What is the best olive oil to buy. How to choose olive oil

12.04.2019 Restaurant notes

Olive oil is one of the most expensive vegetable oils: for 250 ml of bitter olive oil (“extra-virgin olive oil”) you will have to pay between 200 and 600 rubles. With this money you can buy from 3 to 10 bottles of classic sunflower oil.

We decided to find out whether it makes sense to pay that kind of money. Do not sell under the guise of healthy Mediterranean oil with the image of a healing product cheap counterfeits made from the same sunflower? The experts of the Consumer Rights Protection Society (OZPP) purchased eight bottles - from Spain, Italy, Greece and Tunisia - and sent them for examination to the Sergiev-Posad branch of the FBU "CSM Moscow Region."

"Wooden" oil

Olive oil is also called Provencal or "wooden". It is, goes to the production of soap, is part of the most expensive cosmetics and some medicines. And in itself it is a medicine. This was known in antiquity. “Olive oil is good for its high content, especially oleic oil,” says nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov. - This acid is actively and at the same time maintains the desired level of "good". Therefore, olive oil is recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis. And it is also useful for those who suffer from diseases of the liver and gall bladder, because it perfectly stimulates the production of bile. In baby food, olive oil is indispensable because it promotes the growth of bone tissue. ”

  However, all of these properties has only unrefined cold pressed oil. It can be tart, slightly bitter, has a greenish color. It is produced by pressing, without the use of chemical reagents, which easily "pull out" the oil from the crushed pulp of the olive. the healing qualities are much worse - because it is cleaned using various physicochemical processes in order to eliminate the sharp taste and smell. Oilcake oil (on the packaging of this means "pomace olive oil") is obtained from the otzhimok using chemical solvents, and often under the influence of high temperature. There is no use in it. This is usually reflected in the price - such a product is 3-4 times cheaper than the valuable “extra-virgin olive oil”.

Laboratory work

To be sure that we really have olive oil, we need to examine its fatty acid composition. In the laboratory, we tested ten essential acids in each sample. The most important of them -. In accordance with GOST 30623-98 "Vegetable oils and margarine products" it should be from 56 to 83%. "But if in the composition in large quantities its trans isomer is determined (the same acid, but with a modified molecule that arose under high temperature exposure. - Ed.) Elaidic acid, most likely, the oil was obtained not by “cold” pressing, but by using temperature or chemical extraction, ”says   Roman Gaidashov, expert on food products OZPP. - Trans-isomers are present in the product in negligible quantities. But there are no standards for trans-isomers in the Russian GOSTs, and such extended research is mandatory, for example, when verifying the authenticity of a product is not carried out. ” By the way, precisely because of the formation of trans-isomers of fatty acids with carcinogenic properties when heated, unrefined olive oil cannot be fried - only refined oil is suitable for this.

So, judging by a certain amount of oleic acid (see table), the oils are really made from olives. The less elaidic acid in the sample, the better (we determined it in an amount from 0.2 to 0.4%). None of the oils in the laboratory found a dangerous concentration of heavy metals (they were checked for the presence of cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury, copper and iron).

It is also important that the purchased oil is fresh. After all, with long storage, the product is oxidized, and the benefits literally evaporate. It is possible to determine in laboratory conditions by two indicators: the acid number and the peroxide number: the closer their values \u200b\u200bare to the upper limit of the norm, the more mature the oil is. In our table we have arranged the oils in order of deterioration. The main outsider is a product from Tunisia. Firstly, the real acid number does not coincide with the one stated on the package (which means that the oil is not as “extra-class” as promised!), Secondly, the peroxide number is 10 — this is the maximum allowed, the oil is not so fresh. Not the best was the oil from Greece. But the product from Italy and Spain - the highest quality.

How to choose the best olive oil?

Choosing olive oil in the store, carefully inspect the packaging! Look for the following data on it:


There is (they are determined by the IOC, the International Olive Council; all exporting countries included in it are obliged to label products with the corresponding inscriptions):

■ Extra-virgin olive oil - natural, the best and most expensive, the first cold spin, only under pressure - without chemicals. Acidity is not more than 0.8%.

■ Virgin olive oil is also natural, but the permitted acidity is up to 2% (spin may not be the first, but it also guarantees the absence of chemistry).

■ Pure olive oil - usually a mixture of purified and natural oil, chemical extraction can be used.

■ Olive oil is a mixture of natural and purified oil, the acidity is not more than 1.5%, as a rule, odorless, with chemical extraction.

■ Olive-pomace oil - refined oil extracted from olive oil cake (the use of chemical solvents and high temperatures is acceptable). Most often it is used in restaurants for baking.

■ Lampante oil (lamp oil) - olive oil, not intended for human consumption.

  The refined oil is marked “refined”.


Date of production. Take only the freshest oil. Nutrients are stored in it for the first five months from the date of production. After the first year of storage, olive oil is best used exclusively for cooking (stewing and frying), but not for dressing dishes. In addition, over time, the oil deteriorates and exhales. One-year-old oil may still taste good, but it is less fragrant than fresh oil.


■ Indication of the acid number on the package. For "extra virgin" it is no more than 0.8%, while the lower the value, the better.

■ Packaging material matters. It is best to buy oil in a dark glass - green or brown. After all, it is important not to allow contact of olive oil with air, and also to protect from light - they spoil the product. Plastic or metal packages are considered cheaper.


Be sure to pay attention to this line. There are oils with herbs and spices (for salads), and cheaper options may even contain impurities of other vegetable oils. These oils are labeled - «mixed oil» or simply «mix». Usually they honestly write about this on the package, but not in large letters on the front of it, but small and inconspicuous.

Which brand of olive oil is better? The answer to this question requires a preliminary study. Indeed, in Russia, an olive tree is not grown. Therefore, all olive oil is imported. But, as in the case of sunflower or corn, we know that the best product is obtained from the first spin. We also know that vegetable oil is purified from impurities - refined. Is this good with olive? There are also ways to spin - cold and hot. Which product is better processing? In this article we will comprehensively examine this issue. Below we will tell not only which brand of olive oil is better, but also consider the products of producing countries, we will explain briefly what is the process of processing olives. On the shelves you can see the different types of containers with this imported goods. Glass, plastic or metal - in which package to buy olive oil? It is important to learn how to read the label. And in this article we will explain what the words Eextra Virgin mean. In Mediterranean cuisine, where olive oil is one of the main foods, it is used very widely and for various purposes. You need to know these details in order to properly season salads or make dough.

  The benefits of olive oil for the body

Did you know that Mediterranean cuisine is on the UNESCO list as the intangible heritage of humanity? Do you know why? That's right: it is built on the active use of olive oil. Thus, Mediterranean cuisine is not only amazingly tasty, but also very healthy. Olive oil (reviews of gourmets and cooks in this matter are almost the same) will not only give a noble tint to the most ordinary dish - it will also saturate the body with valuable vitamins and minerals. And most importantly, do not leave on the hips and waist any extra centimeters. After all, olive oil is completely processed by the stomach. And have you noticed how gorgeous the hair of Italians, Spaniards, and Greek women are? Strong, thick, silky, shiny ... And this is the result of the daily use of olive oil. It strengthens bones, nails and teeth. Vitamin E, which is contained in excess in olive oil, prevents aging, soothes pains during ulcer and gastritis, heals hemorrhoids, breaks down cholesterol plaques. And even, as recent studies have shown, it is a good tool for the prevention of cancer. Therefore, the ancient Greeks, who in ancient times cultivated olive trees, called olive oil "the gift of the gods." As you can see, this is not only a poetic metaphor.

The process of production of the product (in brief)

To understand which brand of olive oil is better, one must at least have a superficial understanding of the technology for producing this product. It would seem, what difficulties could there be? After all, olive oil has been made since the days of ancient Egypt. Olives were put under the press and pressed. But modern equipment and chemical reagents allow you to squeeze more oil out of olives. To this end, the cake is recycled. It is on this basis that the division of olive oil into two types occurs. When the first spin is born, "virgin", or Virgin Oil. And when olives are recycled for the second time, that is, they heat and pass chemical reagents through the cake, it turns out Pomace Oil. Based on the above, we ask: is it worth saying which olive oil is better? Of course, the "virgin." But if we want to taste the best olive oil, we should take into account where the olives ripen best. After all, trees have a wide range of growth. But they do not give a good harvest everywhere. The most reputable countries producing olive oil are Greece, Italy, Spain and Tunisia. The first of these, once called Hellas, gives eighty percent of world sales of Virgin Oil. Greek oil is purchased by importers for the further production of the product.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Key Features

Regardless of the country of origin, this product is the best possible. The very word “extra” mentioned in the title indicates that the raw materials for it were of exceptionally high quality. Olives for such oils are collected by hand. Next, the crop is sorted. For “Extra Virgin”, only fully ripe, large and intact olives are selected. Next, the berries are sent under the press. No other effect occurs during processing. This process is called cold pressing. Thanks to such minimal processing in oil all useful substances are saved. This is a slightly greenish product. Extra Virgin olive oil has a rich smell of olives. But his taste is specific. People who have tried Extra Virgin Oil for the first time might think that the oil was gone, rancid. But just this taste indicates the highest quality product. Raw olives are also bitter. But the free acidity of olive oil "Extra Virgin Oil" has a very low - 0.8 percent. That is, one hundred grams of the product contains less than one gram of undesirable substances for the body. But this indicator - acidity - is not the main thing in determining the quality product. The method of refining also reduces it.

Other types of olive oils

There are still a lot of denominations between Extra Virgin and Pocket Oil. Consider them briefly.

Virgin Olive Oil is also a very high quality olive oil. The only difference with “Extra” is not so careful casting of the harvest. Under the press are olives of different sizes, ripeness and type. But the rest of the process is the same as in the production of Extra Virgin Oil. That is, the berries are cold pressed, after which the liquid is immediately poured into containers for sale. This oil is remarkable in that it does not taste bitter. If you want to take it for medical reasons in pure form, but you can not tolerate a specific taste, get exactly this kind. Virgin Oil Olive has a higher acidity. Allow two percent. But if this indicator exceeds the norm, the batch is sent for purification. And here it is necessary to clarify the difference between refined olive oil and unrefined. In the production of the first product already used chemicals that clean it from excess acidity. This figure for Refined Olive Oil is reduced to 0.3 percent. On sale there is also such a kind as “Pur Olive Oil”. The name translates as "pure olive oil". But this cold-pressed product is still a mixture of "Virgin" and "Rafinid." The acidity of this olive oil does not exceed one percent. Well, Pomace Oil in Greece and Spain smear doors. Sometimes the product obtained from the thermal extraction of the cake, refined.

Cooking Application

In the art of cooking, you should know for what specific purposes to use one or another type of olive oil. Especially in the northern countries where this product is imported, and therefore very expensive. So, olive oil for salads need to take only "Extra Virgin". By the way, in the dishes it loses its bitterness. Yes, and with time too. But the shelf life of the Extra Virgin bottle is one and a half to two years (depending on the container). At the end of this term, the oil does not lose its extremely beneficial properties, but becomes softer, velvety in taste. For the preparation of cold sauces and marinades use the usual "Virgin". This olive oil reviews are called very tasty and wholesome. Meat, smeared with "Virgin Oil", will quickly soften and become tender after baking. For stews, they use “Pur Olive Oil”. And for frying food, take the look of Refined Olive Oil. This oil, due to its purification, has a high smoke point. It does not splash, does not fade, and a large number of carcinogens are not formed in fried foods. This product is also ideal for making dough. It does not taste bitter, and it can be used instead of corn or sunflower. Olive Oil-based bread rolls and bread do not get stale for a long time.


How to choose a good olive oil, not a surrogate

Supermarket shelves are inundated with various brands of this product. Then fit and get confused. How to make the right choice? Rule one: carefully study the label. It is desirable that the product was packaged by the manufacturer. Olive oil from Greece bottled in Deribasovskaya is likely to be of dubious quality. The label indicates the name, often reflecting the type of product. That is, in capital letters is written, for example, "Extra Virgin" or "Pur Olive Oil." Sometimes in the name there is a brand of the manufacturer or the name of the area where the olives were collected. But the grade of the product is also necessarily present on the label. In oils that do not belong to the elite "Virgin", indicates the type of treatment. This also gives us the opportunity to choose the best product. It is better to buy cold pressed oil than refined, but made from oilcake after heat treatment. Of great importance and the shelf life of the product. After all, this is not a wine that becomes better with age. Extra Virgin has a shelf life of up to two years, other varieties have one year. But the color does not matter. Yes, often it is not visible due to the fact that the oil is poured into cans or bottles of dark glass. In plastic containers only the product of low price segment is sold.

Olives grow in the warm countries of Europe and Asia Minor, in North Africa. But the leaders of the supply of olive oil to the world market are still only four states. These are Greece, Spain, Italy and Tunisia. Oil of which manufacturing country to choose? You should know that breeders brought out many varieties of olives. And in Italy there are more than forty of them. Therefore, different companies have the ability to produce monosortovye oils, as well as refined, with amazing taste "cocktails".

Spanish producers are adherents of the good old olive tree that was cultivated in Iberia in ancient times. Therefore, in this country is not such a diverse olive oil. Spain prescribes labels in its own language. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate Olive Oil with Aceite de Oliva. It is necessary to take into account that Aceite de Orujo means the oil of the secondary extraction, of the cake, created using heat treatment.

Olives in Greece grow in different climatic regions. Terroir affects the taste properties of olive oil, even if it belongs to the same type.

The product from Tunisia is very rarely found on the shelves of our stores. But this does not mean that the olive oil from this country is bad. On the contrary, the alternate influence of the winds from the Sahara and the breezes of the Atlantic makes it possible to grow olives with a special taste and aroma.

The best brands of olive oil from Greece

Any product from sunny Hellas will be good. The choice before the buyer is truly huge. You can buy oil from oilseed groves near Thessaloniki, and made on the islands. And this is just a little bit, but it will affect the taste. The world's largest trader who supplies olive oil, not only to importing countries, but even to Spain and Italy, is Oliko. However, this company buys crops from various farms in the country and produces a certain mix (albeit of good quality). But the company "Elinika Eklikta Ale" specially created in order to produce the best varieties of olive oil. As wine tours flourish in France, so in Greece you can travel to small family businesses. Companies such as Ksiluris and Kidokinathis not only pick olives by hand, but also crush them through a traditional press.

Olive oil from Spain and Tunisia: what are their features?

In the Russian market there are about fifty kinds of products from this country. What are the best Spanish brands of olive oil? Look at the terroir. The climate of the south of the country, with its long growing season, allows you to grow the most juicy, fatty olive. The most good marks are considered the Andalusian "Baena" and "Lyuzen", as well as the "Forest Garrigues" and "Siurana" from Cordoba. On the other side of the Mediterranean, in Tunisia, African Dream Products is considered the best producer of olive oil. And his best brand is “Chemlali”.

Italian product varieties

In this country, with respect to food. No wonder Italian cuisine is considered one of the best in Europe. By default, the production of this state is equivalent to the standard. Therefore, food products that are produced in Italy, quite often become participants in all sorts of competitions for the title of the best. Do not stand aside and manufacturers of olive oil. They have their own competition - Ercole Olivario. Only elite varieties (Extra Virgin or at least cold pressed oil) can take part in it. What manufacturers have become - and more than once! - winners of this most prestigious competition in Italy? These include brands like Azienda Agricola Giorgio, Oliveto di Contesse Gertrude and Fattoria Greco.


Olives, in fact, consist of 80% oil (hence the name olive). Juice, more precisely liquid, they are much smaller. Cold-pressed olive oil (namely, this is considered the best) is obtained by grinding the olives into mush, and separating this same oil in a centrifuge. Previously, manual labor and special mills with stone wheels were used for this. Today everything is, of course, more technological. But still about olive oil can say the same thing that was said in antiquity: it gives life, health and fertility. And here are the 10 most useful properties of this unique product.

  1. Protects against bowel cancer
      Doctors from Boston have proved that with the help of olive oil you can protect your intestines from the likelihood of cancer. Just one tablespoon of this product in the morning will be an excellent cancer prevention. After using it for about 20-30 minutes you can not eat anything. After this time, have a light breakfast. This technique will allow to remove slags and toxins from the colon, to set up peristalsis.
  2. Makes you beautiful
      This is undoubted: olive oil is a real record holder in the content of the main “beauty vitamins” - A and E. And, as you know, they are necessary for our skin, hair, nails, and the body as a whole. If you use this product daily (as described above, or by adding to dishes), your appearance will definitely improve: your hair will grow faster, your skin will be more hydrated, and even your nails will become stronger and get a healthy shade.
  3. "Cleans" the liver
      As we said above, olive oil is capable of removing toxins from the intestines. But beyond that, it can act as a powerful detoxifier for the liver. However, for this, it is recommended to add as much freshly squeezed lemon juice to your morning tablespoon of oil. This mixture can effectively cleanse the liver after 4-6 weeks of consumption.
  4. Normalizes weight
      Yes, olive oil does not act as a miracle cure for weight loss. Yes, and fats, in principle, only add calories. But there are unsaturated fatty acids in it - they help to quickly satisfy hunger, permanently “tame” the appetite, normalize all metabolic processes in our body and lower the level of glucose in the blood. All this in a complex helps those who struggle with excess weight.
  5. Increases immunity
    Olive oil is able to activate the flow of immune reactions, and therefore increase the body's defenses. It helps relieve inflammation if a virus or an infection has already entered the body, or even in autoimmune diseases. It provides this oleic acid, which neutralizes the action of proteins that cause the inflammatory process.

  6. Reduces the risk of developing diabetes
      Diabetes is directly related to obesity. And if diabetes is recommended diet low in fat and almost zero - carbohydrates, then olive oil will be included in this diet. According to scientists from Harvard, the diet of diabetics should be olive oil - thanks to all the same unsaturated (mono - and polyunsaturated) fatty acids, that is, it is a useful fat. For those who do not suffer from this disease, regular consumption of olive oil can reduce the risk of its occurrence by about 50% compared with those who do not use it.
  7. Neutralizes bad cholesterol
      Despite the fact that olive oil is also fat, it helps to fight harmful cholesterol. Namely, cholesterol is known to be able to clog the walls of blood vessels, which is why blood does not circulate as quickly as necessary, blood pressure rises, there is a risk of thrombosis. It is safe to say that olive oil is essential for the health of our heart and blood vessels.
  8. Helps the nervous system
      Due to the abundance of antioxidants, olive oil is able to fight free radicals. Namely, because of them there is an overstrain of the nervous system, increased susceptibility to stress, depression. And the beneficial fatty acids in olive oil can even stop the development of degenerative brain diseases, improve memory, increase concentration and speed up the reaction.
  9. Strengthens bone tissue
      What do we need for healthy bones? Calcium, of course. But for its normal assimilation, healthy fats are also required. Scientists from Madrid argue that those who regularly consume olive oil, can boast a higher density of bones and its preservation even in old age. In their blood there is an important protein, osteocalcin, which is responsible for the strength of bones.
  10. Prevents skin cancer
    What do all dermatologists tell us? Protect your skin from harmful UV radiation! And it turns out, olive oil as such protection can do it much more effectively than commercial creams. It has natural UV filters that prevent the development of melanoma. Use the oil and inside: oleic acid protects against inflammation caused by sunburn, and vitamin E contributes to the rapid restoration of damaged skin.

What will help to quickly warm up and lose weight? And also to get rid of depression and improve your appearance? Learn 10 amazing facts about olive oil!

1. Oliva - the warmest, winter oil, despite the fact that it grows in the southern countries. What does it mean? The fact is that the fatty acid molecules of olive oil are the largest, and the larger the molecule, the more carbohydrate atoms in it, and the more heat it gives off.

The uniqueness of the olive is that it is the most fatty, energetic oil from all vegetable oils (even sesame oil has the same property, but we practically have not). Olive oil provides the largest energy output, which is especially necessary in the cold season for the normal functioning of all organs and systems in order to cope with stress.

Linolenic acid, which is contained in it, provides a rapid influx of the necessary energy, which helps the transmission of pulses that carry a signal from one cell to another. This allows us to think better, store information in memory and retrieve it from there as needed. This acid is also necessary for the embryo developing in the mother's womb.

2. The only oil on which you can fry without harm to health! Our favorite sunflower and corn vegetable oils have one major drawback - they are highly susceptible to oxidation, especially when they are heated and left open to the air. As a result, we get carcinogenic products that are detrimental to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

But olive oil has a higher boiling point than the seed oils, and practically does not oxidize, due to the low content of unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, those who follow their health can safely use it to prepare all sorts of dishes - reheat, fry, fry!

3. Olive oil has a pronounced choleretic and slight laxative effect. No wonder for blind sensing using only olive oil. This is a rare quality, because other vegetable oils are light and have no choleretic effect. And we need bile for normal functioning of the digestive tract, and first of all for the splitting of fats.

A dessert spoon of olive oil on an empty stomach for 3 months helps to cure a stomach ulcer and gastritis. A spoon of sunflower oil in such a situation can provoke hepatic colic. Olive oil is recommended for people suffering from digestive disorders, diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Olive oil has a healing effect, detoxifying and calming effect on the work of the intestines, stomach, pancreas and liver.

4. Olive oil is needed for young children. when they are weaned - the fats it contains have properties similar to mother's milk. It is necessary to gradually add to the porridge and pureed vegetable puree. In fact, breast milk is very similar in composition to fatty acids to olive oil: linoleic acid makes up about 8% in both.

5. Olive oil is the best prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.   What is the benefit of olive oil? It has been proven to reduce the level of cholesterol that creates atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries. In addition to fatty acids, olive oil contains a lot of vitamin E and polyphenols, which reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and some forms of cancer (in particular, by 45% of breast cancers). Olive oil slows down the aging process and prolongs youth.

6. Refined oil is not exactly butter.   More precisely, it is not oil. In the sense that it is of little use for healthy digestion. When refining appear such compounds that do not exist in nature. The oil “dies” - biologically active substances leave it, there remain heavy fractions over which neither temperature fluctuations nor time are dominant. Therefore, if you see the words Extra virgine in the supermarket (on some types of Spanish oil), and “Refined olive oil” a little lower, you should know: the suppliers simply scoff at your lack of information.

7. Extra virgine - top quality olive oil. The main indicator of quality - a low percentage of acidity - 0.1 - 0.5%. For its production, ripe, selected olives are collected (gently knocked down with sticks from the trees, spreading a net under them), ground together with stones and sent under a press, where water and oil are separated.

Cold pressing is a technology of compliance with a certain temperature (not higher than 28 ° C), in which the oil is peeled off from the water rather than mixed with it. In fact, the spin can only be cold, at high temperatures, the oil loses its valuable qualities and this is not any extra virgin. Grade 2 oil is virgin (acidity is higher than 0.5), grade 3 is fine (oliva) and 4th grade is just olive oil (refined).

8. World leaders in the production of olive oil - Spain, Italy, Greece. Moreover, an interesting fact: Spanish production volumes exceed the Greek by 3 times, but at the same time, extra virgin oil is only one fifth of the total production (less than 15% goes to Ukraine). Greece, with smaller volumes, produces mainly Extra Virgin oil (90%) and offers an optimal price-performance ratio. In general, the Greeks do not know how to make a marriage, and they simply pray for olive oil. Suffice it to say that the technology for the production of olive oil in Crete is maintained so scrupulously that the past thousand years remain strictly unchanged!

9. Olive oil is widely used in cosmetology. Your skin will say thank you for the olive mask after the shower. In Greece, women mix olive oil with vinegar in equal parts to restore damaged hair. In India, olive oil is the basis for many perfumes and balsams. In addition, they polished diamonds and used for lamps and lamps, as it burns without soot.

10. Real olive oil has a greenish (olive) color, a pronounced smell and bitter taste. Not more than a year is stored in bottles of dark glass (not in the light!). Refined oil has no bright taste characteristics - they are deliberately hidden, so as not to give out low-grade raw materials. But of course, refined oil can stand for years and not deteriorate - after all, it is inedible, even for microorganisms.