How to cook compote from dried apples. How to cook dried apple compote? Healthy apple compote with rose hips

28.10.2019 Grill menu

To please all family members is quite simple - for this you can make compote from dried apples.


Dried apple compote has long been an indispensable component of the children's menu - people usually get acquainted with this drink at a fairly early age. This delicious drink is necessarily included in the diet of preschool children, but not only crumbs, but also adults drink such a drink with great pleasure.

The undoubted advantage of apple compote is that it can be prepared at any time of the year., because it requires a minimum of necessary products. Also, this drink is very affordable. Dried apples harvested in season are usually well stored and retain all their beneficial properties for many months.

In order to make apple compote, you need good quality apples. Spoiled apples can harm the body and even contribute to the development of food poisoning. That is why, before preparing compote, you should carefully examine the dried fruits for traces of rot in them.

Compote can also be made from fresh apples, but many people like the taste of the drink when it is made from dried fruits. They believe that such a drink has a slightly different taste. Also, when preparing apple compote, you can add other additional aromatic additives to it - cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise and other spices. This will give the finished drink a new taste and unique aroma.

Composition and calories

The nutritional value of a drink can vary significantly. In many ways, the calorie content of apple compote is determined by how many apples and sugar were used to make the drink; the variety of apples also matters. The more carbohydrates contained in dried fruits, the more calories will be in the finished compote.

The BJU of apple compote is determined mainly by the apples that were used to make the drink. So, on average, 100 grams of apples contain 2.1 grams of vegetable proteins, 0.1 grams of fat and about 60 grams of carbohydrates. If sweeter fruits were chosen for the preparation of compote, then the content of natural sugar will be higher. Calorie content of 100 grams of dried apples - 260 kcal.

Dried apples can be called a storehouse of vitamins.

Among the substances necessary for the body, they contain the following:

  • a nicotinic acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • vitamin C;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • vitamin A;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium.

Natural sugars are one of the main components of dried fruits. Thus, their content is more than 10% by weight of dried fruit. The presence of natural sugars determines the sweet taste of apple compote.

Beneficial features

It is believed that if a child drinks apple compote regularly, he will not get sick. The fact is that this drink has an antibacterial effect. It contains natural ingredients that help fight viruses and bacteria that cause many dangerous diseases. If you drink apple compote systematically, you can strengthen your immune system, as the drink contains substances that positively affect the functioning of the immune system.

The health benefits of consuming such a compote are great. Dried fruits are a natural source of chemicals that can balance the acid-base balance in the human body. The use of apple compote has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys. This drink also helps to remove unnecessary metabolites from the body, which are formed during the life of the body.

During illness, various toxins accumulate in the body, and in this case, harmful substances appear both in the cells of the body in the baby and in the adult - his nursing mother. In order to remove them from the body, a sufficient amount of fluid is required. Doctors recommend drinking warm compotes, including apple. This will help the body to quickly cope with the consequences of infectious intoxication.

The chemical composition of dried apples also contains pectin. This substance is necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines. Scientists have found that this component is able to restore the motor function of the colon. This biological effect contributes to the fact that the chair becomes regular, and the intestinal microflora improves.

Dried apples contain dietary fiber, which also affects intestinal contractions. In order to establish the processes of digestion, a person needs to consume a sufficient amount of fruits. Apple compote can be an excellent option for filling the body's physiological need for dietary fiber. It should be noted that in order to improve bowel function, it is necessary not only to consume liquid from compote, but also to eat boiled apples.

Many mothers of babies are familiar with the problem when the baby flatly refuses to eat fruit. Usually, this resistance leads to the fact that the child has difficulty with regular stools. Drinking apple compote can help solve this problem. In order for the baby to quickly get used to drinking such a drink, you can turn the process of drinking compote into an exciting game.

Apple compote is a great dessert for people who are watching their figure or are in the process of normalizing their weight. Many diets exclude the use of foods rich in carbohydrates, however, following such weight loss systems is quite difficult. You can please yourself with apple compote, but when preparing it, you should not put sugar. It is better to choose sweet apples, but do not additionally sweeten the drink. In this case, the calorie content of the drink will not be increased due to the calories contained in sugar.

We also note that a person who wants to quickly reach the desired weight should not drink apple compote in large quantities. A couple of glasses a day instead of dessert will help bring weight back to normal faster.


Apple compote is a fairly safe drink, but in some cases, taking it can harm a person. This is manifested by the fact that after eating apple compote, adverse symptoms appear. Also, in some people, taking this drink can provoke the development of an exacerbation of certain diseases that have a chronic course.

Doctors do not advise patients to use apple compote during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer. Dried apples are rich in natural acids, and these substances can increase pain during an ulcer flare-up. You can drink apple compote after the inflammatory process begins to fade.

Also, do not abuse apple compote for diabetics who are forced to control their blood glucose levels for life, because drinking a drink can provoke an increase in glucose concentration. With uncontrolled type 2 diabetes, this is very dangerous, as it can even provoke the development of hyperglycemic coma.

People who are obese and are forced to stick to a diet should include sweet apple drinks in their menu only after visiting a nutritionist. The doctor will evaluate the possibility of adding such a drink to the diet, and will also make individual recommendations on how much apple compote can be drunk for a particular person on a diet.

Allergy or individual intolerance to apples is a contraindication for taking apple compote. In this case, the use of a sweet drink is fraught with the development of very dangerous conditions that may even require immediate medical attention and possible hospitalization.

People who doubt whether they can drink apple compote for health reasons should first of all discuss this with a doctor. The doctor will be able to assess the current state of the body and dispel doubts about the possibility of drinking an apple drink.

How to dry?

Apples have been used by people for drying for many centuries. These fruits are so loved by the people that they tried to dry them well and keep them for the whole winter. If necessary, you could take a small portion of apples and use them to make a delicious compote.

Many years ago, fruits could only be dried in the usual way - in the open air. This method of drying is rarely used until now. Drying apples in this way is quite simple, but first you need to decide what kind of fruit you need to use for drying. Many people advise choosing sweeter varieties - in this case, dried fruits will be more fragrant and sweet.

For drying, choose fruits that do not show signs of spoilage. Rotten fruits tend not to dry well, especially naturally. Also, these fruits have a significantly reduced shelf life.

After all the apples have been selected, they must be washed well and cut into slices. You can also dry the fruits by cutting them into circles. The thinner the apples are cut, the faster they will dry.

The juicier the fruit, the longer they can dry. During drying, most of the natural moisture from the fruit evaporates, and this leads to the fact that dried fruits lose some weight. So, the weight of dried fruits ready after drying is always less than the weight of apples that were used for their manufacture.

It takes several days for the fruits to dry well. It all depends on the conditions under which drying occurs. Ambient humidity and ambient temperature affect the rate of evaporation of natural moisture from cut fruit. That is why lovers of dried apple fruits recommend drying apples in warm and rather dry weather. Thus, the fruits will dry out sooner and turn into dried fruits.

Modern housewives have quite a lot of useful technical devices in their home arsenal that make life much easier. With their help, making dried apples is a fairly simple task. So, you can cook this delicious dessert using a microwave, an electric dryer, or even a conventional oven.

Cooking time for dried apples when using technical devices is noticeably reduced. So, dried fruits, when cooked in the oven, will be ready, as a rule, in 5-7 hours. Dry apples should be at a relatively low temperature - up to 60 degrees. In this case, the fruits dry well, but they cannot burn.

After the dried apples are ready, they should be transferred to a container where they will be stored. If necessary, you can take a small amount of fruit and use it to make a delicious compote.

How to cook?

Making a delicious compote from dried apples is quite simple. The classic recipe for making apple compote at home includes only three products: apples, water and sugar. The remaining additives serve only as an addition to the main, traditional method of preparing a fragrant drink.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)

Mar 7 2017


To charge the body with vitamins in the cold season will help drinking from dried fruits, as in the photo. In addition to the well-known dried apricots and prunes, you should pay attention to apples. In dried form, they retain all the vitamins, so they will be an excellent basis for a delicious healthy drink. Also, the fruits are harmoniously combined with other berries and fruits.

Dried apple compote - the benefits and harms

During the drying process, fruits do not lose their vitamins, but only lose water. If the harvesting is done correctly, then the fruits will be stored for a long time. To understand the benefits and harms of dried apple compote, you should pay attention to the composition of the product. It is not a leader in the content of any useful substances, but harmoniously combines the following components:

    vitamins A, C, E and B;

  • niacin;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.

The benefits of dried apple compote are obvious for people who suffer from problems with the heart system. The drink thins the blood, helps to maintain normal pressure, reduces cholesterol levels. With regular use, stabilization of the work of the nervous system, brain, prevention of the occurrence of various diseases is noted. In addition, with the help of fresh fruits or drinks based on them, it will be possible to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins.

For a child, dry fruits can be an excellent alternative to sweets and lollipops. Even when dried, they retain their sweetness, but do not lose vitamins. The kid will be able to increase immunity without getting an extra share of sugar, which in childhood adversely affects the condition of the teeth. Regular consumption of dried fruits and compotes based on them can improve the general condition of the child's body.

How to cook compote

There are several ways to cook a delicious drink from dried fruits: in a slow cooker or over a fire using a saucepan. The latter is considered the simplest. Dried apple compote can be served warm or chilled. A glass of vitamin drink can improve the general condition of a person, cheer up. If you do not know how to cook dried apple compote, then a simple step-by-step recipe will help you do everything right.

dried apple compote recipe

Uzvar can be prepared on the basis of one fruit or with the addition of other fruits. In addition to the dry mixture, you will need citric acid, sugar, a sufficient amount of water. After the end of the brewing process, the drink must be infused, then its taste will be more saturated. In addition, when hot, you will not be able to enjoy all the charm of drinking. The presented recipe for compote from dried apples will help you recharge with vitamins, keep warm in the cold period.

From dry apples

  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

A simple compote of dried apples has a light fruity taste and a pleasant aroma. Adults and children can drink it. It improves metabolism, removes toxins, and will be an excellent replacement for sweet sparkling waters. The shelf life of the resulting uzvar is very long: just pour it into a glass jug and store it in the refrigerator.


    Dried fruits - 300 g;

  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Citric acid - 1 g;
  • Water - 2 liters.

Cooking method:

    Sort the fruits, rinse, soak for an hour in clean water.

  1. Pour the required amount of water into the pan, turn on the fire.
  2. After 10 minutes, lay out the drying, sugar.
  3. Cook for another 35 minutes.
  4. Cool the drink, add lemon and mix thoroughly.

For babies

    Cooking time: 30 minutes.

  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 30 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you want to prepare a healthy drink for your baby, you must follow all the rules. It is better to prepare fruits on your own: remove the seeds, cut into slices and dry well. Then you will be sure that apple compote for babies is made entirely on a natural basis and will not harm your child. If you buy ready-made drying, then monitor its quality. It is allowed to use a mixture of different fruits.


    Drying - 100 g;

  • Water - 500 g.

Cooking method:

    Go through the drying, pour water for 3 hours.

  1. Put the fruit slices in a saucepan, pour clean water again.
  2. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and leave for a couple more minutes.
  3. Remove from stove, let cool.


    Cooking time: 30 minutes.

  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 80 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A piquant spice will add a divine aroma and a special flavor to the drink. Just one cinnamon stick per whole pot can completely transform drinking. If there is no such spice, then you can use cloves. Follow this plan step by step and you will have a delicious, healthy cinnamon apple compote that has a long shelf life.


    Drying - 350 g;

  • Water - 2 l;
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • Raisins - 1 handful;
  • Sugar - 100 g.

Cooking method:

    Prepare fruits: wash, peel, pour boiling water to soften.

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire.
  2. Without waiting for the boil, when steam begins to rise from the water, pour the mixture of fruits and raisins.
  3. When the contents boil, pour out the sugar, cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Add a cinnamon stick to the brown liquid a couple of minutes before removing from heat.
  5. Cool, serve in glasses.

In a slow cooker

    Cooking time: 30 minutes.

  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 62.9 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Such an uzvar will be a pleasant addition to any meal. It goes well with main courses or desserts. Many people like the dry fruit option even more than a drink made from fresh green apples. If you use a moderate amount of sugar, then it can be consumed even by young children. Compote from dried apples in a slow cooker comes out tastier and lighter than cooked on the stove.


    Dried fruits - 200 grams;

  • Water - 2 liters;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

    Rinse the dryer, add water if the slices are very tight.

  1. Pour fruits into the multicooker bowl, add sugar, pour water up to the mark.
  2. Set the "Extinguishing" mode for 2 hours.
  3. Leave the finished drink to cool, then consume.

With pears

    Cooking time: 30 minutes.

  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 70 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you want to make the usual drink even more rich and aromatic, then you can add pears to the usual recipe. A glass of such a cold drink will not only quench your thirst, but also charge your body with vitamins in winter. There are tons of options for preparing a drink, but the classic recipe for compote from dried apples and pears remains the most popular among our housewives. Its color can be either brown or golden. It all depends on the drying process. Recipe:


    Dry apples - 150 g;

  • Dry pears - 100 g;
  • Water - 2 l;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

    Sort out fruit slices, get rid of debris.

  1. Pour dry fruits with water, put on fire.
  2. When the contents come to a boil, boil for a few more minutes, pour out the sugar.
  3. Leave the pan on the fire for another 10-15 minutes.
  4. It is important to let the drink brew and saturate for about 5 hours, then it will be even tastier and more aromatic.

The advantage of this drink is that it can be prepared all year round. It will be possible to cook compote from dried apples by buying blanks in a store or on the market, or by making them yourself. In order for the drink to turn out tasty and rich, it is necessary to observe the correct proportions, take into account the cooking time of different fruits. Follow these tips:

    Compotes from dried pears and apples are boiled for at least 30 minutes.

  • Do not exceed the cooking time: fruits can boil, useful substances will disappear, and taste will change.
  • If the drying is large, then the cooking time should be increased by 10 minutes.
  • So that the drink does not come out cloying, it is necessary to use no more than 1 cup of sugar per 2-liter saucepan. If sweet fruits are added to the drink, then this amount can be reduced.
  • If you want to add acid, you can use apricot or currant, strawberry or lemon, orange or strawberry.
  • You should always let the drink brew, then the taste will be more pronounced.

Video: Apple compote

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Dried fruit compote is a sweet and cool drink that everyone knows and loves. And it's easy to cook.

Dried fruit compote is based on fruits or berries boiled in sweet syrup.

There are many different ways and recipes for making compote.

Usually they take prunes, dried apricots, pears and raisins for compote. You can also add dried rose hips and chokeberry. All this is boiled in water with sugar - dried fruit compote recipe pretty simple. But the main thing in the cooking process is not to overcook. Dried fruit compote is especially useful for children - it contains many vitamins and nutrients, and does not contain any chemicals. To preserve these nutrients and vitamins, it is important to cook the compote for the right amount of time, if it is digested, the vitamins and nutrients will disappear. Cooks quickly. Usually 25 - 30 minutes.

Required Ingredients:

Dried fruits (dried apples, pears, apricots, prunes, wild rose, raisins, chokeberry),
- sugar,
- water.

The proportions are as follows: 1/2 cup of dried fruits per 1 liter of water.

First, dried fruits must be thoroughly washed, sorted and divided by type, so that it is convenient to gradually add them. Add them gradually rather than all at once because they have different cooking speeds.

The next step is to prepare a syrup from water and sugar, in which dried fruits will be cooked. To do this, take a pan with a thick bottom, fill it with water. Bring water to a boil. As soon as the water in the pan boils, the fire must be reduced and the sugar must be poured into the water, stirring it so that it dissolves. The amount of sugar is not strictly defined - so add according to your taste. If you like sweet - take more sugar, if you like it more saturated - add more dried fruits, and if you prefer sour - you need to add citric acid or lemon.

When the sugar has dissolved, let the water boil again and put the first portion there. First, dried apples fall asleep (if the apples are large, cut them into pieces), pears and apricots.

Home-dried apricots may not be as soft as store-bought apricots, so they will take longer to cook.

Dried apricots should be boiled for about 10 minutes, after which prunes, mountain ash and rose hips are added.

Everything cooks for another 10 minutes and now you can add raisins, as they have the fastest cooking speed.

Dried fruit compote needs another 5 minutes to cook - and you're done!

Turn off the fire and let cool. For a better taste, compote can be cooled to 10°C and let it brew for 10-12 hours.

Dried apple compote

It is cooked just as simply as the previous one, only you will need much fewer ingredients. All you need to make dried apple compote is:

2 liters of water
- 200 g of sugar,
- 340 g dried apples,
- Carnation,
- melissa,
- lemon or citric acid (a pinch).

First, rinse the apples thoroughly and sort through them.

Boil water and add sugar, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved in water, then pour dried apples into this syrup. Do not forget that the water must first boil.

Dried apples in this syrup should be boiled for about 35 minutes over low heat, then add cloves and lemon balm and cook for about 10 minutes more. Cool and add lemon.

Various dried fruit compotes are well suited on a hot summer day to quench your thirst or just with friends. Pour chilled into glasses, evenly distributing fruit in them.

In the cold season, the human body does not have enough vitamins. Compotes from various fruits and berries will help to replenish them. Drinking from dried fruits is especially popular. The drink is tasty and healthy. When cooking compote from dried apples, the ingredients do not lose their vitamins, and the drink turns out to be unforgettable.

Drink properties

According to the type of products, there is a drink from fresh fruits, canned fruits, frozen fruits, as well as cocktails - a mix of different types of fruits. A separate chapter is occupied by compotes from dried apples, the recipes of which are considered to be the best.

From dry fruits

Sweet with a gentle sourness, a fruit drink is pleasant both cold and warm. Drinking is useful for both adults and children. Doctors recommend a drink made from dried fruits to start giving to babies from the age of six months. Apple compote is called uzvar.


  • dried apples - 250-270 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 5-6 tablespoons;
  • purified water - 2 liters;
  • lemon peel;
  • orange peel;
  • spices as desired.

Dry fruits are good to review and sort out, rinse in water at room temperature.

Change the water during the rinsing process two to four times, especially if the drying is not home-made, purchased in a supermarket or on the market. Pour all the ingredients into a saucepan and fill it with cold water, the water should cover all the dried fruits. resign for 8-10 hours for swelling.

How much time to cook compote from dry apples can be understood in the process of cooking itself. If all the fruit slices are soft and practically fall apart, then it is enough for the drink to languish on fire.

In an apple drink, if desired, you can finely chop the zest of a lemon or orange. It is also allowed to add star anise, cardamom, cinnamon. All spices are added during the cooking process. Then strain the drink and let it brew. within 5 hours.

With added berries

Uzvar is popular in many establishments. This potion can surprise your loved ones at any time of the year. How to cook compote from dry apples is written in many literary sources. Dry apples, raisins, prunes, pears, dried apricots and much more are available on store shelves all year round.


  • dried fruits or fruits and berries - 500-550 gr.;
  • sugar - 5-6 liters of tablespoons;
  • purified water - 2-2.6 liters

Rinse all ingredients thoroughly, free them from seeds and leaves. Pour fruits and berries into a large saucepan. If the composition of the compote includes two or more types, then it is necessary to correctly calculate the cooking time for each of the products.

Slices of pears or apples are boiled for about fifty minutes, and raspberries or strawberries - ten to fifteen.

Pour purified water into two-thirds of the pan, when boiling, the fruit will begin to swell and rise. Behind seven to eight minutes until the end of cooking, add granulated sugar. After the drink reaches, let it brew for an hour. The ingredients will release their juice, and the cocktail will turn out to be more saturated in color, respectively, and the taste will be more expressive.

little secrets

Modern cooking is replete with a huge number of dried apple compote recipes. In principle, cooking is a labor-intensive process, and preparing compote is not difficult at all.

Step 1: preparation of dry apples and cooking compote.

First, let's prepare dry apples. If you use fruits dried last season, they must be carefully sorted before use. During storage, some pieces of dried apples could rot and become covered with a slight mold. For a good rich compote, we need 300 grams dry apples. We put the dry pieces of fruit we have chosen in a colander and rinse them thoroughly under running water. We leave them in a colander and let the excess liquid drain, and in the meantime, prepare the pot and water.

Step 2: prepare water.

We take a clean deep enameled pan and pour 2 liters of clean distilled water into it. Turn on the stove to a high level and put the pan on it. After the water boils, we fasten the stove to the middle level and pour 200 grams of sugar into it. After the sugar has completely dissolved, with clean hands we transfer the washed pieces of dry apples from a colander into a pot of boiling water and mix the ingredients with a wooden spatula.

Step 3: Cook dry apple compote.

Step 4: .

Dried apple compote takes a long time to cook compared to fresh fruit compote. After you have thrown pieces of dried apples into a pot of water, the water has stopped boiling, let it enter the boiling stage again. And we fasten the plate to the middle level so that all the useful substances and vitamins are preserved in pieces of apples. Cook the compote for 35 to 45 minutes.

Step 4: Add spices and cool dry apple compote.

In order for compote from dry apples not to be insipid 5 minutes before the end of cooking add 1 clove star and half a cinnamon stick. After the compote is completely cooked, leave it from the stove with a kitchen towel, cover the pan with a lid, let it brew and cool. Since the apples that we used to make compote were dried, they partially lost their acid during drying, and now the compote needs to be slightly acidified, for this we take 1 gram of citric acid and add it to the cooled compote.

Step 5: Serve dry apple compote.

Dried apple compote is served chilled in a decanter, around which glasses are placed or in small bowls, with which a spoon is placed next to eat boiled dried fruits, such bowls are designed for 1 serving. If desired, compote can be filtered through a sieve and served, dried apples separately on a plate. Dried apple compote has another name, uzvar, it is often added to kutya. Dried apple compote is very useful, drink to your health! Bon Appetit!

- − If you still have a large supply of dry apples from last year, which began to slowly disappear, you should not worry about this. Prepare compote according to this recipe, pour it hot into sterilized jars and close with sterilized lids using the preservation key. Place jars of compote under a woolen blanket for 1 - 2 days until completely cooled and then transfer to a cool place, it can be a cellar or pantry. - Other dried fruits can be added to dry apple compote, it can be a pear, dried apricots, prunes, oranges, raisins, and many others. - If you are stocking up on a large amount of dry apples for the winter, it is best to store them in clean, sterile, hermetically sealed jars. They can be closed with a key for preservation, pour lids with wax or put vegetable paper on the neck of the jar and close with a plastic lid on top. - If you do not have a kitchen scale and you cannot weigh 1 gram of citric acid, you can put it to taste or take a kitchen knife, dip it in a bag of citric acid and pull it out, then the amount of citric acid that remains on the tip of the knife is approximately 1 gram. - Sugar in this drink can be replaced with honey, for 1 liter 100 grams of honey of any kind.