Healthy citrus peels. Lemon zest - what is it and what is it for

13.08.2019 Vegetable dishes

An experienced housewife will never throw the peel in the trash, because it contains an impressive amount of nutrients and vitamins that can be used to promote health.

The benefits and harms of lemon peel lie in its composition, which is rich in fiber, potassium, carotene, magnesium, calcium, folic acid and beta-carotene. The peel of the fruit can be successfully used to prevent osteoporosis and relieve the inflammatory process in polyarthritis. In addition, the benefits of lemon peel are known as a product capable of neutralizing toxic compounds - carcinogens accumulated in the body.

Regular addition of the peel to food can slow down the development of malignant tumors, and it also has antimicrobial properties. In folk recipes, the benefits of lemon peel are widely used in the fight against bacterial and fungal infections, in the treatment of anemia, and in the prevention of thrombosis.

The peel contains vitamin C, which means it helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases. It contains vitamin P, which protects blood vessels from fragility, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart. And thanks to the presence of essential oils in its composition, it improves mood and has a tonic effect. It is recommended to chew it for sore throat, especially with sore throat. In addition, the benefits of lemon peel lie in the ability to: cleanse the liver, improve blood circulation, neutralize ear infections, make capillaries elastic, and prevent varicose veins.

Due to the presence of citric acid in the product, lemon peel can be harmful for those who suffer from indigestion. It should not be used for ulcers, gastritis or enteritis. In addition, the harm of lemon peel for allergy sufferers is quite common. It can provoke the appearance of hives.

If a person suffers from high acidity, he should refrain from eating the peel. In addition, when overeating, there is a harm in lemon peel, which is expressed in the appearance of heartburn or nausea.

Even in ancient times, people used lemon as a tool in the fight against colds, because it is a source of vitamin C and an irreplaceable helper of immunity. Not everyone knows that this product can also have a beneficial effect on the body, which has been proven by doctors and homeopaths.

What it is?

Lemon peel is the surface layer of the yellow peel, containing a mass of essential oils that are in glandular containers. It has practically no taste, looks bright and shiny, has a wonderful fresh fruity smell. Lemon zest can be added to baking dough, traditionally it gives a unique flavor to fish dishes, can be used as a natural flavoring additive for tea and mulled wine.

If the lemons were transported and stored in accordance with special GOST 4429-82, the zest should be perfectly preserved, and throw it out simply blasphemy.

Benefit and harm

Consider the ratio of BZHU per 100 grams of raw product:

  • proteins - 1.5 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5.4 g.

The calorie content of the product is only 47 kilocalories.

As you can see from the information provided earlier, eating lemon peel will not be able to do much harm to the figure. And the taste and aroma of dishes becomes amazing when you add a pinch of this product. It helps to lose weight as dietary meals often lack flavor.

Citrus peel contains a substance that fights cancer cells. It's called salvestrol. For the prevention of oncology, it is necessary to take lemon zest regularly.

Vitamin C contained in the product is important for the body, not only in terms of maintaining immunity. He is able to participate in the absorption of calcium. Thus, lemon peel, when consumed regularly, helps to strengthen the skeleton and teeth.

The aromatic peel disinfects the mouth by killing bacteria and helps eliminate bad breath.

The zest contains pectin. It is a useful polysaccharide. Once in the human body, it serves as an absorbent, absorbing all harmful substances, heavy metals and toxins, which are then excreted naturally. Pectin increases the metabolic rate, breaks down fats, removes excess cholesterol, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. But it also has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal microflora and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the digestive tract. The substance is also used to make natural marshmallows and jellies.

The nutritional value of lemon peel is complemented by its chemical composition: it includes selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, sodium and potassium.

Potassium strengthens the heart muscle. Vitamin P contained in the zest can help people suffering from overeating and alcoholism. It removes waste products from the body. If you eat lemon zest after a heavy meal, you can get rid of hangover and stomach discomfort.

If you consume the zest regularly, you can improve the condition of your skin and hair. Lemon peel contains antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the tone and firmness of the face. To prepare a vitamin tonic, you can brew the zest and use for wiping. This will get rid of excessive oily skin. The crushed rind is often used for a scented body scrub. For this, peel crumbs must be mixed with shower gel and applied to the entire body with massaging movements.

If you use lemon peel many times as a face rub, you will notice another useful property of it: it whitens the face and is useful in the fight against unwanted freckles. And also lemon peel is used in dermatology. It is used as an antifungal homeopathic remedy.

To get rid of dry elbows and heels, you need to crush a lemon peel in your hand and rub problem areas with this product. If you do this regularly, you can forget about the problem in a month.

There are a lot of advantages for human health, but lemon zest is also used on the farm. To get rid of the strong smell from cooking or just to flavor your home, you can spread lemon rind slices everywhere. If the fridge and dumpster smells bad, you just need to put the lemon peel pieces in there. She will absorb the bad smell.

To get rid of limescale in the teapot, rub it with a piece of lemon peel. It is easy to clean the microwave oven in the same way.

It is known that various insects are repelled by the aroma of citrus. You can put pieces of zest on the window to keep mosquitoes and flies flying by.

To maintain optimal humidity in the apartment, you can place bowls of water and zest throughout the house.

Now many girls are engaged in making soap at home. When adding a fragrant zest to the composition, you can count on an increase in demand for such handmade products.

The disadvantages of lemon peel include the fact that citrus fruits are usually contraindicated for people prone to allergies. And also lemon peel can exacerbate ulcers and gastritis, as it increases the acidity of the stomach. People who are not prone to these diseases should also be careful when using zest, a large amount of it will cause heartburn.

Lemon peel should not be used in its pure form for sore throat and sore throat, you can burn sensitive mucous membranes. For these reasons, it cannot be used in the event of dental diseases.

How to do it?

Lemon peel must be thoroughly washed with hot water, preferably with a vegetable brush. Now the whole lemon must be blotted with a paper towel and left to dry a little.

Zest is a capricious product, there are several ways to get it.

  • With a kitchen knife. To do this, remove thin stripes with a sharpened object. After flavoring the dish, these stripes are removed.
  • Peeler - This method is only suitable for thick-skinned lemons.
  • Using a regular fine grater: rub the lemon with it and get a crumbly crumb of zest.
  • Cocktail sester. It will remove small spirals from the surface of the peel, which can be used to decorate baked goods or drinks.

Tips for Removing Fresh Zest:

  • choose citruses with a thick rind;
  • chill lemon before zesting;
  • try to grind the peel pieces as much as possible in order to increase the evaporation surface of essential oils;
  • if you often need lemon zest, store these fruits in the freezer, this will simplify the task of getting it;
  • try to use the zest immediately after removal for the best flavoring results.

There is a lot of information about fresh zest. Often questions arise about how to properly prepare lemon peel for future use.

Algorithm for making dried lemon peel:

  • wash and dry the lemon thoroughly;
  • cut off the zest, being careful not to touch the white layer, or grate it;
  • spread the zest on parchment paper in a clean, cool room, it will dry in a couple of days with occasional stirring;
  • if there is no time to wait, you can send the crushed lemon peel to the oven for 1-2 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees.

What can you cook?

Lemon peel can come in handy all over the place. But its use is especially popular in cooking.

There are various recipes for preparing zest as an independent dish.

Lemon zest in sugar

For cooking, you need to take 100 g of zest and 150-200 g of sugar. Lemons must be well washed with a brush and boiled for a minute in water. After that, remove the softened zest with a grater and grind it with sugar. After that, put in jars and cover with another layer of sugar. This mixture can be poured into dough, drinks, ice cream.

There is a popular combination of ginger, lemon and honey that has been helping people fight colds and raise their vitality for many years.

Several recipes for the joint preparation of such products are more in demand.

Candied lemon

This delicious dessert is very easy to prepare. To do this, you need to make sugar syrup: boil a few tablespoons of water with sugar in a saucepan. With a decrease in the volume of water, candied fruits come out more crisp. After making the syrup, you need to dip the thinly sliced ​​lemon zest into it and cook them for about half an hour. After this jam has cooled, the pieces must be taken out and laid out on foil or a tray and sprinkled with powdered sugar. When the pieces are completely dry, it is best to store them in a sealed glass container in the refrigerator.

Lemon curd puffs

For cooking, you will need ready-made puff yeast dough 500 g, cottage cheese 200 g, sugar - 150 g, zest of half a lemon. Cut the puff pastry squares into 4 pieces for a total of eight servings. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and lemon zest, you can add vanillin to taste. Place the curd mass in the middle of each dough square and pinch along the edge. Place the prepared puffs on a non-stick baking sheet. Bake them according to the recipe on the dough packaging. When serving, sprinkle the puffs with powdered sugar for garnish.

Pancakes with citrus flavor

To make pancakes with a unique lemon scent, add some of the peel to the dough according to your recipe. This will make them taste very spicy. You can also add zest to pancake sauces. For example, mix sour cream with sugar and zest to taste.

Flavored muffins

Beat 3 eggs with 300 g sugar with a mixer at medium speed. Prepare the zest of 1 lemon. Add 100 g butter, 200 g zest and sour cream. Sift 400 g flour, put a teaspoon of baking powder and add to the mixture. Pour the finished dough into muffin tins, greased with butter, and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of about 200 degrees.

Pie with aromatic zest

If guests suddenly come and have nothing to serve, you can quickly make a sponge cake with an appetizing lemon aroma.

You will need: 4 eggs, 250 g of sugar and a glass of flour, butter to prevent the cake from sticking to the mold, baking powder and a pinch of lemon zest.

For this quick bake, beat the eggs and sugar until fluffy, gently stir in the flour with a teaspoon of baking powder, then add the lemon zest and stir everything. Pour the mixture into a mold. Bake in the oven for thirty minutes at 200 degrees.

If desired, you can also add pineapples and apples to such a cake, and vanilla will help to enhance the aroma of the zest.

Lemon cake

For the cake, you will need 6 eggs, 1.5-2 cups of sugar, 2 cups of flour. Beat sugar and eggs until thick foam, add flour and stir. Add baking powder for fluffy baked goods. This amount of the finished mass is designed for 4 cakes. Bake them on a pre-oiled baking sheet for 15-20 minutes. After the pastries are cooked, let them cool down properly.

The cream consists of two glasses of sour cream, one glass of sugar and the zest of one lemon. Whisk the cooled ingredients until fluffy and spread over the crust. Leave the cake in the refrigerator overnight. Then it will be as delicious as possible.

Poultry marinade

To make a fragrant marinade, you need to mix a quarter cup of vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste, a few chopped cloves of garlic, Italian herbs, the zest of one lemon. With this composition, the meat should be soaked for about a day at a temperature of about 4 degrees. As a result of this method of marinating, the meat is simply amazing.

Fish lemon marinade

To prepare it, you need to prepare: half a glass of lemon juice, one tablespoon of zest, chopped clove of garlic, a pinch of ground black pepper, half a glass of wine. The fish should be in such a marinade for at least three hours. After infusion, the fish is baked in the oven or grilled. This marinade can also be useful for shrimp and other seafood.

Meat sauce

Half a glass of olive oil is mixed with a glass of chopped sweet dates. Add a bunch of green onions chopped in a blender and a bunch of parsley. For a mild taste, it is advisable to add crushed pine nuts, literally a handful. Lemon zest will add piquancy about 4-5 tablespoons. Chopped hot peppers and your favorite seasonings are added to the total mass. Salt is put there to taste.

Lemon-flavored beef stew

To prepare this exquisite dish, take a kilogram of beef tenderloin, a couple of Bulgarian peppers, two onions, carrots, potatoes - 1.5 kg, garlic - 1 head, lemon zest - 1 tablespoon, vegetable oil - two tablespoons, spices and salt for your discretion, dill and parsley.

Rinse the beef and potatoes and cut them into cubes convenient for you. Chop onions, carrots and bell peppers and fry until half cooked. Prepare ceramic pots with a mixture of cooked ingredients and spices with lemon zest. Cook in the oven for about two hours, check the doneness from time to time. After cooking, divide the dish into portions and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Tea for a surge of strength and vigor

Add 3 tablespoons of grated ginger and 2 tablespoons of chopped lemon zest to your favorite tea, in addition, toss in a sprig of mint, cinnamon and a few peas. Pour two liters of boiling water over it. When the tea is infused, add sugar or honey to your taste.

Tea to relieve flu and cold symptoms

Ingredients: ginger root - 20 g, lemon peel - 20 g, honey - 30 g.


  • peel the ginger and cut it into thin slices;
  • grate lemon zest on a fine grater;
  • you need to brew your favorite tea (black or green) with ginger and zest, then let the drink brew for a few minutes;
  • add honey to a warm drink (remember that the beneficial properties of honey are reduced to zero when it is added to boiling water).

Drink the drink three times a day and at night.

Hot tincture with lemon zest

The zest of three lemons is mixed with a chopped bunch of peppermint. This herbal mixture is added to a half liter bottle of vodka and sealed securely. This mixture is insisted for about a week, shaking 4 times a day. After the tincture is prepared, it is necessary to strain it through a layer of gauze and sterile cotton wool. Store the tincture in a cool dry place.

How to save?

You can store the zest in three ways, which depend on the type of workpiece.

  • Storage of dried zest in an airtight dry jar. After preparing the dry crushed lemon peel, it must be placed in a container specially prepared for this. This way the lemon peel will retain its unique aroma for a long time.
  • Storing the rind in sugar is also done in a sealed glass container, but this mixture is best kept in the refrigerator.
  • Storing the zest in lemon juice at sub-zero temperatures. This method will help you to prepare an exquisite sauce for meat or fish at any suitable time. You can grate the zest and put it in small molds and pour lemon juice on top - this is very convenient for future use.

For information on how to remove and store lemon zest, see the video below.

Which is used as an ingredient in many confectionery and drinks. The zest contains essential oils that infuse dishes with citrus flavor and aroma. In addition to essential oils, the peel contains a large number of vitamins and minerals, which makes it also useful for the body.

Lemon zest can be bought ready-made in the store or obtained from lemon by removing the outer skin of the lemon peel.

Lemon Peel Information:

The composition of the lemon peel:

Lemon peel contains:

  • Water - 81.6%;
  • Dietary fiber - 10.6%;
  • Carbohydrates - 5.4%;
  • Proteins - 1.5%;
  • Ash - 0.6%;
  • Fat - 0.3%.

The chemical composition of lemon peel includes such macronutrients as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus. Among the trace elements in the composition of lemon peel contains iron, copper, selenium, zinc.

Lemon peel is rich in vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, E, PP, alpha Carotene, beta Carotene, beta Cryptoxanthin, Lutein, Zeaxanthin. Most of all lemon peel contains vitamin C. 70 grams of lemon peel contains the daily requirement of ascorbic acid. Dishes containing lemon zest are useful for strengthening the immune system and preventing colds.

The calorie content of lemon peel is only 47 kcal per 100 grams of product.

How to make lemon zest at home:

In order to get lemon zest, you first need to buy fresh lemons and rinse them well under running water. Then, in order for the top layer of the lemon peel to peel off well, you need to pour boiling water over the lemons or place them in boiling water for a few seconds in a colander. Wipe the lemons dry.

After that, carefully peel off the yellow thin layer with a knife or vegetable peeler, or you can rub it on a fine grater. Place the zest in a clean container. Ready. Then it can be used for cooking.

The zest, removed with a knife, turns out to be of better quality. It lacks pieces of lemon pulp that remain on the zest when rubbed. They can taste bitter. The ideal zest is precisely the thin outer yellow layer of the lemon peel. Using just such a zest in a recipe will give the confection an unrivaled citrus flavor.

How to preserve lemon zest:

Once obtained, lemon zest can be used immediately or saved for future use. The zest is stored both grated and crushed.

In the first case, after receiving the zest, it is dried, placed in a dry, clean container, tightly covered with a lid and stored in a dry place.

In the second case, the zest is carefully cut with a knife or vegetable peeler. Dry on a tray for 3 days in a ventilated room, periodically turning over the yellow thin slices so that the zest dries on all sides. After the zest is completely dry, it is pounded into powder. Then put in a dry container, cover tightly and store in a dry place.

How to replace lemon zest:

If there is no lemon or its zest at hand, then in the dish you can use the zest of another citrus fruit, for example, an orange, it is closest in taste and aroma to lemon. Also, lemon zest can be replaced with tangerine or grapefruit zest, however, in this case, the taste will differ significantly from the desired one. The culinary product will not turn out exactly as intended in the recipe.

The benefits of lemon peel:

Lemon zest not only gives the confection a pleasant lemon taste and aroma, but also saturates it with vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to human health.

Vitamin C, found in large quantities in lemon peel, helps to strengthen the immune system and the body's defenses. 100 grams of zest contains more ascorbic acid than a person needs per day. In addition to enhancing immunity, lemon peel kills microbes and produces a disinfecting effect in the oral cavity. It also has an antifungal effect, prevents gum bleeding and eliminates bad breath.

The antioxidants contained in the peel slow down the aging process of the body and prevent the development of various diseases, contribute to skin rejuvenation. This is a real gift for those who want to look young and healthy for years to come.

The presence of potassium in lemon peel helps to improve heart function, strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Lemon peel has a cleansing effect on the human body. It removes toxins and toxins, helps cleanse the liver.

Another beneficial property of lemon peel is to strengthen bones, teeth and hair by saturating the body with calcium, which, like vitamin C, is present in large quantities in the peel.

Harm of lemon peel:

Lemon peel should be abandoned for allergy sufferers and people with stomach diseases such as ulcers, gastritis and enteritis.

If you are allergic to citrus fruits, lemon peel can cause an allergic reaction, as it is part of the lemon.

The harm of lemon peel for people with stomach ulcers is due to the fact that it increases acidity in the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to exacerbation of gastritis, enteritis or ulcers.

People with these conditions should consult a doctor before using this product in order to find out if they can eat lemon zest, and if so, in what quantities.

Everyone else can benefit from lemon peel. But it should be eaten, like any other food - in moderation.

Everyone must have come across the various health and beauty benefits of lemon juice, but did you know that the lemon peel you throw away after getting this juice also has many medicinal properties and can be beneficial for improving your health. The properties of lemon peel are discussed in this article.

Everyone knows that lemons are rich in vitamin C. The following is information on how much vitamin C and other nutrients are in one 108 g pitted lemon.

Lemon is one of those fruits that nature has endowed with so many healing and soothing properties that even one serving is beneficial. Often, in search of various means and methods of treatment for ailments that bother us, we, having tried all sorts of options and spending time and money to achieve effective results, find that the optimal solution is something that is near us, in our garden or in the kitchen. Lemon is such a solution to many health problems. The beneficial qualities of lemon are very accessible, you can take advantage of them by drinking a glass of warm lemon water in the morning, squeezing lemon juice on your favorite dish at lunch, or sipping a refreshing lemon tea in the evening.

Drinking lemon not only stimulates the taste buds but also improves health.

Topical application of lemon is also extremely beneficial for the skin and hair, among other things. However, whenever we talk about the health benefits of lemon, we usually mean the properties of lemon juice. Therefore, you will probably be surprised to know that the beautiful yellow lemon peel that we usually throw in the trash can, in fact, is also endowed with various healing properties. It contains certain enzymes that can help us lead much healthier lives.

Useful properties of lemon peel

Both fresh and dried peels of the lemon, known scientifically as citrus limonum, are used for a variety of cosmetic, culinary and medicinal purposes. Its use and topical application is a real salvation for many people suffering from ailments such as heart disease, acne, high cholesterol, scurvy, etc. It contains important enzymes, vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin P, calcium, potassium, fiber, limonene, citric acid, polyphenolic flavonoids and salvestrol Q40, making it essential for a healthy body and mind. Plus, thanks to the citrusy scent of lemon peel, it serves as an excellent ingredient in essential oils used to improve mood. Some of the main uses and benefits of lemon peel are listed below.

Reduces cholesterol levels

Eating lemon peels can help lower cholesterol levels in the body, which in turn improves heart health. The potassium present in this peel helps maintain blood pressure. Polyphenolic flavonoids lower levels of LDL cholesterol, which is considered the "bad" cholesterol. Vitamins C and P also help cleanse the blood vessels, thus preventing or minimizing the risk of developing conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetic heart disease.

Helps Fight Cancer

As mentioned, lemon peel contains compounds called salvestrol Q40 and limonene, which are known to fight cancer cells in the body. The flavonoids present in lemon peels are also known to be effective in inhibiting cancer cell division. Thus, consumption of lemon peel is a preventive measure against the development of various types of cancer, including breast cancer, colon cancer, and skin cancer. Research proves that drinking hot lemon peel tea is beneficial in preventing the development of cancer cells.

Improves bone health

Strong and healthy bones require large amounts of calcium, and lemon peel contains both calcium and vitamin C. Therefore, consumption of lemon peel is actually beneficial in preventing diseases such as osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, bone fractures, inflammatory polyarthritis and osteoarthritis.

Strengthens the immune system and improves digestion

Strengthening the immune system is essential for maintaining health and protecting the body from infection and disease, and yes, consuming lemon peels will certainly help with that! A strong immune system is the immune system that effectively fights off infections, and the essential nutrients present in yellow lemon peel, especially vitamin C, enable the body to fight off infections and related illnesses. This is why consumption of lemon peel is considered effective in treating colds, flu, sore throat, and other infections of a similar nature. In addition, eating lemons with the peel is also beneficial for improving the health of the digestive system, as the peel contains dietary fiber to aid in proper bowel movement.

Improves Oral Hygiene and Health

Vitamin C deficiency is known to lead to various dental and gum problems such as scurvy, bleeding gums and gingivitis. Lemon peel is rich in citric acid, which prevents the development of dental and gum-related problems. Therefore, instead of throwing away the peel, it is better to eat it. In fact, sailors used to take lemons with them on long voyages so as not to get scurvy due to vitamin C deficiency.

Neutralizes free radicals

Free radicals are unpaired electrons present in the cells of the body. They are responsible for the development of certain types of cancer, heart disease and autoimmune diseases, as well as the aging process and the appearance of puffiness. Vitamin C, present in lemon peel, plays a very important role in neutralizing free radicals, thus preventing the occurrence of the above health problems. On the other hand, free radicals can also be linked to damage to blood vessels, which is why the vitamin C present in lemon can also be thought to be responsible for maintaining proper blood circulation.

Lemon Peel & Healthy Skin

Many skin problems like wrinkles, pigmentation, acne, dark spots, etc. are considered signs of the aging process, and yes, free radicals play a very important role in this process. Lemon Peel is a natural source of Vitamin C and Citric Acid, which help cleanse the blood vessels in the body and remove all the impurities present in skin cells. It improves skin health.

Lemon peel is also a great remedy for acne and pimples as it contains antioxidants that help detoxify the skin.

There are many different lemon peel face powders available on the market that can be very beneficial, however consuming this peel is the best option. Read on for a method by which you can use lemon peel topically.

Take a lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice into a cup. Then cut the peel into small pieces and mix with the juice. Transfer the mixture to a bottle and store in a cool, dry place. Apply the mixture to your face the next morning. If desired, you can add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture. Leave the mixture on your face for about 5-6 minutes and then wash off with plain or rose water. Don't put anything on your face for the next 30 minutes. This remedy is known to be extremely helpful in treating skin problems, especially acne.

Accelerates Metabolism and Promotes Weight Loss

Lemon peel contains a compound called pectin, which can help promote weight loss. Pectin has sticky, gelling properties that prevent the body from absorbing too much sugar, which in turn helps maintain weight. Therefore, the next time you drink warm water with lemon juice, do not forget about the peel.

Other beneficial properties

The benefits of consuming lemon peel are not limited to those mentioned above. Lemon peel also contains various important nutrients that can help promote nail growth, cleanse the liver, improve circulation, fight ear infections, capillary fragility, varicose veins, muscle contractions, stroke, and more.


We have covered all the possible benefits of using lemon peel. While lemon peel is safe, there are a few things to keep in mind when using it.

Thorough wash

You need to wash the lemon peel very thoroughly before consuming it. This is important because in the process of growing lemons, they are sprayed with various pesticides and insecticides that can remain on the peel. In addition, to deliver lemons to various locations, they are coated with a special wax substance in order to prevent damage to their rind. This waxy substance is obtained using formulations of animal or vegetable origin. Therefore, it is best to consume lemon peels from lemons grown in your own backyard or organic lemons.


Another problem that arises when it comes to consuming lemon peel is the significant amount of oxalate it contains. Oxalates are also found in humans and animals. However, research shows that when there is an increased concentration of these substances in the body, crystallization problems, such as the formation of kidney and gallbladder stones, can occur. This is why people who are already dealing with similar problems should avoid consuming lemon peels. To reap the benefits of lemon peel, it's important to include it as a significant part of your diet.

Every 100 grams of lemon peel contains about 160 milligrams of potassium, 134 milligrams of calcium, 129 milligrams of vitamin C, and about 10.6 grams of fiber. In addition, lemon peel contains over 44 types of flavone glycosides and other plant acids and nutrients that make it so valuable.

Research has also linked the use of lemon peel to bleeding control. It is considered safe to consume even during pregnancy or lactation. However, since pregnancy is a very responsible condition, it is still better to consult a doctor regarding the use of lemon peels. So, drink lemon tea, sip on refreshing lemonade, and be healthy. We hope you are not throwing away the lemon skin!



Lemon peel is the outermost layer of the rind of lemon, which contains a large amount of essential oils. To obtain this spice, used for culinary purposes, the lemon fruits are washed, scalded with boiling water and the zest is cut off from them in the form of a spiral tape. Do not forget that the knife must be very sharp, otherwise you will not achieve perfect fineness. If the peel is cut quite thickly, then the color of the peel after drying will acquire a yellowish-brown hue, and if you do everything right, it will remain lemon-yellow, practically unchanged.

In cooking, lemon zest is used mainly for baking muffins, Easter cakes, charlottes, puddings and cakes. It is often added to meat dishes, salads, and, finally, just to tea. This will give your favorite drink the flavor and aroma of fresh lemons. The calorie content of lemon peel is 47 kcal per hundred grams of spice.

By the way, this spice was not always popular: for example, in ancient times, the benefits of lemon peel were not understood and they called it foul-smelling. Only with the onset of the Middle Ages, it began to be considered a spice, which participated in the confectionery sacrament. Having caught the delicate aroma of yellow peel, chefs began to use it in the preparation of soups, aspic, sauces and various gravies. Interestingly, in Spain even now they prefer to sprinkle veal with this fragrant spice, using it as an alternative to salt. The main secret is to add natural flavoring a couple of minutes before being done.

Lemon zest in a slow cooker: where it is applied

Lemon zest is a fairly versatile product as it is found in many dishes. And lemon zest in a slow cooker is added when preparing various sauces for meat, meat dishes, baked goods. For example, to make lemon pie, lemon zest is added directly to the dough, giving it a pleasant lemon flavor. Lemon jam is especially tasty in a slow cooker. In this case, the lemon peel is peeled from several fruits, the lemon is additionally cut into slices and all this is cooked in a multicooker along with sugar to a jelly-like consistency. The finished jam has a characteristic lemon aroma and a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Lemon zest gives the finished dish an exquisite taste, setting off some products. It is perfect when fresh ingredients need to be given a bright aroma and unforgettable taste. Lemon zest in a multicooker is used not only as an additional ingredient in a dish, it is often used in small quantities as a natural flavoring agent.

Lemon zest in a slow cooker: how to store

Lemon zest is easy to make yourself. But you don't have to use it all at once. It is enough to dry the zest, and then grind to a powder state. In this form, lemon peel is stored for quite a long time, while it retains all its culinary value. Lemon peel powder can also be added to baking dough, creams, jams, or various fish and meat sauces.

The benefits of lemon peel

It is impossible not to mention the benefits of lemon peel, as a strong antibacterial agent: if you have a sore throat or purulent sore throat, just chew the crust and it will become much easier.

The beneficial properties of lemon peel are due to the huge content of vitamin C (this vital substance in it is almost three times more than in the pulp of a ripe fruit). Therefore, the regular use of this aromatic and refined spice in food will have a positive effect on your health, and the immune system will “thank” you in the midst of SARS epidemics and colds with excellent health.

The harm of lemon peel

In addition to the indisputable advantages of this spice, one cannot fail to mention the dangers of lemon peel, which can manifest itself in the presence of peptic ulcer disease. Also, in addition to the harmful effects on tooth enamel, lemon peel can provoke allergic reactions, which is typical for almost all citrus plants. If you have high acidity, you will have to either limit the use of lemon peel, or even give it up, if you do not want to "get" heartburn.

Calorie content of Lemon Peel 47 kcal.

Energy value of the product Lemon zest (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 1.5 g (~ 6 kcal)
Fat: 0.3 g (~ 3 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 5.4 g. (~ 22 kcal)

Energy ratio (b | f | y): 13% | 6% | 46%

Zest is effective in the prevention of cancer

Salvestrol is considered one of the most important components of lemon peel. This substance, in combination with limonene, can inhibit the development of cancer cells in the human body. Therefore, the use of zest is one of the ways to prevent cancer.

Helps to reduce weight

The peel of this sour fruit contains a substance such as pectin. Many women know him as a component that effectively helps in the struggle for a slim figure. Therefore, by regularly consuming lemon zest, you can find a reliable assistant, a breaker of excess fat, capable of maintaining the beauty of the figure.

Removes toxins

Lemon peel is rich in a substance such as a bioflavonoid, better known as vitamin P. It is a very multifunctional substance. First, during metabolism, it is able to reduce the harm of some oxidative reactions in the body. Secondly, it effectively removes toxins from the body, for example, those that contribute to the emergence of dependence on all kinds of alcoholic beverages or a tendency to chronic overeating, excessive food intake.

Promotes the preservation of youthful skin

Lemon peel is rich in antioxidants and free radicals - substances that play a large role in maintaining youthfulness and health of the skin. Regular consumption of the peel of the sour fruit will help the skin for a long time stay firm, resist the appearance of wrinkles, as well as resist the appearance of pigmentation and discoloration. An interesting fact is that lemon peel can successfully replace tonic, which is often used against oily skin. You can also use the peel to make a body scrub.

Helps Get Rid of Age Spots

If you regularly wipe your face with a lemon peel, then soon you will be surprised at the changes. With the help of the peel, you will be able to rid the skin of acne, acne and many other imperfections. It will be especially useful for people suffering from age spots. Many folk recipes recommend putting a small piece of lemon peel on the age spot and leaving it for an hour. This truly magical substance tones the skin, has a whitening effect, and also makes the skin plump and smooth.

Strengthens bones

One good source of calcium is lemon peel, and high amounts of vitamin C allow the body to absorb calcium, which helps to strengthen bones. 100 grams of zest contains about 134 milligrams of calcium. If you regularly eat the skin of this sour fruit, you can avoid the occurrence of diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis and rheumatism.

Supports Immunity

As mentioned above, lemon peel contains a large amount of vitamin C, which, by the way, is more in the peel than in the juice from this sour fruit and even in the fruit itself. 100 grams of lemon zest contains about 129 milligrams of vitamin C. This allows you not only to maintain the necessary level of immunity, but also to monitor the health of the oral cavity. Lemon peel is able to eliminate unpleasant odor, prevent bleeding of the gums, the appearance of various microorganisms that harm the teeth.

Promotes proper heart function

The use of such a product as lemon peel contributes to the comfortable and proper functioning of the heart. The heart muscle is helped by potassium, which is contained in it in significant quantities. There are about 160 milligrams of potassium per 100 grams of lemon zest. In addition, substances such as polyphenols, which can lower cholesterol levels in the body, also affect the functioning of the heart.

Disinfecting effect

Among other things, lemon peel is renowned for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. These medicinal properties are applicable not only to dermatology. Lemon peel is used in the prevention and treatment of thrombosis and anemia. Also, the valuable property of the peel of this sour fruit is that it is able to cleanse the liver and improve blood circulation.

Tincture on lemon peel has no less medicinal properties.

The harm of lemon peel

Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, some people still need to be careful with such a product as lemon zest. What kind of people are they? Those who suffer from diseases such as stomach ulcers, for example, and other digestive disorders. The fact is that due to the high content of citric acid in the peel, the mucous membrane will be irritated, which can lead to severe heartburn or general discomfort in the stomach area. Also, peel should be handled with caution by people prone to allergies, since this product, along with other citrus fruits, can cause an allergic reaction in the body in the form of hives.

Lemon peel on the farm

Throwing some of the peel into the trash bin will help eliminate the unpleasant odor. Lemon zest can also be refrigerated. Then she will not only absorb unpleasant odors, but also fill the refrigerator with a pleasant aroma. Lemon peel will help remove limescale build up in your teapot. Lemon peel can be used to increase the humidity in the room.

Harm and contraindications

People with high acidity are not advised to consume lemon peel, as it can provoke heartburn. In addition, this seasoning is contraindicated in peptic ulcer disease. In some cases, lemon peel can cause allergic reactions.