How to bake pike perch in a slow cooker. How to cook pike perch in a slow cooker? Like this

Any fish is a valuable source of many trace elements and nutrients. Pike perch, among other things, contains in its white meat at least eight amino acids necessary for humans. Their significance is all the more great because our body is not able to produce these acids on its own. Iodine, manganese, zinc, phosphorus - all these elements stimulate brain activity, increase immunity and generally have a healing and strengthening effect. The meat of this fish is truly dietary - it has very little fat, but at the same time, pikeperch fillet is tender and tasty. Pike perch is also good because there are not many small bones in it at all. When eaten, the most beneficial combination for fish is plant-based foods. That is why today we will tell you how pike perch is prepared. with vegetables in a multicooker. The technical novelty will allow you to save the maximum benefit in the ingredients.

So, what we need to prepare a delicious dish:

  • 4 medium carcasses of pike perch;
  • 4 medium sized carrots;
  • 2 small onions;
  • 5 medium tomatoes;
  • one glass of sour cream with a low percentage of fat content;
  • lemon;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • fresh dill and parsley;
  • salt pepper.

How we will cook pike perch with vegetables in a slow cooker

  • This fish is bought, as a rule, in a frozen state, so it must be removed from the freezer in advance and thawed properly. This is done by placing the carcasses in cold water with a small amount of salt. The process takes about 3 hours.
  • After defrosting the pike perch, clean, rinse with running water, cut into portioned pieces and dry with a paper towel.
  • Pieces of fish lightly salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to marinate for a short time.
  • In the meantime, prepare the vegetables. We clean the onions and carrots, rinse with clean water. Onion cut into halves of the rings. Three carrots on a large (preferably Korean) grater. Wash tomatoes in warm water and cut into thin slices.
  • Pour the oil into the multicooker bowl and put the onions and carrots there. Stir, turn on the “baking” mode for 15 minutes.
  • When the slow cooker turns off, mix the vegetables, lay a layer . Cover pike perch with tomato slices. Salt sour cream directly in a glass and pour evenly over the stacked tomatoes.
  • We transfer the multicooker to the “quenching” program. Fifty minutes will be enough. This time is enough for the fish to reach readiness, to be fed with vegetable juices and the creamy taste of sour cream.
  • When the signal for the end of the process sounds, the dish with a breathtaking aroma can be laid out on plates. Sprinkle pike perch on top with chopped dill or parsley.

Pike perch is a very clean fish. Due to the fact that it can only live in unpolluted waters, its meat does not contain any harmful elements and is an exceptionally healthy food. When you cooked pike perch with vegetables in a slow cooker After evaluating the result, you can safely try other recipes with this fish. It goes well with mushrooms and is very tasty when steamed. Cook delicious diet meals with the site -

Separate the pike perch fillet from the bones and cut into portions. The skin can be removed if desired. Pat each piece dry with a paper towel. Pour flour into a flat bowl with a rim, add a little salt and spread the flour mixture over the bottom. Bread the fish pieces in flour, shaking off excess breading.

For taste and aroma, you can add your favorite spices for fish or dry herbs, such as basil, dill, to the breading.

Heat up some vegetable oil in a multicooker bowl. On the "Frying" mode with the lid open, fry the pieces of fish on both sides until golden brown. Transfer carefully to a plate.

Do not fry a lot of fish at once, otherwise it will be difficult to turn it over and it will fall apart. It is better to fry the fish in batches.

Onion cut into half rings or smaller. Saute the onion in the remaining vegetable oil until translucent. Do this also in the slow cooker on the "Frying" mode, do not close the lid.

Return all fish to the multicooker bowl. Some of the pieces may fall apart, no big deal.

Boil water in a kettle.

In a bowl, dilute the sour cream with water. It is better to dilute sour cream with hot water, since the coating of the multicooker bowl does not like sudden changes in temperature. Sour cream can be used with any fat content, only the ratio of water and sour cream will depend on this. If the sour cream is liquid, then you need a little less water, and more sour cream, if it is thick, then vice versa. You can make more sour cream filling if you like the fish to "swim" in the sauce.

Salt and season the sour cream filling to taste.

Pour the fish with sour cream mixture and close the lid of the multicooker. Cook on the "Extinguishing" mode for about 30 minutes. It is advisable to look under the lid several times so that the sour cream filling does not boil away and the fish does not burn.

Fish is useful for our body in almost any form. Steam it, fry it or bake it, it's up to you. And if you also prepare an original sauce for it, then the dishes will become refined and more festive. We offer a recipe for pike perch in a slow cooker.


  • pike perch weighing about a kilogram or a little more;
  • lemon;
  • garlic;
  • greens;
  • black pepper;
  • 4 tablespoons of white bread crumbs.

Cooking baked pike perch in a slow cooker

Pike perch belongs to the dietary white varieties of fish, so this dish can be prepared for those who like to go on a diet or for those who simply prefer to enjoy very tasty, tender and fragrant white fish cooked in a slow cooker.

My zander, gutting, removing the gills. Then, turning it on its back, gently pry the ribs with a knife and open the belly (it will turn out like a book). Remove large bones and backbone to make the meal more pleasant and comfortable. Remove the ribs as well, for this you need to use a very sharp knife. If the specimen is large or there are several of them, then you can simply cut into pieces.

In a separate container, combine the squeezed lemon juice in the amount of 2 tablespoons (remove the seeds from it), chopped garlic and herbs (you can dill and parsley). Add bread crumbs and vegetable oil 1 tablespoon.

Thoroughly brush the fish with the mixture inside and out. We put the pike perch in the multicooker bowl, then select the “baking” mode and set the cooking time to 40 minutes. Everything, pike perch in a slow cooker is ready!

You can serve the fish with boiled mashed potatoes or rice, you can also serve it with a vegetable salad.

pike perch in a slow cooker recipe with photo

How delicious to cook pike perch in a slow cooker

Pike perch in milk is a delicate, soft fish. It can be served with pasta, with or. It will go well with. And it’s easy to cook pike perch if there is a slow cooker in the house. Any model will do. Due to the fact that cooking in a slow cooker resembles cooking in an oven (due to closed stewing), the fish turns out to be very tasty.

Pike perch fillet in a slow cooker under milk gravy

To cook pike perch in a slow cooker in milk, you must purchase in advance:

  1. 0.5 kg of fresh gutted fish;
  2. large white onion;
  3. 0.5 liters of fat six percent milk;
  4. flour;
  5. spices and salt.

pike perch in a slow cooker recipes with photos step by step

Pike perch should be divided into portions. Their thickness should be 3-4 centimeters. Then the fish needs to be salted, seasoned with selected spices. Then the pike perch is cleaned in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

chop the onion

Now put the fish in the slow cooker, spread the onion on top.

Onion rings look prettier. By the way, you can improve the recipe a little and fry the onion a little before putting it in the slow cooker.

put in a bowl

It remains to prepare the mixture for stewing. In 200 grams of milk you need to stir 2 tablespoons of flour. You need to stir until a homogeneous mass, so that there are no lumps.

You can buy store-bought liquid cream and replace milk with it, you get a fatty gravy and even tastier. You can add spices to the cream (nutmeg, allspice ....). Pike perch in cream in a slow cooker will turn out nobler and more aromatic, although a little more expensive.

After the signal, the fish must be carefully removed from the bowl. Pike perch should be served hot with the side dishes listed above.

milk stew pike perch in a slow cooker

  1. Cut the prepared zander fillet into strips of medium thickness. A few medium-sized white onions, peeled and cut into thin rings.
  2. Rinse large carrots under running warm running water, peel with a vegetable peeler, then grate on a medium, large or “Korean” grater (at your discretion).
  3. Rinse ripe tomatoes thoroughly, then cut into small slices or cubes (again - at your discretion).
  4. Before you start cooking stewed pike perch with vegetables, you need to put the ingredients of the dish in the multicooker bowl, following a certain sequence.
  5. First of all, onion sliced ​​​​into rings and grated carrots are laid out, after which you need to add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, and set the multicooker itself to the “baking” mode for 15-20 minutes.
  6. After the set time has elapsed, the device will give a signal, after which you need to put chopped fish into the bowl, add tomatoes, and set the “stewing” mode on the dashboard and set the timer for 30-40 minutes.

Divide the finished dish into portions, arrange on plates, decorate with whole parsley leaves. Pike perch stewed with vegetables is ready to delight you, your guests and loved ones!

However, this is not the only way to prepare this dish.

Pike perch in tomato with vegetables - cooking in a modern way

Stewed pike perch with vegetables, as mentioned earlier, can be cooked in a slow cooker in various ways. One of the most popular is pike perch stewed with vegetables in tomato. To prepare it you will need:

  • 500-600 grams (3-4 pieces) pike perch fillet;
  • 350-400 grams of celery root;
  • 400-450 grams of carrots;
  • 450-500 grams of potatoes;
  • 2-3 pcs. red and yellow sweet peppers;
  • 2-3 pcs. large ripe tomatoes;
  • 2-3 small ginger roots;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • a few pinches of salt, ground black pepper and fish spices.

Naturally, before the stewed pike perch with vegetables, and even more so pike perch with potatoes in a slow cooker, begins to cook, it is necessary to carefully prepare the products in stock.

  1. The potatoes used in the preparation of such a dish as pike perch in tomato with vegetables must be thoroughly washed under running cold water, then peeled and cut into arbitrary pieces.
  2. Rinse the carrots, peel with a special knife and cut into small cubes.
  3. Carefully wash a few red and yellow sweet peppers, cut into two equal halves, cut out the core, partitions and stalk, rinse again and cut into small cubes, commensurate with carrots.
  4. Peel the onion and cut into cubes no larger than the other vegetables used in the preparation of stewed pike perch with vegetables. Grate the celery root and ginger on a fine or medium grater.
  5. Put the prepared ingredients into the multicooker bowl, add a little tomato sauce, a few pinches of salt, pepper and spices, then set the “stew” mode on the multicooker dashboard.
  6. Set the timer for about an hour and a half, during which, at intervals of 30 minutes, the pike perch under the vegetables will need to be stirred.

Pike perch stewed with vegetables is ready! It remains only to arrange it on plates, decorate with finely chopped dill and whole parsley leaves!

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