How long a boiled egg can be stored. How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator? How much boiled egg is stored without a refrigerator

07.04.2019 Desserts and cakes

Chicken eggs are among those foods that are often consumed by humans for breakfast or during the day. It is a nutritious food packed with many essential the human body substances. Fast cooking and excellent taste qualities make eggs very popular food. Big plus is that chicken or quail eggs can be prepared for future use by boiling in advance, since they are stored in a cool place long time... For how long can boiled eggs be sent for storage to be sure that they do not go bad?

Factors Affecting Egg Storage

The shelf life of pre-boiled eggs depends on several factors. If you want to keep the product as healthy as possible, you need to consider how long it was stored before cooking. Product quality and shelf life are influenced by:

  • room temperature;
  • the integrity of the shell;
  • cooking method;
  • storage conditions prior to purchase.

In order for boiled eggs to survive for the entire recommended period, their shells should not have chips and cracks after boiling. Also note that eggs cooked in different ways have different terms storage. The longer the product has been cooked, the more it can be stored without loss. valuable properties... Check what time it is fresh eggs lay before they were cooked. This is of no small importance for their further use.

Conditions for preserving the beneficial properties of boiled and fresh eggs

  • In the case when a fresh egg has been kept in storage for no more than a day, it is considered dietary. It retains the largest number nutrients and you can use it in any form (both raw and boiled).
  • Chicken eggs stored in fresh up to 25 days, eaten only after heat treatment. They can be used to make dough, various dishesand also boil minimal amount time (2-4 minutes).
  • If the eggs have remained in storage for 25 to 45 days, they can only be eaten hard-boiled (10-15 minutes).

Storing boiled eggs in the refrigerator

  • Boiled eggs poultry in the shell can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 20 days, provided that temperature regime will be within +4 degrees. This applies to hard-boiled foods.
  • Soft-boiled eggs can only stay in the refrigerator for up to two days.
  • Try to post finished products in the refrigerator compartment, not in the doors. This way, they will not be affected by temperature differences when the equipment doors are opened.

Storing boiled eggs without a refrigerator

Boiled eggs are often taken on the road, as they take up little space and saturate the body well. When room temperature (about 20 degrees Celsius) you can store such products:

  • No more than 20 hours - if the egg is soft-boiled.
  • Up to three days - if it is hard-boiled.
  • A chicken egg, previously shelled, must be eaten within 12 hours. After this time, the product must be thrown away, as it will lose useful qualities and will start to deteriorate.

Storing boiled eggs in the freezer

Boiled eggs are usually not frozen for storage in the freezer as they lose valuable qualities... However, if the need arises, only the yolk should be frozen. Eggs need to be peeled, freed from the protein and put in a plastic container. Store the yolk in freezer can be up to one year.

Egg Boiling Methods

Cooking method of this product directly affects its shelf life. Therefore, it will be advisable to take into account the time heat treatment eggs. There are three ways to boil an egg: hard-boiled, soft-boiled and in a bag. Consistency ready meal depends on the time the eggs are in boiling water. The product should be cooked:

  • For soft-boiled cooking - two to four minutes.
  • In order to get the eggs into the bag - 5-6 minutes.
  • Hard-boiled eggs are boiled for about 10-12 minutes.

To prevent cracks in the shell, it is recommended to add a pinch of salt to the water.

If possible, try to eat eggs immediately after cooking. After all fresh food - the most delicious and healthy. If you need to keep boiled eggs for a long time, do not eat foods after the recommended shelf life has passed. This can cause irreparable harm to health.

Eggs are one of the most essential foods for modern table... Without them, it is difficult to imagine a huge part of the dishes, which include both appetizers and hot dishes, and desserts. And so that poultry products for a long time kept fresh, it is worth knowing about the rules for their storage and take into account that the timing may vary depending on the type of preparation. Therefore, we will try to figure out how many days the shelf life of boiled eggs lasts and where it is best to keep them.

How to cook properly

At first glance, everyone knows how to cook eggs, but even so simple business some rules must be followed.

It should be borne in mind that most bacteria, including salmonella, are quite resistant to heat treatment. For their reproduction, the temperature regime should be from +7 to +45 degrees.

To get rid of bacteria during cooking, the boil time should be 7-9 minutes.

If you are preparing an omelet, then it must be kept on fire until the egg mass is completely dry. This will help kill all possible harmful bacteria.

Factors affecting shelf life

Expiry time boiled eggs depends on a large number factors. Here are the main ones:

  • Often the shelf life of a cooked product depends on how fresh it was originally purchased, as well as in what conditions it was stored before purchase.
  • Do not dip the egg into boiling water by taking it out of the refrigerator. It should have reached room temperature. This will help avoid cracking.
  • After cooking, these poultry products should be carefully inspected. Those specimens, the shell of which contains cracks, cannot be stored for a long time, since harmful bacteria can easily penetrate into them. You can store them for no more than 4 days.
  • The shelf life of cooked animal products also depends on how long they have been heat treated. Consider the following options: hard-boiled, soft-boiled, and dyed.

Storage of boiled eggs is recommended in the refrigerator at an average temperature of +2 to +4 degrees. After cooking, chicken products must be cooled in cold waterand then put in a resealable container. This will protect them from absorbing foreign odors. The shelf life of the product with this storage will be up to 2 weeks.

Hard-boiled eggs can be stored at room temperature for some time. In this case, their shelf life is 2-3 days. At the same time, the room temperature should not exceed +20 degrees.

A peeled, boiled egg can be stored for up to 12 hours, after which it becomes unusable.

Soft-boiled testicles are obtained by heat treatment for 2-3 minutes in boiling water. They differ from hard-boiled ones in the consistency of the yolk. In soft-boiled eggs, the yolk does not completely freeze, but remains slightly liquid.

In this regard, the shelf life of soft-boiled eggs is different. They can be stored in the refrigerator no longer than two days, preferably in medium compartments at a temperature of about 3-4 degrees.

At room temperature, such a product can be stored for 24 hours.

Easter eggs

A boiled and colored egg has long been the main symbol of the light Orthodox holiday - Easter. Now there are many ways to decorate it, making it practically a work of art. However, it is worth remembering that if you are still going to use colored egg for food, this must be done within the prescribed period.

For a sufficiently long storage, the Easter eggs should not be soft-boiled, but hard-boiled. In addition, you should not cook so many foods that will be difficult to consume in the near future.

The shelf life of colored eggs in the refrigerator reaches a week. At room temperature, it drops to 3-4 days. However, you can increase it slightly. Painted items worth covering sunflower oil... This will not only give them a beautiful shine, but also clog the small pores, which will increase the shelf life.

Your brownie.

P.S. I want to give you advice on how to quickly peel boiled eggs from the shell.

Boiled eggs are very popular not only as tasty and hearty dish for breakfast, but are also widely used for preparing various dishes and salads, as well as a snack on the road or at work, so many will be interested to know how best to store boiled eggs and how much they can be stored in the refrigerator and without a refrigerator on the road.

How long can boiled eggs be stored?

The shelf life of boiled eggs primarily depends on the storage conditions (temperature, storage location) and on the condition of the eggs themselves (in the shell, peeled, cut). Let's take a closer look at how long you can store boiled egg:

  • How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator? The shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator is up to 20 days (if the eggs are in an intact shell) or 2-3 days if the eggs are shelled.
  • How long can boiled eggs be stored at room temperature? At room temperature, boiled eggs have an average shelf life of 2-3 days for in-shell eggs and only 12 hours for peeled eggs.

Note: the indicated shelf life of boiled eggs is relevant for hard-boiled eggs (for example, soft-boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for only 2 days).

After learning how long boiled chicken eggs, we will consider further how to store them correctly and how to increase their shelf life.

How to store boiled eggs correctly?

The answer to this question is obvious - in the refrigerator, and it is better to place boiled eggs not on the refrigerator door, but on the middle or lower shelf closer to the back wall of the refrigerator, after placing them in a special container for food (for example, a plastic one).

It is always important to understand that unpeeled boiled eggs with whole shells are best stored, as well as eggs boiled in onion skins (Easter) and eggs, the shell of which is greased with sunflower oil (with this procedure, a kind of protective layer is created on the eggshell, which additionally protects the eggs from damage).

In the case when boiled eggs need to be stored on the road or at home, but at room temperature, they should only be boiled hard and stored wrapped in paper or foil in a place protected from direct sunlight. Pack eggs into plastic bag or stored in a shelled state is not recommended.

Note: Fresh hard-boiled eggs with intact shells last the longest.

If, when peeling a boiled egg that has been stored for a long time, bad smell, or the egg itself has a grayish or bluish tint, it is better not to eat it so as not to get poisoned.

Eggs are low-calorie productrich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. These substances are necessary for good health and good work of the body. Many people eat boiled eggs every day. In addition, they are included in the recipes of various dishes. Sometimes it is not possible to use all prepared foods at once. Therefore, you need to know how much boiled eggs are stored in the refrigerator.

Shelf life

The storage time of boiled eggs in the refrigerator is much shorter than fresh eggs. This is due to the fact that when exposed high temperature the shell becomes more porous. As a result, the product is more exposed to air and bacteria. Store eggs have a shorter shelf life than homemade eggs. This is due to their presale processing.

Hard-boiled eggs remain usable for 5-7 days, soft-boiled eggs for 3-4 days. If the shell is cracked during cooking, the shelf life does not exceed 2-3 days.

Eggs colored with dyes of natural origin, for example, onion skins, beet juice, turmeric, have a final shelf life of 1 week. After decorating with thermofilm, the product can be stored for no more than 2 days, since there is a violation of temperature exchange. If water gets under the film during cooking, the eggs are no longer usable on the second day.

After shelling the eggs, place them in a container with a lid. In this case, the shelf life in the refrigerator is about 2–3 days.

Signs of freshness

Sometimes it is necessary to determine the freshness of already cooked eggs. The shelf life is influenced by the preparation method and freshness original product by the time of cooking. A freshly boiled egg is difficult to peel, the film between the egg white and the shell is tight. Stale has a specific rotten smell.

Remember that freshness is difficult to tell by the color of a boiled egg. Only if the product has long settled in the refrigerator does the protein become grayish.

How to extend the shelf life

To keep boiled eggs in the refrigerator for as long as possible, it is important to adhere to the right technology cooking. In order to prevent the shells from cracking and, thus, the final shelf life of the product does not decrease, it is recommended to fill the eggs with warm or even cool water and put on fire. Due to this, there will be no sudden temperature changes, which leads to damage to the protective layer.

Don't keep eggs near raw fish or meat. For storage, a container that is tightly closed and does not allow air to pass is best suited. Special cells are ineffective, since they do not protect the product from temperature changes and air currents with frequent opening of the refrigerator door. Do not freeze eggs, as this violates their cellular structure and reduces shelf life.

Pay attention to the shelf life of the product indicated on the packaging. But if cooked properly, eggs can be consumed even after the term ends. To do this, they need to be hard-boiled - over low heat for 10 minutes.

Store boiled eggs in the refrigerator for no longer than the permissible period. It is also important to cook them correctly and not keep them near raw meat or fish.

Most Russians probably have eggs in their refrigerators, which are used to prepare various dishes, and some eat them raw. But do you know how to properly keep eggs in the refrigerator and do you know what their shelf life is?

Optimal conditions for home storage of eggs

Freshly harvested village eggs are well stored in cool, dry rooms with an air temperature of 0-10 degrees. Under these conditions, eggs remain fresh for two to three weeks. During this period, they usually have time to be used or sold, after which they end up in our refrigerators. The situation is similar with industrially produced eggs.

Some store eggs at room temperature, but they do not last long - no more than a couple of weeks (provided that you bought fresh ones). It is better to keep them in a cool place, or better in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4-6 degrees. But how long can you keep fresh homemade or store-bought eggs, raw or boiled?

Shelf life of raw eggs

So how much can you store different types raw eggs? The most widespread and demanded chicken egg. If respected ideal conditions storage (temperature 1-2 degrees), they will last up to three months, but at a standard refrigerator temperature (4-7 degrees), the shelf life of raw eggs will decrease to two months.

Try to leave them stationary, that is, it is better to keep them not in the door, but on a shelf in the tray. For example, if you bought 30 pieces, you can leave a dozen in the door for easy access to them, and leave the rest in the package. If it is supposed long-term storage, it is better to turn the eggs with the sharp part down. Note that washed eggs they retain their freshness worse in the refrigerator, but if for some reason you had to wash them, use them in a month. The maximum useful properties in chicken eggs are preserved for the first 25-30 days, and if they have been lying for more than a month, it is better to eat them in hard-boiled form.

With chicken eggs, everything is clear, but how many quail eggs are stored in the refrigerator? They are less in demand, but can be found in all stores and markets. The shelf life of quail eggs is 30-40 days, but for receiving maximum benefit they are best used in the first ten days. After this time, their beneficial features worsen, and after two months the product is completely hazardous to health.

There are still goose and duck eggsthat can be stored in the refrigerator for a short time. In general, they are rarely used in cooking, so in stores you need to look at their production time, since you can buy eggs that have already lain for more than a week. In total, they are suitable for use within 14-15 days, since they contain special substances. Because of them, the contents of the shell deteriorate faster than quail and chicken.

Sometimes there are turkey eggs, and few people know how much to store them. Without heat treatment, that is, in a raw state, these eggs can be kept in the refrigerator for 60-70 days, which is quite a lot. On rare occasions, stores come across ostrich eggscharacterized by a very thick shell. It is due to her that fresh eggs are stored for up to several months (sometimes up to six months). But if you bought cracked egg or damage it on the way home, pour the contents of the shell into a saucepan, refrigerate and use within 3-4 days.

How many days do boiled eggs keep in the refrigerator

The shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator is somewhat different from raw eggs. Such a product will not lie for several months or even weeks. In their raw form, they are almost not afraid of temperature changes and can deteriorate in the event of a complete freeze or a long stay in the heat, and the storage conditions for boiled eggs are much more severe:

  • At temperatures from 0 to 5-6 degrees, the shelf life of hard-boiled eggs in the refrigerator does not exceed 5-7 days.
  • When cooked "in a bag", they remain fresh for 2-3 days.
  • A soft-boiled egg should be consumed in the first 1-2 days.

How to store unpeeled boiled eggs is clear, but boiled peeled eggs without shells cannot be kept for more than two days. Fried egg also stored for a very short time - only 1-3 days, depending on the temperature in your refrigerator.

Features of storing eggs in the refrigerator

Finally, consider a few more subtleties that will teach you how to store eggs correctly:

  • If due to hot water cold eggs cracked during cooking, you should eat them in the first 2-3 days. If this is not done, they will go bad even in the refrigerator.
  • Coloring eggs for Easter does not affect the shelf life of chicken eggs, if the dye is natural (beets, onion peel, food colorings). If you decorated them with thermal film, the eggs should be eaten in 4-5 days. The film does not allow the contents of the shell to breathe, therefore it deteriorates faster - the egg simply goes out.
  • Crude proteins or egg yolks in the refrigerator are stored for 1-2 days.

As you can see, the shelf life different eggs in the refrigerator depend on many factors, including the way they are prepared. To keep them as long as possible, buy them at trusted places in the market or choose eggs from the store that are marked with the production date.