A very old recipe for the production of vodka. Old recipes of Russian vodka

07.08.2022 Meat dishes

I must admit that now even the word “vodka” in the plural is bewildering. The difference between what is now sold in bottles, albeit under different names, is most often only in price, but in the number of unpleasant stains that appear on the surface of the liquid poured into a glass. And, meanwhile, the current vodka has quite little in common with what has long been called vodka in Russia and deservedly received worldwide fame. In addition to the fact that many varieties of vodkas were sold that really and significantly differed from each other, it was considered bad manners to put a store-bought bottle on the table in a decent house.

The real hostess always tried to give the treat a unique originality with her own hands. We believe that it would be nice to revive this tradition. In addition, home-made vodka has a taste and smell incomparable to store-bought; poured into a decanter and passed through skillful master's hands, the drink

Causes those sitting at the table not at all the same attitude as an ordinary faceless bottle, it already seems like a sin to drink glasses to the point of insanity.

But, before giving a few recipes for homemade vodkas, we will tell you how you can clean regular vodka or drinking alcohol from unpleasant odors that they often have. This is not difficult to do, especially if you have a cottage or a garden plot.

Take a few dry birch logs and make a fire out of them. When the coals have reached the highest temperature and have already crumbled, put them in a clay pot with a scoop, blow off all the ashes as cleanly as possible and close the pot tightly with a lid so that the coals go out. Then take them out of the pot, blow again, cool and crush, but not too finely.

Put crushed coals in a bottle at the rate of approximately 50 g per 1 liter and fill with vodka or alcohol. Shake the bottle 3-4 times every day for the next three weeks. Then let the vodka stand for another week, but don't shake it. After that, filter the vodka, pour it into a clean bottle, put in it very carefully sorted and as large as possible raisins 30-40 g per 1 liter and 3-4 g of violet root, finely cut into pieces. Let stand another 12 days and filter again. The finished drink should be completely devoid of foreign odors and flavors. Just keep in mind that if you insist alcohol, and then dilute it, be sure to use boiled cold water, otherwise the mixture will become cloudy and turn white.

Then you can optionally give the vodka the most pleasant color for you. The table of flowers and their corresponding plants is very simple: blue vodka is insisted on cornflowers, yellow on saffron, green on mint, red on blueberries, purple on sunflower seeds, brown on pine nut shells.

You can vary the density and saturation of the shade according to your own taste depending on the number of plants and the time of infusion.

To prepare vodkas according to the following recipes, you should use the direct distillation distillation apparatus described above and shown in Figure 2. It only remains to add that we present complete recipes compiled back in those days when with spices and spices, as, indeed, with other products, there were no current difficulties. But nothing terrible will happen if for some recipe you cannot get one or two ingredients. The main thing is to keep the principle, the drink will still turn out much better than usual.

Old Moscow white vodka

40 g of ginger, 40 g of galangal, 40 g of sage, 40 g of mint, 40 g of anise pour 1 liter of alcohol and insist for 18 days. Then add 1.5 liters of cold raw water to the infusion (if you have a key one on the site, it is best to use it) and distill everything together through a distillation apparatus. If you used vodka instead of alcohol, then you can not dilute it with water or dilute it quite a bit.

Vodka vintage Yerofeich

35 g of mint, 35 g of anise, 35 g of coarsely crushed orange nuts pour 1 liter of vodka purified on birch coals and put in a warm place for 12 days. After that, vodka can be consumed and I don’t drain the thick, but, in principle, the thick can be used again, filling it with a half portion of vodka and putting it in a warm place for a month.

Vodka with almond flavor

Take the youngest shoots of the rowan tree, peel them and cut the white stems into pieces as small as possible. Pour these pieces with the simplest wine, preferably white strong, in a volume ratio of 1: 4 (1 part shoots and 4 parts wine) and distill through a distillation apparatus. If the almond smell seems weak to you, put more shoots to your liking and distill again.

Early caraway vodka

Pour 350-400 g of cumin into 1 liter of water and distill through a distillation apparatus. The resulting caraway water can be stored at a low temperature in the refrigerator or on the glacier in the cellar for several months. When you need cumin vodka, sweeten the water just a little, pour it into vodka to taste, and the drink is ready.

Vodka casserole

In the simplest vodka, put from 1/10 to 1/5 of the volume of dry lemon peels, let stand for at least a few hours and distill everything together through a distillation apparatus. Take a bottle of as thick glass as possible and put 6 g of cinnamon, 1 g of cardamom, nutmeg, all finely crushed beforehand, on 1 liter of distilled vodka. Cork the bottle and coat with steep rye dough three fingers thick. If you are preparing a drink in the country and you have an oven, then as soon as it starts to cool, put the bottle in it for the night. Take it out in the morning and leave it in the room. So repeat 4 days in a row. If there is no oven, then use a cooling oven, but then you need to put a bottle in it at least 8 times. After cooking, filter the vodka and you can sweeten it slightly, but put no more than 250 g of sugar per 1 liter of vodka.

Rowan pennik

Take about a kilogram of mature mountain ash, but so that it is collected before frost, and crush it with a wooden pestle in a mortar. Transfer to a bottle, pour 10-12 liters of fresh bread kvass and add 50-70 g of yeast. Leave the kvass to ferment in a room at a temperature of about 16 C. When the fermentation is almost over, which you will determine by the cessation of active gas evolution, pour the whole mass together with the mountain ash, stirring, into the flask of the distillation unit and distill several times, achieving such a state of the drink that it had no foreign unpleasant odors.

All the described vodkas in well-corked bottles can be stored almost indefinitely without losing their taste and aroma, and even vice versa, acquiring a special nobility over the years.

Let's get acquainted with the wonderful old recipes for vodkas and tinctures, because many of them can be used in our time, surprising guests with unusual tastes of festive drinks.


8 glasses of quince juice, 8 glasses of vodka, a bunch of rye straw, 50 g of sugar and vanilla sugar.

Cut a bunch of straw very finely, and rub the overripe quince on a grater. Squeeze juice from this mixture. Mix the resulting juice with vodka. Add regular sugar and vanilla. Drain into a bottle, leave for a week. Filter.

anisette vodka

Take 65 g of anise and 30 g of fennel, mix and grind, then take two-thirds of the resulting mixture, pour 2 liters of vodka and 400 g of water, distill, avoiding the ingress of whitish alcohol into the resulting vodka. Put the remaining spices, insist for several days, sweeten with sugar dissolved in cold water (600 g per 3 l), filter.

orange tincture

2 liters of vodka, 1 liter of water, sugar, 4-5 orange peels.

Boil syrup from refined sugar and 1 liter of water. Mix with vodka. Drain into a bottle and add orange peels. Put in the shade for 3-4 days. Filter and bottle.

Cowberry-cherry tincture

150 g cognac, 2 l vodka, 3.5 kg cranberries, 600 g cherries, 2.5 l sugar syrup, citric acid.

Place all ingredients in a glass jar, close tightly and leave to infuse. Filter the finished tincture and bottle it.

clove vodka

For 1/4 bucket of alcohol 4 cups of water, 6 spools of cloves, one spool of white cinnamon, 1/2 spool of lemon peel, 650 g of sugar.
(1 spool = 4.266 grams)

Wash the cloves and cinnamon thoroughly, dry, coarsely crush, pour into alcohol. After 2-3 weeks, clean the tincture, strain it.


Put 410 g of English mint, 410 g of anise, 410 g of coarsely crushed hazelnuts on a bucket of purified vodka, put all this in a large bottle for 12 days in a warm place. After that, you can use it, draining from the thick or without draining, as you like; you can again pour a half portion of vodka into the thick and put it in heat for a month.


1 liter of home-made vodka, 10 g of ginger, 10 g of hot peppers, 5 g of cloves, 5 g of cinnamon, 10 g of lemon peel, 5 g of nutmeg, 5 g of cardamom.

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, cover with a lid, which is tightly tied to the ears of the pan, coat with unleavened dough so that air does not pass, put some weight on top and put in the oven or hot oven for 12 hours. After that, cool the pan, pour the casserole into bottles and cork with corks.


1 liter of vodka, 1 glass of pine cones, 80 g of caramel or sugar.

Pour vodka over young pine cones, immature, soft, green in color and leave for 2 weeks. Infusion drain, squeeze. Sweeten with sugar or caramel (burnt sugar).

Cranberry tincture

0.5 l of vodka, a glass of cranberries, sugar to taste.

Crush cranberries, mix with sugar, pour vodka and keep for a week in a sealed container. Then squeeze the cranberry skins through cheesecloth.

cinnamon vodka

Crush 32 g of cinnamon very finely, put in a cube and pour 2 liters of vodka and a small amount of water. Distill over moderate heat until the end, so that all the aroma comes out. Sweeten with sugar dissolved in cold water - 600 g per 2 liters of water.

coffee vodka

Boil 1.5 kg of sugar in water, removing the foam. Pour 400 g of roasted ground coffee into this syrup, let it sour. Distill, add another 200 g of coffee and let stand in a tightly sealed container for several days. Overtake. The same goes for chocolate vodka.

gooseberry tincture

1 liter of vodka, 1 liter of boiled water, 1 kg of gooseberries, sugar.

Pour gooseberries with vodka and boiled water. Keep, stirring, in the sun for 2 weeks, until the gooseberries pop up. Strain, add sugar to taste. Again insist on the sun, then - in the refrigerator for 10 days. Strain again, pour into bottles and store in a cool place. Consume after 3 weeks.

lemon vodka

1 bottle of vodka, 2 medium-sized lemons.

Cut off all the yellow skin, trying to make it as thin as possible, since the slightest presence of white skin gives the vodka an unpleasant, bitter aftertaste. Insist for several days in a warm place, after which the vodka is filtered in the usual way.

Lemon vodka (option 2)

Take one lemon and a piece of sugar, grate the peel of the lemon. Scrape the yellowed sugar onto a plate. Thus, wipe the entire peel from the lemon. Put yellow sugar in vodka to taste.

raspberry vodka

Pour over ripe raspberries with well-purified alcohol so that they barely cover the berries, put in the sun. After 2-3 days, drain the alcohol.

For 4.1 liters of alcohol, take 3 cups of water and 600 g of sugar. Boil water with sugar three times, removing the scum each time, and pour the alcohol infused on raspberries into the hot syrup (only so that the finger can endure it), little by little, stirring with a spoon.

Strain through a flannel, on which put first cotton wool, then coals, then another layer of flannel. Close bottles of vodka carefully and put in a warm place.

If you need to clarify vodka, then take 10-15 g of potassium permanganate for a quarter of a bucket of vodka (4.1 l) and dissolve it in a small amount of water and pour it into vodka, stirring quickly. The vodka will clear up within 2-3 days, it remains to carefully drain and strain it.

Salted vodka

In the ridge where cucumbers grow, put a bottle or a jar so that the cucumber grows further inside that vessel. To do this, the ovary must be carefully pushed into the neck of a bottle or jar. When the cucumber grows, pinch it off the stem and pour a good strong moonshine. The taste of vodka is the taste of salted cucumber. If you pour store-bought vodka, you get the taste of fresh cucumber.

Mandarin vodka

1 bottle of vodka, 2 medium-sized tangerines

Peel tangerines, put in vodka. Insist in a warm place, then filter in the usual way.

Tangerine tincture

0.75 liters of vodka, 6 tablespoons of dried tangerine peel. Grind the peel, pour vodka and insist for a week. Refrigerate before use.

juniper vodka

Crush 600 g of juniper berries as finely as possible and pour 6 liters of vodka. Infuse for several days, overtake on a very small fire. The first 2.5 liters of vodka will be the best.

Juniper vodka (option 2)

Dissolve 1.6 liters of juniper berries in alcohol and mix with 12.3 liters of vodka.

Muscat vodka

17 g of nutmeg, 2 liters of vodka.

Put nuts in vodka, cork tightly, leave for a while.

mint vodka

800 g of mint, a handful of salt and 1.2 kg of honey pour 12.3 liters of vodka.

Insist 2-3 days and overtake.

Autumn tincture

500 g of mountain ash, 1 kg of fragrant ripe apples (ranet), 300 g of sugar, 1.5 liters of vodka.

Thoroughly wash and dry rowan, collected after frost. Cut the apples into rings, after removing the core. Lay rowan and apples in layers, sprinkling each with sugar, and pour vodka so that the fruits are completely covered. Cover with gauze and leave to stand at room temperature for 2-3 months until the berries discolor. Filter the tincture, bottle and store in a dark and cool place.

Aspen tincture

300 g of aspen buds pour 1 liter of vodka.

In a week, the tincture will be ready. When used, add 1 tablespoon of honey.

Hunting tincture

30-40 g of juniper berries, 2 g of ground black pepper, 50 g of dill seeds, 10-12 g of table salt, 40 g of horseradish.

Pour all components with 1 liter of strong vodka. Insist 2 weeks in a warm place, periodically shaking the contents. Then strain and filter.

Foamy vodka

1 liter of vodka insist two weeks on a handful of juniper berries, then 5 days on the peels of two lemons. Mix a spoonful of crushed ginger with sugar, dilute in infused vodka. Keep in the sun for two weeks. Strain, pour, store in the cold. Drink after six months.

pepper vodka

0.7 l of vodka insist 2 weeks on 25.6 g of black pepper grains.

pepper tincture

Infuse 2 liters of vodka for 2 weeks for 70 g of pepper, strain and dilute with a weak syrup (200-300 g of sugar, 3-4 glasses of water). Let stand in a warm place for a few weeks, then carefully strain and bottle.

Wormwood double vodka

300 g of wormwood tops pour 12 liters of plain vodka, put a handful of salt and leave for a week. After that, add 1.2 kg of honey and overtake.

Wormwood tincture

Fill a bottle of 0.25 capacity with fresh herbs of wormwood, pour vodka and leave for 2-3 weeks. If the tincture is prepared from dried herbs, it is taken at 100 g per 1.5 liters. For flavor, you can add lemon zest.

Festive vodka

For 1 liter of home-made vodka, take 1 teaspoon of soda and 1 teaspoon of citric acid, mix well.

Fisherman's tincture

For 1 liter of purified vodka 40-42%, take 3-4 cloves of garlic, finely chop and add 1.5-2 g of ground pepper, 10 g of table salt, 4-5 g of pounded bay leaves and 30 g of sugar. Infuse for 4-5 days, shaking the contents daily. Then filter through a cloth filter.

Rowan vodka

Grind ripe rowan berries in a mortar, put in a tub so that it is half full, pour hot water, wrap the tub and tie it tightly so that the spirit does not come out, and keep it this way for twelve days, and when the rowan sours and the top in the tub becomes thick, like a wine mash, then take a mass from the tub with a thick distillation through the cube like a mash, and in the fourth stage there will be very good vodka.

French tincture

Take a mixture of the following odorous herbs: cardamom, galangal, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, anise at the rate of 43 g per quarter bottle of vodka.

tea vodka

1 liter of vodka, 4 tablespoons of tea, 50-70 g of caramel.

Long leaf black tea insist 3 hours in vodka, strain. Then fry sugar in a pan until caramel is formed, chop, add to vodka.

Rosehip vodka

Boil 800 g of wild rose for an hour in honey, strain through a sieve. Pour in 12.3 liters of 40% alcohol. Let stand and bottle. This vodka is extremely fragrant and tasty.

Elixir vodka

100 g of cinnamon, 30 g of cloves, dill seeds, anise, cumin, 20 g of lavender and rosemary flowers, 800 g of lemon and orange peel, 2 handfuls of thyme, oregano, mint, sage, 15 g of galangal, 12 g each ginger, nutmeg, nutmeg flowers, 8 g of cardamom, 12 g of angelica, calamus root, 4 g of saffron.

Crush all the spices, pour 12.3 vodka, insist for a week, overtake and sweeten to taste.

Recipes for old homemade vodkas

Vodka is a strong colorless drink prepared by mixing rectified wine alcohol, softened water and special essences, followed by treatment of the resulting mixture with activated carbon and filtration.

The taste of the future product can largely depend on the quality of water.

In practice, distilled or repeatedly boiled water is usually added.

Currently, it is quite possible to make high-quality and original vodka at home.

Homemade vodkas are strong alcoholic drinks prepared at home according to individual recipes. They contain 40-45% alcohol and up to 4 g of sugar per 100 ml of drink. These drinks are obtained by distillation of water-alcohol solutions infused with various herbs, roots, spices, as well as fruits and berries. Vodkas of this type have a complex pleasant aroma of used raw materials and a mild taste.

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RECIPES FOR PREPARING VODKA AT HOME Anise vodka Recipe No. 11 l of vodka, 40 g of anise, 5 g of cumin, 5 g of dry lemon peel, 5 g of vinegar, 3 g of violet root. To prepare vodka according to this recipe, you first need to prepare a tincture. Lemon peel, violet

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Recipes from old cookbooks First courses Chicken soup with cauliflower 1 chicken, 1 parsley root, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. clarified butter 1/2 bunch parsley or dill 1 medium or 2 small cauliflower. Wash the chicken, cut into

I must admit that now even the word "vodka" in the plural is puzzling. The difference between what is now sold in bottles, albeit under different names, is most often only in price and in the number of unpleasant stains that appear on the surface of the liquid poured into a glass.

Meanwhile, today's vodka has quite little in common with what has long been called vodka in Russia and deservedly received worldwide fame. In addition to the fact that many varieties of vodka were sold, which differed significantly from each other, it was considered bad manners to put a store-bought bottle on the table in a decent house. The real hostess always tried to give the treat a unique originality with her own hands. Home-made vodka has a taste and smell incomparable to store-bought.

But before giving a few recipes for homemade vodkas, we will tell you how you can clean ordinary vodka from unpleasant odors and impurities. This is not difficult to do, especially if you have a cottage or a garden plot.

Take a few dry birch logs and make a fire out of them. When the coals have reached the highest temperature and have already crumbled, put them in a clay pot with a scoop, blow off all the ashes and close the lid tightly to go out. Take it out of the pot, blow again, cool and pound, but not too finely. Put in a bottle at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter and fill with vodka or alcohol. Shake the bottle 3-4 times every day for 3 weeks. Then let the vodka sit for another week. After that, filter, pour into a clean bottle, put in it carefully sorted and as large as possible raisins 30-40 g per 1 liter and 3-4 g of violet root, finely chopped. Let the vodka stand for 12 days and filter. If you insist on alcohol, and then dilute it, then be sure to use boiled water, otherwise the mixture will become cloudy and turn white.

List of flowers and their corresponding plants:

  • blue vodka is insisted on cornflowers;
  • yellow - on saffron;
  • green - on mint;
  • red - on blueberries;
  • violet - on sunflower seeds;
  • brown - on the shell of pine nuts.

Hue saturation can be obtained depending on the number of plants and the time of infusion.

Old Moscow white vodka

40 g of ginger, 40 g of galangal, 40 g of sage, 40 g of mint, 40 g of anise, pour 1 liter of alcohol and insist for 18 days. Then add 1.5 liters of raw water to the infusion, preferably spring water, and distill everything together through a distillation apparatus. If you take vodka instead of alcohol, then you can not dilute it with water or dilute it quite a bit.

Vodka vintage "Erofeich"

35 g of mint, 35 g of anise, 35 g of coarsely crushed orange nuts pour 1 liter of vodka purified on birch coals and put in a warm place for 12 days. After that, vodka can be consumed without draining the thick. But the thick can be used again by pouring half a portion of vodka and putting it in a warm place for a month.

Vodka with almond flavor

Take the youngest rowan tree shoots, peel and cut the white stems as finely as possible. Fill them with the simplest wine, but preferably white and strong, in a ratio of 1: 4 (1 part of the shoots and 4 wines) and distill through a distillation apparatus. If you find the almond smell weak, add shoots and distill again.

Early caraway vodka

Pour 350 g of cumin into 1 liter of water and distill through a distillation apparatus. The resulting cumin water can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. When you need cumin vodka, sweeten the water just a little, pour it into vodka to taste, and the drink is ready.

Vodka casserole

In the simplest vodka, put from 1/10 to 1/5 of the volume of dry lemon peels, let stand for a little (several hours) and distill everything together through a distillation apparatus. Take a bottle of thick glass and put 6 g of cinnamon, 1 g of cardamom, finely crushed nutmeg on 1 liter of distilled vodka. Cork the bottle and coat with steep rye dough 3 fingers thick.

If you are preparing a drink in the country and you have a stove, then as soon as it starts to cool down, put a bottle in it overnight until morning. So repeat 4 times. If there is no oven, then use a cooling oven, but then you need to put a bottle in it at least 8 times. After cooking, filter the vodka, you can sweeten it slightly, but not more than 250 g of sugar per 1 liter of vodka.

Rowan pennik

Take about 1 kg of mature mountain ash, harvested before frost, and crush in a mortar. Transfer to a bottle, pour 10-12 liters of fresh bread kvass and add 50-70 g of yeast. Leave the kvass to ferment at a temperature of 16 degrees. When the fermentation is almost over, which you will determine by the cessation of active gas evolution, the whole mass, together with the mountain ash, while stirring, pour into the flask of the distillation unit and distill several times, achieving such a state of the drink in which it would have no foreign smell.

All the described vodkas in well-corked bottles can be stored almost indefinitely, without losing their taste and aroma, and even acquiring a special nobility over the years.

Bread vodka with yeast (option 1)
There are two options for making bread vodka with yeast. First: germinate half a bucket of rye, wheat or barley. Pound. Soak 10-12 loaves of black bread in 15 liters of water. Mix. Add 750 g of yeast.
If there is not enough bread (8 loaves), cook cast iron potatoes. Knead, mix with grain and bread.
Fermentation in a warm place lasts a week. Then he overtook on a steam apparatus.

Bread vodka with yeast (option 2)
Bread vodka with yeast can be prepared in another way.
Germinate wheat, grind in a meat grinder, coffee grinder (can be crushed). Add water, yeast and put in a warm place. For 10 kg of wheat, 30 liters of water and 0.5 kg of yeast. When fermentation stops, overtake on a steam apparatus.

Vodka bread on hops
To prepare bread vodka with hops, you need to germinate wheat or rye in a wooden trough, stirring occasionally. Then boil potatoes, mash them. Brew hops. Prepare the so-called mash - in the mash, which remains from the last time (1.5-2 l), add boiled hops (3 l). Then everything is mixed together - wheat or rye, potatoes and mash. Grain can be ground or passed through a meat grinder.
Put in a warm place until it stops fermenting and making noise. Then overtake on a steam apparatus.
For 1 bucket of grain - boiled potatoes 2 buckets. It turns out 2 liters of bread vodka.

To prepare bread vodka, you can use the following recipe.
Rye, wheat, barley, millet, corn, peas germinate.
To do this, soak the products in warm water, spread a thin (up to 2 cm) layer. Make sure that the grain does not sour.
Dry the sprouted grain, grind it into flour. Boil water and add this flour to the still boiling, stirring constantly. Stir until liquid jelly.
Cover, let stand for 10-12 hours. Pour into bowls, bowls. Cool to room temperature. Add yeast: for 12 buckets of sourdough - half a kilo. Roams 5-6 days. Overtake on a steam apparatus. Of all types, bread vodka is the best. Instead of yeast, if they are not available, you can add a kilogram of dry peas. In this case, the fermentation process will increase by 10 days.

Bread vodka with potatoes
To prepare bread vodka with potatoes, you should make malt, as in the first recipe (sprout grain, dry, grind). Boil potatoes. Pound with water that remains after cooking. Sprinkle malt flour on top. Again grind until smooth jelly-like consistency. All this must be very hot. Sprinkle the rest of the flour on top, leave overnight. After 10-12 hours, mix, pour into a barrel, add 0.5 kg of yeast. Fermentation should last 5-6 days. 4-5 buckets of potatoes are added to 2 buckets of malt. Overtake on a steam apparatus.

Quince vodka
To prepare quince vodka, you should take an overripe quince, crush it or rub it on a grater. Very finely chop a bunch of rye straw. Squeeze juice from this mixture. For 8 glasses of this juice - the same amount of vodka. Add ordinary sugar and 50 g vanilla. Drain into a bottle, leave for a week. Filter.

Calamus vodka (option 1)
To prepare calamus vodka, you need to take 600 g of calamus root, 25 g of orange peel, 12 g of lemon peel, white ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and salt, 6 g of coriander. Crush and grind all the spices, put in a bottle, pour 10 liters of plain vodka and leave for 2-3 weeks. Distill by adding 6 liters of water and two handfuls of beech or maple ash to the cube. Sweeten with syrup of 600 g of sugar and 3 liters of water, filter.

Calamus vodka (option 2)
The second recipe for calamus vodka. Take 200 g of calamus root, 100 g of lemon peel, 50 g of angelica roots, 75 g of orange peel and 1 juniper berry, 50 g of chamomile and cumin, 25 g of fennel, -1 anise, dill seeds, coriander, cream of tartar. Crush and grind all the spices, pour a bucket of plain and vodka, leave for 10 days, strain through a thick cloth, sweeten | stew with syrup from 800 g of sugar and 4 liters of water.

Calamus vodka (option 3)
Calamus vodka can be prepared in this way: take 12.3 liters of vodka, mix with an extract of 615 g of calamus, 25.8 g of orange peel, 12.9 g of lemon peel, ginger, white cinnamon, cardamom, salt - 12.9 g each , 6.45 g intestine. Sweeten the mixture with 1230 g of sugar syrup.

Calamus vodka (option 4)
The third, simplified, cooking option: take 12.3 liters of vodka, mix with 615 g of calamus root and 1/2 handful of salt. Sweeten with syrup. Let stand.

Angelica vodka (option 1)
To prepare angelica vodka (or angelica vodka), you should take 1230 g of finely dried angelica root, pour 4.92 liters of good weaned wine; insist 3 days, pour into a cube and, adding 6.15 liters of wine, redo it.

Angelica vodka (option 2)
A rare, almost forgotten recipe for making vodka. Take 103 g cardamom, 51.6 glimon peel, SW gangelica, SW cinnamon and 18.4 liters of wine; insist 4 days, then overtake.

Anise vodka (option 1)
There are more than 20 ways to make vodka from anise. Here is another one.
Take 800 g of anise, crush, pour 6 liters of beer and distill in a cube until the liquid smells like anise. Add the expelled liquid to 12 liters of vodka, add another 100 g of crushed anise, overtake, sweeten if desired, filter.

Anise vodka (option 2)
The easiest recipe for making the popular anisette vodka. Take 400 g of anise, grind coarsely, pour 3 liters of plain vodka, leave for three days, add another 4 liters of vodka, overtake.

Anise vodka (option 3)
Take 400 g of anise, a bucket of plain vodka, overtake over low heat, place a handful of anise in a bag in the neck of the receiver so that the expelled vodka passes through it. This will color the vodka yellowish. If you put not anise in the bag, but a handful of dry crushed birch leaves, then the vodka will acquire a greenish tint.

Anise vodka (option 4)
To prepare this vodka in a more complicated way, you need to take 65 g of anise and 30 g of fennel, mix and grind, then take two-thirds of the resulting mixture, pour 2 liters of vodka and 400 g of water, overtake, avoiding the ingress of whitish alcohol. Put the remaining spices into the resulting vodka, insist for several days, sweeten with sugar dissolved in cold water (600 g per 3 l), filter.

Anise vodka (option 5)
Another recipe we found in an old distilling guide. Take 200 g of fresh anise, grind it into a fine powder, insist for a month in a bucket of purified alcohol with a strength of not more than 25%. Then overtake alcohol over moderate heat to a strength of 45%. It should turn out somewhere around 9.8 liters of vodka. Prepare a syrup from 1600 g of sugar and a liter of boiled or spring water, mix with alcohol. The mixture will have a milky color, to destroy which you need to put one egg white, mix it as best as possible with the liquid, shaking it for several days (the protein can be replaced with potassium permanganate). Strain the liquid.

Anise vodka (option 6)
A simple, but absolutely reliable way to make high-quality anise vodka. Take 400 g of anise, 50 g of fennel, 25 g of orange peel and white cinnamon, 12 g of white ginger, lemon peel and salt, finely crush everything, pour 9 liters of plain vodka, cork and leave for 10 days, overtake and sweeten with syrup from 800 g of sugar and 2.5 liters of water.

Anise vodka (option 7)
Another, far from the last, option for making anise vodka. Take 12.3 liters of vodka and alcohol tincture on a mixture of 400 g of anise, 50 g of dill, 29 g of white cinnamon, 26 g of orange peel. 13 g lemon peel, 13 g salt. Mix everything, add sugar syrup to taste.

Anise vodka (option 8)
According to experts, vodka made in this way has special healing properties. Take 12.3 liters of vodka, 12.3 liters of 40% alcohol and alcohol tincture on a mixture of 400 g of anise seeds, 50 g of cumin, 50 g of dry lemon peel, 50 g of dill seeds, 39 g of violet root. Mix all this, sweeten with 800 g of sugar.

Double anise vodka (option 9)
For especially fastidious connoisseurs, here is a double anise recipe. Take 150 g of anise, 35 g of cumin, 25 g of orange flowers and lemon peel, 50 g of star anise, 12 g of cloves, cinnamon, calamus root, 18 g of violet root, crumble and crush everything, pour 2.5 liters of plain water. overtake, sweeten with syrup of 400 g of sugar and 0.9 l of water.

Double anise vodka (option 10)
The second way to make double anise is a little easier. Take 400 g of anise, 100 gtmin, 50 g of lemon peel, orange peel and lettuce, 4 g of nutmeg and cloves. Finely grind all the spices, pour into a bottle with 12 liters of plain vodka, cork and leave for two weeks. Drink the infused alcohol, sweeten with syrup, filter.

Alkermes vodka (option 1)
An old recipe for Alkermes vodka. Take 32 g of cinnamon, 90 g of lemon peel and cardamom, 8 g of rosemary, chop everything, pour 1.8 liters of double vodka, insist and carefully drain. Boil syrup from 800 g of sugar and 1.2 liters of water, carefully removing the foam, and mix with infused vodka. Pour into bottles and put leaves of gold leaf into each bottle at the rate of 3 leaves per 1.2 liters of vodka, shake it up.

Alkermes vodka (option 2)
The second recipe for Alkermes vodka. Take 75 g of cardamom, 50 g of orange and lemon peel, rosemary, calamus root, cloves, cinnamon, 25 g of red sandalwood. Grind everything thoroughly, pour 2.5 liters of vodka, overtake and sweeten. Gold leaf is also put into this vodka, mixed well, allowed to settle and filtered.

Flavored vodka (option 1)
The recipe is widely known. Take 85 g of sage, 65 g of hyssop, 50 g of marjoram and oil beans, 35 g of cornflowers and cumin, 25 g of lavender flowers, calamus root, peony root, 16 g of angelica, 12 g of peretrun.
Grind and crush the spices, pour a bucket of plain vodka, insist for several days, strain.

Flavored vodka (option 2)
Take 38.7 g of orange flowers, 25.8 g of cinnamon nutmeg flowers. lemon peel and orange peel for extracting 1 bucket of vodka.

Flavored vodka (option 3)
A more complex, but no less common way of making flavored vodka.
Take 15 g of orange flowers, 50 g of frankincense, cardamom, nutmeg flowers, carnation flowers, 75 g of cinnamon flowers, 50 g of sage, saffron, cardobenedictine, galangal, calamus root, 75 g of nutmeg, lemon peel, orange peel, 25 g each of marjoram, ginger, rosemary, wormwood root, cloves, wild rose, grains of paradise and cream of tartar. Crush everything, crush, pour three buckets of vodka, leave for ten days, overtake, sweeten with syrup from 2.4 kg of sugar, 8 liters of water.

orange vodka
To prepare orange vodka, take two liters of vodka, boil refined sugar syrup and 1 liter of water, mix with two liters of vodka. Drain into a bottle. Throw peels from 4 or 5 oranges. Put in the shade for 3-4 days. Then filter. Pour into bottles.

Vodka in a fast way No. 1
There are situations when vodka needs to be prepared very quickly. Here are some relevant recipes. Take 1 kg of peas, 5 kg of sugar, 500 g of yeast and 15 liters of warm water. Stir everything, add 1 liter of fresh milk. Congestion stand 1 day. Then overtake in the usual way. It turns out 5 liters of vodka.

Vodka in a fast way No. 2
Mix 5 kg of sugar, 25 liters of boiled water, 500 g of yeast, 25 medium raw potatoes, 3 cups of milk, 4 loaves of bread. Set to wander for 24 hours. Then overtake in a steam apparatus.

Vodka in a fast way No. 3
Perhaps the fastest way to make vodka. Take 10 kg of sugar, a pack of yeast, 3 liters of milk, 3-4 buckets of water. Mix everything, pour into the washing machine. Spin 2 hours. Then let stand and distill in the usual way.

Yeast vodka
For distillation of yeast vodka, both brewer's yeast and grape yeast, remaining at the bottom of the barrels, are suitable.
The distillation cube is filled with yeast only two-thirds. The fire under the cube should be easily regulated. Constantly stirring the yeast so that it does not burn, heat it until the yeast begins to rise to the top, then reduce the fire greatly, put on a cap, insert pipes, coat the seams, grease the cooler and the receiver, and on a small fire, such as coal, drive vodka. For re-distillation, the cube must be thoroughly cleaned.
To improve the taste during repeated distillation, aromatic substances can be added - cloves, ginger, calamus, cinnamon, after finely crushing them. You also need to add a little salt or burnt cream of tartar. Distill over low heat, avoiding sediment getting into the alcohol.
In the same way, spoiled grape wine is distilled into vodka.

Vodka without yeast and sugar
In this recipe, yeast and sugar are replaced with brew and malt.
Zaparka: in 2 liters of water, brew one handful of fresh hops (dry - two), let it brew a little, strain the broth, stir a handful of flour while still warm. After a short rest (30-40 minutes), the park is ready.
Malt: germinate rye grains, dry them and grind them. In the main product - beets, potatoes, apples, pears, etc. - add zaparka and malt, dilute with water to a semi-liquid state, let it "win" in a warm place, overtake.
Consumption: for a given amount of brewing - 3 kg of malt and 0.5 buckets (5-6 l) of the main product. You can get 3 liters of vodka.

Cherry vodka (option 1)
"Cherry" can be prepared in a different way. Take 4 kg of garden sour cherries, 200 g of peach kernels, 35 g of bitter almonds, 25 g of orange and lemon peels, 20 g of calamus root, 12 g of cinnamon and 6 g of clove flowers. Pour 1.8 liters of good vodka into bottles, leave for three to four weeks, then distill in a cube.
Pour 2.7 liters of vodka onto the remaining thick, leave for four days, drain from the thick, mix with vodka, sweeten with syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 2.5 liters of water, strain after a few days.

Cherry vodka (option 2)
To prepare cherry vodka, you need to take blossoming buds with cherry tree inflorescences, pour them into bottles of vodka, insist.
Get green vodka with a cherry flavor.

Cherry vodka (option 3)
A wonderful smell can be given to a drink if it is prepared according to this recipe: take 8.2 kg of cherries, 410 g of peach grains, 77.4 g of bitter almonds, 51.6 g of lemon, 51.6 g of orange peel, 38.7 g of ginger root , 25.8 g of cinnamon, 12.0 g of carnation flowers per 19.6 liters of vodka. Sweeten with 4 liters of sugar syrup.

Vodka from jam
To prepare this type of vodka, you should take 6 liters of spoiled jam, dilute it in 30 liters of warm water, add 200 g of yeast.
To have a greater yield of vodka, you need to add another 3 kg of sugar.
Leave the sourdough in a warm place. The fermentation process lasts 3-5 days. Then overtake on a steam apparatus.
Vodka will turn out b l, and with the addition of sugar - 9 l.

Grape vodka
One of the easiest recipes for making vodka. Squeeze the juice onto wine, and what is left - add 100 g of yeast, 5 kg of sugar and dilute in 30 liters of water to a bucket of waste. Leave to infuse for 6-7 days in a warm place. Overtake in the usual way.
With the specified amount of the initial product, the yield of vodka is expected to be up to 7 liters (very light).

Vodka from grape seeds
To prepare this type of vodka, fill the distillation cube with grape grains to the very neck. For 30 liters of grains, add 1 liter of water, even better - wine yeast, or 1/3 liter of wine yeast and 2/3 liter of water. Put on a cap, have a diameter of at least 35 cm and four pipes. Coat the seams. You can put two receivers and two coolers, which will allow you to drive fast. It is not necessary to substitute dishes covered with linen, because in this case the best alcohol is wasted. First, attach a large receiver to the end of the refrigeration pipe, into which the alcohol obtained from the steam will fall, and when it flows in drops, you need to put another one. The first whitish jump must be collected separately. In this way, more alcohol will be collected and it will be of better quality.

Clove vodka (option 1)
This vodka has a pronounced clove flavor. To prepare it, you need to take 10-12 g of dry flower buds of cloves, place them in a glass bottle and pour strong vodka.
Leave to infuse for two weeks, and then add a little water (0.5 volume) and distill through the cube so as to obtain the initial volume of vodka.
After that, crush white raisins (50 g per 1 liter), add a few carnation flowers (5 pcs per 1 liter without legs that need to be cut off), and leave for two weeks. Then decant, clarify, adding one spoonful of milk per liter of vodka, and filter.
If desired, vodka can be sweetened (100 g of sugar per 1 liter).

Clove vodka (option 2)
Preparation of vodka by this method also takes 10 days.
Take 300 g of cloves, 50 g of calamus root, 25 g of white ginger, cubeba, galangal, cream of tartar. Pound everything together, pour 18 liters of bread wine, leave for 10 days, overtake and sweeten.

Clove vodka (option 3)
If you are not in a hurry, you can prepare vodka in this, more thorough way.
Take 100 g of cloves, crush it finely, pour 6.1 liters of double wine on it and, corking the bottle tightly, put it in the sun or in a warm place for a whole week.
Then cook syrup from 2 kg of sugar, dilute vodka with it and shake well.
Let stand for another day and only then filter through paper.

Clove vodka (option 4)
A simplified version of the preparation of clove vodka. Take a bucket (12.3 l) of good plain vodka, put in it, 50 g of cloves, insist, pour into a cube, add another 400 g of cloves, distill and sweeten (400 g of sugar).

Clove vodka (option 5)
A shortened recipe for making clove vodka.
Take 200 g of cloves, 150 g of allspice, 25 g of lemon peel and cinnamon, b g of orange flowers. Pound everything, pour 18 liters of bread wine, leave for 3-4 days, overtake, sweeten.
Syrup for all varieties of clove vodka is brewed from 800 g of sugar and 5 liters of water.

Pear vodka (option 1)
To prepare pear vodka, you need to take 5 buckets of spoiled garden pears. add 5 l of warm water, 2 kg of sugar and 200 g of yeast. Put for a week in a warm place. Distill the finished mash through the steam apparatus.
From the specified amount of the original product, 8 liters of vodka will be obtained.

Pear vodka (option 2)
The second way to get pear vodka: take pears, wash them as clean as possible, grind or crush them into a rather thick mash. Put it in a vat, pour boiling water over it, mash it and dilute it with as much water as is needed to fill the vat and bring the mash itself to the warmth of fresh milk. Then start the yeast,
Let the mash ferment for 2-3 days, and then pour the mash into a cube and proceed as usual.

Vodka from wild pears
Collect wild animals, pour them into a wooden tub or barrel - up to half the capacity. Let them rot there. Then mash them with a wooden pestle and let them stand for 2-3 weeks. Don't add anything.
When the congestion begins to smell like wine, overtake it.

Angelica vodka (option 1)
All varieties of angelica vodka need the addition of sugar syrup. To obtain this type of vodka, you need to take 600 g of angelica roots, 35 g of white ginger, fennel seeds and salt, 20 g of anise, white cinnamon, violet root, hyssop, cumin. Crush all the spices, pour 10 liters of bread vodka, leave for 8-10 days, overtake and sweeten with syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 3 liters of water.
Angelica vodka (option 2)
Angelica vodka, prepared according to this method, has a particularly delicate taste and smell.
It is necessary to take 200 g of angelica roots, 50 g of lemon peel and cu-beba, 200 g of lemon balm leaves, pink flowers, 75 g of allspice, 30 g of orange peel, cardamom, calamus root, cinnamon flowers, 15 g of nutmeg each , lavender flowers, cloves, 6 g vanilla.
Crush everything, crush, pour a bucket of vodka, insisted "for two weeks, overtake and sweeten with syrup from 1.1 kg of sugar and 1 2.5 liters of water.

Angelica vodka (option 3)
To prepare this kind of angelica vodka, you need to take 0.6 kg of crushed angelica root, soak in 2 liters of plain bread vodka for three days, add another 2 liters of vodka. Infuse 0.6 kg of anise for three days in 2.5 liters of vodka, add another 3 liters of vodka. Infuse 0.6 l of cumin for three days in 2 l of vodka, add 2.5 l of vodka. Infuse 0.4 kg of cardamom in 1.2 liters of vodka, add 1.2 liters of vodka. Pour all tinctures with spices into a cube, overtake, sweeten and filter.

Angelica vodka (option 4)
The advantages of this recipe include speed and ease of preparation.
Take 1.2 kg of finely crushed angelica root, pour 5 liters of plain vodka, insist for three days, add another 2 liters of vodka, overtake.

Angelica vodka (option 5)
A simpler in composition, but no less tasty vodka will turn out if you take 50 g of angelica roots, cardamom and cinnamon, 200 g of calamus root, 25 g of lemon peel, insist in 10 liters of plain vodka, overtake, sweeten.

Vodka 9 strong aniseed
This combined vodka is prepared in the following order.
Take 819 g of elecampane root, 205-210 g of anise and two handfuls of elderberry flowers. Finely grind everything, pour 12.3 liters of weak wine alcohol and leave for three weeks. Then sweeten with sugar syrup and burnt sugar, tinting the vodka in a golden color.

Angelica seed vodka
Although this herb can be consumed whole, but to obtain the desired quality, it is still better to use seeds, which contain a large amount of aromatic substances.
Seeds need to be crushed, put in a distillation cube, pour vodka mixed in half with water. Distill carefully, avoiding the ingress of a whitish substance.) Then, as usual, sweeten and filter.

"Erofeich" (option 1)
The variety of manufacturing recipes made this vodka extremely popular.
The next way: take 100 g of galangal, 60 g of sweet clover, St. John's wort, centaury, mint, thyme. Crush everything, pour 12.3 liters of vodka, insist, strain.

"Erofeich" (option 2)
As you know, even the Russian emperor paid tribute to this sort of vodka.
To prepare "Erofeich", you need to take 100 g of galangal, 30 g of wormwood, adonis root, chamomile, juniper berries, peony root, crumble everything, pour 12.3 liters of vodka, insist and strain. As you can see, nothing complicated.

"Erofeich" (option 3)
Another traditional recipe. Take centaury, sweet clover, kidney grass, thyme ~ 60.2 g each. Add 102 g of galangal, 34.4 g of sage, mugwort, dill, anise, dawn, wormwood, juniper berries, chamomile. Mix this extract with 6.2 liters of vodka. Insist 10-12 days in a warm place and strain.
Vodka is ready to drink.

"Erofeich" (option 4)
The variant differs in that mint is added to the spice. Take 400 g of mint, 400 g of anise, 200 g of coarsely crushed orange nuts, put in 6.2 liters of vodka, let it brew for two weeks in warmth, shaking daily, filter through paper.

"Erofeich" (option 5)
Take 410 g of English mint, 410 g of anise, 410 g of crushed orange nuts, put it all in a large bottle for 12 days in a warm place, then bottle it and cork it.
In the remaining thick, you can again pour a half portion of vodka and leave for one month in a warm place, then bottle again and cork.

"Erofeich" (option 6)
This option is just as simple. Take 100 g of galangal, 30 g of shamrock, sage, wormwood, dill, anise. Crush everything, pour 12.3 liters of vodka, insist, strain.

"Erofeich" (option 7)
The place of mint is replaced by wormwood. This is, of course, an amateur. Take Poland, field dawn root, juniper berries, chamomile, Alexandrian leaf and peony root 34.4 g each. Then add 205 g galangal and leave for 10-12 days in a warm place.
Then strain.

Vodka "Casket"
To prepare the "Cassel" you need to take plain vodka, insist on lemon peels, overtake twice, dilute, pour 4.92 liters into a thick glass bottle, take 51.6 g of cinnamon, 17.2 g of star anise, 21.5 g of cardamom, 21.5 g nutmeg or color. Crush all this, and grind the nuts on a grater, and put it all in a bowl with wine, coat it with rye dough for 3 fingers and put it in a free spirit in the oven for the night, and take it out in the morning; and repeat this four times.
After that, open the bottle and sweeten the contents: for 1.23 liters - 410 g of sugar. Then give it the desired color. If blue - insist on cornflowers, green - on German mint, red - insist on garnish, purple - insist on sunflower seeds, brown - insist on pine nut shells.

Zornaya vodka (option 1)
Vodka according to this recipe is rarely prepared, which by no means indicates its low qualities.
Take 1.5 kg of fresh dawn grass, pour a bucket of plain vodka, leave for a week, overtake. After that, still insist with fresh leaves of dawn, you get green vodka.
Sweeten with sugar 400 g for each liter of vodka.

Zornaya vodka (option 2)
This is a more refined way of making zornaya vodka. -Take 1.5 kg of fresh dawn grass and pour it with rectified alcohol, leave for a week, sweeten to taste.
Vodka has a pleasant aroma and contributes to the correct

Strawberry vodka (option 1)
To prepare strawberry vodka, you need to take ripe strawberries, free them from sepals, pour them into a bottle, pour alcohol over them and put them in the sun.
After 3 days, drain the alcohol. For 1/8 bucket of alcohol, take 1.5 cups of water and 300 g of sugar. Boil water with sugar 3 times, removing scale. Pour the infused alcohol into the hot syrup, stirring with a spoon. Strain through the flannel. Cork the bottles and put them in a warm place for 2-3 weeks.
If vodka needs to be clarified, then potassium permanganate can be used: 3 g of potassium permanganate is dissolved in a small amount of water and poured into 1/8 bucket of vodka with continuous stirring. The vodka will clear up within 2-3 days. Then carefully drain it.

Strawberry vodka (option 2)
Another option for making strawberry vodka. Take 27.7 liters of vodka, mix with an alcohol extract from 6 kg of 150 g of strawberries, 76.8 g of tartar, 1 lemon. Sweeten the mixture with sugar

Cardamom vodka (option 1)
If you like the smell and taste of cardamom, use the following recipe.
Take 25 g of peeled cardamom, 4 g of cloves, 6 g of cinnamon,
12 g lemon peel. Finely grind everything and overtake with 1 liter of alkalized alcohol and 1 liter of cold water. Sweeten with sugar syrup of 150 g sugar and 800 g water.

Cardamom vodka (option 2)
Relatively fast preparation of vodka is guaranteed by the following recipe
Take 100 g of cardamom and cloves, 1.2 kg of lemon peel, 100 g of violet root, 35 g of anise, 2 kg of sugar. Mix everything, pour a bucket of grain vodka, leave for three days and overtake.

Cardamom vodka (option 3)
To prepare this variety, you need to take 200 g of cardamom, 100 g of lemon peel, 50 g of anise and cinnamon, 25 g of bay berries and nutmeg, cloves, cumin, cream of tartar.
Pound all this, mix with 10 liters of vodka, leave for ten days, overtake and sweeten with syrup from 0.8 kg of sugar and 2.5 liters of water.

Cardamom vodka (option 4)
We suggest trying the following composition of cardamom vodka.
Take 3 liters of alcohol, 60 g of cardamom, 600-800 g of sugar and 3 glasses of water.
First, pour crushed cardamom into alcohol and put in a warm place for 2-3 weeks. After filtering the alcohol, add 3 cups of water, 600-800 g of sugar.
It is better to pre-boil the syrup from water and sugar, letting it boil 2 times, each time removing the scale. Pour a little alcohol into the hot syrup, stirring constantly. Strain through a flannel or funnel, on which first put cotton wool, then well-crushed coals (but not slaked with water), cover with flannel on top.
Filtering in this way, pour vodka into the bottle up to the neck, cork it as best as possible and put it in a warm place for several weeks so that the vodka is infused. Then drain the vodka, pour into bottles, decanters.

Cardamom vodka (option 5)
Here is a less complicated way to prepare cardamom vodka.
Take 200 g of cardamom, 400 g of raisins, crush, pour 8 liters of vodka, leave for six days, overtake on a very low heat.

Cardamom vodka (option b)
A large number of recipes testify to the popularity of this type of vodka.
Take 12.3 liters of vodka and mix with an alcohol extract of 51.6 g of cardamom, 38.7 g of orange peel, lemon peel, orange flowers, raisins - 25.8 g, licorice root, cinnamon flowers, nutmeg, violet root - 12.9 g each, 4.5 g juniper berries.
Sweeten the mixture with sugar essence.

Cardamom vodka (option 7)
And a very simple recipe. Crush 800 g of cardamom as finely as possible, pour 4 liters of vodka, leave for three days, add another 4 liters of vodka and overtake.

Potato vodka
A very popular recipe for making vodka from potatoes. To make it, you need to take 20.5 kg of potatoes, wash it as cleanly as possible and grind it together with the peel on a grater. Mash 8-9 kg of ground malt in a small amount of hot boiling water and knead in the best way.
Put the mashed potatoes into this solution, knead some more, leave the mash alone for a while, then cool it to the warmth of fresh milk and start the yeast.
At the end of fermentation, pour the mash into a cube and overtake in the usual way. The result is a great vodka.

Potato, carrot and pumpkin vodka
There is a recipe for making vodka from potatoes, carrots and pumpkins. To do this, pour 1.5 liters of barley malt and bran into the mash barrel, pour 2 liters of cold water, stir well, then pour 2 liters of hot water and stir well again. In the resulting mass, put 10-11 kg of boiled and crushed potatoes, pour 5 liters of boiling water, mix thoroughly and cover.
After 3 hours, pour in 10 liters of cold water and add 300 g of brewer's yeast, mix again and leave for 3-4 days, until the mass that has risen to the top settles. After that, the resulting mash can be distilled, after mixing well. If not mixed, the distillation may knock out the tubes.
From this amount of mash you get 0.6-0.7 liters of good vodka.
More vodka is obtained if you take oatmeal instead of barley malt, and also if a quarter of the potatoes are preliminarily
dried up.
The halls and the taste of the drink will improve significantly if, after the first distillation, the resulting vodka is mixed in half with pure water - ":
doi and overtake again.
Carrots always give twice as much vodka as potatoes, because they contain more alcohol-containing particles. Carrots are rubbed, finely chopped. It is even better to squeeze the juice out of it, boil it and let it sour separately.
Do the same with pumpkin.

Candy vodka
Candy vodka is not the most refined type of vodka, but there are lovers of it too.
Take 5 kg of sweets (with filling), dilute them with 2 buckets of warm water. Put in a warm place for fermentation for no more than ^-5 days. Then drive vodka.
From the specified amount of the original product, you can get 5 liters of vodka.

Starch vodka
To prepare vodka from starch, you need to take 10 kg of starch, add 2 buckets of water and brew like jelly. Then add 500 g of yeast, 1 kg of sugar. Set to ferment for 3-5 days. Then drive vodka in the usual way.
From the specified amount of the original product, you can get 11 liters of vodka.
Vodka from combined products
Take 20 glasses of wheat, 3 liters of water, 1 kg of sugar. Mix. Put for 5 days in a warm place. Then add 5 kg of sugar and 18 liters of water. Set to ferment for 7-8 days.
Braga should taste bitter. Strain it. Distill vodka in the usual way. If you add 5 kg of sugar, 8 liters of warm water to the remaining cake, stand for 8-10 days, then again, during distillation, you can get 12-15 liters of vodka.

Root vodka (option 1)
Vodka from various kinds of roots is also widespread.
It is necessary to take 50 g of peony root, calamus root, licorice root, galangal, rhubarb, cinnamon, 40 g of cloves, 50 g of cardamom, ginger, 125 g of rosemary, 145 g of chifras tree, 40 g of fennel seeds, 50 g of star anise, 16 g of hot pepper and marjoram, 30 g of seeds of basil, lavender, sage, 30 hyssop, 30 g of nutmeg, 50 g of parsley, angelica, pink flowers, orange peel, 600 g of juniper berries, 25 g of mint.
Infuse this set in vodka for ten days, then overtake over moderate heat.

Root vodka (option 2)
Take nutmeg, nutmegs, cloves, cardamom and styrax 34.4 g each, cinnamon and orange peel 51.6 g each, mastic 102 g. Pound the entire collection, pour 3.1 liters of double vodka.
Let stand for six days. Then put a piece of bread smeared with honey into a cube, overtake very quietly.

Root vodka (option 3)
For lovers of spicy vodka, there is another recipe. Take 25 g of cloves, cardamom, nutmegs, 400 g of juniper berries, 6 liters of plain vodka and 3 liters of beer. Insist all together, overtake and sweeten with a syrup of 1.2 kg of sugar with the same amount of water.

Root vodka (option 4)
For fans of raisins and cinnamon, another option is offered.
Take 43 g of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, nutmeg, violet root, galangal, mastic and styrax 21.5 g each, pour 12.3 liters of vodka into this collection, put 820 g of crushed raisins.
Infuse for six days, then overtake very quietly; mastic must be put at the time when you drive.

Vodka coriander
Only good quality coriander seeds are used for this vodka. They should be pale yellow or reddish in color. Red - stale, not suitable for vodka, gray in color - you need to chew and determine their suitability by taste and strength of their aroma.
For use in vodka, the seeds must be crushed to enhance their flavor. Having insisted them in vodka, overtake in a cube, avoiding precipitation. For sweetening, sugar can simply be dissolved in water or boiled into syrup. Filter.
For 3.2 liters of vodka, take 70 g of coriander, for syrup - 500 g of sugar and 3 liters of water. If you make stronger vodka, then you need to take less water.

Vodka cinnamon (option 1)
In a diverse assortment of vodkas, cinnamon vodka occupies not the last place. To prepare it, you need to take 150 g of cinnamon, pour a glass of alcohol and 4 liters of white wine, distill through a cube, separating the strongest wine alcohol. Sweeten with a cold solution of sugar in water (without boiling), filter.

Vodka cinnamon (option 2)
Add 400 g of crushed cinnamon to half a bucket of rosemary or plain vodka, leave for a week in a warm place. Overtake in a cube.
First, strong alcohol without a cinnamon smell will go, then everything will be whiter and more fragrant.
Drive until the vodka has a cinnamon smell. Boil syrup in rose water, sweeten. Let stand: this vodka the longer it sits, the cleaner and better it becomes.

Vodka cinnamon (option 3)
To prepare this type of vodka, you need to take 200 g of cinnamon flowers, 25 g of white cinnamon and coriander, 12 g of star anise, white ginger, fennel seeds and salt, 6 g of cloves, crush everything, pour 7 liters of plain vodka, leave for eight days, overtake and sweeten with a syrup of 1.2 kg of sugar and 4 liters of water.
After a few days, filter the finished drink.

Vodka cinnamon (option 4)
If you are not annoyed by the smell of cinnamon, use another recipe.
Put 85 g of cinnamon, 40 tons of cloves, ginger, 16 g of marjoram, a bunch of rosemary, a handful of sage, 4 violet roots on a bucket of vodka, leave for three days, overtake. Tint with cochineal, sweeten, filter.

Vodka cinnamon (option 5)
The proposed recipe will provide an opportunity to fully appreciate the originality of this drink.
Take 32 g of cinnamon, grind very finely, put in a cube and pour 2 liters of vodka and a small amount of water, distill over moderate heat until the end, so that all the flavor comes out. Sweeten with sugar dissolved in cold water - 600 g per 2 liters of water.

Cinnamon vodka (option b)
This option also requires some patience. Take 42 g of cinnamon, 20 g of cloves and nutmegs and flowers, orris root, galangal and styrax, pour a bucket of vodka, add 800 g of crushed raisins, leave for six days, add 20 g of pistachios and overtake.

Vodka cinnamon (option 7)
If you have the patience to wait a week, we recommend trying this method.
Take 51.2 g of Ceylon cinnamon, 4.3 g of cloves, 74.8 g of bitter almonds, peeled, 12.8 g of star anise, 51.2 g of fresh orange peel, 148.6 g of dry blueberries. Pour all this into 3.69 liters of pure wine alcohol. Let stand for a week, drain and, adding 820 g of crushed sugar, dissolved in 1.23 liters of water, shake and strain through the flannel.

Vodka cinnamon (option 8)
Take 50 g of cinnamon and orange peel, 32 g of nutmeg and flowers, cloves, ginger and styrax, 12 g of calamus root, 100 g of pistachios.
Crush all the spices, pour a bucket of plain vodka, leave for six days. Overtake, putting in a cube a slice of bread, smeared with honey, over a very small fire.
This vodka is flavored with amber essence.

Vodka cinnamon (option 9)
The following two recipes make white cinnamon vodka. To do this, take 400 g of cinnamon, crush, pour 2.5 liters of plain vodka, insist for several days and overtake. Sweeten with sugar syrup, filter.

Vodka cinnamon (option 10)
Take 410 g of cinnamon, put in a bottle, pour 6.25 liters of good plain wine or rosemary vodka, let stand in a warm place for a week and overtake.
At first it will go strong, and in the end it will be whitish, fragrant and sweeter; distill it until the vodka goes without taste and without spirit; then mix everything, sweeten with syrup and let stand for several days to settle.
This vodka the longer it stands, the better, cleaner and fresher it becomes.

Vodka coffee
To prepare coffee vodka, you need to take 1.5 kg of sugar, dissolve it in water and boil, removing the foam, pour 400 g of roasted ground coffee into this syrup and let it sour. Distill, add another 200 g of coffee and let stand in a tightly sealed container for several days. Overtake. "According to the same recipe, vodka is made from chocolate.

Vodka lavender
Lavender vodka can be prepared if you take 50 g of lavender flowers, 12 g of cinnamon and cloves each, crush, pour 5.5 liters of vodka, leave for ten days, slowly overtake, putting a slice of bread smeared with honey into a cube.

Laurel vodka (option 1)
Laurel vodka is prepared quite quickly. To do this, take 11.4 liters of double wine, 820 g of finely crushed bay berries, leave for 3 days, overtake in the usual way.

Laurel vodka (option 2)
By changing the ratio of ingredients, you can get a different flavor. To do this, take 400 g of finely crushed bay berries, pour 6 liters of vodka, leave for three days and | overtake.

Laurel vodka (option 3)
The flavor range will become even richer if you take 75 g of bay leaves, 25 g of juniper berries, lemon peel, nutmeg, calamus and cardamom, 12 g of clove flowers, spearmint, rosemary and coriander. Grind all the spices and sto- a | | lie down, pour a bucket of plain vodka, leave for two weeks, overtake and sweeten with syrup from 800 g of sugar and 3.5 liters of water.

Laurel vodka (option 4)
A more complex and subtle taste and smell can be achieved if you take 400 g of bay berries, 100 g of curly mint, 25 g of veronica, 40 g of lemon balm, 12 g of hyssop, wormwood, sage and salt, crush everything, pour 10 liters of plain vodka, ten days to insist, overtake and sweeten with syrup from 800 g of sugar and 1.2 liters of water, filter.

Lemon vodka (option 1)
According to observations, lemon vodka is especially popular among the intelligentsia. To prepare it, you need to take 1 bottle of vodka and two medium-sized lemons. Wash and wipe the fruits dry. Cut off all the yellow peel (zest) with a sharp knife, trying to make it as thin as possible, since the slightest presence of white peel gives the vodka an unpleasant, bitter aftertaste.
Insist for several days in a warm place, after which the vodka is filtered in the usual way. Does not need dark dishes.

Lemon vodka (option 2)
For those who like a more delicate taste and smell, we recommend taking 12.3 liters of vodka, 410 g of strained lemon peel infusion, 410 g of orris root infusion. Mix it all up. Then decant the vodka, and add the sediment again with vodka and continue until the vodka no longer receives smell and taste.

Lemon vodka (option 3)
If you are preparing ahead of time for large family celebrations, we recommend using this recipe.
Take 50 fresh lemons, peel the yellow skin so thinly. so that there is no white coating left, cut this skin very finely, put it in 12.3 liters of purified vodka, insist for a month. Then add 4.1 kg of sugar, let everything stand for two weeks, strain.

Lemon vodka (option 4)
A fundamentally different way of cooking. Take one lemon and a piece of sugar, rub the peel of the lemon - Scrape the yellowed sugar onto a plate. Thus, wipe the entire peel from the lemon. Put yellow sugar in vodka to taste.

Lemon vodka (option 5)
Cumin, orange and anise will make the taste of the drink even richer. To do this, take 100 g of lemon peel, 20 g of orange peel, 12 g of fresh orange flowers, fennel and cumin, 8 g of cloves, cinnamon, anise, star anise, violet root and cream of tartar, all together crumble and crush, pour into bottles of 3.5 liters, vodka, insist 6-8 days, overtake and sweeten with syrup from 400 g of sugar and 1.2 liters of water.