How to cook chicken for a child. Chicken dishes for children

07.08.2022 Egg dishes

Chicken meat is considered one of the most dietary foods. There is practically no fat in it, which means that even children with fragile stomachs can eat it. It is not surprising that fillet and dishes from it are so popular among housewives. In the article we will tell you what you can cook for your baby from chicken fillet and how to make any meat dish a real masterpiece.

What to cook a child from chicken fillet: quick recipes

Quenelles: fast, simple, delicious

Chicken dumplings are one of the easiest recipes. They can be prepared for a child from chicken fillet or from other meat. However, the classic version involves the use of chicken breast.

According to the manufacturing technology, quenelles resemble meatballs, but they turn out to be much more tender and juicier. So, for cooking, we need a kilogram of fillet, 2-3 pieces of a white loaf, a little milk, an egg for a bunch of components.

1. First of all, twist the fillet in a meat grinder. Store-bought minced meat is not suitable, as it is often added in addition to fillet and offal. They will affect the taste of the finished product.

2. Soften the white loaf in milk and again mince the minced meat and bread through the meat grinder. This is the secret to the softness and airiness of the finished dish.

3. Add spices to taste and an egg. Remember that spices should not be too much. They are highly likely to completely replace the taste of meat, and the child may not like it.

4. Form small oblong balls from the minced meat.

There are several ways to cook quenelles:

First, for a couple. This option is considered a classic;

Secondly - in a water bath. This method is very laborious;

The fastest: just dip them into the broth.

Unlike meatballs, quenelles are served separately with a vegetable side dish, and not as an addition to soup.

Quick chops for kids

You can cook delicious chicken fillet for children in another way. This recipe will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. The fillet twisted in a meat grinder with the addition of eggs and spices is taken as the basis. The finished dish differs from ordinary chops not only in softness and juiciness, but also in the speed of cooking.

When the baby grows up, he may already lack the valuable substances that come with breast milk, it's time to expand the diet with meat dishes. Chicken meat is one of the first to be introduced into the menu - it is better digested than beef, it has a lot of useful properties.


Chicken meat contains a lot of easily digestible proteins - this is a building material that is necessary for the full development of muscle and blood cells, thanks to proteins, the body is able to produce antibodies and hormones. Another important function is to enhance the action of minerals and vitamins, in particular, group B (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic and pantothenic acids, niacin).

Phylloquinone is present in chicken meat - this is vitamin K. It is necessary for blood clotting - wounds will not heal without it, moreover, this substance contributes to the appearance of special cells on damaged skin that prevent infection from entering inside. Calcium is needed to strengthen bones, and magnesium is needed for heart muscle. Thanks to phosphorus, brain activity is activated, and iron is necessary for the formation of a sufficient number of red blood cells. Chicken also contains sodium, potassium, copper, manganese, selenium and zinc.

What is useful chicken meat for children

The main advantage of chicken is that it is much easier for a child to perceive. Its fibers are more tender than those of pork, and even more so - beef. For this reason, it is classified as dietary meat. It practically does not contain fat, which means that it can be used by all children, including those suffering from overweight. Other useful properties:

  • Chicken meat contains many substances that the body can only get with food, it does not produce them itself: these are essential acids that provide protein metabolism and muscle cell recovery.
  • Chicken meat helps to fight the processes of decay - it is not for nothing that it is recommended to give dishes from it to weakened children, including after surgical interventions.
  • It has a positive effect on the nervous system. The antidepressant effect is provided by the vitamin-mineral complex. If the child is too impressionable and emotional, chicken dishes must be present in his diet.
  • One of the important elements of the diet for diabetes. Carbohydrates in chicken are negligible, but it contains such important minerals as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, as well as a group of the most important B vitamins.
  • Chicken is recommended to be included in the menu of children suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers. Tender meat does not irritate the gastric mucosa, is well absorbed, saturating the body with useful substances.
  • Thanks to glutamine, chicken meat promotes muscle development - this is especially important for physically weakened babies who need support.

Chicken meat is useful for some kidney diseases, it is useful to use it to stabilize blood sugar levels, it provides the body with a supply of energy and strength.

The introduction of chicken into the diet of babies

At what age can babies be given chicken meat? It depends on the state of health and the type of nutrition of the child (breast or artificial). So, if the baby receives adapted mixtures, expanding the diet with chicken meat is possible from 7–8 months. Babies should add it later - from 8–9 months of age. Recommendations for the introduction of chicken into the diet of babies:

  • special attention must be paid to the quality of meat - it must be fresh, preferably homemade;
  • the first portion - no more than 1/4 teaspoon, but in general, it is preferable to give canned food of industrial origin - they contain homogenized meat, it is absorbed better than grated through a sieve or chopped with a blender;
  • acquaintance with a new product is best done in the morning;
  • chicken puree can be mixed with mashed potatoes or vegetable puree, added to cereals;
  • the portion must be increased gradually and by the age of 8 months brought to 50 g per day, and by 9 months - up to 70–80 g, by the year - up to 100 g of the cooked product.

By about 12 months, the baby already perfectly perceives not only mashed chicken, but also minced meat dishes, for example, meatballs and meatballs.

Chicken broth in the diet of babies

A decoction of chicken meat, in other words, chicken broth, has wonderful properties. True, it should be cooked exclusively from homemade chicken. To increase the healthiness of the product, put a few heads of onion in it - thanks to the phytoncides contained in it, it will enhance the benefits of the broth and provide an antibacterial effect. This dish is recommended for use in viral diseases.

Rich broth is good for the heart muscle - it strengthens it perfectly, and also helps to normalize blood pressure. Other healing properties: helps to start the digestive system, increases the absorption of vitamins and minerals, is extremely effective for colds.

Precautionary measures

Although chicken meat is very healthy, a certain amount of caution in its use does not hurt. Our recommendations:

  • accustom the child to chicken meat gradually, as in some children it can cause allergies;
  • cook lean chicken meat, you must first remove the skin, since almost all of it consists of fat cells;
  • give preference to domestic chicken rather than broilers, as they are grown with the use of hormones and antibiotics, which is why the meat has practically no useful properties;
  • chicken needs careful heat treatment - this is due to the need to neutralize active bacteria that can cause dysbacteriosis and intoxication of the body;
  • boiled or baked chicken is good - do not cook tobacco or roast chicken for children, it is best to offer them breast - this is the most useful part.

If a child who has tried chicken feels worse than usual, do not hesitate, immediately consult a doctor. Respond without delay to all suspicious symptoms: diarrhea, headache, rash, and other signs of feeling unwell.

Chicken recipes for kids

chicken meatballs

Products: 300–350 g of minced chicken, 1.5–2 tables. spoons of wheat flour, 1 egg, onion (small).

Cooking. Remove the minced chicken from the refrigerator and keep at room temperature for half an hour, then it will be easier to form meatballs out of it. Grate or finely chop the onion, add to the minced meat, then beat the egg into it. Salt, mix thoroughly, add wheat flour as a thickener. Form miniature balls, then throw them into boiling water or broth (if you are making soup).

Steam chicken soufflé

Products: 100 boiled chicken fillets, 1 chicken egg (can be replaced with 3 quail eggs), a tablespoon of rice cereal, 1 tsp. drain. oils, 2 table. spoons of milk.

Cooking. Finely chop the pre-boiled chicken fillet, chop with a blender. Boil rice: first boil it in water, then add milk. Add the finished porridge to the chicken puree, then mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained - it is convenient to do this with a blender. Add melted butter to the mass and the yolk separated from the protein. Separately, beat the protein in a stable foam, then carefully fold into the main dish. Place the finished mixture in a mold, and then set it in a double boiler. Cook for 20-25 minutes. Serve with a side dish or as an independent dish.

Vegetable chicken soup

Products: chicken fillet - 300 g, 1 carrot and medium-sized onion, 3 potatoes, butter - 1 table. spoon, 2 teaspoons of semolina, 1 table. a spoonful of rice, herbs - to taste.

Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, wait until it boils, then put the peeled and diced potatoes and thoroughly washed rice into it, peel the onions and carrots, add to the broth, and then the pre-prepared meatballs. Salt. Cook until tender (15-20 minutes), then season with herbs.

How to cook meatballs? Very simple: grind chicken fillet with onions in a meat grinder, add a little butter, salt to taste, then add semolina and mix thoroughly, and then place in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

pumpkin chicken soup

Products: 1 kg of chicken per 3 liters of water, 1 each of bell peppers and carrots, 2 tomatoes, 4 medium-sized potatoes, 300 g of peeled pumpkin. Cooking:

  • Boil the broth: pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, load the chicken, boil for 20-25 minutes.
  • Prepare vegetables: wash, peel, cut potatoes, peppers and pumpkin into cubes, grate carrots.
  • Once the chicken is cooked, add chopped potatoes to the soup, boil for another 10 minutes.
  • Peppers fry together with carrots in vegetable oil - put in soup.
  • Chop the tomatoes and add them to the broth.
  • Put pumpkin in the soup, 2 bay leaves, salt - to taste.

The final stage of preparation is to remove from heat and insist for 30 minutes. Add greens before serving.

At one year old, the baby most likely already has teeth. Even if there are few of them, this is a natural signal that the child is ready for more adult food. - this is everything that you can chew, try and you need to help the child learn all this. These are more complex dishes in terms of digestion, as the food is no longer mashed and becomes more varied. One year old babies may show interest in raw foods such as apples, carrots, lemons. My daughter tried to pick up and gnaw even an onion, that was laughter from her disappointed face.

There is only one more to add. they are quite suitable for older children, the only question is how much their tastes correspond to the recipes presented on these pages.

March 12, 2012

Probably for an hour I thought what to make so healthy and tasty for the child, while I thawed the chicken fillet in warm water. I wandered around the Internet, most often from chicken fillet I came across recipes for chicken Kiev, but it is fried, I don’t want to give this to a child. As a result, I cooked chicken cutlets according to the same principle as I did from and from ground beef. Only the chicken fillet turned out to be even less of a hassle. It is so soft that it is not even necessary to get a meat grinder. You can easily grind it with a blender.

02/28/2012 Anet

The recipe is included in the children's menu, the cooking process of which consists of only two sentences. It takes about 10 minutes to cook. The dish is tasty, simple, healthy for children. Try to cook for your child as a variation of the curd dish. This is the easiest recipe for lazy dumplings. If you want to add raisins or dried apricots there, you can safely do this and you will get another option for the child’s subsequent breakfasts. Dumplings are loose due to a small amount of flour, a lot is not needed for a child. And you can serve with sour cream, kefir or jam.

For children from one year old.

21.02.2012 Anet

This is my favorite children's dish, which I myself love, and my husband likes it. While our child was not yet a year old, I made these for adults, practiced. So, you can cook for the whole family. Very gentle processing of meat, a useful composition for a small child.

These cutlets are suitable for children from 1 year old.

23.01.2012 Anet

For healthy development, the child needs to eat meat daily. This recipe is a guarantee that it will be tasty and the baby's need for protein will be partially satisfied. Children up to a year and after are happy to eat such a soup.

Try to offer your children a new tasty and satisfying meat dish - chicken breast goulash, which can be served in tandem with a wide variety of side dishes, such as buckwheat and oatmeal, rice, or vegetable puree, etc. This dish is sure to please them. And how to cook goulash juicy, we will tell you below.

Necessary products for cooking chicken goulash:

  • fresh chicken breast - 300 grams;
  • onions - 1 large onion;
  • vegetable (sunflower) oil - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • red sweet ground pepper (paprika) - a coffee spoon;
  • buckwheat - for garnish.

Goulash for children from chicken breast - a step by step recipe with a photo:

1. Let's start with meat. We wash the fresh tender chicken breast well in running water, dry it slightly, and then cut it into small equal pieces of a square shape, given that the meat will decrease in size after cooking.

2. Next, take a small deep pan, preferably with a thick bottom, and heat the vegetable oil in it. We check the temperature of the oil, with a pinch of salt, if it hisses, then you can lower the chicken into it, which we do.

3. While the chicken is stewed for the first few minutes, let's take care of the onions. To do this, take one large onion, peel it from the husk, and cut it into not very small cubes. Onion is a very important ingredient in our dish, it will give goulash a pleasant aroma and flavor.

4. Add the onion to the pieces of the brisket, which has almost turned white, mix and simmer all the ingredients together for five to seven minutes, be sure to stir several times throughout the entire time so that neither the onion nor the meat sticks to the bottom of the pan and burns, which can significantly affect the taste and aroma of chicken breast goulash.

5. After that, we take red sweet ground pepper paprika and sprinkle it with lightly stewed chicken with onions. We also salt our dish. Please note that there should not be a lot of salt, because we are preparing goulash for a child, and, as you know, it is not recommended to eat a lot of salt for children.

We mix the chicken pieces with spices and pour everything with one glass of cold distilled water, bring the dish to a boil, then reduce the heat to the minimum mark and cook our chicken breast goulash in a light boil until fully cooked, about fifty to fifty five minutes.

6. Separately, for a side dish, boil buckwheat porridge in lightly salted water. We serve ready-made juicy goulash for a child along with porridge, seasonal fresh vegetables and herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

Chicken meat is quite popular among the population of our country. The chicken is baked in the oven, cutlets are made from it. stuffed, boiled, added to salads, boiled soups from it ...

It can be attributed to diet, especially if you cook it correctly.

Of course, every young mother is interested in when it is worth introducing chicken meat into the child's diet and how to cook it? Let's try to understand this article.

Benefits of chicken meat for children

For a child's body, chicken meat is of great benefit, because:

  • It is an important source of protein and amino acids;
  • It is a dietary product with a small percentage of fats;
  • Contains many micro and macro elements, including cobalt, phosphorus, zinc, iron;
  • It is a source of B vitamins (B2, B6, B9, B12).

In addition, chicken meat is digested and absorbed more easily than beef and pork, which means it is introduced into the child's diet earlier.

Attention! Buying chicken in supermarkets for a child is not recommended, since in such meat you can find not only vitamins, but also substances harmful to the child's body (for example, hormones and antibiotics).

At what age should chicken breasts be introduced

Chicken meat is not considered the first meat product introduced into the baby's diet. Turkey and rabbit are usually offered first - these species are less allergenic than chicken. Meat is introduced into the menu from 8 months, but chicken can be offered from 9 in the form of mashed potatoes.

Introduce chicken meat in the same way. like the rest of complementary foods - starting with 1/2 teaspoon in the morning, and during the day they observe the reaction of the crumbs. To make mashed chicken meat, it is boiled and then chopped with a blender, adding a little breast milk or formula - so the mashed potatoes will not be dry.

With good tolerance, the amount is gradually increased, bringing to the age norm. After a month, the baby can be offered chicken soufflé or pudding, and after a year - chicken broths and soups.

Starting from the age of 1.5 years, the first cutlets, zrazy and meatballs from chicken meat are already being introduced into the diet. Well, what else can you cook from chicken for a child?

Boiled chicken ragout (from 2 years old)


  • 150 g chicken meat
  • 80-90 g rice
  • 20 g butter
  • 10 g onion
  • 1 teaspoon flour
  • 4 tablespoons broth
  • 10 g tomato paste
  • salt to taste

Cooking steps

    Melt the butter, fry finely chopped onion in it. Then add dry rice and fry until yellowish. Pour rice with broth (any) or water and let it boil, stirring constantly.

    When the cereal becomes soft enough, add tomato puree, chopped boiled chicken meat, salt and mix. Keep covered over low heat for 5-10 minutes.

    Serve with a salad of fresh vegetables finely chopped or grated.

Meat is introduced into the children's diet before the age of one. For starters, experts recommend chicken or turkey, and this recipe is also supplemented with vegetables. You can combine regular chicken puree with boiled potatoes or cauliflower.


  • 100 g chicken fillet
  • 1/2 onion
  • 20 g butter
  • 1 carrot
  • 280 g sweet potato
  • 300 ml chicken or vegetable broth

Cooking steps

    Rinse the chicken fillet under running water and pat dry. Cut the peeled sweet potato and fillet into pieces.

    Finely chop the onion, peel the carrots and cut into slices.

    Heat the oil in a saucepan and sauté the onion in it until soft. Add chicken breast and simmer for 3-4 more minutes. Add vegetables, pour in the broth, bring to a boil and cook over low heat under the lid for half an hour until the chicken is cooked and the vegetables are soft.

    Grind finished products in a blender.

Servings 18 pieces


  • 170 g chicken fillet, chopped
  • 1 yolk
  • 1/2 teaspoon sweet chili sauce
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • 1 teaspoon basil leaves
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • vegetable oil

Cooking steps

    Combine chicken, yolk, juice, garlic and basil in a food processor or mixer. Roll minced meat into small balls and roll each in sesame seeds.

    Cook chicken balls for a couple or bake in the oven.

Chicken with asparagus (from 2 years old)

Chicken according to this recipe is fragrant and appetizing. Chicken stew is another lunch option for a toddler, while asparagus and bell peppers make a healthy side dish.


  • 200 g green asparagus
  • 100 g chicken breast
  • 80 g sweet pepper
  • 2 tablespoons chopped dill and parsley
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons low fat sour cream

Cooking steps

    Peel asparagus shoots from a hard peel, cut off the ends. Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes. Cut sweet pepper into strips.