How to make rice casserole in a slow cooker. Cottage cheese and rice casserole in a slow cooker

02.09.2022 buffet

Rice casserole cooked in a slow cooker turns out to be unusually tender and appetizing. It is perfect as a sweet dessert for breakfast or dinner, or you can simply serve it as a pie with freshly brewed tea or coffee. Such casseroles are good both cold and hot, with fruit and berry syrups or sour cream. Rice food is a fragrant, satisfying and simply melting in your mouth dish that will appeal to everyone without exception: both children and adults. Let's take a look at how to cook rice casserole in a slow cooker quickly and tasty!

A simple recipe for rice casserole with meat


  • rice - 100 g;
  • minced meat - 250 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • cream - 50 ml;
  • water - 130 ml;
  • mustard - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • dill greens.


To prepare a rice casserole with meat in a Panasonic multicooker, take the cereal, rinse, mix with minced meat, add the egg and mix. Then pour in the cream, boiled water, mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Finely chop the dill and mix with the rice mass. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with vegetable oil, pour out the prepared mixture and cook the casserole by turning on the “Baking” mode for 60 minutes. We leave the finished dish in the slow cooker for a quarter of an hour, after which we carefully remove it. Serve rice casserole with meat with sour cream or heavy cream.

Cottage cheese and rice casserole in a slow cooker


  • fat cream - 100 ml;
  • cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • rice porridge - 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • starch - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • margarine;
  • candied fruits, fruits - to taste.


How to make rice pudding? We take cottage cheese, twist it through a meat grinder and mix with pre-cooked rice porridge. Next, add vanilla, sugar and starch. We mix everything thoroughly. Beat the eggs separately with a mixer, and then pour into the curd mass. Pour the baking powder and knead a homogeneous sparse dough. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with margarine and lay out the cooked dough. We put the casserole in the slow cooker, set the "Baking" mode and cook the dish for 70 minutes. After the readiness signal, we transfer the multicooker to the "Heating" mode and leave the food for another 20 minutes. Carefully remove the finished curd-rice casserole from the saucepan, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

Recipe for rice casserole with apples in a slow cooker


  • boiled rice - 300 g;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • vegetable oil.


So, to prepare rice casserole, take sour cream, add eggs and beat well with a fork until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then add boiled rice to the resulting mass, put sugar, salt to taste and mix properly.

Lubricate the surface of the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and pour half of the rice and egg mass. Put a layer of apples with cinnamon on top and pour the remaining mixture over them.

We set the "Baking" mode and cook the dish for 50 minutes, with the lid closed. In principle, such a casserole can be made in the oven, but in a slow cooker it turns out to be more tasty and tender.

As soon as the rice casserole in the slow cooker is ready, turn the bowl with the finished delicacy onto a flat large dish and serve, decorating with powdered sugar or whipped cream on top.

The slow cooker is ideal for making delicious pastries. Delicate rice casserole in a slow cooker - you will find interesting recipes for its preparation in our article.

With cottage cheese and rice

This slow cooker rice casserole recipe is quite easy to make. Pass 400 g of cottage cheese through a meat grinder or rub with a spoon until smooth. Combine pre-cooked rice porridge (requires 2 tablespoons) with cottage cheese. Add 3 tbsp. potato starch and baking powder (1 tsp). Enter sugar (about 0.5 tbsp.) And vanilla into the resulting mass. Whisk the eggs until foamy, add to the rice mixture. Knead a homogeneous dough. Put the resulting mass into a pre-prepared bowl. Set the mode to Bake. The duration of thermal exposure is 70 minutes. After the cycle is completed, turn on the Heat and let the dish reach the desired condition (it will take about 20 minutes). Put the casserole on a plate, sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

With raisins, rice and apple

A sweet rice casserole in a slow cooker can contain fruits and dried fruits. Boil rice porridge in milk (300 g of ready-made porridge is required to prepare the dish). Add 2 eggs to the porridge (previously beat them and 2 tablespoons of sugar). Pour 180 g of sour cream into the mass, put 2 tbsp. pre-soaked raisins. Combine the peeled apple cut into strips with 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Put half of the mass in a greased bowl, place apples on top, cover with the rest of the dough. Smooth the surface of the dough, place pieces of butter on top. Cook 50 minutes (Baking). Then open the lid. Transfer the casserole to a serving platter after cooling.

With minced chicken and rice

Rice casserole in a slow cooker may well be cooked without sweet additives - minced meat is a satisfying and tasty ingredient. In the multicooker bowl, put 1 tbsp. washed rice, pour salted water (3 tbsp.). Turn on the Rice (Porridge) mode. After the beep, remove the porridge, cool. Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil (you can do this in a slow cooker or in a pan). Add 700 g of minced chicken to the onion, fry until the moisture evaporates (do not forget to salt and season). Leave the filling to cool. Beat 4 eggs and 350 g of sour cream, combine with rice. Put half of the mass into a greased bowl, spread the filling on top. Next, put another layer of rice, smooth. Bake in the Baking mode for 1 hour, then leave on the heating for another 20 minutes.

With rice, cabbage, meat

1 st. rinse rice, pour 3 tbsp. water, boil, adding salt and a pinch of turmeric. Cut the onion (200 g), put it in hot oil, fry, put 200 g of grated carrots, fry a little again and add 200 g of chopped cabbage. Simmer vegetables over low heat. Minced chicken (500 g) salt and pepper. 3 tbsp dilute the tomato paste with an equal amount of water. Separately, dilute 100 g of sour cream (5 tablespoons of water are required). Lubricate the bowl, lay out rice and half of the vegetables, pour over the tomato sauce. The next layers are minced meat and vegetables (top with sour cream sauce). Bake for 1 hour (Baking mode), and then leave for 20-30 minutes under heating.

Rice casserole in a slow cooker - this dish is rightfully considered the perfect breakfast or dinner. It is quite easy to prepare it. The nice thing is that there is no need to monitor the cooking process - your casserole will not burn in a slow cooker and at the same time it will bake just perfectly.

Rice is a universal product, especially common in the East and Central Asia. He alone is able to provide a person with the basic substances necessary for our body. This quality of rice is used by the inhabitants of the most densely populated regions of our planet, because it is extremely difficult to feed such a “horde” with a variety of food. The master culinary specialist will easily prepare the first and second courses of rice, a side dish for meat and fish, and delicious desserts. Especially with a multicooker! One of the most beloved rice dishes in many cuisines of the world is rice casserole in a slow cooker. It is prepared both as an appetizer for a holiday, and as a main course for dinner for a family, and as a sweet dessert for children. This dish is simple and easy to prepare. If you have rice, add any additional ingredients you like to it, put everything in a slow cooker and that's it! The rest is a matter of technology itself. You will need to follow the recipe and a little desire with imagination.

If we talk about sweet rice casserole in a slow cooker, then these are a few basic options: cottage cheese and rice casserole in a slow cooker, rice casserole with apples in a slow cooker, and a few more combinations of similar products, fruits, berries. Rice casserole with cottage cheese in a slow cooker is a favorite treat for children.

If you would like any savory rice casserole, please: rice casserole with minced meat in a slow cooker, rice casserole with meat in a slow cooker. Due to its satiety and quite presentable appearance, any meat casserole made from rice porridge in a slow cooker can safely compete on the festive table for the title of "highlight of the program". This method of cooking rice perfectly ensures complete harmony, in general, of a simple grain with many, complex and more valuable products: meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables. Proper use of spices and spices gives the rice dish a unique flavor and originality.

You can also cook rice casserole in a slow cooker, you can easily find recipes on the website. And if you have not come across such an interesting dish as a rice casserole in a slow cooker before, recipes with a photo of this dish will help you solve all the problems in the kitchen.

To get started, check out our tips for cooking rice casserole in a slow cooker:

Any kind of rice is suitable for rice casseroles, however, experienced chefs advise using unpolished rice. He is more useful than others;

So that the rice does not stick together, it should be thoroughly washed in several waters until the water is transparent. You can take packaged rice in bags, this will also ensure friability;

The proportions of the main ingredients for making casseroles: for 1 volume of rice, count two volumes of water or milk;

If you add a little oil to the rice, the casserole will turn out more tender;

Boiled rice should cool before the slow cooker;

If you use dried fruits, raisins, prunes, dried apricots, soak them in water beforehand;

White rice should be cooked for 15 minutes, brown rice takes longer - up to 40 minutes;

Tilt the pot to check if the rice is done. The flowing liquid indicates that the rice can be steamed a little more, leaving it on the fire for a couple more minutes. After cooking, the pan can be left closed for a short time.

Many women get tired of constantly searching for interesting and varied recipes. Many people like simple meals to spend a minimum of effort and time, and many want all family members to eat varied and get the maximum nutrients from these dishes. When there is a multicooker in the house, many problems are solved easily and quickly, because all that remains is to think over the menu for the week, and then just enjoy the cooking process.

Don't like rice? Is it difficult to get children to eat this porridge? Then there is a way out - you need to cook a delicious, sweet rice casserole in a slow cooker! It will turn out a full-fledged second course, which can be served for breakfast or for an afternoon snack, as well as as a dessert.

List of main ingredients:

  • rice groats - 1 cup;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • vanillin - to taste.

More about

  1. We cook viscous porridge in a slow cooker, for this you need to thoroughly rinse the rice, then pour it into the bowl of the appliance, pour 2 cups of water and a glass of milk. Boil using the "Porridge with milk" program, the time is set automatically.
  2. After the multicooker notifies about the end of the program, the rice porridge should be transferred to a bowl, left on the table to cool.
  3. In the meantime, porridge is being cooked, you can not waste time and prepare the rest of the products: you need to break the eggs into a bowl, use a hand whisk to just stir the yolk with the protein, then add sugar, you can beat the mass manually or with a mixer.
  4. Rinse the raisins in warm boiled water, drain the water, pour in a new one, leave for 10 minutes.
  5. When the rice porridge has cooled, you need to add vanilla sugar or vanillin, beaten eggs with sugar, and raisins (drain the water).
  6. The mass must be mixed well, now you need to prepare the multicooker bowl - just grease the walls, as well as the bottom with a piece of butter.
  7. Next, you need to put the mass in a bowl, put chopped butter on top (you can grate a piece of chilled butter on a grater or chop with a knife).
  8. Cooking a rice casserole in a slow cooker using the "Baking" program, the timer of the device must be set for 40 minutes.
  9. As usual, immediately after the signal, you can count on the tasting. But just be careful not to burn yourself, because the casserole is still very hot.
  10. And it will help to easily and without problems remove the dish from the bowl - a grill with holes for steaming food. Use this tip to flip the casserole and then easily transfer it to a flat dish. Just the top will be ruddy.
  11. After cooling, warm rice casserole in a slow cooker can be cut into portions, served with warm milk or cocoa. And you can pour berry syrup, melted honey, sour cream and serve immediately to the table. Enjoy your meal!

Delicate rice casserole in a slow cooker

We present to your attention another amazing recipe for this dish. Several ingredients are added, thanks to which, the casserole is tender, literally melting in your mouth.

What products will be needed:

  • boiled rice - 300 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt, sugar - to taste;
  • cinnamon powder - 1 tsp;
  • butter - for greasing the mold;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • raisins - a handful.

How to cook rice casserole in a slow cooker:

  1. First you need to cook the rice. Available in milk or water. If yesterday's porridge is left, it's also good, because in this way you can save time on preparing the main ingredient.
  2. Now we will make this dressing: you need to beat the eggs with sugar, add sour cream, but do not beat anymore, just mix with a fork. The fact is that if you continue to beat the mass, then homemade butter can turn out from sour cream, but in this recipe we do not need it.
  3. Raisins need to be steamed in warm water, left for 7-10 minutes, then the water must be drained and put into a mixture of eggs and sugar. Naturally, mix all the ingredients.
  4. Now the apple: wash and peel, cut into strips with a knife, or you can dice as you like. Sprinkle chopped fruit with cinnamon. So that cinnamon does not take lumps, it must be mixed with a spoonful of sugar, and then this mixture is mixed with chopped apple.
  5. We take out the butter from the refrigerator, grease the bottom well, as well as the walls for about 1/3 of the multicooker form.
  6. Rice porridge should be mixed with the egg-sugar mixture.
  7. After preparing the baking bowl, you can lay out half a serving of rice filling, top with a thin layer of apple filling, and then pour the rest.
  8. Put chopped butter on top of the rice mass (cut into slices, grate on a coarse grater if the butter is chilled and hard).
  9. Now, after all the preparations, you need to lower the lid of the device and set the desired mode.
  10. Rice casserole in a slow cooker will cook in the “Baking” mode for approximately 40-50 minutes. It all depends on the power of the device.
  11. You don’t need to turn this dish during cooking, but when the casserole is cooked, you can imagine it in all its glory - turn it over from the bottom and put the pale side on a plate. Thus, the dish will look more natural.
  12. Before serving, to improve the appearance of this dish, you can sprinkle the top with powdered sugar through a strainer and, of course, decorate with fresh berries (or frozen as an option), as well as candied fruits and dried fruits. Enjoy your meal!

Rice casserole in a slow cooker with cottage cheese

And this recipe is just for those who are not too fond of cottage cheese casserole with semolina. Rice will help make this dish more airy and soft. The list of products is available, and even a novice hostess will cope with the work.

What foods need to be prepared:

  • rice - 1.5 cups;
  • cottage cheese - 1 cup;
  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - half a bag;
  • raisins and salt - to taste.

More information on how to cook rice casserole in a slow cooker:

  1. Steam the raisins in warm boiled water (rinse first), leave for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Rice should be boiled in a slow cooker in water or milk (salt and sugar - optional), as you see fit. The Rice or Cereals program, the multicooker automatically sets the cooking time, so you don’t have to adjust anything.
  3. When the rice is ready, you need to cool the porridge, and then add the following mixture: beaten eggs with sugar, grated cottage cheese, sour cream and steamed raisins.
  4. Mix the mass well, put it in the prepared bowl of the multicooker: the working saucepan must be greased with soft butter.
  5. Cooking a rice casserole in a slow cooker using the "Baking" program, time 50 minutes + 10 minutes in the "Heating" mode.
  6. When everything is done as written in the recipe, it is necessary to leave the rice casserole in the switched off multicooker for another 10 minutes. This makes it easier to remove the dish in order to put it on a plate.
  7. Serve immediately while the casserole is warm, although it will also be good chilled with fermented milk products. For example, kefir, fermented baked milk or homemade yogurt. Bon appetit to you!

Rice casserole with pumpkin in a slow cooker

You can diversify the basic recipe for making rice casserole in a slow cooker in different ways: add a banana, raisins and other dried fruits, apples, and pumpkin. Get a winter version of the preparation of this dish.

What you need:

  • round rice - 150 g;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • cinnamon - quite a bit;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • pitted raisins - 100 g;
  • pumpkin - a piece, approximately 200 g.

Cooking rice casserole in a slow cooker:

  1. Rice needs to be cooked in a slow cooker using the Rice, Cereals, Pilaf program to choose from. As for the choice of cereals, it is best to take round and unpolished rice, the porridge should turn out to be viscous.
  2. Now the preparation of the pumpkin: a piece needs to be peeled, cut into cubes. You don’t have to try hard, cutting the pumpkin carefully, because it needs to be boiled in a slow cooker or in a saucepan on the stove. Cook in a slow cooker for about 15 minutes (“Soup” program), on the stove from the moment of boiling - about 10 minutes.
  3. The boiled pumpkin must be transferred to a colander to get rid of excess liquid.
  4. When both components are prepared, then you need to mix boiled warm rice (but not hot!), pumpkin, add sour cream, egg, sugar, as well as raisins and liquid honey in one bowl. If you want, you can put a little cinnamon or vanilla sugar, it will turn out more fragrant.
  5. The baking dish must be well greased with oil. Butter is better to take butter, and then crushed on top with crushed breadcrumbs to be sure.
  6. The form is ready, pour out the mass, lower the lid. We recommend cooking rice casserole in a slow cooker in the “Baking” mode, the approximate time is 50 minutes + 10 minutes to rest in the “Heating” mode.
  7. The result - a rice casserole in a slow cooker will turn out soft, but not too dense, tasty and tender. It is easy to take it out of the mold with the help of the steaming grate. It is also easy to move a casserole from this rack to a flat plate.
  8. If you like, you can decorate the top of the casserole with powdered sugar. But this can be done only after the dish has cooled down a bit, otherwise the powdered sugar may simply melt.

Meat rice casserole in a slow cooker

A full dinner can be easily and quickly prepared from the leftovers of yesterday's rice porridge. A great recipe for busy housewives when you need to quickly feed the family with a hearty dinner.

Ingredients needed for this dish:

  • rice - 2 cups;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • minced pork and beef - 400 g;
  • butter - 50 g.

How to cook rice casserole in a slow cooker:

  1. Rice needs to be boiled in water (4 multi-glasses of water + 2 multi-glasses of round-grain rice). Add salt to taste. Cooking mode "Rice", "Cereals".
  2. Further, when the boiled rice cools down a bit, you can add beaten eggs with sour cream.
  3. Then you need to fry the onion in butter, when it is transparent, add minced meat, a little salt and pepper. Mode "Frying", time - 15 minutes. Stir the ingredients occasionally to ensure they cook evenly.
  4. When there is no liquid left, turn off the device, transfer the filling to a plate.
  5. You can not additionally lubricate the multicooker bowl, because if you made the filling in the bowl (fried onions with minced meat in butter), then this is quite enough.
  6. Next, you need to lay out half a serving of rice, on top of the filling (all at once) - smooth it well with a spatula. Then lay out the remaining rice.
  7. It is advisable to cook rice casserole with meat in a slow cooker using the "Baking" program. The cooking time for this dish is 1 hour, plus you need to allocate 15 minutes so that the casserole just stands in the turned off multicooker for about 15 minutes.
  8. Then you can transfer the casserole to a plate using a steamer grill, when it cools down a bit, cut and serve.

Rice casserole in a slow cooker. Video

Do you know the best way to cheer yourself up? Food! Especially if this delicious food. Especially if it is cooked in a slow cooker. Why in it? Because cooking with the help of a multicooker, you don’t need to strain too much, expend a lot of effort. Your indispensable assistant will gladly do all the most difficult work herself. In this kitchen gadget, you can create a wide variety of dishes. For example, cook a delicious rice casserole in a slow cooker. This dish is very satisfying and incredibly fragrant. The most important thing is that you can add very unusual ingredients to it, and the taste will not lose from this, but only benefit.

Rules and features of cooking

In order for the rice casserole cooked in the slow cooker to fully please not only our stomach, but also the soul, the following rules should be observed:

  • The most important thing that every housewife should understand when working with rice is that it must be thoroughly washed. At least 7 times! It is very important to ensure that the water from under the cereal flows clear. Firstly, pure rice is a guarantee of health, because in fact you do not know where and how it was stored. Secondly, when cooking, washed cereals do not stick together at all.
  • To make a sweet rice casserole, it is best to use powdered sugar instead of sugar. The experience of culinary connoisseurs says that it will bake better and rise stronger.

The benefits of rice casserole

Sweet casserole has become a real salvation for millions of young mothers whose kids refuse to eat rice porridge. The fact is that baked rice, especially combined with various fruits, does not cause almost any rejection in kids. They eat such a casserole with pleasure, without even thinking about what it is made of.

If you add apples, bananas or melons to the recipe, then the taste of rice will not be heard at all. You can also use vanillin or cocoa, which children love so much. Another hit for the little ones, by the way, is the cottage cheese and rice casserole. There is generally a double benefit: both cereals and a fermented milk product.

However, the unsweetened rice casserole is just as good. This is also an incredibly tasty and healthy dish. There are many recipes for its preparation: with minced meat, meat, vegetables, cheese. For every taste!

This is how a slow cooker turns ordinary cereals with something into an interesting dish.

Easy rice casserole recipe

To prepare a sweet rice casserole in a slow cooker, we need:

  • rice - 200 grams;
  • milk - 400 milliliters (medium fat);
  • powdered sugar - 180 grams;
  • butter - 80 grams;
  • egg - 2 pieces (you can replace mashed potatoes from two ripe bananas);
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • salt - half a teaspoon without a slide.


  1. First, thoroughly wash the rice. Then we send it to the slow cooker, fill it with milk and cook in the “Rice” or “Porridge” mode.
  2. Pour the cooked rice into a separate container and leave to cool.
  3. Whisk eggs with powdered sugar until frothy. If you are using mashed banana, just mix it thoroughly with the powder.
  4. To warm, but not hot rice, add beaten eggs, butter, vanillin and salt. Now we mix it all very well.
  5. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with butter, then move our workpiece into it and select the "Baking" mode, set the time - 50 minutes.
  6. To make the casserole rise better, do not open the slow cooker during cooking.
  7. After the final signal, open the lid and leave the dish to cool, then move it to a separate plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Here is such a simple, but very tasty recipe for rice casserole in a slow cooker. If desired, you can also add raisins or candied fruit here. And just below you will find a variety of step-by-step recipes with photos, having studied which, you can choose the best cooking method for you.