Which chocolate fountain is best to buy for business. At the right time and in the right place

11.05.2019 Healthy eating

Any celebration, be it a birthday, wedding, anniversary, corporate party or children's party ends with a tea party. Traditionally, a cake was always served at this moment, but now it is much more popular to surprise everyone with a chocolate fountain at the end of the party. Indeed, millions of cream roses are no longer interesting. The chocolate fountain gives you new impressions:

  • He allows everyone to cook a dessert himself and visit at least once in the role of a pastry chef;
  • It gives you the opportunity to try new combinations of tastes, because it is not at all necessary to dip only biscuit or fruit into the flowing chocolate. You can take cheese, for example, or something more exotic;
  • Returns even adults, serious people to childhood, gives them vivid emotions and real delight;
  • As for the kids themselves, they get a fairy tale in reality - chocolate rivers and a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive.

How to choose a chocolate fountain?

Installations for a chocolate fountain are different. There are configurations for commercial use that can handle large quantities of loaded chocolate, usually with many tiers. In short, high quality professional equipment. But such an installation is also not too cheap, so if you want to buy a chocolate fountain for yourself, in order to sometimes arrange cute home parties, then you simply do not need such a copy. This option is suitable for restaurants, bars, cafes, where festive events are constantly held, and there is a great demand for such entertainment.

For home use, there are practical, but simpler and, accordingly, cheaper modifications at a very reasonable price. Here you will be guided by the availability of funds and your personal preferences: do you want the smallest model or a little more.

So, if you are tormented by the question of how to choose a chocolate fountain, just answer the following questions for yourself:

  • For home or commercial use, you buy a unit;
  • What height do you need, and how many tiers do you want to see;
  • How much chocolate should the fountain hold?
  • Pay attention to the installation design;
  • And, of course, its price.

Variety of chocolate fountains from "site"

The website online store will help you choose the chocolate fountain of your dreams. We have a wide selection of installations of any price category and any configuration. You can even purchase a set of fountains, which will make a splash at the celebration. You will be pleased with our democratic prices, attention to your order, prompt delivery and quality assurance of goods. Chocolate fountains from "site" will give you delight in taste and excellent mood!

When holding birthdays, weddings, corporate and other holidays, you want the event to be remembered. And it is imperative that it be delicious - you will lick your fingers! You can set the tables with food, invite animators, decorate the room with balloons, flowers, arrange noisy and colorful fireworks.

And if you add a chocolate fountain to the holiday, then the euphoria from the presence at the unforgettable event will definitely be among the guests and the hosts. This holiday will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

What is a Chocolate Fountain? Tall metal multi-tiered structure powered by the mains. But instead of water, liquid chocolate cascades down.

The structure is installed in a special hot chocolate tray that is constantly circulating. Imagine the smell in the room! This smell alone will set the guests up for a holiday in a moment.

Place the sliced \u200b\u200bfruits and small skewers or forks to prick them around the fountain on an elegant dish. Dipping fruit in a chocolate fountain will appeal to everyone.

What is this business idea? You need to buy a dozen or two fountains of various sizes and rent them out for celebrations and all kinds of holidays. You can even set up a point with a fountain near an entertainment or shopping center.

The production of chocolate fountains has been established in many countries of the world. The height of the fountains varies from half a meter to two meters, from 3-tiered to 7-tiered. They are constructed of stainless steel, wear-resistant and strong, there is no need to worry about breakdowns and repair costs. Depending on the size and country of origin, the price of a fountain varies from 3,000 to 20,000 - 25,000 rubles.

Finding and buying a good chocolate fountain, for example, via the Internet is not at all difficult. It is enough to write the following phrases in the search line of any search engine: “Buy a chocolate fountain in Moscow” or the following phrase: “Buy a chocolate fountain in St. Petersburg” and you will be offered a large number of offers. Choose, negotiate and purchase. Honestly you will not regret it.

For the fountain to work to its fullest, you need from five to fifteen kilograms of chocolate. The varieties of chocolate are chosen by the customers. For weddings, cascades of white chocolate will look symbolic and more beautiful, although, again, it depends on the taste of the customer.

Searching the Internet can help here too. Again, write something like: "Buy chocolate for a chocolate fountain" or "Chocolate for a chocolate fountain" and all your problems with finding the right chocolate will be solved very quickly.

Milk chocolate is better for a children's party, since not every child perceives the white colors of chocolate, he has a clear idea in his mind: once chocolate, then brown. The color scheme of hot chocolate can be diversified by adding safe dyes to white. The colors are pastel-soft.

The return on business depends directly on the region and, of course, on the number of orders. The costs can be recouped in the first two weeks, or in 2 months. The rental price of a chocolate fountain at the agencies of the capital varies from 5 to 15 thousand rubles (this is for a large, 2-meter fountain for 120 - 150 people).

Each fountain pays off for two or three rentals. The fountains take up a little space, if we consider the business unstable, then you can make good money on it.

If you rent a point in an entertainment center, installing a fountain there, then the equipment will bring constant income. On disposable small plates, customers can serve fruit, chopped on skewers.

The cost of a dessert per plate, depending on the number of pieces and the presence of exotic items on the menu, will vary from two to five dollars. Subtract from the income the cost of renting a point, chocolate and fruit, you get a net profit, which, I assure you, is several times higher than the amount spent on the business.

And when a larger customer appears, then nothing will prevent you from renting the fountain for a day or two.

When you feel that they know about you and the business is on stream, then you will need to buy fountains for champagne, juices or wines to the chocolate fountains. Believe me, these fountains will be the center of attention at any celebration or event. They will become a highlight that everyone will remember.

What else is business good for? To put it on stream, you do not need to have special skills and knowledge. Initially, it will be necessary to advertise in the local newspaper or on the radio, preferably with a photo in the press - this will attract the attention of customers.

If opportunities permit, you can shoot a small video for street screens - chocolate fountains always look more spectacular and bright, which will surely attract attention.

The organizers try to make everything as interesting as possible and in such a way that the guests are satisfied. Surely those people who often attend such events noticed that almost every one has a chocolate fountain and that it is not very popular among guests; a crowd of people usually always lives around it.
Chocolate - this is, first of all, a very tasty delicacy that is loved by almost everyone, in addition, its benefits have been proven relatively recently, so all people can use it, but, of course, in limited quantities, and at events it is a sin not to pamper yourself with something - then delicious.
Chocolate fountains have long been popular in Europe and they look very impressive, because instead of water, delicious chocolate is poured in the fountain.
A chocolate fountain can be rented, in principle, this is how you can earn money, especially since renting a fountain does not cost a penny, as many might think, but a very normal amount of money.

Chocolate fountain decoration

Fountains are decorated in completely different ways, so they can fit into absolutely any event. Most often, sliced \u200b\u200bfruits on skewers are displayed next to the fountain, which are immersed in this fountain. The combination of fruit and chocolate is simply divine.
The chocolate fountain looks like a metal structure of three tiers, it works directly from the mains, a special container drowns the chocolate, which then flows directly along the tiers like a fountain.
Usually, chocolate is used for such a fountain, in which about fifty-three percent of cocoa is used, it is considered that it is most suitable, since the percentage of cocoa is quite large, but the chocolate will not taste too bitter.
Having decided to engage in this business, of course, you need to purchase such a fountain somewhere, and preferably more than one, there is production in different countries, so an entrepreneur himself can find the most suitable option for him both in terms of transportation and cost. Also, fountains come in different sizes, but most often they are chosen by those whose height does not exceed one and a half meters.

Advertising of chocolate fountains

In such a business, advertising is important, thanks to which customers know that such a service has become available. It is best to place fountains in well-known restaurants or hotel lobbies, where they can be seen and where there are people willing to rent them.
During transportation, you will need to independently search for clients, this will allow you to quickly recoup all investments, and in general, in no business you should just sit and wait, you always have to act.
The fountains look very impressive, so for sure many people will want to get them for their own event, the main thing is to lure a client, provide a seductive discount or give a gift, in a word, use various clever marketing moves that have already proved their effectiveness in practice.

Nowadays, the entertainment industry, including the restaurant business and all kinds of holiday agencies, is experiencing natural difficulties associated with the crisis. That is why the search for new ideas that could attract or at least save customer traffic at the same level as ever relevant. “In this regard, a non-standard approach that evokes strong associations with the holiday, with a bright taste and with an alluring aroma may be of interest,” advises Igor Malyugin, an expert on startups. “If you ask yourself which product is a win-win in this regard, the easiest answer is chocolate.”

In this regard, according to the analyst, a fairly simple and at the same time effective solution is to include chocolate fountains in the restaurant menu or in the list of various services. Representing cascades of bowls up to one meter high, the chocolate fountains fully reflect their name. We will tell you how the entertainment business can get additional income with their help.

Russian interest

Before starting any business, including attracting additional clientele through chocolate fountains, it would be right to think about whether there will be demand. It is clear that it would be unwise for a restaurant director, for example, with two hundred tables to order a special study on this topic. As the saying goes, the game is not worth the candle. But it is not so difficult to look at the various forums where this issue is discussed, which we will do.

Kuzina Ksenia Eduardovna (23 years old): “… I have never seen a chocolate fountain or tasted it, I have only heard admiring reviews. But we also ordered a chocolate fountain, I hope that at our wedding we will have at least a peek at this beauty ... and if we are lucky, we will also try. "
Lydia Slavnaya (28 years old): “When I saw a chocolate fountain for the first time, it somehow sunk into my soul, well, I really, really love chocolate”.

Kuritsyna (Kozlova) Anna Aleksandrovna even posted on the forum "Wedding Services" a photo ( on right), where guests enjoy a chocolate fountain.

JustMarried_: "We had a chocolate fountain at the buffet table while the guests were gathering, and according to the plans it was supposed to be the whole evening ... then we were told that everyone liked it so much that when it was turned off, the guests scooped chocolate from below."

There are a lot of such posts. As you can see, the majority of the population chocolate fountains cause nothing but delight. And the demand for this product can be much higher than it initially seems.

Restaurateur Roman Yashin from Moscow, who was one of the first to include chocolate fountains in his restaurant's menu, says that the highlight of this additional business is the indirect benefit. “When I was offered a chocolate fountain, I immediately refused,” says the businessman. - He said, they say, clients will get dirty, especially children, not to mention the tablecloths and floors. Meanwhile, when I thought about it and calculated the indirect benefit, which will surely "overcome" these possible troubles, I immediately agreed with the proposal. "

Indeed, selling fruits and biscuits that are skewered into falling hot chocolate can increase your evening's income by a quarter. By the way, the equipment for chocolate fountains can be rented profitably. So, in a post written by forum member sarahs-sweet-fountains on ebay, there are events where this equipment is most often asked:

  • weddings;
  • bachelorette parties;
  • stag parties;
  • barmitsvy - celebration of the age of majority;
  • birthdays;
  • parties;
  • exhibitions;
  • children holidays;
  • presentation.

However, the main interest in chocolate fountains is for entertainment and as a source of additional income. “For example, after buying a three-tier nine-stage JM Posner Cascade for about 6,000 rubles, my income increased by 200,000 rubles a year,” explains Roman Yashin. - My calculation was based on the increase in the average check value of the tables discussed. This is not to say that chocolate fountains bring priority profit, but what is a good help is for sure. "

Wedding first thing

Expert Jan Komarowski claims that this business has good prospects, especially in the service of wedding feasts... He believes that the best clue to whom to offer a "chocolate fountain" is a list of upcoming weddings. In many countries, this information is public and posted on relevant sites. “In Russia, salons for newlyweds can become such a source of information,” advises Igor Malyugin. “Agree with the managers of these stores, and they will show your equipment for a certain margin.”

According to statistics, 1,225,501 marriages were registered in Russia in 2013, approximately one celebration per hundred people. Obviously, in some cities people get married more often than in others. At the same time, as some averaged indicators, these data may well be taken into account when calculating the profitability from the purchase of a chocolate fountain by one or another restaurant. “If a city is home to one hundred thousand people, then you can roughly count on a thousand weddings a year,” Malyugin estimates. - Moreover, each restaurant occupies its own niche. Most often these are two celebrations a week, since, as a rule, the entire hall is rented. "

For an average provincial city, a restaurant bill for a wedding from a hundred guests is about 200-250 thousand rubles, so adding a chocolate fountain with a price tag from one to four thousand rubles to the menu does not significantly change the customer's spending. Thus, one hundred weddings (two a week) will bring the restaurateur two hundred thousand rubles at a cost of two thousand.

There are many ways to make a beautiful chocolate fountain. Although it is interesting in itself and attracts people, businessmen still try to show additional options.

“Place a table with a fountain near the wall, which should be draped with a beautiful white tablecloth with lace,” explains designer Sveta Mizintseva. - Against the background of her fountain will look brighter than in the middle of the room. Keep the fabric clean and change if necessary. "

“Think of the lighting in such a way that the fountain flickers in a room with dim light,” says Chef Ilya from Moscow. - Then you can look at him as long as you like, like a burning fire. This means that clients will come to him more often. "

“Don't forget flowers and fruits as a great fountain decoration option,” writes sarahs-sweet-fountains. - To taste, flowing chocolate is in perfect harmony with marshmallows and strawberries. Sometimes it is wise to install two cars. One with dark and the other with white chocolate. "

Food for thought

As we already said, you can make money on chocolate fountains as a separate business - for sale and rent. Dedicated portals for those looking to open such firms publish detailed instructions - from registration to local marketing policies. “A small but tasty-smelling office, dealership agreements with manufacturers of chocolate fountain technology, an exhibition of equipment and your personal charm - that's what it takes to be successful in a small town,” write in the article “A startup named chocolate miracle”. “But remember: to make a business profitable, you need to make regular presentations.”

It is clear that business is business, and no one can predict one hundred percent success. However, you can always find some average estimates that apply to one or another. “According to expert assessments, the break-even point of a company engaged in the rental of chocolate fountains passes on average in six months,” says Igor Malyugin. - The crisis will most likely take more time. A plus can be considered an inexpensive start, about 100-150 thousand rubles. The money will go to rent an office and purchase a small batch of equipment, for example CCF200DT (at a price of 6500 rubles). "

In addition, you can turn your attention to the fact that a review of the market for this device's offers states that there are no domestically produced fountains, although this product has a high demand potential from Russian restaurants and holiday agencies. All this, of course, may be of interest to ours (held or potential) in terms of the development and production of domestic analogues.

In Russia, the chocolate market is developing rapidly. From 2013 to 2019, the consumption of chocolate increased from 6 to 8 kg per person per year. Despite the trend towards proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, they continue to buy sweets and candies: for themselves and their families, as a gift for a holiday. The chocolate business pays for itself in a matter of months and generates stable profits for the owners.

Chocolate Making Business Ideas

There are two models for organizing the technological process: home or industrial production of chocolate.

By choosing the first option, you can start a business at home in the kitchen with a minimum investment in equipment. But it will not be possible to register such a business officially, so the responsibility for working without registration with the Federal Tax Service and paying taxes will lie with you.

In the second case, you will have to comply with the requirements of the inspection authorities, rent and prepare a workshop, hire employees and establish a stream production of chocolate products.

Making handmade chocolate

"Chocolate boutique" is a concept that came to Russia in 2016. The boutique sells premium handmade chocolates made according to home recipes. The owners of such establishments rely on the uniqueness of the products, yielding to large workshops in terms of production.

The assortment of the chocolate boutique includes:

  • dark, white and milk chocolate bars;
  • chocolate with filling - fruit and berry;
  • truffles;
  • sweets with non-standard fillings;
  • gift sets of different types of chocolate.

Customers can order custom sets, chocolate fountains and even engraved candy.

The fashionable trend in gourmet boutiques is a combination of incongruous tastes. Manufacturers of elite chocolate offer ginger, chili, candied fruit and even bacon as filling. They sell flavored candies exclusively in their original packaging.

Handmade chocolate is a delight for gourmets, so it will always find its buyer

Making fruit in chocolate

Strawberries, apples and bananas are fruits that are in demand all year round. In combination with chocolate, they form a unique delicacy. The advantage of the chocolate-covered fruit business is minimal competition on the Russian market. The disadvantage is the pronounced seasonality. In winter, the value of the fruit rises and the demand from buyers falls.

A possible way out of the situation is to rent an area in a city shopping center to work even in the cold season, in a place with maximum traffic. Advertising can focus on the saturation of products with vitamins.

There is nothing tastier than fruit in chocolate: neither children nor adults can resist this delicacy

Making chocolate figurines

The technology for making chocolate figurines is simple - hot chocolate is poured into molds, then cooled until solidified and the halves are removed. The edges of each are carefully heated and glued together. Figures are used to decorate cakes and pastries, they are presented for holidays to children and adults.

To make a chocolate butterfly or lace lace you need:

  • melted chocolate;
  • glass bowl for heating;
  • silicone forms.

Instead of molds, you can use any objects: cups, stacks, spoons, paper sheets and others. By combining different types of chocolate and adding food coloring, pastry chefs give the figurines a unique design. Show your imagination and an unprecedented result will not keep you waiting.

Chocolate figurines are ordered to decorate wedding and anniversary cakes

Where to start: business registration

Chocolate production belongs to the food industry, so be prepared for numerous inspections by the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. Register a business before starting work by choosing one of the forms - LLC or IE.

Benefits of being an individual entrepreneur:

  • registration in 5 working days;
  • minimum state duty when registering a business;
  • minimum of documents.

The main disadvantage of an individual entrepreneur is liability to creditors with all property. If you own an apartment, and the business has accumulated debts, be prepared for the property to be put up for sale.

Advantages of opening an LLC:

  • financial responsibility within the authorized capital;
  • a member of a legal entity can exit it by alienating a share of the company;
  • the company can be sold or donated if necessary;
  • in case of suspension of activities, the organization does not transfer contributions to pension and insurance funds.

The disadvantages of an LLC are a complicated registration procedure and the need to contribute the authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles, as well as a state fee of 4 thousand rubles. for company registration.

When registering, choose a tax system that is comfortable for you. Small businesses should consider a simplified regime (STS 6 or 15%). When planning to open a large-scale production, think about UTII (flat tax on imputed income). The amount and procedure for paying taxes depends on the chosen system.

Table: comparison of tax regimes

Tax regime Limits
Revenue Average number of employees Average annual value of funds Kind of activity Capital structure
OSNO With no restrictions
ESHN With no restrictions With no restrictions With no restrictions Agriculture With no restrictions
UTII With no restrictions 100 people With no restrictions The share of participation of other organizations no more than 25%
Simplified taxation system 6% 60 million rubles RUB 100 million Except for some activities
Simplified taxation system 15%
PSN 60 million rubles 15 people With no restrictions There is a list of activities For individual entrepreneurs only

Obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Pozhnadzor, as well as the conclusion of the SES on the possibility of starting work. Get a health certificate, even if you make candy in minimal quantities.

Organization of home production of chocolate

An exclusive homemade confectionery can compete with large industries due to the quality of products, the use of natural ingredients and proven chocolate recipes. When working on your own, pay close attention to product quality. Experiment with combinations of flavors, offer customers a variety of products. The disadvantage of a home business is the inability to formally register a company.This is due to the fact that the kitchen space must be removed from the housing stock in order to organize food production in it. In this case, you assume all the risks associated with informal entrepreneurship.

Recipe and manufacturing technology

Observe the recipe and technological process in the manufacture of chocolate - the taste and shelf life of the finished product depends on this.

The simplest homemade chocolate recipe:

  1. Mix 5 tbsp. cocoa spoons, 7 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and 150 ml of milk in a bowl. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring continuously.
  2. Gradually add 1 teaspoon flour and 50 g butter. Continue stirring until smooth.
  3. Pour hot chocolate into molds, after adding the filling (waffle chips, nuts, raisins) into it.

Choosing chocolate, customers first of all pay attention to the appearance and taste.

When the chocolate cools down, you can eat it. You can store homemade sweets for 2-6 months at temperatures up to 17 degrees. Chocolate may only be transported in vehicles equipped with cooling systems.

The weight of the candy should not exceed 3–6 g, so that the client can put it whole in his mouth and taste it without biting off.

Room requirements

Technical conditions for the production of chocolate are defined by GOST 31721–2012. In the document, you will find information on the quantity of ingredients for the manufacture of different types of cocoa-based products, as well as the requirements for the equipment and workshop. Despite the lack of registration and verification, try to comply with the maximum requirements of the standard. The room should be ventilated, with artificial temperature conditions and low humidity levels. The optimum temperature for storing chocolate is up to 17 degrees.

Purchase of equipment and raw materials

A home bakery can be opened with minimal investment if you work to order and use kitchen equipment. Purchase raw materials for the production of chocolate:

  • chocolate mass or cocoa;
  • cacao butter;
  • sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • emulsifiers;
  • milk or cream.

Buy quality ingredients. To save money, replacing cocoa butter with palm, and cocoa with carob, you risk the taste of future chocolate.

At home, use a coffee grinder to grind cocoa beans into powder

With the development of your business, start purchasing professional equipment:

  • a high power juicer for producing cocoa butter;
  • a sander for removing excess moisture;
  • temper for fast crystallization of chocolate;
  • various shapes and stencils.

The cost of a home kit for the production of elite sweets does not exceed 150 thousand rubles.

Sales and advertising company

Sell \u200b\u200bcandy directly to customers at first. To do this, create groups on social media, take attractive product photos and post ads. Invite friends and acquaintances to groups, set up targeted advertising for members of competing groups.

When you develop a business and open a kitchen outside the home, having received permission from the SES, negotiate with retail chains and coffee houses that do not have cooking and supply sweets for sale. The main thing is to comply with the terms of delivery and storage of goods.

Financial calculations

Home production does not require any special costs and pays off within a few months.

Table: costs of starting a business

Table: systematic costs

Planned income

The cost of one bar of exclusive handmade chocolate is 200 rubles, the cost of making it is 25–35 rubles, depending on the filling. On average, 200 tiles can be sold per month, the total income is 40 thousand rubles. Net profit per month - 15 thousand rubles, payback period for home business - 5 months.

Business plan for the production of chocolate on an industrial scale

Industrial production is different from home production. You will not be able to cope with the volume of production alone, you will need to involve employees. Equipment for a full-fledged workshop costs dozens of times more, and the manufacturing technology is more complicated than home-made.

The first thing to do at the enterprise is to hire a technologist. He will be responsible for the chocolate making process and work out the recipes. Buy raw materials only after working out each recipe.

To obtain chocolate, cocoa beans are fried, ground and mixed with the remaining ingredients in a conche machine, and then cooled and formed into bars.

The process of making chocolate in the workshop is automated and includes the following stages:

  • dosing of components;
  • initial mixing;
  • mixing in a conche machine up to 3 days;
  • heating the chocolate mass up to 50 degrees;
  • filling in forms;
  • cooling to 33 degrees and holding for 40 minutes;

The production of different types of chocolate differs in the initial set of ingredients and technology adjustments. To make porous chocolate, it is enough to add air when loading raw materials for conching, and for bitter chocolate you will have to use more cocoa powder.

Room selection

To organize a chocolate shop, a room with an area of \u200b\u200b60 sq. m. Requirements for the workshop:

  • is not part of the housing stock;
  • equipped with ventilation;
  • there are sinks with cold and hot water;
  • walls are finished with tiles up to 1.5 m from the floor;
  • the rest of the walls are painted.

To get the tiles and candies perfectly even, buy a molding machine from the workshop

In the room, equip a place for a warehouse of products with an optimal temperature, as well as an office and directly a workshop with equipment.

Equipment purchase

The cost of purchasing equipment ranges from 1 to 10 million rubles. Industrial equipment for the chocolate shop:

  • ball mill for mixing ingredients;
  • boiler for kindling butter;
  • mixing conche machine;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • temper for crystallization of chocolate.

In conche machines, the chocolate mass is kept with constant stirring for 24-72 hours

Accessory equipment:

  • conveyors;
  • ventilation system;
  • thermostats;
  • planetary pumps;
  • hoods;
  • molding equipment;
  • packing unit;
  • printing press for making wrappers.

Purchase of raw materials

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which can be purchased in Africa, Australia, Asia. There are three types of beans suitable for making chocolate:

  • "Creole" - selected top class beans;
  • "Outlander" - average quality;
  • Pumpkin - low-grade beans.

Cocoa beans go through three stages before they turn into powder:

  • frying at a temperature of 150 degrees;
  • separation of liquid and husk;
  • grinding into powder.

In addition to powder, buy cocoa butter, sugar and milk, as well as filling ingredients if you plan on making candy.

Don't skimp on ingredients: the more natural ingredients, the higher the quality of the chocolate

Staff recruitment

For the normal functioning of the workshop, hire employees. Make sure everyone has valid health records.

Composition of employees:

  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • technologist;
  • confectioners;
  • driver;
  • cleaner.

Enter into nondisclosure agreements with the employees of the company's recipe.

Assortment formation

Large confectionery factories use a similar recipe, and their production volumes do not allow producing exclusive chocolate in small batches. In a small workshop, you can make chocolate according to original recipes, varying the composition of the components and filling.

Together with the technologist, evaluate the production capabilities, calculate the estimated production volumes. Develop your own specifications. Based on the planned purchases of raw materials, create a menu. Make them out and post them on the company's website or in a group on social networks.

The high-end chocolate boutique's assortment typically includes handmade chocolates and cakes, as well as beautifully packaged gift baskets.

Possible distribution channels and advertising

Chocolate lovers (82%) buy their favorite product in supermarkets at the same time they purchase other goods. At the same time, 21% of them are ready to specially go to the store for chocolate. Milk tiles are most often chosen, less often bitter ones. Only 4% of customers love white chocolate. “Chocolate boutiques” with exclusive varieties of their favorite product are gaining momentum.

Probable distribution channels for products:

  • supermarkets;
  • off-chain grocery stores;
  • stalls, tents;
  • coffee shops, cafes;
  • fairs, exhibitions.
  • shops, coffee houses;
  • internet, social networks;
  • city \u200b\u200bmagazines;
  • release of own catalogs;
  • sponsoring events.

So that your product does not get lost on store shelves, do not skimp on original packaging and memorable advertising

Business calculations

Calculations are shown using the example of a workshop with an area of \u200b\u200b60 sq. m., equipped with everything necessary and operating under license.

Table: opening costs

Table: recurring costs

Expected income

The cost of one chocolate bar is 100 rubles, the cost of making it is 20–35 rubles. On average, 5200 tiles can be sold only through retail chains per month, the total income is 520 thousand rubles. The net profit per month is 260 thousand rubles, the payback period of the home business is 2 years.

Business profitability reaches 200% even when using natural ingredients. If you replace cocoa powder and cocoa butter with cheap analogues, it will increase by 1.5 times.

Franchise or own brand

You will need impressive capital to start your chocolate business from scratch. There is an exit. When in doubt, buy a franchise. Notable franchised chocolate factories:

  • "Shantimel";
  • Podarilli;
  • Frade.

Franchise benefits:

  • work under a well-known brand;
  • proven production technology;
  • the opportunity to buy equipment at a discount / lease;
  • consulting assistance;
  • business mechanics;
  • feeling of teamwork.

Disadvantages of franchising:

  • the need to pay the franchise seller a monthly fee - royalties;
  • high business value;
  • overestimated requirements for the incoming partner;
  • the need to comply with the terms of the franchisor.

The buyer of a franchise always runs the risk of running into an unscrupulous company, which, instead of the existing mechanisms for effective work, gives only a couple of instructions on how to do business.

The Confael franchise allows you to ensure stable turnover and gives you the opportunity to get higher profitability compared to a business created from scratch

Newbie mistakes

Beginners in the chocolate business are often wrong. The key problem is the underestimation of consumer needs. This is especially true for manufacturers in small towns. They rely on the uniqueness of the product, not paying attention to consumer qualities. As a result, the client receives an exclusive candy in an expensive package, but it tastes obscene. Naturally, the client does not come again. In general, in provincial cities, people make excessive demands on the quality of food, compliance with which is the key task of an entrepreneur.

Having decided to start a chocolate business and have enough funds, don't hesitate. Assess the market in your city, analyze the demand of potential buyers. Calculate expenses and income and get started. When in doubt, choose a popular franchise and follow the proven methods of professionals.

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