How long to cook hard boiled eggs. How long to boil eggs

19.04.2019 Desserts and cakes


Hello my dear readers! On the eve of Easter, many of us will paint eggs. Do you know how and how much to boil hard-boiled eggs so that they turn out perfect every time? I'll show you how easy it is to make! How long do hard boiled eggs take? The answer will stun you. Not at all!

Boiling eggs - what could be easier? It turns out that not everything is so simple! One badly cooked one can discourage you from eating hard boiled eggs for life. perfect egg hard boiled never has a green ring around the yolk. The yolk itself should not turn out crumbly and dry (you can easily choke on this), but tender, creamy, creamy, soft.

Now you still have time to experiment a little, but on Easter and on any other day, you will have at your disposal a simple cooking method that gives excellent result. I write a little enthusiastically, as I am overwhelmed with emotions.

My tried and tested method is to flood raw instances cold water, I bring the water to a rapid boil, cover the dishes with a lid, remove from heat and leave to “cook” without further heating the water. How much to cook (conditionally) eggs so that they turn out hard-boiled, after boiling in this way, we will consider below.

How long to boil hard boiled eggs for perfect results


  • Chicken eggs;
  • cold water.


  • Container for boiling eggs (ladle);
  • timer;
  • a spoon;
  • bowl of cold water.

How to cook

Place cold eggs in a bowl.

Fill them with water.

Bring water to a vigorous boil.

Remove dish from heat, cover

While the water is heating, fill a large bowl with very cold water (you can add ice from the tray to it).

How many minutes to cook hard-boiled eggs under the lid after boiling (without heating)? I made two options. I took out two pieces ten minutes after boiling water, sent them cold water.

Here is the cleaned after ten minutes of exposure under the lid

And here is the cut. We see that the yolk turned out the way we need it - completely boiled, not liquid, bright - yellow color. And take my word for it and check for yourself - the consistency is creamy, tender.

Fifteen minutes later she took out the remaining three, sent them to ice water.

This is what it looks like cleaned, aged under the lid for fifteen minutes.

Here it is in cross section. The yolk is still bright in color, but the consistency is less creamy. Taste great!

Yolks from the first and second batch. None greenish tint both don't have.

Brief instruction

  1. Place the eggs in a bowl of cold water.
  2. Bring to a boil without a lid.
  3. Turn off the heat, close the lid.
  4. Set timer to right time: to obtain creamy yolks - 10 minutes, for harder ones - 15 minutes.
  5. After the required time, remove from hot water.
  6. Submerge in ice water for at least one minute.
  7. Cleanse and eat.

My conclusions

  • There is no need to continue to actively boil the eggs after the water boils if we want to get them hard boiled. It is quite enough just to keep them under the lid for ten to fifteen minutes.
  • You will get the most delicious, practically perfect taste hard boiled eggs. You will want to cook them often just to eat for breakfast or stuff.
  • Such tender yolk you haven't eaten yet!
  • If you do not intend to paint the eggs in the future, then before lowering them into ice water, you can lightly tap them on the countertop. Cleaning them after such manipulation is usually easier.
  • For cooking, choose specimens that are about seven days old. Fresh ones will be very difficult to clean.
  • You may need to adjust the boil time a bit to get your "ideal" one. But ten to fifteen minutes is not bad for just trying to cook familiar dish in an unusual way.
  • For me at one time the above method was a real discovery. In addition, it is very economical - the cooking process goes by itself, without heating with gas or electricity. For cooking, it is best to use dishes with a thick multi-layered bottom, which keeps the temperature well.

It will be very interesting for me to know your opinion, my dear readers, about the cooking method I have given. Be sure to share your impressions when you try to cook this way!

One of the main products in the diet of most people is a boiled egg. But few people think about how to properly boil eggs. Everyone knows that it takes only 4 minutes to make a soft-boiled egg. And it takes 10 minutes to get a hard-boiled product. But in the end, the eggs crack during cooking, they are poorly cleaned. This indicates mistakes made at the very beginning of the cooking process. How to boil eggs correctly?

Egg selection

For any dish, you must choose quality products. This rule also applies to simple boiled eggs. No one is without this ingredient. festive table especially at Easter. Many housewives claim that those eggs that have lain for 4-6 days will be well cleaned. But for cleaning fresh product need to be patient. Indeed, the “older” the egg, the easier it will be to clean.

Therefore, if the testicles are collected directly from under the chicken, purchased from rural farms, they need to lie down for at least a week in the refrigerator. Otherwise, problems with cleaning cannot be avoided, and most of the protein will go into the trash. If the product is purchased in supermarkets, you do not need to wait a week. After all, the eggs have already reached the required “age” while they were assembled at the factory, packaged and transported.

Also, when choosing an ingredient, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Marking. A stamp is placed on the shell itself, which indicates the size, quality and shelf life of the product.
  • Letter. Eggs are marked with letters. D - dietary (shelf life is a maximum of a week), C - canteens (shelf life is up to 25 days), O - selected grade, B - the highest grade.
  • General form. Domestic eggs are not the same size and color. Some unscrupulous sellers sell factory-made products as if they were homemade. But the factory product is the advantage of the same size, white or brown.
  • To the touch. When assessing the quality, you need to take the testicle in your hands. Freshness is measured by weight. If the egg is a maximum of 5 days old, it will be weighty. An egg that is more than 2-3 weeks old will be light, almost weightless.

How to boil an egg: in cold or hot water?

In what water should the product be placed: immediately into cold or boiling? Most are accustomed to cooking the product, just taking it out of the refrigerator. Cooks also recommend waiting a period until the egg reaches room temperature. Direct cooking often occurs in this way: the product is placed in a saucepan, poured with cold water, and sent to gas. Such manipulations become the reason that it is impossible to clean the egg qualitatively.

To make the testicles clean easily and quickly, they are laid in already boiling water. This applies even to those eggs that are no longer the freshest, having lain for 7-10 days. Cooks compare this process with cooking meat, steak. Steak is never put in a cold pan. Otherwise, the blood that should stand out and soak the piece will remain inside the meat itself. The dish will not taste good.

If the protein is heated along with water, gaining temperature evenly, it will quickly stick to the shell. But, in the "hot" process there are also disadvantages. So, when cooking in cold water, the yolk will remain in the center. Throwing the product into boiling water, it will mix and stick to one of the sides. Therefore, the cooking option depends on the purpose for which the ingredient is cooked.

The reaction of eggs to a gradual increase in temperature

The reaction of protein and yolk to an increase in temperature is different. The protein reacts as follows:

  • From 0 to 60 degrees Celsius - the protein is still liquid, it begins to gradually warm up;
  • 60 degrees Celsius - protein particles begin to bind to each other, form a jelly-like matrix;
  • After 68 degrees Celsius - protein proteins form a dense mass;
  • 82 degrees - ovalbumin begins to stand out, which gives the protein a white color and elastic texture;
  • After 82 degrees - Protein compounds become as strong as possible, which gives the protein strength, elasticity.

The reaction of the yolk is as follows:

  • 63 degrees - it thickens, the cooking process starts;
  • 71 degrees - hardening of the yolk begins, but it is still tender;
  • 78 degrees - the yolks become brittle, brighten;
  • After 78 degrees - the yolks are dried.

How and how much to boil a soft-boiled egg?

To get a delicious soft-boiled dish, it is better to use fresh ingredients. In this case, the yolk will retain its rich color, liquid. So, the product should be a maximum of 6 days after the footnote. The testicle should sink to the bottom, or hang in the center. If it floats on the surface, it is better to throw away the product - it is rotten.

Soft-boiled eggs in cold water

Before cooking the ingredient, it must be washed in water room temperature. This is especially true of domestic testicles, which are often found in chicken manure. Further, the raw materials are placed in a wide pan, poured with cold liquid. The product is brought to a boil at maximum heat.

After the water with raw materials boils, the fire is reduced to medium. The product should not boil strongly. In order for the yolk to be completely liquid, to flow out, the product is cooked for no more than 3 minutes. To achieve medium density, the egg is boiled for 4 minutes. During this time, the protein will completely thicken, curl up, the egg can be cleaned with high quality. If you cook the ingredient for 5 minutes, you get a yolk with dense edges, but a liquid core.

Hot water cooking

In this case, the raw material is placed in an already boiling liquid. First, the eggs should be at room temperature, only after being rinsed under water. While the water in the pan boils, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of salt to it. This will avoid cracking the shell with a sharp temperature drop.

After boiling, the testicles are laid in the dishes with a spoon. Eggs should stay in the liquid for 60 seconds. After that, the dishes are removed from the heat, and the raw materials still remain in boiling water for 5 minutes. This period is enough for the protein to partially seize, and the yolk to remain completely liquid. How longer egg lie in boiling water, the more protein compounds will form.

How much and how to cook a hard boiled egg?

For hard boiled eggs, you can use a 10-day-old product. The cooking period is higher than in the previous version. After all, we need to get solid both protein and yolk. The cooking process can be cold and hot.

Cooking in cold water

To get hard-boiled raw materials, you need to follow the instructions:

  • Rinse the eggs under running water;
  • Dry with a waffle towel;
  • Roll the eggs on the surface of the table (for uniform cooking);
  • Lay the eggs tightly on the bottom of the saucepan, pour water, put on fire;
  • Add 1-2 tablespoons of salt;
  • After boiling, the eggs are boiled for 7-8 minutes;
  • After cooking, pour them with cold water (to clean them without problems).

Cooking in already boiling liquid

Raw materials must be removed from the refrigerator at least an hour before cooking. So the eggs will reach the right temperature. They are also washed, dried, rolled on the table. While the water is boiling, salt is added to it. After boiling, the fire is reduced to medium, and the testicles are immersed with a spoon. As soon as the dish boils again, you need to cook it over medium heat for 7-8 minutes. After draining the boiling water, the product is poured with cold water. Let the eggs stay in the ice liquid for about 5 minutes. This will ensure high-quality cleaning from the shell.

How to cook poached eggs?

Today, poached eggs are very popular among both housewives and professional chefs. The essence of cooking is to cook the product without the shell. This cooking option is also called a bag. This ingredient is used for salads, breakfast sandwiches, first courses, meat. How to prepare such raw materials?

For poached, only fresh raw materials should be used, not “older” than three days. Otherwise, the protein and yolk will mix and spread in boiling water. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • Egg;
  • 100 grams of vinegar;
  • Saucepan (saucepan with low sides);
  • 1/2 tablespoon of salt;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

The water is brought to a boil. After boiling, vinegar and salt are added to it. The egg is broken apart flat dish, plastic board. It is important to maintain the integrity of the yolk, not to break it. The fire subsides. After the bubbles from boiling disappear, the protein and yolk are immersed in water. The shape of the egg is given with a tablespoon. The protein should envelop the yolk. Poached is cooked for no more than 4 minutes, and removed with a slotted spoon.

To prepare a delicious dish, the following recommendations are taken into account:

  • For cooking, use dishes with a wide bottom. The fire should completely envelop the bottom of the dish. This will ensure that the water boils evenly.
  • If the eggs have just come out of the refrigerator, do not boil them in already boiling water. So the shell can burst, and the protein will leak out. Salt will help prevent cracking.
  • If the product is steamed, in a double boiler, cook it for at least 20 minutes. This is how you get an egg medium degree coolness. During this time, turn the ingredient over to cook it evenly.
  • Boil a soft-boiled quail egg for only 2 minutes, and hard-boiled - 5 minutes.

Depending on the cooking method, eggs will differ in their calorie content. So, in a raw product there are 160 kcal, in hard-boiled - 60 kcal, soft-boiled - 70 kcal. That's why, boiled eggs often included in the diet of dietary or sports nutrition. As for palatability, here everyone chooses individually which cooking option is the most acceptable.

Not only does a simple chicken egg act as an ingredient, it is also loved by many boiled and soft-boiled, in the form of scrambled eggs, as a salad ingredient. Another day when eggs are ubiquitous is Holy holiday Easter. On Easter, eggs are specially boiled for painting, symbolizing the tomb of the Lord and the resurrection of Christ. Therefore, it is important to know how much to boil eggs.

How long to cook hard boiled eggs in boiling water

The first way to boil an egg is to place it in a regular saucepan- is simple. Initially, you should pour cold water into the pan and put the eggs in it.

Some housewives prefer to throw eggs into boiling liquid, but this is not recommended in order to end up with a crack-free product.

After waiting for the water to boil, you should keep the eggs for 7-10 minutes in boiling water.

So that they are easy to clean after they are cooked, you should hold the eggs in cold water for some time.

How long does it take to boil eggs in a double boiler

It is possible to get hard-boiled eggs on an electric stove using a double boiler. This will be more difficult as there are many factors that affect the brewing process., including the volume of water, the size of the eggs, the model of the device.

You should not give up at the first failure. Over time, each housewife will be able to choose the optimal mode for herself, which will allow cooking not only chicken, but also quail eggs, while the product will be easy to clean, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of cracks on the shell.

It is advisable to choose models that have special devices for cooking this product

Before cooking, each egg should be thoroughly washed, wiped thoroughly and placed in individual recesses.

It takes 15 minutes to get a hard boiled egg. If there is a desire to boil an egg “in a bag”, then the timer of the device should be set for 10 minutes, and for a soft-boiled egg, the cooking time will be only 7 minutes.

How long does it take to cook eggs in a slow cooker

There is an opinion that eggs cooked in a slow cooker are healthier.

It should be noted that there is no special mode for boiling eggs in any model of multicookers available on the market.

During operation, the optimal mode is selected, which will allow to obtain the product of the required degree of readiness.

For cooking eggs in a slow cooker, there are two simple prescription, the application of which depends on the specific model of the device.

  1. If the multicooker does not have a special bowl for steaming, then chicken eggs you just need to place it in a container, pour enough water and set the timer for 10 minutes.
  2. If there is a special container for steaming eggs, put them in it. Next, you need to pour 2-3 cups of water into the multicooker bowl. Then you need to select the steam mode. After boiling, the state of hard-boiled eggs will be reached within 20 minutes. To get a soft-boiled egg, you only need to wait 10 minutes.

Can you cook eggs in the microwave

Despite the prevailing opinion that raw eggs should not be placed in the microwave, as they may explode, it is quite possible to boil hard-boiled eggs in this household appliance.

There are two options for boiling eggs in microwave oven- in shell and without shell

In order to get white hard-boiled eggs in the microwave, you will need to take the appropriate container, pour a small amount of water and place the eggs there in a single layer, trying to lay them down, avoiding contact.

Important: so that the eggs do not explode, you must first add a tablespoon to the water table salt. The duration of cooking in this case will be 14 minutes.

In shellless cooking, sometimes referred to as "dry cooking" because not a drop of water is added, the egg must be broken into a microwave-safe dish.

The plate needs to be lubricated first. butter. It is also recommended to separate the yolks from the protein. After placing the egg in the right dish, the plate must be covered, for which a simple film or wax paper is suitable.

The duration of such cooking will be a minute for one egg. If there is a need to cook up to 4 eggs, then the time will increase to 3 minutes. It should be borne in mind that digestion will lead to a loss of taste of the product and a change in its structure: the eggs will become “rubber”.

To understand how to boil hard-boiled eggs so that they do not burst, you can see the corresponding photo. Properly performed procedure will result in a hard-boiled egg, which will be a great addition to breakfast.

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Yes, it seemed that it could be easier than boiling eggs? Opinions are different, everyone has their own. It seems that he threw the eggs into the water, waited a few minutes and now - simple, very tasty and hearty breakfast I'm ready now! It turns out that not everything in our world is so simple!

Let's talk about the process of cooking a chicken egg, because there are many wisdoms in this culinary business.

For taste and color - there are no comrades!? Is not it? Each of us has our taste preferences. One loves boiled eggs with a tight yolk and strong white, the other prefers that the white holds its shape, and the yolk is either runny or slightly seized around the edges. Still others are lovers of poached eggs, which are very tender, because they are cooked without a shell!

In order for you and me to actually get a guaranteed result, we will master the wisdom of boiling eggs. After all, not everyone we cook for may like hard rubber protein and too runny yolk?

Satisfaction after a hearty meal will be rewarded a hundredfold! A home cook can please a beloved woman (respectively, a man if the cook is a woman), a relative or friends.

Boiling chicken eggs: general rules and secrets

  1. The size of the pan should be such that the eggs lie tightly. If they float freely, then when boiling, knocking against each other, they will certainly crack.
  2. You need to cook eggs at room temperature, especially if they are laid in boiling water. The shell of cold eggs will crack, so you need to get it out of the refrigerator at least half an hour before cooking.
  3. If you add a little salt to the water, the shell will not burst during cooking, as it will become harder.
  4. Fresh eggs should be boiled for 3-4 minutes longer (the date of packaging should be indicated on the package).
  5. To prevent air from escaping from the blunt end, you need to pierce the shell from this side. Otherwise, the air mass can crack the egg.

An egg cooked according to all culinary science will turn out exactly the way you want to see it on your plate. It will not crack in the pan and will not leak out, it will please you with a soft or dense consistency of protein and yolk. All the nuances of cooking eggs allow you to use them as solid salad ingredients or, on the contrary, soft and liquid dressing for this dish.

How to boil hard boiled eggs: 2 ways

Hard-boiled eggs can be boiled in two main ways, either in cold or boiling water. How long to cook hard-boiled eggs depends on their size and the initial temperature of the water.

Laying eggs in cold water: the first way

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. wash the eggs thoroughly under running water;
  2. put tightly in a saucepan;
  3. pour a small amount of cold water so that it only slightly covers the shell (eggs should not float freely);
  4. send to medium fire.

It is only possible to say in advance how much an egg will be boiled in cold water.

It all depends on the initial temperature of the water, the strength of the fire, the features of the pan, and even how high the area is in relation to sea level. The higher the terrain, the lower the pressure of the atmosphere and, accordingly, the lower the boiling point of water (by adding salt to the water, we increase it).

Therefore, you will have to focus on the moment of boiling. How long to cook eggs after boiling water? In order to get a hard boiled egg, you need to set the kitchen timer to 7-8 minutes.

Laying eggs in boiling water: the second way

In this case, the eggs must be at room temperature, otherwise they will immediately crack. Put them in boiling boiling water carefully, using a tablespoon and immersing in it to the very bottom of the pan. It is important that the shell does not hit the bottom.

How long to cook hard-boiled eggs after the second boil? Small eggs need to be boiled eight minutes, large ten minutes. Actually, the cooking time remains the same as in the cold method of laying. Remove boiled eggs from boiling water with a spoon and pour cold water over them. Forced cooling will help to peel off the shell more easily.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs: 3 ways

In order for soft-boiled eggs to be tasty and beautiful, they must be the freshest. The yolk with this method of cooking remains liquid. A stale dampish yolk is unlikely to be to your taste true gourmets. In addition, very fresh eggs are easier to remove the shell.

To check the freshness of an egg, you can use a simple folk way: put it in cold water.

  • For soft-boiled eggs, eggs that quickly sink to the bottom are ideal. They were demolished no later than six days ago, so they retained all the taste and freshness.
  • If the egg sank a little, but did not touch the bottom, that is, it floats in the middle of the water layer, it will also work. The age of such a product is from one to two weeks.
  • Eggs that are left floating on the surface of the water are not suitable for soft-boiling. They were demolished about a month ago. You can still use such a product (for example, in home baking), but you should not cook soft-boiled.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs? There are several ways. It's still the same cold or hot bookmark.

1 way: cold bookmark

With the cold method, the washed eggs should be put tightly in a saucepan, pour cold water and put on high heat. As soon as the water starts bubbling, reduce the temperature to medium-low.

How much to cook eggs after boiling water also depends on their size and the desired result, the report is kept from the moment the water boils:

  1. usually enough to get a semi-liquid egg three minutes. The yolk will remain completely liquid, and the albumen will thicken a little, but will not become very hard, as in hard boiled egg;
  2. if you want to make the yolk a little thicker, you need to continue cooking four minutes. During this time, the protein will be completely cooked, and the yolk will thicken slightly;
  3. those who want to get a tender thick yolk with a raw center need to boil eggs five minutes after boiling water.

Method 2: immersion in boiling water

It is supposed to be placed in boiling water. Eggs of compact temperature are carefully, with the help of a spoon, sent to the bottom of the bubbling pan. Exactly through 1 minute cooking should be stopped, and the eggs leave in boiling water on the five or six minutes.

In a five-minute egg, the protein will be liquid, in a six-minute egg, it will be semi-solid. If you leave for another minute, that is, hold in hot water seven minutes, you get an egg in a bag. By experimenting with time, you can achieve exactly the result that will bring pleasure.

After five to six minutes, the eggs can be poured with cold water to cool. To make the shells easier to remove, two minutes in a cold "bath" will be enough.

Third way: hot bookmark

Hot bookmark according to a special scheme, without cooking at all. How to boil soft-boiled eggs in this way? The prepared product at room temperature should be tightly placed in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. The water should just cover the shell a little. Close the pot tightly with a lid and leave the eggs on ten minutes.

Then the water must be poured out and the eggs re-brewed with a new portion of boiling water. Secondary filling is done on two or three minutes (depending on the desired consistency of the yolk). It remains only to take out the eggs and serve immediately (eat soft-boiled eggs hot).

Eggs cooked in this way are deliciously tender. Protein resembles an air mass, a cloud surrounding a semi-liquid yolk.

How to boil eggs in a bag after boiling water

Pouched eggs are a firmer, thicker version of soft-boiled eggs. Therefore, they are cooked in the same way, except for the time spent in boiling water.

After boiling in cold bookmark cooking time is from five before six minutes. In a hot bookmark, after a minute of cooking, you will have to hold the egg in boiling water seven minutes.

It is not necessary to cool eggs in a bag in cold water: the dish is served hot. To make it easier to peel the shell, you can immerse the eggs in cold water for two minutes.

How to boil a poached egg

original version boiled egg - a dish under the exquisite name of a poached egg. The bottom line is to cook the contents without the shell. It turns out a soft-airy mass that fits perfectly into the concept of a morning sandwich, soft salad or a separate dish served with sauce and a piece of fresh baguette.

Product for original and delicious dish need very fresh. An egg laid more than a week ago will spread over the surface of the water during cooking. But the white of a fresh egg will gather around the yolk in the form of a dense bag.

To make poached eggs you will need additional ingredients:

  1. a teaspoon of salt;
  2. four teaspoons of six percent vinegar.

A poached egg is boiled in a special, low saucepan or stewpan. You can take a suitable steel bowl. Boil a liter and a half of water. Pour the norm of vinegar into boiled water, salt. The vinegar will help the squirrel hold its shape, and the salt will increase the density of the water.

How to cook

  1. Break the shell very carefully and pour the egg onto a saucer or into a small bowl.
  2. Reduce the heat of the stove to a minimum to reduce the intensity of the boil and prevent protein breakdown.
  3. It is necessary to bring the saucer as close as possible to the surface of the water, tilt it so that the egg smoothly slides into boiling water.
  4. Gently nudge with a spoon to make sure the egg white does not stick to the pan.
  5. Now it remains to observe the thickening process, focusing on your taste.
  6. Cooking time will be one before four minutes. Protein in any case should become solid.

You need to get the finished poached egg with a slotted spoon. If ugly threads still form along the edges of the thickened protein, they can be cut off.

How long to cook soft-boiled and hard-boiled eggs?

On the video channel "WOL - World of Lifehacks".

This simple video will help you remember once and for all how long to boil eggs.

We report the time after boiling water. So that the eggs do not burst during the boil, they must be put in a cold salt water. One more moment! This cooking time for soft-boiled and hard-boiled eggs is suitable for medium-sized eggs. In the video, the eggs are of the first category.

Three ways to cook scrambled eggs in the microwave

On the Fanpidyom video channel. This video shows you how to cook eggs in the microwave so they don't explode. Natalya Anikina once again shares the secrets of cooking simple and delicious dishes. See the recipe in the story.

How many people, so many opinions.

It would seem that it could be easier cooking eggs?

Threw it into the water, waited a few minutes - and a delicious, hearty breakfast is ready. But not everything is so simple.

There are many nuances that affect end result simple culinary arts.

Some people like boiled eggs with strong protein and tight yolk. Someone prefers that the protein keeps its shape well, and the yolk is liquid or slightly seized around the edges. There are lovers of tender poached eggs, cooked without shells.

In general, everyone has their own taste preferences. To get a guaranteed result, it is worth mastering the wisdom of boiling eggs. The pleasure of eating is very important point In human life. Especially if this person is a young wife who wants to please her beloved. Or the heiress of a rich uncle, brightening up the last days of a beloved relative. A rubbery, hard protein or insufficiently thick (liquid) yolk can ruin your mood.

General rules and the secrets of boiling chicken eggs:

The size of the pan should be such that the eggs lie tightly. If they float freely, then when boiling, knocking against each other, they will certainly crack;

You need to cook eggs at room temperature, especially if they are laid in boiling water. The shell of cold eggs will crack, so you need to get it out of the refrigerator at least half an hour before cooking;

If you add a little salt to the water, the shell will not burst during cooking, as it will become harder;

Fresh eggs should be boiled for 3-4 minutes longer (the date of packaging should be indicated on the package);

To prevent air from escaping from the blunt end, you need to pierce the shell from this side. Otherwise, the air mass can crack the egg.

An egg cooked according to all culinary science will turn out exactly the way you want to see it on your plate. It will not crack in the pan and will not leak out, it will please you with a soft or dense consistency of protein and yolk. The nuances of boiling eggs make it possible to use them as a solid component of a salad or, on the contrary, a soft and liquid dressing for this dish.

How to boil hard boiled eggs

Hard-boiled eggs can be boiled in two main ways, either in cold or boiling water. How long to cook hard-boiled eggs depends on their size and the initial temperature of the water.

The first way is laying in cold water. The sequence of actions is as follows:

Wash the eggs thoroughly under running water;

Place firmly in a saucepan;

Pour a small amount of cold water so that it only slightly covers the shell (eggs should not float freely);

Send to medium fire.

It is only possible to say in advance how much an egg will be boiled in cold water. It all depends on the initial temperature of the water, the strength of the fire, the features of the pan, and even how high the area is in relation to sea level. The higher the terrain, the lower the pressure of the atmosphere and, accordingly, the lower the boiling point of water (by adding salt to the water, we increase it).

Therefore, you will have to focus on the moment of boiling. How long to cook eggs after boiling water? In order to get a cool egg, you need to set the kitchen timer for 7-8 minutes.

The second way is laying eggs in boiling water. In this case, the eggs must be at room temperature, otherwise they will immediately crack. Put them in boiling boiling water carefully, using a tablespoon and immersing in it to the very bottom of the pan. It is important that the shell does not hit the bottom.

How long to cook hard-boiled eggs after the second boil? Small eggs need to be boiled for eight minutes, large eggs for ten minutes. Actually, the cooking time remains the same as in the cold method of laying. Remove boiled eggs from boiling water with a spoon and pour cold water over them. Forced cooling will help to peel off the shell more easily.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs

In order for soft-boiled eggs to be tasty and beautiful, they must be the freshest. The yolk with this method of cooking remains liquid. A stale dampish yolk is unlikely to be to the taste of true gourmets. In addition, very fresh eggs are easier to remove the shell.

To check the freshness of a chicken egg, you can use a simple folk method: put it in cold water.

1. For soft-boiled eggs, eggs that quickly sink to the bottom are ideal. They were demolished no later than six days ago, so they retained all the taste and freshness.

2. If the egg sank a little, but did not touch the bottom, that is, it floats in the middle of the water layer, it will also work. The age of such a product is from one to two weeks.

3. Unsuitable for soft-boiling eggs that remain floating on the surface of the water. They were demolished about a month ago. You can still use such a product (for example, in homemade cakes), but you should not cook soft-boiled.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs? There are several ways. It's still the same cold or hot bookmark.

First way

With the cold method, the washed eggs should be put tightly in a saucepan, pour cold water and put on high heat. As soon as the water starts bubbling, reduce the temperature to medium-low.

How much to cook eggs after boiling water also depends on their size and the desired result:

Usually, three minutes is enough to get a semi-liquid egg. The yolk will remain completely liquid, and the protein will thicken a little, but will not become very hard, like a hard-boiled egg;

If you want to make the yolk a little thicker, you need to continue cooking for four minutes. During this time, the protein will be completely cooked, and the yolk will thicken slightly;

Those who want to get a tender thick yolk with a raw center need to boil the eggs for five minutes after boiling water.

Second way

It is supposed to be placed in boiling water. Eggs of compact temperature are carefully, with the help of a spoon, sent to the bottom of the bubbling pan. Exactly one minute later, cooking should be stopped, and the eggs should be left in cooling boiling water for five or six minutes.

In a five-minute egg, the protein will be liquid, in a six-minute egg, it will be semi-solid. If you leave it for another minute, that is, hold it in hot water for seven minutes, you will get an egg in a bag. By experimenting with time, you can achieve exactly the result that will bring pleasure.

After five to six minutes, the eggs can be poured with cold water to cool. To make the shells easier to remove, two minutes in a cold "bath" will be enough.

Third way

Hot bookmark according to a special scheme, without cooking at all. How to boil soft-boiled eggs in this way? The prepared product at room temperature should be tightly placed in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. The water should just cover the shell a little. Close the pan tightly with a lid and leave the eggs for ten minutes.

Then the water must be poured out and the eggs re-brewed with a new portion of boiling water. Secondary filling is done for two or three minutes (depending on the desired consistency of the yolk). It remains only to take out the eggs and serve immediately (eat soft-boiled eggs hot).

Eggs cooked in this way are deliciously tender. Protein resembles an air mass, a cloud surrounding a semi-liquid yolk.

How to boil eggs in a bag after boiling water

Pouched eggs are a firmer, thicker version of soft-boiled eggs. Therefore, they are cooked in the same way, except for the time spent in boiling water.

After boiling in a cold bookmark, the cooking time is five to six minutes. In a hot bookmark, after a minute of cooking, it will take seven minutes to hold the egg in boiling water.

It is not necessary to cool eggs in a bag in cold water: the dish is served hot. To make it easier to peel the shell, you can immerse the eggs in cold water for two minutes.

How to boil a poached egg

The original version of a boiled egg is a dish under the exquisite name poached egg. The bottom line is to cook the contents without the shell. The result is a delicately airy mass that fits perfectly into the concept of a morning sandwich, soft salad or a separate dish served with sauce and a piece of fresh baguette.

The product for an original and tasty dish will need to be very fresh. An egg laid more than a week ago will spread over the surface of the water during cooking. But the white of a fresh egg will gather around the yolk in the form of a dense bag.

To prepare a poached egg, you will need additional ingredients:

a teaspoon of salt;

Four teaspoons of 6% vinegar.

A poached egg is boiled in a special, low saucepan or stewpan. You can take a suitable steel bowl. Boil a liter and a half of water. Pour the norm of vinegar into boiled water, salt. The vinegar will help the squirrel hold its shape, and the salt will increase the density of the water.

Now the most important thing: you need to very carefully break the shell and pour the egg on a saucer or into a small bowl. Reduce the heat of the stove to a minimum to reduce the intensity of the boil and prevent protein breakdown.

Bring the saucer as close as possible to the surface of the water, tilt it so that the egg slides smoothly into boiling water. Gently nudge with a spoon to make sure the egg white does not stick to the pan. It remains to observe the thickening process, focusing on your taste. Cooking time will be from one to four minutes. Protein in any case should become solid.

You need to get the finished poached egg with a slotted spoon. If ugly threads still form along the edges of the thickened protein, they can be cut off.