Serving for carnival. Table for Maslenitsa: how to decorate, what to cook

07.08.2022 Egg dishes

The main symbol of Maslenitsa is ruddy delicious pancakes. Popular beliefs say that by eating a pancake, we get a piece of solar energy. Each family has its own. Treating good guests, take care of decorating the main dish at the spring holiday. We bring to your attention several original recipes for decorating pancakes for Maslenitsa.

Pancake "grandmother"
Squeeze whipped cream from a can onto ready-made pancakes, make eyes from kiwi slices, a nose from strawberries and earrings from grapes. Draw the mouth with icing or melted white chocolate.

Lace fairy tale
Pour the pancake dough without lumps into a plastic bottle with a hole in the lid or into a bottle with a dispenser, pour patterns into a heated pan with oil. The oven needs to be on medium heat. First draw the outline, and then quickly fill in the middle.

Bag with a surprise
In ready-made pancakes, wrap the filling of chicken fillet and champignons. Fry the finely chopped mushrooms until the liquid has evaporated, separately fry the fillet, diced, finely chopped onion and fry over low heat until tender. Add mushrooms, salt, pepper and cream, cook for a few minutes, then cool and add grated cheese.

The filling should not be liquid.

Collect a bag of pancake and filling, tie with green onions, you can also fix the bag with an onion ring or suluguni cheese.

Pancake cake "Izba"
Ingredients: pancakes, strawberries (depending on the number of pancakes), chocolate, sour cream, regular and vanilla sugar for cream. Cream: beat sour cream with sugar with a mixer and add vanilla sugar. Put the strawberries on a pancake and roll up into a tube, put the tubes in the form of a hut on a wide dish, pour over each layer with cream, decorate with chocolate on top. Leave overnight in the refrigerator.

Spring colors
Divide the pancake dough into three parts. Add turmeric to the first, beet juice to the second, mix the third part in a blender with spinach.

These pancakes are suitable for both sweet and savory fillings.

You can wrap cottage cheese, jam, chocolate in red pancakes. In green and yellow - ham, mushrooms and red fish. You can also make any forms: cut rolled rolls into columns or make bags.

tasty stump
To prepare such a hemp, you will need pancakes and 5 types of filling from: boiled potatoes, dill and mayonnaise; boiled carrots and mayonnaise; boiled eggs and mayonnaise; pickled mushrooms, herbs and mayonnaise; ham and mayonnaise. Grate the vegetables for the filling. Now you can form a stump.

Spread cling film along the table, cut the pancakes in half and lay them overlapping on the film. Lay the pancakes face down with the larger ones at the end.

If you twist the stump from right to left, then the end is the left side.

Spread each pancake with soft cheese. Lay out the filling along the pancake paths in random order. Now twist the rolls according to the sushi principle, gently pulling up and bending the bag. Press the stuffing firmly onto the pancakes. Put the stump on a plate and cut off the protruding ends of the pancakes. Form the roots of the stump from the remnants of the filling, decorate them with cut pancakes. So that the seams and joints are not visible, coat them with soft cheese, but not thickly. Decorate the stump with herbs and mushrooms.

pancake dessert
Put fruits or berries to your taste on the cooled pancakes in the center. If they are large, they should be cut. Wrap the pancake and pour chocolate or caramel on top. Top with a scoop of your favorite ice cream or whipped cream. These pancakes can be served with iced tea or a glass of champagne.

Lesson topic: "We bake pancakes, celebrate Maslenitsa"

Lesson Objectives:

    expanding the scope of knowledge about the folk holiday Shrovetide, its rituals; development of creative abilities, skills to work in a group.

    teach how to bake pancakes, prepare hot drinks, set the table for receiving guests;

    educate accuracy, hospitality.

A task: to teach how to cook pancakes according to various recipes, familiarization with the traditions and rituals of the Russian people.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation, screen, costumes, dolls, frying pans, pancakes, samovar, dishes, gingerbread, bagels and sweets.

During the classes

1. Organizational stage.

2. Preparation for the active assimilation and repetition of new knowledge.

Russian folk melody sounds .

buffoon (Khabibullina Elina):

To us! Here! Gather people!
Today, the unusual awaits you: games, rides, wonders of wonders!
Games and jokes are waiting for us, do not sit for a minute.
Come join us for the holidays, dress up as soon as possible!
Many glorious and good holidays are left to us from antiquity,
According to the tradition of our great-grandfathers, we must spend the winter.”

Teacher :

Today our lesson is dedicated to the Maslenitsa holiday ().You will learn about this holiday, its history, rituals. We will try to reproduce some of them.

Maslenitsa is one of the pre-Christian holidays, which has survived to this day.

Maslenitsa is a purely Russian brainchild, even the French writer Jules Zhazhen speaks of this. According to him: “Maslenitsa was probably born in the north - she is the daughter of frost. A man saw her hiding behind a snowdrift, and called for help in the most severe and sad time of the year. She appeared with fat, ruddy cheeks, with an insidious eye, not with a smile on her lips.

History of the holiday: ( Kulikova Lera ) (slide 2)

- Maslenitsa, who does not know this most fervent, wild and truly universal holiday, so cheerful and joyful. This is an ancient pagan holiday since the 16th century, it is legalized by the church as a Christian one. People celebrate Maslenitsa with jokes, games, dances, fistfights and hearty feasts. The main place in Maslenitsa was played - pancakes (a symbol of the sun, and the sun is warmth, light, joy, goodness, harvest)
- Prepared for Shrovetide in advance. Housewives cleaned the huts, cleaned, washed household utensils. They decorated the dwellings with festive homespun paths, towels, tablecloths. Butter, sour cream, cheese, meat were prepared for future use in order to adequately celebrate the holiday.

    And I know that in Scotland they baked "simple cakes" on Shrovetide. A handful of oatmeal was poured into the palms folded together, then the flour was tightly squeezed in the palms and immersed in cold water, and the resulting ball was baked in the hearth right in the hot ash.
    All members of the family take part in baking pancakes: one greases the pan with oil, the other pours dough on it, the third turns the pancake...

    And I read that in one English city for many years there have been competitions in the race of women with pancakes. At 11:45 a.m. the ringing of the "pancake bell" is heard. Every woman runs with a hot frying pan and a pancake. While running, you need to throw a pancake in the pan at least three times and catch it. The first woman to pass a pancake to the bell ringer becomes the pancake race champion for a year and is rewarded with the bell ringer's kiss.

- This holiday is celebrated in the second half of February or early March for 7 days, on the eve of Great Lent, which lasts 7 weeks before Easter.
- Shrovetide week is literally overflowing with holidays. Each day of Maslenitsa has its own name.

Monday (Fayrushina Diana) (slide 4.5)

Shrovetide is coming dear
Our guest of the year
Yes, on painted sledges,
Yes, on black horses
- Not life, but carnival.

On this day, in the villages, a big Maslyona doll was made of straw, dressed up in women's clothes and taken to an old high mountain, “so that Maslyona could see where spring would come from.” People wondered, joked, and had fun.

On this day, mountains were built from ice, sleigh rides were held, the children, along with the elders, swung on a swing. The swing was made especially for the first day of Maslenitsa. People made fun of mummers and buffoons. Also, they went to visit each other, made gifts, but it was impossible to give pancakes from home, as it was believed that you could endure your wealth. Only children were allowed to go around the house and beg for pancakes:“Serve the wide Shrovetide!”

Tuesday ( Khabibullina Elina ) (slide 6.7)

Maslenitsa - wryneck,
We welcome you well
Cheese, butter, pancake
And ruddy pie!

In the morning, fellows and girls rode from the mountains, ate pancakes, played games, walked the streets dressed up.

On Shrove Tuesday, they not only baked pancakes, but also gathered together, sang songs, and danced. I suggest you stand in a round dance and sing a song.

Like butter week
We wanted pancakes.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

Our older sister
Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

On the tray she puts
And she brings it to the table.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

Guests, be healthy
Here are my pancakes ready.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.

Wednesday - "Lakomka" ( Ziganshina Lilya ) (slide 8.9)

Mother-in-laws invited their sons-in-law and treated them to pancakes, and for the fun of their beloved son-in-law, they called all their relatives.

    He can’t sleep, he puffs at night. (Dough)

    I found the ball, broke it, saw silver and gold. (egg)

    Born in the field, brewed at the factory, dissolved in a glass. (sugar)

    To the pan by a stream, from the pan by the sun. (pancake)

    What is poured into the pan, and bent four times. (pancake)

    We bought a brand new, round one, but it is all in holes. (Sieve)

Thursday - "Blow out - revelry, revelry" ( Kulikova Valeria ) (slide 22)

On broad Thursday, oily revelry begins (driving through the streets on a sleigh, singing songs in which Shrovetide was glorified, fistfights were held - ritual actions symbolizing the struggle between spring and winter, but which had strict rules:

You can't hit someone who's lying down.
You can not beat the one who sat down.
Back kicks are prohibited.
Fight face to face.
You can't hold onto anything.

Friday - "Teschiny evenings" ( Nikiforova Nastya )

(slide 23)

Friday - “mother-in-law evenings”, on this day the son-in-law goes “to the mother-in-law for pancakes, and the mother-in-law welcomes the son-in-law, treats.

Pancake is a symbol of the sun, red days, good harvests, good marriages and healthy children,” A. Kuprin wrote.

Saturday - "Zolovkina gatherings" ( Fayrushina Diana )(slide24)

The young daughter-in-law invited her relatives to her place. She gave gifts to her husband's sisters - gingerbread and soap.

On this day, everyone began to visit each other, present gifts, kiss each other. The daredevils swam in the hole. Throughout the Maslenitsa week, ditties were spoken, which are directly related to delicious pancakes. Only skillful housewives were trusted to bake pancakes on Shrovetide, since this pancake tradition occupied an important place in the celebration of the holiday. On Saturday, young girls and boys had fun gatherings, they sang ditties and played games.

Forgiveness Day ( Ziganshina Lilya ) (slide 25.26)

Sunday - "Forgiveness Day"

They rejoiced that day until the bells ring for Vespers. With the first stroke of the bell, the fun ended. Everyone went to church. After the service, they asked for forgiveness from relatives, friends, acquaintances and even strangers in order to cleanse the soul on the eve of Great Lent. Not to perform this rite means to live a whole year in hatred and anger.

Guys, what do you think, for what you need to ask for forgiveness?

It is very important to learn not only to ask for forgiveness, but also to forgive.
(read out)
"What a simple and handy way of salvation! Forgiveness day, what a great heavenly day of God! Whenever we all, as we should

used it, then the present day would make of Christian societies, "paradise societies" and the earth would merge with the sky "(St. Theophan the Recluse).

On the last day of Maslenitsa week, the effigy of Maslenitsa was usually torn to shreds, buried in the snow or burned, saying:

Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out
So that all the blizzards fly away at once
So that the birds sing, the grass turns green
The skies turned chenille and the ears of corn ripened
Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out.

This is how the noisy Shrovetide week ended.

This year, Maslenitsa week lasted from February 27 to March 6. What else do you know about Shrovetide?


Pancakes have been around for so long that no one remembers when. They were a ritual dish even among the pagan Slavic peoples. It is a symbol of the sun and a sacrifice to powerful idols. But their most important role is a treat for Maslenitsa, a cheerful holiday of the Eastern Slavs. Maslenitsa with its pancakes is a meeting of the sun and spring, farewell to winter.

Pancakes are baked on Maslenitsa every day: day 1 - pancakes, day 2 - pancakes, day 3 - pancakes, day 4 - pancakes, day 5 - pancakes, 6 - pancakes, 7 - royal pancakes.

Test classification (types of dough for pancakes)

- What type of dough do you think pancakes can be made from? (yeast and without yeast)

All dough products must have a porous structure so that hot air penetrates into the product during baking. Substances that create such a structure are called leavening agents.

- What is baking powder for yeast dough?(Yeast.)

Yeast dough recipe

Kneading - fermentation - cutting - proofing - baking.

When kneading the dough, the flour is sifted (oxygen enrichment, primary processing), salt and sugar are dissolved, the yeast is stirred in warm water (35-37 ° C).

All components are combined and left to ferment.

Flour proteins absorb water and, swelling, form gluten, which gives the dough elasticity. During dough fermentation, yeast ferment substances called saccharides (glucose, fructose, maltose) to form alcohol and CO2. Alcohol evaporates during baking, and CO2 creates a porous structure. During fermentation, lactic acid is also formed, which improves the elasticity of gluten.

Excess sugar, fat and eggs retard the development of yeast.

In non-yeast dough, chemical leavening agents are used: baking soda NaHCO3, and ammonium carbonate (NH4) 2CO3. During baking, they decompose with the release of CO2, which gives porosity.

- What products can be prepared from yeast dough?(Kulebyaki, pies, cheesecakes, pancakes ...)

III. Practical work (stage 1):

Task number-1: Choose the most optimal way to cook pancakes and select the necessary ingredients (Appendix No.-1)

Making hot drinks, baking pancakes.

Brigade form of work: cook, waiter, kitchen attendant.

III. Practical work (stage 2):

Table setting

The festive table begins with a front tablecloth. In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov we read: a tablecloth is a piece of fabric of a special production, which covered the table. In the old days, a tablecloth in Russia was called a "tabletop". They made it from homespun cloth and always a rectangular shape. Considering that several changes of dishes are usually expected at the festive table, an abundance of cutlery and tea utensils, it is good to put a soft cloth under the tablecloth. This will muffle the sound of plates, forks, dishes will beat less, and dishes with hot snacks will not leave marks on the polished table.

Students need to be shown how to properly spread the tablecloth, this is very important, especially if there are many guests at the table. So, if the tablecloth is rectangular or square, its corners should cover the legs of the table, if it is round or oval, the center of the tablecloth should coincide with the center of the table. Its edges should be lowered by at least 25 cm and no more than to the seat of the chair.

Task number-1 : Select on the computer the table setting for the carnival

(Appendix No.-2):

Task number-2: Make a table setting for the holiday.

    Summing up - tests, evaluation sheet (Appendix No.-3):

    Workplace cleaning.

Application No.-1:

Yeast pancakes

    For 4 servings:

    800 g wheat flour

    800 ml warm milk

    4 eggs

    50 g butter

    1 st. l salt

    1 tsp sugar

    20 g yeast

Dissolve the yeast in 600 ml of milk and pour it into a bowl of flour. Knead the dough, put it in a warm place and let it rise. Separate whites from yolks. Stir in the remaining milk 4 yolks, melted butter, add salt and sugar. Pour the mixture into the dough and, after stirring it, put it again in a warm place so that the dough rises. Beat egg whites and add to batter just before baking. Bake pancakes for , lubricated with oil.

Pancakes with curd

    to make pancakes:

    1 liter of kefir 3.2% fat

    1/2 l. milk

    1.5 tsp no soda top

    3 art. l. Sahara


    2 eggs

    For filling:

    cottage cheese 1 kg

    eggs 2 pcs.

    granulated sugar

Pour kefir into a saucepan. We break an egg into it, spread sugar, soda, salt and mix. Then add flour, the dough should be a little thinner in consistency than thick sour cream. Close the lid and put in for the night. In the morning, heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, pour the dough into the frying pan in portions and bake pancakes. Lubricate each pancake with a piece of butter and put in a saucepan until serving. In the middle of each pancake, lay out the minced curd, wrap and serve with your favorite jam or sour cream. To prepare minced curd, you need to mix the cottage cheese with eggs and sugar well.

Pancakes from yeast dough

Products :

flour - 1 cup, milk - 2.5 cups, eggs - 2-3 pieces, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt - 1/4 teaspoon, yeast - 20g.

Cooking method:

1. Yeast pour 2 tbsp. spoons of warm milk, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and put in a warm place.

2. Mix milk with sugar, salt, eggs and then with flour. Add risen yeast. Put in a warm place for 20 minutes.

3. Bake pancakes.

The thickness of the pancake layer should be approximately 2-3 mm.

Pancakes in Belarusian (pancakes)


Potatoes-12 pieces

Flour - 2 tablespoons

1 egg

Salt - 1 teaspoon

Pork fat -2ogram

Bulb onion - 2 pcs

Cooking method:

Peeled potatoes are rubbed on a grater, mixed with flour, egg. Salt to taste. Pancakes are baked.

Separately, lard is fried with onions and pancakes are served.




Milk - 3 cups

Egg -2-3 pcs.

Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Salt, soda - 1/2 tsp each

Cooking method:

Eggs are mixed with milk, salt, sugar, soda, flour are added and mixed well with a whisk to make the dough without lumps. Then pancakes are baked.

Appendix No.-2:

"Types of serving":

Appendix No.-3:

How beautiful to decorate the table for Shrovetide.

Pancake week- This is an ancient folk holiday not assigned to a specific number of the calendar.

Pancake week refers to the holidays associated with Easter. Shrovetide is the most fun holiday that every day of the week has its own name.

On Sunday an ancient rite of forgiveness of all grievances accumulated over the year is performed: "Forgive me, please, if I am guilty of anything before you!"

Then they kiss and bow low.

Like Shrovetide Week

Pancakes flew out of the oven!

From the heat, from the heat, from the oven!

All blush, hot!

Shrovetide, treat!

Give everyone pancakes.

Hot, hot, take it apart!

Don't forget to praise.

According to the ancient beliefs of our ancestors, the pancake, hot and flavored with oil, was a symbol of the sun.

Monday -meeting,

The first day was called Pure Maslenitsa - a wide noblewoman. On Monday, Maslenitsa and Shrovetide, made of straw and dressed in dresses corresponding to their gender - women's and men's, were taken on a sleigh throughout the district, and then seated on the highest place with songs and dances.

tuesday-play ,

At dawn, the effigy of Maslenitsa was taken out to a central place, round dances were organized around it, reckless fun, then the youth rode down the mountains and on a swing, and those who were older had fun at the table.

Wednesday gourmet,

On this day, you need to eat as much as your soul accepts, hence the saying “Not life, but Shrovetide”.)


An obligatory attribute of Shrovetide was a bear - a live, chained, or a disguised person. A common pastime of Russian people was the fight with a bear. Children, also dressed up as animals, walked around the yards and caroled, collecting treats for the festive evening.

Friday - mother-in-law evening ,

the most important event associated with the newlyweds was the visit of the mother-in-law by the sons-in-law, for whom she baked pancakes and arranged a real feast. The disrespect of the son-in-law for this event was considered a dishonor and insult, and was the reason for the eternal enmity between him and the mother-in-law.

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings,

This day has always been considered a family day. In Zolovkin's gatherings - the newlywed daughter-in-law had to give gifts to the sister-in-law.

Sunday is a forgiveness day.

The last day is the most cheerful and wild, despite the fact that it was called "Forgiveness Day". People went from yard to yard, asking each other for forgiveness.

The Shrovetide complex included such entertainments as skiing from the mountains, sleigh rides, various rites of honoring the newlyweds, fist fights, processions of mummers.

Good morning my beloved subscribers and guests of the blog! As they say, wow, you are waiting, very soon a cheerful and mischievous holiday, children's laughter, a fire ... Guess what I'm getting at? Of course, soon we will all celebrate Maslenitsa, we will remember and learn new songs, jokes and proverbs with the children.

This 2019 it falls from March 4 to 10, we all look forward to this week. After all, eating pancakes will be considered the most important, so to speak, rite. Ah-ha, who doesn't love this business, as they say, we'll come off to the fullest again?

So, let's remember what awaits us on Shrovetide weekdays, arrange a real farewell together with your friendly family. Make interesting and run to the fair and performance.

When this long-awaited holiday comes, it will be possible to bake a whole mountain of pancakes that would melt in your mouth, drive everyone crazy and would be very appetizing and beautiful. Agree, in order to concoct such a hostess, you will need to pat in the kitchen.

It will be necessary to follow all the rules and recommendations so that, first of all, the dough of the desired consistency comes out, and when frying, the pancake would not stick to the pan and would not turn out to be lumpy. Also, so that there are holes on it, or, as they say, bubbles, and the edges are thin and crispy. In general, it seems at first glance the task is not an easy one, but don’t worry, soon you yourself will learn how to bake such delicacies in a matter of minutes, and then how you adapt ... and things will go like clockwork.

There is a fairly large number of options for baking pancakes in the culinary world. Let me remind you, the more you can get to know each such species more on this blog. Proper and tasty dough can be made on the basis of:

  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • water;
  • sour cream;
  • serum;
  • sour or dry milk;
  • mineral water;
  • and oddly enough, even on beer)))

In a nutshell, ordinary baking soda is then added to any such main component, or baking powder or yeast is used + flour is added and pancake dough is kneaded.

After that, you will need your fighting spirit, good mood and a frying pan. Yes, it's her. Have you already decided on her choice, if not yet, then read the recommendations here?

Well, let's start in order and prepare for each day of the week a different kind of these delicate and sweet delicacies.

I propose to start with the simplest and most traditional recipe that any hostess knows, even a beginner, even an experienced one. By the way, in cafes and in various eateries, this option is most often used based on custard dough.

We will need:

Cooking method:

1. Take excellent quality flour, preferably the highest grade whole grain. Sift it through a sieve so that it is saturated with oxygen.

2. After that, you need to add a spoonful of salt and two tablespoons of sugar to it. Although you can take a little more granulated sugar, be guided by your taste.

3. After that, pour in warm milk, it is advisable to take fresh, and not yesterday's. Although even from sour milk it will turn out divinely delicious. Stir the resulting mass thoroughly with a kitchen whisk.

5. It turns out a slightly thick dough, into which you have to add vegetable oil, or melt a small piece of butter.

Interesting! With the addition of vegetable oil, pancakes will be drier, but if you add butter, they will become more moist and rich. You can observe it yourself, so start the experiment))).

6. After that, the whole mass must be re-mixed and brewed with boiling water, and then mixed again with a whisk.

Depending on what consistency you like, thinner or thicker, and dilute by eye, using 2 or 3 glasses of water for this. It is on this proportion that the thickness of your pancakes will depend, if you want to make them thinner, use batter, if plump ones - thick.

Leave to rest in a warm place, cover with cling film or a towel.

7. And only after that start baking. Heat the frying pan, it is advisable to use a cast-iron beauty or take it with a thick bottom. Next, pour the mixture in such a way over the pan so that it spreads evenly over the entire diameter of the circle.

Before baking, it will be necessary to grease the pan with oil and heat it up strongly, and then fry it dry.

8. As soon as you see that the edges have begun to brown, take a spatula and turn the treat over to the other side. Remember that the second side will bake quite quickly than the first.

Put all the pancakes on a plate in a pile, you can grease each one separately with butter, or you can do without it.

9. You can decorate with any sweet syrup, jam or condensed milk. Enjoy your meal!

By the way, if you want to decorate your table in an original and festive way, then do it in different ways, how it looks funny and fun, you can see ideas

I’ll tell you right away that this selection will be unique, because I have collected only the best cooking options in it that I personally checked, so I advise you to do these).

The classic recipe for thin pancakes in milk

Tender and ruddy, tasty and thin, this is the characteristic of the correct traditional recipe for this popular spring dish. And as they say in the feast and the world, they are suitable for literally everything. They are savory with honey and jam, sour cream and by themselves, they will disappear from your serving plates in a matter of minutes, because they will gobble them up on both cheeks.

We will need:

  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Boiling water - 200 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l
  • Flour - 230 g
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Take a well-washed bowl and dry it. Break two chicken eggs into it, add salt and sugar. Since I liked the sweet pancake option, I always put more sugar so that they don't seem so bland. But, if you are making meat fillings, then do not take too much sugar.

2. Beat the egg mass with a whisk to form a foam on the surface. Then pour in the milk, it can be warmed up a little, or you can get it out of the refrigerator in advance and so that it takes room temperature. Loosen the mass with a whisk and begin to gradually add wheat flour in parts.

3. Carefully and slowly follow this procedure, and you will need to sift the flour through a sieve, you can do this right over the bowl. Pour in the baking powder.

4. Stir this egg mixture to a fairly steep state, the thicker you start, the more water you will then need to dilute the dough, and, accordingly, more delicious things will come out, but do not overdo everything, there is a limit). I gave you the exact proportions in the description of the ingredients.

Oh, and don’t forget about vegetable oil, add it to all foods in a bowl.

So, the dough has become a little tight and now brew it with boiling water and start stirring and stirring until it becomes a consistency like liquid cream.

Tadam, start baking. Heat the pan over medium heat, grease its surface with oil, and only after that pour a ladle of liquid and shiny dough, make circular movements so that the whole mass spreads evenly and in a thin layer over the pan.

This activity is quite exciting, it takes an hour to prepare, and is eaten at a time))). Fry on both sides until a pleasantly beautiful gilded crust.

5. And then call all your friends and family for a tasting and start eating together.

And to make the festive feast look more fun and effective, make an inscription of caviar on this culinary product. And then for sure, life is a success, and your tummy will be delighted).

Milk pancakes - a delicious yeast recipe

Perhaps you are a fan of something original and not too simple. If you like lacy and openwork more than anything ordinary, then you will like this option, which will come out of just awesome and beautiful bubble pancakes. This is what most of us are after.

We will need:

  • dry yeast - 1 sachet or 10 g
  • milk - 3 tbsp.
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • flour - 500 g
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Since the recipe will be yeast, you will have to make a dough. Therefore, you need to first heat the milk on the stove so that it becomes warm and divide it in half. After that, pour dry yeast into one half (1-1.5 tbsp.). In order for them to start their work well, you need to pamper them, for this, add granulated sugar and salt.

2. Cover the bowl with a lid and move it aside so that the mixture stands and a cap appears on top, it will take a lot of time around 10 minutes.

3. After the time has elapsed, knead the dough, add flour and chicken eggs to the milk. Stir and then pour in the remaining milk so that the consistency is thinned and becomes homogeneous in structure. At the very end, pour in vegetable oil 2 tablespoons.

4. Now let the finished dough rise 3-4 times in a warm place.

Important! Be sure to cover the dough with a lid so that it does not wind up and dry out.

5. Before the hottest pan, grease with butter and heat well. Fry over medium heat, on both sides so that each such pancake is well baked and becomes ruddy and golden. Enjoy your meal!

Video on how to make pancakes so they don't stick

Of course, many people have such a problem, apparently you have not warmed up the pan well, or it is not quite the one you need for this dish. Plus you most likely forgot to put in the secret ingredient to help avoid this sticky property. In general, watch everything yourself and learn with our heroine and the host of the YouTube channel:

Pancakes for Maslenitsa 2019 - a recipe with fillings

Well, well, we baked a whole cart with you, now let's not forget that you can and should stuff with all sorts of sweet or meat ingredients.

But before that, I want to show you another option, which will also be classic and with the addition of soda. And which one do you prefer the most, write your reviews and comments below under this article?

Since the pancakes will be stuffed, add quite a bit of salt and sugar so that they do not kill the filling.

We will need:

  • cow's milk - half a liter
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • melted butter - 1 tbsp
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • salt and sugar to taste or a pinch

Cooking method:

1. Take a container that will be quite deep, break eggs into it and beat everything well with a manual regular whisk. Salt and sugar, throw soda into the resulting liquid.

3. Now add the sifted flour in small portions, stir thoroughly so that lumps do not form. After such a kneading, pour out all the remaining milk and melted butter, shake it thoroughly with a whisk, you will get a viscous mixture, which is what you need for work.

Let the dough stand aside and infuse for 30-40 minutes, and then proceed to the following steps

4. Take a frying pan of any diameter, or use a special pancake maker with low edges and bake our suns on it, spreading the dough over the surface in an even thin layer.

5. First, heat it well, and then make a medium flame. Lubricate the walls and the surface itself with butter, this must be done so that the first pancake does not stick, if this happens, then your pan has not yet heated up to the desired state, wait again.

6. Look, those same bubbles are already visible at the moment.

7. Do not think that this is quite difficult to do, in any business you need skill and experience, so adapt. Pour into the very center and quickly rotate the dishes in a circular motion.

8. And how you get a big slide, so immediately make a special filling that can be bungled from fruits, for example, from such as peaches + cottage cheese.

Or you can cut the apples into small pieces and mix them in honey, and then roll them up. I can also suggest taking yogurt and cinnamon instead of honey, it also turns out very piquant and interesting.

You can fill it with cream cheese or just cottage cheese mixed with granulated sugar. Garnish with mint sprigs and orange slices as desired.

Sweeter lovers will also find a banana and chocolate option. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, you can take both white and black, cut the bananas into circles.

And here it is, a tender and appetizing banana delicacy is ready.

For those who like to eat something more satisfying, I offer the option with ham and herbs. Or you can replace the ham with any red fish, and grease the surface of the pancake with liquid cottage cheese or cream cheese.

Also a great option is the view with bacon meat or some other, for example, with boiled chicken or beef. In addition to meat, you can add grated cheese and sour cream.

Pancakes cooked on kefir to make them thin with holes

In fact, I have already shared with you some secrets and nuances, if you have not seen the previous entries, then look. Today I would like to invite you to watch this video:

An interesting recipe for openwork pancakes on the water

The simplest and alternative option without the addition of milk rightfully belongs to the recipe on the water. It is considered lean and dietary, in fact, there are a lot of recipes, you need to try to make all of them and choose the one that will become the most beloved and unique for you.

For flavor, you can add vanilla sugar, which in turn will help you diversify the taste of this sweet dessert.

We will need:

  • Flour - 300 g
  • Water - 600 ml
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. In this form, a blender will be used, you can take a mixer or a food processor. So, you will need to take a bowl or a special cup and beat the eggs with salt and sugar.

2. The mass will begin to increase before our eyes, do not beat hard, the main thing is that the dry ingredient dissolves well.

3. Now dissolve citric acid in water.

5. Now pour the flour mixture into the resulting mass and beat everything with a blender whisk.

6. After that, start pouring water in a thin stream and do not stop whisking.

7. At the very end, pour in the olive oil, which will also need to be thoroughly mixed.

8. Bake culinary round products in the usual way for you in a thick or cast iron pan on both sides. To prevent pancakes from sticking together, grease them with melted butter and serve with love and great care! Enjoy your meal!

That's all, dear friends, if you want more experiments, then you can go to my other articles and read. Let the Maslenitsa holiday succeed with a bang! Happy eating these treats! Bye bye everyone!