How not to get drunk at the festive table. How not to get drunk longer during a feast

06.09.2019 Seafood dishes

When drinking alcohol at a corporate party, business dinner, your own wedding or other important events, you need to maintain a sobriety of mind and self-control. For an inexperienced person, this is a difficult task that requires preliminary preparation. Thanks to this material, you will learn how to drink and not get drunk during a stormy feast. All current methods are collected here.

First, let's figure out why a person gets drunk. The fusel oils contained in alcoholic beverages are to blame. They negatively affect the work of the cerebral cortex. The consequences are manifested individually: in some people, the functions of the occipital part of the brain and the vestibular apparatus are disrupted, as a result of which balance and / or the gift of speech are lost. For others, the “moral center” that controls behavior is turned off. In rare cases, memory temporarily disappears.

The situation when the next morning after a large dose of alcohol drunk a person does not remember anything is not as common as it is commonly believed. Most of the "victims" are only feigning amnesia. They are simply ashamed of their behavior and they want to find an excuse for rash actions.

It is interesting that men and women get drunk in different ways, the peculiarities of the work of the brain affect. In men, psychoemotional disorders first appear (slurred speech, mood swings), and only then motor skills fail (coordination of movements is impaired), in women - vice versa. This means that with the same degree of intoxication, most men find it difficult to talk and control their behavior, but they can move and even operate complex mechanisms (including a car), while women usually first of all "give up their legs" and only when heavy drunkenness is speechless.

Preparing for a feast

1. "Vaccination". 4-5 hours before the event, drink 50-100 ml of vodka or an equivalent amount of other alcohol. The body will begin to produce alcohol dehydrogenases - enzymes responsible for the processing of alcohol in the body. As a result, the main dose of alcohol will be split immediately upon entering the bloodstream, and not with some delay, which is required to activate the liver. If you know your measure in the amount of drunk, "vaccination" is the most effective way to combat intoxication. The disadvantage is that even after a small dose of alcohol, fumes appear.

2. Fatty foods. Eat a sandwich with butter, lard, caviar or sturgeon 1-2 hours before the party. You can also drink 10-20 ml of olive oil (if you can).

Attention! Fatty foods do not block the absorption of alcohol, but only slows down its effect by 40-45 minutes. This means that a person will start to get drunk about an hour after taking alcohol, but the intoxication itself will be quick and strong. It is best to use this method only if the event is short and you can get home in time.

3. Medicines. 2-3 hours before drinking alcohol, drink 4-5 tablets of activated carbon, and immediately before the feast, another 1-2 tablets, crushed into powder. Make sure that the charcoal does not remain on the teeth; after the tablets, it is advisable to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth. Activated carbon absorbs some of the alcohol and fusel oils, as a result of which a person gets drunk less.

Another 40 minutes before the feast, you can take one tablet of a digestive enzyme, for example, "Festal" or "Mezim", as well as a hepatoprotector based on plant components ("Carsil", "Essentiale", etc.). These medications will keep your stomach and liver working properly when you're overworked.

4. Do not drink on an empty stomach. In no case should you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, otherwise all other methods will not give the desired effect.

Snack is our everything

How to get drunk less directly during a feast

1. Drink only high quality alcoholic beverages. The better the alcohol, the less harmful substances it contains, causing intoxication and decreased self-control. People get drunk from bad moonshine many times faster than from high-quality vodka, brandy or wine.

2. Do not mix drinks. The body's reaction to mixing different alcoholic beverages is unpredictable and manifests itself individually. For example, some people are categorically forbidden to combine red wine and vodka, others - to drink beer and cognac together. Almost everyone gets drunk from champagne with any strong drinks, since carbon dioxide contributes to the rapid absorption of alcohol into the blood.

When mixing alcohol (if this cannot be avoided), I advise you to remember about the "slide" rule - the degree of the drink should increase. For example, you can drink vodka after beer, but not vice versa. Although this rule hasn't been scientifically proven, it works in most cases.

3. Give preference to hot snacks. Alcohol should be eaten with plenty of hot food. Meat dishes, fish, boiled potatoes with butter or lard, as well as parsley and lemon significantly reduce the degree of intoxication. At the same time, it is important not to overeat, so as not to create additional stress on the digestive system. It is better to refuse exotic dishes that have not been tried before. Their combination with alcohol is fraught with unexpected consequences.

4. Do not keep alcohol in your mouth. Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream not only through the walls of the stomach, but also through the blood vessels in the mouth. In the second case, intoxication occurs almost instantly, since ethyl alcohol goes directly to the brain, bypassing the stomach and liver. Empty your glass in one quick sip. Also beware of cocktails that are sipped through a straw.

5. Drink alcohol with non-carbonated drinks. Carbon dioxide contributes to rapid intoxication, so alcohol and soda are incompatible. Alcohol can be washed down with juices, fruit drinks and compotes.

6. Move more. To monitor your condition, periodically leave the table (if possible) and go out to breathe in the fresh air.

You cannot change the temperature regime drastically. For example, going outside from a warm room in winter. This will cause an intense heartbeat, resulting in drunkenness faster.

7. Give up cigarettes. To a greater extent, this advice applies to people who smoke irregularly. Literally, they can be knocked off their feet by just one smoked cigarette.

8. Replace alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones. You do not need to immediately drink the entire contents of the glass or shot. If you feel that you are getting drunk, try to subtly replace the alcohol with something non-alcoholic of the same color. For example, wine for cherry juice, vodka for non-carbonated mineral water. Also, alcoholic beverages can be discreetly diluted with juice or water without gas in the glass itself.

9. Induce vomiting. This is a radical, but at the same time, the most effective method for removing alcohol from the body. With severe intoxication, vomiting is a justified remedy, since it will only get worse from now on. The procedure can be repeated every hour.

This is due to the fact that ethyl enters the bloodstream and negatively affects the functioning of the central nervous system, kidneys and liver. Intoxication occurs in the body while drinking alcohol, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

It is not difficult to identify a drunk person, coordination is disturbed, speech becomes incoherent. Some argue "I drink and never get drunk", experts attribute this to the individual characteristics of the body.

The effect of alcohol on the body

Everyone knows that ethanol is hazardous to health, as it alters the psychological and physical state. Usually a person gets drunk from alcohol and this is due to the fact that the kidneys and liver cannot process toxic substances in large quantities in a short time.

Soft tissues are protected from external stimuli by erythrocytes, but when harmful elements accumulate, they rupture and alcohol enters the vascular system. Already through the capillaries, toxins spread throughout the body, which leads to disruptions in the work of all systems.

The first sign of intoxication is a flushed face.

It is important that under the influence of alcohol, a person loses control over his actions, and often becomes dangerous to others.

For some, it is enough to drink a glass of beer to quickly lose control over themselves, but there is a category of people who can drink 0.5 liters of vodka and remain sane.

This is due to the fact that a hot drink affects everyone in a different way, the height, gender, weight and individual characteristics of the structure of the body also depend.

Reasons why people stop getting drunk from alcohol?

Sometimes it is possible to hear without getting drunk from any kind of alcohol. This phenomenon can be triggered by various factors. For example, a slow metabolism does not allow you to quickly get drunk, since when the metabolism in the body is active, the alcohol is instantly absorbed into the walls.

If the drinker is completely healthy and does not suffer from chronic or infectious diseases, then the liver and kidneys cannot cope with processing, and for this reason the person does not have time to get drunk.

Alcoholics do not experience intoxication due to the death of brain cells. When products containing ethyl are drunk for a long time, significant changes occur in the internal systems. Toxic substances accumulate and destroy the structure of neurons, which provokes a decrease in the number of healthy cells.

The drunkard begins to degrade, thought processes are disrupted, at the last stage of the disease it becomes impossible to understand simple things. The patient cannot cope with alcoholism on his own, this pathology requires long-term therapy and rehabilitation.

Treatment of the disorder occurs with the help of medications that are prescribed by a narcologist, and you will also need to consult a psychologist to return to your old life.

Factors that change the rate of intoxication

The degree of intoxication depends on the production of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase.

If the body contains an increased amount of this element, then the rate of exposure to ethyl decreases and for a long time the drinker is in a sober state. An important factor is individual characteristics - weight, gender, age.

For example, after 40 years, alcohol quickly affects the internal systems, as structural changes occur, and the influence of ethyl increases. Body weight plays an important role, because people who are lightweight get drunk faster. This is due to the fact that alcohol is actively absorbed into soft tissues.

Unlike men, women get drunk, due to the fact that they are more susceptible to strong drinks.

How not to get drunk at feasts

A large amount of alcohol is bad for your well-being. For this reason, if there is a solemn event at which the use of alcohol is planned, then it is necessary to prepare in advance. Precautions will not only allow you not to get drunk, but also avoid hangover.

The next day after taking alcohol, people have pain and dizziness, vomiting, vomiting, diarrhea. These signs are a protective reaction of the body to chemical elements that got inside during drunkenness. Those who regularly take alcohol are aware of its consequences, but cannot give up the pleasure.

For example, 4-5 hours before the party, you need to drink a glass of vodka. Then the body begins to produce special enzymes that contribute to the active processing of toxins. This prepares the liver.

The only disadvantage of this method- This is the appearance of fumes, which can cause some discomfort. During the feast, it is imperative to have a snack, the stomach should not be empty, otherwise the alcohol will instantly begin to act. But you can't eat sweet fruits and confectionery, as glucose will only increase the effect of alcohol.

Activated charcoal is an excellent remedy that fights poisoning, but it can also prevent signs of intoxication from showing up. For a couple of hours, you need to take 4 tablets, and when drinking alcohol every 40-60 minutes, two more pills.

He will not take alcohol if you drink a spoonful of sunflower or olive oil before drinking, it is also good to eat a sandwich with red caviar.

If during a feast it becomes bad, you need to immediately stop drinking.

It is required to carefully approach the choice of products. You should not buy cheap drinks, as low-quality goods can harm your health. You must adhere to the rule not to mix alcohol. For example, you cannot drink wine or beer after cognac.

Drunkenness instantly arises from champagne, as carbon dioxide promotes the absorption of ethyl into the blood vessels. And vodka has the opposite effect and is much easier to drink than a sparkling drink.

During the feast, preference is given to high-quality and expensive products, you should not drink a lot of alcohol, since no precautions will help and the next morning you will have a hangover syndrome.


A person does not get drunk from drinking alcohol if he does not exceed the permissible dosage. If dizziness begins after drinking, this means that the body needs sleep, the systems need to recover.

Doctors prohibit drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy, since alcohol provokes various pathologies in the development of the fetus.


Holidays are unthinkable without alcohol, but there are drugs and anti-intoxication pills that allow you to stay sober and experience a minimum of discomfort in the morning. Consider how not to get drunk from alcohol and prevent discomfort the next morning after a feast.

Before drinking alcohol

There are medicines, as well as other folk methods and remedies that allow you to prepare the body for the upcoming holidays. Consider how to drink a lot of alcohol and not get drunk.

How to drink and not get drunk: tips

Medicines to prepare the body

Alcohol intoxication pills will help to maintain clarity of consciousness and reduce the effects of alcohol with an abundant drink of alcohol.

This is the simplest and most readily available product that has known absorbent properties. The drug has almost no contraindications. The tablets have large pore areas, which allows them to effectively absorb ethyl alcohol molecules, as well as other types of toxic substances. It is necessary to take activated carbon before the start of the feast at the rate of 1 tablet per 20 kg of a person's weight.

If the holidays dragged on until late at night, you should additionally take the drug between drinks and after the end of the feast, so as not to experience a deterioration in the future.

Take activated charcoal before the start of the feast


The tool normalizes metabolic processes, stabilizes the state of cell membranes, removes toxins. The main substance is arginine glutamate. The tablets bind ammonia and remove it, transforming it from a toxic form into a non-toxic one. Their use normalizes the state of liver cells and prevents the effects of free radicals, has an effect on neurotransmitter endings.

People who used glutargin noted that a large dose of the drug is needed to level the copious doses of alcohol. But experts do not recommend using more than 8 g of the product per day.


The considered intoxication tablets regulate tissue metabolism, have antioxidant and antihypoxic effects, increase redox reactions and gastric acid secretion, improve appetite and performance. They are useful in a state of hangover, in the form of prevention and treatment of alcohol addiction.

succinic acid

The drug promotes the oxidation and processing of elements useful for the body, secretes metabolic products, fills cells with oxygen, increases productivity, and also prevents viral and oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus. The remedy is used before or after alcohol in 1-2 capsules, which relieves hangover syndrome or helps to prevent it.


This remedy is used for advanced alcoholism, as well as for a hangover. If a person takes two tablets before a meal, then he will remain sober much longer, provided that the doses of alcohol used are moderate. It is important to adhere to the indicated dose, otherwise sleep problems, anxiety, nervousness and irritability may appear.


This paste, from intoxication to alcohol consumption, which must be taken orally, has the effect of pulling together toxins, and then removing these substances from the body. An adult needs to consume 1 tbsp. spoon before the holiday and the same - after it.


This tool actively absorbs poisons, toxins, harmful microorganisms, as well as ethyl alcohol. It is sold in powder form. 1 tbsp. Stir a spoonful of the product in warm boiled water (one third of a glass) and use the infusion inside.


The peculiarity of the drug is that it is not absorbed in the intestine and does not cause any harm to its walls. The product is withdrawn in its original form in 24 hours. It effectively absorbs a large number of molecules of toxic substances.

Consider how not to get drunk from alcohol during feasts without using drugs.

  1. For 2-3 days, you should put on iodine-containing products - iodized salt, seafood, champignons, eggs, processed cheeses. In the body, a hormone will be produced in large quantities, which promotes a more intense oxidation of alcohol.
  2. The day before the holidays, it is necessary to take aspirin or a similar medicine (0.5 g) so that microsomal enzymes begin to be produced.
  3. A couple of hours before taking alcohol, you need to consume 2 and a half tablets of Glutargin, which accelerate the withdrawal of the decay products of alcoholic beverages.
  4. 1-2 hours before the holiday, you should drink 100 g of vodka. As a result, the active production of enzymes that process alcohol will begin, and intoxication will come much later. Also, in an hour and a half it is necessary to take succinic acid - the tablets will speed up the metabolic processes.
  5. 30 minutes before drinking alcohol, you need to consume a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil, which covers the walls of the stomach with a film, which makes the process of absorption of fusel oils slower. As a result, you can drink alcohol and not get drunk.

There are folk remedies and recipes for a hangover. Before the feasts, one or more actions must be performed:

  • drink a cup of strong brewed coffee with a slice of lemon;
  • drink strong tea (black or mint green) before alcohol;
  • eat butter (a small piece of 50 g);
  • drink a glass of milk;
  • eat a plate of any porridge (oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat);
  • take vitamins;
  • eat a piece of bacon;
  • eat cheese cream (10 g butter, 20 g sour cream, 4 g grated cheese, 1 g salt, 1 g white pepper, a little lemon juice and parsley - add sour cream, mix the ingredients thoroughly and eat, you can use bread);
  • drink orange juice with honey and lemon.

How to get drunk more slowly during a feast

Consider how to drink alcohol while staying sober for a long time.

  1. It is recommended to have a snack before drinking. You should not drink on an empty stomach - it helps you not get drunk quickly. It is useful to eat cheese, milk and flour products - all this protects the small intestine and stomach from the aggressive effects of alcohol. You need to eat abundantly and lean on dishes such as meat, potatoes, bacon, pickled cucumbers, and also lemon.
  2. It is worth giving up cigarettes for the duration of the feast. It is useful to go outside as often as possible, breathe clean fresh air or ventilate the room, even in cold winter weather.
  3. You should not drink alcohol with sweet carbonated water - only simple mineral water is acceptable, as well as citrus juice. Vitamin C, salts and minerals contained in them prepare the body to fight ethanol.
  4. You cannot experiment with mixing drinks - it only accelerates the onset of the state of intoxication.
  5. It is necessary to start with those drinks that have the smallest degree, gradually raising it.
  6. It is necessary to purchase only high-quality alcohol, where there are few fusel oils and impurities, since they contribute to alcohol poisoning and severe hangover syndrome later.
  7. If you feel that you have exceeded your legal limit, prepare lemon juice, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar and drink. Ascorbic acid contained in lemon eliminates toxic effects.

Actions after the feast

  • To sober up faster, you need to go to bed, before visiting the toilet.
  • Airing the room helps, since fresh air helps a person to sober up.
  • Bath procedures are excellent help against hangover syndrome. The bath promotes profuse sweating, with which many toxins are removed. However, you should not conduct a steam bath, otherwise the cardiovascular system will experience high loads. A warm shower is also effective.
  • In the first couple of hours of a hangover, you need to drink as much clean water as possible. You should put on diuretics - strong coffee, tea. At the same time, sweet and strong coffee is able to restore concentration, get rid of the unpleasant smell of fumes, and invigorate. It is useful to dissolve baking soda (about 4 g) in a glass and drink.
  • A hearty breakfast is needed, consisting of potatoes, vegetables, lean meat, dairy products. It is recommended to use honey instead of sugar.

Breakfast in the morning will help with a hangover

  • You can prepare and drink an anti-hangover "cocktail" before going to bed: activated charcoal (about 7 tablets), noshpa (2 tablets), aspirin (1 tablet).
  • What if a person drank himself to a deranged state? You need to take a glass of cold water, add ammonia (about 5 drops) to it and use it internally. The remedy brings a short but effective sobering effect.
  • You can put the hands of the intoxicated on the ears and rub them at a fast pace. In about a couple of minutes, the blood will rush to the head, and the person will regain consciousness. However, this method also does not last long.
  • Juice made from orange, tomato or apple has a great sobering effect. Sour milk can also boast of this.
  • Dousing with ice water will instantly bring you to your senses. It is necessary to water the back of the head so that the liquid flows down the spine.

There is still a myth that a new portion of alcohol helps to get drunk, but this way of bringing oneself to consciousness harms the body, although it makes it deceive and switch.

The best hangover remedy is to prepare for the holidays, monitor the doses consumed during the feast, and then help your body to remove harmful substances faster.

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New Year, wedding, birthday, corporate party - a Russian will always have a reason to drink. How to keep your mind sober so that the next day it will not be excruciatingly painful while restoring memory and the chain of events? Don't drink a lot, and it's best not to drink. This is understandable, but not always doable. Therefore, we offer several recipes that will help in such cases.


Why does a person get drunk? Everything is explained by the effect of ethyl alcohol on the blood and blood vessels. Special enzymes that the liver produces are opposed to this effect: alcohol dehydrogenase converts ethanol into acetaldehyde, and then aldehyde dehydrogenase oxidizes it to acetic acid. At the same time, acetaldehyde is much more toxic than ethyl alcohol, and it is he who causes a hangover - a severe poisoning of the body.

In different people, intoxication occurs at different rates and the hangover goes away with varying degrees of intensity, but there are still general patterns. For example, men need more alcohol to get drunk than women, and people with less body weight get drunk faster than large people. This does not apply to overweight people with abundant body fat: they just get drunk quickly.

So, if a hectic feast cannot be avoided, there are some simple tricks that will help you stay on your feet and control yourself.

Even if you are extremely hungry and want to make up for lost time right on the holiday, eat something before going out. Never start drinking on an empty stomach: intoxication will overtake suddenly, much faster than you expect. "Lucky from one glass" - this is what happens if a hungry person drinks alcohol. Contrary to popular men's opinion ("What about 100 g before dinner?"), Alcohol does not improve digestion, but only enhances the production of gastric juice. So in the end, you can eat much more than you want. If you do not eat, then the body will begin to produce faster insulin, and the blood sugar level will drop sharply. This is fraught with very poor health.

Before the feast, if your stomach allows, eat a sandwich with butter, a small amount of fatty foods, and if you can, drink a raw egg.

Surprisingly, these affordable and completely safe medicines, sold in any pharmacy, are still not widely used at feasts. Meanwhile, they will definitely save you from a severe hangover and weaken the effects of alcohol. The cheapest and most well-known adsorbent is activated carbon (dose - 1 tablet per 10 kg of human weight). Lignin-based drugs - "Lignosorb", "Liferan", "Polyphepan" are considered more modern. It is necessary to drink adsorbents in advance, a couple of hours before the start of the holiday, and the next morning it is worth repeating the procedure.

They will help the body to cope not only with alcohol, but also with a fair amount of food. After all, there are so many tasty things on the table! To facilitate digestion, take "Creon" ("Mezim Forte", "Abomin", "Pancreatin", "Wobenzym") an hour before the meal.

When alcohol is broken down, a lot of vitamins of this group are consumed, and vitamin B6 also stimulates the activity of the liver, which breaks down ethyl alcohol. If you do not want to feel exhausted and unable to concentrate in the morning, take a complex of vitamins containing B6, for example, "Pician", "Milgamma", "B-complex", "Neurogamma", "Neuromultivitis" a few hours before libation.

Tip 5. Eat hot food, as well as vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C

Hot meals are usually served on holidays. Do not neglect this in any way. Meat dishes will slow down the absorption of alcohol, and a lemon or orange will give the body a supply of vitamin C. Salads with herbs in this regard are also very useful. Do not forget to make up for the loss of vitamin C in the morning after a meal - for example, by taking ascorbic acid.

Tip 6. Do not drink carbonated drinks, even non-alcoholic

“How many times have the world been told…”, but each one once steps on this rake. Everyone knows the instant feeling of euphoria and fun from champagne, as well as their own amazement the next morning - how could you get drunk from this light drink? The thing is that the "effervescence" enhances the absorption of alcohol. Never drink alcohol with soda, even mineral water, otherwise you risk being quite surprised at the consequences. But lemon, apple or grape juice is quite suitable for accompanying a meal.

On this occasion, you can hear different statements, for example, that you can increase the degree, but you cannot lower it. In fact, people perceive the combination of alcoholic beverages differently, but in the case of a long feast, you do not need to mix anything. Drink the drink you started with, with the exception of champagne, otherwise the holiday will end quickly for you.