and add a little water to it, grind until smooth.
  • Add the rest of the water and boil until thick, leave to cool.
  • Mix the rest of the ingredients in a separate bowl and, whisking with a mixer, add the flour.
  • When the mass becomes homogeneous, the mayonnaise is ready. Simple and fast!

Lenten mushroom recipes

In addition to the fact that mushrooms can be added to soups and lean borscht, as well as salads during fasting, they can also make wonderful pastries. Fragrant and fluffy pies or pies with mushrooms will come in very handy with tea.

An excellent option would be to cook fried potatoes and mushrooms with herbs... By mixing these ingredients, you will get an excellent lunch or dinner.

But one of the favorite fasting recipes is cabbage rolls with mushrooms and rice... For cooking you will need:

  • 400 g cabbage leaves
  • 100 g of rice and mushrooms
  • 1 onion
  • 50 g flour and tomato paste
  • Spice
  • Mushroom broth

Preparing cabbage rolls is not difficult:

  • Boil rice and mushrooms in separate containers, then cut the last into strips
  • Chop the onion and fry, add spices
  • Toss with rice and mushrooms
  • Wash the cabbage leaves and trim off the nubs
  • Put the filling on the cooled leaves and fry in a pan
  • While the cabbage rolls are toasting, mix the flour with the tomato and broth.
  • Place the cabbage rolls in a saucepan, cover with broth and simmer for 45 minutes

Another very tasty recipe with mushrooms is stuffed champignons... The filling can be any lean - this is rice, and the legs of mushrooms with herbs, as well as various vegetables. You just need:

  • Remove stems from mushrooms
  • Spread them out on a baking sheet and stuff with the chosen filling
  • Lightly anoint the top with lean mayonnaise and bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 ° C

Lean pumpkin recipes

You can cook a lot of dishes from pumpkin. We offer you some very simple, but at the same time delicious dishes:

Try the first one first - pumpkin soupfor which you will need:

  • 400 g pumpkin
  • 1 onion
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 500 g vegetable broth
  • Spice

This soup will be in the form of a puree soup:

  • Place the chopped ingredients in a baking dish and send to the oven at 200 C
  • Then place the ingredients in a blender bowl, add the broth and whisk
  • Garnish the soup with herbs and serve.

An unusual but tasty dish - pumpkin in batter... For her, you only need flour and pumpkin in a 1: 5 ratio, as well as a little oil for frying. You can add your favorite spices if you like. The cooking process is already very simple - roll small pieces of pumpkin in flour and fry until golden brown in oil.

For a snack, try pumpkin salad with tomatoes... The peculiarity of this salad is that it is served warm. Ingredients:

  • Pumpkin without skin - 600 g
  • 300 g tomato
  • 1 bunch of onions and arugula each
  • Olive oil
  • Spice

A warm salad is prepared as follows:

  • Place the chopped pumpkin in a baking dish
  • Spread chopped tomatoes on top, add oil and spices
  • Roast vegetables for 15 minutes
  • At this time, cut the greens
  • Sprinkle warm salad with herbs, stir and serve until cool.

You can also make oatmeal with chopped nuts, pumpkin and cinnamon.

Lean potato dishes: recipes

The simplest dish is boiled or fried potatoes. You can add your favorite spices to this dish, as well as add delicious salads. But do not dwell on the achieved results. Let's try a few more options.

Let's start with potato casserole with mushrooms:

  • 3 potatoes
  • 700 g mushrooms
  • 1 onion
  • Spice

The casserole is very simple to prepare:

  • Boil and mince the mushrooms and potatoes
  • Saute the onions and mix with the potato-mushroom mixture
  • Arrange the future casserole in a baking dish and bake until golden brown

An exquisite and healthy dish is potatoes with prunes and raisins... For 0.5 kg of potatoes, take:

  • 100 g of dried fruits
  • 20 g vegetable oil
  • Herbs and spices

The potatoes are prepared as follows:

  • Cut the potatoes into cubes and, stirring with dried fruits, simmer until half cooked
  • Next, add oil, spices with herbs and continue to simmer until tender.
  • Serve hot, sprinkle with freshly chopped herbs on top

And how to get around potato zrazy... But let's supplement them with rice and vegetables. This will make them even tastier:

  • 0.5 kg potatoes
  • 100 g rice
  • 1 onion and 1 carrot
  • Spice

Cooking method:

  • Boil potatoes in their skins and mash or grate
  • Boil rice and sauté vegetables
  • Mix ingredients, add spices and shape into meatballs
  • Fry until golden brown

You can cook a lot of dishes with potatoes; during Lent, this is a product that will help you out more than once.

Lean cutlets: photo recipes

Do not think that there are only meat cutlets. The variety of options is simply amazing. Let's take a look at the most popular ones. Firstly, many housewives will wonder what to add to cutlets instead of eggs so that they do not fall apart. The answer is very simple - semolina... And you can bread cutlets in breadcrumbs, oatmeal or sesame seeds.

Eggplant and potato cutlets:

  • 4 potatoes
  • 2 small eggplants
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 50 g semolina
  • Spice

Vegetable cutlets:

  • Boil 2 potatoes
  • While the tubers are boiling, chop the eggplants and onions in a meat grinder, squeeze the juice
  • Grate the rest of the potatoes and add to the chopped vegetables
  • Add mashed boiled potatoes and semolina there.
  • Stir well, if desired, roll in breadcrumbs and fry
  • Consume hot

Bean cutlets, in this case we use mung bean - small peas:

  • 500 g peas
  • 1 onion
  • Spice

Pea cutlets:

  • Soak mung bean for 2-3 hours in cold water
  • Drain and fill with new water, cook for 20 minutes after boiling
  • Grind the peas in a blender
  • Fry the onion and mix with the pea mixture
  • Blind cutlets and fry

You can also cook great oatmeal cutlets - simple and tasty:

  • 250 g cereal
  • 1 onion and 1 potato
  • 5 champignons
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • spice

Cooking cutlets:

  • Steam the oatmeal for 20 minutes
  • Peel and finely grate potatoes
  • Chop the onion with mushrooms in a blender along with the herbs
  • Mix the ingredients and mold the patties, fry

Lenten holiday and New Year's dishes: recipes

Olivier is one of the traditional dishes for the festive table. At the beginning of the article, we presented a recipe for lean Olivier, take note of it. This article offers a variety of options that you can use for New Year's Eve. But still we want to offer you some more interesting dishes:

Vegetable aspic:

  • 1 eggplant, zucchini and bell pepper each
  • 350 g tomato
  • Gelatin package
  • Greens
  • Spice

Step by step:

  • Put the vegetables cut into slices in the oven at 190 ° С on a baking sheet, bake for 15 minutes
  • Then remove the skin from the pepper
  • Pour 1/7 of the tomato and gelatin into a container and heat in a water bath until the gelatin is completely separated
  • After that, pour in the rest of the juice
  • Spread cling film into the mold and spread the pepper, pour part of the liquid
  • Next, alternately eggplants and zucchini, also alternating them with liquid
  • Send to refrigerator until solid

Tasty and festive you can stuff the eggplant:

  • Tomatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Prunes
  • Nuts

You can use such a filling or any other for stuffing a vegetable:

  • Cut the eggplants into strips and salt.
  • Breaded in flour and toast
  • Put the filling of your choice on the strips and twist
  • Garnish with herbs

You can cut the eggplant not into strips, but into rings and then you just need to put the filling on top.

For the above salads, you can also prepare fruit salad:

  1. To do this, cut up kiwi, banana, orange and pear.
  2. Mix and drizzle with soy milk or honey. Well, it's very tasty, especially children love it.

Get creative, use the recipes above for the holiday table and supplement them with the desired ingredients.

Fast days menu

It is not true that you cannot eat well during fasting. We offer you a sample menu for several days. You can supplement and improve it depending on your imagination and the availability of products:

  • Morning: Fruit salad
  • Lunch: noodle soup, buckwheat porridge and vegetable salad
  • Dinner: potato zrazy with mushrooms

  • Morning: Oatmeal with dried fruits
  • Lunch: Borsch with beans, salad with cabbage
  • Dinner: Vinaigrette, honey tea

  • Morning: Toast with honey, tea
  • Lunch: Pickle, beet salad, baked potatoes
  • Dinner: Mushroom Lasagne

  • Morning: Lean pancakes or pancakes
  • Lunch: Soup with peas, pea cutlets, noodles
  • Dinner: Pilaf with mushrooms

  • Morning: Oatmeal cookies with tea
  • Lunch: Vegetable soup, buckwheat porridge with mushrooms
  • Dinner: Vegetable salad

Fasting is a time of purification of the soul and body. Anyone who has fasted once can no longer deny himself this. Try it too - feel the lightness in the body and the power of your own will.

Video: Cooking lean meals

During Great Lent, the Orthodox world observes the rules prescribed by the church, limiting itself in food and entertainment. This is a time for prayer and abstinence, which helps souls to free themselves from accumulated negativity.

Lent precedes the holiday of Bright Easter, the main event in the Orthodox world. For the first time, many are trying to stick to the lean menu, which is recommended by church officials. In 2018, Lent will begin on February 19 and will last until April 7. Do not equate the abstinence prescribed by the church with a regular diet, otherwise your efforts will be wasted. These days, pay attention to your emotions and try to bring them to harmony, ask for forgiveness from everyone who has been offended, and let go of your own grievances.

Menu during Lent

Do not forget that only physically healthy people can adhere to such a menu. Relaxation can be given to children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with chronic illnesses. The purpose of fasting is not to harm your body, but to develop fortitude, to fight temptations and negativity.

The first week of fasting, like the last one, are the strictest. These are days of abstinence and prayer, with the help of which everyone purifies the soul.

Monday, Wednesday and Fridayyou can eat foods that are not heat-treated. These are fruits, vegetables, bread, herbs, nuts.

Tuesday and Thursdayeat food in the evening. After the traditional prayer, hot is allowed, but without the addition of oil.

On Saturday and Sunday the church allows indulgences. Believers can take a sip of dry red wine, add vegetable-based oil to their food, and the use of dried fruits and nuts is also allowed.

Last week of postnicknamed Holy Week, is as strict as the first week. On Friday, believers abstain from food, using only yesterday's bread and water. No food is allowed on Saturday.

You can use a different combination of foods every day so that abstinence isn't too difficult for you. You can use the suggested recommendations, as well as supplement the menu with your own lean recipes.

Week 1

Monday:time of refusal of food.

Tuesday: black bread, preferably yesterday's or dried, kvass, water, fruit drink or compote. Sugar is not worth consuming.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday:meal time without cooking. Fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, dried fruits, herbs, bread or croutons. On Saturday, you can add grape juice to the menu, which contains a reduced sugar content.

Sunday:you can make porridge or light soup with cabbage, vegetable-based oils are allowed, as well as a glass of dry red wine.

2-6 weeks

IN mondayfor breakfast, you can cook buckwheat porridge in water, for lunch, cook soup with cabbage, potato cutlets, and eat any fruit. For dinner, you should only drink tea without sugar or water.

In tuesdayin the morning prepare oatmeal, fresh vegetable salad. For lunch, spoil your loved ones with vermicelli soup, and for the second - with barley porridge seasoned with mushrooms. For dinner, it is recommended to abstain from food.

IN wednesdaythe first meal may consist of rice porridge, lunch - from hodgepodge with mushrooms and cabbage salad with carrots, and dinner should be skipped.

IN thursdaystart your day with corn porridge and add dried fruit to it. For lunch, cook sauerkraut cabbage soup with rye bread, prepare a vegetable or fruit salad, and for dinner, make mashed potatoes with homemade preparations.

IN fridayhousewives can try barley porridge, cook pea or lentil soup, make a fruit salad with vegetables. For dinner, enjoy buckwheat with mushroom sauce.

Saturdayyou can start your meal with a vitamin vinaigrette, then cook millet porridge with rice for lunch. Use the oven and earthenware to cook it, add dried dried apricots, raisins or prunes. For dinner, boil pasta and season it with homemade ingredients such as tomato and pepper lecho.

IN sundayboil oatmeal in water, and then add fresh fruit there, for lunch - lean borscht with fried potatoes, and for dinner - boiled rice with onions and carrots.

7 week

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - days of eating without cooking. For snacks, use your favorite fruits, vegetables, dry foods such as nuts.

IN thursdayit is allowed to cook lean porridge in water with the addition of dried fruits. One meal.

IN fridayof the products, only bread is allowed, which can be washed down with water.

IN saturdayit is necessary to refuse food intake.

IN sundayyou can cook a low-fat type of fish, for example, pollock, add vegetable oil to your food. Allowed to drink half a glass of church wine - Cahors.

What foods are allowed during the fast

In the modern world, the abundance of products allows housewives to diversify the menu for the entire duration of the fast. Only products of animal origin are excluded, which include eggs, dairy products, meat, fish.

Allowed foods include the following:

  • cereals;
  • egg-free pasta;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • greens;
  • nuts;
  • homemade pickles and other preparations.

Although many are accustomed to using livestock products, during the fast, you can easily do without them. So, ordinary milk can be replaced with soy milk, and ketchup can be made from tomatoes with spices.

During the fast, you can taste all the variety of cereals that will surely please your household. Boiled in water, cereals do not lose their useful properties. Add a handful of nuts and dried fruit to it for a complete meal that's packed with vitamins.

Housewives can turn to the age-old Russian menu, cook cabbage soup from fresh or sauerkraut not in the usual way, but after sweating them in the oven. Rich and aromatic broth with the addition of herbs will be an excellent substitute for meat soup.

Do not forget about mushrooms, which can be compared to meat in satiety. These foods are great alternatives and additions to hot foods. Mushrooms can be added to both soups and cereals, and they can also serve as an independent dish.

If you decide to fast for the first time, then seek help from a clergyman. He will tell you all the rules and indulgences that are allowed for those who are just starting to master the religion. Do not forget that fasting is a time of prayer that cleanses the soul and helps to cope with difficulties. We wish you happiness and do not forget to press the buttons and

Li.Ru culinary community -

A selection of 100 recipes for lean dishes, now you will always know what you can cook and eat in Lent.

Lean kharcho soup contains rice, potatoes, onions, garlic, nuts, and tomatoes. Kharcho is abundantly decorated with greenery. It simply smells of sour tomatoes and spicy garlic. Lick your fingers!

It is very easy to cook lean cabbage soup in a slow cooker. The peculiarity of the multicooker is that the vegetables do not boil in it, they remain dense and full of taste. We will cook cabbage soup from fresh vegetables.

Lean dumplings are a versatile dish that can be served in broth, fried and served as an appetizer or side dish. I will fry the dumplings and it will take me 30-40 minutes to prepare the dish.

Lenten salad with mushrooms is made from champignons, blue onions, spinach, pine nuts. Dressed with olive oil. The salad turns out to be fresh, aromatic, nourishing and healthy. Try it!

Lean borsch with sprat is prepared very quickly and easily. For him, you need to chop all the vegetables, fry, throw them into a saucepan, add sprat in a tomato and cook until tender. Lick your fingers!

You will cook a lean pickle with barley in less than an hour. The pickle turns out to be rich, satisfying, with sourness. The pearl barley will need to be soaked for half an hour. And then it’s simple.

Lenten borscht with mushrooms is a fragrant and bright first course that will delight home-grown people with an abundance of vegetables and various tastes. This includes not only beets and mushrooms, but also cabbage, beans, bell peppers, etc.

Lean potato pancakes are easy to cook. It is very tasty to serve such pancakes with smoked salmon and a sprig of dill. The dish turns out to be hearty, beautiful and should appeal to all potato lovers.

Lean crab salad can be made from crab meat or lean crab sticks, add herbs, vegetables, light yogurt to them. It will turn out delicious, satisfying, bright, beautiful and original. Let's try!

Shchi is a national Russian dish, delicious and loved by everyone. Lean cabbage soup with mushrooms is good for a fasting day. They will restore strength, fill the body with vitamin C, which is abundant in cabbage.

Making lean gingerbread can be fun. The dough is prepared simply, they bake quickly, and I advise the whole family to paint the gingerbread cookies, children will especially like it.

As you know, avocado is a very nutritious fruit. Therefore, during Lent, when the fasting lacks nutrients, I suggest making a lean avocado salad. Both tasty and satisfying.

Lean squid salad is made from ready-made canned squid, fresh vegetables, herbs and spices. Such a salad turns out to be not only tasty, but also healthy. Plus, it's light and crisp.

Lenten borscht in a slow cooker is prepared from vegetables for two hours. It turns out a very tasty thick borscht filled with vegetable aromas. In a multicooker, they open up remarkably and retain their shape.

If during the fast you feel like chebureks, do not despair - they can be prepared with both lean filling and lean dough. I used lentil filling - it turned out very tasty.

Lean strudel is cooked without oil. It turns out fragrant pastries with a lot of apple filling, which are ideal for tea drinking. This lean strudel takes about two hours to prepare.

Use this recipe and make lean bean cutlets that no one can tell from meat. Delicious and satisfying.

Bright, tender and fragrant carrot lean cutlets will diversify and decorate your table on fast days. Tasty and healthy at the same time. I share the recipe.

Very appetizing lean cakes that can be served with almost any dish instead of bread. A simple recipe for lean cakes is relevant not only for fasting, but also for vegetarians.

During Lent, sometimes you also want to pamper yourself with aromatic pilaf - and this is quite possible if you replace meat with mushrooms! The recipe for cooking lean pilaf with mushrooms - for fast days and not only.

The lean cabbage salad is very refreshing and light. A find for those who are losing weight - a minimum of calories from cucumber and vinegar. It is good to include it in a complex side dish for poultry or fish.

If you are fasting or just want a light, low-fat meal, then you should check out this simple recipe for lean cabbage patties. Tasty and healthy!

Lenten dumplings with two types of turnip and sauerkraut fillings are a budget dish that can feed a horde of hungry adults. A fantastically tasty dish, despite its cheapness.

Great Lent is the time to cleanse the body. But what if the stomach insists on rich soups? The simple answer to this question is a lean hodgepodge. Well, how to cook it - read on.

Do everyone's favorite and well-known lean dumplings with potatoes need an introduction? Despite the cheapness of the ingredients, dumplings with potatoes are always popular. I share the recipe.

If in Great Lent you decide to cook pies, then a simple recipe for lean dough for pies will definitely come in handy. Kneading lean dough for pies is quite easy - I'll tell you how.

Lenten pies with potatoes are pies that contradict the laws of physics. They can be eaten more than physically fit into a person. Verified personally. A simple recipe for lean pies with potatoes is for you!

Lenten pies with cabbage are classic Russian pies that are usually cooked during fasting, although in principle it can be successfully cooked all year round. The recipe is extremely simple and worth a try.

Lean cabbage soup is a great hot soup for those who are fasting or just want to have a fasting day. The cabbage soup is prepared simply from the available ingredients, but it turns out to be simply delicious.

If you love beans, then the recipe for stewed beans with tomatoes will surely appeal to you and come in handy. An easy way to make deliciously trivial food like beans.

Beetroot patties are a great low-calorie recipe for anyone on a healthy diet. They can be served simply with sour cream as an independent dish, or they can be served with any side dish.

Make a light zucchini snack! I offer Algerian zucchini. Zucchini are spicy with a sweet and sour taste. All my friends like it, I recommend it!

The Greek potato recipe will delight all vegetable lovers. This bright, beautiful and tasty dish will ideally fit into a vegetarian menu, but it will be quite appropriate on the table of meat-eaters too! :)

Fried potatoes, mushrooms ... And even sour cream, and onions, and fresh herbs .. Well, did you salivate? Then let's try to cook champignons with potatoes - millet, quickly, very tasty!

The easiest and fastest way to make beetroot salad is in this recipe. Minimum ingredients and many benefits!

Borscht with mushrooms and beans is a treasure trove of proteins for vegetarians and a very satisfying dish for those who are fasting. The classic recipe for borscht with mushrooms and beans - from our table to yours!

Rice with corn in a slow cooker will be an excellent side dish for meat or fish, or a completely independent dish on your everyday table. It's easy to cook with a slow cooker, but it's nice to eat!;)

This beautiful and bright salad can rightfully be considered an off-season, but in the fall, when the tomatoes have not yet lost their summer flavor, it turns out to be especially tasty. White Bean Salad Recipe - For You!

This is a simple, but bright, beautiful and very tasty salad that does not conflict with the requirements of the fast, is suitable for dietary meals and vegetarian menus. Try it! :)

In fact, this wonderful salad is very similar to a vinaigrette, so this is a wonderful combination of sauerkraut, peas and beets, not only very tasty, but also healthy.

A wonderful tasty and healthy side dish that goes well with meat or fish, but at the same time can be an independent dish for every day.

The classic recipe for lean gingerbread will be useful not only for Orthodox believers, but also for everyone who tries to limit themselves in the consumption of butter dough. Details are in the recipe!

A simple recipe for lean bread in a bread maker is relevant not only on fast days - it is useful for everyone who monitors their health and weight, regardless of the season!

A simple recipe for breaded broccoli will enrich your menu with yet another easy and delicious vegetable side dish. With sesame seeds and soy sauce - it's just magical! :)

A light, tasty and very healthy dish made of carrots is suitable for lovers of vegetarian food, as well as those who are fasting or keeping fit.

Stewed cabbage with carrots is a versatile dish that can be prepared both on holidays and on ordinary days. In addition, stewed cabbage with carrots can be served as a side dish.

Korean-style potatoes are not a hot dish or a side dish, but a delicious spicy salad. Fans of everything "spicy" should definitely learn how to cook potatoes in Korean!

I think this recipe for making lean bean soup might come in handy for more than just fasting people. First of all - to the attention of vegetarians, but everyone else is welcome at our table! :)

A recipe for making a lean pie with jam without eggs and dairy products is useful to anyone who is fasting, and also monitors their health and weight.

A wonderful seasonal side dish of fresh vegetables that goes well with any meat. You can also use it as an independent dish, in any case it is very tasty.

Can't vegetable cutlets taste good? In fact, this is far from the case. Try to cook cabbage zrazy and you will be surprised how delicious vegetables can be.

A simple, but no less delicious vegetable salad, which will be a great addition to meat and poultry dishes. So, the recipe for salad with cabbage and corn is a delicious, light and healthy dish!

Dedicated to lovers of tasty and healthy food - a simple recipe for a salad with mushrooms with a photo!

Beet cutlets are a great alternative to meat cutlets. Moreover, they are much more useful than the latter!

I offer you a simple recipe for Armenian lobakhashu bean soup - delicious, healthy and completely vegetarian! At the same time, it is so satisfying that even inveterate meat-eaters will appreciate it;).

I suggest you learn how to cook bell peppers with vegetables, and another tasty and healthy dish will appear on your summer menu!

Carrots with cheese and garlic are a wonderful salad with excellent taste and useful properties. Plus, this salad is very easy to prepare.

Solyanka is not only a delicious soup, but also a wonderful side dish of cabbage, the preparation of which turns into a real pleasure in the presence of a multicooker!

Probably, every housewife has her own signature recipe for eggplant rolls. What is not wrapped in them - carrots, cottage cheese, cheese, herbs, tomatoes! - but most of all I love these rolls with nuts. Try it!

Cooking young potatoes in a slow cooker is easy and simple. This is the first dish that I mastered when I bought a multicooker. It turned out great - delicious golden potatoes and all in one dish!

Champignons are an indispensable product during fasting. There are many recipes for lean mushroom dishes, and I want to offer you another one - a delicious and nutritious soup. Read the recipe!

For a light dinner or a diet lunch, you can prepare stewed celery with vegetables - a simple and delicious dish.

Beet cutlets are very healthy, tasty and satisfying. This dish will delight everyone: from lovers of delicious food to people who want to lose a couple of extra pounds.

Many people love Korean asparagus. But usually the price for this salad on the market bites decently. Let's cook it ourselves! And as much as we want.

I bring to your attention a delicious, aromatic potato with vegetables in a pot. This dish can be prepared from what is in the refrigerator; the ingredients in this version can be replaced with others.

Bean salads are always appetizing and satisfying. I suggest you prepare a bright salad that will impress any gourmet. I promise it will be beautiful and tasty!

When you want not only healthy, but also delicious vegetables, try cooking spicy carrots with marinade. This dish will be an excellent side dish for meat.

Boiled potato salad is great for a side dish. You can serve it with a meat or fish dish. Or as a snack.

I suggest you cook carrots in a tomato at home. A universal appetizer - for sandwiches, as a dressing for first courses, and as a sauce for side dishes. Moreover, it is very tasty, healthy and fast!

Most vegetarians understand vegetables and their health benefits better than regular meat eaters. This vegetarian broccoli puree soup recipe was told to me by a vegetarian friend. Very tasty.

White bean pate is one of the tastiest and healthiest snacks I make for my family. The pate contains fresh herbs and lemon juice.

I personally cook porridge with carrots at home very often, it's a painfully simple and satisfying dish, so I advise you to try it too. Great with all kinds of salads and cutlets!

Lent is a very important time for Orthodox people. This is not only a time of spiritual cleansing and prayer, but also this period provides for a serious restriction in food.

Most people who decide to fast simply refuse foods containing animal fats, primarily meat, poultry, butter, milk and eggs. And on some days there is also fish. Of course, if you fast according to all the rules, then in this case there are more strict restrictions, but they will be discussed in one of the following articles.

And today we will talk just about recipes in which we will not use animal fats. And there are actually a lot of such recipes. You can cook a lot of delicious dishes without using meat, and at the same time eat well and, most importantly, not feel hungry.

At the same time, one must try to ensure that each dish contains many useful substances, trace elements, vitamins. Fasting lasts a long time, we all work, study, and it is important that we have enough strength and energy for all this.

Therefore, in today's menu, such recipes are selected - hearty, healthy, and, most importantly, tasty.

Now Maslenitsa is in full swing, and every day we prepare pancakes for every taste. But we cook them mainly with milk, kefir, and of course with eggs. Although there is But one thing without eggs, but how to cook them even without milk.

It turns out you can, and very tasty, using soy or almond milk. Let's see how to do this.

We need:

  • wheat flour - 1 glass
  • flaxseed - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • soy or almond milk - 250 ml.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • soda - 0.25 tsp
  • salt - 0.25 tsp
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • vegetable oil - for frying


1. Grind the flaxseed into flour in a coffee grinder. Then pour it 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of flour and let stand for 15 minutes. You will get a thick jelly-like mass that will replace our eggs.

2. Sift flour into a deep bowl with baking powder.

3. Add salt, sugar and baking soda and stir.

4. Mix soy milk or almond milk with vinegar. We will get a fermented milk product that replaces kefir.

5. Pour milk into flour mixture. Mix thoroughly until all lumps are dissolved. Then add vegetable oil and then flax flour infusion. Stir again until smooth.

If the dough turns out to be thick, then you can add a little warm water. If you want the pancakes to turn out thin, start the dough thinner.

6. Heat a frying pan over high heat, then grease with oil and let it warm up. Pour a portion of the dough and bake first on one side, then on the other, until golden brown.

7. Serve with honey. Eat with pleasure!

Baked pumpkin and olives salad

This is a hearty and healthy salad filled with vitamins and also delicious.

We need:

  • pumpkin pulp - 300 gr
  • rucolla or leaf salad - 100 gr
  • pitted olives (olives) - 50 gr
  • green onions - 2 pcs.
  • dried oregano - a pinch
  • marinade from olives - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • olive oil - 1 - 1, 5 tbsp. spoons
  • pepper - to taste


1. Put the oven on preheating, we will need a temperature of 180 degrees. Meanwhile, peel the pumpkin and cut into 2 x 2 cm cubes. Sprinkle with a little freshly ground pepper for flavor and drizzle with olive oil.

2. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes, until the pumpkin is tender. Then take it out and let it cool completely.

3. Rinse arugula or lettuce, drain and pat dry with a paper towel. Then place on a large flat plate.

4. Add pumpkin, chopped olives or olives, finely chopped onion and sprinkle with oregano.

5. For dressing, mix the remaining olive oil with the olive marinade and pour over the salad. Mix gently and enjoy!

Pickled beet appetizer

We need:

  • beets - 1 kg
  • onion - 1 piece
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • table vinegar 9% - 200 ml
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • pepper - a pinch


1. Rinse the beets thoroughly with a brush. Then wrap it in foil and bake in the oven for about 1 hour. The temperature should be 210 degrees.

2. Cool the finished beets and cut into thin strips.

3. Cut the onion into very thin half rings.

4. Prepare a saucepan, put beets in it, mixed with onions. Season with salt and pepper and vinegar. Stir gently to avoid damaging the beets.

5. Sterilize glass jars, for this it will be enough to scald them with boiling water. And fill them tightly with beets. Leave some space at the top for the oil. Pour it into jars, it should cover the beets by about 2 cm.

6. Close with plastic lids and refrigerate.

Such beets can be eaten as an appetizer, as an addition to side dishes, or used as a dressing for lean borscht. Or you can simply spread it on bread and use it as a small snack.

Soup - mashed green peas

We need:

  • frozen green peas - 450 gr
  • potatoes - 4 pieces
  • celery - 2 stalks
  • carrots - 1 pc
  • onion - 1 piece
  • dried mint - 1 tsp
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil
  • croutons for serving


1. Wash and peel potatoes, onions and carrots. Cut the potatoes into small pieces, the onions into small cubes, grate the carrots.

2. Finely chop the celery. Defrost green peas.

3. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Put the chopped potatoes and cook for 10 minutes, then add the green peas and celery. Cook for another 10 minutes.

4. In a frying pan, heat the oil and fry the onions until golden brown, then add the carrots and simmer all together for another 5 minutes.

5. Then put the contents in a saucepan with vegetables, add mint, salt and pepper to taste. Cook everything together for 5 to 7 minutes.

6. Grind the vegetables in the soup with a hand blender until puree. Serve with homemade croutons.

Soups - mashed potatoes are very tasty and nutritious. In addition to this soup, you can prepare, and you can use it both fresh and frozen.

And you can also cook. If you have frozen forest mushrooms in your freezer, then a healthy lunch is provided for you. And if stocks are not prepared, or there is nothing left, then such a soup will turn out to be very tasty using champignons. Fortunately, they are now sold both fresh and frozen all year round.

In addition to soups, you can also make regular soups. And practically any - and, and, and. We cook everything as usual, but only without meat.

But I would like to separately talk about soups with legumes - this is both soup and as delicious as soup with lentils. These soups are delicious and nutritious, both with and without meat products. And this is no coincidence, legumes are rich in protein, they are just a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals.

Lentil soup

Unfortunately, few people now cook dishes with lentils. And in vain, these are not only delicious dishes, but also the most useful ones. Today we will also have a potato casserole with minced lentils on the menu, but now the soup.

You can cook such a soup with meat, it is delicious, but you can also cook it in Lent. Moreover, this will not affect the taste in any way.

We need:

  • green lentils - 1 glass
  • potatoes - 3 pieces
  • carrots - 1 pc
  • celery root - 100 gr
  • onion - 1 piece
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs
  • tomato - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp the spoon
  • spices to taste
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • greens for serving


1. Sort out the lentils and rinse well. It is imperative to sort it out, since there may be small stones in it.

Pour two liters of cold water over it and put on fire. Bring the water to a boil, reduce heat and remove the foam if necessary. Cook for 15 minutes.

2. Cut the potatoes into small pieces. Carrots and celery in thin strips, onions in small cubes or thin half rings. Chop the garlic. Cut half the lemon into thin slices.

3. In a frying pan, heat 1.5 - 2 tablespoons of oil and fry the potatoes on it over medium heat. The browning time should be about 10 minutes. In this case, it must be stirred periodically.

4. Then put the potatoes in the pan with the lentils.

5. Pour the remaining oil into the same frying pan and fry the onions first, then the carrots with celery. The sautéing time will be 5 - 7 minutes. Add spices 2 minutes until ready. Ground cumin and coriander are well suited for mung bean. You can also add paprika, it will give a nice color and add flavor.

6. Add the tomato and fry everything together for a couple of minutes. If you are adding store-bought tomato paste, add a little water, as it is thick and will burn in the pan. If you add a grated tomato, or, then water will not be needed.

7. Put stewed vegetables with tomato into a saucepan with soup. Pour in the soy sauce and add the sliced \u200b\u200blemon. Let it boil and cook together for 15 to 20 minutes.

8. 5 - 7 minutes until ready to salt. After turning off the heat, let stand and brew for 10 - 15 minutes.

9. When serving, remove the lemon slices, they gave up their juice, and they became ugly, therefore, they will spoil the appearance. Pour the soup into cups. Sprinkle with fresh herbs.

In Turkey, lentil soup - chorba is mashed. Therefore, if you wish, you can also make a puree soup from it by grinding the contents with an immersion blender.

I must say that this kind of soups are cooked thick, they really have a spoon in them. They simultaneously replace both the first and the second. They give a wonderful feeling of fullness and after them you do not want to eat for a very long time. And it's even better not to talk about taste, since it is impossible to describe it in words. Just cook it once and you will understand everything yourself.


Granola is homemade muesli made with oatmeal, nuts, dried fruit and honey. This delicious and healthy breakfast is often prepared in America, and recently it has become very popular with us. And it is no coincidence that granola is just a storehouse of various vitamins, microelements and nutrients that have an excellent effect on metabolism. And such a product will definitely not be superfluous in the post.

We need:

  • oatmeal - 300 gr
  • nuts mix - what are there - 200 gr
  • pumpkin seeds - 70 gr
  • sunflower seeds - 70 gr
  • almond petals - 50 gr
  • honey - 150 gr
  • large orange - 1 piece
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • raisins - 100 gr
  • flaxseed - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • salt - 0.5 tsp


1. Prepare a mixture of nuts, here you can use any nuts - hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, cashews, etc. They must be chopped, but left in large enough pieces, you can use a blender for this.

2. Squeeze the juice out of the orange, you should get 150 ml and mix it in a saucepan with honey and butter.

3. Put the mixture on the smallest heat, add salt and cinnamon. Stir and heat until the honey is completely dissolved and the mass is smooth.

4. In a large bowl, add oatmeal, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, almond petals and chopped nuts.

5. Pour the honey mass into a bowl and stir so that all dry ingredients are evenly covered with it.

6. Cover a baking sheet with baking paper and spread the whole mass on it in an even layer.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put a baking sheet in it. Bake for 40-50 minutes. Take out and mix every 10 minutes. It is necessary that all ingredients are baked evenly.

Muesli bars are prepared in the same way. If you want to cook them, then you only need to mix the contents once. When the mass is ready, let it cool slightly and cut into squares or rectangles in the form of bars.

8. When a dark crust appears on the surface, the granola is ready and can be removed.

9. Let cool, add raisins and flaxseeds. Stir and transfer to a jar for storage. Store no more than two weeks.

10. Eat for breakfast, served with milk.

And below is another recipe that you may also find useful.

This is a simpler recipe with fewer ingredients, and you can choose which one you like best. Or cook them in two versions at once. Fasting takes a long time, so granola won't be too much.

Millet porridge with fruit

We need:

  • millet groats - 0.5 cups
  • sugar - 2 tsp
  • salt - a pinch
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch
  • pear (any dried fruit is possible) - 1 piece (200 gr)
  • apple - 1 pc
  • parsley or mint


1. Thoroughly rinse the millet with plenty of cold water. Then pour it into a saucepan and pour cold water so that it completely covers the cereal. Boil. Then drain the water and rinse the millet under running water.

2. Pour water over the millet again, this time we need 1.5 cups. Bring to a boil, season with salt to taste, then reduce the heat and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. During this time, the porridge should be completely ready.

3. Grind the porridge in a blender bowl until smooth.

4. If you are using fresh fruit, it must be seeded and cut into slices. If you use dried fruits, then they must first be boiled in a small amount of water so that they are steamed.

You can also use any canned fruit.

5. Put chopped fruits or steamed dried fruits into a plate. Put millet porridge on top. Sprinkle with cinnamon and honey.

6. Serve garnished with a sprig of mint or parsley.

The recipe is very simple and easy to prepare. You can skip the stage with grinding porridge with a blender, it will work out even faster.

Or you can cook rice without millet. It turns out very tasty with vegetables, onions and carrots. Such, delicious, aromatic and very satisfying. My son is a vegetarian, and I very often cook this kind of pilaf for him.

And in addition to rice and millet, delicious porridge can be made from barley.

Barley with baked pumpkin and thyme

We need:

  • pearl barley - 1 glass
  • pumpkin - 1 kg
  • onion - 1 piece
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • fresh or dried thyme - 1 tsp


1. Thoroughly rinse the pearl barley and soak in 1 liter of cold water for several hours, or overnight.

2. Wash and peel the pumpkin and peel it. Then cut into 2 x 2 cm cubes.

3. Put the pumpkin prepared in this way into a baking dish, sprinkle with vegetable oil and sprinkle with half of the cooked thyme.

4. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and bake the pumpkin in it for 30 minutes. Put the finished pumpkin on a dish.

5. Cut the onion into small cubes. Fry it in a little oil in a thick-walled saucepan for about 4 minutes.

6. Add barley to the onion, from which all the water was previously drained and rinsed under running water. Add chopped garlic and 1 liter of boiling water there. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes until all liquid has evaporated.

7. At the end of cooking, add salt and pepper to taste. And then close the pan with a lid.

8. Then remove from heat and cover with a towel, leave to infuse for another 15 - 20 minutes.

9. Add baked pumpkin, stir gently. Place on plates and sprinkle with remaining thyme.

If you didn't have thyme, then it's okay, you can use basil or parsley. Or just use dry herbs like Provence. By the way, they also contain thyme.

Pumpkin with mushrooms and celery, stewed in a skillet

  • pumpkin pulp - 300 gr
  • champignon mushrooms - 300 gr
  • celery root - 250 gr
  • onion - 1 piece
  • soy sauce - 1.5 tablespoons
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Peel and rinse the celery root. Then cut the onion and celery into small cubes.

2. Cut the pumpkin into 2 by 2 cm cubes.

3. Heat oil in a large skillet and fry the onion for 3 to 4 minutes. Then add pumpkin and fry everything together for another 5 minutes.

4. Add celery and simmer for 5 - 7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Fry the chopped mushrooms in a separate frying pan. I use champignons, but any fresh or frozen mushrooms can be used.

If frozen mushrooms are used, they do not need to be thawed. Can be sent to the pan directly from the freezer.

6. After the mushrooms are fried, add them to the pan, mix everything, salt and pepper to taste and add soy sauce. Simmer everything together for another 5 minutes.

7. Serve hot, if there are seeds from the pumpkin, then you can sprinkle the dish with them.

The same dish can be cooked without celery. And if you want to cook it more nutritious and satisfying, you can use potatoes instead.

Lentil Potato Casserole - Shepherd's Pie

Everyone loves, and as soon as it is not cooked. We prepared it too, and even in several different versions. But they were all cooked with minced meat. And today we have a lean menu, so I have a great recipe for you, tried and tested. When you eat such a cooked casserole right away and you will not understand that it is vegetarian, the appearance is so much, and most importantly, the taste will be similar to the usual one.

When I first cooked it for my son, for a long time he could not believe that it did not contain a single gram of meat, and for a long time poked with a fork, looking for what was wrong in it. But I didn't pick anything up, since everything in it is as it should be.

We need:

  • potatoes - 10 pcs (large)
  • white cabbage - 300 gr
  • onion - 1 piece
  • green lentils - 1 glass
  • tomato - 1 piece (large) or tomato
  • vegetable broth
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • spices - to taste and desire


1. Peel and boil potatoes in salted water until tender. Pour the broth into a separate saucepan.

2. Rinse lentils in running water, add water, salt and cook until tender for 30 minutes. It is best to use green lentils.

3. Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Cut the cabbage into strips.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown. Then add the cabbage, fry for a short time and pour in the broth. Cover and simmer until tender.

5. At the end of braising, add the tomato to the pan and simmer for another 5 minutes.

6. Then add lentils and simmer all together.

7. Mashed potatoes. You can add a little butter, milk, or hard cheese outside of fasting. But we are cooking in the post, so we don't add any of the above.

8. I will bake a casserole in a split form, then it will be easier to get it out of it. Grease the bottom and sides of the mold with vegetable oil and put half of the mashed potatoes.

9. Grind lentils with cabbage through a meat grinder, thereby getting lentil mince. Place it on the potato layer and smooth it over the entire surface.

10. Top with the remaining mashed potatoes.

11. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, then put the dish in it and bake for 25-30 minutes, until the surface of the casserole is slightly browned. To make the crust even rougher, you can grease the top with vegetable oil.

12. Take out the finished form, let cool slightly. Then open it and cut it into segments, eat with pleasure!

In order not to spoil the shape with a knife, its bottom can be pre-lined with a piece of parchment paper cut to size.

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms

Well, what about without dumplings? This is a favorite dish that is used not only in fasting. And we have already cooked, very tasty and mouth-watering. By the way, the recipe also gives an option for making an excellent dough.

And today we will make the filling more complicated and prepare dumplings with mushrooms as well. Mushrooms are known to be pure protein. And in fasting, in the absence of meat, it will be very useful.

By the way, in order not to overlap with the previous recipe, today we will cook everything differently.

We need:

  • potatoes - 500 gr
  • fresh or pickled mushrooms (any) - 200 gr
  • dill - 50 gr
  • flour - 700 gr
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons


1. Peel and cut potatoes into cubes or small slices. Pour in a little water, it should only slightly cover the potatoes. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. At the same time, there is no need to salt water.

2. Drain the potato broth into a separate saucepan and season with salt to taste. You should get about 500 ml. broth.

3. If you use salted or pickled mushrooms, then they must be thrown in a colander to drain excess liquid. Then cut them into small pieces

If you use fresh mushrooms, then you must first cut them into pieces and fry in a little oil.

4. Crush the potatoes in mashed potatoes, you can use a blender for this. Then add mushrooms and chopped dill. You also need to salt and pepper. If the mushrooms are salted, then this may not be necessary. In any case, rely on your taste.

Stir the filling.

5. Now let's start preparing the dough. To do this, add vegetable oil to a warm potato broth and add sifted flour in parts. Mix it thoroughly every time.

When all the flour has been added, put the dough on a floured table and knead the dough thoroughly, kneading it for at least 5 - 7 minutes. It should turn out sticky, but don't let that scare you. Cover the dough with plastic wrap or a bowl and let stand at room temperature for 15 to 20 minutes.

6. Pour flour on the table, knead the left dough again, then cut off a piece and roll a tourniquet from it 2 - 3 cm thick. Then cut it into small pieces 2 - 3 cm long, depending on whether it is large or small dumplings You will be cooking.

7. Form a small cake out of each piece with your hands, flatten it with your hand. Then roll out thin small cakes.

8. Lay out the filling and connect the edges, while you can roll them up with a pigtail or simply interlock the edges with cloves.

9. Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil, season with salt. Gently, one by one, put the dumplings in it, gently mix with a slotted spoon so that they do not stick to the bottom.

After the water boils again, you have to wait until all the dumplings come up. Now you need to reduce the heat and cook them for another 2 minutes.

10. Put on a dish with a slotted spoon and serve.

As a dressing, you can use fried onions in oil. It turns out just super tasty!

Potato gnocchi with pumpkin

Gnocchi are Italian dumplings where flour, semolina, and potatoes are used as ingredients. And they fit perfectly into the lean menu.

We need:

  • potatoes - 200 gr
  • pumpkin pulp - 200 gr
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • flour - 2 - 2, 5 cups
  • olive oil - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • nutmeg - a pinch
  • fresh greens
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Peel the potatoes and pumpkin and cut into 2 by 2 cm cubes. Cover with cold water so that it only covers all the vegetables. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and cook for 20 minutes.

2. Pour the vegetable broth into a bowl, and chop the vegetables in mashed potatoes using a blender. Let them cool slightly.

3. Rinse greens, dry and divide into two parts. Peel and chop the garlic.

4. Add nutmeg, salt, pepper and half of the herbs to the puree. Stir, then add vegetable oil and mix again.

5. Pour flour in small portions, stirring each time with a spoon. Knead the dough, it will turn out to be viscous. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with plastic wrap and let stand for 10 minutes.

6. Separate a part of the dough from the common piece and roll it into a thin sausage 2 cm wide. Cut the sausages into circles, make a dent with your finger. Work on a floured table.

7. Arrange the gnocchi on a floured tray and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

8. In a large saucepan, warm up the water, add salt and add the gnocchi. Stir with a slotted spoon so that they do not stick to the bottom. Once they come up, cook for another three minutes.

9. When serving, drizzle gnocchi with oil, garlic and leftover fresh herbs.

Hummus from chickpeas

We need:

  • chickpeas - 500 gr
  • sesame seeds - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • olive oil - 70 ml
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • lemon - 1 piece
  • salt, red pepper - to taste
  • ground paprika cilantro or parsley for garnish


1. Grind the sesame seeds in a coffee grinder into flour, add a spoonful of olive oil and mix. This will create a tahini paste, which is the main ingredient for hummus. Sometimes you can buy it in a store, but we sell it extremely rarely.

2. Soak chickpeas in cold water overnight. Then rinse it under running water and place in a saucepan. Pour water to the top, bring to a boil, then drain.

3. Refill with water, bring to a boil and drain. And then do the same again.

4. Then pour water over it again, bring to a boil. Add the whole garlic clove and cook for 1.5 - 2 hours. Then pour the broth into a separate bowl.

5. Pour boiled chickpeas with cold water, set aside three full tablespoons, and put the rest in a blender bowl and chop in a puree, adding sesame paste and a little decoction of peas.

6. Add the remaining two minced garlic cloves, squeeze out the lemon juice and pour in the remaining oil. Beat the mixture until light-colored puree.

7. Put hummus on a plate, sprinkle with fresh herbs, add oil and garnish with the remaining whole peas. Sprinkle with red pepper and paprika on top.

8. Serve with fresh vegetables and pita bread or bread.

Lean buckwheat cutlets

It happens that sometimes boiled buckwheat remains. You cook porridge, do not eat it right away and it costs itself in the refrigerator. It's a pity to throw it out, but you don't want to eat anymore. And then I began to cook from it. And if this is not a post, then with the addition of a small amount of minced meat.

The cutlets taste as if they are completely meaty.

I began to cook the same cutlets with minced fish, and they also turn out to be very tasty. By the way, on some days during Lent you can eat fish, and in this case you can cook buckwheat cutlets with fish.

But since my son does not eat meat, I cooked cutlets for us with the addition of minced meat, and for him - with the addition of potatoes. Since he loves both, he always eats them with great pleasure.

When I began to prepare today's article, I began to watch the video, and saw a familiar recipe. And I decided not to describe it, but to include this video in the article.

And for the post, this is just the most necessary recipe. So take it to your piggy bank and cook with pleasure!

Lean apple muffins

We need:

  • large apples - 3 pieces
  • banana - 1 pc
  • flour - 200 gr
  • sugar - 5 - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • raisins or nuts - optional


1. Wash, dry and cut the apples. Remove the core, do not peel off the peel. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 - 20 minutes. You can also bake in the microwave. The apples should be soft.

2. Allow to cool slightly, then use a spoon to take out all the pulp. Chop the banana and crush everything with a fork until puree.

3. Add vegetable oil and stir.

4. In a separate bowl, combine the sifted flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and cinnamon. Delicious muffins will turn out if you add dried fruits with nuts or seeds to the dough, or just one thing.

5. Add puree to the dry mixture and mix. If it is not enough to get an elastic dough, you can add a little apple juice. Stir the whole mass until smooth.

6. Grease prepared muffin tins with vegetable oil and fill them in 2/3 parts. Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

7. Remove from molds and serve.

Vitamin smoothie

According to the same principle as this recipe, you can prepare smoothies from different fruits and berries, as well as from their combinations.

We need:

  • large oranges - 4 pieces
  • bananas - 3 pieces
  • grapefruit red - 1 piece
  • mango - 1 piece


1. Wash all fruits. Squeeze the juice from oranges and grapefruit. Peel bananas and mangoes and cut into smaller pieces.

2. Put the pulp in a blender bowl, add juice there and beat until smooth.

3. Serve in glasses with a straw. You can garnish with a sprig of mint or orange or banana wedges.

You can use apples, pears, kiwis, tangerines, and all commercially available fruits for smoothies. Or you can make smoothies with the addition of vegetables.

This is the menu we got for today.

Along with such simple and everyday dishes as dumplings and pancakes, I tried to give less well-known recipes - these are hummus, gnocchi and granola. So your lean breakfasts, lunches and dinners will turn out to be even more varied and delicious with them.

I hope that you liked today's recipes, and that having cooked according to them, you will not go hungry. All the recipes turned out to be a selection - hearty, nutritious and very tasty.

Enjoy your meal! And fast for HEALTH!

"If the soul asks for cleansing, that little sacrifice that you can give - give the soul what it asks for and believe, on bright Easter you will have real quiet joy"

Hieromonk Theognost, cellarer of the Holy Danilov Monastery

For seven weeks, you will have to give up meat, eggs, milk, cottage cheese and other familiar animal products. Fish can be eaten only twice - on Annunciation and on Palm Sunday, vegetable oil is allowed only on weekends, and on the first and last (Holy) weeks, the Church recommends a raw food diet.

However, therefore, everyone compares the observance of Orthodox rules with their strength and state of health. Monastic chefs say that the lean menu should not differ too much from the usual one - let it be familiar stuffed peppers, Italian pasta (no eggs), borscht, cabbage soup, dumplings or pilaf, but only vegetarian ones.

Wet day

In the first and last (Passion) weeks of Great Lent, as well as on some other days - the use of exclusively raw, thermally unprocessed food and lean bread. Even hot tea with compote is not allowed.

For breakfast: fruit and honey salad

Cut any fruits - apples, pears, persimmons, tangerines, add raisins and season the salad with liquid honey. Eat 2-3 lean loaves.

For lunch: gazpacho

In a blender, mix 1/2 l of tomato juice, 1/2 kg of fresh tomatoes, one cucumber, bell pepper, onions, a clove of garlic, a couple of celery sprigs, a bunch of basil and parsley each. Salt everything and serve with herbs and lean bread toasts.

For dinner: dried fruits with nuts

Chop dried apricots, prunes, figs, dates, sun-dried tangerines and persimmons and mix them with any nuts - hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts. Season the salad with liquid honey. Eat 2-3 lean loaves.

Typical day

On most fasting days, only vegetarian food is allowed, but no vegetable oil is used.

For breakfast: rice with raisins

Pour a glass of apple juice and a glass of water into a saucepan, put 300 g of washed brown long-grain rice, 100 g of raisins, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, close the lid and simmer the porridge for 40 minutes over low heat. Let the dish sit. Garnish with fresh fruit pieces before serving.

For lunch: borscht with beans

Boil 50 g of dried mushrooms to make 1.5 liters of broth. Place the chopped onions, carrots, parsley and carcasses there until tender. Boil peeled beets separately and chop them. Combine everything (beetroot broth too), add salt, bay leaf and pepper. Serve with boiled beans.

Dinner: seaweed salad

Mix seaweed with grated carrots, corn, finely chopped tomatoes and bell peppers (or buy a ready-made vitamin kelp salad) and serve with boiled potatoes. Drink any freshly squeezed juice, eat a couple of lean crisps.

Day off

On Saturday and Sunday, the church allows the use of vegetable oil. Some fasting people also eat seafood. True, the Orthodox have a twofold attitude towards squid, shrimp, crabs and mussels. They do not belong to the forbidden fish, therefore their use does not contradict the church statutes. However, during the periods of the strictest abstinence - the first and Holy Week, as well as on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - seafood is not worth eating.

For breakfast: honey gingerbread

Pour a glass of water and 1/2 cup of vegetable oil into a glass of sugar, heat the mass a little and add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Separately mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa, a pinch of cinnamon and coriander. Then combine everything so that there are no lumps, add 1/2 cup of chopped nuts, 1/2 cup of raisins raisins, 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder and about 2 cups of flour - you should get the consistency of thick sour cream. Bake for half an hour at 200 ° C. The pie can be cut into cakes and greased with any jam. Serve the finished gingerbread with rosehip tea.

For lunch: mushroom lasagna

Grind and fry the onion in olive oil, then add a couple of carrots, 2-3 sprigs of celery and 500 g of champignons. Pour the contents of a liter can of tomatoes in your own juice and carcass for 30 minutes. Put some of the finished filling in a lasagne dish. Above - dry layers of pasta, then again mushroom stuffing, again pasta - you should get 4-5 layers. Bake lasagna preheated to 180 ° C

oven for 20 minutes.

Dinner: shrimp salad

Peel and boil the shrimp, mix it with chopped iceberg lettuce, halved red and yellow cherry tomatoes and chunks of tofu. Pour the salad with balsamic sauce and season with olive oil.

Fish day

For breakfast: lean pancakes

Sift 2 cups flour, add 1 teaspoon of salt and 4 teaspoons of sugar. Gradually pour in 2.5 cups of mineral water with gas and knead the dough of the same consistency as sour cream. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave in a warm place for 40 minutes. Bake pancakes in vegetable oil and serve with honey or jam.

For lunch: Russian fish soup

Put 800 g of fish fines (ruff, perch), onion, parsley root in a saucepan, pour 2 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook for 30 minutes. The fish should be completely boiled. Strain the broth, discard the fish. Then put 1/2 kg of pike perch and trout cut into pieces in the broth, cook for 15 minutes, add potato slices and cook for another 10 minutes. Season with salt, pepper, bay leaves and remove from heat.

For dinner: dorada with zucchini

Clean, gut, rinse and dry 2 medium giltheads. Cut the zucchini fruit into large slices, cut 4 tomatoes in half. In a blender, grind 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, a sprig of dill and 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper. With the resulting mixture, generously grease the gilthead, as well as zucchini and tomatoes. Fry fish and vegetables in olive oil.

What can not be denied

Soybeans, beans, peas, lentils

By giving up animal products, you will deprive your body of protein. There is only one way out - to look for it in plants. For example, be sure to include tofu, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, desserts, and other soy foods during your fast. Slightly less protein (about 20%) in other legumes - beans, peas, lentils.


But it's not easily absorbed, so treat mushrooms as a tasty dish, not a source of protein.

Porridge, pasta, lean bread

Wheat contains 12% protein, oats - 10%, rye - 9.9%, rice - 7.3%. Therefore, be sure to eat multi-grain cereals, lean crispbread, Italian pasta, bread and muesli. In addition to protein, they will also bring you B vitamins.


It contains almost 10% protein. Therefore, it is imperative. Having made seaweed a constant guest on your table, you will receive a lot of useful substances - iodine, potassium, sodium, magnesium, silicon, vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, C, D, E.

Vegetables and fruits

They contain fiber and vitamins that will strengthen the immune system. To benefit from fruits and vegetables, eat them raw or steam them.


Which you deprive your body by refusing meat. With its deficiency, a person can become lethargic and apathetic.

Honey, sugar

Sweet things raise your mood. also contains biologically active substances that protect the body from diseases.