A tomato and garlic appetizer are two raw materials for hundreds of dishes. A selection of the most delicious tomato and garlic appetizers with detailed recipes

06.08.2019 Healthy eating

Small tomatoes, such as cherry tomatoes, are well suited for preparing such a snack. The tomato must be cut from three or four sides, not completely cutting. Then again make the same cuts of a slightly smaller size closer to the center. Depending on the size of the tomato, you can repeat these steps two or three times. In order to create the effect of “rose petals”, thin pieces of cheese should be inserted into the slots. You can use any cheese, both hard varieties, and feta cheese, suluguni or mozzarella. When serving, you can garnish the appetizer with basil or parsley leaves, salt to taste and drizzle with olive oil.


Many people make mushrooms using boiled eggs and tomatoes. We propose to make a mushroom "leg" from curd mass. You will need 200 g of cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 1 pinch of salt, 10 basil leaves or a few sprigs of dill. Finely chop the greens, mix all the ingredients until smooth with a fork or with a blender. Chopped garlic can be added if desired. Roll up small balls with wet hands and place on a plate. Cut the tomatoes in half, cover the prepared curd balls in half. Make specks on the hats with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Little baskets.

Stuffed tomatoes can look more impressive if they are cut into baskets. To do this, you need to cut two sectors from the upper half of the tomato, leaving a small strip (0.5 cm) in the middle, which in the future will become the handle of the basket. Use a spoon to remove the pulp from the tomato, leaving only the walls, including from the "handle" of the basket. The pulp can be used to make a sauce or added to a filling. In this case, potato salad was used as the filling. To prepare it, you need to boil 2 potatoes and 3 eggs. Chill and cut into cubes. Finely chop a small bunch of green onions. For salad dressing, mix 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise with 2 tablespoons of sour cream, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of mild mustard, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything with the dressing and stuff the tomatoes. If desired, you can add cubes of boiled sausage, ham, or pieces of fried bacon to this salad.

Caprese accordion.

The famous Italian caprese appetizer salad can also be served in an original way. To do this, the tomato does not need to be cut into slices, but only not completely cut it. Insert pieces of mozzarella into the slots. To serve, add salt to the appetizer to taste, sprinkle with olive oil and garnish with basil leaves.


To prepare tulips, you need elongated tomatoes, for example, "cream" varieties. In this case, the finished snack will look more like real flowers. Cut the tomatoes crosswise from above. Gently remove the pulp with a spoon and fill with the filling. As a filling, you can use 200 g of cottage cheese, punched with a blender with 100 g of slightly salted red fish. The filling should be salted to taste. This filling is not only tasty, but also high in protein, omega fatty acids, fiber and low in carbohydrates. Any greenery can be used as tulip stems, but green onions are best.

To prepare tomato turrets, you need to prepare zucchini and eggplants in advance. Cut them into thin slices and fry in a pan or bake in the oven for 20 minutes, lightly drizzled with oil. While the zucchini and eggplant are being prepared, prepare the cheese layer. To do this, mix 100 g of processed cheese with 10 finely chopped basil leaves (or several sprigs of dill), 1 finely chopped clove of garlic. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices. Collect turrets, spreading cheese on each circle and alternating between different vegetables. It can be served both warm and cold. In addition, the appetizer can be cooked on the grill.


To prepare "ladybugs", cut a small segment from one side of the tomato. Cut it in half, without cutting it to the end from one side, - you get wings. Extract the pulp from the tomato - you don't need it; from it you can make tomato sauce. Fill the tomato with any filling, cover with the wings. Make specks from slices of olives, black currants or blueberries, and “eyes on legs” from dry cloves. As a filling, you can use grated processed cheese mixed with the same amount of grated boiled egg, mayonnaise, garlic, salt and pepper. Or you can use potato salad, the recipe for which was described above.


To prepare the "hearts", you need oblong tomatoes. They need to be cut diagonally, flipped 90 degrees and connected. In order for the "hearts" to keep their shape, they should be strung on skewers for sandwiches or kebabs. If desired, such hearts can be stuffed with any filling to taste. This appetizer is perfect for a romantic dinner.

Enjoy your meal!

Hello my dear friends and readers!

This is an interesting and not quite ordinary recipe and I am 99% sure that if you love, then having tried to cook this dish once, you will forever write it down in the piggy bank of your homemade delicious snacks.

This dish is somewhat reminiscent of vegetables in a marinade, but it turns out to be fresher, contains absolutely no vinegar, and retains all the vitamins.

Besides, onions are very useful!

The appetizer turns out to be moderately salty, moderately spicy, moderately spicy, and very tasty!

The only negative is that it takes two days to prepare.

Delicious tomato and onion appetizer

To prepare this recipe you need to take:

  • 6-8 ripe hard tomatoes, ideal in plum shape.
  • 1 large onion
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dried basil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • a pinch of red hot pepper
  • salt, black pepper

Cooking technology:

  • Cooking the marinade

We mix olive oil, lemon juice, honey, add rosemary leaves, basil herb, spices and mix everything thoroughly.

  • Cooking a snack

Put the onion in layers in a deep dish and pour the marinade over everything.

Do not be afraid of what, at first glance, may seem small.

Tomatoes and onions will give juice, which will mix with the dressing and the amount of marinade will increase several times.
We close everything tightly with a lid and put in the refrigerator for two days, at least. But, if you stand longer, it will be even tastier!

In two days you will receive an extraordinary and very aromatic tomato and onion snack !!! The tomatoes will be soaked in marinade and will have an amazing taste, and the onions will become soft and spicy.

One hour before eating, remove the snack from the refrigerator to warm up to room temperature.

Delicious for dinner!

For those who do not like garlic either, you can try to cook the same snack without them by adding more honey and 2 tablespoons of dill seeds and more herbs to the marinade.

Enjoy your meal!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Li.Ru culinary community -

Pickled tomatoes are a delicious, primordially Russian appetizer that goes well with a variety of hot dishes and drinks. I tell you how to ferment tomatoes at home.

If you don't know how to preserve sweet tomatoes, then this simple recipe is just for you. It turns out surprisingly tasty tomatoes: for an amateur, of course, but very much like it :)

Fried tomatoes are one of my favorite snacks for both everyday and festive tables. It is prepared in no time, but it turns out very tasty and beautiful.

Sun-dried tomatoes are one of the tastiest appetizers I've ever tasted. They can not only be served as a snack, but also be used in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes.

Stuffed tomatoes are a very effective, easy to prepare and delicious appetizer that will decorate absolutely any table. The recipe is universal, the ingredients can be any, it turns out great!

Tomatoes stuffed with cottage cheese is a very easy to prepare, tasty and healthy snack. As practice shows, even children who are indifferent to cottage cheese and tomatoes separately like the snack.

Armenian-style tomatoes - the recipe for this dish captivates with its simplicity and minimal amount of ingredients. The dish is perfect for a feast and is very easy to prepare. Let's start?

Baked tomatoes are a light and delicious Italian snack. There is nothing difficult in preparing this dish. But baked tomatoes cannot but delight guests and home!

Pickled sweet tomatoes are very easy to prepare, they are a wonderful winter snack. Vinegar can be added to taste, adjusting how sweet the tomatoes are.

Tomatoes in their own juice are not only a good snack, but also a great base for soups and sauces. And if there are also tomatoes from your own garden, then they have no price! I offer you my simple recipe!

Pickled tomatoes with garlic is one of my signature tomato preparations. They are prepared simply, no more difficult than other blanks, but they turn out to be very tasty, piquant, aromatic. I recommend!

Pickled tomatoes in 30 minutes is a beautiful, spicy and very tasty appetizer that I recommend you cook. It is better to use small ripe tomatoes. You'll like it!

Korean-style tomatoes are a wonderful spicy appetizer for a festive table. Good for vodka and meat dishes. Such tomatoes will be ready in eight hours, and they must be stored in the refrigerator.

Tomatoes in Georgian style are relevant on any table, be it a holiday or weekdays. Surprise your friends and family with this simple and insanely delicious snack!

I serve quick pickled tomatoes as a salad. Tomatoes cook very quickly and are quickly eaten. We can say that they are fast in every way. They can be done both in winter and summer.

Oven-dried tomatoes are a great way to preserve tomatoes, especially popular in Italy. The result is a delicious vegetable delicacy with versatile culinary use.

Tomatoes stuffed with minced meat are a wonderful hot one that can be served without a side dish. Looks great, everyone likes it, easy to prepare. Any meat can be used, tomatoes are large.

Jewish tomatoes are a super appetizer! For the dish, tomatoes of various sizes are suitable, from which you can make a funny and original composition. This is a quick and simple but delicious snack.

I suggest you learn how to cook tomatoes in a slow cooker the way Italians do it. It turns out to be an excellent budget appetizer for a buffet table, or an exquisite dish for a special dinner. I recommend:)

Now is the season for vegetables, and many are beginning to think about how to preserve tomatoes growing in the garden. For lovers of interesting recipes, I recommend learning how to cook tomatoes in tomato juice :)

Tomatoes stuffed with herbs and garlic are a wonderful appetizer that may well complement a dinner dish and decorate a festive table. It is simple and quick to prepare, but it turns out very tasty.

Pickled green tomatoes have a sour taste and go well with meat dishes and salads. Making a marinade is easy. Green tomatoes stay firm and look great!

The recipe for Kuban-style tomatoes is very simple, although pickling continues for a day. But in the end - an economical, tasty and original snack for all occasions! :)

Lightly salted tomatoes are a delicious appetizer for any table. Such tomatoes have the right to decorate any dish. You will definitely like the taste of lightly salted tomatoes according to this recipe!

I think you will like a simple recipe for tomatoes with minced meat in the oven - a universal thing both for a festive table and for a delicious family dinner. A quick and satisfying dish!

The quickest and easiest way to cook pickled tomatoes is to cold pick them up. You can enjoy them in a month! You can salt both red and green (yellow, brown) tomatoes.

A very simple recipe for cooking spicy, lightly salted tomatoes. A minimum of effort - and very tasty lightly salted tomatoes with garlic are ready;) A wonderful appetizer familiar to a Russian person.

The Provençal tomato recipe will come in handy if you want to cook something special for dinner, but not give all your salary for one gourmet dinner. Delicious and fast!

Tomatoes stuffed with chicken fillet and vegetables are a very colorful, appetizing-looking, hearty and tasty appetizer that will not get lost even on a rich festive table.

Tomatoes with sour cream at home, for me personally, occupy a top place among salads. Judge for yourself - easy, quick, aromatic, and even juice from it can be used as a sauce for side dishes!

I really love pickled cherry tomatoes for their convenient size. If you take tomatoes of different colors, then you get a beauty. If you have not tried making pickled cherry tomatoes yourself - try it!

You owe it to you to try homemade shop-style tomatoes and I'm sure you will love it! After all, this is a great snack for all occasions - fast, tasty, spicy and satisfying, I recommend it!

Pickled tomatoes with onions are an excellent men's snack, onions and tomatoes for a festive event with vodka complement each other well. Under the potatoes in winter - the very thing.

An excellent appetizer for a festive and dinner table is tomatoes in the microwave. Prepare very quickly. With butter and spices.

In a fruitful year for tomatoes, I decided to dry them. I love tomatoes in any form and can eat them all the time! Digging in the internet and found several recipes for dried tomatoes. I experienced it, I liked it. I share!

I propose a simple recipe for making pickled tomatoes, the taste of which will delight lovers of sweet and sour dishes. I suggest using small tomatoes; they are beautiful on the plate!

Recipe for cooking tomatoes with mayonnaise and cheese - it couldn't be easier! Even a child can really cope with such a snack, but this does not cease to be loved by many. Simple but delicious!

The recipe for cooking tomatoes under a fur coat will appeal to all lovers of simple and hearty salads. They are good both for a festive table and as an addition to any side dish at a family dinner. Try it!

Pickled instant tomatoes are made so that you can eat them the next day. I make them on the eve of the feast, in the summer at the dacha they go perfectly with a barbecue! Let's try?)

For some, green tomatoes are disgusting, but for others they are a real delicacy. I belong to the second category - since childhood I adore them, especially when fermented. Read How To Ferment Green Tomatoes!

You won't surprise anyone with canned ripe tomatoes, but their green ones can make a splash! The taste of canned green tomatoes is unique. And making them is easy!

Spanish tapa recipe - tomatoes stuffed with tuna, seasoned with tomato, garlic and celery sauce.

The recipe for cooking tomatoes in Czech, although it takes time, remains very simple. Try pickling tomatoes this way, and in winter, please your guests and loved ones with a new snack!

Beets with tomatoes prepared according to this recipe can be served both as a side dish and as a snack. Both cold and hot. Very tasty, especially if you add some good spices.

Salting tomatoes in a barrel is a simple matter! The main thing is to choose the right dishes. If there is no barrel, then find an enamel or stainless steel bucket. So roll up your sleeves and go!

Few people cook pickled tomatoes with apples, so much the better - you can surprise your guests :) Take the round, firm tomatoes, and Antonov's apples are best. I am sharing a simple blank recipe!

Fresh tomato salad, not thermally processed (raw salad) is a real bouquet of vitamins. Why fry or bake tomatoes - they are delicious raw too.

Your attention is a classic recipe for chops with tomatoes. The chops are tender, hearty and juicy - thanks to the tomatoes. They never burn. Great recipe!

The recipe for cooking tomatoes with egg and cheese will come in handy if you are looking for an economical and light snack for your holiday table. A minimum of efforts and ingredients, and a very tasty favorite snack is ready.

What to do with a lot of tomatoes? Or maybe you wanted very salty? You can make instant salted tomatoes. In just a day! Cook the tomatoes and let's get started!

The recipe for stewed tomatoes with onions will appeal to all lovers of healthy but tasty food. A low-calorie vitamin dinner, breakfast or lunch is what you need in the summer. Simple, fast, no hassle!

Try this classic Italian Dried Tomato recipe and I'm sure you will make them again and again! They are stored for a long time, have an interesting taste, and are combined with all dishes! Original.

Tomato and Bean Salad - An easy-to-prepare summer salad that combines the freshness of the ingredients with the richness and calories. Easy to digest, but satiates half a day ahead.

A simple tomato and ham recipe for me personally occupies a top place among quick snacks. Hearty, aromatic and very appetizing, it can be prepared in a matter of minutes. In short, a great snack option.

I advise you to learn how to cook sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave, because this is an inexpensive, original and versatile snack for both the holiday and for a regular dinner. Delicious, simple and inexpensive.

Making tomato adjika is very simple. This appetizer will delight spicy lovers. According to the classic recipe, adjika is cooked without tomatoes, but we break traditions and prepare our own version!

Baked cherry tomatoes can be a side dish or appetizer. Very tasty and aromatic baked cherry tomatoes will look great on the festive table.

No matter how good the summer is, all the same, all the tomatoes do not have time to grow and ripen. Therefore, they need to be saved, that is, preserved. Georgian green tomatoes - a great recipe!

Tomatoes with cheese and garlic are a snack that everyone in my family adores, young and old. The recipe for tomatoes with cheese and garlic is very simple, even a child can do it, but the appetizer turns out to be chic!

Baked Tomatoes with Cheese are prepared using only fresh and aromatic tomatoes. And there are a million of them at the end of summer! Big, small, yellow, brown and, of course, red! Served with bread or crackers.

For those who want a light snack, without meat, only with vegetables, I offer a tomato sandwich. Melted cheese and tomato are its ingredients. Let's start cooking.

Tomatoes and garlic are a duet that is hard to resist. A huge number of recipes have been created based on these two ingredients. Here are collected the best appetizers from tomatoes with garlic for a festive and everyday table.

Tomato and garlic appetizer - general cooking principles

Tomato and garlic snacks are hot and cold. Often they add cheese, eggs, nuts, eggplant, peppers, zucchini and other products. But for the dishes to be really tasty, you need to choose the right ingredients.

Tomatoes. You can use both reds and pinks or yellows. The appetizer will turn out more elegant and beautiful. Usually tomatoes are cut into rings, slices. If you need to take out the insides for stuffing, then this can be done with a spoon. Fresh snacks, like salads, should not be salted in advance so that the vegetables do not juice. If a marinade is used according to the recipe, then it is better to pour it chilled. So the vegetables will retain their shape, the pieces will remain neat.

Garlic. In snacks, its quantity can be changed to your liking. It is important to chop the garlic thoroughly so that it is evenly distributed in the dish. This can be done through a press, grater, or cut with a knife. If any sauce is used, then you can add the garlic immediately to it, mix well and let it brew.

Cheese and cottage cheese. They are frequent companions of tomato and garlic snacks, as they go well with these vegetables, emphasize their taste and make the vegetable dish more satisfying. Cheese is usually grated on a coarse or fine grater. Before use, cottage cheese must be thoroughly kneaded, you can rub through a sieve or grind with a blender. If the cottage cheese is dry, then you can add a little sour cream, mayonnaise to it. The mass will become more tender and pliable.

Greens. Tomato and garlic snacks go well with any greens: parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, tarragon. If it is added as a decoration for a dish, then so that it does not wither, it is better to do this before serving.

Recipe 1: Korean tomato and garlic appetizer

Korean dishes are famous for their special pungency and an abundance of fragrant spices. This tomato and garlic appetizer is no exception. A fragrant, spicy, but very simple dish made from available ingredients quickly cooks and can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Required ingredients:

Tomatoes 1.5 kg;

10 cloves of garlic;

Hot pepper pod;

50 ml of 3% vinegar;

100 ml of oil;

1 spoonful of salt and sugar;

20 gr. horseradish;

A mixture of Korean spices 1 spoon.

Cooking method

The appetizer consists of tomatoes and gravy. First of all, you need to wash the tomatoes and cut them into neat slices. If the tomatoes are medium-sized, then you can simply cut them crosswise into 4 pieces. Cut large fruits into 8 pieces.

For pouring, you need to peel the garlic, horseradish and pepper. Grind everything through a meat grinder or blender. Add salt and sugar, knead well until completely dissolved. After that, you can pour in oil, vinegar, add spices. Put the tomato slices in a plastic container with a tight lid, spilling each layer with a small amount of pouring. Put in the refrigerator. After a few hours, the tomatoes will give juice, the container will need to be turned over. Do this several times so that all pieces are evenly marinated. The dish is ready in 6 hours, but it is better to let it brew at least overnight.

Recipe 2: Tomato appetizer with garlic and onion in honey marinade

The main difficulty of this recipe is to forget about the appetizer. Tomatoes need to be marinated for 2 days, but not everyone will be able to resist the incredible aroma and wait this time. And sometimes there is nothing to try by the end of the term.

Required ingredients:

Tomatoes 0.8 -1 kg;

2 onions;

A small bunch of basil;

6 cloves of garlic.

For the marinade:

A spoonful of salt;

2 tablespoons of honey;

200 ml of water;

50 ml of oil, it is better to take olive oil;

Juice of 1 lemon.

Cooking method

Making the marinade. To do this, boil water with salt and oil. Let cool to 50 ° C and dissolve honey, add lemon juice. You shouldn't replace honey with sugar and lemon with vinegar. It is these ingredients that will give the tomato and garlic appetizer an unusual, piquant taste and aroma. Leave the fill to cool to room temperature.

Cooking vegetables. Wash the tomatoes, then cut them into 1 cm thick rings. Peel the onions and cut them into thin rings. Peel the chives, cut them into slices or pass through a press. Disassemble the basil into leaves and gently mash with a rolling pin, you do not need to cut it. Put the tomatoes in a jar, sprinkle with onions, garlic and basil. Pour the cooled honey marinade on top and close the lid. The jar must be turned upside down and left in the refrigerator for a day, then placed on the bottom and kept for another day. An appetizer of tomatoes with garlic in honey marinade is ready!

Recipe 3: Tomato appetizer with garlic and cheese

The tomato and garlic cheese snack is based on three popular ingredients that complement each other well, often used in Italian national dishes. Here is the classic and simplest recipe. Products are taken in any quantity.

Required ingredients:

Ripe but firm tomatoes;

Mayonnaise or sour cream;

Any cheese;

Cooking method

If hard cheese is used, then grate it. Soft and melted varieties just need to be stirred or interrupted with a blender. You can also use fresh curd if desired. Add chopped garlic and mayonnaise to the cheese to taste. It needs so much so that the mass is easily spread on the tomato slices.

Cut the tomatoes into 1 cm circles and spread a thick layer of cheese mass on each. Tomato sandwiches can be left open or covered with other slices on top. Decorate the ready-made tomato and garlic appetizer with herbs. You can also stuff whole tomatoes or their halves with cheese mass.

Recipe 4: Tomato with garlic and eggplant appetizer in the form of a cake

From ordinary products, you can make a birthday cake - a tomato and garlic appetizer. It is distinguished by an elegant look, but at the same time it has a favorite and familiar taste.

Required ingredients:

4 eggplants;

5 tomatoes;

4 cloves of garlic;

2 processed cheese;

Olives and herbs for decoration;

Frying oil.

Cooking method

Wash the eggplants. If they are mature enough and bitter, then cut into rings and soak in salted water. Then break eggs into a bowl, add salt, beat with a fork. Pour oil into a frying pan and place on the stove. Fry the eggplants, dipping them in eggs. This will quickly give them a golden crust, but will not absorb much oil. Pull the finished eggplant mugs onto paper napkins to remove grease from the surface.

While the eggplant is cooling, prepare the sauce. Mix mayonnaise, chopped garlic and grated cheese curds. You can simply submerge all the ingredients in a blender bowl and whisk. Cut the tomatoes into thin circles and you can start assembling the cake. Layers: eggplant, sauce, tomato, sauce. The last layer should be tomatoes. They are generously greased with sauce, sprinkled with herbs and garnished with chopped olives. If desired, the cake can be sprinkled with walnuts, they will give it a more piquant taste and elegant look.

Recipe 5: "Fan" tomato and garlic appetizer

Simple seasonal vegetables can be used to prepare an original dish that can be used alone or as a light addition to meat or fish. For everything to work out, you need to have large tomatoes, preferably oblong in shape.

Required ingredients:

3 large tomatoes;

1 bell pepper;

3 cloves of garlic;

0.1 kg of cheese;

Greens, salt.

Cooking method

Wash the tomatoes, cut into slices, but not completely. You should get a kind of fan. Chop the garlic with herbs, cheese and bell pepper, salt. Fill the tomato slits with the resulting mass. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the slices and not tear them off the base. A beautiful and incredibly tasty "Fan" tomato and garlic appetizer is ready!

Recipe 6: Armenian tomato and garlic appetizer

A fragrant Armenian-style tomato and garlic appetizer is prepared quickly, but it takes several days to marinate. For everything to work out, it is advisable to use small and dense tomatoes of fleshy varieties, you can take slightly unripe ones.

Required ingredients:

10 tomatoes;

A bunch of dill;

A bunch of cilantro or parsley.

For brine:

Litere of water;

2 tablespoons of salt;

5 tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking method

Boil the brine, leave to cool. At this time, do tomatoes. Wash well, dry with a towel. Then each must be cut at the top so that a cap is obtained. That is, without cutting to the end. Chop the garlic with herbs. Put a good portion of garlic filling in each tomato and carefully cover with the top. Place the stuffed tomatoes in an enamel saucepan or glass bowl, pour over the brine, cover with a smaller plate and make a crunch. It shouldn't be too heavy to damage the tomatoes. Sample can be taken after 3 days!

Recipe 7: Tomato appetizer with garlic and nuts

This fragrant tomato, garlic and nuts appetizer not only tastes great, but also cooks very quickly. After half an hour it can be served at the table. The dish looks especially beautiful if you use red and yellow tomatoes.

Required ingredients:

4 tomatoes;

4 cloves of garlic;

50 gr. nuts;

1 onion, preferably red;



Olive oil 80 gr.;

2 tablespoons of lemon juice;

Salt to taste.

Cooking method

Cut the tomatoes into 1 cm rings. Chop the garlic. Peel the onion and cut into thin rings. Sort the nuts out of impurities, chop with a knife. It is not necessary very finely, the pieces should be felt well. Mix lemon juice with salt, grind and add oil.

Put the rings of tomatoes and onions in a bowl, sprinkle each layer with nuts, garlic and chopped parsley, pour over the sauce. Cover and refrigerate for half an hour.

Tomato garlic appetizer - tricks and tips

If you use sluggish or spoiled tomatoes, then the dish will not only lose in taste, but also quickly deteriorate.

To make the appetizer look beautiful, you need to cut the tomatoes into identical pieces, and this can only be done with a sharp knife or a special file.

For tomato and garlic snacks, it is better to use ripe, but unripe tomatoes. Otherwise, the pieces will quickly lose their shape.

If the tomatoes are watery, there will be a lot of juice in the plate. Therefore, it is better to use meaty and firm varieties for cold dishes.

If there is no fresh garlic, then it can be replaced with dried. For this, the product is soaked in a little water.

There are actually a lot of tomato and garlic appetizers, and even more of their fans. You will not go wrong by placing any dish from the above list on the festive table.

Tomato appetizerwill decorate the festive table, but many recipes are so simple that you can cook such a dish for your family even every day, especially in summer, when there are plenty of ripe vegetables. But you should also take care of the winter diet in advance, prepare vegetables in the form of winter salads with tomatoes, sauces and other snacks for the winter.

As for the preparations for the winter, we have already told you about various options for preparing salads: with zucchini and eggplants, with peppers and onions, with cabbage and beans, as well as spicy tomato sauces - adjika or horseradish. All these recipes can be found on our website.

Tomato Snack Recipes

Delicious appetizer "Tomatoes with egg" it will turn out if you add green onion feathers to the already known ingredients. For each stuffed fruit, we need one egg and several green onion feathers, we will season the filling with mayonnaise, season with black pepper and salt, and at the end decorate with dill sprigs.

We will not just make barrels of fruits, we will make neat baskets, for this we will make cuts on both sides so that a bow remains, its edges can be carved. From those halves that remain intact, carefully remove the pulp with a small spoon, without damaging the walls.

Now let's start preparing the filling for the baskets: for this, hard-boiled eggs must be peeled and cut into small cubes. Rinse the green onion feathers with running water, dry with a towel and chop finely. Then mix the greens with eggs, season with black pepper and season with mayonnaise. When choosing mayonnaise, go for sauces with the lowest fat percentage.

At the end, the prepared baskets should be filled with a heaped filling, garnished with a sprig of dill and put on a dish.

Tomato appetizer recipesthat involve stuffing fruits are varied: some of them are very simple, so the housewives include them in the daily menu, others include complex ingredients, which means they will become part of the festive table. Thanks to their original presentation, they are prepared for buffets, festive banquets, lunches and dinner parties. Your guests will definitely love the quick snacks.

The next recipe resembles a salad with tomatoes at all, only this time it will not be laid out in portioned bowls, but in tomato barrels, from which the pulp must be removed. The ingredients for the minced meat may vary, but we chose ham and cheese, and besides, these products go well with juicy tomatoes. For five fruits, we take 100 grams of ham and cheese. We will season the minced meat with light salad mayonnaise, and at the end we will decorate the stuffed tomatoes with sprigs of greenery.

The top should be cut off from the fruit, and then carefully remove all the pulp with a spoon, without damaging the integrity of the walls. We will definitely add the pulp to the filling, but the released juice must be drained. We will grate a piece of hard cheese on a fine grater, and cut the ham into very small cubes. Mix ingredients with tomato pulp, add chopped greens. At the end, fill it with mayonnaise and distribute it over the tomato barrels.

Snack: stuffed tomatoes

Next appetizer - stuffed tomatoesIs a real side dish for the main course in an original presentation. In this version, rice will become the filling. We need four ripe tomatoes of medium size (or large), even in shape. Half a glass of finely chopped onions, the same amount of cooked round rice and grated Parmesan cheese. It is imperative to add aromatic herbs - fresh parsley and basil, you can season with dried garlic and salt.

We cut off the top from each fruit, carefully remove the pulp, as in other barrels. The thickness of the walls that remain should be equal to one centimeter. Chop the pulp. The barrels must be prepared for stuffing: sprinkle with salt inside and turn them over, placing them on the wire rack. Thanks to this technique, excess liquid will go away from the tomatoes.

Put a piece of butter in a frying pan and fry onions, cut into small cubes, on it. Fry the onion until it becomes soft, stirring regularly so that it does not burn. Then add the tomatoes to the pan and fry until the liquid evaporates.

After that, you can turn off the fire and add pre-boiled rice, grated cheese, chopped basil and parsley to the onions with tomatoes, season with salt and season with dried garlic. Fill the tomato casks with the minced meat, and put a slice of butter on top of each so that the rice is juicy.

By this time, the oven should be preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees. Put the kegs on a baking sheet and put it in the oven for 15 minutes.

If you are interested in vegetarian appetizers with tomatoes with photo, then instead of cheese, you can add other vegetables to the rice, for example, mushrooms. In this case, fry the ingredients in vegetable oil. The champignons should be cut into small cubes and fried with onion and tomato until tender.

Appetizer with tomatoes and cheese

You probably know the recipes for tomato salads for the winter, in which garlic is added for piquancy. This combination of ingredients can be considered ideal - the pungency and aroma of garlic with juicy, sweet and sour tomatoes. But if you're wondering which product is still compatible with tomatoes with garlic, appetizerwith cream cheese will be a real discovery for you. Juicy fruits go well with delicate cream cheese. We will use this filling for the next snack; we will also add chopped dill and crushed garlic to the cream cheese.

Cherry tomato appetizer - the main decoration of the festive table, especially if you do a really painstaking work and fill miniature barrels made from cherry tomatoes with filling. The fruits are small in size, very sweet, with a characteristic sourness and delicate filling - the best snack for guests, moreover, it can be prepared very quickly if friends decide to come suddenly to you.

Cut off the top of the fruit and remove the pulp with a small spoon. In a bowl, mix cream cheese with crushed garlic and chopped dill, season with a little mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. In addition to cream cheese, you can use processed cheese, but it must be grated on a fine grater. Stuff the fruits with the resulting mass, decorate with a sprig of greenery on top. If you want to present the appetizer to the table in an original way, then put the ready-made "barrels" on a dish on lettuce leaves, and cover each with a cut cap with a green stalk.

Tomato appetizer with cheese and garlic It turns out very tender, but it can be made nutritious by adding a grated boiled egg, that is, we will use a Jewish snack as a filling.

Tomato appetizer

Mushroom mince is another option for making a snack with mouth-watering tomatoes. The main advantage of this dish is that it will become part of the vegetarian diet, you can include it in the menu of the Lenten table and prepare it for the Christmas table. We need 400 grams of champignons or other mushrooms for seven fruits. In addition to fresh champignons, you can use dried porcini mushrooms, they should first be soaked in cold water for several hours.

If you are cooking for a lean table, then sour cream and butter must be excluded from the recipe, and if you just want to try such a snack, then add 50 g of butter and about 80 g of sour cream for the tenderness of the filling. You can add eggs or boiled chicken to the mushrooms.

Boiled fillets or eggs must be chopped. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry finely chopped onion. Then add finely chopped champignons to the pan and fry until tender, the water from the pan should completely evaporate. The mushrooms should be salted to taste. Season with black pepper.

Now the mushrooms need to be given time to cool down, then mix them with chopped eggs, and you can fill the fruit with the mass. When choosing tomatoes, give preference only to fruits with dense pulp, not overripe, with walls without damage.

We will bake the tomatoes filled with the filling: to do this, put them in a mold, pour 100 ml of water into it and put pieces of butter between the fruits. Bake the tomatoes for 15 minutes. If you wish, you can sprinkle the vegetables with grated cheese on top to form a delicious crust of melted cheese.

Appetizer with tomatoes and cheese

The girls will love it very much mozzarella appetizer with tomatoes, because this salad is famous for its low-calorie content, so if you follow your figure and deny yourself many of your favorite dishes, you can indulge yourself with a light summer salad.

Delicate mozzarella perfectly complements the sour taste of tomatoes, if you wish, you can also add crunchy croutons to the salad, which will add originality to a simple recipe.

Often we add mayonnaise to vegetable salads, but when it comes to dietary nutrition, it is recommended to season the salads with olive oil. Be sure to add the chopped herbs to the dill, basil and green romaine leaves, sprinkling with lemon juice.

Appetizer with tomatoes and cheese can be served as canapes, for this recipe you will need miniature cherry tomatoes, soft cheese such as mozzarella or Adyghe, and toothpicks. Thanks to toothpicks, canapes are convenient to take from a plate and eat. Cut the fruits in half, put a slice of cheese between the halves, and fasten with a toothpick. You can also add garlic sauce if your guests don't mind the savory canapes.

But for the cheese balls, we came up with another filling - cherry tomatoes. A piece of feta cheese must be grated, add a small slice of butter, crushed garlic. Mix the mixture thoroughly and form a cheese cake, put cherry in the center and make a ball with your palms. Roll each ball in chopped dill. Put the balls on a platter and serve, they can be served whole or cut in half.

Mushrooms can also be served on the festive table, but we will cook them with cherry and cheese and egg mass.