Pickled onions: the simplest and most delicious recipes. Harvesting onions for the winter: the best recipes

08.09.2019 Bakery products

Why do you need pickled onions for the winter? You can't even imagine how much such a seemingly simplest ordinary snack is in demand. Excellent for meat and salad. And under a glass - in general, beauty. Moreover, there are several variations of the workpiece.

You will find a selection of successful, and most importantly, easy recipes in the article.

We don't like to bother with onions. Because we cry a lot. Don't worry, there are ways to overcome mucosal irritation. Here are the 3 most popular ones:

  1. Chewing gum during the process.
  2. We take a sip of water into our mouth. We hold, without swallowing, until we cut the vegetables.
  3. We put on any glasses or an eye mask.

Include helpers as well. For example, a spouse. Men, by the way, are less likely to cry from bows than women.

Well, aren't you afraid of onion vegetables anymore? It is recommended to do more twists. There will always be something to take with you to the barbecue, with what to marinate the meat, with what to serve cold dishes, etc. In fact, such an appetizer is widely used. Onion lovers will understand.

Pickled onions for the winter rings

The rings are crispy, without a vigorous smell and bitter taste. Enjoy the onion slices straight from the jar - they are so delicious.

For preparation we need:

  • onion rings per 0.5 l jar;
  • 1 carnation bud;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • a small slice of beets;
  • 2/3 of a half-liter jar of vinegar 9%;
  • 1/3 of boiled water chilled.


  1. Cut the onion into rings, 1 cm wide. Tamp it together with the beets (1 slice) tightly into a sterilized container. We process the container and lid in a convenient way. Are you planning to use the blank in the near future? Then it is enough to wash the jar thoroughly and allow time to dry.
  2. Add cloves with lavrushka.
  3. Fill with vinegar, then water.
  4. We close the lid.
  5. We insist in the refrigerator for a day.
  6. This is how pickled rings are prepared quickly and easily.

Whole onions without sterilization - a simple recipe

Planting bulbs are often unclaimed. Did you know that such pickled fruits are popular in Germany? Therefore, do not rush to throw away babies. Instead, write down the recipe for your future favorite snack.

On a note! Pour cold water over the small onions. Let it stand for a while. And forget about the pain of cleaning - the husk will practically go away by itself.

Let's take the components:

  • sevok (shallot) - 500 g;
  • white and black pepper - 3 peas;
  • sweet peas - 4 pcs.;
  • carnation - 1 bud;
  • mustard seed - half a tablespoon;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • 3 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • chili red - a third or half of a small pod;
  • 60 ml of table vinegar 6%;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Step by step technology:

  1. We clean the pearls from the scales. Large fruits will not go entirely - they will be poorly marinated.
  2. Spices, except for mustard seeds, are placed in a coffee grinder. Grind a little - you don't need to turn it into dust. Pieces that have not been ground will give flavor and enhance the look of the piece.
  3. Meanwhile, we put water on fire. After it boils, add small onions.
  4. We stand for literally 30 seconds and drain the boiling water.
  5. Then we immediately lower the set in cold water.
  6. Blanching the onions will bring out the pungent aroma and bitterness. Delicious pearls will turn out.
  7. We remove the top onion "wrapper" - we take out the very peas that will be pickled. We send it to a sterilized container.
  8. Let's start cooking the marinade. We put water on fire, pour in vinegar and add salt and sugar.
  9. Wrap the ground spices in a gauze bag and put them in the brine.
  10. We boil for a couple of minutes.
  11. In a jar with onions we throw a bay leaf, three different types of peas (white, fragrant, black) and 1/3 of red chili (optional).
  12. Pour in the marinade. You do not need to top up to the top - we leave about 1.5 cm of a free edge. This promotes the formation of steam.
  13. Cover the jar with a lid and sterilize in a saucepan for 5 minutes. Do not forget to put a towel on the bottom and pour hot water from the kettle. Otherwise, the workpieces explode.

Cool the twists upside down. We insist 1 day.

Red pickled onions

Good news for lovers of red (purple) onions. I present a recipe for a cool snack with his participation.

We will need:

  • 1 kg of red onions;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 480 ml of water;
  • 62 g of salt (3.5 tablespoons in brine, the rest per onion);
  • 67 g of sugar sand;
  • 240 ml of essence;
  • black peppercorns - 1.5 tsp

Cooking technology:

  1. We put a saucepan with water on the stove.
  2. We introduce salt, sugar and acid.
  3. Bring to a boil.
  4. We chop the onion heads into thin half rings.
  5. Sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour. During this time, the straw will give juice.
  6. Take 3 cans of 0.5 liters each. Let's sterilize. For example, in the oven. Temperature 120-150 degrees, time - 10 minutes.
  7. Put one lavrushka and half a teaspoon of black peas in the cooled containers.
  8. Then we send half rings to jars - distribute evenly.
  9. Fill with marinade.
  10. Cover with a lid and put in a deep bowl to sterilize.
  11. We boil the spins for 10 minutes.

We cool the banks. The next day, the snack is ready to eat.
On a note! Do you still have an unpleasant onion smell on your hands after cooking? Use a regular body scrub. Table salt in combination with liquid soap will also help.

Leeks for the winter

It turns out to be a crispy, moderately sweet and slightly spicy appetizer. Use it both as a supplement and pure.

  • 1800 g leeks;
  • mustard seed and black peas to taste.

And prepare the ingredients for the marinade:

  • water - 9 glasses;
  • a handful of bay leaves;
  • salt - 6 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 12 tbsp. l .;
  • 4 tbsp. l. oils;
  • 12 Art. l. essences 9%.

Cooking steps:

  1. Divide the leek into several parts - this way it is more convenient to tamp the fruits in a jar.
  2. We put it in containers.
  3. Pour a little pepper and mustard between the pieces about the middle of the container.
  4. Meanwhile, cook the marinade. Bring the water to a boil.
  5. Add sugar, salt, lavrushka.
  6. Boil for 3 minutes.
  7. Pour in vinegar.
  8. We send the marinade to jars. Do not top up to the end.
  9. We leave a place for vegetable oil - we introduce it on top of 2 tbsp. l. per liter container.
  10. We close the lids.

Turn the twists over, cover with a warm blanket, cool. Then we put it in the pantry.

Watch the technology in the video.

Delicious pickled onions

The consumption indicated in the recipe is taken into account for 2 cans of 500 ml. The result is the perfect snack for all occasions.

Let's prepare a set of ingredients:

  • sevok - 600 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • mustard seeds - 2 tsp;
  • balsamic (or apple cider) vinegar - 75 ml;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • carnation - 3 inflorescences;
  • 500 ml of table (apple or wine) vinegar.

Interesting fact! Small pickled onions in Germany cost 3.5 euros for one jar with a volume of 280 g. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to prepare the preparation practically for free.

Cooking steps:

  1. We take pearls, cut off tops and roots.
  2. Fill with boiling water. Let it cool.
  3. We clean the onion from scales.
  4. Sprinkle the peeled set with salt, cover with a towel.
  5. We leave it overnight.
  6. In the morning, we process containers and lids for blanks with boiling water.
  7. We wash the kids, dry them and distribute them to the banks.
  8. Add mustard seeds, cloves.
  9. Bring the acetic acid to a boil.
  10. We introduce granulated sugar and balsamic essence.
  11. We boil for a minute.
  12. Remove from heat and immediately fill the jars with marinade heads.
  13. We close the lids.

Turn the curls upside down for 5 minutes. Store in a dark, dry place for no more than six months.

How to pickle green onions

How great it is to enjoy the taste and aroma of homemade greens in the winter season. As soon as the hostesses do not store it: they dry and freeze. And you can also pickle. How? Read the recipe.

Important! The consumption of spices is indicated on a 0.5 liter can. In this case, the amount can be adjusted to taste.


  • green onions - the amount at your discretion;
  • black peas - 7 pcs.;
  • 2 tbsp. l. acetic acid 6%;
  • coriander and mustard seeds - 1 tsp each;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Preparing green feathers. We go through, remove the spoiled leaves, rinse and dry.
  2. Then finely chop the onion.
  3. We sterilize the jars. There are many ways. For example, in the microwave. Pour some water on the bottom of the containers and place in the oven for 2-4 minutes. Hold the lids in boiling water for 10 minutes. Then cool the container. We make blanks in dry and cooled jars.
  4. We combine water with salt. We put the brine on the fire.
  5. When it boils, boil for another 2 minutes.
  6. Remove from the stove, cool a little.
  7. Pour spicy grains into the bottom of the cans.
  8. Then fill in with cut feathers.
  9. Fill the blanks with warm marinade.
  10. Pour in vinegar. We cover with lids.

We send the cans into a bowl with hot water, the level of which covers ¾ of the spins. Boil for 15 minutes, take out and seal. It is allowed to store at room temperature. The main thing is without moisture and light.

Pickle any type of green onion in the same way (anzur, slime, etc.)

Pearl onions for the winter

On a note! Spice consumption depends on taste preferences and the number of containers.

This appetizer is called differently: pearl, silver onion. It's all about the appearance of the blanks. And they taste amazing - a real treasure.

Pickled onions are a hot commodity. Shashlik, homemade shawarma or burgers, all kinds of salads and sandwiches - this spicy ingredient is needed everywhere. You have probably noticed that onions are eaten first of all from a can with any salted preservation. It is quite logical to make the bitter vegetable the "star" of homemade preparations and cook pickled onions for the winter.

Average difficulty

Despite their bitterness and pungent aroma, onions are the most common vegetable in the world. Here are just some interesting facts about this product.

  • Historical roots... Historians do not know the exact place and time of the origin of onions, but they established that the vegetable was known in Ancient Egypt. In the writings of Herodotus, it is indicated that the slaves who built the pyramid of Cheops were fed onions to increase their working capacity and prevent diseases.
  • Palm tree... Libya is considered the world leader in onion consumption. This vegetable is added to almost all national dishes.
  • Sweeter than fruit. The vegetable surpasses apples and pears in sugar content. That is why it becomes sweet during cooking.
  • Earth prototype. The ancient Sumerians considered onions to be a product of the gods. They were convinced that the Earth was created exactly after the model of this vegetable.
  • Many types. At the moment, there are about 900 types of onions in the world, but slightly more than 200 are edible. The rest are wild varieties that do not represent nutritional value.

Benefits of the main ingredient

Onions are more than just food or flavorings. This is a real home doctor. Doctors say that by eating half of the onion fruit every day (in the absence of contraindications), you can protect yourself from ailments, diseases of internal organs and colds. The secret lies in the rich chemical composition, which is described in the table.

Table - Chemical composition of onions

SubstanceAmount, mg / 100 gShare of the daily value,%Biological role
Vitamin B60,12 6 - Promotes the assimilation of fatty acids and the normal course of biological reactions;
- prevents sharp jumps in blood glucose;
- normalizes brain function and improves memory;
- heals the heart and blood vessels;
- eliminates puffiness
Vitamin C10 11 - Stimulates the production of its own collagen;
- takes part in the synthesis of steroid hormones;
- cleanses the body of toxins and heavy metals;
- supports liver health;
- strengthens the immune system;
- normalizes blood clotting;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them elastic
Potassium175 7 - Normalizes blood pressure;
- prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels;
- prevents the formation of kidney stones;
- promotes the conversion of glucose into energy;
- normalizes the work of the heart;
- facilitates the delivery of oxygen to the brain
Sulfur65 7 - Supports the production of bile at an optimal level;
- slows down the aging process of the body;
- activates collagen synthesis;
- speeds up metabolism;
- stabilizes the work of the nervous system;
- strengthens the immune system;
- has antihistaminic properties
Phosphorus58 7 - Strengthens bone tissue;
- increases mental and physical performance;
- promotes the production of enzymes involved in biological processes;
- normalizes protein and carbohydrate metabolism;
- maintains acid-base balance
Iron0,8 5 - Provides cellular and tissue respiration;
- speeds up metabolism;
- ensures healthy growth of the body;
- stimulates the conduction of nerve impulses;
- strengthens the immune system
Cobalt0,005 50 - Improves blood composition;
- takes part in the production of red blood cells;
- normalizes the intestinal microflora;
- promotes cell renewal;
- supports the normal functioning of the endocrine system;
- strengthens bones;
- reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol;
- slows down the aging process of the body
Manganese0,23 12 - Supports the normal functioning of the nervous system;
- promotes the production of insulin;
- speeds up metabolism;
- prevents fatty degeneration of the liver;
- accelerates tissue regeneration
Copper0,09 9 - Possesses redox activity;
- promotes the absorption of iron;
- promotes tissue and cellular respiration;
- strengthens bones;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them elastic;
- suppresses inflammatory processes;
- improves blood composition
Chromium0,002 5 - Regulates lipid metabolism;
- normalizes the thyroid gland;
- strengthens the heart muscle;
- removes toxins from the body
Zinc0,85 7 - Part of more than 300 enzymes;
- accelerates cell regeneration;
- takes part in protein metabolism;
- stimulates reproductive function;
- normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
- strengthens the immune system;
- cleanses the body of toxins;
- sharpens the sensitivity of taste and olfactory receptors

Despite the rich chemical composition of onions, it has contraindications. It is worth giving up the use of the product for people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. It is also worth eating less onions with increased nervous excitability.

Pickled onions for the winter: recipes for every taste

Onions are usually cold pickled. But for winter preparations, they use the hot method. It is more time consuming, but the result fully justifies the effort. The vegetable will give its bitterness to the marinade, and itself will be saturated with the expressive taste of spices and vinegar.


Features. The traditional recipe for pickling onions has been passed down from generation to generation. Simple technology and a simple set of ingredients give a wonderful spicy snack with a sweet and sour aftertaste. If you pickle small onions correctly, they will turn out transparent, but retain an appetizing crunch.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of seed onions;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 30 g salt;
  • 40 g sugar;
  • 70 ml vinegar (9%);
  • hot pepper pod;
  • ten black peppercorns;
  • two umbrellas of dill;
  • bay leaf.


  1. Fill a large saucepan (3-5 liters) with water, boil, place the peeled onions in it and cook for three minutes. It should only soften slightly, not cook completely.
  2. Prepare a container with cold (or better with ice) water in advance. Use a slotted spoon to move the still hot onion into it. This trick helps the food stay crispy.
  3. Pour vinegar into 0.5 liters of water, pour all the flavors and chopped pepper. Boil and continue cooking for another two minutes.
  4. Put the onion tightly in clean half-liter jars and cover with hot marinade.
  5. Sterilize for five minutes (no longer, otherwise the onion will cook) and roll up.

Bay leaves, dill and peppers are best removed from the marinade as soon as it is ready. If you put flavors in jars of onions, they will “kill” the natural flavor of the main ingredient.

With beets

Features. If you want something traditional and at the same time unusual, try cooking pickled onions for the winter without sterilizing with beets. The burgundy vegetable will give the main ingredient not only a pleasant sweetness, but also a rich pink color. Thus, from eating a snack, you will receive not only gastronomic, but also aesthetic pleasure.

You will need:

  • 400 g small red onions;
  • 50 g of beets;
  • 0.4 l of water;
  • 30 g salt;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • seven peas of black pepper;
  • 30 ml vinegar.


  1. Peel the onions and cut the beets into oblong sticks about 6 mm thick.
  2. Add bulk foods and peppers to the water, boil.
  3. Add the beets and boil for a couple of minutes.
  4. Place the onion in the marinade and cook for five minutes.
  5. Transfer the onions to a sterile 0.75 L jar and place the beets on top.
  6. Pour in the vinegar and marinade to fill any voids in the container.
  7. It remains to roll up the can.

Preservation should be wrapped in a warm blanket so that it cools down gradually. This will improve palatability and ensure long-term storage. Also, do not forget to turn the containers upside down to make sure they are tight.


Features. Pickled onions in jars for the winter are an irreplaceable preparation. It will decorate any everyday or festive meal. It also goes well with hot spices and herbs.

You will need:

  • 2 kg of onions;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 0.7 liters of vinegar;
  • 300 g of salt;
  • 1 g star anise;
  • three bay leaves;
  • 1 g cinnamon;
  • 1 g of red ground pepper;
  • three peas of allspice;
  • two inflorescences of a carnation.


  1. Dissolve 200 g of salt in a liter of water and dip the peeled onions into the brine.
  2. In the meantime, add the remaining salt and spices to a liter of water.
  3. Boil the liquid and cook for five minutes. Add vinegar.
  4. Transfer the onions to sterilized jars, cover with hot marinade and cap.

Use blanching to make peeling the onion easier. Hold it in boiling water for a minute and immediately transfer it to cold water. The husks will lag behind much easier.

With bell pepper

Features. Pickled onions with garlic and peppers for the winter are the perfect combination for fragrant preparations. Being saturated with each other's flavors, vegetables acquire completely new flavors. The appearance of the workpiece also cannot but rejoice. The amount of ingredients is calculated for two 0.5 liter cans.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of small onions;
  • 200 g bell pepper;
  • 12 cloves of garlic;
  • eight peas of black pepper;
  • two bay leaves;
  • 2 g citric acid;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 20 g salt;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 250 ml vinegar.


  1. Heat a liter of water, dissolve citric acid in liquid and soak peeled onions. Boil for three minutes and remove vegetables from water.
  2. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into rings.
  3. Put six cloves of garlic, four peppercorns and bay leaves in sterilized jars.
  4. Lay the layers of onion and pepper alternately on top.
  5. Fill the rest of the jar with washed and scalded dill.
  6. Dissolve bulk products in a liter of water and boil.
  7. Add vinegar, pour liquid into jars and roll up.

If you only have large onions, do not marinate them whole - they will not marinade. It is better to cut it into several smaller pieces.


Features. Fans of kebabs, burgers, salads and simply savory snacks are advised to cook pickled onion rings for the winter. Such a semi-finished product turns out to be especially aromatic and tasty, because thin fragments are soaked through with marinade.

You will need:

  • 400 g onions;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 2 g cloves;
  • 5 g black peppercorns;
  • 5 g allspice peas;
  • 15 g sugar;
  • 10 g salt;
  • 30 ml vinegar;
  • two bay leaves.


  1. Cut the peeled onion into rings.
  2. Add all the flavors to the water and boil.
  3. Add the onion and simmer for five minutes.
  4. Divide the product into sterile jars, fill with marinade and roll up.

Sprinkle turmeric on the onion rings before placing them in the jar. The workpiece will acquire an attractive sunny yellow color and pleasant aroma.

With original marinade

Features. If simple recipes for pickled onions for the winter don't inspire you, try adding something original to a traditional appetizer. The peculiarity of this recipe lies in the unusual citrus marinade.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of small onions;
  • 600 ml vinegar;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 250 ml orange juice;
  • 50 g of salt;
  • 15 g tarragon;
  • 10 g cloves;
  • 5 g cinnamon;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 100 g of sugar.


  1. Sprinkle the peeled onions with salt and leave for five hours.
  2. Combine water with orange juice, raisins, and spices.
  3. Boil, add onion and cook for a couple of minutes.
  4. Using a slotted spoon, spread the onions into sterilized jars.
  5. Add vinegar to the marinade, boil and distribute the liquid over the containers with the workpiece.

Green sprouts

Features. As a reminder of the warm season, pickle green onions for the winter. The workpiece is beautiful and fragrant. The taste of onion feathers is quite unusual and bright. This is a great addition to salads.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of green onions;
  • 200 g of dill;
  • 80 ml vinegar;
  • 120 g salt;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • three black peppercorns.


  1. Wash and sort through the greens, cut off dry and yellowed fragments.
  2. Place the flavors in the water and boil.
  3. Turn off the hotplate and add vinegar to the marinade.
  4. Spread the greens in sterile jars, tamping slightly.
  5. Pour the marinade over and roll up.

Fresh herbs often "explode" cans, so pickled onion feathers cannot be stored at room temperature. Place the jars either in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Working with a vegetable without tears

Onions contain a lacrimator. This substance, released into the air from a cut onion, irritates the mucous membrane of the eyes and makes you cry. To make working with a vegetable easier for you, try five housewives' tricks.

  1. Cold water . The liquid neutralizes the action of the lacrimator. Therefore, before working with onions, as well as in the process, it is recommended to rinse the onion itself and the knife in cold water. Some housewives even manage to peel the vegetable in a large bowl filled with liquid.
  2. Freezing. If you are working with large amounts of onions, place them in the freezer for an hour. Onion juice will crystallize and will not evaporate into the air. If the amount of work is small, you can freeze the knife for 15 minutes.
  3. Steam. Place a pot of water on the stove and boil. Sit near a source of steam. It neutralizes the action of the lacrimator.
  4. Ventilation. Turn on the hood while working with onions. The device will draw in onion vapors, and they will not have time to irritate your eyes. If you don't have a hood, place a fan next to your work area. In warmer months, you can work with an open window.
  5. Vinegar or lemon. Acid the cutting board. The onion juice will react with the vinegar, and the action of the lacrimator will be neutralized.

In order not to cry when working with onions, use a well-sharpened knife without chipping. The easier the blade will cut through the vegetable, the less irritant will get into the air.

If you care about family health, a pickled onion recipe for the winter is a must-have in your cookbook. The fact is that in the process of harvesting the vegetable does not lose its useful properties. Thus, this fragrant "antibiotic" will protect your household from colds all winter.


As many mysteries, sayings and jokes are devoted to this wonderful plant as to no other.

Recall at least the most famous: "A grandfather is standing, dressed in a hundred fur coats, who undresses him, he sheds tears" or "Bow - from seven ailments. Russian cuisine has always been famous for its abundance of onions and garlic.

In Russia, from time immemorial, common people used onions with bread, salt and kvass.

Of course, people in those days did not know anything about the special volatile substances of phytoncides with antimicrobial properties, but they noticed the healing power of onions, and already in the first herbalists, methods of using it for various ailments are described: weakness of the stomach and poor digestion, mucous and convulsive shortness of breath, water and stone sickness ... During the prevailing infectious diseases, it is very useful to add onions to food and make a soup from onions with salt, pepper, vinegar for breakfast. "

Mankind knows about 300 types of onions, but the most common of them, of course, is onion. According to its taste, it is divided into three groups: spicy, semi-sharp and sweet.

Red and purple onions are especially honored by housewives, they are not as sharp as white ones, and they look very beautiful in salads. There is also shallots. It tastes like soft red onions. Shallots are especially good in sauces and as a side dish.

And green onions are an excellent source of vitamin C. Leeks look like thick green onions. Until the fall, it gives long, fleshy, juicy leaves with a more delicate smell than that of onions. It is used in writing raw, boiled and dried.

It is also an excellent source of folic acid, which is essential for the body's hematopoietic function. Chives (chives) grows wild in meadows, rocky slopes, in valleys. The taste of its leaves is gentle, not harsh.

Onions have bactericidal, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antiscorbutic, diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant, hemostatic, antitumor, mild laxative effects.

It inhibits the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines, enhances cardiac activity, is used in the prevention of atherosclerosis and malignant tumors, improves the activity of the gallbladder, and promotes better absorption of nutrients by the body.

Onions contain many vitamins: C, PP, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, provitamin A. In addition, onions are rich in mineral salts, essential oils, sugars, organic acids. No wonder they say that such a vegetable protects the human body from colds and other diseases, especially during the cold season.

In cooking, onions have always played an important role, they are part of many healthy recipes, used as a seasoning for canning, added to salads, sauces, gravies, used both raw and fried. It perfectly complements meat, fish and vegetable dishes, soups, it is an excellent addition to bacon, cheese and sausages.

Not a single housewife can imagine her dishes without onions. On any, even the smallest area, the onion garden takes the most honorable place.

After all, this is a really useful and useful vegetable for our body.

Therefore, harvesting onions for the winter often becomes the only possible option for preserving this healthy vegetable.

The onion is unpretentious, it can be stored in an apartment in the winter, thoroughly dried and tied in a braid, which must be hung in a dry, cool place, or you can simply store the harvested crop in a wooden box, but in no case in plastic bags, because they do not allow moisture and air to pass through, and the onions quickly begin to fog up, and eventually rot.

Dried onions are very popular with our housewives, because this is an excellent natural seasoning, which, in comparison with purchased spices, gives dishes a richer onion aroma and contains more useful components. The main thing is to dry it properly so that the onion has a pleasant color. The process of cooking such a vegetable is time consuming, but believe me, it's worth it! Dried onions will become your little highlight in your dishes.

Dried onions

Ingredients: 1, 3 kg of onions, 1 l of water,

First of all, peel the onion from the husk, roots, tails, rinse under running water and put in a deep bowl.

On a cutting board, alternately cut each onion into thin, even rings (3-4 mm), if you cut them thicker, they will not dry out. Then you can cut the onion rings into two or four parts. When the onions are chopped, rinse them again under running water in a colander.

This must be done in order to wash off a thin film from the rings. To prevent the onions from darkening and retain their natural pleasant color, take a deep saucepan and heat the water in it to a boil. Pour in salt and stir until completely dissolved.

When the water has cooled, put it in the refrigerator for several hours and only then put the chopped onion in it and keep it in a saline solution for about 5 minutes. Then use a paper kitchen towel to dry the chopped onions to keep them dry.

Place the onion on a baking sheet, leveling it out with your hands. Dry the onions in the oven at a temperature of no more than 50-60 ° C for 4-6 hours. Stir the onions constantly with a wooden spatula to keep them from burning.

When the main and only ingredient is ready, remove the baking sheet. Let the onion cool to room temperature.

The process of drying onions becomes much easier if you use an electric dryer, and the regulation of the temperature in it allows you to dry the product with the least loss of nutrients.

There are two options for storing such a product: put the dried onion rings in a clean, dry jar and close the lid tightly so that moisture does not get into the container, but you can put it in a tight plastic or paper bag. But don't close it right away. The onion should "breathe" for a few more days and finally dry out. And only after that, tightly close the container and hide it until the desired moment. Dried onions can be grinded or simply rubbed with your hands and added to any dishes.

Harvesting onions for the winter by freezing is another way in which nutrients are preserved as much as possible in the product. For this we need a fresh green onion.

Freezing green onions

Rinse the green onions well before freezing, then dry them thoroughly to avoid clumping.

It is best to dry on a napkin or towel that absorbs moisture well. Put the finely chopped green onions in handfuls in bags.

Be sure to squeeze the air out of the bags, tie them tightly. If desired, you can make a mixture of herbs.

Harvesting onions for the winter is also pickling, and pickling, and pickling, and all sorts of onion salads. Choose according to your taste!

Onions with salt and parsley

Ingredients: 1 kg of onions, 1 kg of parsley, 10 g of salt. For brine: 1 l of water,

700 g of salt.

Finely chop the onions and parsley, mix, sprinkle with salt and place tightly in jars. Cover with boiling brine. Close the jars with plastic lids and put them in a cool place.

Pickled spring onions (greens)

Ingredients: green onions, 1 liter of water,

100 g of salt.

Pre-boil the brine and let it cool. Then rinse the green onions, let them dry, chop, place in a colander and dip in the cooled brine for 5 minutes.

Then remove the onion from the brine, squeeze it lightly and, tamp it well, put it in sterilized jars. Cover them with plastic lids and leave warm overnight (at room temperature).

Check the brine level in the morning, top up if necessary and place the jars in a cool place.

Pickled onions

Ingredients: 2 kg of small onions. For the marinade: 1 liter of apple cider vinegar, 50 g of sugar, 50 g of salt, black pepper,


Peel the bulbs and place them in prepared jars. Pour with boiling marinade, stand for 5-10 minutes, drain the marinade and repeat the operation 2 more times, then roll up the jars.

Leeks marinated with dill

Ingredients: 10 kg of false leeks, 1 liter of boiled water, 125 g of salt, 800 ml of 6% vinegar, 20 g of dill, 1 tsp. dill seeds, 1 tsp. allspice,

1 tsp Sahara.

Wash the false bulbs, dry, cut into cylinders 3-4 cm long, fill with brine and keep in a cool place for two days. Then drain the brine, put the leek and blanched dill in jars.

Bring the vinegar with dill seeds, allspice and 1 teaspoon of sugar to a boil and immediately pour the marinade over the jars. Sterilize cans (0.5-liter - 10 minutes, 1-liter - 15 minutes) and roll up.

You can add carrots, cut into thin circles or strips, to canned food.

Onions with pepper

Ingredients: 500 g small onions, 2 pods of red or green pepper, 1 stack. table vinegar

salt to taste.

Peel the onion, remove the seeds from the pepper, cut it lengthwise into strips. Boil vegetables in salted water for 5 minutes, discard in a colander and cool. Core the bulbs and stuff with strips of pepper.

Add vinegar to a glass of broth, boil and pour onion with boiling broth, cover and leave for a day.

Then drain the liquid, boil again, cool and pour the onion with it again, cover and let it brew for about 4 weeks in a cold place, after which it can be served as a snack.

Pickled onion sets in blackcurrant juice

Ingredients: 2 kg of onion sets. For 1 liter of marinade: 70 ml of water, 300 ml of black currant juice, 50 g of salt, 50 g of sugar,

spices: cinnamon, cloves, allspice, red pepper, bay leaf (not all spices can be used).

Dip the bulbs in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then cool quickly. Peel and soak for a while in salted water.

Then place in jars and cover with boiling marinade. Cover the jars with lids and place them in a saucepan with a wire rack. From the moment of boiling, sterilize within 5 minutes.

Then roll up the cans, let them cool and store.

Instead of blackcurrant juice, you can use the juice of red currant, gooseberry, sour apples, and instead of sugar - honey, which will give a unique taste to the preparation.

Onion caviar

This wonderful piece can be used instead of ketchup with pasta, potatoes ... very tasty!

Ingredients: 1 kg of onion, 400 g of tomatoes, 60 ml of sunflower oil, 40 g of tomato sauce,

Cut half of the onion into thin slices and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Chop the rest of the onion and pour over with boiling water.

Mix the fried and blanched onions and mince them. Place the mass in an enamel bowl, add tomato sauce and 60 ml of sunflower oil.

Salt the mixture to taste, stir and cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring constantly, until it becomes homogeneous, thick, without liquid. At the very end, add finely chopped dill and stir.

Pour boiling caviar into heated jars to the top and sterilize: half-liter jars for 40 minutes, liter jars - 50 minutes. Roll up the cans, turn them upside down and cool under the covers.

Do you want to surprise your loved ones or guests with something like that? Then make the onion jam. This is the very case when the originality in the name and taste coincide and pleasantly surprise. Your culinary delight will not go unnoticed, make sure of it.

Onion confiture

Ingredients: 1 kg of red onion, 50 ml of vegetable oil, 100 ml of dry red wine, 75 g of sugar, 50 g of honey, thyme, 4 tbsp. wine vinegar

salt on the tip of a knife.

Cut the onion (into cubes or half rings). Heat vegetable oil in a wide saucepan. Put the whole onion in the oil, then simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Then cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer for another 10-15 minutes, remembering to stir. Then pour in wine, vinegar, add salt, honey, sugar and thyme. Simmer for 30 minutes, covered.

Then remove the lid, increase the heat and cook, stirring often, until the mass stops flowing from the spoon and stretches slightly. Do not overcook! Dry the sterilized jar (500 ml), put the jam in it and close the lid.

Store in the refrigerator. Serve jam with cheese, pâté, grilled meats, and simply on toast.

Harvesting onions for the winter made you shed a lot of bitter tears? Do not despair - these tears were not shed for nothing, you have become a little healthier.

"Onion, in your arms every disease passes," - so they said in the East.

Do not neglect this wonderful vegetable, eat it, do not be afraid to smell of onions, harvest it for the winter and safely eat it all year round. Your body will be grateful to you!

Bon appetit and good preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Source: https://kedem.ru/zagotoi/zagotoa-luka-na-zimu/

Enjoy your meal:).

In this recipe, we will be using whole onions. To do this, take medium-sized bulbs so that they fit easily into jars.

We clean well and wash the onions in cold water. Since preservation usually takes several kilograms of onions, prepare convenient dishes - for example, a bucket and pour cold water into it.

So the onion will irritate the mucous membrane less and you will not have to cry over each head of the peeled vegetable. Prepare jars - jars must be clean and sterilized.

Fill each jar with onions and pour boiling water. Cover each jar with a lid that we will roll up with.

Let the onion stand for a while and warm up for about five minutes.

For the onion to stand well, it is advisable to use the three-time pouring method, for this we drain the water from the cans into a convenient saucepan and bring it to a boil.

Pour hot water on the onion a second time and also leave it for five minutes. For the third time, the required amount of sugar, salt and table vinegar will need to be added to the drained water from the cans.

If you are using an essence, remember to dilute it. In all canned food, it is advisable to use 9% vinegar, if you use 6% vinegar, you need to take a little more.

Boil the marinade until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved, add peppercorns and bay leaves.

It is enough to boil the marinade for five minutes and immediately pour it into the jars.

We roll up the finished onion and turn the jars over until they cool completely. After the onion has cooled down, it can already be used for salads and other dishes.

If you are a lover of canned onions and often cook meat dishes or kebabs, then you can prepare several jars of already chopped onions.

It is prepared in the same way as the whole one, only at the very beginning of cooking it must be chopped into rings. To do this, you can use a special vegetable grater. Store the onions in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

Cooking spicy pickled onions:

For the second recipe, you can use the same marinade, just add citric acid, garlic and hot pepper to it. The preparation of this blank will be even much easier.

Pour all the products with marinade - do not forget to finely chop the peppers and onions, the garlic can be left whole.

We boil in the marinade for about five minutes, after which we add a pinch of citric acid to each jar and can be rolled up immediately. The number of products is indicated for one liter of water, if you make a larger amount, observe the proportions.

Now you know how to preserve onions and always have a tasty and healthy preparation on hand. It will also be interesting to see the homemade ketchup recipe, which, by the way, will be perfect for meat side dishes.

Enjoy your meal:).

Source: http://yum-yum-yum.ru/zagotoi/konservatsiya/konservirovannyj-luk-na-zimu.html

Harvesting onions

Onions are one of the most widespread vegetable crops in the world. We will share with you popular recipes that allow you to preserve all the useful qualities of this bright representative of the onion genus.

Harvesting onions

The onions are harvested after the tops turn yellow and lie on the ground, and the neck of the onion dries well.

These signs appear closer to mid-July, but if mass maturation is not observed during this period, the process is artificially stimulated.

For this, the soil is raked off a little, and the tops are "rolled up".

They start harvesting in sunny dry weather - the bulbs extracted from the ground take time to dry (this takes 4-5 days).

The bulbs are dried by spreading out on a flat dry surface in one layer. When the upper scales acquire a characteristic shine and color, the damaged husk is removed, and long roots are also cut off. If the onion is planned to be stored in bulk, then the tops are also shortened, leaving a "tail" 4-5 cm long.

If the weather is not conducive to complete drying, then the crop is laid out under sheds or in a well-ventilated barn. Sunny days allow you to dry onions right in the beds.

Before sending the fruits for storage, they are sorted out, damaged, devoid of upper scales and spoiled are removed. To prevent the selected onion from sprouting, it is subjected to liming. To do this, cut off the bottom, and then cover the fresh cut with lime slurry.

The crop is distributed in boxes and placed in a cool and well-ventilated area. Onions are regularly sorted out to exclude spoilage.

Onion braids are another storage option. In order to weave them, the tops are not cut off - they are tied up, connecting several bulbs at once. The resulting garland is hung from the ceiling in a ventilated dry room.

Dried onions

Peel the onions, cut off the bottom and neck, peel, cut into rings and pour a thin layer onto a sieve (baking sheet).

The product is dried first in air and then in the oven (optimum temperature: 55-65 ° C). During the drying process, the onions must be mixed.

The finished product is stored in canvas bags or cardboard boxes.

Pickled onions

Onions - 2 kg Red currant juice - 300 ml Water - 1 l Sugar - 100 g

Salt - 50 g

Onions are peeled, washed, sorted by size and cut (in half or in rings). Then the product is placed in sterilized jars and poured with boiling marinade three times at intervals of five minutes. After the last filling, the cans are rolled up.

Salted onions

Small onions Allspice Bay leaves Water - 1 l

Salt - 100 g

The onions are cleaned, washed, placed in a barrel, spices are added, poured with brine, covered with a wooden circle, and oppression is placed on top and the onions are left to ferment in the warmth. After 5-7 days, the product is sent to the cellar.

Onion caviar

Onions - 1 kg Ripe tomatoes - 400 g Vegetable oil - 50 ml Salt

The bulbs are cleaned, washed and allowed to dry from moisture. Half of the onion is cut into rings and fried until golden brown. The rest of the onion is scalded with boiling water and passed through a meat grinder along with the pre-fried product.

The onion mixture is boiled with the addition of oil and grated tomatoes until thick (this takes 20-30 minutes). Then finely chopped herbs, salt, spices (optional) are introduced into the mass and packaged in prepared jars. The product is pasteurized (40 and 50 minutes - 0.5 and 1 l, respectively).

Banks are rolled up, overturned and wrapped.

Onion sauce

Carrots - 400 g Onions - 200 g Sunflower oil - 120 ml Tomato puree - 1 kg Salt - 120 g Bitter and allspice Sugar - 100 g Vinegar - 80 ml

Cinnamon, garlic, cloves

Carrots are washed, blanched in boiling water, peeled and cut into cubes. The root vegetable is fried until half cooked, onion rings are added and fried until golden brown.

The tomato is diluted with water (200 ml), seasoned with sugar, salt and spices, boiled for 8 minutes, and then vegetables are added, mixed, heated the same amount, vinegar is added, laid out in half-liter jars, sterilized for 50-60 minutes and sealed.

Onion peel tincture

Fifty degree alcohol - 5 parts
Onion peel - 1 part

Onion peels are placed in a bottle, poured with alcohol, shaken and left in a dark room for a week. The finished tincture is carefully filtered, poured into a dark glass bottle and closed with a cork.

The cultivation of onions has been practiced since ancient times, at the same time, the recipes for harvesting this vegetable crop are unfamiliar to many. We hope that our article will help you expand the range of winter storage.

© Mir-ovosey.ru When copying site materials, keep an active link to the source.

Source: http://mir-ovosey.ru/zagotoa-repchatogo-luka/

Onion blanks for the winter - how to cook canned, salted onions, recipes +


Onions are used in the preparation of many dishes, as well as preparations for the winter, but in them it is "in the wings" - irreplaceable, but only an additional ingredient added in small quantities. Admirers of this extremely useful vegetable know recipes in which it “performs” solo or as a “first violin”.

There are relatively few recipes for canning or harvesting onions for the winter.

Still, it is usually used as an additional component that gives a certain accent to the taste of the final product, that is, in fact, as a spice.

At the same time, most of the onion harvest is kept fresh in winter. But on the other hand, it is very difficult to do without those few recipes for harvesting this vegetable.

Harvesting vegetables for the winter

The only exception, perhaps, is the freezing of onions. It is neither an alternative, nor even more competitive to keeping this vegetable fresh, and its results are very relative, and often disappointing.

Each time freezing onions resembles some kind of new experiment - will it work or will not work. Most pickled onion recipes. And they are most often sold, at least for the sake of the same shish kebab or herring.

Below are other, possibly unknown to someone, recipes for canning and harvesting onions for the winter. It is not excluded that everyone will find among them some kind of "his".

Freezing onions

When canning according to the recipes below, like any others, certain requirements must be observed. The selection, pre-processing of vegetables and the storage of the final product should be carried out in the same way as when harvesting pickled onions.

How to prepare a salted vegetable for the winter?

There are practically only 2 options for pickling onions: salted green and salted onions.

Attempts to diversify the taste of such a preparation, that is, to increase the number of recipes, using spices do not give tangible results. The onion always defends its own taste. After all, he himself is like a spice.

You can only play with salt in order to get a workpiece of higher or lower salinity. You can also add greens.

Recipe for harvesting salted green onions. You will need:

  • onions - 1 kg;
  • non-iodized salt - 200 g;
  • vegetable oil - 120 ml.

Dry the prepared washed vegetable by spreading it out in a dry place on a soft cloth. Then cut into 1–2 cm pieces and gently mix with salt so as not to crush ahead of time. Then pour the onion into a jar and tamp it tightly until it secretes juice with a layer of at least 2 cm.

Put a wooden circle on top of the vegetable. They need to sink the onion so that it is below the juice level. Then pour oil into the container. This should be done carefully and "aiming" at the circle so that it does not mix with the juice.

Then carefully remove the piece of wood, and seal the container with a nylon lid.

Cutting the onions into 1–2 cm pieces

The following recipes for canning onions. Harvesting for the winter with dill. You will need:

  • bulbs - 1 kg;
  • dill (umbrellas) - 3 pcs;
  • pepper (peas) - to taste;
  • non-iodized salt - 50 g.

Cut the onion into rings or small pieces. We put 1 umbrella of dill on the bottom of the jar, and then the vegetable in layers, on each of which we pour pepper and salt on top.

We place another 1 umbrella in the middle of the container, and the third one on the last layer of the onion. Then we press down the vegetable with a load (oppression) and leave it for 24 hours in a room where the room temperature is.

After that, we remove the oppression, and close the container with a nylon lid.

Recipe with parsley. You will need:

  • bulbs - 1 kg;
  • non-iodized salt - 10 g;
  • parsley (greens) - 1 kg.

Iodized salt with parsley

For brine:

  • non-iodized salt - 100 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Cut the onions into thin half rings, and chop the greens finely. Then mix the parsley and vegetable well in a deep cup with 10 g of salt.

Then we pour everything into jars. Dissolve the rest of the salt in boiled water and immediately pour the resulting brine into containers with vegetables.

We close the cans with nylon lids.

Onion dressings and sauces

No time to fiddle with vegetables, and dinner isn't ready yet.

We take out the dressing preserved for the winter from the refrigerator (bring it from the cellar) and simply add it to the first and / or second dishes to be prepared.

Moreover, you do not need to salt anything, including broth, when the meat is still being cooked. This will be done by the vegetable seasonings, the recipes for which are offered, because they are already salted in the right concentration.

Soup dressing recipe. You will need:

  • onions, carrots and bell peppers - 0.6 kg each;
  • tomatoes and parsley (roots) - 100 g;
  • greens - 400 g;
  • non-iodized salt - 0.5 kg.

We grind washed and peeled vegetables, roots and herbs with a knife, meat grinder, blender or on a coarse grater - depending on how they should appear in the dish.

Pour salt into the resulting mass and mix thoroughly with it. Place the finished dressing tightly in the jars and close it with plastic lids.

Chopped vegetables for dressing

For borscht. You will need:

  • onions, tomatoes, bell peppers and carrots - 1 kg each;
  • celery, dill and parsley (greens) - 0.6 kg each;
  • non-iodized salt - 1 kg.

Grate the carrots, finely chop the remaining vegetables with a knife, and chop the greens. Then mix everything well with salt. We put the seasoning in the jars and seal with plastic lids.

Recipe for universal dressing. You will need:

  • onions, bell peppers and tomatoes - 1 kg each;
  • dill (greens) - 300 g;
  • non-iodized salt - 0.8 kg.

Grind all the ingredients, as for a soup dressing, mix with salt, then put in containers and seal with nylon lids.

Soup dressing with salt

Onion sauce is perfect for dishes made from any meat and even fish, it will make them even tastier. To prepare it, you will need:

  • onions - 200 g;
  • carrots - 400 g;
  • garlic, cloves, black and red peppers (ground), cinnamon - to taste;
  • tomato puree or tomato paste - 1 kg or 0.5 kg, respectively;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • non-iodized salt - 120 g;
  • vinegar - 80 ml.

Blanch the washed carrots in boiling water for 1 minute, and then peel and cut into cubes. Cut the onion into rings. After that, fry the carrots until half cooked and throw the onions to it. Continue frying until the rings are golden brown.

We dilute the tomato with water. If we use puree, add 200 ml of liquid to it, and 700 ml to the paste. Season the diluted tomato with salt, spices and sugar, and then boil for 8 minutes.

Then we add vegetables to it. Mix everything and cook for another 8 minutes. Then pour in the vinegar.

Mix everything again and lay out the finished sauce in 0.5 liter jars, which are then sterilized for 60 minutes, and then rolled up.

Original recipes for blanks

It will be unexpected for someone that caviar or confiture can be preserved on the basis of onions. The first preparation for the winter will give odds to any store-bought ketchup and other tomato spices. Onion confiture should be served with fried meat, cheese, pâté, and also just on toast.

Onion caviar. You will need:

  • bulbs - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • black pepper (ground) and non-iodized salt - to taste;
  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • sunflower oil - 70 ml;
  • dill (greens) - 1 bunch.

Ingredients for onion caviar

Cut the onion into thin half rings. Peel the tomatoes. Fry half of the chopped onions in oil, and blanch the second part with boiling water. Then chop both onions and tomatoes with a meat grinder or blender.

Pour the resulting mixture into an enamel bowl, and then add a little oil, tomato paste and pepper and salt to it. We mix everything well and send it to the stove.

We turn on medium heat and boil the caviar, stirring it, until the consistency of a thick, homogeneous jelly 20-30 minutes.

When the state of the mixture becomes suitable, add finely chopped greens to it and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour the prepared hot caviar into 0.5 liter cans and sterilize for 50 minutes.

Tinned onion confiture. You will need:

  • onions (preferably red) - 1 kg;
  • dry red wine - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • honey and vegetable oil - 60 g each;
  • thyme - to taste;
  • salt - 2 pinches;
  • wine vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons.

Canned Onion Jam

Cut the onions into half rings or cubes and put them in a wide saucepan with heated oil. Simmer the vegetable for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally and without covering. Then about 15 minutes more. At the same time, the stewpan should be covered with a lid, which is removed only when stirring.

Then add the remaining ingredients to the onion and mix everything, and then simmer for 30 minutes, closing the lid. At the end of this period of time, increase the fire, remove the lid and continue cooking, often interfering.

When the jam begins to stretch slightly and no longer drips from the spoon, it is transferred to jars.

  • Mikhail Malofeev
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Pickled onions are a simple preparation that can be used all year round. It can be served with herring or shish kebab, or even just make a sandwich out of it. It is often added to soups or main courses, and is included in salads. This is a versatile workpiece with a wide range of applications.

Pickled onions are a simple preparation that can be used all year round.

For this harvest, you need to take a small onion. It will not need to be cut, it will be marinated whole. This is very convenient, later it can be used anywhere, if necessary, grind.

You need to prepare the following products:

  • 1.5 kg of small onions;
  • 1 l. water;
  • 200 g apple cider vinegar;
  • 50 g of salt;
  • 50 g of sugar.

Cooking is carried out in several stages:

  1. The onion must be cleaned, the lower and upper parts must be cut off from it.
  2. When cleaned, it should be put in a saucepan with boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes, then removed with a slotted spoon and dried.
  3. When dried, it must be put in prepared jars.
  4. Pour water and vinegar into the pan, add sugar and salt, boil the marinade for a couple of minutes.
  5. Fill all the jars with hot marinade, then cover them with lids.
  6. Each can should be sterilized for an additional 10 minutes. Then roll it up immediately.

The rolled blanks must be turned over and wrapped, transferred to a cool place already cold.

Pickled onions in apple cider vinegar (video)

Pickled rings

Pickled onion rings in a spicy marinade are sure to be added to various dishes. It will not be difficult to make such a preparation for the winter, a simple recipe is scheduled in stages.

Pickled onions for the winter are a great appetizer for a variety of dishes. Whatever you cook - kebabs (including in winter) or fragrant chicken, juicy fish fillets or cutlets loved by the household - pickled onions will be "in the subject" everywhere. Compared to raw, pickled onions have a more delicate taste, so they can be served with herring or simply on a separate plate. Some housewives add pickled onions to savory baked goods, such as meat pie or pizza. Onions give each dish a very special flavor.

So when making Napoleonic plans for seaming, do not forget to prepare pickled onions for the winter. Crispy and calorie-free - it will brighten both festive and everyday tables and will not add extra weight to you. Pickled onions for the winter are a great idea for a quick snack that's always in the fridge! And most importantly, it is an excellent economical solution, because onions are available and cheap.

How to pickle

Pickled onions are easy to prepare. Peel the onions, blanch for a couple of minutes, drain the water and pour over with cold water. Greens and spices are laid out at the bottom of the cans, then onions are put. Next, prepare the marinade. Marinade is made from water with the addition of vinegar, salt, sugar, as well as aromatic spices - black and allspice, cloves, bay leaves. Dill greens will serve as an excellent addition. Ready jars are poured with marinade, and then sterilized in a saucepan with hot water. The cans are immediately rolled up, wrapped and cooled. Store pickled onions in the refrigerator.

Useful Tips

It is best to marinate onions in small jars - no more than 400 grams. It is better to eat open onions right away (a day or two).
A small onion is best suited for pickling. However, if you come across a large onion, it doesn't matter - just cut it into three or four pieces.

As with any recipe, you can adjust the spices as you see fit. Someone adds chili to a jar of pickled onions for spiciness, someone is fans of cilantro, someone has enough of their favorite parsley.

If the marinade boils out of the jars, just add boiling water. So have the kettle ready.

Pickled onions for the winter are a great idea for hospitable and thrifty housewives!