How to open the production of semi-finished meat products. Production of semi-finished products - features of the technological process and the main directions of production Technology for the production of natural meat semi-finished products

02.09.2022 Seafood dishes

Meat semi-finished products are a product that is in great demand among buyers. They take very little time to prepare, so they are a good alternative to "full" dishes. Semi-finished products have a number of specific advantages in production: they can simplify and facilitate the work of procurement shops, reduce the time required to prepare meat snacks and increase the throughput of the enterprise. About what nuances should be taken into account when opening your own meat production, we will tell in this article.

general information

Statistics report that the production and consumption of meat and meat products in our country is increasing year by year. This market is expected to grow over the next few years. Experts note the highest growth rates in the segment of chilled semi-finished meat products.

What is a semi-finished product? This is a portioned product made from ground minced meat or other raw materials with various additives. Products are classified into several types:

  • according to the processing methods, chopped, natural semi-finished products, dumplings are distinguished;
  • by types of meat used: beef, lamb, pork products, as well as rabbit and poultry products;
  • thermal state - frozen and chilled.

In addition, the production of semi-finished products is divided into two separate segments - processed products and natural.

Natural products

This segment, in turn, consists of several subgroups. These are meat and bone, chopped, large-sized, small-sized, portioned, pickled and meat sets. For the preparation of chopped semi-finished products, scapular, cervical, and femoral muscles are used, which contain more rigid and coarse connective tissue. The meat is ground on special equipment, after which fat, eggs and spices are added.

Recycled products

This segment mainly includes cutlet products. These include cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, and other products of minced meat and meat processing.


Let us consider in more detail how the technology for the production of semi-finished meat products is carried out. Frozen raw meat is delivered to the enterprise in the form of blocks. It is crushed with a crusher. Often, mechanically deboned meat, prepared on a meat and bone separator, is used for minced meat.

After the meat is chopped, the minced meat is passed through the top. Then ground bacon, chilled water, salt, spices and other additives are added. The mass is thoroughly mixed on a meat mixer or using a cutter. This device is designed for grinding soft meat raw materials and turning it into a homogeneous mass.

Cooked minced meat is immersed in a machine for molding semi-finished products. At this stage, the product takes on a specific shape with a specific weight of each serving. Depending on the volume of production of semi-finished products, a rotary or auger product formation system is used.

The molding machine gives the cutlets a predetermined shape, then the products are laid out on a conveyor belt. After that, depending on the recipe, the products are sent to the ice creaming machine, and then to the breading equipment. The next step is the transportation of the semi-finished product to the shock freezing chamber or to the spiral quick freezer.

Freezing varies in duration. For example, a cutlet weighing 85 grams in a shock freezing chamber should spend about 2 hours, and in spiral quick freezing equipment this time is reduced to 40 minutes. The production of semi-finished products is completed at the packaging stage. To do this, use plastic bags, cardboard boxes or other containers. Storage of finished products should be carried out in low-temperature refrigerators.

Business plan for the production of semi-finished products

Own production of semi-finished meat products must begin with the development of a detailed business plan. Calculations and forecasting should be based on marketing research data. It is necessary to carefully study the sales market, raw materials, offers from equipment suppliers.

Production capacity

The purchase of the necessary equipment for the production of semi-finished meat products is one of the important points in the development of a business plan. You will need:

  • meat grinder;
  • cutting press;
  • slicer for cutting semi-finished products;
  • band saw for cutting meat;
  • molding machine;
  • equipment for making dumplings and cutlets;
  • freezers;
  • packaging machines;
  • storage chambers (separately for finished products and raw materials);
  • scales;
  • equipment for laying;
  • meat mixers;
  • meat grinder-top;
  • washing bath;
  • sets of knives and cutting boards;
  • bactericidal lamps.

If you intend to start making dumplings, then you should purchase additional equipment for the production of semi-finished products:

Room and location

To open a workshop for the production of semi-finished products with a capacity per ton of finished products per shift, a room with an area of ​​​​approximately 16 square meters is required. m. In addition to the production area where the equipment will be located, it is necessary to have a room for staff, a room for storing raw materials, as well as toilet and shower facilities.

The production of semi-finished meat products is recommended to be located near farms and peasant farms engaged in animal breeding. They will be able to become suppliers of environmentally friendly raw materials and reduce transportation costs. Rental costs can be about 50 thousand rubles per month.

The meat processing workshop cannot be located in basements where there is no natural light, in residential buildings and next to them, in rooms with limited installation capacity. Also not suitable for the production of semi-finished products are premises where there is no input of gas networks and the ceiling height is limited (recommended - more than 3 meters).

Buildings with complex architectural and planning solutions, places where it is not possible to create flow and exhaust ventilation, where there is no relationship between any production premises and waste disposal, should also not be considered as a workshop.


2-3 workers per shift are enough to service the equipment. In addition, you will need:

  • director;
  • deputy directors for financial and production issues;
  • Head of the household;
  • accountant;
  • Chef;
  • logistician;
  • chief technologist;
  • HR Specialist;
  • quality inspector;
  • IT specialist;
  • cleaner;
  • sales and purchasing managers.

Of course, at the initial stage of the business, many of these employees will not be needed, or one person can combine their work. But with the successful development of the business, you will need additional staff to work effectively.


The production of semi-finished meat products has a profitability of about 30%. Some entrepreneurs increase this figure to 80%. This is achieved due to a good original recipe developed at the enterprise, as well as high-performance equipment and cheap raw materials. Semi-finished meat products, whose producers seek to maximize profits and save on the amount of minced meat in the finished product, may be of poor quality and can undermine the reputation of the enterprise.


Collecting documents is one of the problems that a novice entrepreneur may face. It is not easy to comply with all the requirements of the legislation provided for in this area of ​​business. If you do not have experience, it makes sense to contact equipment suppliers. They are ready to provide a complete set of documents and provide the enterprise with the necessary production facilities.

Starting a business should be with the registration of a legal entity. You can register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC. Considering the main points, it should be remembered that the production of semi-finished products requires a mandatory conclusion of the SES. In addition, it is necessary to develop a program of production control, in accordance with which the release of products will be carried out.

Do not forget also that it is necessary to make certificates of conformity for all types of products. The list of standards for starting a business is not small. It makes sense to involve specialists who will help you collect and prepare all the necessary documentation.


When planning this type of business, the main task is to find distribution channels. If this issue is not properly thought through, then in the end you can end up with a warehouse of finished products filled to capacity without the possibility of its sale. This can lead not only to damage to the goods, but also to the closure of the entire production.

When opening your business, be prepared for the fact that there is a lot of competition in the production of semi-finished products. One of the main ones are retail chains with their own processing shops. If you want to sell products through them, then there can be no question of promising cooperation. After all, they themselves are producers.

But in addition to the "giants" there are smaller trading enterprises that will be ready to work with you. Attention should be paid to small towns and settlements in which network companies did not have time to open their branches. There are also specialized butcher shops where people purposefully purchase meat products.

The production of semi-finished products is one of the priority areas in the state program for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. To open a workshop, you can get government support and provide funding for the project.

Semi-finished products include products made from natural and minced meat without heat treatment. These are products that are maximally prepared for culinary processing.

Meat semi-finished products are divided into: natural (large-sized, small-sized, portioned, portioned breaded); chopped; semi-finished products in the test; chopped meat.

Natural semi-finished products. These are pieces of meat pulp of various weights, cleaned of tendons and coarse surface films. Natural small-sized semi-finished products also include meat-and-bone pieces of meat with a certain bone content. Semi-finished products are released chilled or frozen. The raw material is meat in chilled or frozen states. Meat of bulls, boars, rams, meat frozen more than once, and lean meat is not used.

Large-sized semi-finished products. Depending on the type of meat, large-piece semi-finished products are divided into four groups:

  • - the first group: from beef - the longest muscle of the back (dorsal part, lumbar part), tenderloin (lumboiliac muscle, located under the bodies of the last thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae), hip part (upper, inner, lateral and outer pieces); from pork - loin, tenderloin; from lamb - the hip part;
  • - the second group: from beef - the scapular part (shoulder and shoulder parts), the subscapular part, the chest part, as well as the hem (supracostal muscles removed from the 4th to the 13th rib, remaining after the separation of the subscapular part, brisket and longissimus muscle back) from beef of the 1st category of fatness: from pork - hip, scapular, cervical-subscapular parts; from lamb - scapular part, loin;
  • - the third group: from beef - cutlet meat and beef trimmings of the 2nd category; from pork - brisket; from lamb - brisket, cutlet meat;
  • - the fourth group: from pork - cutlet meat. Cutlet meat (for example, beef) - pieces of meat pulp from the neck, flank, intercostal meat, pulp from the tibia, radius and ulna, trimmings obtained by stripping large-sized semi-finished products and bones.

Portion semi-finished products. They are made from large-sized semi-finished products, cut manually or on special devices across the muscle fibers obliquely or perpendicularly. Assortment of portioned semi-finished products: from beef - natural steak (from tenderloin), langet (two thinner pieces from tenderloin than steak), entrecote (from the longest back muscle), rump steak (from the longest back muscle or the most tender pieces of the hip part - upper and internal), natural zrazy (from the same pieces of the hip part), beef wind (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part).

The range of portioned semi-finished products from pork includes: natural cutlet (from the loin), escalope (from the longest muscle of the back), wind pork (from the neck and shoulder part), tenderloin, schnitzel - from the hip part.

Portion breaded semi-finished products: rump steak (from beef), natural cutlet and schnitzel (from pork and lamb). For portioned breaded semi-finished products, pieces of meat are lightly beaten to loosen the tissues and rolled in finely crushed white bread crumbs to preserve the meat juice.

Small-sized semi-finished products. From beef they get: beef stroganoff (from the tenderloin, the longest muscle of the back and the upper and inner piece of the hip part), azu (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part), goulash (from the scapular and subscapular parts, as well as the hem), soup set (meat and bone pieces weighing 100-200 g with the presence of pulp at least 50% by weight of a serving), beef for stewing (pieces of ribs with pulp at least 75% by weight of a serving), brisket on kharcho (with a pulp content of at least 85% by weight of a serving) .

Small-sized semi-finished products from pork are represented by the following names: roast (from the hip part and loin with a fat content of not more than 10%), goulash (the same as beef goulash), meat for barbecue (from the hip part), stew (pulp content not less than 50% of the serving weight), home-style stew (the content of bones is not more than 10% and adipose tissue is not more than 15% of the serving weight).

Large-sized semi-finished products are sold mainly by weight, portioned - packaged, the mass of the product is 125 g (tenderloin 250 and 500 g), small-sized - portions of 250, 500 and 1000 g (meat and bone).

In the production of natural semi-finished products, salting and massaging can be used. The composition of the brine includes salt, phosphates, granulated sugar; for some items, a sprinkling of spices and decorative spices is used.

Semi-finished products in the test. The specifications developed by VNIIMP present the traditional and new assortment of dumplings, as well as other semi-finished products in dough: meat sticks, manti, khinkali. According to other specifications, several dozen types of dumplings are produced, designed for buyers with both high and low incomes. The composition of minced dumplings includes trimmed beef and pork, onions, black or white ground pepper. To prepare the dough, use flour of the highest grade (sometimes the 1st grade) with a normalized quantity and quality of gluten, egg products.

Meat sticks are cylindrical or rectangular in shape up to 10 cm long. Manty is a dish of Uzbek cuisine. They are larger than dumplings. They are not boiled in water, but steamed in a special dish - manti-kaskan. Khinkali is a dish of Transcaucasian cuisine such as dumplings in the form of a rhombus, a square. Meat for manti and khinkali is chopped larger than for dumplings and sticks, minced meat for these products contains an increased amount of onion.

Ravioli in minced meat also contain mushrooms and rennet cheese, they have the shape of a semicircle, rectangle, square.

Chopped semi-finished products. They are prepared from minced meat with the addition of other ingredients according to the recipe. The traditional assortment of chopped semi-finished products includes: Moscow, homemade, Kyiv cutlets, rump steak, beef steak. The main raw materials in their production are beef and pork cutlet meat, trimmed beef of the 2nd grade, trimmed fatty pork. During the years of the economic crisis, the range of chopped semi-finished products expanded due to the use of cheaper raw materials - mechanically deboned poultry meat, soy protein preparations, mainly textured soy flour, vegetables, cereals.

The recipe for cutlets consists of cutlet meat: Moscow - beef, Kyiv - pork, domestic - beef cutlet and fatty pork in half. The composition of all items includes (%): wheat flour bread - 13-14, onion - 1-3, water - 20, breadcrumbs - 4, salt, pepper, in Kyiv - egg melange. The rump steak uses hydrated soy protein instead of bread; in a steak - beef cutlet meat - 80%, sausage bacon - 12%, water - 7.4%, pepper, salt, no breading. It is allowed to replace 10% of raw meat in cutlets with soy concentrate or texturate and in all items 20% of raw meat with mechanically deboned poultry meat. Chopped semi-finished products are produced chilled (0-6 °С) and frozen (not higher than -10 °С).

Chopped meat. Minced meat is obtained from meat by grinding it on a top with a lattice hole diameter of 2-3 mm. The traditional range of minced meat: beef, pork, homemade, lamb, special meat and vegetable. For the production of minced meat, meat frozen more than once, boars, bulls, lean, pork with signs of yellowing is not allowed. The main raw material for minced meat: beef cutlet meat or trimmed beef of the 2nd grade (minced beef), semi-fat pork or pork cutlet meat (minced pork). The composition of homemade minced meat includes (%): beef (50) and pork (50) meat; special minced meat - beef (20), pork (50), soy concentrate (30).

Meat chopped semi-finished products after manufacturing can be raw chilled or raw frozen. As an example, the following chopped raw semi-finished products can be given: cutlets, meatballs, hamburgers, schnitzels, steaks, rump steaks, kebabs, meatballs, meatballs, quenelles and croquettes.

To prepare minced meat for chopped semi-finished products, frozen meat raw materials (blocks) are crushed in a crusher. Also, for the preparation of minced meat, mechanically deboned meat obtained on a meat and bone separator can be used.

Then the minced meat is passed through the top. Pork bacon is added to minced meat, which is pre-crushed on a top or on a bacon cutting machine. Salt, water pre-chilled with ice, additives, spices are added to the minced meat and everything is mixed well in a meat mixer. A cutter can also be used for mixing.

Minced meat ready for molding semi-finished products is loaded into the bunker of the machine for molding semi-finished products, where the product of the required shape and weight is molded, for which, depending on the volume of production, a rotary or auger product molding system is used. In the molding machine, the patties are formed and dosed onto a belt, after which the product can be sent to the ice cream machine and / or breading machine for thin and dry breading, respectively.

Then the cutlets are sent on trolleys to the shock freezing chamber or automatically by conveyor to the spiral quick freezer in case of high line capacity. The duration of freezing cutlets w75x20 mm weighing 85 g in a shock freezing chamber is 2 hours, and in a spiral quick freezer - 40-45 minutes. After freezing, cutlets are packed and moved to a cold store for storage.

Main raw material.

Beef, pork, lamb, horse meat, as well as the meat of other types of slaughter animals are used as the main raw materials.

Do not use double-frozen meat and pork with darkened bacon.

Along with meat raw materials, various protein preparations of plant and animal origin (soya, blood, milk proteins, etc.) are widely used, as well as melange, egg powder, vegetables and other components, depending on the direction of use of the meat product.

Auxiliary materials.

Auxiliary materials for all products are salt (1.2% by weight of minced meat), black pepper (0.04-0.08%) and water (6.7-20.8%) added to minced cutlets to increase its juiciness. The introduction of isolated soy protein, high-protein milk concentrate in minced meat in the amount of 10-20% allows replacing up to 10% of meat, improving their organoleptic qualities, increasing nutritional and biological value, increasing water-binding capacity, and reducing losses during frying. When preparing auxiliary raw materials, onions and vegetables are washed and chopped. Bread is soaked and also crushed. Melange is thawed in advance in baths with water, the temperature of which is not higher than 45C.

Basic technological equipment.

Crusher of frozen blocks - a machine for grinding deep-frozen meat (with a temperature of up to - 30 ° C) for further processing on a cutter or top. At the same time, preliminary defrosting of the product is not required, which allows preserving the taste of the product and preventing loss of nutrients.

The crushing of the block, depending on the subsequent destination of the raw material obtained after the crusher (pieces of the size of a fist or into slices), can be carried out on a machine with a rotating shaft with knives or rollers or on a guillotine-type machine.

The grinder for meat is designed for industrial grinding of meat, meat products, fats in order to produce sausages and other food products.

The meat grinder is the main machine in the production lines for the production of sausages and semi-finished products. The quality of the products obtained directly depends on how finely and accurately the top cuts the lumpy meat.

The principle of grinding lumpy meat used in meat grinders has not changed for many years: the meat in the receiving hopper is captured by an auger or augers and fed through a housing with internal ribs to a cutting tool, which is a set of fixed grates, usually consisting of three pieces, and movable knives, consisting of two pieces.

Different tops for meat, despite the same method of grinding and the apparent simplicity of design, have completely different quality of grinding. It is affected by even minor design features inherent in each of the designs, as well as the degree of wear of both the cutting tool and the housing with the screw.

Meat mixer. The purpose of the meat mixers is to mix the crushed products with spices and other ingredients. Usually minced meat, cereals and other products are mixed in meat mixers.

The main components of the meat mixer are the bowl, the lid and the mixing mechanism.

Dezha is a mixing bowl connected to a kneading unit. Usually the meat mixer bowl is made of stainless steel with a smooth surface, which greatly facilitates its cleaning and operation in general. The meat mixer is designed in such a way that it contributes to uniform mixing of all minced meat ingredients. Mixing takes place by means of kneading screws.

The design features of the bowl (dezha) and the blades of the meat mixer ensure an even distribution of the ingredients over the minced meat.

Meat mixers are vacuum and open (non-vacuum). Mixing minced meat in a vacuum mixer ensures a dense, pore-free structure of minced meat, increases the color fastness of products.

All meat mixers have protective mechanisms. In particular, it is a mechanism for blocking one or more kneading augers when the bowl lid is opened. The process of loading and unloading raw materials is usually fully automated.

Meat-and-bone separators, or minced meat machines, are used to separate meat from bone in the production of edible minced meat, chicken or fish.

The minced meat obtained in this way can be used for the production of high-quality products, since it retains the structure of muscle tissue.

The principle of operation of the machine is that the incoming raw material is loaded into the separator hopper without prior grinding (with some exceptions). Pork or beef bones are recommended to be pre-shredded into fist-sized pieces, without the need for an additional grinder, which optimizes the use of production space.

All designs of mechanical separators are based on the principle of separation, taking into account the physical characteristics of the processed raw materials.

Using various pressures, meat or other product is forced through the slotted or round holes of the separating head, and bones, cartilage and (or) veins are removed through the front of the machine. The product output is adjusted manually using the cones at the front of the separating auger and the restrictor.

The minimum temperature increase in the case of an incoming raw material temperature of 0-2ºC (this temperature is optimal) is usually 1-2ºC for chicken, 4-7ºC for turkey, and approximately 10ºC for beef.

Cutter - turns meat into soft airy minced meat for cooking boiled sausages, sausages, sausages. The cutter grinds products in a vacuum. Fast rotating knives (up to 4500 rpm) instantly turn meat into minced meat, which retains its natural color, vitamins and nutrients in the absence of oxygen. Thanks to the processing without access to air, the quality of the final product and its shelf life are significantly increased.

Cuttering is the process of fine grinding of meat raw materials. The duration of cuttering significantly affects the quality of minced meat. Cuttering lasts an average of 5-12 minutes, depending on the minced meat being prepared, the design features of the cutter, the shape of the knives, and the speed of their rotation. Cuttering not only ensures the proper degree of meat grinding, but also the binding of the added ice. And it is the cutting process that largely determines the quality of the final product.

Ice maker. In the meat processing industry, a large amount of water ice is required for the production of various products. Flake ice produced on flake ice machines is optimal for use. It has a flat shape, thanks to which it has a large heat exchange surface, so it cools the minced meat better than other types of ice.

The temperature of the produced flake ice at the exit from the ice generator is up to minus 12°C, the thickness is from 0.8 to 2.8 mm. The productivity of the machines is from 380 kg to 23 tons / day.

Lard cutter - allows you to cut into cubes, strips or circles fresh, boiled and frozen (up to - 5 ° C) meat, lard, as well as ready-made sausages, ham, vegetables. Products containing bones should not be cut.

Machine for molding semi-finished products. After grinding meat raw materials, adding other ingredients, mixing and cooling, the minced meat is ready for molding. With the help of forming equipment, you can give products a variety of shapes.

Breading machine. The next stage after the molding of chopped meat products is the stage of breading (coating) of the product. The breading process consists of three operations - pre-sprinkling, liquid breading and coating with breadcrumbs. Various combinations of these operations or all three coatings may be used in the manufacturing process. However, there are standards for the amount of sprinkling used, the amount of which should not exceed 30% by weight of the finished product.

In fact, breading improves the product in many ways: it makes the product more juicy while retaining moisture and flavor. Breading makes products more attractive. In addition, breading increases the weight of products, increasing the cost.

Pre-sprinkling is often used in the manufacture of breaded products to improve the adhesion of the wet breading. This operation is very important for products with a wet or greasy surface. For this operation, flour or a dry protein mixture for breading is usually used.

There are many different types of dry breading used in the manufacture of meat products. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, textures, colors and flavors. Finely ground breadings are very popular and traditional. They give the product an airy look and feel like a homemade product.

Laying machine. Liquid breading plays a very important role in the coating technology for semi-finished meat products. When preparing products, two types of breading can be used: yeast and unleavened. The choice of one type or another depends on the recipe of the product. Liquid breading is a mixture of various ingredients that may include flour, starches, eggs, milk, spices and herbs, leavening agents and stabilizers.

When applying a liquid breading in order to increase adhesion, it is used in combination with dry breadings. In this case, fresh breadings with different viscosities are more often used.

Equipment for the laying of minced meat semi-finished products from minced meat raw materials (minced meat) of beef, veal, pork, lamb without filling (cutlets, hamburgers, meatballs and other similar products).

Shock freezer. Now the freezing of products occurs thanks to a special technology for removing heat from the product. At the same time, the temperature drops and at a certain point the water in the product begins to turn into ice crystals.

The product is considered frozen if its temperature is -6 degrees. In meat, 75 percent of the water freezes at minus 5°C; 80 percent - at minus 10°C; and 90 percent - at minus 20 degrees.

Freezing products is used primarily for their long-term storage.

Technologically, the freezing process can take a different amount of time. Best of all, product quality is preserved by quick (shock) freezing. As a result of this process, very small ice crystals are formed inside the product, which has a positive effect on the quality of the product, since there is minimal damage to the tissue of the product.

It was for these purposes that special devices were created - shock freezing chambers. They allow you to quickly freeze a product or dish, while maintaining its beneficial properties.

Packing machine. Filling and packaging machines, multiheads (electronic high-precision weighers), packaging systems for food or non-food small-piece, free-flowing, non-dusty products. The equipment uses the principle of weight dosing and is used for packaging.

Refrigerated warehouses and storage chambers include: a heat-insulating circuit (chambers) with doors and a refrigeration supply system.

As a heat-insulating circuit, chambers made of PPU sandwich panels with refrigerated doors produced by our own factory are used. The refrigeration system includes: a refrigeration compressor unit, a condenser, an oil cooler, a circulation receiver and a pumping station (in the case of a pump-circulation refrigerant supply scheme), an electrical control panel, refrigerant pipelines and electrical cable lines.

Meat semi-finished products, which are also called chopped, are very popular among consumers. Semi-prepared foods that take minutes to prepare are a great alternative to "full" meals. Meat semi-finished products also have certain advantages in production: they help facilitate and simplify the work of procurement shops, reduce the time required to prepare a meat dish or snack, and increase the throughput of an enterprise.

According to statistics, the production and consumption of meat and products based on it in our country is increasing every year. According to forecasts for the next few years, this market will grow by 10% annually. Moreover, experts note the highest growth rates in the segment of chilled semi-finished meat products. Approximately 45% of the total volume of meat produced in our country or imported from abroad is sold raw. About 30% is used for the preparation of sausages, about 20% is used for the preparation of semi-finished products and the remaining 5% for the production of canned food. The sausage market has hardly grown over the past few years, but the semi-finished meat segment is steadily increasing its share by 10-15% every year. This is due to the fact that consumers are switching from frozen meat products to chilled ones (first of all, this concerns the segment of chilled meat, poultry and semi-finished products).

So, what kind of products are semi-finished meat products? Meat chopped semi-finished products are a portioned product that is made from minced meat raw materials (minced meat) with various additives. As a rule, such products are classified according to the method of processing. There are natural, chopped semi-finished products, dumplings. Also often there is a classification according to the type of meat used - beef, pork, lamb, poultry, rabbit; thermal state - chilled and frozen. Experts also divide the market of chilled semi-finished products into two separate segments - natural and processed products. In turn, the first segment is divided into several subgroups: large-sized, meat-and-bone, chopped, small-sized, portioned, marinated, meat sets (for example, soup, for barbecue), etc. Processed semi-finished products include cutlet products (this group includes various types of cutlets , meatballs, meatballs and other processed meat and minced meat). As the main raw material for the preparation of chopped semi-finished products, cervical, scapular and femoral muscles are used, which contain coarser and tougher connective tissue. The meat is carefully minced on special equipment, and then fat, spices and eggs are added to the minced meat. Consider the technology of preparation in more detail. First, frozen meat raw materials in the form of blocks are crushed in a crusher. Sometimes mechanically deboned meat is used to prepare minced meat, which is prepared on a meat and bone separator. After grinding, minced meat is passed through a top. Then, pork fat, pre-crushed on a top or on special equipment, salt, pre-chilled water, spices and other additives are added to it. The whole mass is thoroughly mixed on a meat mixer or using a cutter. The cutter is designed for grinding thin meat soft raw materials and turning it into a homogeneous mass.

Ready stuffing is loaded into the bunker of the machine for molding semi-finished products. It is here that the product is given the required shape with a certain weight of each serving. For this, depending on the volume of production, a screw or rotary product molding system is used. In the molding machine, cutlets are given a given shape, after which the semi-finished products are laid out on a conveyor belt. Then, depending on the recipe, the products are sent either to the ice creaming machine and then (or immediately) to the breading machine for liquid and dry breading. Finally, the finished semi-finished products are stacked in trolleys and transported to the blast freezer or fed automatically along the conveyor to the spiral quick freezer.

Freeze time may vary. For example, the duration of freezing a cutlet weighing 85 grams in a shock freezing chamber is two hours, and in a spiral quick freezer this time is reduced to 45 minutes. At the last stage, semi-finished products are packed in plastic bags and cardboard boxes, and then moved to a low-temperature refrigerator.

Recipes for the preparation of various semi-finished products vary depending on the type of product. So, for example, Moscow cutlets are made from beef meat with the addition of raw lard and wheat bread, onions, peppers, salt and water. The prepared minced meat is given an oval-flattened shape. Pozharsky pork cutlets are made from semi-fat pork with the addition of pork melange, wheat bread, salt, pepper and water. Sometimes onions are also added. Amateur cutlets are made from meat of beef carcasses with fatty, above average and medium fat content.

The pre-prepared pulp is crushed, mixed with spices, wheat bread and other ingredients, and then a large cutlet is formed from it, which is then breaded in ground breadcrumbs. For the preparation of Kyiv cutlets, pork with a fat content of not more than 30% is used. Beef schnitzel is made from minced beef meat, which is shaped like a flat oval cake. Meatballs, which are prepared using the same technology as Moscow cutlets, are shaped like a ball. For the production of zraz, ground beef stuffed with hard chopped eggs mixed with fried onions and ground breadcrumbs is used. A rump steak is a lightly beaten piece of meat weighing about 115 grams, which is cut from a thick edge or fillet moistened with a beaten mixture of fresh eggs, water and salt. Beefsteak is a type of steak from the head of the tenderloin. Chopped beefsteak is similar in cooking technology to a cutlet. Quenelles are balls of minced meat, chicken or fish with the addition of cream and eggs. Meatballs are called small round cutlets made of minced meat, and meatballs are balls of minced meat or fish with the addition of finely chopped onions, herbs and spices. Kyufta is a national dish similar to meatballs, but made from lamb. Frozen semi-finished meat products also include dumplings, which are made from dough stuffed with minced meat from a mixture of beef and pork in an amount of 55-57% by weight of dumplings with the addition of eggs, onions, peppers, salt, sugar.

The main raw materials for the production of semi-finished products are beef, pork, poultry and fish, less often mutton, horse meat. Double-frozen meat and pork with darkened bacon are not allowed for use. Also used are protein preparations of plant and animal origin (soy products, milk proteins, etc.), melange, egg powder, vegetables and other components.

To organize your own production of semi-finished meat products, first of all, you need to draw up a detailed business plan. When making calculations and making forecasts, one cannot do without marketing research data. You will also have to carefully study the market for raw materials, the sales market, and the offers of equipment suppliers. After analyzing and comparing the prices and characteristics of various equipment, one or more suppliers can be selected. In addition, you will need to carry out a large-scale work on the selection of regulatory and technical documentation that exists for meat products, or develop your own specifications for semi-finished meat products if you plan to produce products according to unique recipes. Do not forget to coordinate all the nuances with the SES and go through the certification procedure. However, some equipment suppliers are ready for an additional fee not only to equip your meat processing plant, but also to advise on the main issues that you will have in the process.

However, before contacting companies that sell equipment, consult with specialists. Thus, you can save yourself from unnecessary expenses. A meat processing or culinary workshop, depending on the planned range of products, should be equipped with the following equipment: cutting presses and band saws for preparing meat, meat grinders for chopping, slicers for cutting semi-finished products, dumplings and cutlet units for forming meat semi-finished products, packaging machines. In addition, if you are also going to produce, for example, dumplings, you will need flour sifters, kneading machines for tough dough, and a dumpling machine. You can’t do without a freezing chamber, storage rooms for raw materials and finished products (they must be separate), ice cream machines, scales, production tables, a meat mixer, a meat grinder, a cutlet machine, a universal kitchen machine, a washing bath, cutting boards and knives, bactericidal lamps for disinfection of working surfaces. The meat processing shop with a capacity of about 1000 kg of products per shift occupies an area of ​​​​about 16 square meters. meters. Power consumption is 12.47 kW. Experienced manufacturers advise locating workshops close to farms and peasant farms, which will significantly reduce transport and other costs.

However, if you are not going to also organize a cattle slaughterhouse, which, on the one hand, helps to solve the problem of supplying raw materials and increase profitability, and on the other hand, will require large investments, you can open an independent enterprise for the production of semi-finished meat products. But in the latter case, a lot of effort will have to be made to find suppliers of inexpensive and at the same time high-quality raw materials. After all, the quality of your products and the reputation of your company will directly depend on the quality of the latter.

Basement premises where there is no or limited natural light, premises in residential buildings or near residential premises, premises with limited installation capacity, premises where the input of gas networks is excluded, with a limited ceiling height are not suitable for organizing a meat processing workshop (recommended ceiling height is more than three meters). Also, you should not consider premises with complex architectural and planning solutions, premises where it is impossible to connect to existing flow-exhaust ventilation networks, where the interconnections of individual groups of production premises with the disposal of food waste are excluded (waste containers should be located from the building where production is carried out, at a distance of no more than 25 meters).

For maintenance of equipment in a small enterprise, two or three people per shift are enough. In addition to workers in production, the staffing of your enterprise will include the director of the management company, production director, financial manager, logistics, accountant, chef, chief technologist, quality inspector, HR specialist, IT engineer, cleaners, raw material purchasing managers , sales managers of finished products.

As you know, the technology of preparing meat semi-finished products consists of a number of operations (cutting carcasses, deboning and trimming of meat, mechanical and refrigeration processing). At each of these stages it is necessary to carry out quality control. For example, for the manufacture of semi-finished products, it is impossible to use raw materials of dubious freshness, with the presence of pollution, injuries, bruises, and darkening of individual areas of muscle tissue. The quality of cutting carcasses is checked by the master, technologist and controller. Separation of muscle and fat tissues from bones (boning) is carried out in a room with an air temperature of no more than 12°C. When separating tendons, fat, blood vessels from meat, all waste is immediately removed from the workshop, and the trimmed meat itself is immediately sent for further processing and cooling.

The temperature of finished semi-finished products must be maintained at a level of less than 8°C. To increase the duration of their storage and maintain quality, special packaging is used - vacuum, hermetic, packaging and laying in a bag with subsequent sealing, wrapping in a polymer film. The packaging of such products must be airtight, durable, transparent and colorless. At the same time, the necessary information about the product must be applied to its surface.

The profitability of the workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products is about 30%. However, many manufacturers manage to increase the profitability of their enterprise up to 80% by changing the recipe (the introduction of various ingredients that reduce the amount of minced meat in the product) and/or by saving on raw materials. Both options are hardly suitable if you plan long-term work and care about the reputation of your company.

Lily Sysoeva
- portal of business plans and guidelines

Semi-finished meat products include products prepared for cooking.

The main raw materials for the manufacture of meat semi-finished products are meat of various types and offal. For the preparation of individual semi-finished products, flour, eggs, bread and spices are used.

Depending on the processing method and culinary purpose, semi-finished products are divided into natural, breaded and chopped. Semi-finished products also include: minced meat, dumplings, sets of poultry meat.

Natural semi-finished products are made mainly from chilled meat. They are divided into portioned, small-sized and large-sized.

Portion semi-finished products are prepared mainly from chilled meat of the best quality. They are produced in the following names: from beef, entrecote - a piece of oval-oblong shape, from the muscles of the dorsal and lumbar parts, langet - two pieces of pulp approximately equal in weight without fat, from internal lumbar muscles, steak with a notch - a portion of oval-shaped pulp, without fat, from the posterior pelvic part; from pork and lamb - cutlets natural chops, schnitzel chop, wind pork or lamb, escalope; from veal - natural cutlets and escalopes.

Small-sized semi-finished products are made from the pulp of the dorsal, lumbar and posterior pelvic parts. The assortment of small-sized semi-finished products includes: beef - beef stroganoff, roast, azu, goulash, soup set and meat for barbecue; from pork - roast, stew, goulash, home-style stew, meat for barbecue and soup set; from lamb - stew, meat for pilaf, meat for shish kebab and soup set. Large-sized semi-finished products are produced from all types of meat, mainly for mass catering enterprises. These semi-finished products are pieces of pulp separated from the back parts of the carcass.

It is allowed to sell large-sized semi-finished products of non-standard weight in retail trade.

Breaded semi-finished products are prepared from chilled or thawed meat, after having beaten off the muscle tissue. To prevent leakage of meat juice, portions of meat are breaded - moistened with egg mass whipped with water and rolled in crumb crumbs. The mass of servings of these semi-finished products is 125 g. Rump steak and steak with a notch are prepared from beef; offal - brains in breadcrumbs; from pork, lamb and poultry meat - schnitzels, chops; from veal - chops.

Chopped semi-finished products are made from cutlet or trimmed meat, raw fat, egg products, blood plasma and spices, rolled in crumb crumbs. Do not use double-frozen meat and pork with darkened bacon. Bread made from high-quality wheat flour is added to cutlets. Chopped cutlets are made Moscow, Homemade, Lamb and Kyiv, as well as chopped beefsteak. Beefsteaks are given a round flattened shape. Finely chopped bacon is added to minced meat for chopped steaks.

Minced meat is made in the store and at meat processing enterprises from trimmed meat. Minced meat prepared in the store is sold only chilled. Minced meat prepared at the enterprises of the meat industry is packaged in parchment, cellophane or other films and shaped into bars weighing up to 250 grams.

Dumplings are made from high-quality wheat flour, trimmed meat, onions, and egg products. The dough is made from wheat flour with the addition of eggs, egg powder or melange and table salt. Pelmeni are molded on high-performance machines, frozen at a temperature not exceeding -15 ° C, and then packaged. Depending on the recipe, dumplings are made Russian, Siberian, Pork, Beef, Lamb, Offal, etc.

The quality of semi-finished products is evaluated by appearance, texture, taste, smell. Measuring methods determine the moisture content, bread and salt. The freshness of semi-finished products is determined in the same way as the freshness of meat. The surface of the semi-finished products must be undamaged, the shape must be undeformed and correspond to the name of the product.

The presence of coarse connective tissue, tendons, films and cartilage is unacceptable. In chops, the bone length should not exceed 8 cm. In stew, the bone content is not more than 20%, fat - not more than 15%; in homemade stew bones - no more than 10%, fat - no more than 15%. Meat for barbecue, pilaf should contain no more than 15% fat, up to 50% bones are allowed in the soup set. Pork bacon with a thickness of more than 1 cm is not allowed on escalopes.

Breaded products should be flat, with correctly cut edges and covered with an even, thin layer of crushed breadcrumbs. Unmixed bread and fat, as well as finely crushed bones, are not allowed in semi-finished products.

Frozen dumplings should have the correct shape in the form of a semicircle, tightly closed edges without minced protrusions. Sticky lumps of dough, broken parts and dough content of more than 50% of the mass of dumplings are not allowed.

The smell of natural semi-finished products should be characteristic of benign meat of the corresponding type. The taste and smell of chopped semi-finished products after cooking are pleasant, moderately salty, with a taste of onion and pepper, the texture is not crumbly and juicy; flavors of bread and spoiled fat are not allowed.

Boiled dumplings should have a pleasant taste and smell, corresponding to meat with onions and peppers, minced dumplings should be juicy.

The consistency of semi-finished products should be elastic, and the finished products should be soft, juicy, nekroshlivay; breaded products should have a crispy crust. The consistency of frozen products is firm; dumplings should make a characteristic sound when shaken. After cooking, the consistency of minced meat should be elastic, dense, and the surface of the dumplings should not be sticky.

The deviation of the mass of individual portions of natural and breaded semi-finished products should not exceed ± 3%, chopped + 5%; weight deviation is not allowed 10 pcs. The deviation of the mass of individual boxes of dumplings is allowed ± 7 g, the deviation of the net weight of 10 boxes is not allowed.

Semi-finished products are packed in wooden and metal boxes with inserts or in boxes made of polymeric materials and tightly closed with lids. The mass of a box with products is allowed no more than 20 kg. Semi-finished products can additionally be wrapped individually or in 5-10 pieces. in parchment, subparchment, cellophane and polymer films. Pelmeni are packed in cardboard boxes or bags of 300-350 g.

Semi-finished products are transported in motor vehicles with cooling or with an isothermal body. Transportation should last no more than 2 hours.

Store semi-finished products in the store at a temperature of 0-6 ° C. Minced meat prepared in a store is stored for no more than 6 hours. The period of sale of chilled minced meat from the moment of completion of production at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C is 12 hours, of which at the manufacturer at a temperature of 4 ° C - no more than 4 hours. The shelf life of frozen minced meat at the manufacturer at a temperature not higher than -10 ° C is up to 1 month. The shelf life of frozen minced meat at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C is no more than 3 hours, at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C - 16, at a temperature below 0 ° C - 48 hours; semi-finished natural portioned products - 36 hours, breaded and small-sized - 24 hours, chopped - 12, packaged meat - 36, large-sized - 48 hours. -- 72 hours

When sawing meat and packing semi-finished products, losses occur, which are normalized. So, when preparing soup sets, only 1.3% of the mass of the feedstock is allowed to be lost, including 0.8% for sawdust; when preparing pork stew - 1.5%, including for sawdust - 0.1%.

In this article:

Frozen semi-finished products are an integral part of the diet of our compatriots. Experts attribute this trend to the growth of citizens' incomes and rising living standards.

The main advantages of the business include the ability to quickly respond to market needs, which makes it possible to produce various types of cutlets in one shift. At the same time, there is no need to reconfigure the equipment, as well as to implement other global changes in the operation of the mini-workshop.

Organizational moments for the creation of a mini-factory

Registration actions

When choosing an organizational form of business, it is recommended to make a choice in favor of individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company.

Registering an individual entrepreneur will cost much less, however, the vast majority of large suppliers and retail chains prefer to cooperate exclusively with legal entities. In addition, the magnitude of the risks of an LLC is an order of magnitude lower than that of an individual.

When drawing up organizational and legal documentation, the following classifications of the OKVED code should be indicated:

  • 1511400 — Frozen semi-finished meat products.
  • 1511410 — Quick-frozen ready-made products.
  • 1511420 — Semi-finished products portioned natural.

Before starting the production of the first batch of finished products, it is necessary to study the regulatory documentation:

  • GOST R 52674-2006: Meat and meat-containing semi-finished products.
  • GOST R 51187-98: Labeling of consumer containers for meat, chopped semi-finished products, dumplings, minced meat.

2. Certification of finished products

Frozen semi-finished products are subject to mandatory certification.

It is also necessary to obtain a declaration of conformity, as well as a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the production workshop.

Technologies for the production of semi-finished products

Cutlet production technology

In order for the cutlets to be tasty, the meat must be not only of high quality, but also fresh. Therefore, multi-stage control is a mandatory daily event. For each batch of meat, the supplier must present veterinary documents.

The technological process for the production of frozen semi-finished products consists of the following steps:

  • preparation of raw materials;
  • compiling minced meat (Fig. 4);
  • formation of semi-finished products (Fig. 5);
  • storage and sale.

The first step in the production process is deboning when the meat is cut into pieces, i.e. brought to marketable condition.

The specialist separates the veins and bones from the meat. Deboning is manual labor, so a man will handle the functions performed.

It is also necessary to carefully monitor that small bones and cartilage do not get into the meat. This, in turn, complicates the subsequent trimming.

Next, proceed to creating ground beef, the optimal ratio of components in which is 50/50. Cooking takes place in batch mixers, where all components are added, according to the recipe of the semi-finished product.

It is often customary to use minced meat, wheat bread, water, onions, spices and table salt.. When mixing, all components begin to be evenly distributed throughout the volume of the mass.

It is noteworthy that the temperature of the finished minced meat should not exceed 14ºС. Otherwise, there is a violation of its bacterial characteristics and taste. It is strongly not recommended to use twice-frozen meat or darkened bacon. Some manufacturers are actively use of proteins vegetable as well as animal origin soy, milk proteins, etc.), egg powder and other ingredients.

Cooked minced meat is immediately sent for the manufacture of a semi-finished product. The resulting mass is subject to dosage, molding and breading in breadcrumbs in automatic mode or manually.

Most specialized equipment is versatile and allows you to produce a large number of different forms of finished products with a simple change of nozzles. It is noteworthy that fish and rather exotic horse meat cutlets can be made in this way.

As for the additional ingredients ( bacon, onion, etc.), it all depends on the recipe.

After shaping the finished product, cutlets are subjected to shock freezing. Then they are packaged and sent to a storage chamber.

Pancake production technology

On an industrial scale, the traditional scheme for the production of pancakes is used, which by itself automated. The purchase of specialized equipment will allow you to knead dough, bake blanks, add a variety of toppings, pack, freeze and store finished products.

According to the recipe, for the production of pancakes, batter is used, which is obtained by successively adding flour, milk, sugar and eggs.

The production process consists of the following steps:

1. The initial ingredients are placed in a mixer (mixer).

3. The blanks are fed to the working table, where they are filled with stuffing, and also packaged in polyethylene packaging.

4. Then the formed pancakes are placed in the refrigerator for "shock" freezing. Such an event will preserve the nutritional and organoleptic characteristics of products.

5. The product is packed, and for the purpose of long-term storage, the pancakes are moved to a refrigeration unit.

Business plan for the production of frozen semi-finished products

We purchase equipment for the production of semi-finished products

The following equipment is required to organize the production process:

  • flour sifter - 45,000 rubles (Fig. 22);
  • meat mixer 65,000 rubles;
  • industrial meat grinder - 30,000 rubles (Fig. 23);
  • line for the production of cutlets - 568,000 rubles (Fig. 24);
  • pancake line, such as model IPKS-0209(beater, pancake machine, shock freezer, hot and work tables) - 600,000 rubles (Fig. 25);
  • cold store (for storing raw materials and finished products) - 150,000 rubles (Fig. 26).

The total amount of capital costs is 1,458,000 rubles.

Thanks to sifting, the flour is saturated with oxygen, and debris and all kinds of impurities are removed from it. Ultimately, this will lead to an improvement in the properties of the resulting dough.

It is shock freezing that gives the presentation of pancakes. Otherwise, the dough will be saturated with the juice of the filling and begin to darken.

Many domestic enterprises specialize in the production of equipment for the manufacture of semi-finished products. Therefore, the novice entrepreneur has a wide choice regarding the acquisition of a production line from various factories according to the most preferable price. It is noteworthy that the equipment used is characterized by ease of operation, as well as the production technology of the product itself.

Therefore, the production process can be established in a fairly short period of time, which is about 2 months. It is noteworthy that in the case of the acquisition of new equipment, most often the supplier or manufacturer undertakes to provide services for its installation and debugging. Proper adjustment will reduce energy consumption in the future.

In the conditions of the functioning of a mini-factory, it would be inappropriate to create a workshop for the slaughter of cattle. Therefore, it is necessary to organize the supply of raw materials, and special attention should be paid to its quality, because the taste properties of the finished product and the reputation of the newly minted enterprise will depend on it.

The products of the mini-factory will be in the middle price segment. Its range will be presented in the form of:

  • pancakes with various fillings meat, cottage cheese and fish);
  • minced meat semi-finished products ( cutlets).

Selection of production areas

It is recommended to rent, purchase or start building a production building close to farms - the main suppliers of raw materials. This is how you can save money on the delivery of the original components.

The area of ​​the premises in which the production facilities will be located, must not be less than 200 square meters. It is also necessary to take care of the arrangement of warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products, and household rooms for employees.

After choosing a room, it is necessary to redevelop it in order to complied with the requirements of fire supervision and SES(installation of sinks for washing hands, certain ceiling heights, etc.).

The production workshop must be located at least 50 meters from residential buildings. Connection of engineering and technical communications ( electricity, water, gas, sewerage) is a prerequisite.

Before starting production activities, it is necessary to notify the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor about this.

Forming a staff

For the operation of a small mini-factory, 10 people will be enough to service the production process: 2 workers monitor the technological pancake line, 2 - the cutlet line, 1 - prepare raw materials, 1 - make the stuffing.

For loading and unloading of ready-made semi-finished products into freezers and their packaging, 1 specialist can be involved.

The technologist will monitor compliance with the recipe, and the laboratory assistant will monitor the quality and compliance with the regulations and State Standards established at the enterprise.

The monthly payroll will consist of the following costs:

  • Director - 15,000 rubles;
  • Technologist - 11,000 rubles;
  • Laboratory assistant - 10,000 rubles;
  • 7 employees - 9,000 rubles each;
  • Total payroll - 42,300 rubles.

Costs and other financial indicators

Raw material costs:

  • pork in half carcasses - 180 rubles / kg.
  • beef in half carcasses - 175 rubles / kg.
  • additives (bread, onions, spices, breadcrumbs) - 43 rubles / kg.

Let's determine the costs of manufacturing the first batch (based on 100 kg of the finished product).

We also calculate the cost of production of 1 kg. cutlets:

  • Cutlet pork and beef meat - 54% of the total share (178 rubles / kg.) - 9,612 rubles;
  • Raw fat - 5% (20 rubles / kg) - 100 rubles;
  • Wheat bread - 13% (20 rubles / kg) - 260 rubles;
  • Breadcrumbs - 2% (30 rubles / kg) - 60 rubles;
  • Onion - 3% (22 rubles / kg) - 44 rubles;
  • Pepper - 0.1% (90 rubles / kg) - 60 rubles;
  • Salt - 1% (4 rubles / kg) - 4 rubles;
  • Water - 22% - 0 rubles.

Total: 10 140 rubles.

The cost of 1 kilogram of cutlets will be equal to 101 rubles. In the case of using a different recipe, the cost of finished products may differ by approximately 10%. It is noteworthy that the presented recipe is prescribed in GOST.

Thus, even at the legislative level, the share of the meat part is set at 55% and the content of a sufficiently large amount of water (22%).

Estimated output of finished cutlets is 50 kg. in one work shift, respectively, the monthly output (22 working days) will be equal to 1,100,000 kg.

Monthly fixed costs will consist of the following sections:

  • FOT - 42,300 rubles.
  • utilities - 15,000 rubles;
  • rent - 15,000 rubles;
  • transportation costs - 10,000 rubles;
  • packaging and packing bags - 8,000 rubles;
  • other expenses (advertising, etc.) - 10,000 rubles.

Total: 100 300 rubles.

Full cost\u003d Production per shift x Cost of 1 kg. products x Number of working days = 50 rubles. x 101 rubles. x 22 days = 111,100 rubles.

Gross revenue= Production per shift x Retail cost of 1 kg. x Number of working days = 50 rubles. x 400 rub. x 22 days = 440,000 rubles.

The business plan for the production of semi-finished meat products (using cutlets as an example) will look like this:

  • revenue - 440,000 rubles;
  • cost price - 111,100 rubles;
  • gross profit (revenue-cost) - 328,900 rubles;
  • monthly fixed costs - 100,300 rubles;
  • profit before tax - 228,600 rubles;
  • USN tax - 34,290 rubles;
  • net profit - 194,310 rubles;
  • return on sales (net profit/revenue) — 44.16%.

The profitability indicator of 44% is quite promising for this production area. It is important to note that we have considered only this type of production of semi-finished products. If the company is still engaged making frozen pancakes, then due to the growth in the volume of sales, the increase will be subject to profitability level.

At this rate, it is possible to recoup the invested capital costs in 1.5-2 years.

Sales of finished products

One of the most important directions in the activity of the enterprise is the organization of sales of products. In the presence of a wide range of products ( varieties of cutlets and spring rolls), it would be reasonable enough opening branded outlets or pavilions in the market. Grocery stores can also supply refrigeration equipment with a company logo.

With a small assortment manufactured products will preferably work directly through intermediary wholesalers.

The most promising line of activity of the mini-plant is the long-term cooperation with public catering enterprises. In this case, the strategic partner will need to provide the most optimal price / quality ratio of the supplied products, as well as guarantee regular deliveries.

As for cafes and restaurants, they prefer semi-finished meat products rather than pancakes. It is necessary to take note of this trend and continue working in this direction, gradually expanding our range.

These can be pieces of chicken fillet with various fillers ( ketchup, cheese, ham, greens, etc..)

It will also be beneficial production of single-component and homogeneous products, which require practically no investment (meatballs, meatballs, zrazy, pasties, schnitzels, etc.).

It is noteworthy that it will be more economically feasible to expand the assortment if the mini-factory reaches the level of self-sufficiency, when it begins to consistently make a profit.

If necessary, you can start selling frozen minced meat. However, it should be understood that competition in the face of meat plants will be tough. You can also establish cooperation with distribution companies that specialize in self-delivery of products.